Space wars. Elena Zakharova and her pages on social networks Better not make me angry

Capital thing

The girl was born in November 1975, and this thin, graceful and fragile creature was soon seen off by the young men with admiring glances, and by her competitors with envious glances: “She’s dressed up, she’s a metropolitan little thing!” But she didn’t dress up, she dressed simply, but her clothes didn’t hang like a bag on her - Lena always walked with her head held high and her back straight. When inviting Elena Zakharova to an event, to a holiday, people ask where such posture comes from? It turns out that Elena was dancing from an early age. First in the “Pinocchio” ensemble of the local Palace of Culture, then in classical ballet.

On your knees for the theater!

The girl did well at school. Like most actors, she was a humanitarian and was one of the people who were not bothered by problems with mathematics. But Lena loved Russian and foreign language lessons, adored literature and imagined herself to be a great actress, so after eight years she tried to enroll in a theater school. At organized events with Elena Zakharova, the actress is almost always asked to tell and show how that entrance exam went. The girl tells a fable about a cat, and at the end she sits on the floor and meows. The audience is delighted. And Lena was literally thrown out. The examiner “added fuel to the fire” by saying that she had nothing to do in the theater.

Better not make me angry!

Lena left, but “promised to return.” I was angry, of course! I even wanted to spit on the stage and exchange it for the podium. She also had excellent appearance for a model! But fate had mercy when her school friends decided to play a joke on her, the actress herself shared on the official website of agent Elena Zakharova. – Knowing that she “sleeps and sees herself in the theater or cinema,” they agreed and played her. They called her home, brazenly introducing themselves as the main director, who was looking for a girl for the main role, and he allegedly invited Lena to a screen test. How she ran! At the film studio. Gorky was waiting for the director until the assistant director of the fairy tale noticed her. And Zakharova was cast in the role! Classmates were shocked. Lena was jubilant! It turns out that sometimes it is useful not to understand such harsh jokes. This quality comes in very handy if they book Elena Zakharova for a corporate event or a wedding, where not everyone can stand the same company for several hours.


Soon Elena entered the "pike". This was possible thanks to meeting a second-year student. The “experienced mentor” brought her up to speed: where to stand, what and how to perform, who not to look at. And she did. True, one of the commission members asked if she was a relative... No, she didn’t have a relative who would take the girl by the hand and lead her through introducing her to everyone and establishing connections with famous directors. At the age of 21, she already began acting at the Luna Theater, but in films a little earlier and is now an actress

more than 80 different film roles. You can order a performance by Elena Zakharova in any role, be it comedic or dramatic. Just keep in mind that if you remind her about filming “Truckers,” she may get upset and even cry. Vlad Galkin almost broke her neck then. Of course, not on purpose, but since then Lena has remembered the stunts on KAMAZ trucks for a long time.

Actress Elena Zakharova is an interesting, talented and extraordinary person. She attracts attention, which is why she has so many fans, the number of which increases every year. The owner of an unusual appearance became a real idol for some, and a subject of discussion for others.


The artist was born in the capital on November 2, 1975. Her parents' apartment was located next to the famous Sokolniki Park. This led to the fact that the girl loved to be in the fresh air for a long time, preferred outdoor games and was generally an energetic child.

Noticing Lena’s irrepressible energy, her parents decided to direct her in the right direction and brought the girl to the creative team “Pinocchio”.

This was Zakharova's first appearance on the big stage: she sang and danced. But she quickly became bored with her hobby, and another goal appeared - to become a ballerina. Unfortunately, the dream did not come true, and all because of the delicious buns and sweets, which Elena could not resist, and ballet dancers, as you know, follow a strict diet. Now she regrets that she succumbed to temptation as a child and was unable to cope with it. But he still loves to eat and cannot stand the feeling of hunger at all.

Failure in this field did not stop the girl, and a new activity was invented: in the eighth grade, she firmly decided to become an actress. Lena began attending theater clubs and extracurricular acting classes.

During her school years, the future star participated in some productions and film episodes, but all this was not serious, and therefore was not included in the filmography.

Success came to the girl later, after she went to study at a prestigious university - the Shchukin Theater School. It is noteworthy that the admissions committee initially mistook her for a relative of the famous actor, but the girl quickly clarified the situation and independently, without connections or relatives, achieved admission.

Way to success

Already in her second year, Elena received her first real film role: she played one of the main characters in the film “The Comedian’s Shelter.” The talented and hardworking girl did not go unnoticed: she began to be invited to a variety of films and projects. There were many invitations, and Zakharova happily agreed, increasing her filmography.

Her studies were completed in 1998, and a new stage in life began for the graduate. First, Elena worked at the Moon Theater, then collaborated with Oleg Tabakov.

The most interesting and memorable role on the theater stage is Ophelia from Hamlet. The actress still considers it the best of her entire career, and critics completely agree with her. For her, Zakharova received her first “Chaika” award. And in 1999, the girl was recognized as the discovery of the year.


Despite participating in theatrical productions, Elena did not forget about cinema: she often took part in the filming of popular TV series and films: “Kadetstvo”, “Truckers”, “The Fifth Corner”.

Of particular note is her role in the film “Tartarin of Tarascon” - for her the heroine received a prize at a film festival and worked with other popular and famous actors.

The girl has practically no time for rest; she is constantly busy filming, dubbing cartoons and participating in various TV shows: “Stars on Ice”, “Dancing with the Stars”, “Battle of Psychics”.

This does not scare the actress, she loves her work, is happy with her life and plans to work no less actively in the future.

Personal life

For a long time, Elena Zakharova lived in a civil marriage with businessman Sergei Mamotov. They looked happy and appeared together everywhere, there were even rumors that they were secretly married. But fate turned out to be unkind to them. In 2011, the actress gave birth to a girl, who, unfortunately, died before she could live at all - at the age of eight months. This tragedy led to a breakdown in relations.

But Lena does not lose heart, she consoles herself with work, tries not to discuss this sad topic and sincerely believes that she still has everything ahead, that everything will definitely happen, the main thing is just to want it.

As it turns out, the actress is an active Internet user and has profiles on several social networks.

You can see photos of Elena Zakharova on Instagram by visiting her page.

Instagram -
The profile has almost 600 photos, about 100 thousand subscribers and only 684 subscriptions. There are contacts for communication regarding cooperation issues. New photographs often appear that allow you to follow the life and successes of the star.

In contact -
We managed to find only one page, which may belong to Lena, but she has not used it for a long time, does not update information and does not post new photos.

Facebook -
Zakharova has more than 3,000 friends on this social network. There is an opportunity to chat a little with the idol - she sometimes responds to comments.

The Odnoklassniki page could not be found.

Currently, Elena Zakharova is relaxing, traveling, enjoying life and, of course, starring in a new film.

"I believe in love. I need to love, admire. Yes, I want a family and children. It's all in the head. How you set yourself up, so it will be. You say: “Oh, I’m not 20 anymore, no one needs me - that’s how it will be. But I don’t think so. I think happiness is possible at any age."

For thousands of years, humanity looked at the sky and did not understand what exactly was hidden behind the sparkling elements. The Moon, Sun and other celestial bodies were taken for gods, and the natural phenomena of thunderstorms and lightning for the wrath of God. Even ancient astronomers studied the locations of stars and plotted them on a map. Later, sailors and land travelers used this to navigate the area. But how and where they are born, scientists of those years could not understand. The modern world has begun to provide answers to questions that for a long time seemed an insoluble task to man. At least today, with the help of technology, we can get a visual idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcosmic bodies by examining them using powerful telescopes with subsequent analysis. Based on the analyzes carried out, theories and hypotheses are born. But often everything comes down to the realm of science fiction. How do new planets and stars form? What are “Black Holes” and how are they capable of swallowing entire galaxies? We hope that each of you will find something interesting and discover something new, because the universe is infinite, and we are on the verge of new great discoveries! Our site does not contain viruses or spyware. This is a completely free web resource.