Anti-evil eye pins for children. How to charm a pin from the evil eye and damage to a candle flame

The “pin against the evil eye and damage” amulet was invented a long time ago.

Like a lightning rod, a pinhead attracts and receives a blow of negative energy directed at a person, forwarding it into its closed circuit. As a result, the energy clot circulates in a circle, gradually losing its strength and negative charge.

Many, even if they don’t particularly believe in magic, just in case, pin a hairpin on the inside of their clothes, hoping in this way to protect themselves from the evil eye. However, this is not enough.

In order for a simple device to truly become a protective amulet, you need to perform magical rituals with it, cast the necessary spells, and also know how to properly wear a pin against the evil eye. such an amulet will not allow it. But it will be able to protect against a new energy attack.

Conditions for the manifestation of the magical power of the amulet

The color of the decoration plays an important role:

  • if the amulet is prepared for children, you must choose a green accessory;
  • red beads are used for spouses or loved ones;
  • blue decoration is strung for a relative;
  • A yellow ball is suitable for a friend or friend.

Under no circumstances should you use a black bead - it will completely neutralize the power of the talisman.

How to activate the amulet?

The pin against the evil eye and damage will begin to work only after it is activated by a special ritual and conspiracy.

The easiest way to activate

With the candle lit, the following words must be said over the accessory:

Lock up any evil on yourself, let everything that is prepared for me be transferred to you.

Then the talisman is worn fastened to clothing in a place inconspicuous to prying eyes. If already in the first days of wearing the metal of the product bends, noticeably darkens or rusts, there is no doubt that the protection is working.

Ritual under the waxing moon

The ritual is performed on Tuesday during the waxing moon. Early morning before dawn or late evening after sunset.

An open pin is heated over the fire of a burning wax candle, then the metal is sprinkled with holy water. At the same time they say quietly three times:

May I, the Servant of God (name), be protected. May the Lord protect me from unclean things, from bad words, from corruption and from the evil eye. Amen.

After this, the product is covered with melted candle wax (not the whole thing). When it cools down, the amulet can be attached to clothing or used to protect the home.

Ritual with water and fire

Before sunrise, you should collect holy water from the church. Upon returning home, you need to pour it into a small container and lower the hairpin into it. The product must be stored in holy water for three days.

Twice a day, morning and evening, they say over him:

Protect me with a pin from the evil eye, demonic spawn and other infections.

At the end of the three-day period, the pin is removed and wiped dry. Used holy water must be thrown away.

The pin is sharp, pierce the evil with a needle, send it away from me. I conjure the word with fire, I secure the word with iron.

Now the talisman is ready and can be used for protection.

Spell for rowan berries

Three dried berries are placed on the table. They take each fruit in their hand in turn, reciting the same text over it separately:

The rowan is red, it brought me protection. She protected me from trouble and illness.

The charmed berries are then strung on a pin needle and pinned to the chosen item.

Amulet with a red thread

You can use a pin against the evil eye not alone, but together with a red thread - another powerful amulet against negative energy.

To do this, 12 knots of strong red woolen thread are tied on the part opposite the needle. When tying each knot, say the following:

Twelve forces, twelve shields will take away the blackness, save you from anger and hatred. Take away the knots of bad weather, troubles and other misfortunes. Become my amulet from a minute to a century.

Amulet for home protection

A large onion is pierced with a pin needle, then repeated five times:

Onion, my protector, protect from evil, protect from demons, protect from enemies. Take away all troubles and sorrows from me.

The onion is then thrown away. The resulting home amulet is attached in an inconspicuous place to curtains, curtains or the top of the front door opening.

Protection for the bride and groom

This amulet has long been used to protect the bride and groom during a wedding. This event traditionally attracts many guests. Among them there may be people who are jealous of a happy couple or want to ruin the newlyweds’ lives. You can protect yourself from intentional damage or accidental evil eye if you hang a pre-activated pin correctly.

To protect the bride, the amulet is pinned to the inside hem of the wedding dress. The effect of the talisman will be enhanced if you make several stitches nearby with blue thread. The groom will be protected by an amulet attached opposite the heart to the inside of the shirt (head down). Crossed gold pins have special magic. They are attached to the dresses of the bride and groom in the same way as ordinary talismans.

Cleaning the amulet

A pin against the evil eye and damage collects a lot of negativity. Therefore, it must be cleaned regularly or replaced with a new one.

The charmed amulet should be checked every evening. Dark spots, rust and other damage indicate that it has taken the blow of negative energy. It will no longer be possible to restore the power of an amulet made of ordinary metal. Such an item can be thrown away and replaced with a new talisman.

Products made of gold and silver have more powerful protective energy. They are not only able to withstand negative influences, but also amenable to purification and renewal of their strength. Therefore, you can wear a gold or silver pin against damage for many years. But only if it is taken care of correctly.

Silver and gold amulets are cleaned in this way:

  • at the hour of the full moon they unbutton, unfasten from clothes;
  • remove additional protective attributes - threads or beads;
  • rinse thoroughly under cold running water;
  • dipped into a container with several silver jewelry or coins and water from a spring or well;
  • after three days, take it out and cover it with salt overnight;
  • In the morning the amulet is cleaned of salt.

The salt used to clean the talisman must be buried in the ground or flushed down the toilet. And the amulet itself must be activated again.

By the way, you can create a beautiful personalized pin against the evil eye with your own hands. But you still have to activate such a talisman. Just colorful decorations are not enough.


You can treat the evil eye as a superstition, but life proves the opposite. Every person can easily become an object of the evil eye and envy. The evil eye is negative energy directed at a person. Such an impact on the biofield of another person is unintentional. People themselves sometimes have no idea what they are doing, but thoughts and words are material!

Slander, words of envy or excessive admiration - all this negatively affects both the physical and psychological state of the person affected by the evil eye. The sources of the evil eye are negative emotions: envy, anger, selfishness and selfishness. The evil eye is a common, simple negative effect, so anyone can easily protect themselves and their loved ones from it. Amulets and amulets are very helpful for protection against the evil eye.


Evil eye pins

The simplest and most effective way to protect yourself is to wear an evil eye pin. Pins against the evil eye have been known to mankind for a long time. The Sumerians even had ordinary pins on clothes in the 3rd-4th millennia BC. It has been noticed that the head of a pin catches all the negativity coming towards a person, and the oval shape of the pin “locks” the negativity, holding it.

Thus, the pin provides excellent protection and is a good amulet. It is generally accepted that such a protective pin should not be given or shown to anyone, otherwise it will lose some of its power.

How to wear an evil eye pin correctly?

The most important thing is that the safety pin should not be visible. It must be worn on the wrong side of clothing. Do not carry in a purse or purse, but on clothes. Usually a pin is pinned on the bottom of the inside of a blouse, on the back of the lapel of a jacket, on the inside of the hem of a garment, i.e. where no one will notice it and at the same time, so that it does not unfasten and prick.

Don't forget that the safety pin should be on your clothes every day and the pin should be refastened when changing your wardrobe. It is necessary in the evening, at the end of each day, to examine your amulet. If the color of the needle has changed - it has darkened or turned black, then you need to get rid of the pin immediately. A blackened pin is a sign that the amulet has taken on negative energy, protecting its owner.

Corruption pins

Damage is a strong magical ritual using black magic, when they deliberately wish harm on a person. The basis of corruption is resentment, hatred, anger. Experienced magicians believe that it is easier to prevent negative influences than to remove the consequences of such influences. Is it possible to protect against damage using a regular pin? Yes, such an amulet can perfectly protect against many types of damage, which is very dangerous for a person’s energetic health!

The pin will work to protect against damage if you do the following: you need to purchase a regular safety pin. It is advisable to do this on Friday evening. This pin should be worn on the back of your clothing, attached in the area of ​​the heart chakra or closer to the solar plexus chakra. Every night you need to examine your amulet. After unfastening the pin, you need to carefully examine it. If the tip of your pin has darkened, or worse, turned black, this is a sign that

You were exposed to negativity during the day and the pin needle took it away. Having discovered this, such a pin should be held open over a candle flame, and then buried in the ground as far as possible from the house. In order not to leave yourself unprotected, you should buy yourself another pin and wear it in the same way as your old pin. Even when the appearance of the pin needle does not change, it must be removed from clothing every night and left open until the morning, after which it must be pinned onto clothing again.

How to pin a pin?

An important point - how to attach pins correctly? It turns out that few people think about this and few people know how to pin a pin correctly so that it works as protection and protects against negativity.

It is important to attach the pin so that the head of the pin is facing down. It is believed that with this arrangement, all the negativity that the pin has collected goes to the ground, through the downward point of the needle.

Pin spell

You should always perform a spell in a good mood. A completely new pin is taken. Before performing the spell, you need to clean the pin. You can place it in a salt solution or dry salt for a day. After which the solution or salt should be thrown away. There are many protective spells that put on a pin.

The surest thing is to cast a spell on a candle flame. You need to take a candle (any candle will do, but a church candle is better), matches and the text of the magic spell. There are different types of magic spells; you can even come up with your own. The most important thing is the ability to concentrate, a great desire and the power of thought aimed at achieving a protective result. The power of thought must be deep, even to the point of visualization, which will help make a powerful amulet.


Personalized silver pin effect

Pins made of any metal have protective power, but silver pins have greater strength and last longer, unlike ordinary iron pins, which must be changed frequently. Silver itself has the properties to resist negativity and neutralize it. A pin made of high-quality silver may not turn black from negative influences, but it also needs to be looked after - inspected and opened every evening, as well as periodically cleaned.

A personalized pin has greater power due to the fact that it works to protect a given person. It’s not for nothing that in the old days, family pins with a monogram were inherited; they had the protective power of the egregor of the clan, which protected the family.

What kind of pin should it be?

It can be either the most ordinary iron pin, which will not last long, but will do an excellent job of protection, or a pin made of precious metals - gold or silver, as well as a personalized pin. If the pin is decorative, with beads, with stones, with Turkish eyes, then it is worn over clothing, like a brooch, but in this case it serves to a greater extent only to distract the evil eye. Usually such pins are pinned on children's clothes.

However, the most common safety pins, which need to be worn from the inside of clothing, are better able to cope with a more serious protective function.

If the pin comes undone, it may be the result of a negative attack and the pin urgently needs to be cleaned. If an ordinary iron pin turns black or is bent, it means that it has taken on the negative and needs to be thrown away and bought a new one. You can clean a precious pin by holding it open over a candle flame, or by opening the pin and putting it in salt for a day.

It is recommended to purchase pins on Friday afternoon or evening, and it is best to activate protection (put a spell on a pin) on Tuesday when the moon is waxing. The pin will also help protect your home from negative influences and will become a powerful amulet. An excellent home defense is a pin stuck above the door, head down.

It is good to attach a pin for protection to the curtains on the window side. The safety pin should not be shown to anyone, handed to anyone, or told to anyone about it. It is important to never pick up someone else's pin - it may contain negativity. We cannot know by whom or for what purpose the pin was used.


So why does such a simple everyday accessory as a safety pin have such powerful protective powers? The reason for this is the design of the pin - its special shape. The pin is a conductor capable of taking on energy - a closed circle with a double protective ring. A simple protective talisman like a pin is very effective.

Your energy may not always be strong enough to withstand negative influences, so you need to use protective pins to protect your life from the evil eye, damage and any evil. Take care of yourself and your loved ones! .

There are many things in life that are beyond our control. In particular, people sometimes, without realizing it, are capable of making a person feel bad through energy structures. And this is quite normal, because a person has a lot of hidden forces that he is not even aware of.

Let's talk about what the evil eye is and how you can protect yourself from it using a simple method. The remedy for this method is so simple that it will not interfere with your daily routine.

Moreover, the convenience of this method lies in its versatility, since it is able to ward off not only the evil eye, but also various kinds of conscious negativity. But first things first.

What is the evil eye and how does it differ from damage?

Essentially, this is a bundle of negativity that a person does not impose on purpose, when one is jealous of another. Let’s say that quite often the evil eye “falls” on beautiful children. This is when friends and strangers, seeing such a wonderful young creature, cannot resist publicly praising her. However, at the same time, a huge amount of envy, anger and hostility can boil inside them. It is not at all necessary for a person to experience emotions directly towards someone he admires or envies. Sometimes it is enough that a person has a lot of negativity inside. Usually they say about such people “he has a bad eye,” because whatever or who they don’t say about, everything gets worse.

The evil eye always concerns the thing that is being talked about. This could be the beauty of a child, or the success of a business, health, object, or plant. After the evil eye is applied, the negativity from it begins to work. Things may break, a child may start to get sick, plants may wither or even dry out, and things will become more difficult. Since the evil eye is an unconscious thing, it does not provide for any methods of bypassing the protection. This is simply negativity that goes directly to the thing or person who is envied. Therefore, if a person is protected from this, then this will be quite enough.

Evil eye pin

This technique is quite old and used to be widespread everywhere. People knew about it and used it often. Now it is less common, but it can be found in some people.

So, the method itself is simple. You need to take an ordinary iron pin and put it on your clothes at the level of your heart. There are two mandatory conditions. First, the pin must be made of iron and not have any other coating. This is important due to the fact that iron as a metal in itself is capable of providing good protection against various magic and witchcraft. Second, the pin must be pointed downward (to the ground). Usually the pin is worn inside, so it is not visible to strangers, only slightly. This is done so that no unnecessary questions are asked about what it is and what it serves.

To enhance the protective effect, you can also apply a little real wax to the head of the pin, where the point enters. Then he will absorb all this negativity and not let it come out. True, this wax must be changed once a month.

This protection is quite universal due to its location and capabilities. And also because absolutely anyone can put it on. Even someone who is completely ignorant of magic. And at the same time, she can even take on minor damage and so-called unkind whispers. Since the pin hardly interferes with life in any way, people who take such care of themselves live happier and more contented lives. This has a pretty good effect on everything. The only negative is that such protection is only applied to a person, it cannot be applied to any business. Therefore, if you know that a person has an evil eye, then try not to talk about your successes and important events.

Make a pin talisman

To make a pin against the evil eye, you need to go to church to purchase a wax candle. At home, after 00.00 hours, light it and hold it
a pin over the flame to cleanse it of any influences and programs. (keep over heat for about 5 minutes)

Then say over the pin:

“Guardian Angel, deliverer from all evil hearts. Stand before me and cover me with your reliable protection. “Cheers to my spoken words.”

When pronouncing words, it is important to drip some wax onto the eye of the pin. (3 times).

What is important to know:

  1. The pin must be new, purchased in a store.
  2. Attach the amulet to the inside of your clothing in the heart area.
  3. Clean the pin periodically or replace it with a new one. Because over time it will absorb negative programs and energies. (once every 3-6 months).
  4. This amulet can also protect your home. To do this, attach it to the curtain.
  1. When choosing a pin, make sure that it closes so that there are no defects.
  2. If your amulet rusts, bury it in the ground.
  3. If you have lost your protective assistant, conduct a diagnostic for damage.
How to speak a pin?

To activate the pin, buy it and a church candle for the waxing moon. In a calm environment, after concentrating, read “Our Father” 3 times and light the candle (with matches).

Now you need to place the tip of your protector in the flame and consciously say 3 times:

“As fire burns this iron, so will the evil of my enemies burn! Just as this iron stabs fire, so will the evil glances of envious people stab!”


  1. After a negative impact, be sure to wash your hands in cold water (up to the elbows). Or take a cold shower.
  2. Mentally, before leaving the house, put on a protective white coat. Before practice, do not forget to enter a trance, block your consciousness and emotions, and relax.
  3. Do cleansing meditations. Imagine how a waterfall cleanses you of negativity and takes away all the evil eye. Or how you stand under a stream of light...
  4. Work on your energy. People with a strong energy field are difficult to jinx.
  5. Watch the mental radiation. Keep your focus on the positive.
  6. Remove the fear of negative influences from your subconscious.

For a long time, people have endowed some objects with magical properties. Amulets or amulets were placed in the house, in the garden and carried with them. The pin takes pride of place among the attributes of protection, because it has long been believed that evil spirits cannot stand sharp metal objects. To prepare a talisman for yourself, you can do without the help of a fortune teller or sorcerer. The collection of knowledge about the pin spell will be replenished with new tips after reading the material.

What it is

People have used sharp objects to secure clothing for centuries. So the ancestors of the modern pin have accompanied the inhabitants of the Earth since ancient times. A traditional modern amulet against the evil eye is a safety pin. No one knows when it turned from a piece of clothing into a protective amulet. Why her? Let's figure it out.

An unkind word or abusive speech directed at you will not cause you any energetic harm if it is “looped.” To neutralize people have used round shapes since ancient times: rings, bracelets and beads. The pin has a loop at the base, which means it is capable of fulfilling a protective mission. Metal as a material absorbs all energy messages well. You can work with it with both fire and water. It is convenient to hang additional amulets on the hairpin.

Spells against evil spirits were also cast on sharp objects (scissors, knives, needles). The point of a pin can also protect against mysterious ill-wishers. The main thing is to keep the amulet only closed. and pin it to the lining of your clothing away from prying eyes. But the mere presence of a sharp object is not enough. It also needs to be made magical.

How to make a pin against the evil eye and damage with your own hands

It is believed that the valuable material from which the pin is made enhances the protection of the amulet. This is not entirely true. A properly prepared household item fully copes with its purpose. Whether your evil eye pin is gold, silver or metal does not matter. She will become secret an amulet hidden under clothes, which means that external presentability has no meaning.

But for people who are most susceptible to negative energy influences, esotericists recommend choosing silver. If you belong to this category of people, you will be interested in material about.

But the shine of the metal is of paramount importance. The surface of the pin should be shiny. If the amulet suddenly darkens, it needs to be polished urgently or a new one cast.

How to charm a pin from the evil eye and damage to a candle flame

Activation is best done during the waxing moon. To perform the ritual you will need:

  • new church candle;
  • new safety pin;
  • Matchbox.

First, learn a symbolic slander. You need to say it quickly, so just repeat the spell out loud several times to make sure everything is done correctly.

Conspiracy words:

Just as iron pierces this fire, so it would pierce the evil eyes of envious people. Just as fire burns this iron, so it would burn the evil thoughts of enemies.

When the phrases, as they say, “bounce off your teeth,” you can proceed to the next stage.

Carrying out the ritual:

  • Sit at the table and place a candle on a plate or on a special stand.
  • Light a candle.
  • Open the pin as wide as possible.
  • Take it by the lock with your right hand.
  • Bring the sharp tip of the hairpin to the fire and hold it this way until it gets a little hot. If you are still afraid of getting burned, hold the object with tweezers.
  • The words of the hex are read in a loud whisper - quickly and clearly (now it becomes clear why it was necessary to learn the words - the metal quickly heats up from the fire). Bring the pin as close to your lips as possible. The gaze is fixed on the open flame.
  • Say the words 3 times and dip the tip into liquid wax.
  • Stick a pin - you will seal the hex with wax.
  • Set the enchanted pin aside.
  • Put out the fire. This must be done in a special way. If you simply blow out the flame, then all the spoken energy will disappear along with the smoke. Place a box of matches on the fire and the flame will go out on its own.

Your pin has already become enchanted. Now you need to pin it correctly.

How to properly pin a pin against the evil eye (explanation with photo)

You only need to learn 3 rules. The talisman-amulet is located:

  • on the left side of the chest (near the heart chakra);
  • in a vertical position with the lock down;
  • from the inside of clothing.

If you are going to pin it on light-colored clothing, clean the tip from scale and wax, otherwise the needle may leave a dark mark on the fabric. Pins reinforced with beads and amulets can be worn on the outside of clothing, as shown in the photo.

How to properly hang an evil eye pin for newborns

Young children are the most susceptible to energy influences. Moreover, not only a word, but also a look, intonation, or even a friendly phrase, but spoken by an energetically heavy person, can cause harm. Even those mothers who do not consider themselves superstitious try to protect their baby by any means necessary. Certainly, the first method of protection is baptism. But, as they say, there can never be too much of a good thing.

Pin spells for a baby are made in the same way as for adult family members. But professionals do not recommend pinning it on clothes. However, a sharp object can injure a child. You can hang one pin on the inside of the stroller for walks. And the second one can be hidden in the folds of the canopy. Some mothers make personalized pins by stringing beads with the child’s initials onto the point, as can be seen in the photo. You can place it in your apartment, in your car, or always carry it in your purse. What you need to constantly monitor is the shine of the metal. As soon as the pin becomes dull or rusty from prolonged wear, it is best to replace it with a new one. The old one needs to be buried in the ground away from the house.

But what to do when, after visiting a crowded place, you feel bad: your cheeks begin to glow, you feel drowsy, or, conversely, you feel an incomprehensible excitement. To begin with, find out. After this, check the enchanted pin. If it becomes dull, thoroughly clean it until it shines and repeat the hex ritual.

A protective item tends to accumulate negative energy. Therefore, it is recommended to replace it every 2-3 months. Bent or deformed studs should be disposed of immediately.

How effective do you think the enchanted protective amulet is? Perhaps you have your own versions of the slander? Share with us, we will be grateful to you.

Small and very inconspicuous, but so powerful in its protection, the pin from the evil eye and damage is an effective and efficient, easy-to-use, centuries-tested protective amulet. It has long been used to protect against magical slander and light forces were sealed into it, channeling it for good. We published rituals of spells on a pin.

But when resorting to such protection, it is important to know how to wear a protective amulet and attach it to clothing, which one to choose and what words to use. Let's consider all these points in more detail.

How to use a safety pin

The pin is a powerful amulet against the evil eye and damage

How to properly pin and wear a pin so that it works as a protective amulet against damage and the evil eye - it is attached exclusively in a vertical position, head down. On clothes, an amulet against the evil eye and damage is worn in two ways - from the inside or from the face. So, if you attach a protective amulet from the inside out, pin it closer to the bottom of the dress or blouse, as our ancestors did. And if you attach it from the front side, attach it to the most visible place, so that the latter with its bright appearance distracts from the person himself.

Anti-evil eye pins must be attached to the bride’s dress - on the hem of the wedding dress, worn and not removed for the entire duration of the wedding. A rule such as wearing a pin is also suitable for small children or if there is a crowded celebration ahead, when a person finds himself “under the gun” of a crowded crowd.

Which metal to choose?

A pin is a personal item and protection.

When choosing pins as a protective amulet, users often wonder which one to choose and what metal it should be made of. Silver or gold, or maybe the most ordinary one, steel, but made with your own hands, will do? You can attach any talisman - the material does not affect its protective properties, but if it brings you more aesthetic pleasure, then choose a precious metal.

If funds allow, then you can buy gold jewelry - it will not darken under the influence of magical damage and the evil eye. But this also has its downside - you cannot determine by her appearance whether she has taken too much negativity on herself or not. And silver or ordinary metal can darken and thereby let you know that the amulet is working.

If your amulet has darkened or gotten lost when unfastened, this is a good sign, it means that it has fulfilled its task on an energetic level, has taken on all the negativity and has “left” you. Regarding the silver amulet, modern jewelry contains little high-quality alloy, so it is optimal to opt for the simplest, metal safety pin.

How to speak a pin

Protection with a pin is an effective and proven method

Before you begin to activate the protective powers of the amulet, consider the following rules.

  1. Buy it exclusively on Friday, in the afternoon, and it is spoken only on Tuesday, and always on the waxing Moon.
  2. Do not give your enchanted amulet to strangers - this is how you give away your protection and good luck, and constantly monitor its condition so that it does not darken or get lost. In the latter case, you are left without protection, which is not very good.

General ritual

For the amulet to work, it is activated by a conspiracy

The general ritual, a spell on a pin, is carried out on Tuesday - visit the temple in the morning, buy a candle there. Already at home, closer to midnight, light it and in its flame heat the eye of the pin, reading the words three times:

“My guardian angel, sent to me from above, protect me from every evil eye and protect me under your cover.”

After each reading, drop some wax on the eye of the pin and let it dry and stay there.

If you feel bad on the street or in a company, slowly and imperceptibly touch the pin and say:

“The Lord is ahead, the Mother of God is behind, God’s servant…name…protect.”

If you have lost a pin, do not despair, but it is best to purchase a new talisman and cast a spell on it.

Conspiracy for kids

Protecting the baby with a pin is the first thing a mother should do

For newborns, a pin is the first protection, in addition to a cross, that the mother gives to the child as a talisman. For children, choose a silver one, or even better if you attach such amulets in different places, for example, on clothes and in the stroller, on the hem of the crib, and so on. The main thing in this case is to protect the baby so that he does not accidentally injure himself on a sharp object.

As with adults, the protective amulet is attached in a secret place so that it is hidden from prying eyes. They fasten it with its head down - this way it will give its negativity to the earth, but if the head is turned up - the amulet will retain the negativity.

So, 3-5 pins are suitable for a stroller - this will strengthen the baby’s energy protection, protecting them from people with a hard look. Ideally, if you attach, for example, 3 pins close to each other, just under the visor, on the inside - this place is as close as possible to the child’s head.

Regarding the conspiracy, there is no need to specifically slander the amulet for protection. But if you wish, you can say “Our Father” over the pins or an appeal to the guardian angel, or by saying the following words:

“I entrust my child into the hands of an angel - keep him under your wing from damage and the evil eye, and evil words.”

Conspiracy for pregnant women

For pregnant women, the pin is attached closer to the body

Often pregnant and nursing mothers also suffer from dark promises and therefore protection from any negativity is a top priority. Choose either a silver or the simplest metal pin, but most often women choose the former for aesthetic reasons.

It is best to wear an object as a talisman when fastening it in the solar plexus area. It is important to understand that to provide double protection for yourself and the child, the pin is attached horizontally. This way, she will not accumulate negativity in herself, but accumulate only light forces, protecting her from the induced negativity and putting it aside, as it were.