Concert of the band Linkin Park. Linkin Park: first concert without Chester

The entertainment industry is considered the most promising industry today. Space resources are being invested in the construction of complex engineering structures. Projects are being implemented with impressive records of cost, height, speed, and acceleration. For the sake of getting a thrill, daredevils are ready to go to any part of the planet and part with any amount of money.

Every year, records in the entertainment industry change. The visitor demands more impressive sights. Carousels and Ferris wheels are growing up to the skies; high-speed slides are being built longer and higher. The designs of attractions are becoming even more complex. The list of the most adrenaline-pumping rides in the world includes: "Insanity", X-Scream, Kingda Ka, Colossus, Steel Dragon 2000, Tower of Terror, Top Thrill Dragster, Takabisha, Furius Baco, Formula Rossa.

10. "Insanity"

The "Insanity" attraction is located on the roof of the Stratosphere high-rise building (Las Vegas). It is the highest high-speed carousel on the planet, rotating at an altitude of over 300 m. The design has open passenger cabins, which adds to the thrill of the experience. The carousel protrudes 20 m from the edge of the building. Passengers fastened to their seats spin over the huge poor thing face down, while experiencing an overload of 3g.

9. X-Scream

Tourists come from all over the world to flirt with death at the hellish X-Scream attraction in Las Vegas. The swing is also located on the platform of the Stratosphere skyscraper. Daredevils are seated in an open trailer, which hovers over a 330-meter abyss. It makes your hair stand on end, even if you just imagine that the trolley is flying at full speed into a crazy abyss, its nose crosses the edge of the rails and, suddenly stopping, dives sharply down. And the passengers of the X-Scream trailer experience such horror more than once.

8. Kingda Ka

Kingda Ka is considered the world's tallest and fastest (second in speed) roller coaster. They are also called “fear machines.” The attraction, in the construction of which $25 million was invested, has been operating since 2005. It is located in the USA (New Jersey). Powerful hydraulics in 3.5 seconds. accelerates the carts to 206 km/h, “throwing” them to the very peak - a 139-meter height. This is equivalent to a skyscraper consisting of five nine-story buildings! The carriages on a loop-shaped, almost kilometer-long trajectory either rise, then dive deeper, or generally fly up along a vertical spiral-shaped track and also rush vertically down.

7. Colossus

In the city of Cherpsi (Anlia) in Thorpe Park, there is a metal roller coaster Colossus, with the most twisting track, the length of which is 850 m. The cars accelerate to 65 km/h. The peak height to which passengers rise is 30 meters. The trajectory is so twisted that when passing it a person turns head down 10 times. The route consists of a sheer drop, two spirals, and five twists. With such a movement, the passenger ceases to orient himself in space, not understanding where is up and where is down.

6. Steel Dragon

The longest (2479 m) roller coaster was built by the Japanese in 2000 in Nagashima. The construction of the original structure coincided with the year of the dragon. In this connection, its shape resembles the crest of a mystical animal and is called Steel Dragon, which means “iron dragon”. The highest point of the attraction is at a height of one hundred meters. This is almost a house of 30 floors! The speed of the trolleys reaches 150 km/h. The special feature of Steel Dragon is an incredible fall from a height of 93 meters.

5. Tower of Terror

In Australia (Gold Coast, Dreamworld Park) there is an unusual extreme ski jump called Tower of Terror. This translates into Russian as “tower of terror,” which in itself reveals the essence of the attraction. The roller coaster has been running since 2010. On " lifeboat» “Escape Pod” - a cart whose mass together with passengers is 6 tons, travelers rush upward and then fall, gradually stopping on a horizontal track. The electromagnetic drive accelerates the structure to 160 km/h in 7 seconds. When taking off upward to a height of 115 meters, which lasts just over 3 seconds, a person experiences an overload of 4.5g. The passenger is also in a fall at a speed of 160 km/h for just over 3 seconds. At the very top, passengers hang in the air for a moment. The total duration of the crazy extreme is 6.5 s.

4. Top Thrill Dragster

The ride on the top thrill dragster lasts 17 seconds. But these seconds seem like an eternity to the passengers of such a slide. The attraction was built in Ohio (USA) for $25,000,000. According to its characteristics, Top Thrill Dragster is in second place after the Kingda Ka coaster. The maximum height of the structure is 152 m, the length of the track is 850 m. A train of 5 cars accelerates to 193 km/h. The trajectory consists of a complex vertical section 120 m long. It provides passengers with a twisting fall. The thrill of the experience is complemented by the special effects (sounds of car engines, smells of exhaust) that accompany the trip.

3. Takabisha

In July 2011, in Japan, at the foot of Fuji (Yamanashi Prefecture), the world's coolest attraction called Takabisha, which translates as “willful,” opened. This is a real mountain of horror. Its design has the largest angle of descent. The kilometer-long track tickles the nerves of those skiing on 7 dead loops, and the descent is 121 degrees. tests the psyche of passengers for strength. In the middle of its journey, the cart rushes vertically down from a height of 43 m, simultaneously accelerating to 100 km/h. Instantly, the passengers find themselves in the real state of astronauts - absolute weightlessness.

2. Furius Baco

The Furius Baco speed slide operates in the Port Aventura park (Spain). Trolleys with passengers accelerate in 2.9-3.5 seconds to 135 km/h. Acceleration during acceleration increases to 10.7 m/s2, which is even higher for g (9.8 m/s2). The adrenaline is added by unusual chairs that are located on the sides of the rail. Passengers do not feel support under their feet and during the journey they seem to float in the air. At the end of the 850-meter track, the trailers rush a few cm above the water.

1.Formula Rossa

On the high-speed attraction Formula Rossa (UAE, Abu Dhabi), during the journey, passengers have time to flash their whole life in detail before their eyes. Incredibly, in 4.9 seconds the trolley manages to accelerate to 240 km/h! In addition, a track copying the legendary race track The Monza circuit is fraught with many surprises in the form of ups and downs. High-speed track pilots are required to wear special goggles to protect their eyes.

Totally mind blowing!

Gray routine everyday life turns us into dull poops. Adrenalin! We need adrenaline!

Below I have collected for you a selection of the most heart-thrilling attractions in the world.

Formula Rossa

This fastest roller coaster is located at Ferrari World, Abu Dhabi. In 4.9 seconds the trolleys reach a speed of 240 km/h. This is cooler than the Bugatti Chiron, for a second. So all passengers must wear special glasses to avoid collisions with insects and particles in the air.

The height of the slide is 52 meters. For comparison: the Statue of Liberty without a pedestal is 6 meters lower. In about 1.5 minutes you will travel 2.2 km and get a fierce dose of adrenaline.

Kingda Ka

In New Jersey, you'll find Kingda Ka at Six Flags Great Adventure.

This roller coaster is the tallest. Their structures soar up to 139 meters. Plus, the attraction is also the second fastest in the world. In 3.5 seconds, acceleration reaches 206 km/h.


Another roller coaster. You can ride it in England at Thorpe Park.

The height of the attraction reaches 30 meters, the maximum speed is only 65 km/h. But the trick here is different. This is the most twisted slide in the world. Head off video- it's spinning. I can imagine what it would be like to experience this live.

Giant Canyon Swing

For those who didn’t play on swings as a child, I recommend these ones in Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park, Colorado.

It's simple: you just swing over a cliff 400 meters above the Colorado River. The maximum speed of the swing is 80 km/h, and the angle relative to the horizon is 112°. The fun is not for the weak.


As the name suggests, this is a Japanese roller coaster. Located in Fuji-Q High Land Park near Mount Fuji. Their speed of 100 km/h is not the most phenomenal. And the height is only 43 meters.

But the angle of descent here is the steepest in the world: as much as 121°. For this, the attraction was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Steel Dragon 2000

Roller coaster in the Japanese city of Nagashima. The name is no coincidence: “Steel Dragon 2000” opened in 2000, the year of the dragon. And the curves of the attraction resemble a dragon's crest. Khaleesi would approve.

Steel Dragon 2000 is the longest roller coaster in the world with a length of almost 2.5 km. The attraction's carriages are as tall as a 30-story building and reach a speed of 150 km/h.

Insanity Ride

You can go to the crazy carousel in Las Vegas at the Stratosphere Las Vegas Hotel.

Here you can feel like a bird soaring over a 274-meter abyss. Visitors to the attraction sit on a carousel, which is then carried 20 meters from the edge of the roof. People are spun face down in uncovered booths at speeds of 50 km/h.

Superman: Escape from Krypton

This coaster was built at the Six Flags Magic Mountain theme park in California.

First, the Superman ride accelerates passengers sitting with their backs up to 160 km/h and lifts them to the height of a 41-story building. Then the people in the trolleys fly 126 meters face down.

The Smiler

The Smile Coaster is located in Staffordshire, England. The attraction was designed together with psychologists to increase the fear factor to the limit.

On a roller coaster with a maximum speed of 85 km/h, the most a large number of turns, namely 14. But I think passengers get the most thrilling sensations from optical illusions.


And the icing on the cake: an attraction at the Danish amusement park Tivoli Friheden.

Skytower gives you the opportunity to experience the feeling of free fall. A man is suspended at the height of a 10-story building, then the rope is released and he flies down. After landing on the stretched net you want to live even more.

How do you like this kind of entertainment? Would you dare?

website Totally mind blowing! Gray routine everyday life turns us into dull poops. Adrenalin! We need adrenaline! Below I have collected for you a selection of the most heart-thrilling attractions in the world. Formula Rossa This fastest roller coaster is located at Ferrari World, Abu Dhabi. In 4.9 seconds the trolleys reach a speed of 240 km/h. This is cooler than the Bugatti Chiron, for a second. So...

In order to tickle their nerves, thrill-seekers are ready to do the most unexpected things. Attractions where the release of adrenaline in people occurs under the supervision of specialists help to satisfy the demands of extreme sports enthusiasts, but to minimize the number of accidents around the world.

We present to your attention ten extreme entertainment, a ride on which even the most fearless visitor will not remain indifferent.

The Smiler attraction in Alton Towers Park, UK

This attraction is famous not only for its height, speed, number of sharp turns, but also for its unique additional catalyst of fear. Engineers, designers, psychologists, designers and scientists who studied the nature of fear worked on the creation of The Smiler. The thing is that the path, lasting 2 minutes and 45 seconds, is filled with the play of light and optical illusions. Driving through 14 loops of varying diameters at speeds exceeding 85 km/h, visitors dodge needles approaching them and close their eyes against the bright light.

The cost of this adventure is 36 euros for adults.

Colossus ride at Thorpe amusement park, UK

Locals in the UK have nicknamed this attraction the "monster roller coaster". According to visitors, Colossus resembles astronauts training before a flight. In a fairly short period of time, a person experiences emotions painted in a wide variety of shades of colors. Colossus boasts ten twists, including double helix, cobra curl and more. The length of the attraction is 850 meters and the speed reaches 77 km/h.

X Scream attraction in the USA

This entertainment is located in Las Vegas at the top of a skyscraper. A visitor eager to get a dose of adrenaline takes a seat in an open trailer, which is located on the edge of the roof. The trolley at full speed flies as if into an abyss, hovering at an altitude of 330 meters. The bravest ones can take seats in the first row, since it is this part of the car that crosses the edge of the rails and dives down. Visitors to the attraction experience such extreme pleasure several times.

Big Shot attraction in the USA

The name of the entertainment speaks for itself: “Big Shot,” where visitors act as bullets or cannonballs. The attraction is a structure that lifts people at a speed of 72 km/h to a height of 329 meters, and then makes a free fall down. There is something to be afraid of, after all, Big Shot is located on top of the Stratosphere skyscraper, which is one of the tallest in the world in terms of total height above ground level.

Attraction "Catapult" in Russia

One of the highest and most extreme attractions in the world with a similar mechanism is considered to be the catapult, located on Krestovsky Island in St. Petersburg. A huge slingshot, shooting a capsule with people more than 70 meters in height, draws crowds of spectators every day. They say that with the maximum high point the attraction offers a picturesque view of northern capital, but few people can appreciate it, because after a second the worst thing begins: the free fall zone and the chairs turning around their axis.

Dodonpa attraction in Japan

Among the fearless Japanese there are also fans of the giant roller coaster, who come to experience a wide range of emotions every weekend. During the trip, the speed of the cabins with visitors is 4 times higher than the acceleration of free fall: the train accelerates to 172 km/h in 2 seconds. In such conditions, a person can feel like a cannonball that has just been fired from a cannon along an unknown trajectory. Most riders agree that 55 seconds spent on the ride feels like a lifetime.

Bungee jumping in Macau

Macau Tower is the tallest bungee jumping building in the world. In Russia, such a device for entertainment is usually called a “bungee” and often a semblance of an attraction is found in recreation or swimming areas. However, a rope tied at one end to a tree has nothing in common with professional and reliable bungee jumping. A person who decides to take such an extreme act undergoes instructions, signs documents, receives equipment and prepares for the most terrible step in his life. Unlike a skydive, you can change your mind, but the $400 spent will not be refunded.

Formula Rossa attraction in the UAE

The world's fastest roller coaster, Formula Rossa, is located in Abu Dhabi at Ferrari World. Even notorious extreme sports enthusiasts, who have tested most of the most frightening attractions in the world, claim that here fear appears on a physiological level, whether you like it or not. In a couple of seconds, using the catapult launch system, the trolley accelerates from 0 to 240 km/h. The body, not prepared for such acceleration and overload, produces adrenaline, which is the main purpose of visiting such attractions.

Carousel Insanity in the USA

A carousel sounds harmless, but only if it is not Insanity, located on the roof of a skyscraper in Las Vegas. It would seem that what could frighten a person who came to try out an attraction that accelerates to only 60 km/h? The designers of the Insanity carousel have a laconic and understandable answer to this question: height. The abyss, the depth of which reaches 300 meters, appears directly under the visitors of the attraction. Especially for those for whom height alone is not enough, the carousel “opens up” and people’s faces appear below as they spin, offering a wonderful view of the city.

Zip World at Penrhyn Quarry UK

The Zip World at Penrhyn Quarry extreme rope ride can give you the thrill of flying over the vast expanses of north Wales. Unlike similar entertainments, this one is famous for its height, speed and beautiful views. Accelerating up to 161 km/h at an altitude of several hundred meters, the extreme sportsman enjoys views of the majestic mountains and the mesmerizing lake. The length of the cable along which people descend is more than one and a half kilometers, and the approximate “flight” time is 2 minutes.

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