House 2 final competition person of the year. Sincerely yours, Natusya Zebberg

32 people competed for the right to bear the proud title of “Person of the Year” on the Dom-2 project. However, only four managed to reach the finals - Olga Zhemchugova, Marina Afrikantova, Andrey Cherkasov and Fedor Strelkov. Each of the participants underwent various tests during five qualifying rounds, which lasted for seven weeks. However, television viewers had the final say on who would receive the honorary title. It was their voices that determined who deserved to become the “Person of the Year” of the “Dom-2” project and would receive an apartment in Moscow, and also begin a career in show business.

All the spectators watched the finale with bated breath. When the results of the competition were announced, everyone immediately began to congratulate Olga Veter, the wife of Gleb Klubnichka. She received 29.63% of the audience votes. Fedor Strelkov came second with 27.25%. Marina Afrikantova took third place, receiving 21.88%. Andrey Cherkasov was in fourth place. The reality show participants thank fans for voting.

For seven months, each of the participants tried in every possible way to prove why numerous fans of the television project should vote for him. The producers of the project came up with creative tasks for the finalists. The participants performed songs of different genres to show off their talents.

“My princess, Olya Veter, congratulations to you! You are "Person of the Year" 2016! My son is sleeping contentedly and told me to tell you “thank you”! You are the champion of my world,” her husband Gleb wrote a touching congratulation for Olya.

“My congratulations to you, I kept my fingers crossed for you, you are a winner, you are very smart, I am very happy for you, I love your family,” another participant in the project, Olga Rapunzel, congratulated the “Person of the Year.” The girl believes that Gleb Klubnichka’s wife really deserves first place and the main prize. The winner herself did not believe that fate would smile so much on their family.

“I wasn’t sure of my victory until the very end. I saw Fedor Strelkov as my main competitor. It was clear how much the country supported him, we followed the vote, and we had some kind of slight lead. And 20 minutes before it ended, our mobile phones were taken away. We sat in the dark until the results were announced. When they were announced, I burst into tears of happiness. It was a difficult competition. I still can’t forget the stage where we were smeared with bloodworms. They didn’t wash my hands for several more days!” Olga admitted.

Let us recall that Olga Zhemchugova appeared on the project, being the legal wife of Gleb Klubnichka. They raised their little son Misha. During their lives under the gaze of numerous cameras, the couple proved that their relationship can be considered almost ideal. Quarrels in the family arise, according to Olga, because of Gleb’s flirting with other participants in the reality show. In order to become even more attractive in the eyes of her beloved man, Olga decided to undergo plastic surgery for breast augmentation. Now she is happy with the result and is proud of her appearance.

“I saw her in a bandage, she was swollen, swollen, but “standing”, so beautiful. At least now “they” have appeared for me and are not hanging around. Now I can’t lift weights, sunbathe, physical activity, baths and saunas are prohibited. And then it will be possible to remove the bandage and walk around in light T-shirts, since it is not recommended to wear underwear after the first month, because the breasts are still taking the desired shape. In two or three months I’ll be buying beautiful new sets of underwear!” - said a participant in a popular reality show immediately after surgery.

Fans admire the family of Gleb and Olga and congratulate the woman on her victory.

Or rather, Olya Veter, as she is called “names” these days. Her victory was predictable from the very beginning, because as a child, because on the Zhemchugov project the most needy, and in general Olya is a great sufferer and martyr, having suffered much from her monster husband. But, as is usual in a fairy tale, by the end the husband had regained his sight, and peace and harmony reigned in the family. Hooray! But... For some reason there is no desire to shout this very “hurray”.

At the end, Kpadonu laughed: “I AM WAITING FOR THE NOMINEES FOR 2017.” In 2014 there were the Gobozovs: child, scandals, betrayals - “Person of the Year” Alian. This year - the Zhemchugovs: child, scandals, betrayals - “Person of the Year” Olya Veter. In the next one, following tradition, there should be Tregubenko and Ellochka. Well, they are quite contenders. Apparently, they are not going to leave the project. They periodically wink mysteriously about the baby. Sukhanov will give birth just in time for the 2017 competition - and here you have another young family in need of housing.

The main thing is that next year no one sings! Let the orgs take pity on the poor ears of the spectators, please! What the Afrikantov doll creaked in the finale was terrible! And wonderful music did not save the situation. And her fiance Chuev, grimacing next to her, only worsened the overall picture. Honestly, I spat and laughed at the sight of this clownery. But according to the idea, the number was supposed to be lyrical and touch the soul.

A hippie with a wooden face and tow on his head with a wreath, Fedya Strelkov looked better. Probably thanks to the unexpectedly tender Lyaskovets. But why suddenly he should have become “Person of the Year” is unclear. For what kind of merits, if only not for merits in the gym?

Cherkasov, the only participant who looked decent compared to the rest, sang well, it was pleasant to watch him. He didn’t make faces, he spoke simply but sincerely. Alas, we don’t like singles - Andryukha flew by. It's a pity! He’s already “earned out” the title, at least by spending years on the project and repeatedly raising ratings thanks to his Love Story.

Well, the dancing hippopotamus and part-time reformed husband Strawberry with his “schoolgirl” wife in a miniskirt jumping on him... It’s not even funny. It is sad. Not very pretty, not very smart (a smart one definitely wouldn’t admit to the whole country that she “knocked up” because she was drunk), constantly swearing (and also in front of the child), a girl in whom ambitions awoke in reality. True, the ambitions are so primitive: to make “new” breasts, pump up lips, grow hair...

There is one thing I cannot and will not argue with: Olya Veter is perhaps the only successful project of the loser Gleb Klubnichka... Well, then – the familiar blowing of bubbles during Glebushka Zhemchugov’s bouts of joy.

What do you think of the final and the winner?

Sincerely yours, Natusya Zebberg

The very first competition “Person of the Year in House 2” began on July 27, 2009. Then, the finalists of the competition were, well, they won, for which almost half of Ukraine voted.

The second competition, where the person of the year was chosen, was held on July 17, 2010. and made it to the final stage. Last year's finalist won.

On August 16, 2012 (broadcast on August 22), the next person was identified who managed to become. The title went to , which beat out in the final.

On August 18, 2013, Sergei Sichkar was awarded the honorary title “Person of the Year 2013.” In the final, Sichkar managed to get ahead of the exemplary family man Sergei Pynzar, as well as the brave paratrooper Andrei Cherkasov, who at the moment had already become the leader of House 2. As the main prize, Sergei received a brand new Mazda 6 car, bright red.

On August 21, 2014, Aliana Gobozova won the title. The top three also included project veteran Alexander Zadoynov and Marina Afrikantova, who quickly gained popularity among viewers. Along with the title, Aliana Ustinenko became the owner of a one-room apartment in New Moscow. Even if it’s outside the Moscow Ring Road, it’s your own home with ready-made renovations.

On August 21, 2015, one of the most scandalous finals in the history of the prestigious competition took place. Andrei Chuev won with great fanfare, unexpectedly beating the main favorite Evgeniy Kuzin in the final. Also in the top three was Victoria Romanets, but she was not initially considered a serious competitor. As a result, Chuev took himself a one-room apartment in the Moscow region. Unlike the apartment that Aliana got, Chuev’s had a larger square footage and a more prestigious location. Later it turned out that Andrey’s victory was ensured by friends from Stary Oskol, who invested money in mass sending of SMS votes.

On August 18, 2016, another apartment in the Moscow region was raffled off, which was intended for the winner of the “Person of the Year 2016” competition. As a result, square meters in the residential complex "New Zelenograd" went to Olga Veter (Zhemchugova), and she was accompanied in the final by Fyodor Strelkov, Andrey Cherkasov and Marina Afrikantova. The main rivalry developed between Veter and Strelkov, but in the end the audience gave preference to the young mother.

In 2017, the Person of the Year competition acquired a new format. Now the competition is called “Love of the Year” and couples in love take part in it. And the first winner of the honorary title was the couple Nikita Kuznetsov and Darina Markina. Their main rivals were Sergei Kucherov and Yulia Efremenkova, who lost the final. Nikita and Darina won a one-room apartment, which by the time they move in will have already been renovated at the expense of building 2.

Why do they participate in the competition?

Firstly, it is prestigious. The project has an army of 40 million television viewers and receives enormous attention from the press, so simply participating in the Person of the Year is good PR for the contestants.

Secondly - the main prize. Typically, this is a car costing around 20 thousand dollars.

Why do show organizers need this?

It's profitable. The income from SMS messages sent by a multi-million army of fans amounts to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Plus, discussion of speeches causes additional resonance on forums and blogs. In general, again PR...

Structure of the event:

  1. , by simple voting, they select 12 people from their team who, in their opinion, deserve to become person of the year.
  2. Hero presentations. The guys must give a reasoned answer to the question: “why should they become the winner of the competition?”
  3. It’s the audience’s turn to vote for their favorite participant by sending an SMS message.
  4. Several more stages are held similarly, and, using mobile phones, spectators determine the top three.
  5. The final. As a rule, it is a performance of a song by the finalists of the competition. After which, within a few days, the winner is determined.
  6. Rewarding. The “language” is attended by current and former project participants, as well as invited guests. Then, in a solemn atmosphere, consolation prizes are awarded and the winner of the “person of the year” contest is announced.

This is how this competition is held every year. I would like to note that the winner is not always obvious, so the intrigue remains until the last day of SMS voting. It is still rumored that in fact, everything is decided exclusively by the organizers of the reality show, who, depending on the rating of the participants, give the title to the most popular person on the project.

Jokes and memes about the project are published regularly

32 people competed for the right to bear the proud title of “Person of the Year” on the Dom-2 project. However, only four managed to reach the finals - Olga Zhemchugova, Marina Afrikantova, Andrey Cherkasov and Fedor Strelkov. Each of the participants underwent various tests during five qualifying rounds, which lasted for seven weeks. However, television viewers had the final say on who would receive the honorary title. It was their voices that determined who deserved to become the “Person of the Year” of the “Dom-2” project and would receive an apartment in Moscow, and also begin a career in show business.

All the spectators watched the finale with bated breath. When the results of the competition were announced, everyone immediately began to congratulate Olga Veter, the wife of Gleb Klubnichka. She received 29.63% of the audience votes. Fedor Strelkov came second with 27.25%. Marina Afrikantova took third place, receiving 21.88%. Andrey Cherkasov was in fourth place. The reality show participants thank fans for voting.

For seven months, each of the participants tried in every possible way to prove why numerous fans of the television project should vote for him. The producers of the project came up with creative tasks for the finalists. The participants performed songs of different genres to show off their talents.

« My princess, Olya Veter, congratulations to you! You are "Person of the Year" 2016! My son is sleeping contentedly and told me to tell you “thank you”! You are the champion of my world“, her husband Gleb wrote a touching congratulation for Olya.

« My congratulations to you, I kept my fingers crossed for you, you are a winner, you are very smart, I am very happy for you, I love your family“, - Olga Rapunzel, another participant in the project, congratulated the “Person of the Year”. The girl believes that Gleb Klubnichka’s wife really deserves first place and the main prize. The winner herself did not believe that fate would smile so much on their family.

« I wasn't sure of my victory until the very end. I saw Fedor Strelkov as my main competitor. It was clear how much the country supported him, we followed the vote, and we had some kind of slight lead. And 20 minutes before it ended, our mobile phones were taken away. We sat in the dark until the results were announced. When they were announced, I burst into tears of happiness. It was a difficult competition. I still can’t forget the stage where we were smeared with bloodworms. They didn’t wash off me for several more days!“Olga admitted.

Let us recall that Olga Zhemchugova appeared on the project, being the legal wife of Gleb Klubnichka. They raised their little son Misha. During their lives under the gaze of numerous cameras, the couple proved that their relationship can be considered almost ideal. Quarrels in the family arise, according to Olga, because of Gleb’s flirting with other participants in the reality show. In order to become even more attractive in the eyes of her beloved man, Olga decided to undergo plastic surgery for breast augmentation. Now she is happy with the result and is proud of her appearance.

« I saw her in a bandage, she was swollen, swollen, but “standing”, so beautiful. At least now “they” have appeared for me and are not hanging around. Now I can’t lift weights, sunbathe, physical activity, baths and saunas are prohibited. And then it will be possible to remove the bandage and walk around in light T-shirts, since it is not recommended to wear underwear after the first month, because the breasts are still taking the desired shape. In two or three months I will already be buying beautiful new sets of underwear!“- said a participant in a popular reality show immediately after surgery.