Mystical village. Mysterious cases in the village

For centuries, Japanese cuisine has maintained its traditions. Fashion trends and technical progress do not violate the taste harmony of the Land of the Rising Sun. Sushi is a classic Japanese dish that is found on the table of every second European.

This means that Asian traditions are gradually moving to the West and spreading in the East. Japanese cuisine gives preference to seafood products. Fish, algae, octopus and shrimp became the basis traditional dishes. Perhaps this trend arose due to the country's lack of other natural resources. By now, sushi has been transformed and has reached gourmets filled with vegetables, fruits and other delicious ingredients.

Competition is powerless against Niotamori.

Thanks to its rapid rise in popularity, sushi bars are located on almost every corner around the world. to the globe. Such a stir creates obstacles to the activities of start-up restaurants, which find it difficult to stand out and surprise visitors with an original assortment.

Despite the competition, sushi bars are making every effort to achieve high traffic. Some stylize the interior, others hire real Japanese as waiters. The most advanced ones use the female body, which is offered to guests as utensils.

The ancient Japanese tradition of decorating dishes is called niotamori. Instead of ordinary dishes, a female body is used, which is completely or partially naked. If the name is translated from Japanese, it will literally mean “the art of the female body.” Japanese delicacies are laid out on a naked woman lying on a table or bed.

Aesthetics are at the forefront.

By Japanese tradition, whose popularity is gaining momentum around the world, the girl lying under the sushi must be a virgin because of the crystal purity of her body. Nowadays, this custom is deliberately forgotten.

In Europe and America, men are often put on the table:

Japanese culinary customs have always taken into account not only the benefits of the dish, but also its aesthetic value. Table setting culture is very important for them. Sometimes, looking at the design elements, one gets the impression of careless placement of twigs or leaves. In fact, each of them has special significance and meaning.

Sushi on a girl's body is the most exotic and risky type of serving. The people of Japan decided to use feminine beauty in the design of dishes. A restaurant that plans to implement this Japanese invention within its walls takes a certain risk. After all, this option can not only attract visitors, but also scare them away due to the lack of widespread use of this tradition in Russia.

The Japanese admit that the idea is aimed not only at satisfying aesthetic needs. In order for the taste of sushi to develop properly, a certain temperature is required, which is equal to normal temperature human body. According to Japanese chefs, a dish that has absorbed the energy of the body has unsurpassed taste. This is the only way for visitors to experience the true flavor of the cuisine of the Land of the Rising Sun.

What does a Niotamori girl need?

To get a job like this and serve as a large sushi plate, a girl needs beautiful appearance. An important factor will be that the fair sex has patience, which will allow her to humbly endure all the manipulations performed by visitors on her body. The girl must lie motionless and not utter a sound. Such workers are strictly prohibited from talking with guests of the establishment.

Before the serving process, the girl is washed with special cosmetics, odorless. In addition, depilation is needed to give the skin silky smoothness. Preparatory procedures should end with dousing with cold or cool water. This condition is necessary for slower heating of the sushi.

Girls must mentally prepare for such work, as they will have to endure treatment with cooling agents and dishes of different temperatures.

It is worth noting that a lady does not always have to be naked, often she is allowed to wear a swimsuit or be topless. Delicate parts of the body are covered with beautiful table or sushi design elements. Order a dish for female body does not depend on gender, it can be enjoyed by both men and women.

Order and cost of service.

You can order sushi service on a girl’s body: niotamori in almost every major Japanese restaurant. You can give this exotic dish to friends for a holiday or treat yourself to an Asian dish. Typically, the service includes choosing a model of tableware, sushi and rolls, and table decoration by designers and florists. Sometimes the price includes a photo session.

The exotic nature of the delicacy makes it not accessible to everyone. In specialized Niotamori restaurants, sushi, like other food, costs several times more. The cost of ordering an exotic service, as a rule, starts from eight thousand rubles.

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After reading the story about the night visit of death, I decided to write my own, since this story explains a lot to me. My grandmother told me the first two stories; this happened before the revolution in their village.

One mother with many children was dying, she was very tormented and lamented about her children - what would happen to them now? She was lying on the bed opposite open window huts. There were flowers on the window, the curtains were fluttering in the breeze, it was a warm time of year.

Suddenly she was called out by a woman who came up to the window,, with a very strange, inhuman look. The dying woman immediately realized that Death had come! She prayed and began to ask Death to leave her alive for the sake of her children. She said that life was not in her favor, but for the sake of the children she endured and will endure everything.

Death slowly listened to the dying woman and answered: “Okay, you will live and raise your children!” And with these words she moved away from the window, grabbing a pot of flowers. After that, mommy quickly recovered and not even three days had passed before she went outside to bask in the sun. He sees that they are going to bury someone nearby. She slowly went to find out what had happened. He sees that a procession has already gathered to bury a certain old woman. And on the window of the house there is her own flower, the same one that Death took with him. Mommy was so dumbfounded. But she raised the children and the villagers helped her well in this.

Grandfather and grandmother lived in the village, and their only son died. It was in the winter, in the cold season. So they dressed him up in everything new and took him to last way, as expected. But in the evening, thieves dug up his son’s grave; they coveted his new things. Strip the dead man and then he came to life.

One of the thieves died right there at the grave from a broken heart. Another one managed to run to the cemetery fence and also breathed his last on it, impaled on a sharp fence peak. The fact is that he caught the fence with his clothes and apparently thought that a “dead man” had grabbed him. The third thief was caught by the police in a pub with the clothes of the “dead man”. He was “out of his mind” and quickly confessed to everything.

And the “dead man” walked naked through the snow to the village. As soon as the residents of the village saw him, and it was already dusk, they immediately closed all the windows with shutters and bolted the doors. The “dead man” knocked on the windows and doors of his hut and other houses until the morning and asked to be let home to warm up. But the pious parents were afraid, they thought it was “unclean.” By morning the “dead man” froze to death. Or maybe he already was like that.

The third story was told to me by my late mother-in-law. It was in their area, right after the war. A woman was sitting by the window mending her clothes. Suddenly she sees her sister running down the street and screaming at the top of her lungs, followed by her husband with an axe. The woman screamed and fell dead. She was dressed and prepared as expected. On the third day, many people gathered in the hut, the priest read prayers. But then the “deceased woman” began to tap her foot on the coffin. Everyone,, was blown out of the hut like the wind, and the priest too.

But the unfortunate woman was still buried. There was not a single atheist who took and lowered the deceased head down, while hitting her under the lungs, from the lower back towards the head. As far as I understand, the “deceased woman” apparently, when she screamed, inhaled either a button or a thimble. And there, who knows, it is difficult to judge what happened so long ago.

Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t, I won’t lie. I heard this story as a child from one of my mother’s friends. The time was socialist then, they were building communism and, God forbid, they did not betray any meaning to any mysticism. And she had the ability to be.
My mother, as a young girl, got married and left her village for a wealthy regional center. Far from home, but this did not frighten my mother: her husband was nearby, her favorite job, an apartment. And the expectation of the first child, that is, me. My mother did not break contact with her village, and when I grew up, and then my sister, we often visited the distant taiga village, which I simply adored! In those days, the village did not look as miserable and abandoned as it does now! Oh, in those days the village was a kind of romance, even poetry, and people did not flee from it in such numbers as now. So actually about history.
My mother’s parents, my grandfather and my grandmother lived in the village, and we went to them every summer when my sister and I grew up.
And on one of these visits, to my mother, she once “came to visit” best friend. The friend’s name was Alena, at one time she got married successfully, broke all ties with former acquaintances and friends, and drove off to the city with her husband. And then suddenly he shows up in the village, and goes straight to my mother. And how did you know we were here?

I can see her now, beautiful, richly dressed and roaring like tears in three streams.
“Anna,” that’s my mother’s name, “the time has come to pay for our stupidity!” - and still sobs.
I saw my mother’s face darken. And I was about 12 years old then, and my sister was very little, she was only three. Mom looks at me and says:
- Nadya, leave the room, I need to talk to Aunt Alena.
I went out, and I myself reverse side I stand at the door and listen to how Alena to mom tells.
- Do you remember our fortune-telling, when you were not yet married? Do you remember how the three of us used to tell fortunes on a saucer: you, me and Irka Solovyova!
My mother is silent, and Aunt Alena is already losing her voice.
- Do you remember what the saucer told us then? You have the crown of celibacy, I have to be childless, and Irka, on the contrary, has three husbands, three children, we still laughed then, what a happy one! She should have taken her own happiness for the two of us!
I hear my mother say in a muffled voice: “I remember everything!”
And Aunt Alena answers, do you remember how you and I decided to tell our fate on a saucer, without Irka? To perform the black rite... Irina’s fate was then scattered between two, so we wanted our own happiness! Do you remember? Do you remember how Irka suddenly, out of the blue, after we told our fortunes for the second time, began to drink too much. And Matvey abandoned her. And after all, she had a fiancé, and what a... the first guy in the village... And after that, Irkin’s fate went downhill... She gave birth to three children, but from different men, and now her children are all different They now live in shelters.
Mom, I hear, is silent. And Aunt Alena continues: “And you and I Anna got married, you have children, I have children, and we have husbands, what a sin to complain! And recently I was walking through the city, and a gypsy met me and said: “Not to my own.” You live with happiness, they will soon take it away from you." And I have only one happiness - a daughter!
The gypsy seemed to hear my thoughts: “Don’t let your daughter go near the horses,” she says.
What can you do, my Verka only dreams of them, she even signed up for the section and takes prizes. Anna, I’m very afraid for her, what should I do?
“It’s obvious you can’t do anything, Alen,” I hear my mother’s voice, “truth, they took your sin, they wanted someone else’s happiness, it couldn’t be that way.” Where is Ira now?
“Irka lives somewhere in a hospital for the insane,” Aunt Alena answers, “Who cares what’s wrong with her, I once went to her, I wanted to repent, and she rushed at me... her eyes are black, mad, she’s thin herself.” , the orderlies barely pulled her away from me. How can I continue to live on my own, I call my Verka a hundred times a day, I hired her a bodyguard... but I’m still afraid for her, my husband swears, he says she’s completely gone... what can a horse do... I’m afraid Anna...
Then Aunt Alena fell silent, and my mother, I looked through the crack, was completely asleep, and was obviously thinking about something, and then she spoke quietly, and with such difficulty, as if her throat was completely dry.
- I, Alyon, also don’t live by my own happiness... I feel it... and everything seems fine, I married Matvey, and he loves my girls, and me, and brings money into the house, and doesn’t drink, but I feel - He’s not mine, it’s hard for me too...
And then the grandfather bursts into the room, he apparently heard everything from the other side of the room, the room is a walk-through... Yes, when he started shouting at my mother, I couldn’t even make out the words in this stream...
He shouted that everything needed to be corrected... you did it yourself and there is no forgiveness for you, what you thought was to steal someone else's happiness...
Then there was one night, I remember, my mother, Aunt Alena and grandfather went to our swamps, at the very full moon... What was there, I don’t know... my grandmother did not sleep all night and whispered, looking at the Moon... help , help... Mom and grandfather only returned in the morning... Mom was pale and somehow didn’t look like herself...
But Aunt Alena returned much earlier, as I remember now, she burst into my grandfather’s house, looked at us so evilly and how let’s yell at grandma that, supposedly, it’s yours old grandfather he's completely out of his mind, he's demanding this, saying she won't give up her daughter to anyone... basically, she slammed the door... and I don't know what her name was...
Two years after that night, mom and dad divorced... and so she raised us all her life, although she was so beautiful that it took your breath away when you looked at her, there were men, of course, but not one of them asked her to marry all my life... Mom sometimes said that with sadness, she more than repaid her debt.
I grew up, got married, my sister is also doing well, although my dad didn’t want to know us after the divorce and still doesn’t know us, but my sister and I grew up to be good daughters and wives and mothers, I hope...
Our dad lives with Ira, with that same mother’s friend, he took her from a mental hospital, she somehow quickly began to recover, they took all the children and gave birth to two more of their own, they live in perfect harmony, despite their age, it’s clearly destiny ...
Mom no longer cries, but sometimes at night, looking at the Moon, she asks someone for invisible forgiveness... and thanks us for the fact that we are alive. I don't know who she's talking to.
I only know that after that very night Aunt Alena came to her home, took her daughter and went on a trip abroad, she categorically forbade her daughter to go near horses... Vera listened to her, but six months after they left abroad, Vera began an affair with an Italian. The Italian was young, handsome and very rich. Alena, of course, approved of these meetings, but there was one “but”: the Italian turned out to be a breeder of thoroughbred horses. The Italian assured Alena about her doubts that he would not let Vera close to the horses. They had a wedding, and then one day, when the Italian was away on business, Vera persuaded her mother to go horseback riding. The horses walked quietly, but suddenly the horse on which Vera was sitting turned into the barn where the hay was... a few seconds later Alena heard some wheezing from this barn, and rushed there on her horse. Her daughter Vera was hanging on a hook that was located above the floor. The horse stood a little further away. Apparently, when the horse passed under the hook, it caught on Vera’s shirt. The shirt Vera was wearing crushed the girl’s throat, and she suffocated... Alena screamed for a long time, then she was sent to an insane asylum.
When my mother found out about this... she didn’t cry, she said: “So they paid for their stolen happiness”...
And only when my mother died did I understand what she meant. Taking her hospital card, I saw that my mother was pregnant at the moment when she and her grandfather went to the swamps. I don’t know what happened there, but I know that after the swamps my mother became different... she didn’t give birth to anyone... she put on the crown of celibacy and dutifully wore it all her life!