Foreign institutions for Russians. Education options and costs

Getting a higher education in Europe is a real dream for many young people. And all because a European diploma is prestigious and opens up great prospects for future life. All educational institutions in Europe have their own history and solid status, plus they are all located not far from Russia. All that remains is to make a choice in favor of a country.

Getting a higher education in Europe is not only prestige and prospects, but also excellent training in speaking the language of the chosen country. If you have a greater inclination and desire to study in German, then it is better to choose Austria, Germany or Switzerland. The learning processes there take place in two languages ​​– German and English.

Facade of the central building of the National University of Zurich

Preferring a more English-speaking environment, better or the Czech Republic. In the latter, Russian is also used in the learning process.

Many people believe that you can choose any country and university, most importantly, in Europe. But this is a wrong opinion, because each educational institution and state has its own subtleties. And without knowing them you can be very disappointed.

Free higher education in Europe

Many people think that it is impossible to get a free higher education in Europe, but this is not true. In many EU countries in 2019, it is possible to enroll in public universities without paying a lot of money. The cost of training in them is fixed, but it ranges from 400 to 2000 euros for one academic year and goes to cover the costs of education of the future student.

Comparison of tuition fees in different European countries

Since such government agencies do not earn anything from foreign students, there is no need for them to advertise on the Internet or translate the rules for admission of foreigners for such a nominal fee. Therefore, you will have to look for information either yourself, using a translator, or with the help of agencies.

You can receive free public education in the language of the country where you want to study. There are also options for studying in English, but in this case the cost of studying can be $3,000 for one academic year, which is still much less than the amounts offered by private universities.

If you are planning to study in the EU after receiving higher education in Russia, then there are 2 options:

Some of the cheapest and most accessible options to get. There are also interesting options in the Czech Republic and.

Spain is making free public education less accessible to foreigners every year, although in 2019 there are still interesting options for enrolling in local universities in this country.

When asking for help from agencies that provide services for selecting an educational institution, you should check whether they have a representative office in the countries they offer, their location, whether assistance and support is provided locally, and the level of qualifications of the employees.

Exterior view of the University of Hamburg in Germany

Let's look at several of the most popular European countries in order to have an idea of ​​their features and subtleties for Russian applicants.


Russians and citizens of the CIS in this state have many chances to enter a university without passing entrance exams based on 11 grades. In Austrian educational institutions no prior knowledge of languages ​​is required. The cost of a semester for Russian students is 760 euros. Many people want to, but for this it is advisable to know German.

Austrian higher education institutions have long been recognized throughout the world, occupying high places in international rankings. Austria has a large number of musical institutions, represented by academies, universities and conservatories.


Nowadays, German universities are very in demand and popular for young people from all over the world. And all because they perfectly combine old traditions with modern scientific achievements.

Taking a class at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Leipzig

The most powerful educational institutions in Germany are the technical, philological and medical universities. And the diploma obtained there opens the door to employment in many parts of the world.

Facade of the building of the State University of Geneva

When entering universities in Switzerland, Russians are subject to inflated requirements - they must study at a Russian educational institution for at least two years, it must be a full-time course. An exam is passed, after which the question of admission is still open. Attention is drawn to the characteristics of the student. The decision is made by the selection committee.


Summer school building in Holland

At the moment, about ¾ of all Dutch schools are private and public with a religious orientation. And also cultural and economic, with a heavy teaching load and requirements for students.

There are no kindergartens in Holland; children are sent to school at the age of 3-4, where they study until they are 12 years old. Then you should choose whether it will be a public school, a gymnasium or an atheneum. That is, it turns out that in the state children go through two stages of education:

  1. The first is considered primary education, lasting 8 years.
  2. The second begins at the age of 12. The main goal of this stage is to prepare for further study at a university.

But there is a certain choice, more precisely, two - preparation for university or training in a profession.

Utrecht University building in the Netherlands

This applies to those who do not study very diligently in elementary school and do not plan to study more in the future, then the second option is chosen.

“To study for free somewhere in Germany or Italy, you need a lot of money,” many Russians think. Fortunately, this opinion is wrong. But then a new question arises - under what conditions can European education be available to an ordinary Russian?

Countries that provide free education opportunities for Russians

Perhaps the most important thing will be to find an institution that operates on public programs. There are many universities of this type in Europe. Education can be obtained without paying for it in certain regions of Germany, France, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, the Czech Republic, and Austria. When choosing countries, do not forget to estimate how much it costs there. In some of them, for example, in Norway, living is quite expensive. There is an interesting paradox: in some European Union countries, young people do not strive to get a “higher education”. Accordingly, the competition may not be too tough. In the East, this is exactly what happens - in the circles of young people, high school is not considered prestigious. So Universities have to lure students with preferential conditions. Well, are you happy? Now let's move on to the restrictions.

The roads are open to many universities, it is only important to make a choice

Requirements for applicants abroad: how to apply for study after graduating from any class

The most important condition almost everywhere is a foreign language at a high level. You will be forced to take the exam directly at the university or (less often) in Russia. You need high scores. You still won’t be accepted into prestigious universities “for your beautiful eyes.” You will have to fight the exam not only with the residents of that country, but also with the ubiquitous Chinese, for example, who learn all the tickets by heart. Are you ready for such competition?

Study, study and study

But, on the other hand, some of Fortune’s favorites are lucky even with, in general, average potential... If you are going to enroll in a master’s program, then you should already have several years of higher education in Russia under your belt. The number of semesters varies depending on the institution. Another important point. Alas, it concerns the notorious money. Tuition may be free, but some universities will not accept you unless you confirm that you receive between 600 and 1000 dollars or euros into your account every month. The check is carried out so that the university is confident in your ability to pay for housing, books, and food. If this money is not available, then a guarantee from a citizen of the country in which you want to study will help. You will have to spend a little during the admission process. Typically, when enrolling in a European university, a prospective student is charged a one-time fee, from 500 to 1,500 dollars or euros. From it you can pay for literature, a transport pass (public transport abroad is not cheap) and other purposes.

In the future, if you enroll and study well, you may receive a scholarship (scholarship). In some establishments they are sufficient to cover many living expenses. Sometimes, even if you enroll in a paid program, you can completely cover the costs of your studies. If you already have a potential employer abroad and he is willing to finance your studies, this again gives you many opportunities. However, as experience shows, this does not happen often. In any case, a strong desire, perseverance, an unbending will and a positive attitude towards life will help you on your path forward. Remember, the one who walks will master the road!

How to get into one of the Ivy League universities, where it is better to prepare for the language exam, what you should write in a motivation letter and what you should not say in an interview, how to choose the right MBA school. The editors of “Theories and Practices” have prepared several instructions on how to prepare for admission to a foreign university, receive a grant and go to study abroad.

Step 1: Situation Analysis

When it is already clear that there is a need for foreign education, but there is no money for it, then it is worth deciding on the known variables. Items that should be checked first: availability of higher education, knowledge of foreign languages, achievements in the chosen field and work experience.

They are most willing to give grants for master's and postgraduate studies, and less willing to give grants for undergraduate studies. In addition, grants can be obtained for short-term research programs, summer language courses, participation in visiting schools and seminars. Most foreign universities offer scholarships for master's degrees to foreign students. It is also possible to find a grant for obtaining a bachelor's degree, but in 90% of cases such a grant will cover either half of the cost of study in the first year, or will provide an annual discount throughout the entire period of study. The largest number of offers are available to those who have a master's degree, were engaged in research during their studies, have achieved certain results and have received the support of a supervisor at their home university, and have connections with research groups abroad.

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​will allow you to participate in more programs. Fluency in English is a mandatory requirement for almost all programs, even those that offer scholarships to study at Russian universities. Knowledge of any other language will distinguish the candidate from competitors and will allow him to choose from a larger list of universities and countries. Typically, studies in master's programs (and even more so in postgraduate programs) in Europe are conducted in English, but knowledge of the language of the country to which the candidate is going to go, at least at the initial level, is an additional point.

In the next round, it is worth checking the quality of the diploma received. For programs that are aimed at leaders, such as Chevening, the Fulbright program, Edmund Muskie, special attention is paid to the quality of the diploma and the experience of the candidate. Program organizers do not care whether the candidates have a diploma with honors (especially since in other countries there is no such thing as a “diploma with honors”), but it is extremely important for them to know whether the candidate always received the highest score or agreed to any grade. In internal university grants there is no strict requirement to have only the highest grades, however, when choosing between two applicants for a scholarship, preference will most likely be given to the one with the higher average score in the diploma.

Also, when considering the application, attention will be paid to work experience and participation in volunteer programs. It is important that volunteer activity is in a field other than professional. Organizers usually give preference to versatile individuals with a wide range of interests and activities. Another of the main requirements of the Chevening program is at least two years of work experience in the chosen specialty. When participating in the British Council scholarship program, you do not need to provide documented proof of work experience. However, the jury at each of the presentations of their program never tires of noting that those who are disingenuous on one point or another are immediately visible. In addition to work, experience in volunteer programs is important.

Oksana Sytnik

PhD student at Universidad de Cádiz, Erasmus Mundus grant holder 2011–2014, Erasmus Mundus Master Grant 2009–2011:

“The idea of ​​studying abroad came to me completely spontaneously. One day I received a letter from my teacher with a proposal: “There is such a program, it’s called Erasmus Mundus. Would you like to try? I tried. And she completed the Erasmus Mundus Master in WCM Water and Coastal Management, the first semester in Plymouth (UK), the second and third in Cadiz (Spain) and the Algarve (Portugal).

My choice of this specialty is not accidental. I come from the seaside city of Novorossiysk, graduated from the oceanology department of the Russian State Humanitarian University in St. Petersburg with a degree in Integrated Coastal Zone Management. Thus, as an Erasmus Mundus PhD student, I continued my chosen direction related to marine sciences, environmental protection and coastal management.

During my studies in the master's program, I had numerous fieldwork with access to the open sea and trips to the mountains, laboratory research on biological diversity, computer modeling of coastal and riverbed processes, participation in thematic seminars and conferences. However, the most memorable thing was the scientific diving course organized during my second semester at the University of Cadiz. Those who had no experience of underwater diving had an extraordinary opportunity not only to open a license for subsequent diving, but also to see with their own eyes the universe of the sea, and much more: to understand how this universe functions, what wonders it hides within itself.”

Step 2: Define Claims

Having decided on the initial data, you can begin to search for programs and try on a candidate for each of them, analyzing whether it fits the criteria that the organizers impose on candidates and the level of aspirations and interests of the candidate himself. First you need to decide at what level to continue your education. It is logical to apply for a master’s degree with a bachelor’s or specialist’s diploma, choosing a program of a narrower specialization or choosing a related discipline: in this case, the candidate’s experience in this specialty and the ability to justify his decision to change his field of activity and certain achievements will play in his favor. Achievements should be rather formal - those that can be documented: victories in competitions, publications in scientific journals.

Master's students may apply to continue their studies in graduate school (or a PhD program) or another master's program. To enroll in a PhD, you must have experience in research and certain achievements that will speak for themselves, and for master's studies - a serious reason for changing your specialty. Candidates of Science or PhD degree holders can afford to apply for participation in a research program - postgraduate.

Having decided at what level to continue studying, it is worth thinking about the country. You should start from knowledge of foreign languages, from experience of interaction with the country and from the programs that these countries offer to candidates who are not EU citizens. Many grant programs are available to Russian citizens in the USA, Germany, France, China, and Japan.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that some programs organized by foundations have one of the requirements that the scholarship recipient must return to their home country after graduation. When choosing a program, you should understand that some of them will not allow you to immigrate to another country.

Natalya Ravdina

head of educational projects of the British Council:

“One of the important requirements of the Chevening scholarship program is the condition of returning to your home country after completing your studies. This condition is due to the interest of countries providing scholarships in developing cooperation with strong partners. Studying abroad opens up incredible opportunities for creating connections in the professional community, laying the foundation for joint business and cultural exchanges. Bringing fellows back to their home country certainly makes it easier for these partnerships to develop and help them flourish.

There are different grants that have different obligations for the people who receive them. The Chevening Scholarship, administered by the British Council, assumes that the successful candidate, having completed a course of study in the UK, will return to Russia, where he will apply the acquired knowledge and skills. Therefore, for those wishing to emigrate, this is probably not the most suitable way.”

Step 3: Search for programs

You need to look for programs in four places: on the websites of foundations or organizations that administer scholarship programs, on the websites of specific foreign universities, on the website of the Global Education program. It is also worth following the information that passes through your home university.

Almost all universities have a Scholarships section, which presents opportunities to cover costs associated with studying. Thus, there is a Student financial services section at Harvard Law School, a Scholarships page on the University of Melbourne website, and a limited number of scholarships are provided by the Technical University of Denmark. Typically, all universities have different requirements: some cover tuition costs only partially, some fully, and some even include a small monthly stipend for personal expenses. It is on university websites that you are more likely to find scholarships for studying at the undergraduate level. It is also usually on the websites of educational institutions that positions are presented for studying in PhD programs or recruiting a research group to work on a specific, most often very highly specialized, problem.

In addition to foreign universities, Russian universities also provide scholarships. Every year, the Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences holds a competition together with the Vladimir Potanin Foundation for training in cultural management under a double degree program: a Russian advanced diploma and a British master's degree from the University of Manchester. Many Russian universities are partners with foreign universities and organize joint programs for their students. The Higher School of Economics cooperates with several foreign universities, and MGIMO partners with the Technological University of Monterrey, Free University of Berlin, Humboldt University, Potsdam University and others.

Natalia Garanina

student of Tomsk Polytechnic University, Erasmus Mundus scholarship holder:

“It all started with working on my diploma. The fact is that I received three educations at the same time: the main day education - in the specialty "Applied Mathematics and Computer Science", the evening one - "International Management" and, on the basis of the evening one, an additional one - "Translator in the field of professional communications." When choosing a topic for my thesis, I didn’t experience any particular problems, since I wanted to write something that combined mathematics and marketing. As a result, I took up the topic “Mathematical methods for assessing the effectiveness of advertising.”

However, there was either no literature on this topic at all, or it was in English (thank God, this did not cause me any special problems). And it was then that I realized that this topic is more relevant abroad. I decided that I should write my master’s thesis outside of my homeland. Then I found a very interesting specialty at a university in Paris - Quantiave Methods in Economics. I started looking for ways to get there. I found out that the specialty is supported by Erasmus Mundus, as well as the consortium. The consortium has offered a limited number of scholarships that will be distributed to each of the universities. They are available to all students (EU and non-EU). Each scholarship is worth half the cost of tuition. I decided to enlist support (mainly financial) from both sides and began preparing a package of documents.

The main attention had to be paid to writing a motivation letter: why do you need a scholarship, program, specialty? I wrote everything as it is. The commission rated my application as type A, which means accepted with a scholarship. However, it later became clear that QEM was not funded by Erasmus in this particular year. And training, even despite the tough competition, costs 4,000 euros. And this does not include housing and transportation costs. In the end, the commission wrote to me that it gives 2000 from the consortium, that is, it pays only half the cost of training. I didn’t want to take money from my parents, and I myself wasn’t working at that time; I barely had enough time for education. The foundation’s employees wrote me letters for a long time, right up to the start of classes, with links to other scholarships that I could try my luck to win.”

Step 4: collecting and preparing documents

Submitting documents is the most important step in the entire procedure for obtaining a grant. Experts get acquainted with candidates, having in hand only a standard package of documents, to which, in rare cases, you can attach a photograph. Before you start collecting documents, it is worth studying the list of what is required for each specific program. Usually these are copies of documents on higher education and their certified translation, certificates confirming knowledge of foreign languages, CV and motivation letter. Sometimes organizers ask to attach documents about general secondary education, a translation of a dissertation, a list of publications in scientific journals, a GMAT certificate, and possibly something else.

Fellows, that for scholarships such as DAAD, it is not only important to comply with all paperwork requirements, but also arrange the documents in the exact order in which they are listed on the program website. Sometimes an interview for a scholarship is simply not provided, and the organizers select scholarship recipients based only on the documents submitted by the candidates.

Irina Dobrynina

Fellow of the research internship program for young scientists of the German Academic Exchange Service:

“I received a scholarship from DAAD under the Research Fellowships for Young Scientists program of the German Academic Exchange Service.” I chose the program in accordance with my language knowledge: I only know German, and my English is at a conversational level. My area of ​​scientific interests: ecology, climate, climate change, urban climate, urban ecology. In Germany, I worked on assessing the microclimatic conditions of Kassel and Voronezh. The scholarship was enough for everything and even more - after all, it was 1000 euros per month.

I didn't have an interview. I sent all the documents in paper form to the Moscow representative office, where the experts make a decision. The competition takes place in two stages: first in Moscow and then in Bonn. I have documents - this is the only and important stage. You just need to comply with all the requirements stated on the site. If you are asked to submit your CV first and then a copy of your certificate, then that’s what you should do. Applications not completed in accordance with the requirements are simply discarded.

The biggest question for most scholarship applicants is how to find a professor in a foreign country who will extend an invitation to work together. I had a professor from the very beginning - I met him through participation in international seminars. He came to our university, and that’s how we met. He started working with my teacher, I got involved. But as they tell me, finding a professor is not difficult. You just need to think about it in advance - about four months in advance.

The DAAD website has a special search engine that works well. You can also view the circulars of various international conferences. Just by reading a book, for example, you can find out that such and such a professor works in such and such a direction and write to him.

Many professors are happy to work with talented young people from third world countries and Russia. As a result of such cooperation, consortia can be born, and consortia receive funding. A European scientist lives on grants, and most grants are geared towards international cooperation. After the internship, I, my supervisor in Russia, my supervisor in Germany, and several colleagues from Holland planned to create a scientific network.”

Step 5: Interview

The final stage in the pursuit of a scholarship is an interview. The interview or interview is most often conducted by large foundations that distribute grants. During the interview, it is important to demonstrate your interest in studying in general and the fellowship in particular, as well as convincingly talk about your previous experience, without contradicting your own application. The selection committee devotes the lion's share of its attention to how candidates can present themselves and how they talk about themselves. The veracity of what is written in the documents and the overall adequacy of the applicant are also checked.

Typically, 5% of candidates are invited for an interview when it comes to large grant programs. Typically the British Council receives around 600–800 applications for the Chevening Scholarship. The number of candidates invited for interviews depends on the number of scholarships available.

Alexander Parolov

Cass Business School student, British Chevening Award 2011/12:

“I first entered a British university, and then I found out about the Chevening scholarship and applied. My parents were ready to give me the opportunity to study further because they believed that it would change my life. However, this does not change the general meaning, because agreements with the university can be reached without paying any fees - this will mean a conditional invitation.

The vast majority, if not all, of the 2011 Chevening Scholars were not yet enrolled at university when the scholarship was awarded. An agreement already reached with the university is not a requirement, it can only serve as a small advantage and proof of activity, but nothing more. Therefore, as a general recommendation, I can say that it is better to start correspondence with universities in advance, so that by the time you submit documents for the chosen scholarship, you already have some history of correspondence with the university (possibly even an invitation), which does not require you to pay for tuition and at the same time will definitely highlight you from the general mass. Being a Fellow can speed up and simplify the process of obtaining final approval from universities - this fellowship is highly respected in the UK.

The Chevening scholarship attracted me because it essentially remained the only option for a Russian student wishing to study for a master's degree in the UK - by that time I had already identified my preferred university and received a conditional invitation. I learned about the scholarship from a friend, and then saw the information on the website of this business school. After going to the British Council website, I learned that the scholarship not only covers a very large part of the costs of studying and living in the UK for young and ambitious leaders of their countries, but also makes serious demands on academic achievement, motivation and professional experience. Also, the scholarship holder must return to his home country after graduation to apply the acquired knowledge in practice and change some aspect of life for the better. The results of the research were clear: this scholarship is one of the most prestigious and difficult to obtain. I saw that I met the basic criteria and, despite my doubts, submitted the documents. Two months later, I already had an interview at the British Consulate in St. Petersburg, and three months later I was on a train that had been paid for for me to Moscow to sign an agreement on awarding a scholarship.

I can say without a shadow of a doubt that document preparation is the most important step in the entire process of obtaining a grant or scholarship. The fact is that the jury will be able to see your personal charm, competent and rich speech, intelligent behavior and neat appearance only if you go through the first stage of selection - a competition of documents. And here, as in any paper work (although now everything is usually in electronic form), the most important thing is accuracy, literacy, brevity and clarity of thought. Regardless of the scholarship you choose, and whether you fill out paperwork or electronically, there should be no conflicts in the application form and/or motivation letter (for example: full-time study and full-time work in the same year) and grammatical errors, but there must be your achievements in all their glory, logical personal development with the correct chronology, a strong desire to receive a scholarship and an understanding of why you need it and why those who award this scholarship need it.

The latter is especially important for a motivation letter, the importance of which in the overall package of documents can hardly be overestimated. Its writing should be approached as the most important stage of the entire selection, because it can be the ticket to the ship if the other parameters fall a little short. The motivation letter should be clear, not too long, easy to read, honest and smart - this is the point where you need to show that you have clearly defined your goals and understand how the scholarship will help you achieve them. Judging by what I heard, most candidates are eliminated precisely because they cannot formulate in writing or orally why they need all this and what they will do with all this later. Simple and difficult at the same time.

When the first stage - the competition of documents - is completed, you can relax and be a little proud of yourself, but then you will have to get yourself together again, because the interview is also very important. All I can say is that in the case of my scholarship, 50 out of 650 candidates who applied were invited to an interview, but only 13 of them received the scholarship.

I can try to list what, in my opinion, you should not do before, during and after the interview: you should not go to bed late, have a heavy breakfast in the morning, come back to back, behave arrogantly with an awareness of your own uniqueness, refer to mutual acquaintances and connections, flatter and compliment the jury, smile too much or laugh constantly, put your feet on the table and ask about the jury's impressions immediately after the end of the interview.

First, read your application and letter again. If they call you to talk, it means they liked you, but what places in the profile may raise questions and clarifications? Identify them and prepare the correct answers. Think about what the purpose of your program is, to whom they give a scholarship or grant, for what? This will help you prepare for the conversation. I personally wrote down all possible questions on a piece of paper and looked at them in the morning before leaving the house. The second piece of advice is to wake yourself up in a good mood, because you have already achieved a lot and will soon gain experiences that others can only dream of. Therefore, smile, enjoy the process and radiate unobtrusive positivity - this is the key to success, I am firmly convinced of this. Don't worry about the circumstances of the interview itself: the environment is always inviting and very friendly, these people are here to learn about your dreams and aspirations, they work there because they like to help people. It is much more important to practice answering questions and walk to the interview site, weather permitting, of course. And lastly, the night before, don’t be too lazy to imagine your tomorrow’s triumph in rainbow colors. Let’s not underestimate the importance of visualization.”

Icons: 1) Chananan, 2) Isabel Martínez Isabel, 3) Marcos Folio, 4) Ferran Brown, 5) Rflor - from the Noun Project.

Every year, many of our compatriots receive education abroad. Even more applicants dream of studying in good foreign universities, but they are afraid of the high price of education for foreigners. But we will prove that studying abroad for Russians can be free if several important nuances are observed, which we will also discuss in this article.

First of all, it is worth clarifying that by free education abroad we mean the educational process, that is, a foreigner does not pay only for studying at a university. But food, accommodation, educational materials, library services and other expenses are not included in the funding program. Therefore, before going to study abroad, you need to have some financial cushion for the entire period of study.

7 ways to study abroad for free

The main condition for studying abroad for Russians and other foreigners is knowledge of international English or the language of the state where they plan to study. If the level of language proficiency is insufficient to receive free, accessible education abroad, then it is worth taking advantage of special courses to prepare foreigners for admission to foreign educational institutions.

So, there are several ways a Russian can get foreign education for free. However, all these methods are in one way or another based on financial assistance from the state, private enterprise, educational institution, philanthropist, public organization, etc.

Here are 7 ways to get free education abroad:

  1. Grants for free study abroad 2018 or so-called social assistance to students from the state for the implementation of a professional project, educational expenses, courses, advanced training, training in summer or language schools, etc. The grant is issued in the form of an incentive for distinguished students , one time, but it is possible to get it again.
  2. Scholarship from a university or state. An outstanding student may be awarded a scholarship from a foreign university, which will cover the cost of study in whole or in part. To receive a scholarship, an applicant must write a good motivation letter and attach proof of his services to society. This could be creative, volunteer, scientific, sports activities or other achievements.
  3. Research Fellowship. Such an incentive, as a rule, is issued by an interested party - a private or public enterprise, a public foundation that needs a specialist in a specific field. The research scholarship is intended for those who have graduated from a university and intend to enroll in a master's program to carry out further research activities.
  4. Doctoral studies. Another type of education that can be paid for by an interested party is an institution or the state. Unlike a master's degree, a student, in addition to studying, will work as an assistant to a professor: teach introductory courses in the specialty, participate in research projects, etc. This is a good chance to gain tremendous experience.
  5. Global Education Program. The customer of this program is the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The state pays for education in another country, but the student, after completing his studies, is obliged to return to Russia and work for three years at the enterprise that is assigned to him. Under this program, you can enroll in master's, graduate or doctoral studies abroad, and upon completion, get a job in the Russian Federation.
  6. American exchange program Global UGRAD. This program allows higher education institutions from Europe and Central Asia to exchange full-time students who wish to study in the United States. Selection for participation in the Global UGRAD program is carried out on a competitive basis.
  7. Au-Pair exchange program. This program allows Russian students to study as an exchange student not only in the USA, but in European countries for a period of 4 months to 1 year. Thanks to Au-Pairs, students have the opportunity to learn the language, get acquainted with the culture and work abroad for free. This program allows you to live with a foreign family and attend language courses, in return helping the “foster” family look after the children or run the household.

As you can see, there are many ways to study for free in another country, but before you start preparing for such a process, you need to think through everything carefully: how much you will have to spend on food, accommodation, transportation, what documents will be required, what level of language proficiency should be for admission to university.

Where can you go to learn Russian for free? — 10 countries

It’s worth noting right away that you can study abroad for free only at state universities, since only such universities provide free education for foreigners. In private educational institutions, tuition is paid. Unless there is a special agreement between a private Russian and foreign university for the free exchange of students, but this rarely happens.

Let's list which countries Russians can go to to study for free, and what requirements they put forward for admission:

  1. USA. Students who intend to enroll in American universities should know that it is impossible to do this without entrance exams. Mandatory testing for all applicants is the SAT exam to test knowledge of the school curriculum in grammar and mathematics. In addition, you must pass an English language proficiency test. At the same time, you can enroll in a “bachelor’s” program after graduating from school in Russia, and not after graduating from a Russian university.
  2. Canada. It is easy to enroll in Canadian universities immediately after finishing 11th grade, if, of course, the applicant studied well in his homeland. There are no entrance exams required for admission. If you have a certificate confirming your proficiency in English or French, then you do not need to take a language proficiency test either. When entering universities in Canada, they evaluate the certificate, giving preference to those applicants with high grades.
  3. Australia. If a Russian is fluent in English and has completed the first year of a Russian university, then he can go to study at an Australian university for free. The main thing is to confirm your knowledge of the language with a certificate or passing a language test. If the applicant has only graduated from school, then he will first have to undergo training at a zero preparatory course, after which he will receive a “bachelor’s” degree in 3 years. But during your studies in Australia you can get two specialties at once.
  4. Denmark. A country with a very high level of education, in which various exchange study programs are widespread. To enroll in free education in Denmark, you need a special agreement between universities, knowledge of the English language confirmed by a certificate, a certificate of secondary education, as well as a bank statement confirming your ability to pay for living in this country.
  5. Austria. Teaching is conducted in two languages ​​- English or German. You can enter Austrian universities without entrance tests, but you will still have to pass an exam on knowledge of one of the specified languages. If your language level is not sufficient to study at universities in Austria, then you can take a preparatory course in one academic year to improve your knowledge, get acquainted with the culture and easily enter university in a year.
  6. Germany. Training also takes place in German or English at the student’s choice, and entrance exams are also not required. However, foreigners without higher education in their home country are not accepted into German universities. Foreigners must complete at least two university courses in their home country in order to enroll in the first year in Germany or complete one course at home in order to enroll in a preparatory course at a German university.
  7. Belgium. Another European country that allows Russians to receive foreign education. Teaching is conducted in English or French. There is no entrance test for knowledge of the school curriculum, but a language exam is required. The main advantage is that if you have good grades in your certificate, you can enroll immediately after graduating from school.
  8. Italy. Universities in this European country are open to foreign applicants who speak English or Italian. Admission is possible without exams and a language certificate, depending on the availability of higher education and specialty. But, as in Germany, you cannot enter Italian universities without completing at least 1-2 courses at a Russian higher education institution.
  9. France. Educational institutions can accept Russian applicants without exams immediately after they graduate from school. For admission, you only need a certificate with good grades, as well as a language certificate or a test in French or English.
  10. Finland. In this country, students can enter a higher education institution only after passing exams and language testing. Due to the fact that education is conducted either in English or Finnish, students who decide to enroll in a university in this country must demonstrate knowledge of the language. They are admitted to college without exams.

It is worth noting that educational institutions in Greece, the Czech Republic, Spain, China and other countries offer Russian students the opportunity to receive free education. But teaching in universities in this case is conducted in the language of the country in which it is located, i.e. Chinese, Czech, Spanish, and so on, and not in English. You can enter universities without passing exams immediately after graduating from school or after completing the first year of a Russian institute.

Elite education abroad

Studying abroad is now of interest to everyone who wants to receive an elite, prestigious education. What is elite education? As a rule, this is education at the highest level, which includes highly qualified teachers, high technological equipment and other criteria. Today we are discussing universities in Britain and the USA.

If you are interested in studying abroad, and would also like to master the English language perfectly, then prestigious universities and universities in the UK and USA are waiting for you! Let's consider the most prestigious foreign higher education institutions.

Welcome to Oxford!

If you are interested in UK universities, then we will talk about them now. Oxford University is one of the visiting cards of England. Oxford is one of the oldest institutions of higher education in Europe. This is one of the best universities in England, which has given the world about 50 Nobel laureates.

The history of this educational institution is amazing. It was originally a monastery, the first mention of which dates back to 912. In 1117, it was decided to found the first Oxford University in England, so that clergy could receive a more complete education. And only under King Henry II did Oxford become a real university town, where not only clergy, but also everyone could study.

In subsequent centuries, the kings of England poured resources into the development of the Oxford Abbey. Modern Oxford is not only an elite education, but also a whole complex of historical and cultural attractions.

In addition to the university itself, it includes Christ Church Colleges, the chapel of Oxford Cathedral, Magdalene College, a monument to the poet Shelley, the Bodleian Library, which contains 6 million books, the Ashmolean Museum, where you can see works by Leonardo Da Vinci, Raphael, Rembrandt and other geniuses of painting. A botanical garden, an indoor market, several other museums, world-famous pubs - all this can be seen in the famous Oxford.

The Bodleian Library is worth a separate discussion. This book depository challenges the Vatican Library for the title of oldest in Europe. The founder of the Bodleian Library was Bishop Thomas de Cobham, who created a small collection of books and initially had to chain them to the wall to prevent the books from being stolen. Several centuries later, this book depository was taken under the wing of Sir Thomas Bodley, who turned it into a real library, for these purposes acquiring books from different countries, including Turkey and China.

As you can guess, this is not just a university, but an entire cultural town. It provides a wonderful opportunity to develop culturally and receive an excellent elite education.
Prestigious universities in the USA and England

If you are interested in Cambridge...

We continue to discuss universities in England, and our conversation about where you can get an elite education and what studying abroad is, and present to you another prestigious university in England. As you may have guessed, of course, this is Cambridge.

Cambridge, like Oxford, is one of the oldest university centers in Europe. There are 87 Nobel laureates associated with this university. In 1214, the basic university rules were drawn up in Cambridge. According to these rules, a rector and a program with final exams were appointed. Here they began to teach science, mathematics, philosophy, and logic. Oxford and Cambridge have a long history of rivalry with each other.

Cambridge includes 31 colleges, a university library, an observatory, and a laboratory. Educational and scientific activities are organized in several faculties, in different areas: oriental studies, English language, musicology, law, pedagogy, economics, etc.

The Cambridge Universal Library includes not only books, but also sheet music, manuscripts, drawings, and geographical maps. Every year its funds are replenished with copies of books and other materials. The library is open to both teachers and students.

If you are interested in an elite education at Cambridge, there are grants for international students that partially cover the cost of studying in England. So go for it!

You chose Harvard...

We move on to prestigious US universities. If you are interested in the Harvard educational institution in the USA, then this is also an excellent opportunity to receive an elite education. Harvard is not as ancient a university as the prestigious institutions of higher education in England, but the history of the United States itself is relatively new.

Harvard University was founded in 1636. It was originally a college and educated clergy. After the American Civil War, Harvard was transformed into a university. 8 US presidents graduated from this university, and 75 Nobel laureates were associated with it as its students or teachers.

Harvard University in the USA includes 10 faculties: the Faculty of Medicine, Theology, Dentistry, Business, Design, etc., as well as the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study.

It is worth noting that the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study provides scholarships on a competitive basis as part of its program in various fields of study. This program is designed for scientists working in various fields, as well as for people in creative professions, such as video graphic artists, film artists, sound and video designers, etc.

All these universities are prestigious world universities. And these are not just universities, but real cultural centers of the USA and England, where world-famous professors teach. Residents of England and the USA are very proud of their oldest educational institutions, which allow them to receive an elite education.

Studying abroad is a reality these days; The only question is the price of training. In any case, if you are interested in these prestigious universities and want to get an elite education, then go for it, you will succeed!

What is needed for admission to foreign universities?

Each foreign university has its own requirements for foreign applicants, but almost all of them are identical. Students from Russia can enroll in foreign universities by fulfilling the following requirements:

  1. You must provide a certificate confirming your graduation from school. This requirement is very important, since when accepting documents, the first thing that will be considered is the school leaving certificate.
  2. Documents containing exam results. You must provide Unified State Examination or State Examination certificates. The scores on these documents can significantly influence the decision the committee makes.
  3. In order to obtain a second higher education or apply for a master's or doctorate degree, you need a diploma from a Russian university.
  4. Knowledge of English. Since many universities teach in English, you need to know it. Basic knowledge of style, grammar, reading and spelling are all required to pass the test. For almost every university, one of the main points for admission is passing the TOEFL test, which is taken on a computer.
  5. Age also plays a big role in admissions. You must be at least 18 years of age.
  6. Passing entrance exams. Most often, universities admit students without exams, but in some American countries they may require passing the standard SAT exam. Also, instead of exams, an interview may be conducted by telephone or Skype.
  7. Those who want to enroll in a master's program must also be prepared to take a standardized exam.
  8. It is necessary to complete 1-2 courses at a Russian university. Many foreign universities may not accept you for the 1st year due to the fact that their school education system has 12 classes. In Russia it is different and therefore foreigners need to complete several courses at their native university to enter.

List of documents required for admission to universities abroad for free education:

  1. Certificate confirming receipt of secondary education.
  2. Diploma indicating receipt of higher education.
  3. Resume or autobiography in CV form.
  4. A copy of the diploma supplement or an extract from the transcript if the certificate of completion has not yet been received.
  5. Language certificate.
  6. Certificate of passing an exam or test.
  7. A questionnaire filled out in accordance with the requirements of the university. Some universities post it electronically on their website. It must be printed and submitted already completed in printed form.
  8. Recommendations from curators, teachers and the dean of the university. Their number is from 3 to 5.
  9. Motivation letter. Here you need to tell us what prompted you to enter this particular university and why you like their study program. It would be a good idea to talk about your achievements and hobbies; this will allow you to fully reveal your personality and will win over the members of the commission.

Each document is of great importance. If you do not provide any commission, you may not be admitted to the university.

Useful experience: how a Ukrainian entered 10 US universities

A real sensation in 2017 was Georgiy Solodko, a student at the Kyiv Financial and Legal Lyceum, who was able to enroll in 10 US universities at once. According to the student himself, he submitted documents to the 20 best American universities, but received a positive response from only half of them. Stanford and Harvard, among others, sent their proposals to George, but Solodko settled on the latter, where he is now studying with Obama’s daughter.

The Ukrainian student managed to receive a grant from Harvard University in the amount of 300 thousand dollars, which fully covers expenses not only for the entire period of study, but also for housing, food, transportation, etc. But air tickets for flights home, participation in various scientific conferences and Georgy pays for the educational materials himself.

At the moment, Solodko is the only Ukrainian at Harvard, but he assures that any Russian, Ukrainian or Armenian graduate can become a stent at this prestigious university. To do this, you need to study well in your homeland, know English, participate in the life of society, be persistent, friendly and have an active life position.

In addition, when applying to a foreign university, you need to provide academic recommendations from teachers, in which they describe the successes of their student, his hobbies, talk about his life position, academic performance and leadership qualities. Moreover, just a dry theory is not enough: it is necessary to reveal the personality of your ward using specific examples.

In addition to recommendations from teachers, you need to pass the SAT - the main exam for knowledge of English, mathematics and other school subjects, as well as TOEFL. The higher the scores obtained for these tests, and the higher the score on the certificate, the greater the chances of admission to an American university. Passing each exam costs the applicant approximately $100. You also need to pay about $20 to send your results to universities.

If the university management has any doubts about the applicant, he will be scheduled for an additional interview - an interview via Skype. During this conversation, you should follow the dress code: appear in decent clothes - trousers and a shirt or jacket. You shouldn't go through an interview in an old T-shirt and shorts while drinking tea.

According to Georgy Solodko, the entire process of preparing for admission to foreign universities took about a year. It took approximately three months to prepare for the tests. The path, of course, is long, but free study at a prestigious university is worth it!

Marina Mogilko also entered 5 US universities, two of which provided her with full funding for a master's degree and MBA. Today Marina provides information on how to prepare and complete documents for study programs at state universities and internships abroad.

Glad to see you, dear blog readers! Many of our schoolchildren, graduating and choosing a future specialty after 11th grade, dream of studying abroad. And of course, dreams are discouraged by the high cost of education, as most future students think, but you can also enroll on a competitive basis. And so, studying abroad and the conditions necessary in order to enroll.

Language courses abroad for youth and adults - find out more

Basic conditions for studying abroad

First of all, you need to decide on the country, taking into account how much it will cost you to live abroad. Since living abroad is expensive, of course, everything depends on the country, so make a clear choice. Read the information, watch the video, calculate the pros and cons for yourself.

Next, search for educational institutions that offer public programs. There are many regions in Europe; in some universities it is possible to get an education for free. For example: Germany, Italy, France, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Czech Republic.

In several countries, foreign youth do not seek higher education. It follows from this that the competition will not be too tough. Let's take East Germany as an example, young people do not consider higher education prestigious and therefore Universities lure Russian students with preferential conditions. But not everything is as smooth as it might seem. There are certain conditions.

The most important condition, regardless of the country, is to know this at the highest level. So how should be prepared to take the exam. Very high scores required. And there is a lot of competition. So you have to work hard and prepare properly.

In addition, if you are planning to enroll in a master's program, then you must have a higher education obtained in Russia.

Another important condition, although it does not apply to all universities. In general, the training will be free, but you may not be accepted without confirmation that your bank account receives between $600 - $1000 or euros monthly. This is necessary to prove to the university your ability to pay for housing, books, food in general, living in a given country. If this is not possible, then you will need a guarantor, for example some relative or acquaintance.

You will also have to spend a little money; in most cases, upon admission from a student, the university takes one fee of $500 - $1500, or euros. The fee pays for the received literature, transport passes and other needs.

And if you manage to enroll and are an excellent student, you will be able to receive the highest foreign scholarship; abroad it is usually called “scholarship”. And this is already a huge plus, since you can cover the same expenses spent on housing, food, etc. And in some universities it is too high that it can even cover paid tuition.

How to enter a foreign institute after 11th grade