What does the expression according to the Hamburg count mean? What does the expression “according to the Hamburg account” mean? Examples of the use of the expression “Hamburg bill”

What would that mean?

By Hamburg account, Hamburg account - evaluate something based on principles, consider the results of a matter according to the criteria of its importance and usefulness, when discussing something, do not pay attention to trifles and details, a professional approach without tricks and ambiguities, the real state of affairs, a genuine system values

“The expression “Hamburg score” came to me like this.
The Writers' Union in its old composition, as one of the writers' organizations, was located in the Herzen House according to Tverskoy Boulevard. It was summer. A large awning opened onto the first floor directly into the garden: under the awning there was a restaurant, and the entire first floor was also a restaurant. The cook of the restaurant was a man whose last name I have forgotten; I know that by his previous profession he was a circus wrestler. Large, middle-aged people came to him, they sat heavily on chairs and, as I remember, sometimes broke them on purpose. The chef prepared a vinaigrette for his friends; portions were served in large, specially purchased wash basins. After such a snack, people ate lunch. One day a man came, less heavy than the others, but larger than everyone else. A retinue immediately formed around him, arranged according to rank: this was Ivan Poddubny. He came from a fight: they fought at the Chapiteau circus. Poddubny was then 70 years old. He was asked to come out to fight. He spoke about this calmly:
“It’s impossible to fight at seventy years old,” said Poddubny, “but you can show how they fight.” And everyone knew that I couldn’t be put down based on my rank. It’s not good to suddenly take a seventy-year-old man and put him on his shoulder.
(I’m retelling all this 40 years later, so you don’t treat the quotes as quoting documents that are on my desk. I continue to tell.)
“I’m demonstrating a roll and suddenly I feel that my young partner wants to squeeze me, instead of letting me show the classic bridge.
Then I tell you exactly: “You can’t fight at seventy years old, but for two minutes or one minute I can be as strong as another wrestler. But I never pushed. If we had pushed, there would have been no survivors. Then I pushed him; he was carried away on a board. Here the chef said calmly:
“Let him remember the Hamburg score!”
I asked what the Hamburg score was, and they explained to me that it is a score without conventions, without playing. In the old days it was installed in Hamburg in closed competitions - without an audience.
When I published the book, I wrote about the Hamburg account. I was advised to put this title on the cover. It was in 1924"

(memoirs of V. Shklovsky in a retelling of the writer V. Konetsky)

    “The Hamburg Account” is a collection of articles, memoirs, essays, published by Shklovsky in 1928

The modernism of Pilnyak’s form is purely external, very convenient for copying, but he himself is not a thick, not rich writer.
The elementary nature of the basic technique makes Pilnyak easy to copy, which probably explains his infectiousness for young writers.”
About K. Fedin’s novel “Cities and Years.” “The novel contains interesting newspaper material, but it is clumsily connected, and all the characters in a troupe walk from Germany to the Mordovians. The novel is quotable, the descriptions consist of enumerations, the characters are not needed, there is no plot, and the plot difficulty is therefore replaced by a temporary rearrangement.”
About Babel. “A foreigner from Paris, only Paris without London, Babel saw Russia as a French writer seconded to Napoleon’s army could see it. The meaning of Babel’s technique is that he speaks in one voice about both the stars and the clap.”
About V. Kataev. “Embezzlers” are the fish in the mirror. You cannot dive into this shiny surface."
About Tynyanov’s “Wax Person” - that even the era of Peter the Great “does not consist of only amazing things” and is not “just a cabinet of curiosities in alcohol”

Synonyms of the phraseological unit “Hamburg score”

  • no fools
  • exactingly
  • seriously
  • without going into details
  • strictly
  • demanding
  • by and large

Application of the expression in literature

« The very existence of such a company, where frank conversations took place about literature and politics, conversations about the Hamburg account, conversations that we called “outright Marxism” could have ended badly at that time"(David Samoilov "General Diary")
« In our fatherland in those years, criticism turned into journalism - to gouge or promote - one yearned for textual analysis, for the Hamburg account"(Andrey Voznesensky “On the virtual wind”)
« It’s too early to play, but whoever reads Gogol’s text is an application for a competition “on the Hamburg score"(Sergey Yursky "Flashes")
« So, not by official position, titles and awards, and according to the Hamburg account, Nikolai Nikolaevich Urvantsev was a great polar explorer and traveler"(Vladimir Sanin “Don’t say goodbye to the Arctic”)
« But to be honest, according to Hamburg standards, why should he take this hundred from a poor student?"(Yu. V. Trifonov “Time and Place”)

The concept " Hamburg account", which has become widespread in the Russian language, means identifying the real, and not the official, place of an individual in the status hierarchy. The expression "pay the Hamburg bill" means "pay fairly."

The Hamburg Account" is the title of a collection of literary critical articles by Viktor Shklovsky, published in 1928. In the brief programmatic article that opens the collection, the author himself explains the meaning of the book's title: "The Hamburg Account is an extremely important concept. All wrestlers, when they fight, cheat and lie down on their shoulder blades on the orders of the entrepreneur. Once a year, wrestlers gather in a Hamburg tavern. They fight behind closed doors and curtained windows. Long, ugly and hard. Here the true classes of fighters are established, so as not to go astray." According to A.P. Chudakov, commentator modern edition books, real basis this plot became for Shklovsky oral history circus wrestler Ivan Poddubny. However, it is much more likely that the author of the expression “Hamburg score” belongs to Shklovsky himself. Immediately became catchphrase, especially fashionable in the literary community, the expression “Hamburg account” serves as the equivalent of an impartial assessment of something without discounts or concessions, with the utmost demands. It is possible that no less popular phraseological unit“by and large,” which has the same meaning, is nothing more than a transformation of Shklovsky’s idea. For the first time in literature, the phrase “by and large” is found in the novel “Fulfillment of Desires” (1935), created by Veniamin Kaverin, a writer close to Shklovsky’s circle. And today, more and more often in our speech we hear the expression “according to the Hamburg account” - a contamination of two phraseological units invented by writers.
Critic Irina Rodnyanskaya in the article “The Hamburg Hedgehog in the Fog” (New World. - 2001. - No. 3), dedicated to the problems of literary strategies today, notes: “Shklovsky could have been pleased - almost like Dostoevsky, who was proud of enriching the Russian language with the verb “to shy away.” The expression “Hamburg account” separated from the parable he told in the 20s and went around the world in an undoubted and generally understood meaning. so long ago, even the most colorful Duma deputy publicly threatened to judge someone “on the big Hamburg score." They laughed at the deputy in unison. But in vain. It is useful to listen to people's understandings. Our character innocently contaminated the "Hamburg score" and the "big score", believing that It’s lying somewhere nearby, and he’s not the only one who’s imagined it for a long time.

The “Hamburg account” (it has become commonly understood) is a great aesthetic account in literature and art. Identification of the first, second and last places on the scale of the genuine, the present. “Big” - because it opposes “small” accounts maintained by officialdom, groups, parties in the interests of their situational needs. “Big” - because it appeals to the “big time”, in whose epochal contours the fog will dissipate and burst bubble and everything will fall into place. A connoisseur who attracts the “Hamburg score” acts as a guesser, an oracle, listening to the noise of great time, comparing signals from there with his aesthetic instrument.”

"The Hamburg Account" is the name of a collection of literary critical articles by Viktor Shklovsky published in 1928. In the brief programmatic article that opens the collection, the author himself explains the meaning of the book's title: " The Hamburg count is an extremely important concept. All wrestlers, when they fight, cheat and lie down on their shoulder blades on the orders of the entrepreneur. Once a year, wrestlers gather in a Hamburg tavern. They fight behind closed doors and curtained windows. Long, ugly and hard. Here the true classes of fighters are established - so as not to be wasted". According to A.P. Chudakov, a commentator on the modern edition of the book, the real basis for this plot was for Shklovsky the oral story of the circus wrestler Ivan Poddubny. However, it is much more likely that the authorship of the expression “Hamburg score” belongs to Shklovsky himself. It immediately became a catchphrase, especially fashionable in literary circles, the expression " Hamburg account " serves as the equivalent of an impartial assessment of something without discounts or concessions, with extreme demands. It is possible that the no less popular phraseological unit " by and large", which has the same meaning, is nothing more than a transformation of Shklovsky's idea. For the first time in literature, the phrase "by and large" is found in the novel "Fulfillment of Desires" (1935), created by Veniamin Kaverin, a writer close to Shklovsky's circle. And Today, more and more often in our speech we hear the expression " according to Hamburg account" is a contamination of two phraseological units invented by writers.

Critic Irina Rodnyanskaya in the article “Hamburg hedgehog in the fog” ( New world.- 2001.- No. 3), dedicated to the problems of literary strategies of today, notes: “Shklovsky could have been pleased - almost like Dostoevsky, who was proud of enriching the Russian language with the verb “to be obscured.” The expression “Hamburg account” separated from the parable he told in the 20s and went for a walk around to the world in an undoubted and generally understandable meaning. Not so long ago, even the most colorful Duma deputy publicly threatened to judge someone “on the big Hamburg score.” They laughed at the deputy in unison. But in vain. It is useful to listen to popular understandings. Our character innocently contaminated the “Hamburg score” and "a big score", believing that it lies somewhere nearby. Yes, he is not the only one who has imagined this for a long time.

"Hamburg account"(has become commonly understood) is a large aesthetic account in literature and art. Identification of the first, second, and last places on the scale of the genuine, the present. "Big" - because it opposes the "small" accounts conducted by officialdom, groups, parties in the interests of their situational needs. "Big" - because it appeals to the "big time", in whose epochal contours the fog will clear, soap bubbles will burst and everything will fall into place. The connoisseur who attracts the "Hamburg score" acts as a guesser, an oracle, listening to the noise of the big time , comparing signals from there with his aesthetic instrument."