What are patrols in rap? Flow what does it mean

IN last years the musical tastes of young people have undergone new round changes - rap took the place of piercing rock ballads and incendiary dance electronics. Together with new culture New words have also penetrated the masses - terms used among performers and their devoted listeners. However, those music lovers who first discovered rap are unlikely to understand the meaning of the words flow, battle, diss, beef and the like slang words. Of course, descriptions of such terms are not difficult to find on specialized websites - the Russian-language hip-hop sector is widely represented on the Internet. However, if most terms have specific definitions, then it is quite difficult to explain in a nutshell what a flow is.

Origin of the word "flow"

The word “flow” came to Russia from the English language, the ancestor of rap culture. Flow is translated as “flow”, “current” - at first glance, this concept has nothing to do with hip-hop. However, in in this case there is a metaphorical transfer. Rap artists and their listeners equate rhythmic and multifaceted recitative to the uniform and noisy flow of water. Thus, for a hip-hop fan, the flow is a fairly important indicator of the quality of the track.

Flow as an assessment of a composition

Among discussions of rappers and their work, you can often find the term in question as a review of an album or track. What is flow in this context - positive or negative characteristic? Based on the translation of the word from English and the beautiful metaphor, a positive response. Flow is the recognition of a rapper’s entire work or individual compositions as “rocking” or “rocking,” that is, affecting listeners to such an extent that they involuntarily begin to shake their heads to the beat of the track being performed.

Flow as a musical term

Along with everything described above, it is worth noting that the term flow is not purely emotional - for hip-hop artists it has a very specific meaning. Flow is the correct speed of reading, impeccable technique writing and playing text to the “rocking” beat. However, you should not think that quality in this case depends on speed. A fast, but confusing reading will not excite the viewer in the same way as a slow, but clearly falling into rhythm. Thus, flow is not only an assessment of quality, but also a skill of the performer.

Flow in Russian-language rap

The ability to create truly “rocking” tracks has long bypassed Russian-speaking performers. Often the compositions were read over not particularly prominent beats in calm, almost emotionless voices. This state of affairs was probably due to Russian mentality- gray and joyless everyday life with its dank weather and heavy sky did not encourage Russian rappers to show emotions. Listeners found something of their own in the quiet and melancholic performance, but hip-hop culture in Russia still remained isolated. Since appearing on Russian stage rap figures such as Hyde, Oxxxymiron, Horus (Lupercal) and other supporters of the prevalence of reading techniques and the quality of text design, something has appeared in the domestic hip-hop sector that fits all definitions of the word “flow”. Even those who have not previously listened to or understood this kind of music often highly rate these performers, noting that their tracks, unlike the compositions of many of their “colleagues,” really rock.

At the same time, fans of the “old” style of performance do not recognize such changes - in their opinion, in this form, Russian-language rap loses its soul, becoming only technically meticulously executed, but empty text. Rapper Ptah, whose compositions are mostly calm and melancholic, spoke extremely negatively about the tracks of the aforementioned Oxxxymiron, accusing him of excessive craving for pretentious poetry and complex technology, because of which, as it seems to him, the work of Miron and similar rappers ceases to be “male.” The conflict between the two rappers has not yet been resolved - it is unlikely that the two opponents will shake hands when they meet. Despite this, a new style rhyming and performance is gaining momentum and attracting more and more new listeners, which is undoubtedly a good indicator. This only confirms that the same “flow” that could previously only be heard from overseas and some European performers has penetrated into Russian-language rap.

Battle (battle, battle, fight) - a competition between rap performers, usually accompanied by humiliation of the enemy. A battle track is often nothing more than a diss at the enemy.

Beef (beef - meat (beef)

Beef (beef - meat (beef), in figurative meaning complaint, dissatisfaction) - enmity between representatives of hip-hop culture. Beefs, their characteristics and unspoken rules of conduct are an important component of hip-hop culture. The most famous beefs are between rappers, but such conflicts are also possible between other representatives of hip-hop culture: DJs, b-boys or graffiti artists.

The reasons for beefs are usually accusations of plagiarism, claims to leadership in the genre (unfounded in the opinion of the opponent), irreconcilable creative differences, affiliation with competing record labels, and even accidental insults.

In practice, conflicts are expressed in specially recorded songs (traditionally called disses) and interviews, less often in fights and shootouts, in in some cases ending in murder.


Beat is a beat in music, used in English expression. beat per minute, bpm - beats per minute. How more value, the higher the tempo of the music.

Diss (diss, disrespect - disrespect)

Diss (diss, disrespect - disrespect) is a trend in hip-hop. In practice, a diss is a statement of disrespect in the lyrics of one rapper (or group) to another rapper(s). In such tracks, obscene speech, swearing towards the enemy, and sometimes threats are practiced. Often disses come in pairs, that is, “diss - response diss,” or in chains of disses. Disses are often ignored. Diss tracks are used in beefs.


Mix (mix) - several musical works(tracks) arranged in a continuous sequence. As a rule, mixes are compiled by DJs for various purposes (for example, for inclusion on the radio in thematic programs). Typically, mixes consist of tracks that are similar in genre, mood and other characteristics. On average, the duration of a mix ranges from 25 to 74 minutes (fits on an Audio CD), but can be much longer.

The sequence of tracks in the form of a mix is ​​specific in that the tracks smoothly replace each other. At the junction between the tracks there is no “gap” in the form of silence, and the tracks themselves during the transition process coincide in tempo, time signature and other characteristics, thus merging together. The process of creating a mix by a DJ is called mixing.

Skills/skills (from English skills)

Briefly - rap "skills". More details - reading, diction, text, tricks, presentation, flow, interesting phrases, phrases, original rhyming, etc. IN in general the whole a list of skills and criteria by which the MS can be assessed.

Flow (from English Flow - “fluidity”)

Rhythm, speed of rap readings. How does a rap artist get into the beat or create additional swing and dynamics with his reading (sometimes even while listening to acapella you can start swinging to the rhythm). It is worth noting that a good flow is not the maximum reading speed, but the correct speed.

The flow also includes changes in the speed of the reading to express greater emotions and show off your cool technique.

The rapper makes sure that the rapping is more harmoniously combined with the instrumental than regular music. In fashionable songs, the melody of the words and the motive clearly emerge from simple recitative.

For good rap flow needs good diction/pronunciation and breathing (so that there are no terrible breaks with sighs in the reading); some performers also add artistic or comical features to their voice, but this is a matter of style.

Square flow

When the words in a line either don’t reach the bit, or there are more of them and you have to speed up the reading, or they simply don’t fit into the bit. That is, the music flows and the recitative flows, and for someone, some stones are constantly jumping out of the river, and this is a square flow.


The emotions that a rap artist puts into a track during performance, as well as the play of intonations. (Can also be used as a synonym for flow)

Punch, punchline (from English punch - to hit with a fist)

The concept appeared in battle rap. This is a neat phrase/line that should really hook your opponent. Just as in heavy boxing opponents shift and occasionally deliver crushing blows, so in battle rap reading your main blow will be the punch line, where you “hook” the enemy as much as possible with a short line.

Stuff (stuff - things, rubbish)

Rap artists usually name their works (tracks).
In principle, even literal translation fits, “rappers make things” means “appreciate my thing” - “appreciate my stuff.”

Sharp-X: The thing is that the word Stuff in English language almost always (among rappers) used with the prefix New. This is how we get New Stuff. That is, most often “stuff” is the new work of rappers.

Rhyme with squares

Method of rhyming (“square on square”)). Rhyme in the text is added mainly at the end of the line, and the lines are of the same length - if you write such text on a sheet, then the written text forms a square or rectangle, hence the name. It is believed that this is the simplest way of rhyming, and if you can’t find fault with the above-mentioned rap skills, then rate your opponent for “squareness”.


True (truth, truth, real) is the opposite of fake. "True rapper" is a rapper who reads the truth, real rapper, whose words do not diverge from deeds.


Fakes, fakers (fake - lie) are liars, performers in whose tracks there are a lot of lies, and reality is at odds with the lyrics (To fake MC's).


Mixtape (mixtape) - special kind music release. The name comes from English words mix and tape (literally translated as mixed recording).

Many aspiring artists consider mixtapes as a means for their own promotion, so they readily give their new tracks to famous DJs for mixtapes.

At the same time, mixtapes have a semi-official status, small circulations (relative to official albums famous artists) and instantly leak onto the Internet. IN currently There are a great many mixtapes (no one even counted them), and people well-known in certain circles release another 5-20 every day.

Fit (English feat.)

Fit - from English featuring. what does it mean, with participation! i.e. feat is a joint song!


Freestyle - improvisation in rap; recitation of a rhymed rhythmic recitative composed by the performer on the go. This is not a pre-written, unrehearsed, "raw" form of hip-hop. Performed to beatboxing, or to instrumental versions of previously recorded hip-hop songs. (wiki)).


The word is used specifically in the concept of “spinning” through life (from the phrase “if you want to live, know how to spin”).


In translation, production, products.
In rap it is usually used as music production, that is, “creating music,” most often it means music production (in rap), but in principle, the production of a track includes recording, mixing, and mastering.


Respect (respect) - good disposition towards a person, respect for his creativity.

Alexander Alexandrovich Malets, popularly known as Kapa, ​​was born on May 4, 1983 in the city of Nizhny Tagil ( Sverdlovsk region), then moved to live in Samara. There he began his career as a rapper.

His love for rap began when he heard the song " Bad Balance“City melancholy.” Capa began rapping in the group “Soldiers of Concrete Lyrics” in the late 90s.

The rap star's career began with third, honorable place at the Coffee Grinder festival in 2001. Further participation in International festival Rap Music 2002, where Capa receives the award for best rapper of 2002.

In 2003, Capa was the guest of honor at the largest Russian festivals Anapa-Art, and Rap-Music2003.

In 2004, the label 100PRO ( Master SheFF, aka Vlad Valov) the album “Soldiers of Concrete Lyrics - Gang” was released (produced by All Solo (Bad Balance).

The group Soldiers of Concrete Lyrics consisted of two MCs - Shine and Capa. This album can be called one of the best, released at the end of 2003 and beginning of 2004, on the 100PRO label.

In 2005, Capa’s solo album “VTUKAL” was released. His street understanding of hip-hop was clearly reflected in the album "STUCKED". This iconic album became the banner of the street issues of our decade. The album is dedicated to the streets and real rap. Many stars took part in the album “vTykal”: Master SHE FF, Yolka, Mr. Simon, Al Solo and others.

His words are as sharp as knives, and with his reading technique he puts the MTV-fed rappers to flight. Capa: “I don’t need inflated charts - they listen to me on the streets.”

Capa's deep and low voice sets him apart from all Russian-language rap artists. Guys from his area, the Cartel group, proposed creating a joint project. So in 2008 it comes out joint album"Kapa and Kartel - Glamorous...".

“Glamorous...” is the name of the album, which vividly describes: rappers-poseurs, corrupt whores, drug dealers, cop-heroes, thieves-politicians and bureaucrats, lesbian pilots, assholes-Internet workers, managers-slickers, hungry gold miners and blacks, that they knead coal at night.

The title track from the album went around the entire Internet world. On the compositions “Kapa and Kartel” and “Who is the Redneck?!” video clips were shot. The producer of the project is Vlad Valov.

Capa: “We see on television, listen on the radio and read in the yellow and blue press about inflated rap performers who litter right and left with false words, adapt to pop show business, lick their image Western rap heroes, distort history domestic rap music and deceive young fragile minds. There must be a blow back to all this, which is why Capa and the Cartel are here!”

Cartel: “The media feeds us rotten rap meat, and everyone who disagrees, like, shuts our mouths. Real and worthwhile rap has been in the underground for a long time and does not even try to conduct a dialogue with music channels, because there, in the seats, there are fagots and Jews who hate real rap. We ordinary guys from an ordinary Russian city, stood up and created a message that is needed today for ordinary guys like us.”

Vlad Valov: “In professional football There are aristocratic and royal clubs, as well as clubs in working-class districts. Capa and Kartel is the brightest project of rap music from working-class areas. Their original style, honest lyrics and tough delivery sets them apart from other groups and performers. There is swearing in the album, but it sounds as intended, correctly, in Russian. I felt the energy needed for Russian rap music, and made an unusual production, where I am presented as the author as Chill-Will. Musical basis album is heavy melodic guitars that are combined with traditional and non-traditional hip-hop."

The first video was shot for the track “Kapa and Kartel”, the second video for the track “Who is the Redneck?!”.
At the end of 2008, Capa re-released the album “vTykal”, adding another track to the album - “The Conductor’s Wife (feat. Al Solo)”.

On this moment Capa is working on a new solo album, which is 1/4 finished. On February 9, Capa announced that the working title for the upcoming second solo album will be “PUT 0”. "0" symbolizes new life from scratch, from clean slate, new thoughts, a new attitude to everything, but with the same “STICKED” attitude. The album will be released on Capa's own label in Samara outside 100PRO. Filming of a new video is also in full swing.

Capa: “I got it done quickly...probably simply because the studio is always nearby...our own...both day and night...at least for a day.”

The artist’s immediate plans also include a new joint composition with Tisak aka Rezhik (Voice of Donbass), which is already ready for recording. Capa: “Everything has been written, all that’s left is to write it down, as soon as we meet in Moscow, there will be a recording right away, it’s been brewing for three years now.” Let us remind you that Capa and Rezhik already have a joint track “Stavki”, recorded at the end of 2007.

Recently it became known that new album Mouth guards will be released in 2010


Poke (2005)
Son of the Volga (Unofficial album) (2007)
vPoke (Re-release) (2008)
Unreleased (2009)

Joint works:

Soldiers of Concrete Lyrics - Gang (2004)
Capa and Kartel - Glamorous... (2008)