Silver wormwood when to collect and how to use. Wormwood - description, collection and preparation, medicinal properties

At a time when there were no doctors or modern medicines, everyone went to herbalists for treatment. They were the ones who knew exactly which herbs helped with what.

Mother Nature has long invented cures for most diseases; you just need to look at your feet. Here Sagebrush, which even our ancestors considered the queen of the steppes, has incredible healing properties.

Names of Wormwood

The Latin name, Artemisia, means healthy. In general, each nation has its own name for this herb: emshan, Chernobyl grass, wormwood grass, widow’s grass, etc.

Everyone has caught their eye at least once in their life Sagebrush. It grows in countries with arid and temperate climates. It has a lot of useful and medicinal properties. Even shamans and sorcerers use Wormwood in their rituals and potions.

Where does Wormwood grow?

Sagebrush It is not whimsical, having a long main root, it can grow even in arid areas. Widely distributed in Russia. Often found in North and South America, Africa, and Eastern countries.

Sagebrush so diverse that 170 of its species grow in Russia alone. In areas with more favorable conditions, the height of wormwood can be up to two meters in height.

Sagebrush a perennial plant that looks like a small shrub. From the very root, four or five thick branches grow upward, and 7-8 thin ones. The lushness of the Wormwood bush depends on the soil.

Wormwood leaves of various shapes, at the bottom of the stem they are single and large, and at the top the stem is divided into many branches along which small leaves are distributed. If you look at Wormwood from afar, it seems fluffy.

Wormwood color It depends on the species; the stems of wormwood are dark gray in color, and the leaves are silvery. Other species have light green stems, and the leaves may be almost white on the inside and silver-green on the outside.

Flowers at Wormwood yellow, and look like balls collected in small baskets.

When does Wormwood bloom?

The flowering time for Wormwood begins in July until August; it is a very beautiful sight. When yellow ball-shaped flowers begin to appear among the silvery-green leaves. And Wormwood seeds fully ripen by mid-September.

When to collect and prepare Wormwood

Collecting Wormwood just at the time of flowering, then its beneficial properties are at their peak. If you need grass seeds, they begin to ripen in late August early September. Ripe seeds are gray in appearance, oblong and without tufts.

Dry Wormwood Needed in a dark place without strong wind. It can be tied in small bunches and hung in the attic. And spread it out, in a thin layer under a covered building, and turn it over from time to time.

Direct sunlight can dry out the grass and it will lose its healing properties.

Healing properties of Wormwood

There are so many beneficial microelements in this herb, here are some of them:

  • Absinthine;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Pinen;
  • Provitamins of group A;
  • Alkaloids;
  • Phytoncides;
  • Malic and succinic acid;
  • Carotene;
  • Tannins and much more.

Drinking decoctions of Wormwood, thanks to its galenic substances, improves the reflex system, helps improve the outflow of bile, improving digestion.

Wormwood essential oil restores the functioning of the central nervous system. Of course Wormwood tastes bitter, no matter what you can do for your health, you can tolerate the bitterness.

Uses of Wormwood

To cleanse your body with Wormwood decoctions, especially women, you should try this recipe:

One tablespoon of Wormwood per glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes and drink morning and evening, for three days, once a month or two.

Crushed Wormwood herb is good for relieving swelling, for example in case of dislocation. Once you apply it to the damaged area, the pain will immediately subside and the swelling will gradually resolve.

Wormwood decoctions are a great remedy for asthma or rheumatism.

If Wormwood is used in combination with other medicines or herbs, then even diseases such as tuberculosis, hypertension, fever, various edema, and hemorrhoids are treated.

Prepared ointments based on Wormwood relieve burns, fistulas and various skin ulcers.

There are many folk recipes, it all depends on your illness.

Wormwood - contraindications

The main prohibitions on the use of Wormwood for:

  • Pregnant women and during feeding;
  • Serious gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Various allergic reactions and intolerance to the components of wormwood;
  • Suffering from anemia;
  • For poor blood clotting and similar diseases.

You should be careful and not exceed the course of treatment of 14 days, because Wormwood is also poisonous. Do not exceed the dose, and take mandatory breaks between courses of at least two weeks.

Wormwood - interesting facts

If you are bothered by ants in the house, then collect broom from Wormwood, and sweep the house, and then lay twigs along the walls and foundation. This way you will get rid of unwanted neighbors.

It is considered if hang a bunch of Wormwood in the house, it will scare away all evil spirits. Wormwood is generally famous for its properties among shamans. Thanks to the essential oils of the plant, shamans and sorcerers found it easier to concentrate and penetrate the world of spirits.

In addition to treating your body, Wormwood can also be used as a cosmetic product.

I hope the properties of Wormwood that you have learned about will help you in solving your problems. And it doesn’t matter physical or spiritual.

Hello, dear readers! In the article we discuss tincture of wormwood. We talk about the medicinal properties of the plant, provide instructions for use and offer a recipe for preparing the tincture. Using the information received, you can easily recognize wormwood grass, prepare it correctly and be able to treat diseases and improve your health.

Wormwood is a herb from the Asteraceae family. Wormwood is popularly called bitterness, vermouth, absinthe, artemisia, and glisten. This is a perennial plant that grows everywhere; summer residents and gardeners regard it as a weed. Wormwood easily tolerates any climate, so finding it will not be difficult.

What does it look like

What does wormwood look like? The plant reaches a height of 1-2 meters, has branched stems of a purple hue. The leaves of the grass are dark green on top and lighter below. Wormwood flowers are yellow, tubular, collected in baskets with a diameter of up to 3 millimeters. Wormwood has a strong smell, many people cannot stand it.

In addition to wormwood, there are about 400 more species of this plant - common, tarragon (), tsitvarnaya, field and many others, all of them have external differences and differences in chemical composition.

Most types of wormwood have medicinal properties, but wormwood has the most positive effect on the human body.

Below is a close-up photo, a photo of the plant shows what the stems and leaves of wormwood look like, and you can see how this medicinal herb blooms.

When to collect

In order for wormwood tincture to be effective, the plant must be harvested correctly. In medicine, wormwood leaves are used, and the tops of shoots are used. When to collect grass, you ask? Wormwood is harvested during the flowering period - from June to August.

The raw materials are prepared in two steps - first, the basal leaves without petioles are picked, this is done before flowering begins, when the buds of the plant are just swollen.

In the second stage, the tops of the shoots are cut off and collected at the peak of flowering. It is important to adhere to the timing, since after flowering the healing properties of wormwood decrease.

After harvesting, wormwood is laid out on newspaper, old wallpaper or natural fabric in a layer of no more than 5 centimeters, and the raw materials are dried in the shade in a ventilated room. Every day the raw materials are turned over to avoid blackening. You can use a dryer to dry the herbs, but the temperature should not exceed 50 degrees.

Dried wormwood is stored in cardboard boxes or thick bags. Shelf life – up to 2 years. Ready-made raw materials can be bought at the pharmacy.

Medicinal properties

Wormwood contains a huge amount of useful substances, it includes:

  • tannins;
  • vitamins A, C, PP, B6, B9;
  • copper, sulfur, potassium, iron, calcium, molybdenum, zinc, magnesium, nickel;
  • malic, succinic, acetic and isovaleric acids;
  • thujol, phellandrene, thujone (essential oils);
  • chamazulene;
  • tannins, terpenoids, glycosides, amino acids.

What effect does wormwood have on the body:

In folk medicine, tincture of wormwood is used to treat the following diseases:

  • chronic cholecystitis, pancreatitis, enterocolitis, gastric ulcer, gastritis;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • gallbladder diseases;
  • inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system;
  • gynecological pathologies;
  • skin diseases;
  • anemia;
  • obesity;
  • insomnia;
  • joint pain.

Instructions for use

There are several recipes for preparing wormwood tincture, each of them has its own instructions for use. Pharmacies sell a medicine prepared with 70% alcohol; this is a tincture of wormwood, dark green in color, with a strong odor and bitter taste. If you bought this tincture, take it in three doses a day, 15 drops each; you can eat it only after half an hour.

Homemade infusion of wormwood, prepared in boiled water, take 250 ml half an hour before meals, three times a day. Be sure to drink the infusion when cooled to room temperature and strain before use.

Application in gynecology

Wormwood tincture is widely used in gynecology, namely in the treatment of uterine fibroids. Uterine fibroids are a benign tumor that is formed from scar tissue and muscle fibers. Wormwood slows down the growth of neoplasms and reduces their size.

Wormwood tincture is recommended for menstrual irregularities and pain during menstruation. An infusion of wormwood prepared in water relieves pain, improves a woman’s overall well-being, and when taken systematically, normalizes the menstrual cycle.

At a time when there were no doctors or modern medicines, everyone went to herbalists for treatment. They were the ones who knew exactly which herbs helped with what.

Mother Nature has long invented cures for most diseases; you just need to look at your feet. Here Sagebrush, which even our ancestors considered the queen of the steppes, has incredible healing properties.

Names of Wormwood

The Latin name, Artemisia, means healthy. In general, each nation has its own name for this herb: emshan, Chernobyl grass, wormwood grass, widow’s grass, etc.

Everyone has caught their eye at least once in their life Sagebrush. It grows in countries with arid and temperate climates. It has a lot of useful and medicinal properties. Even shamans and sorcerers use Wormwood in their rituals and potions.

Where does Wormwood grow?

Sagebrush It is not whimsical, having a long main root, it can grow even in arid areas. Widely distributed in Russia. Often found in North and South America, Africa, and Eastern countries.

Sagebrush so diverse that 170 of its species grow in Russia alone. In areas with more favorable conditions, the height of wormwood can be up to two meters in height.

Sagebrush a perennial plant that looks like a small shrub. From the very root, four or five thick branches grow upward, and 7-8 thin ones. The lushness of the Wormwood bush depends on the soil.

Wormwood leaves of various shapes, at the bottom of the stem they are single and large, and at the top the stem is divided into many branches along which small leaves are distributed. If you look at Wormwood from afar, it seems fluffy.

Wormwood color It depends on the species; the stems of wormwood are dark gray in color, and the leaves are silvery. Other species have light green stems, and the leaves may be almost white on the inside and silver-green on the outside.

Flowers at Wormwood yellow, and look like balls collected in small baskets.

When does Wormwood bloom?

The flowering time for Wormwood begins in July until August; it is a very beautiful sight. When yellow ball-shaped flowers begin to appear among the silvery-green leaves. And Wormwood seeds fully ripen by mid-September.

When to collect and prepare Wormwood

Collecting Wormwood just at the time of flowering, then its beneficial properties are at their peak. If you need grass seeds, they begin to ripen in late August early September. Ripe seeds are gray in appearance, oblong and without tufts.

Dry Wormwood Needed in a dark place without strong wind. It can be tied in small bunches and hung in the attic. And spread it out, in a thin layer under a covered building, and turn it over from time to time.

Direct sunlight can dry out the grass and it will lose its healing properties.

Healing properties of Wormwood

There are so many beneficial microelements in this herb, here are some of them:

  • Absinthine;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Pinen;
  • Provitamins of group A;
  • Alkaloids;
  • Phytoncides;
  • Malic and succinic acid;
  • Carotene;
  • Tannins and much more.

Drinking decoctions of Wormwood, thanks to its galenic substances, improves the reflex system, helps improve the outflow of bile, improving digestion.

Wormwood essential oil restores the functioning of the central nervous system. Of course Wormwood tastes bitter, no matter what you can do for your health, you can tolerate the bitterness.

Uses of Wormwood

To cleanse your body with Wormwood decoctions, especially women, you should try this recipe:

One tablespoon of Wormwood per glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes and drink morning and evening, for three days, once a month or two.

Crushed Wormwood herb is good for relieving swelling, for example in case of dislocation. Once you apply it to the damaged area, the pain will immediately subside and the swelling will gradually resolve.

Wormwood decoctions are a great remedy for asthma or rheumatism.

If Wormwood is used in combination with other medicines or herbs, then even diseases such as tuberculosis, hypertension, fever, various edema, and hemorrhoids are treated.

Prepared ointments based on Wormwood relieve burns, fistulas and various skin ulcers.

There are many folk recipes, it all depends on your illness.

Wormwood - contraindications

The main prohibitions on the use of Wormwood for:

  • Pregnant women and during feeding;
  • Serious gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Various allergic reactions and intolerance to the components of wormwood;
  • Suffering from anemia;
  • For poor blood clotting and similar diseases.

You should be careful and not exceed the course of treatment of 14 days, because Wormwood is also poisonous. Do not exceed the dose, and take mandatory breaks between courses of at least two weeks.

Wormwood - interesting facts

If you are bothered by ants in the house, then collect broom from Wormwood, and sweep the house, and then lay twigs along the walls and foundation. This way you will get rid of unwanted neighbors.

It is considered if hang a bunch of Wormwood in the house, it will scare away all evil spirits. Wormwood is generally famous for its properties among shamans. Thanks to the essential oils of the plant, shamans and sorcerers found it easier to concentrate and penetrate the world of spirits.

In addition to treating your body, Wormwood can also be used as a cosmetic product.

I hope the properties of Wormwood that you have learned about will help you in solving your problems. And it doesn’t matter physical or spiritual.

Sagebrush belongs to the Asteraceae family. The plant has a short, branched, woody root. It grows up to two meters high. In the first year of life, adventitious buds are formed on the basal neck; the second year is marked by the appearance of shoots, which bloom and bear fruit a year later. The stems of wormwood are erect, multi-branched in the upper part, silvery-grayish, and pubescent. The herb has a strong spicy smell and bitter taste.

The leaves of the plant are on long petioles at the base, with two or three divisions. The middle of the stem is characterized by leaves on short petioles - bipinnate, separate, sessile and pinnately separate. At the top, the leaves are trifoliate, simple, entire, lanceolate. In July-August, basket flowers appear - tubular, yellow, small in size, spherical in shape, collected in dense panicle inflorescences. From August to September, seeds ripen in oblong, wedge-shaped, finely grooved achenes-fruits.

One plant can produce up to 100,000 seeds; this is its main method of reproduction. The wormwood grass is distributed throughout the European part of the Commonwealth countries. It can be seen in the Caucasus and Western Siberia. Kazakhstan and Central Asia are also considered the birthplace of wormwood. It grows in empty, abandoned areas, chooses roadsides and forest edges. Medicinal raw materials are harvested during the flowering period, cutting off only the leafy tops.

Wormwood is a well-known plant that grows everywhere. Many people openly consider it a weed, and if it grows on their plots, they begin to fight it with all their might. They pull it out, pollinate the ground and in every possible way prevent its growth in the future. Although in fact you need to treat it a little differently, since it has a huge number of healing properties. So, for example, if you use wormwood for a bath, you can restore strength, improve tone and lift your mood, no matter how paradoxical it may sound.

Useful properties of wormwood

Wormwood is famous for having a large number of healing properties; it has been very popular since ancient times, and the ancient Slavs sometimes even used it as a medicine.

The following parts of this unsightly-looking herb have special healing powers:

  • stem;
  • leaves;
  • roots.
Wormwood has one of the rarest properties inherent in plants - it can perfectly disinfect the air. A long time ago, when epidemics of plague or cholera were rampant on the planet, bunches of it were set on fire and the houses were fumigated with this smoke, and the plant was also laid on the floor.

Types of wormwood

Wormwood prepared for the bath comes in different types, each of them can have a different effect on the body. It can be:

  • lemon;
  • medicinal;
  • paniculata;
  • bitter.

Lemon wormwood

A plant of this species has an expectorant and analgesic effect, and it also has a positive effect on the blood supply to the heart muscles. For women, it is useful in that it can normalize the menstrual cycle and relieve severe headaches and fever.

Medicinal wormwood

This wormwood can stabilize the digestive system, positively influencing the production of gastric juice and pancreatic enzymes. It also has an excellent choleretic effect.


Paniculata has a diuretic property, and the essential oil prepared from it has a laxative property. This plant is also effective in the treatment of radiculitis, and women can use it to normalize the menstrual cycle and make it less painful.


It contains bitter glycosides, which give it a characteristic taste. This plant is able to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, positively affecting all organs, and also effectively fight pathogens of fungal infections.

When to collect wormwood and how to dry it

The plant should be harvested during its flowering period, since it is at this time that its stems and leaves contain the most essential oil.

Important: the flowering period is July-August.

It is advisable to collect wormwood away from human habitats, if possible avoiding large industrial enterprises, highways, huge garbage dumps, and so on. After collecting it, it is not recommended to wash it, since this will wash out most of the useful minerals and substances from it, and after that it will be quite difficult to dry it.

When harvesting wormwood for a bath, the collection should be carried out in sunny weather, and make sure that there is no dew on the plants (again, for the same reason for difficulties with drying). Plants should be cut so that the maximum stem length is no more than 25 cm, and care should be taken to avoid any rough or thick stems.

You need to dry wormwood in the shade, taking care of the proper level of air ventilation. You need to lay the stems on fabric or paper in a thin layer so that each of them is completely dry. On average, this takes 5-7 days. After this, the dried wormwood will be tough and have a spicy smell.

How to make a broom from wormwood for a bath

Making a wormwood broom for a bathhouse is very simple: to do this, you need to take several stems and tie them together in the place where the leaves begin to grow. You need to tie it stronger, since wormwood quickly begins to get wet from moisture and loses its strength properties. The fact is that wormwood is a grass, and any grass tends to go limp in water.

They should be used not in the same way as ordinary brooms, but hung in different corners of the bathhouse - this will help distribute the released essential oils, as a result of which the body will gradually become saturated with them. After such a steam room you will feel more fresh, rested and full of energy.

Although, if you collect a lot of stems and make an impressive-sized broom, you can traditionally whip yourself.

You also need to take into account that when preparing brooms, you need to dry the wormwood differently than described above. It must be tied in bunches in advance and hung in a dry and shady place with the tops down.

If a person is prone to allergies, then using such a broom is not recommended, since when exposed to hot steam, wormwood will begin to release esters, which are quite strong allergens. Inhaling them can cause dizziness, and in combination with steam this will lead to more severe allergic reactions. If you don’t know exactly what the effect might be, then for the first time you can try this: just take a couple of stems and weave them into a regular broom. In this case, the smell will not be so strong, and you will understand whether this plant is suitable or not.
You also need to take into account that any type of wormwood has a rather specific smell that not everyone will like. If you have previously tried drinks or dishes with wormwood and were not delighted with the aroma, then it is better to refuse to use a wormwood broom in the steam room - the smell will be exactly the same. Perhaps it will even intensify, since the narrow space will contribute to its high concentration.

Important: baths using wormwood brooms are strictly contraindicated for pregnant women and breastfeeding women!

Other uses of wormwood


Steaming is a mixture of well-dried and crushed stems and leaves, which is placed in a small bag made of natural fabric, after which it must be placed in hot water for 15-20 minutes. Then this water simply splashes onto the hot stones in the oven. When evaporated, it immediately begins to release essential oils into the air and contribute to the appearance of a spicy, specific aroma.

When preparing the tea, it makes no difference whether you add only wormwood or make a mixture of several medicinal plants. You can store the herb for 3-4 years, after which its healing effect will dry up.


In this case, it is better to use several herbs - the effect will be better. On average, the proportions are as follows: 70-100 grams of medicinal plants should be added to 3-4 liters of water. Next, put everything on the fire, bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and let it brew for 5-7 minutes. The shelf life in this case is very short - only 1-2 days, so it is advisable to prepare the decoction immediately before going to the bathhouse.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!