Nizhny Novgorod Industrial College. Museum of Vocational Education Museum of Vocational Education

The Museum of Vocational Education of the Polytechnic College is a unique collection of materials about the formation and development of vocational education in Magnitogorsk from the 30s of the last century to the present day. The exhibitions are based on materials from the museums of Vocational Lyceum No. 13, SGPTU No. 19, museum rooms of Vocational Schools No. 63, No. 77, and Vocational Lyceum No. 41.

In March 2008, the administration of the Polytechnic College decided to create a museum. The idea of ​​creation arose after the merger of educational institutions of primary vocational education into the GAPOU PE "Polytechnic College". A separate room with an area of ​​270 sq.m. was allocated for the museum. Simultaneously with the construction work, a design project was developed and work on the exhibitions began. Active assistance in the development was provided by Galina Ilyinichna, a senior researcher at the city local history museum, and the design project was developed by designer Viktor Alekseevich Kataev.

The museum's exhibitions reflect the milestones in the development of each educational institution and the main, historically important events of the college. Creating its history, the college considers it necessary to preserve in the memory of students and the city the historical facts of its founders: PL No. 41, PL No. 13, PU No. 97 and PU No. 63.

Particular attention is paid to the period of the Great Patriotic War. Magnitogorsk's contribution to the victory is undeniable and significant. Only the students of Vocational School No. 13 produced 926,539 thousand tons of cast iron during the war years; steel – 1,292,720 thousand tons; rolled products - 680,149 thousand tons. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the school was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor for the successful fulfillment of government tasks for the training of skilled workers and the excellent fulfillment of tasks for the production of metal by students for the needs of the country's defense.
In 1946, the Challenge Red Banner of the Main Directorate of Labor Reserves under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the Komsomol was transferred to Vocational School No. 13 for eternal storage. Vocational school No. 1, which became part of PU No. 97, trained 4,594 people for MMK during the war years, established the production of defense products, and built a foundry on its own. Teachers and students produced more than 1 million mines and 1.5 million parts for Katyusha missile launchers.

The Museum of Vocational Education is one of the forms of additional education that develops co-creativity, activity, and initiative of students in the process of collecting, researching, processing, designing and promoting materials that have educational and cognitive activities. The museum's work program includes search and collection and research activities, collection and work with modern materials, work with archival documents, with veterans, with the media, conducting thematic excursions and lectures with ICT support, evening meetings, round tables, and implementation of projects within the framework of the activities of the scientific society of students, etc. It reaches not only students and teaching staff of the college, but also professional and educational institutions of the city.

Structural subdivision -

Museum of the History of Professional Education of the Novosibirsk Region

The Museum of the History of Vocational Education of the Novosibirsk Region was opened on the 65th anniversary of the “State Labor Reserves” on September 29, 2005.

The idea of ​​creating a museum belongs to K. N. Zandin (head of the Novosibirsk VET department 1944-1973). The idea was implemented by veterans of the system with the support of the head of the VET department, Ya. Ya. Borgeno. A museum was opened at vocational school No. 22; museum exhibitions are presented in 7 halls.

All materials submitted to the museum by educational institutions are prepared in accordance with the rules and conditions and are placed in the repository.

Stands set up:

Veterans of vocational education, order bearers - participants in the Great Patriotic War - 28 people;

Veterans of vocational education, order bearers – 26 people.

First managers with an academic degree and title - 2 people.

Albums “Honored Workers of the NPO System” were created - 68 people. Albums of the heads of the VET department were designed: K.N. Zandina, G.V. Istomina, N.P. Meshnyakova.

In the hall of the history of vocational education there are exhibitions of graduates of vocational schools:

Heroes of the Soviet Union - 5 people.

Heroes of Socialist Labor - 9 people.

During this time, the Museum of the History of Vocational Education of the Novosibirsk Region has been collecting, storing, studying and promoting the best traditions of the history of the system, promoting the patriotic, spiritual and moral education of youth. It helps schoolchildren and their parents determine the path to continue their education when choosing a profession.

The museum contains about 6,000 items of storage, including 4,935 items of the main fund, which includes documents, albums, books, and personal belongings that tell the history of the creation of the vocational education system.

We took part in competitions for socially significant projects to receive a grant from the governor of the Novosibirsk region.

Completed projects:

- “History, modernity and prospects of NGO NSO” - video library for the 70th anniversary of the NGO system. Performer - Samokhodkina Nina Semyonovna, director of the NPO Museum (2008);

- “History, modernity and prospects of NGOs” - photo exhibition “My profession is my future.” Performer – regional museum of NGO NSO; head – Samokhodkina N. S. (2010).

Funds received from grants were used to create:

Video library “History, modernity and prospects of NGOs NSO”. It presents videos about the history of the system for 65 years, 70 years, regional Olympiads of professional skills in professions, videos about urban and rural schools; A scenario plan has been developed for each video. The available material is used when conducting career guidance work in schools, fairs of presentations of educational places in the city and village, exhibitions "UchSib", "Sibpolitekh - 2010"

The booklet “History, modernity and prospects of NGOs NSO” was developed and printed.” Each page of the booklet reveals the history of the development and formation of the NGO system, and the exposition of the museum halls tells about the professions being trained, about the people who created and laid down the traditions of the system;

Collections about graduates of educational institutions of NPO NSO “Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of Russia”, “Heroes of Socialist Labor” have been published;

Office equipment was purchased.

In preparation for the 70th Victory in the Great Patriotic War, a stand “Commanders of Victory 1941-1945” was created.

The book “75 years of the vocational education system of the Novosibirsk region” was published.

In October 2015, the museum opened a new exhibition.

The museum hosts various events - seminars, lessons of courage, meetings with veterans, traveling exhibitions, excursions.

Every year at our college we meet a new addition from among graduates of the 9th grade from schools in the Nizhny Novgorod region. 2017 was no exception. In September, 460 boys and girls joined the first course.

In addition to everyday academic life, our students have the opportunity to find something they like: in associations of additional education, sections, participation in the volunteer movement, music and dance groups. This helps them discover and demonstrate their talents.

We consider one of the important events to be a visit by first-year students to the regional Museum of Vocational Education, which is located in the Nizhny Novgorod Industrial College.

The purpose of the excursion: to introduce students to the history of the formation and development of Vocational Education in Russia.

In October - November 2017, our museum was visited by 395 students from 19 groups studying in their first year. The museum presents an exhibition consisting of several sections.

The opening of the engineering and navigation school, created in St. Petersburg in 1761, is considered the founder of vocational education. by decree of Peter 1. And already in 1910 there were 3036 professional educational institutions. Along with an abundance of numbers and dates, students are given the opportunity to look at photographs and original documents from 1894 - 1899: “Certificate of Merit”, “Application for Admission”, “Obligations of Parents”, “Certificate”, “Certificates”, etc. - all this with comments from the guide - Larisa Fedorovna Lobakhina.

Revolution of 1917 opened a new page in professional education, at the origins of which was V.I. Lenin. January 29, 1920 he signed the Decree on the creation of the Vocational Education Committee. The first FZU schools (factory school) were: FZU No. 2 (Vyksa 1921), FZU No. 13 (Chkalovsk 1922), Vocational School No. 60 (Gorky 1922). Curriculums are presented at the stands, where in addition to special. subjects studied: History of Culture, History of Technology, etc. Thousands of young men and women passed through FZU schools, who, heading to industrial enterprises, became career workers, well-known people in the country: Stakhanovites, advanced production workers, and managers. This is all presented in original documents and photographs.

In May 1941, before the Great Patriotic War, the first graduates of FZU schools gave the country 250 thousand workers. The “Labor Reserves” played a gloriously significant role during the war: 6 million mines, 26 million parts of various military weapons, 10 thousand locomotives and 100 thousand carriages were repaired.

The craftsmen of Gorky also included their page in the labor feat of the country. They produced 4,694,040 sets of ammunition and 88,411 units of telegraph instruments. Students collected: 1 million 200 thousand rubles for the construction of a tank column and an air squadron “Labor Reserves”. In February 1943 artisans of RU No. 1 (vocational school) transferred the Avtozavodsky Craftsman tank and 15 armored cars to the front. For the successful completion of the task “Everything for the front, everything for Victory,” RU No. 1 was awarded: the Order of the Red Star and the Red Banner for eternal storage.

The relay of feat is in good hands. We are proud of the heroes who accomplished feats in Afghanistan, in the Chechen conflict and who died in the line of military duty in Syria. Photos and personal items donated by relatives for the museum evoke excitement and awe in the young hearts of students. The exhibition of patriotic significance ends with a Minute of Silence. Museum visitors move on to the next exhibition.

Most of the museum's exhibition is contemporary: these include folk crafts (metal forging, Kazakov filigree, products of Pavlovsk masters, Gorodets and Khokhloma paintings). Photographs and documents about awards in sports, for victories in music, creative and technical Olympiads and competitions evoke respect and admiration.

We thank the founder of the museum, Maria Mikhailovna Egorova, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, labor veteran of the Union and the Nizhny Novgorod region, for her enormous work in collecting exhibits, photographic documents, etc. Currently, the director of the college is Varaksa Sergey Aleksandrovich: holder of the Order of the Badge of Honor, excellent student in vocational education, awarded a medal for services to the Fatherland of the first and second degree, teacher of the highest category, candidate of pedagogical sciences. Sergei Aleksandrovich takes care of the safety of the museum’s exhibits and is always happy to welcome guests from different parts of Russia.