What is this netflix app? Netflix, what is this program and is it needed? And all this is included in the subscription price

Hi all! Today I’ll tell you about the Netflix program, but there is such a moment, Netflix is common name. That is, there is also a Netflix program, and there is also Netflix company! But what kind of company is that? I'll tell you. So Netflix is ​​an American company that distributes videos through streaming technology. I don’t know for sure, but I assume that the company makes money somehow, right? Well, what I mean is that probably the videos that she broadcasts to users are not free, you have to pay. Yes, I found out that the subscription costs $8, which is kind of cheap, which is why Netflix is ​​so popular abroad

In principle, I think that you already understand what Netflix is, right? You may also ask, well, what is the Netflix program then? And is it needed? I think that you already understand, so to speak, the direction of the program’s work, but nevertheless, I’ll find out everything now.

Yes guys, I found out, so Netflix is ​​an Android application for watching TV series and movies. You can get the application as part of some kind of membership and start viewing it right away. But the question is, is it free? I think that if there is free stuff, then it is limited, it’s logical! I went to official page application and there I saw a description in English, I translated it using Google Translator and this is what it gave me:

In principle, I have already written all this. This is what the application looks like on a phone:

As I already wrote, this is an Android program, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out that there are versions for other operating systems. Here's another picture of the Netflix program:

But I don’t know what this is, maybe here you can select some kind of profile, but what exactly, I can’t figure out... well, look:

Here is an example of watching a movie, as I understand it, it’s already going horizontal position phone or tablet:

Well, guys, it’s very convenient! You can still watch movies like this, but it’s already inconvenient:

Another picture, see:

So, what conclusions can be drawn here? Firstly, everything here is convenient, as I understand it, they did a good job on the interface, in short, it’s convenient. But I also see that it seems like you can create your own playlists. But what are movie playlists like, or rather, why? OK. There is nothing superfluous in the program, everything is convenient, well done guys from Netflix!

Let's look at the following picture:

What can I say? Here we see the series, but not simply, but right away it is so conveniently presented so that you can choose an episode, the season of the series is indicated, there even seems to be a description or some other information... Everything is conveniently done, the black tones do not seem to bother you .. There are red stars, this is probably a type of rating..

Look, again this picture where it’s not entirely clear what is being displayed:

Well, in short, I understood what it was. These are USER PROFILES, but where it says Who’s Watching, it asks something like WHO’S WATCHING? And here you choose your profile. That's it, I got it all, yo!

Here is the viewing format:

But honestly, I can’t understand what it means and what ChromecastMobile is, it also says Tap to change, it’s in the middle of the picture. It's like click to change, but what exactly to change? Okay, just curious.. At the top of the movie, well, the one in the picture above, you see the main buttons concentrated there, this is volume, this is a star, or give a rating or add favorites. The last button seems to be needed to go to full screen mode, like so

Another picture, normal Netflix mode (vertical mode, so to speak):

Well, that’s it, it seems like I wrote everything, I hope that’s it. And also, now I think you understand that even if you see Netflix on your TV, in Windows 10, on a Sony TV, then I think you will already understand what kind of beast Netflix is.

You also know, there is such a thing as the expression Netflix and Chill, do you know what it means? The translation is like, let's go relax and watch Netflix! This is a type of slang among young people, like let’s go watch some TV series, it’s so cool! The expression, of course, is not popular in Russia, but over the hill it seems to be popular!

Now it’s time to wrap things up, I wrote about everything I thought was necessary. I hope everyone liked everything, but if there are any shortcomings, then please understand and forgive. Good luck to everyone, come again, I'm always glad to see you


0 Since the advent of cheap and fast Internet, the decline of shops that sell DVDs with films and games has begun. If earlier, teenagers constantly hung out near the counters, choosing the movie they liked, now they can safely watch it through the World Wide Web, without straining their “buns” and without spending a lot of money.
This is a bit too long of a backstory, so now let’s get to the point. Today we will talk about interesting expression, which is quite popular in the English-speaking environment, is Netflix and chill You can find out what this means a little below.
However, before continuing, I want to recommend you a couple more articles on the topic of American slang. For example, what does the abbreviation MSG mean, what does Glow Up mean, the translation of Suh, etc.
So, let's continue, what does Netflix and chill mean? First, let's decipher the meaning of these two terms, which mean so much in the lives of young morons from Pindostan. The first word "Netfix" is an American entertainment company, a supplier of TV series and films based on fast Internet. Second word " Chill", means entertainment, you can read more about this word in this article.

Netflix and chill in slang- means to go for a “tea stick”, that is, it is a euphemism for activities of a sexual nature, usually used as a comic invitation to a person of the opposite sex to one’s home


Brad: “Hey Julia wanna come over and watch Netflix and chill.”
Julia: "Sure I"ll pick up the condoms" (Of course, you just need to take condoms with you).
Brad: "Wait I thought we were just gonna watch Netflix and chill?" (Wait, I thought we were just going to watch Netflix and have fun?)
Julia: "Netflix and Chill means we fuck, dumbass" (Netflix and Chill means that we will fuck, dumbass!).

"You wanna Netflix and chill?" - “no I”m only 14” (Do you want to Netflix and have fun? - No, I’m only 14 years old).

This expression is a subtle way to lure a girl into coming to you, first as a “friend.” Then this situation can lead to the young lady becoming intimate with you while movies on Netflix are playing in the background. Romantic pictures that a girl wants to see are perfect for her mood allowing you to get under her skirt.


Hey I"m bored. Wanna watch Netflix and chill at my place? - Sure buddy! I"ll be there soon (Hello, I'm bored. Do you want to watch Netflix and chill at my place? - Of course, buddy! I'll be there soon).

Netflix and chill seemed like such a cool expression in 2015, but now it has become overused and outdated.

After reading this article, you learned what does Netflix and Chill mean, and now you won't get in

As we already wrote, at the beginning of January the long-awaited launch of the Netflix service took place in Russia and the CIS countries. And even though the subscription prices for one of the world’s most popular services for watching films and TV series are not the lowest, the creators of Netflix showed loyalty to users by giving them the opportunity to get full access to the service for one month completely free of charge.

Briefly about Netflix. Netflix is ​​a super popular service for watching movies and TV series. Especially TV series. All new series on Netflix popular TV series are broadcast simultaneously with the whole world, which gives service users the opportunity not to think about the need to specifically wait for the broadcast or connect to channels that show their favorite shows. And what’s even more pleasant is that you can watch movies and TV series on all Apple devices, from iPhone to Apple TV.

Attention: Netflix has become supported in Russia and the CIS countries, however, very little content with Russian-language tracks has been seen on the service so far. Moreover, films and TV series do not yet have Russian subtitles.

Step 1: Go to the Netflix website and click on the link Start Your Free Month

Step 2: Select the appropriate plan and click Continue

Step 3. Enter your email address, enter your password and click Register

Step 4. Select payment type. Please note that money for the subscription will not be withdrawn from your account, but you must indicate the type of payment (credit card or PayPal) to start a free month of using Netflix.

Note: After registration, we will show you how to deactivate your subscription.

Step 5: Confirm your registration and selected plan by clicking Start Membership

Step 6. Specify the devices on which you plan to watch movies and TV series

Step 7. Select your three favorite TV series or movies - this is necessary for Netflix to offer you suitable content. Registration process is over

Step 8. If you want to immediately cancel your Netflix subscription, thereby protecting your account from unnecessary charges, click on your name account in the upper right corner and select View Account

Step 9. On the page that opens, click Cancel Membership and confirm the cancellation. The ability to use Netflix for a month for free is here to stay