Useful properties and contraindications of burdock root, folk recipes for use. What does burdock treat: recipes for treatment with burdock leaves and roots Collecting burdock roots

The medicinal properties and contraindications of burdock are described not only in ancient folk herbalists, but also in modern herbal medicine reference books. In scientific medicine, the plant is prescribed as an antidiabetic, laxative, antiulcer, choleretic, and disinfectant medicine. The study of the chemical composition of burdock is still ongoing. The unique polysaccharide (inulin) in its composition has a beneficial effect on the entire body and improves metabolism.

Features of burdock as a medicinal plant

Burdock is a medicinal plant, although it is a weed. Most often, large and cobwebby burdock is prepared as a pharmaceutical raw material. What are the medicinal properties of this plant? What are the indications and contraindications for its use?

Burdock is felted, or woolly, cobwebby. Small burdock. Burdock.


Burdock, like plantain and chamomile, is an easily recognizable medicinal plant. There are about 20 species of burdock. Of these, three species are most often used in folk and scientific medicine, which are similar in botanical characteristics and biological activity.

  • Felt burdock, or woolly, cobwebby. A biennial herbaceous plant with a fleshy, fusiform, thick, large root. Height: from 60 cm to 2 m (sometimes up to 3 m). The stem is strongly branched, erect, ribbed. The leaves are large at the bottom and become smaller up the stem. The bottom is grey-tomentose, the top is smooth and dark green. The peculiarity of this species is the cobwebby-fluffy stem and glandular-hairy flower baskets.
  • Small burdock. Its morphological difference from other species: the baskets are collected in racemes and are larger in diameter. The height of the stem can be from 50 cm to 1.5 meters. Most common in Europe and Western Asia.
  • Big burdock. Other names for this species are also known: common burdock, or real burdock, burdock, burdock. According to botanical characteristics, it is similar to felt burdock. The average height is 1.5 meters. On moist, fertile soils it can grow up to 3 meters.

There are also many hybrid species that grow along roads. Formed in close growing conditions. In hybrids, it can be difficult to determine the characteristics of one species or another.


The burdock plant's distribution range covers the whole of Eurasia. Its main species can be found not only in Europe, but also in Siberia, Asia, and China. It also grows in North and South America, Australia, and New Zealand as an alien species. In the Central Russian zone it is found everywhere. Loves weedy places. Belongs to ruderal (garbage) species. It takes root well in vacant lots, landfills, gardens, orchards, along roads, fences, and near housing. In the wild it forms tall thickets. It can often be seen in ravines, gullies, forest plantations, as well as along the banks of reservoirs, in willow forests.

Procurement of raw materials

Burdock has been known in folk medicine since ancient times. Ancient herbalists describe recommendations for its preparation.

Healing effect

What are the beneficial properties of burdock root?

  • Blood purifying.
  • Secretory.
  • Antitumor.
  • Antifungal.
  • Diuretic.
  • Sweatshop.
  • Bactericidal.
  • Wound healing.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Disinfectant.
  • Absorbable.

What does burdock root contain? The most valuable substance is the polysaccharide inulin. This carbon removes radionuclides, strengthens the immune system, normalizes liver function, stimulates hair and bone growth, promotes calcium absorption, and has a beneficial effect on lymphoid tissue. This substance is also found in chicory, Jerusalem artichoke, garlic, elecampane, dandelion, and asparagus.

In addition, the following were found in the root: mucus, proteins, essential oil, organic acids, fats, glycosides, trace elements, tannins, phytosterols, substances with antibacterial and antifungal properties. The leaves contain a lot of mucus, tannins, essential oil and vitamin C.

Indications for use

What does burdock root cure? For what diseases is it most often used?

  • Treatment of joints and bones with burdock. It is useful to drink for rheumatism, radiculitis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, gout, rickets. It relieves inflammation in joints, strengthens bones, and soothes pain. Taken orally, used externally in the form of compresses, baths and rubbing.
  • Treatment with burdock of the gastrointestinal tract. The mucus contained in the herb is beneficial for the stomach and intestines. Infusions are drunk for chronic gastritis, stomach ulcers, to stop gastric bleeding, for digestive disorders, constipation, and hemorrhoids. Burdock has choleretic properties; it can be taken for gallstones, inflammation of the pancreas, and gallbladder. The herb also has antihelminthic properties.
  • Treatment of kidney cysts with burdock. The root of the plant contains substances with absorbable properties. Burdock inhibits the growth of benign tumors in the body of various locations and nature. As a diuretic, it is prescribed for kidney stones, edema, and inflammation of the urinary system.
  • Burdock root treatment for respiratory diseases. Decoctions and infusions are taken orally as an antipyretic and diaphoretic for ARVI, flu, colds, respiratory inflammation and cough.
  • Application in gynecology. Recommended for delayed periods to normalize the menstrual cycle. Burdock is also drunk for ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids.
  • Application in endocrinology. The plant improves all metabolic processes in the body. Useful for diabetes (under medical supervision!). The plant improves the functioning of the pancreas and the production of insulin. There are quite a lot of positive reviews about taking burdock root for weight loss. The product cleanses blood, lymph, urine, rejuvenates the entire body, removes toxins and waste.
  • Burdock root for oncology. Most often used for gynecological oncological diagnoses, stomach and esophageal cancer. Burdock is effective against cancer in the initial stages. It is also recommended to drink it to prevent malignant tumors, especially in old age.
  • External use. Decoctions, ointments, tinctures, juice are used to treat wounds, burns, boils, trophic ulcers, acne, eczema, lichen, dermatitis, erysipelas, bruises, hemorrhages. Burdock also helps with mastopathy and neuralgia. It is used to treat the throat and oral cavity for inflammation.
  • Detoxifying agent. It is useful to drink for various poisonings - food, alcohol, chemicals, heavy metals and poisons. There are positive reviews of burdock root as an antidote for bites from poisonous animals and insects.

There are few contraindications for burdock root. In rare cases, individual intolerance and an allergic reaction to the grass may occur. It can be used with caution and only after consulting a doctor during pregnancy, lactation and childhood. Also, in case of exacerbation of all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system, medical consultation is required before taking it.

The use of burdock in folk medicine

What are the uses of burdock root at home? Decoctions, ointments, oil extracts, and alcohol tinctures are prepared from it. Fresh leaves and juice of burdock are also widely used. The plant is often used in cosmetology and even eaten.

Pharmacy drugs

You can purchase ready-made herbal raw materials at the pharmacy. But you can’t find an alcoholic tincture of burdock on sale; it can be prepared at home.

  • Grass . This is ready-made, crushed plant material. Belongs to the pharmacological group of herbal antispasmodics. Most often it is prescribed as a choleretic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, and disinfectant.
  • Herbal tea. You can buy burdock herbal tea in filter bags. In addition to burdock, other herbs are added - licorice root, chicory, blackberry and hay leaves, chrysanthemum, ginseng, orange zest. This tea is rich in high levels of inulin and tannins. It can be taken for a month, but only after consulting a doctor.
  • Biologically active additives. Dietary supplements can be purchased at pharmacies without a prescription. But it is still recommended to consult a doctor before taking them. They can be in the form of tablets and capsules - dry extract of burdock leaves and roots. Dietary supplements are also produced in the form of liquid burdock extract.


The decoction is used internally for gastrointestinal diseases, poisoning, to cleanse the blood, regulate kidney activity, reduce temperature, and stimulate the pancreas in diabetes mellitus. It is also a good bactericidal, wound-healing and analgesic external agent. Usually, more concentrated solutions are prepared for lotions and compresses - 2 tbsp. l. dry raw materials take a glass of water.


  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. dry root.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Boil for 1 minute.
  4. Leave for 40 minutes.
  5. Strain.

Take ¼ cup 3 times a day before meals. Also, decoctions and water infusions are prepared from burdock leaves and seeds. Infusions from the leaves are best for stomach ulcers, gallstones and kidney stones. Infusions from the seeds are drunk for chronic constipation.


Vodka infusion is often used externally - for rubbing for radiculitis, arthritis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is also taken orally for all of the above diagnoses.

Burdock root tincture recipe

  1. Take 1 part of dry crushed root.
  2. Pour in 10 parts of vodka.
  3. Leave for 2 weeks.
  4. Strain.

Take 15–20 drops orally 3 times a day, diluting in a tablespoon of water.

Recipe for alcohol-honey tincture

  1. Take fresh burdock juice, honey and vodka in equal proportions.
  2. Mix.
  3. Leave for 3 weeks.

You can take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. Traditional healers recommend taking this tincture when salts are deposited, as a prophylactic against malignant tumors.

Oil and ointment

Oil extract and ointments based on burdock are good for burns, frostbite, trophic ulcers, boils, and joint diseases. Oils and ointments are often used to strengthen hair.

Preparation of oil

  1. Take 1 part of crushed dry root.
  2. Pour in 5 parts olive oil.
  3. Leave for 2 weeks.
  4. Strain before use.

The oil is rubbed into painful joints and weak hair roots for several weeks. This product is used to gently lubricate the affected areas of the skin. It can also be taken orally during a long course of treatment.

Preparation of ointment

  1. Prepare a decoction of 4 tbsp. l. root powder and 4 glasses of water.
  2. Take ¼ of the decoction.
  3. Add 4 parts ghee.
  4. Heat up.
  5. Stir thoroughly.

Numerous reviews confirm that burdock ointment is an effective remedy for the rapid healing of burns and wounds. The ointment also helps well with inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Rub the product over the sore spot and then wrap it up. Instead of cow butter, you can use another fat - pork or goose. You can add extracts of other herbs to the ointments - St. John's wort, string, oregano, strawberry leaves, licorice.

Features of the use of fresh burdock leaves and juice

How are fresh leaves used?

  • For itchy skin, the leaves are moistened in milk and applied to the affected areas of the skin for several hours.
  • For mastopathy, apply to the chest as a compress.
  • For erysipelas, apply leaves smeared with homemade (vershkova) sour cream.
  • Apply to wounds for quick healing.
  • Sore joints are wrapped in fresh leaves, insulated and left overnight.
  • Salads are prepared from young spring leaves and shoots - this is a good remedy for vitamin deficiency.

What is the main use of burdock juice?

  • This is an effective general tonic.
  • It can be used internally for all of the listed diagnoses, but only in diluted form.
  • The most effective treatment for liver diseases is burdock juice.
  • The juice is added to medicinal ointments, and masks for hair and face are prepared on its basis.
  • Heals purulent wounds and trophic ulcers well.
  • For dermatological problems, it is used not only externally, but also taken over a long course.
  • Fresh juice of roots and leaves is a preventative against malignant tumors.

The use of burdock leaf juice is the same as the juice from the root. But the cooking principle is different.

Making juice from leaves

  1. Take young burdock leaves.
  2. Pass through a meat grinder.
  3. Squeeze the juice through cheesecloth.

This juice can be used together with a paste of leaves. It is useful to apply it to the affected areas of the skin.

Making juice from the roots

  1. Grind the fresh root in a coffee grinder.
  2. Squeeze the juice from the resulting pulp.
  3. Fill the cake with cold water (1 part cake and 10 parts water).
  4. Leave the cake for 3 hours, then strain.
  5. Combine the squeezed juice and water extract.

You can drink this juice 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. within 4 weeks. A very wide range of pharmacological effects of juice: it is a good choleretic, diuretic, blood purifying, bactericidal, antitumor medicine.

Contraindications for burdock juice are the same as the general contraindications for the plant. However, you need to remember that fresh juice is more likely to cause an allergic reaction and side effects in the form of digestive upset. Let us emphasize once again: it should be taken in diluted form.

Application in cosmetology

The main medicinal properties of burdock root are anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antitumor, diuretic, and choleretic. Thanks to such a wide pharmacological spectrum of action, the herb is used to treat diseases of the digestive, urinary system, musculoskeletal system, diabetes, benign and malignant tumors. Externally used to treat traumatic, infectious, allergic skin lesions. It is also an effective skin and hair care product.

Burdock is a strong and very tenacious plant with medicinal properties. Today we will tell you about the methods of preparing burdock.

Burdock in nature

Despite the fact that it can be grown in culture, most often gardeners ignore it. Of course, this useful plant grows almost everywhere.

In the first year of life, burdock develops a rosette of leaves, and the next summer it blooms, forms seed baskets and dies.

Burrs (baskets with seeds) spread easily in nature - the “hooks” cling to animal fur. By the way, at one time these hooks were so interested in the owner of the “injured” dog that they became the prototype of the well-known “Velcro” - today they are equipped with shoes, bags, and clothes.

In the presence of moisture and sun, burdock can reach truly gigantic sizes (three-meter plants, of course, are rare, but history knows about them). The average “height” of plants is one and a half meters.

The root of burdock is quite long. The leaves of the plant are colored green, their reverse side is covered with small fibers.

In the Caucasus and Siberia, burdock is considered a vegetable plant. The roots can be eaten after boiling. Young leaves and succulent petioles are suitable for creating salads and first courses. Roots and leaves - magnificent medicine.

The genus Burdock is represented by eleven species. The plant is native to the Mediterranean. It is known that different types of burdock can interbreed and give rise to hybrid forms.

Harvesting burdock roots

Burdock roots are harvested in the fall (September-October) - by this time they concentrate the maximum useful elements. The roots of both annual and biennial plants are suitable for harvesting. The length of burdock roots can reach 60-80 cm (sometimes they sink into the ground a meter and a half).

The roots are dug up, freed from the ground, and allowed to dry. The raw materials are dried under a canopy, cut into pieces and loosely scattered on a flat surface. Some people prefer to speed up the process - in this case, a dryer comes to the rescue. Optimal temperature: 50-60°C. Store dry raw materials in wooden containers (storage period - 5 years).

Harvesting burdock leaves

The leaves are collected in early spring (their length during this period is 10-15 cm). The leaf collection season is not pleased with its duration - the appearance of a flowering stem serves as a signal for its end.

The procedure for harvesting leaves is timed to coincide with the morning hours - at this time the raw materials acquire special power. The washed and dried leaves are cut into large pieces, laid out in the shade (under a canopy), and after drying, transferred to a glass container and stored for no longer than a year.

Burdock leaf tincture

Prepared burdock leaves are passed through a meat grinder and the juice is squeezed out of them (for this, gauze folded in several layers is used). Medical alcohol (70%) is mixed with natural honey and burdock juice. The optimal proportion is 5:1:5. Store the tincture in the refrigerator (no longer than a year).

Sorrel and burdock puree

Pre-prepared burdock leaves (1 kg), annual roots of this plant (500 g), sorrel (about 100 g), as well as parsley or dill (30 g) are passed through a meat grinder. Pepper and salt are added to the mass based on your own tastes. The puree is transferred into sterilized jars, covered with a lid and placed in the refrigerator.

Pickled burdock roots

The roots are washed, peeled, scalded with boiling water, cooled, placed in sterilized jars and filled with marinade.

The marinade is prepared from one and a half liters of water, 50 g of salt, 100 ml of vinegar and 50 g of sugar. The jars are sterilized (1 liter - 20-25 minutes) and sealed.

Salted burdock

Green burdock sprouts (up to 30 cm in length) are washed, placed in an enamel bowl, sprinkled with salt (5 cm of herbal mass is alternated with a centimeter layer of salt). A wooden circle with a weight is placed on top and left to sour at room temperature.

Canned burdock

Dissolve vinegar essence (50 ml) in a liter of water and bring to a boil. Burdock roots (1 kg) passed through a meat grinder are dipped into boiling liquid and cooked until tender. The finished product is packaged in jars, rolled up, wrapped and allowed to cool completely.

Although they do not practice it very often, there is no shortage of this plant. We hope that the above recipes are useful to you.

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Arctium lappa
Taxon: Aster family (Asteraceae)
Other names: burdock, burdock
English: Burdock, Edible Burdock, Lappa, Beggar's Buttons, Gobo

The botanical name of the genus Arctium comes from the Greek word arctos - bear; specific - lappa - from the Greek iavcin - to take, cling, grab.

Botanical description of burdock

- a large biennial herbaceous plant 60-180 cm high. The root is fleshy, taproot, few-branched, spindle-shaped, up to 60 cm long, in the first year of life it is succulent, and in the second it becomes flabby and hollow inside. In the first year, burdock forms basal leaves, in the second - a powerful, erect, ribbed, reddish, strongly branched in the upper part, slightly glandular stem. The leaves are petiolate, gradually becoming smaller towards the top of the stem, broadly heart-shaped, ovate, toothed, with sparse short hairs or glabrous above, grayish-tomentose below. The lower leaves are large, up to 50 cm in length and width. The flowers are collected in spherical baskets with a diameter of 3-3.5 cm, arranged in the form of a shield or corymbose panicle at the ends of the stem and its branches. The involucre of the baskets is bare, green, and consists of imbricated linear, gradually pointed, hard, hooked-curved leaves. The general bed of the basket is slightly convex, densely planted with rigid, linear-subulate bracts. All flowers are tubular, bisexual, with a lilac-purple corolla. Cup in the form of a tuft. There are 5 stamens, the anthers are fused into a tube with arrow-shaped appendages. Pistil with lower single-locular ovary. The fruits of burdock are oblong, bare, ribbed, spotted achenes, 5-7 mm long, with a tuft of multi-row yellowish-white, hard, easily falling hairs. The pappus is 2 times shorter than the achenes.
Blooms burdock in June-August. The fruits ripen in September-October.

Where does burdock grow?

Burdock large grows as a weed near homes, in vacant lots, near roads, sometimes in forests in clearings, among bushes throughout the steppe and forest-steppe zone of the European part of Russia, in the Urals, partly in Western Siberia and in the south of the Far East (including Sakhalin), on Caucasus.
Typically grows in waste, abandoned and disturbed areas rich in nitrogen. It grows along the banks of rivers and streams, occasionally in crops.

Collection and preparation of burdock

The medicinal raw materials are the leaves, thorns and roots of burdock.
The roots (pharmaceutical name Radix Bardanae) of first-year plants are dug up at the end of April - beginning of May, when the burdock does not yet have stems, but leaves have appeared, or in September-October, after the leaves have dried. Flabby and woody roots are unsuitable for medicinal purposes. The succulent roots are dried in the sun, after which the soil is removed from them by hand. Under no circumstances should you remove the skin from them - it contains many useful substances. Dry without much delay, cutting lengthwise into pieces of 10-15 cm, dry in dryers or ovens at a temperature of 40 ° C.
Burdock leaves are collected in July-August, dried in the shade, in a draft; seeds - as they ripen. The shelf life of roots when properly stored is up to 5 years, seeds - 3 years, leaves - 1 year.

Chemical composition of burdock

The roots of the plant contain up to 45% inulin polysaccharide, 12.3% protein, essential oil (up to 0.2%), fatty oil, palmitic, stearic acids, sitosterol and stigmasterol, tannins and bitter substances. Burdock roots contain about 2.5% protein, 0.14% fat, 14.5% carbohydrates, 1.17% ash.
Inulin is not digested by digestive enzymes in the human body and belongs to the group of dietary fibers. In this regard, it is used in medicine as a substitute for starch and sugar in diabetes mellitus.
The lignan glycoside arctiin, which is hydrolyzed into arctihepin and glucose, was found in burdock seeds; a large amount of fatty oil, which contains glycerides of linoleic and oleic acids. The leaves contain tannins, mucus, and essential oils. The leaves contain about 3.5% protein, 1.8% fat, 19.4% carbohydrates, 8.8% ash.
Without exaggeration, burdock can be called the ginseng of central Russia.

Pharmacological properties of burdock

Burdock preparations stimulate tissue regeneration, have choleretic, antibacterial and antidiabetic effects, normalize blood composition, stomach and intestinal functions. The roots are used as a diuretic for urolithiasis, edema, as an antipyretic and diaphoretic for colds, as an analgesic and metabolic restorer for gout, articular rheumatism, hemorrhoids, and also externally for the treatment of skin diseases. Burdock roots are the best remedy for restoring metabolic processes in the body.

Use of burdock in medicine

In folk medicine, burdock roots are used in the form of infusion, decoction, tincture, burdock oil for gout, rheumatism, some skin diseases, and also as a diuretic and diaphoretic. Externally - for eczema, ulcers, skin rashes, purulent wounds, furunculosis, sciatica and radiculitis.
Infusion and decoction of burdock roots used for gastritis, as well as eczema and metabolic disorders.
Burdock leaves used as a choleretic agent, as well as for burns and wounds. The juice of the leaves is used to remove warts, for scabies, and heals wounds well. To treat hemorrhoids and intestinal polyposis, take an infusion or decoction of the herb.

Wash your hair with a decoction of burdock root twice a week to strengthen and improve hair growth. For this purpose, a decoction of burdock roots in almond or olive oil, the so-called burdock oil, is used, as well as an ointment mixed halfway with fat and kept in the oven for several hours.
Burdock oil is used externally as a means to strengthen and grow hair, and for skin diseases (eczema, acne, furunculosis).
To wash pustules on the face, as well as against dandruff and hair loss, use a decoction of burdock and tartar; a tablespoon of each herb per glass of water.
To treat radiculitis, wash fresh burdock leaves with water, boil dry leaves with boiling water and apply a layer of 5-6 leaves to the sore spot, cover with compress paper on top, apply a warm bandage (tied with a warm scarf).
Burdock oil has a good effect on hair, it becomes stronger, stops falling out, and grows better. It is advisable to lubricate dry hair with burdock oil to maintain shine and elasticity. To do this, you need to insert a cotton wool into the teeth of the comb, soak it with burdock oil, and then comb your hair, starting from the ends. Hair fat decomposes quite quickly, so it is recommended to do this at night, and in the morning remove any remaining fat with a dry towel. Lubricating them with burdock oil also helps improve eyelash growth.
For weak, thinning hair, mix 1 tbsp. l. burdock oil, raw yolk, 1 tsp. honey, 2 tsp. grated onion juice, 2 tsp. liquid soap. Apply this mixture to the scalp, tie it with oilcloth, wrap it with warm material and after 1-2 hours wash your hair with liquid soap.
When treating gingivitis, it is recommended to add a little salt to the juice of crushed burdock seeds and prepare an ointment. After 2-3 lubrications, recovery occurs.
There is evidence that burdock preparations are effective in the treatment of malignant neoplasms. The lignan aglycone arctigenin exhibited antitumor activity in experiments.
Recent studies have shown that burdock seed extract lowers blood sugar levels.

Medicinal preparations of burdock

Burdock oil is prepared as follows: pour 200 ml of sunflower, olive, almond or peach oil into 75 g of crushed fresh leaves, leave for 24 hours, boil for 15 minutes, strain.

Infusion of burdock leaves: pour 0.6 liters of boiling water over 60 g of leaves, leave for 4 hours, drink 200 ml 3 times a day for peptic ulcers, kidney and liver stones.

Burdock root infusion
: grind 40 g of dry roots, leave for 2 hours in a thermos in 300 ml of boiling water. Drink 100 ml 3 times after meals for urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, diabetes, ulcers, gastritis, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, eczema, furunculosis.

Burdock root infusion: pour 400 ml of boiling water 1 tsp. chopped root, leave for 12 hours, strain. Drink 1/2 cup of warm infusion 4 times a day 0.5 hours before meals.

Burdock root decoction: Brew 1 cup boiling water 1 tbsp. l. raw materials and heat in a water bath for 0.5 hours. Take 1/2 cup orally 2-3 times a day. For external use - for hair loss, for strengthening hair, better growth, for dandruff, itching, it is recommended to rub burdock decoction into the roots of the hair or rinse your hair with it after washing.

Burdock root decoction
: pour 200 ml of boiling water 1 tsp. chopped root, boil for 5-10 minutes over low heat, cool and strain. Drink 1 tbsp. l. decoction 3-4 times a day.

Lubricate fresh leaves with sour cream and apply to erysipelas of the skin. Fresh burdock leaves in the form of a paste are applied to burns.

Burdock root ointment: leave 40 g of fresh roots in 100 ml of sunflower oil for 24 hours, boil for 15 minutes. Lubricate wounds, ulcers, burns.

A decoction of herbal mixtures is good for dandruff, oily scalp, itching:
1.Mix equal parts of burdock root and willow bark. Brew 1 liter of boiling water 4 tbsp. l. mixture, heat in a water bath for 0.5 hours, cool and strain.
2. Mix equal parts of burdock root and calamus root. Brew 1 liter of boiling water 6 tbsp. l. mixture, heat in a water bath for 0.5 hours, cool and strain.
You need to rub a warm decoction of one of these mixtures into the scalp 2-3 times a week or rinse your hair after washing as long as it is needed.

Use of burdock on the farm

Used as a vegetable in the Middle Ages, burdock is now widely used in Japan, Korea, Italy, Brazil and Portugal. The roots, which grow up to 1 meter long and 2 cm in diameter, and the stems before flowering are eaten. It tastes like an artichoke.
In cooking, burdock is used to prepare salads, vinaigrettes, borscht, and soups. The roots are used baked, fried (pre-boil in salted water), raw as a potato substitute, flour is made from them and mixed with wheat or rye (mixed in double quantity) to make flat cakes.

Burdock in Korean
: cut green (not red) sprouts no more than 30 cm high, with leaves that have not yet blossomed (500 g), soak overnight in cold water to remove odor, boil in salted water, peel the stems, cut into slices, fry, then add soy sauce, sprinkle with crushed sunflower seeds, add garlic, onion and simmer until tender.

A little history

Burdock- an Asian plant, it appeared in Rus' after the Tatar-Mongol invasion, having traveled several thousand kilometers on horse tails and woolen blankets of Tatar yurts. And only at the beginning of the 19th century. Burdock migrated to Western Europe with the convoys of the Russian army pursuing Napoleon. 29

Dear readers, today we will continue the conversation about our seemingly inconspicuous and useless weed - burdock. But believe me, this is not so. I think that after reading the article, you will see this for yourself. We will talk about the beneficial and medicinal properties of burdock root. This is what is most often used and used for health.

From a medical point of view, it is the roots that have the greatest medicinal properties. Doctors have used burdock roots for medicinal purposes since ancient times, and recipes using them are described in various ancient medical books. And now about everything in more detail.

Burdock root. Medicinal and beneficial properties

The medicinal properties of burdock roots lie in the presence of tannins, polysaccharides, saturated fatty acids, essential oils, resins, proteins; the roots are rich in proteins, vitamins and microelements important for the human body, such as iron, manganese, zinc, boron and others. .

For diseases of the kidneys and gall bladder, infusions from burdock roots are used as a diuretic and choleretic agent.

For colds and infectious diseases, the roots are used as an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, diaphoretic and analgesic.

In cases of intestinal motility disorders and hemorrhoids, decoctions from the roots act as a natural laxative and anti-inflammatory agent.

In addition, the substances contained in the roots can improve the activity of the pancreas, which makes it possible to use them for metabolic disorders and diabetes.

Compresses from infusions of burdock roots are used for various skin diseases, for seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp, they improve the condition of the skin, reduce itching, swelling, and relieve inflammation.

For stomach diseases, preparations made from burdock roots reduce inflammation and pain, and regulate the acidity of gastric juice.

Burdock root uses

Burdock root extract

You can buy burdock root extract at the pharmacy. On the one hand, it is very convenient. Follow the instructions, consult only your doctor.

It’s easy to prepare decoctions and infusions from fresh or dried roots.

Burdock root tincture

How to prepare this tincture? It is best prepared in a thermos, so that all the necessary medicinal substances will be transferred into the infusion in maximum quantities. For two glasses of water you will need 20 grams of dry or fresh crushed roots, which is about one tablespoon. It is more convenient to prepare the infusion at night, and in the morning, strain and take before meals, and warm to a comfortable temperature before use.

Treatment with burdock root should begin with one tablespoon, then increase to 1/4 cup per dose. Infusions are used to treat diseases of the joints, stomach, intestines, diabetes, and skin diseases.

Burdock root decoction

Decoctions of burdock roots are more concentrated; they are used for cancer, kidney stones and cholelithiasis, and diabetes. Externally, decoctions are used to strengthen hair and for various skin diseases.

How to prepare burdock decoction?

They are prepared in different ways, traditionally the roots are simply filled with water, left for several hours, then brought to a boil, boiled for a few minutes, cooled and filtered.

The most correct preparation of the decoction is in a water bath, when the roots are poured with boiling water and in the bath all the beneficial substances are slowly released into the decoction.

To prepare a decoction, two teaspoons of crushed root per glass of water is enough. Take a tablespoon of the decoction three to four times a day before meals.

I have given traditional methods of preparing a decoction and infusion from burdock roots, but they may be different, since their concentration may depend on the severity of the disease.

Treatment with burdock root. Recipes

Burdock root. And what does it treat? Traditional medicine offers recipes based on burdock roots for the treatment of various diseases.

  • When treating joints Burdock root oil is used; to prepare it, pour three tablespoons of fresh roots with half a glass of unrefined sunflower or olive oil, leave for a day to infuse, then simmer over low heat for 10 minutes and strain. Add about a teaspoon of beeswax to the hot oil; after cooling, you will get a plastic ointment that needs to be rubbed into the sore joints. It is best to do this at night, wrapping the joint in something warm.
  • For the treatment of prostate adenoma Traditional medicine recommends preparing an infusion of roots in a cold way, for which two tablespoons of roots are taken per glass of boiled water. You need to infuse the roots for 2 - 3 hours, then strain and drink half a glass two to four times a day.
  • For the treatment of gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers pour a tablespoon of fresh roots into two cups of boiling water, leave for 8–10 hours, strain and drink 1/3 cup three times a day before meals.
  • For diseases of the pancreas prepare a decoction from a tablespoon of dried roots and two glasses of water. First, the roots are infused in cold water for an hour or two, then heated and boiled for 15 minutes. Drink the decoction warm after meals three times a day.
  • As a diuretic A decoction of two tablespoons of roots and half a liter of water is used. Simmer the roots in a water bath for 25 minutes or boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Take 1/2 cup of the decoction twice a day, adding a little honey to it.
  • For diseases of the liver and gallbladder pour two teaspoons of crushed roots into half a liter of cold water overnight, bring to a boil in the morning, cover with a lid and leave for 20 minutes, then strain. Drink 1/2 glass three times a day
  • For diabetes Mix burdock roots with chicory roots, bean leaves and flax seeds, take everything in equal quantities. For the decoction, pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, boil for 10–15 minutes, and cool. Take 1/2 cup three times a day.

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Burdock root for hair

I immediately remember my grandmother's recipes. Nettle, burdock - everything was always used for hair. What is burdock root good for our hair? It is great to use for hair loss to strengthen it, so that the hair is beautiful and silky.

You can also use burdock oil at home. Our recipe, tested with our daughters, is this:

1 tsp burdock oil,
1 tsp honey,
Juice of 1 medium onion,
10 grams of burdock juice
Your shampoo.

Mix everything, apply it to your hair, cover it with plastic and wrap it in a towel or put on a cap. Leave it like this for about an hour. Then rinse everything off with warm water. Tip: don't use a hairdryer! Otherwise, everything will not be so effective. Or use a professional hair dryer, but not often.

Additionally, you can rub burdock juice into your hair.

How to prepare burdock root

When is the best time to collect burdock roots?

The best time to collect burdock roots is autumn. Moreover, late autumn. When all the plants are ready for winter. All useful substances went down into the rhizomes.

Harvesting burdock root: in the fall, dig up the roots of young plants, that is, the first year of their life; they are not difficult to distinguish, they are large and very juicy.

In older plants, the roots lose their healing properties, the root becomes woody and is not suitable for treatment.

Before drying, the roots are washed very thoroughly, cleaned, then cut crosswise into pieces, and very thick roots are also cut lengthwise. Dry in the attic, under a canopy or on an open balcony, avoiding direct sunlight.

The roots can be stored for up to five years in glass jars.

I suggest watching a detailed video about collecting burdock roots, what you need to pay attention to if you start harvesting it yourself.

Burdock or burdock, growing literally under our feet, is one of the most useful plants.

For a long time, people have been using its healing properties.

Burdock root is especially valued as it helps cure many ailments.
Before using it, you should understand what its composition is, what its benefits are and how to use it correctly.

Why is it useful?

Burdock root contains a storehouse of substances that are most valuable for the human body.

Rarely does a plant boast such a rich composition. It includes:

Thanks to such a diverse composition, the root has the most beneficial effect on the human body.

This gift of nature, surprisingly, is effectively used both as a preventive measure and as a preventive measure.

The root is used as an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, wound-healing, diuretic, laxative, diaphoretic, antiseptic and immunity-boosting agent.

In addition, it improves the intestinal microflora, participates in and helps improve the functioning of all systems of the human body.

Burdock root is very useful as weight loss products, because it dulls appetite and normalizes metabolic processes.

This amazing root also works great in treating joints. After all, it actively removes salts from the body and relieves pain.

Since ancient times, the unique properties of burdock oil, which is made precisely from our miracle root, have been known.

It is actively used in cosmetology. Burdock oil moisturizes and nourishes the skin, eliminates dryness and itching.

A teenage skin it saves from acne and various inflammations. In addition, the root has a healing effect on hair, activating its growth.

After using this natural remedy, the hair acquires a healthy appearance, becomes soft and silky.

Burdock root is officially recognized as a medicinal raw material for use in traditional medicine. Anti-inflammatory drugs are made on its basis and medications for the treatment of diabetes, rheumatism and hemorrhoids.

Research has shown that burdock root has cytostatic properties, that is, it is able to inhibit the growth of malignant cells.

The root extract is found in some anticancer drugs.

It is worth mentioning separately about the polysaccharide called inulin, which the burdock rhizome contains in a record amount - 45% of the composition.

This unique substance is one of the main participants in metabolism.

Inulin helps remove waste and toxins and promotes proper digestion.

In addition, it prevents excess salt deposition and reduces cholesterol levels.

With the help of inulin, vitamins are absorbed more completely. It is also a wonderful assistant in the treatment of diabetes, successfully lowering blood sugar levels.

Indications for use

The list of diseases for which burdock root successfully helps is huge.

On the page: read how to make face cream at home.

Its use is effective for the following indications:

  • gastritis, stomach diseases, pancreatitis;
  • acne, dermatitis, seborrhea, pustular rashes on the skin, furunculosis, psoriasis, eczema, minor burns, trophic ulcer;
  • cholelithiasis and urolithiasis (how to cleanse the liver and intestines is written);
  • fever, colds and infectious diseases;
  • rickets in young children;
  • hemorrhoids, diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • gout, rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis;
  • the risk of diabetes and its treatment or prevention (recipes about sugar from the herb stevia);
  • alcohol intoxication, poisoning;
  • obesity, metabolic disorders;
  • oncological diseases;
  • withered and sagging skin.

Side effects and contraindications

You should not use burdock root () for people with individual intolerance to this product and a tendency to exhibit allergic reactions: cough, hay fever or rhinitis.

Caution must be exercised when using burdock root and hypoglycemic drugs simultaneously.

Proper harvesting of burdock root

When preparing medicinal raw materials, it is important to remember that The root should be collected in the first year of its life and, of course, in the fall - in September-October.

At this time, it contains all the useful substances and becomes juicy and meaty.

In the second year of life, nutrients are spent on the growth of the plant itself, and the rhizome becomes flabby and unsuitable for medicinal purposes.

The young root must be dug up, separated from the plant, cleared of soil and rinsed thoroughly with cool water. Then the rhizome should be cut into pieces no larger than 15 cm.

Dry the cut roots in a well-ventilated area. An open area under a canopy or an attic with open windows is best.

Residents of rural areas can spread the raw materials on paper and place it on a cooled Russian stove. Dried burdock roots can be stored for about 5 years.

Making burdock oil at home

Excellent burdock oil can be easily prepared independently and from your own raw materials.

It will be no less effective for the treatment of seborrhea () than purchased at the pharmacy.

To do this, you need to dig up the burdock root, rinse it and chop it very finely.

The resulting mixture must be left for 24 hours and then simmered over low heat for 15 minutes.

What do burdock roots treat in folk medicine?

To treat diseases, burdock rhizome is used in the form of infusions, decoctions, ointments and oils. In order for the drug to have the greatest therapeutic effect, it is important to strictly follow the recipe.

As a rule, all folk recipes are tried and tested by time. Burdock root contains many active substances.

Therefore, before using it, it is necessary to consult a doctor, so as not to cause harm to yourself instead of benefit.

In traditional medicine there are many recipes for potions based on the root that can help cure ailments:

For cancer

  • Pour vodka over the root, maintaining a ratio of 1:20, and place in a dark place for a month, shaking the mixture regularly.
    Drink the tincture 3-4 times a day, 1 teaspoon.
  • For the prevention of cancer place a couple of tbsp. tablespoons of crushed burdock roots in half a liter of water and simmer over low heat in a water bath for a quarter of an hour.
    Drink 100 ml of decoction three times a day.
  • For skin and hair

    Application in dietetics

    The calorie content of burdock root is only 72 kcal per 100 g, so it is widely used in the fight against extra pounds.

    This product, rich in vitamins and microelements, can successfully replace more high-calorie ingredients.

    Burdock root is used to cook porridge, make cutlets, and put it in soups instead of potatoes and carrots.

    When using this invaluable product, excess weight is lost without any risk to health.

    There is a wonderful recipe for burdock root soup, which is not only healthy, but also very tasty.
    To prepare it you will need:

    • 0.5 liters of water
    • half a kilo of burdock root
    • 1 onion and 1 carrot each
    • one yolk
    • 10 g flour
    • 100 g sour cream

    Peel the root, chop it finely, put it in water along with chopped carrots and onions and put it on the fire.

    1. When ready, remove the vegetables and roots and strain the broth.
    2. Next, put the vegetables and only half of the roots back into the broth.
    3. The other half should be wiped with a sieve and also placed in the broth.
    4. Mix the yolk with sour cream and flour, pour the mixture into the broth and, when it boils for a couple of minutes, remove it from the heat.

    Healthy and incredibly tasty stew is ready. It is recommended to serve it with croutons.

    Drawing the line

    As you can see, burdock root is an unusually useful gift of nature, the use of which extends from cooking to serious diseases. To get the maximum benefit from the miracle root, you need to use it correctly and regularly.

    After watching this video, you will have no questions left: how to treat joints, liver and other organs.