Max lordly VKontakte is real. Singer Max Barskikh VKontakte

Do you urgently need to create a conversation in contact, and you don’t know how?
No problem!
Read this article and in a couple of minutes you will have a conversation!

To begin with, a few words about why conversations in contact are needed in general 

Often conversations are created as part of a training for the participants to quickly respond and discuss common issues;
Also, you can create conversations of several people to work with a client, when consultation of several specialists is needed at once (this makes sense when we're talking about about an expensive product);
You can also create a conversation to just chat or, for example, it could be a group of students from the same stream to exchange news.

How to create a conversation in contact - 2 ways

In fact, creating a conversation in VKontakte is very simple.

Method 1

  • Go to the left menu item “Messages”
  • Click the “+” button in the upper right corner
  • A list of friends opens that we can invite to our conversation
  • We choose those whom we want to see in the conversation
  • When all the necessary friends have been selected, click “Create conversation” - this button will appear in the lower right corner.


If you invite just one person to a conversation and not several, then instead of the “Create a conversation” button, you will see “Go to dialogue”.

Method 2

  • We go into an existing correspondence with one person. Let's say we need to add a few more people to our dialogue
  • We find a button with three dots in the upper right corner, next to the avatar of our interlocutor

  • Click on it and select from the drop-down menu - “Add interlocutor”
  • We select those friends from our list whom we want to see in our chat

How to create a conversation in contact not with friends

There are also 2 ways here:

Option 1

A new option for inviting non-friends into a conversation, this has never happened before. This feature is only available to its creator:

  • We enter a conversation to which we want to invite a person not from our friends list
  • Click the button with three dots in the upper right corner
  • In the drop-down menu, find “Link to conversation” and click it
  • A window will appear with a link and a button to copy it

  • We send this link in private messages to all non-friends whom we want to see in our conversation.

This is what the person you invite to the conversation will see

Maximum amount There were 250 participants in the conversation.

Option 2

You can ask friends to make invitations to their friends' conversations.
Any participant in a conversation can invite a friend to a conversation, even if they are not the creator of the conversation.
But a button with a link to a conversation will not appear for a person who is not its creator.

How to create a conversation in contact from your phone

You can also create a conversation from your phone. This can be done both from the official VK application on your phone, and from the Kate Mobile application and from a browser.

Let's consider all the options.

How to create a conversation from your phone in the official VK application

  • Go to messages in the application - icon at the bottom
  • Click "+" in the upper right corner

  • Select “Create conversation”
  • We put a check mark next to the names of those friends whom we want to invite to the conversation
  • Click the checkmark in the upper right corner

Conversation created! 

How to create a conversation from your phone in the Kate Mobile app

  • Go to messages
  • Click the button with three dots in the upper right corner
  • In the drop-down menu, select “Create a conversation”

  • We select friends by checking the boxes next to their names - whom we want to invite
  • Click the “create conversation” button

How to create a conversation in Contact from your phone in the browser

For this we need:

  • Open a new tab in contact, for example in chrome
  • Displayed mobile version. In order to go to the full version, click the button with three lines in the upper left corner
  • Scroll all the way down
  • Find the item “full version”, click

Now you have a social network in your phone. In contact, it is displayed in the same way as on a computer, and you can use the tips from the first half of this article.

How to remove a participant from a conversation

Only the creator of a conversation can remove a participant from a conversation.

For this:

  • Let's go to our conversation
  • Click on the button with the number of its participants - it is located at the top in the middle
  • When you hover over each participant in the conversation, an “X” button will appear - click it and that’s it - the person we don’t need will be removed from the conversation.

If you yourself want to get out of a conversation that is unnecessary for you in which you were included, then:

  • Join this conversation
  • Click the three dots button in the top right corner
  • Find - “Leave conversation”

It's simple! 

How to delete a conversation

In order to delete a conversation, you will have to delete all its participants and exit it yourself.
Unfortunately, there is no separate “Delete conversation” button.

Keep in mind that a participant in a conversation you deleted can join it again if he asks one of its participants to send him an invitation. And this person should be his friend.

Now you know how to create a conversation in contact and you can do it even from your phone quickly and at any time 
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I will be very grateful to you 

Hello, Dear friends! If you didn’t already know, then I’m telling you that on the VKontakte social network you can correspond not only with one person, but also with several at the same time.

This can be useful in many situations. For example, it is very convenient if you want to discuss a certain topic with several people at once. To do this, you will not need to correspond in parallel with each, passing on to one the words of the other. Everything will look much easier if you create a conversation.

By starting a correspondence with one person, you thus create a VKontakte dialogue. If, in addition to one, you add several more friends to your, so to speak, conversation, then this is already called a conversation.

We will figure out how to implement all this technically in this article.

Create a VKontakte conversation on a computer

Launch the browser, go to your page and in the left menu go to the “My Messages” section.

In the window that opens, in the upper right corner, click on the “Write a message” button:

In the window that opens, in the recipient section, select the first person with whom you want to start a conversation.

Attention! You can only create a chat with people who are friends with you. You can also add people only from among your friends. Also, the person you invited to the conversation can include his friends who are not in contact with yours.

Thus, we add the required number of interlocutors, fill in the “Subject” field that appears and enter the first message.

Click on the “Send” button and that’s it, the chat is created.

How to add or remove a contact

You can now observe this conversation in your dialogues. If you go into it, you can see how many people are present in it.

To remove a participant (interlocutor), just click on the link with the number of participants, we will load full list. Click on the cross next to the person you want to delete.

In the upper right corner we find the “Actions” button, click on it and a whole list appears, among which there is the “Add interlocutor” item. This is exactly what we need:

How to create a conversation from your phone in a mobile application for Android

Launch the application and click on the “Messages” item in the left menu (in the form of an envelope):

All the dialogs are loaded, but we don’t pay attention to them, we need the pencil icon in the lower right corner. Click on it:

We see the “Create conversation” item, click on it and add the necessary interlocutors:

That's it, there is nothing complicated with creation.

We now go into the dialogues and into the conversation itself, which we already have in the “My Messages” item. In the upper right corner we see three vertical dots. Click on them - this is the menu. From the drop-down list, select “Conversation Settings”.

Here we can both remove participants and add them.

The “Notifications” section is also important.

Here we can turn off the notification sound, or select “Do not disturb” altogether. The fact is that as soon as one of the participants writes a message to the conversation, your phone will notify you about this with a characteristic sound. I don’t really want to listen to this, for example, at one in the morning. Therefore, it is better to turn off the notification sound.

That's all, dear friends. You and I have learned how to create chats, like in full version social network VKontakte, and in mobile application.

A detailed guide to creating a group conversation on the VKontakte social network and adding participants to it.


Social network " In contact with» is constantly being improved. And if a few years ago it was possible to conduct a dialogue with only one person at a time, today users have the opportunity to create group conversations and communicate with a large number of people at once in a single chat.

Such a conversation may be useful if you need to agree with your friends on some general question or make an appointment. And in our article we will talk about how to create such a conversation on a social network “ In contact with"and invite friends to it.

Guide to creating a group conversation on the VKontakte social network on different devices

How to create a conversation on the VKontakte social network of several people via a computer?

As many already know, personal messages on the social network “ In contact with» are presented as separate chats (dialogues). A group conversation is exactly the same as a dialogue, only with more than two participants. To create it, follow these steps:

Step 1.

  • In contact with" and go to the section " Messages» via the menu on the left.
  • On the dialog page that opens, in the upper right corner, left-click on the “ + » to create a group conversation.

Figure 1. Guide to creating a group conversation on the VKontakte social network on different devices

Step 2.

  • A page with a list of your friends will open in front of you. You need to check the boxes of those who will take part in the conversation, and then click the “ Create a conversation" (On the screenshot " Go to dialogue»)
  • Remember that only those VK users who are in your contact list can become participants in the conversation.

Figure 2. Guide to creating a group conversation on the VKontakte social network on different devices

Step 3.

  • The conversation has been created. It is presented in the form of a regular dialog box and differs only in that several participants can conduct a dialogue in it at once.

Figure 3. Guide to creating a group conversation on the VKontakte social network on different devices

How to add participants to a conversation on the VKontakte social network via a computer?

Once the conversation has been created, you can add new participants to it and exclude existing ones. Any participant in the conversation can invite new people into the conversation, but only the organizer has the opportunity to exclude. So, to add a new member, you need to complete the following steps:

Step 1.

  • Go to your page on the social network " In contact with ", go to the section " Messages» and open the conversation you previously created.

Figure 4. Guide for creating a group conversation on the VKontakte social network on different devices

Step 2.

  • In the upper right corner of the dialog box, hover over the three dots to bring up the context menu. In the menu, select the line “ Add interlocutors».

Figure 5. Guide for creating a group conversation on the VKontakte social network on different devices

Step 3.

  • In the window that opens, check the boxes of those friends you want to add to the conversation. Remember that you can only add those who are in your contact list.

How to delete a conversation on the VKontakte social network via a computer?

  • To delete a conversation, it will not be enough to simply delete the dialogue from the “ Messages" This way, only her history will be deleted. Each new message from any participant in the conversation will re-add it to the list of dialogues.
  • In order to permanently delete a conversation, you need to open its dialog box, hover over the three dots in the upper right corner and select the line “ Leave conversation" After this, you can safely delete the conversation from the list of dialogues.

Figure 6. Guide to creating a group conversation on the VKontakte social network on different devices

  • The conversation will be completely disbanded and deleted after all participants leave it.

How to create a conversation on the VKontakte social network of several people via a phone or tablet?

If you use your phone to communicate on the social network “ In contact with» mobile browser, you can create a group conversation through it in the same way as through a computer.

If you use a special application to use VK “

We are used to the fact that we need special sites or programs to collect conferences. For example, Skype conference. But why go far, we all use this social network like VKontakte. It also has a conference mode, only it’s called - conversation.

So how to create a conversation on VK.

1) Log into your VKontakte account and go to My messages --> Write messages.

2) B open window choose the people you want to be in your conference. Maximum number of 30 people.

3) All conversations are created.
Conversation has many functions, and now I’ll tell you about each one (top right there is Actions):

Add a contact, a list of your friends will open and you can select one from it and he will be added to the conversation. You can’t add one at a time, you can’t add several at once.

Deleting an interlocutor This is done like this: below there is a number of participants, click on them.

A window opens and in it on the right opposite each participant there is cross, when clicked, the user will be removed from the conversation.

Change conversation title- you can change the names at any time and as many times as you like.

Update conversation photo- just like in a group or on your page, select a picture on your computer and upload it to the conversation.

After replacing the photo. Will be displayed here.

Show content from the conversation- displays all files that you or conversation participants have dropped into the conversation.

Search by conversation history- if you did not write down some information that your friend dropped in a message. You can find it through search.

Disable notifications- messages will arrive and will be displayed as unread, but you will not hear when they arrive.

Clear message history- delete all messages.

Leave conversation- leave the conversation, you can return only if someone invites you again.

After each procedure, the chat will display what exactly happened and when.

Now I'll show you how to create a conversation on VK.

How to create a conversation on VK from a computer

Go to your page and go to the section. In the upper right corner, click on the “+” icon.

A list of friends will open. Check the box next to the user you want to invite to the conversation. When all are selected, click "Create a conversation".

The conversation will be created. It is implemented as a regular dialog window. The only difference is that all participants can write here at the same time.

How to invite someone to a created conversation

If necessary, you can invite more participants to your joint dialogue. A conversation in the message list looks like a standard conversation. Go to it.

Open the menu and click "Add people". The further process is similar to adding users discussed above.

How to delete a conversation on VK?

This function does not exist. But there is an alternative. You just need to remove all participants from the conversation and exit it yourself.

Click on the cross next to the user to remove him from the conversation. Do this with all participants.

Then we go out ourselves. To do this, open the menu and press "Leave conversation".

How to create a VKontakte conversation from your phone

Launch the application (see). Open the menu and go to the section.

Click on the blue circle at the bottom of the screen. In the menu that appears, select the item "Create a conversation".

Check the right participants, and click on the checkmark in the upper right corner. The conversation will be created.

Video lesson: how to create a VKontakte conversation


Create collaborative conversations using the methods discussed above and communicate with your friends and colleagues.


In contact with