Notes on drawing "bear" nodes in the middle group. Summary of educational activities for artistic and aesthetic development in the senior group “Fluffy Bears” (painting using the poking method) Organizational moment

Unconventional drawing with crumpled paper in kindergarten in the middle group on the theme “Teddy Bear” step by step

Razgulyaeva Yulia Aleksandrovna, teacher at MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 25”, Kostroma.
Description of material: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children of the middle group (4-5 years old) on the topic “Teddy Bear”. This material will be useful to kindergarten teachers and parents.
Target: introducing children to the unconventional technique of drawing with crumpled paper.
1. Arouse children's interest in unconventional drawing.
2. Learn to draw an image large and arrange it in accordance with the size of the sheet.
3. Strengthen the ability to depict parts of the body, observe their relative size, location and color.
1. Develop imagination and creativity.
1. Foster independence.
2. Cultivate neatness.
Methods and techniques: visual, practical activities for children, questions for children - verbal.
Materials and equipment: toy bear; paintings depicting a bear by artist E. Charushin; landscape paper, sheets of paper, gouache, brush, jar of water, pencil, wet wipes.
Preliminary work: Outdoor game “At the bear in the forest”, examining the appearance of the bear, coloring the bear cub; conversation about an unconventional drawing technique - crumpled paper.

Progress of the lesson

There is a knock on the door.
Guys, we have a guest today. Look who it is? (Bear)
Who is this bear? (animal)
Yes, guys, a bear is a strong animal. Look how powerful his body is. (examining a toy - a bear.)
What shape is a bear's head? (round)
What is located on the head? (ears)
What else does the bear have? (body is oval, elongated nose, round eyes.)
The bear also has four paws - two front and two back - and a tail. Please look at how the artist Evgeny Charushin depicted bears in his pictures. He only drew, but also wrote stories about animals.
Examination of paintings by E. Charushin.

Look what wonderful bears are drawn in this picture. what are they doing (children's answers.)
Guys, look at our guest, he looks sad. Let's find out what happened to him?
Children- Bear, what happened?
Mishka says- yes, I’m bored alone, I want a lot of friends.
Guys, let's help the bear, draw him friends - bear cubs.
Children- Yes, let's do it.
But before we start drawing, let's stretch our hands.
Finger gymnastics “Visiting the bear.”
The bears invited us to visit (palms on cheeks, shake head)
And we went along the path (fingers walk on the table)
Top-top, top-top (palms slam on the table)
Jump-jump, jump-jump (fists knock on the table)
We see a tall tree (point fists at each other)
We see a deep lake (wave-like movements with brushes)
Top-top, top-top, jump-jump, jump-jump
Birds sing songs (palms crossed)
The grains are pecked everywhere.
They peck here and they peck there (finger on palm)
We came to visit the bears (the roof is shown)
We found the door in the hut
They knocked: one-two-three (knocks fist on palm)
Hurry up and open it for us (we clench and unclench our fingers).
Where do you start drawing a bear? (from the head)
That's right, first we draw the head with a pencil.

Then we draw the torso.

What else will help us draw the shaggy fur of a bear? (crumpled paper)
Take several sheets of paper and crumple them into lumps.

Dip the lumps in gouache and press them against the drawn lines.

What else is missing from our painted bear cubs? (eyes and nose).
Right. Let's draw the eyes and nose using a brush.

(Children work. If necessary, the teacher provides individual assistance.)
Physical education lesson “Bear”
Stomp, bear, (stomp your feet)
Clap, bear. (clap our hands)
Squat with me, brother, (let's squat)
Paws up, forward and down (hand movements)
Smile and sit down.

The work is ready!
Well, guys, look what wonderful friends you have made for Mishka.
Mishka says.– Thank you guys for my new friends.
Well done!

“The sleepy bear went to bed.” Thematic drawing for preschool children (5-6 years old). Master class with step-by-step photos

Lavrenko Tamara Mikhailovna, teacher of additional education MBOU DO Youth Center Yeisk Krasnodar Territory
Description: This master class is conducted with children aged 5 - 6 years old; it will also be useful for art teachers, teachers of additional and preschool education.
Purpose: use in drawing classes with children, home or exhibition interior decoration.
Target: drawing a thematic picture
- promote the development of creativity and artistic imagination
- teach how to correctly position a drawing on a sheet of paper (composition solution)
- develop skills in working with paints
- teach how to use cotton swabs
- cultivate interest in visual arts

Cardboard A 3 red, gouache paints, flat brush No. 8, round brushes No. 5 and No. 3, palette, water jar.

Course of the master class

The bear sleeps in his den,
Don't be alarmed
If he wakes up early,
He will be very, very angry.
After all, in winter he is used to sleeping,
Suck a warm paw,
Only when spring comes,
The bear will not have time to sleep.
A. Teslenko

Bear, bear, couch potato!
He slept long and deeply,
I slept through the whole winter
And I didn’t get on the tree,
And I didn’t go sledding,
And I didn’t throw snowballs,
The target would still be snoring.
Oh you little bear!
V. Berestov

Bear, bear! What happened to you?
Why do you sleep in winter?
Because snow and ice
Not raspberries and not honey!
V. Orlov

Little bear sleeps in winter
In a warm den.
Waiting for spring warmth
And the flourishing of nature.

We will draw a bear that will sleep in the crib.
Let's take red cardboard A3. Draw straight horizontal and vertical lines on it: 2-3 cm from the edge of the sheet. Then, approximately 15 cm from the edge down, draw a horizontal line. Let's set aside another 16 cm from this line down and also draw a horizontal line. (For preschoolers, the teacher himself makes blanks for further children’s drawings).

Next, draw a bear cub under the blanket. First we draw a large circle, this will be the head of the bear. Let's draw ears at the top - 2 semicircles. In the center of the large circle, draw a small circle - this will be the face of the bear. We draw two paws on the blanket that hold the pyramid toy. At the bottom of the picture we will draw the hind legs.

A drawing by a teacher on a blackboard, which shows better how to draw a bear cub.

Take a round brush No. 5. Paint the pillow with white gouache.

Mix white gouache and a little brown. Let's paint the head and paws.

Let's add more white gouache to this diluted paint and get a lighter shade. Let's draw a muzzle and make strokes on the paws.

Let's mix white gouache and a little ruby ​​red in a deep cell of the palette. Paint the blanket with a flat brush No. 8

Let's add more ruby ​​paint to this cell. Let's paint the blanket on the sides on the left and right.

Now we will work with cotton swabs. On the blanket we will make “poke” in the form of ruby-colored flowers, the middle of the flower is white. On the cushion we make the flowers pale pink and the center of the flower is ruby. At the edges of the picture we make white flowers and the middle of the flower is scarlet red. On the blanket, with a round brush No. 3, draw straight lines that will be the tassels of the blanket.

Using a round brush number 3, we will outline the entire bear. We will also outline the muzzle, fill in the circles in the ears and draw a little fur with small, abrupt strokes.

Using black paint, draw a nose at the top of the muzzle, closed eyes with eyelashes and a stripe up to the mouth. Let's draw the mouth with ruby ​​red. In the paws, draw a multi-colored pyramid and outline it in dark pink. Our drawing is ready.

Drawings by children 5 years old.

Drawings by children 6 years old.

Yulia Savko
Notes on artistic and aesthetic development in the senior group “Fluffy Bears” (painting using the poking method)

Target: introduce children to unconventional techniques drawing.

1) Previous work:

Reading artistic works about the animal world by E. I. Charushin;

Studying types of non-traditional techniques drawing;

Looking at pictures of wild animals.

2) Program content:

o Learning tasks:

Teach children to identify the shapes that make up a bear;

Reinforce the characteristic features of the bear’s appearance;

Strengthen skills drawing using the poking method.

o Developmental tasks:

Develop the ability to listen carefully to the teacher, clearly follow his instructions;

Develop ability to hold the brush correctly when performing poke(vertical).

Activating the dictionary: bristle brush, poke, fluffy.

o Educational tasks:

Foster a love for animals;

Arouse children's interest in wildlife.

3) Materials for joint educational activities:


Samples of a teacher - images of a bear made using the technique poke;

Soft toy "bear";

Panel "forest".


Album sheets in A4 format;

Bristle brushes;

Gouache (brown, white, black);

Jars of water;


Cloths for drying brushes.

Progress of the lesson:

I. B: Guys, now I’ll tell you a riddle. Guess it and find out who came to visit us today. - The teacher asks a riddle.

He's furry, he's big,

He sleeps in a den in winter,

In summer he chews berries,

Takes wild honey from bees,

Can roar menacingly

The clubfooted beast... (Bear)

IN: Right. What animal is a bear?

D: Wild.

IN: Today Mishutka came to visit us. Look how handsome he is and fluffy. - The teacher shows the children a toy.

IN: Mishutka is kind of sad. He is lonely in the winter forest. Guys, let's help Mishutka, draw him friends - bears? (Children's answers)

II. IN: We will draw a bear using the poking method. Now I will tell you and show you how to do it.

IN: First, we will look at what parts does a bear consist of?

D: Muzzle, body, legs, small tail.

IN: What shape is the bear's body? Head? Paws? Tail?

D: The body is oval, the legs are oval, the muzzle and tail are round.

IN: Let's draw our bears with a simple pencil.

IN: How do we arrange our drawing?

D: In the center of the sheet.

IN: Where do we start? draw a bear?

D: From the body.

IN: Here we are drew bears. But while they are not entirely real, we need to revive them. And for this you need to gain strength. Let's take a little rest!

Physical education minute

We clap our hands, clap, clap

clapping overhead

We stomp our feet, stomp, stomp

raise your knees high

Shaking our heads

move your head forward back

We raise our hands, we lower our hands

hands up, hands down

We squat low and we stand up straight

sit down and jump

Hands down, on your side.

Unclench it into a fist

Hands up and into a fist

Unclench it to the side

Get up on your toes

Squat and stand up

Feet together, feet apart.

III.B: So we have gained strength! Let's take a closer look at Mishutka, what is he like?

D: Fluffy, soft.

IN: To convey this fluffiness, we will draw using the poking method, now I'll show you how to do it. - The teacher takes the silhouette of a bear.

IN: I take a bristle brush. Look how tough she is. I wet it a little and pick up some paint. I remove the excess paint on the edge of the jar. I hold the brush vertically. Now I poke the brush along the outline of the bear. Look what fluffy bear turns out.

IN: Now try it too.

Children draw poke method.

IN: Well done. Now we thoroughly rinse the brush and pick up white gouache. Make white spots on the bear's chest and paws.

The teacher helps children who are not doing well.

IV. IN: How well you all did. Let's look at the drawings we got.

The teacher asks the children which works they liked best and why. Children select the best works.

IN: And now we will show our works to Mishutka. Mishutka really liked our bears, he is glad that he has made many friends. Let's let them go into the forest so that Mishutka won't be lonely anymore.

Children, together with the teacher, attach the bears to the panel.

Summary of GCD for drawing using the “poke” technique with a dry glue brush in the middle group “Teddy Bear”

Purpose: To consolidate the drawing technique - “poke” (dry glue brush);

Development of fine motor skills of the hands, coordination of movements;

Strengthen the ability to paint along the contour using the “poke” method;

consolidate knowledge of color (brown, instill interest in drawing in different ways.


Cultivate an interest in wild animals.


Encourage children to use their knowledge and ideas about the features of a bear’s appearance.

To develop the ability to depict a bear, accurately conveying the features of appearance and proportions.


To develop in children the ability to convey a simple, simple image with one character (a bear).

Strengthen the ability to draw an outline with a simple pencil, use a dry, hard brush when drawing the fur of a bear.

Materials for the lesson:

Teddy bear toy;
- simple pencils;

The brush is hard and watercolor.

Preliminary work:

Conversation about wild animals

Examination of the series of paintings “Wild Animals”

Strengthen knowledge of color (brown, instill interest in drawing in different ways.


A sample of a finished drawing of a bear, a toy - a bear cub. Bristle brushes, thin soft brushes, gouache (brown, black, red, napkins, jars of water.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, name me the toys that you know. (Children's answers)

Now let's check if you have listed all the toys? (Show demo material)

Guys, I'll tell you a riddle. You have to guess which toy I made a riddle about. (Mystery)

That's right, it's a bear.

The teacher invites the children to look at the image of a bear. He asks what kind of fur the bear cub has. (fluffy, shaggy).

Physical education lesson "The bear cubs lived in the thicket."

The cubs lived in the thicket

They turned their heads

This is how they turned their heads.

The cubs were looking for honey,

Together they rocked the tree,

Like this, like this, they rocked the tree together.

The cubs drank water

We followed each other,

This is how, this is how everyone followed each other.

The cubs danced

They raised their paws up,

Like this, like this, they raised their paws up.

Would you like to draw a bear cub with the same beautiful fur? (children's answers)

By what method can we draw it? (“Poke method”).

Yes, children, we will draw a bear cub in a way already familiar to you, using a hard brush and gouache, the outline of the bear cub using a simple pencil.

(children sit down).


Remind and show children how to hold a brush correctly: just like a pencil, with three fingers, but above the metal part of the brush.

Where do you think you should start drawing a bear cub? (Children's answers)

Well done! First, we use the “poke method” to trace the outline of the teddy bear. Drawing the body always starts with the downward direction. What part of the bear's body is on top? (Head)

Right! What shape is the bear's head? (Round)

Fine. Which body part should be drawn next? (Torso/body of a bear cub)

It’s great, what kind of figure does the bear cub’s body look like? (Oval)

What parts still need to be drawn for our teddy bear? (front and hind legs, they are oval, ears are semicircular).

When the outline is ready, fill the space inside using the “poke method”.

The teacher accompanies the instructions with a demonstration and invites the children.

What is our little bear missing? (Children's answers)

But first we'll play with our fingers.

Do the warm-up exercise with a brush, with your hand resting on your elbow. (Children perform movements in accordance with the text on a small sheet of paper).

Hold the brush like this - (Hand on the elbow. Hold the brush with three fingers at the base of the sheet metal.

It's difficult? No, nothing! - Movements of the hand along the text.

Right - left, up and down

Our brush ran.

And then, and then - The brush is held vertically.

The brush runs around. Perform pokes without paint

Spun like a top. on the sheet.)

After a poke comes a poke!

Let's draw these fluffy bear cubs!

Independent work of children.

When the drawing dries, with a thin brush, in black, we will add the eyes, nose, mouth and claws to the bear.

4. Independent activity of children.

And now you will each draw your own bear. What kind of bears will you have - happy or sad? If anyone needs help, I will come and help.

5. Summing up.

Analysis: (I take the toy) Bear, look how many drawings you have now with your image. The kids tried so hard to help you. Now you can give them to anyone you want!

Teddy Bear: (Looks at the children's drawings) - Thank you, guys, I like this funny little bear, and this one is funny, and I really like them all and I can send them to my brothers! Hooray! Goodbye!

Educator: Guys, you are all great! Let's hang our drawings at our exhibition.

Municipal state preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 25"


Abstract directly

educational activities in the middle group.

Visual activity.

Topic of the week “Who is preparing for winter?”

Subject: "Bear"

Developed and conducted by teacher Mezentseva O.I.

Korkino 2018

Goals: Continue to learn to master drawing examples (round and oval shapes), paint over them in a circular motion, carefully, without going beyond the contour.

Be able to convey the characteristic features of an animal (bear), observing proportions.

Fix the shape, color, size.

Foster independence and accuracy in work.


Blue cardboard (according to the number of children), paints, brushes, cups of water; templates; example of a teacher; video letter from a bear.

Preliminary work: a surprise moment at the beginning of the week a toy comes to the group /gnome /. The gnome is rearranged throughout the group during the week, unnoticed by the children, and the teacher draws the attention of the children to this.

Preliminary work: viewing the album “Winter in the Forest”, conversation “How animals prepare for winter”, reading the poem “Why does a bear sleep in winter?” V. Orlova.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Guys, look, have we removed all the toys? What happened to our gnome?

Children: He has some kind of letter.

Guys, this letter is not just a letter, it is speaking. What should we do with it? /children's answers / Do you suggest listening to him? Let's listen. (The voice of a bear sounds who cannot sleep and asks for help).

Educator: What should we do guys?I hear a bear crying

Misha, little bear

Stop crying quickly

We will help you

After all, you are so good!

Really guys?

Educator: Guys, look at the bear, what is he like now?/sad, sorrowful, lonely, good /

Is it really possible for a bear to fall asleep in a bad mood? Guys, the Gnome suggests drawing a bear sleeping in a den. Shall we draw and cheer up the bear before winter hibernation? But in order to draw a bear, let’s remember -

What colour is he?

D. – brown.

Educator: And the guys also call the bear brown.

Let's see what body parts a bear has.

D. Body, head, paws, ears….

Educator: How many paws does a bear have?

D. Four.

Educator: Which?

D. Two top and two back.

Educator: What does a bear have on his head?

D. Ears, eyes, mouth, nose.

Educator: How many ears and how many eyes? Does the bear have a tail?

D. Yes, he is small.

The teacher suggests drawing a bear in a den using templates.

Educator : before we start our work, let's prepare our fingers.

Finger gymnastics:

Two bears

Two bears were sittingShows with his hands how he mixed the flour and

On a thin they fell, then point to the nose, mouth

One stirred the sour cream,and so on throughout the text.

Another was kneading flour.

One ku ku, two ku ku

They both fell into the flour!

Nose in flour, mouth in flour,

Ear in sour milk!

Educator : And now let's start doing our work.

The teacher demonstrates the technique of drawing and painting a bear figure.

Independent work. To the accompaniment of music, children begin to trace the patterns.

Educator: Well done guys, you traced your templates very accurately. Really a gnome? Guys, our friend Gnome suggests we warm up a little before we start coloring our drawing.

Physical exercise: Three bears

Three bears walked home Children waddle in place
Dad was big, big. Raise your arms above your head, pull up.
Mom is shorter with him, hands at chest level.
And my son is just a little baby. Sit down.
He was very small, crouching and swinging like a bear.
He walked around with rattles. Stand up with your hands clenched into fists in front of your chest.
Ding-ding, ding-ding. Children imitate playing with rattles.

Educator: Well, now let’s sit down quietly and start coloring your drawings.

III. Final part:

During work, the teacher helps children with difficulties. Then he collects the children’s work and lays it out to dry.

Educator: - Did you like drawing the bear?

Children's answers. (Yes)

Educator: - All the works turned out very beautiful. Looking at your drawings, the bear will definitely fall asleep!


    An exemplary general educational program for preschool education “From birth to school” - edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva

    Imagination and creativity in childhood – L.S. Vyutsky.

    Children's development in visual arts. – T.N. Doronina

    Visual activities in kindergarten - N.P. Sakulina, T.S. Komarova