Apple juice for the winter: the best recipes with photos. Canned apple juice - vitamins for the winter

An apple is one of the most useful and valuable fruits for humans. It contains reserves of vitamin C, antioxidants, and fiber, so eating apples helps prevent a number of serious diseases. This fruit is loved in many countries around the world, and the British even have the opinion that one apple a day keeps doctors away.

In contact with

The peculiarities of our climate allow us to enjoy fresh apples only in summer and autumn. Of course, the rest of the time you can buy imported fruits, but the question of their benefits remains open, since the conditions of cultivation, storage and transportation are not always known.

If the apples are grown on your own plot or purchased at a farmers market, then their naturalness is beyond doubt.

But how to preserve their benefits until winter? An excellent solution is to prepare homemade apple juice for the winter, the recipe for which we will tell you in this article. After all, it not only has an excellent taste (which will remind you of summer even on the coldest winter day), but also replenishes the body’s need for vitamins and minerals (as it is rich in iron, magnesium, and potassium). To obtain high quality juice, you should select ripe fruits that are free from defects. Homemade apple juice is completely natural, so it is healthier than store-bought drinks.

How to squeeze juice correctly

For squeezing, it is best to take sweet or sour-sweet varieties of apples (you will have to add a lot of sugar to the juice from very sour apples, and it can cause heartburn). Common types such as pear, anise, and Antonovka are suitable. To obtain the optimal level of sweetness, you can mix several varieties.

First, the selected fruits should be thoroughly washed, then the core is removed from them (this can be easily done using a special knife, a teaspoon or a fruit knife). The easiest way to prepare apple juice for the winter is to use a juicer, after cutting the apples into slices.

Modern technology allows you to quickly and easily squeeze out any amount of juice. The resulting juice must be poured into a glass or enamel container. To avoid browning (caused by oxidation), you can add a small amount of lemon juice.

The remaining apple pulp should not be used for repeated squeezing; it is better to make puree or pancakes from it.

First of all, you need to sterilize the containers in which the juice will be stored. Soap or soda is suitable for this. After rinsing, the jars should be doused with boiling water or heated in the oven (to a temperature of about 100 degrees). The lids are also washed and boiled in water (from 2 to 5 minutes).

There are three main types of canning. The first one is in heating the juice in an enamel pan (to avoid the juice “escaping”, it must not be filled completely). Requires heating up to 95 degrees.

If it is not possible to use a thermometer, then you can simply wait for bubbles to appear on the surface (do not forget to remove the foam).

No need to boil! Then the juice is poured into jars (they must be heated) - and each of them is immediately rolled up.

For the second method you will need a large saucepan. After squeezing, the juice should be poured into jars without heating. After this, the jars with unrolled lids are placed in a saucepan and filled with warm water up to the neck. The water in the pan (covered with a lid) is brought to 85 degrees, then the heat should be reduced and the jars pasteurized, maintaining this temperature. Pasteurization time depends on the volume of the jars. For small ones (up to 1.5 liters) it takes about 20 minutes, for large ones (2-3 liters) – 30 minutes. Afterwards, you need to carefully remove the hot jars - for this you can use a thick pot holder or a towel folded several times (you can also find special comfortable tongs on sale). The cans are removed one by one and immediately rolled up.

The third method involves boiling the juice (5-10 minutes). Keep in mind that in this case, the vitamins in the juice will be lost, although it will retain its taste. You should boil the juice only if there are doubts about the quality of the apples (for example, if there are a lot of them and there is no time for careful selection).

When the jars of juice are closed, they need to be turned over, checked for leaks (no juice should leak out) and left to cool under a warm blanket. Completely cooled jars are turned over again and put away for storage (in the dark and cool).

Before doing this, it is better to indicate on each can the year the juice was made. Its shelf life is approximately 2 years.

The question often arises as to whether sugar should be added to juice when canning. This is not necessary (especially if sweet fruits are used). The fact is that apples already contain acids and sugars, which are natural preservatives.

Blended juices

Apple juice itself is quite concentrated. Therefore, it often has to be diluted with water (otherwise digestive problems may occur). A good solution to this problem is to prepare blended juices or juice mixtures. This allows you to soften the taste and add even more beneficial properties.

With pumpkin

Pumpkin juice is also very valuable for humans, but not everyone likes its taste. This is an additional argument in favor of adding it to apple juice. The pumpkin needs to be washed, peeled and pitted, cut, steamed until soft and rubbed with a sieve (or simply chopped in a blender without cooking). The resulting puree is poured into apple juice (proportions are chosen to taste). And pumpkin apple juice is ready for the winter!

You don’t have to make puree, but immediately squeeze the juice from the pumpkin in a juicer and mix it with apple juice.

With carrots

Thoroughly washed and chopped carrots should be steamed and then rubbed or passed through a juicer. A mixture of apple and carrot juice (or puree) is preserved using one of the methods described above (hot filling or pasteurization). Thanks to carrots, the juice will contain a large amount of carotene and B vitamins.

Apple-zucchini juice

Zucchini juice will not only soften the taste of apple juice, but also add calcium and other minerals and vitamins to the drink. This blended juice is prepared in the same way as other apple-vegetable mixtures.

Apple juice can also be mixed with various berry juices - for example, raspberry, currant, chokeberry, sea buckthorn and even viburnum.

Now you understand that preparing apple juice for the winter is very easy, especially since both adults and children will enjoy such natural and healthy drinks. And their variety will not let you get bored at your home table!

Video instruction:

Bon appetit!

Among the many recipes for homemade preparations for the winter, I also have natural apple juice. I think there is no need to say that the homemade apple juice that we will prepare for the winter today is not only very tasty, but also certainly healthy. It can be consumed as an independent drink, simply diluted with water, or used as a base for making jelly, tea, mousses, jelly and even fruit ice cream.

We can talk about the benefits of apple juice prepared at home for a very long time. Not only is it a low-calorie product (especially if prepared without sugar), it also contains a lot of iron, pectin and fruit acids. Regular consumption of apple juice (within reasonable limits, of course) helps increase immunity, as well as the body's resistance to infectious and colds. It is recommended to drink it to improve digestion and stimulate intestinal function.

How to make apple juice at home? There are several options, but today I suggest making apple juice through a juicer, since I simply don’t have a juicer. As a result of simple manipulations, you will get a very rich concentrated drink, which must be diluted with water before drinking (I dilute it about 1 to 3). I hope this year you also have a good harvest season and you will definitely prepare apple juice at home for your family.


Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

The recipe for apple juice for the winter includes only 2 ingredients: apples and granulated sugar. You can adjust the amount of sugar yourself depending on the natural sweetness of the apples. My fruits are sweet and sour, so I sweetened the finished apple juice a little.

So, we sort through the apples, wash them, and if there are rotten places, cut them out. We pass the fruits through the juicer, not forgetting to remove the pulp from time to time.

Pour the apple juice into a large container and let it sit for 10 minutes. During this time, the foam (there is a lot of it) will rise to the top and become denser.

It’s easier and simpler for me to first strain the juice, and then squeeze out this dense foam - it also contains a lot of juice. I use a ladle to skim off the foam and transfer it to another container. If your cake is wet, squeeze it out too.

You need to strain freshly squeezed apple juice through thick natural fabric or 4-5 layers of gauze. At first, the juice will actively drain, after which it will begin to drip - then you will need to squeeze it out with your hands.

The result is slightly cloudy freshly squeezed apple juice, the color of which depends on the variety and color of the apples. From 6 kilograms of fruit I squeezed 3.1 liters of juice.

Add granulated sugar to taste - 400 grams of sugar was enough for me for this amount of juice. If your apple juice is very sour, add sugar. And if the apples are initially sweet, you don’t have to sweeten the juice at all. Mix everything and put on medium heat. There is no need to boil apple juice for the winter - just bring it to 95 degrees (the juice is about to boil) and you can close it in jars.

Pour the hot juice into pre-prepared jars. Each housewife sterilizes the dishes for preparations in her own way, but I prefer to do it in the microwave - wash the jars in a soda solution, rinse and pour 2 fingers of cold water into each. Steam the jars in the microwave at the highest power for 5 minutes each. If you sterilize, for example, 3 0.5-1 liter jars at once, 7-10 minutes will be enough. I boil the lids on the stove for about five minutes.

Autumn... a lot of apples are ripe in the garden. What better use for so many apples than preparing apple juice for the winter using a juicer, can not found. This juice has pulp and a rich taste. Neither water nor sugar are added to this juice. For the winter-spring period, this is a vitamin bomb. From 10 kilograms of apples I got 4.5 liters of delicious juice.


To prepare apple juice for the winter using a juicer you will need:

apples - 10 kg.

Cooking steps

Wash the apples thoroughly and trim off any spoiled areas if necessary. Cut the apples in half to make sure there are no worms in them. I weighed the trimmed apples, but in any case, the amount of juice may be different each time, as it depends on the type of apple and the juicer used.

Next, pour all the juice into a saucepan and put it on the fire, bring to a boil.

Cook the juice from the moment it boils for 5 minutes over low heat, skimming off the foam.

Immediately pour the hot juice into dry sterile jars, cover with lids scalded with boiling water and roll up with a key. Turn the jars upside down and wrap them for further sterilization until they cool completely.

Apple juice prepared using a juicer can be stored at room temperature. Excellent preparation for the winter, try it!

Delicious preparations to you!

Making homemade preparations for the winter is healthy and tasty. Among other things, it is also very practical, especially in a year rich in a certain variety of vegetables or fruits. For example, it is almost impossible to “fight” an abundant harvest of apples in the garden solely by eating the fruits. It is much healthier and more correct to prepare apples for the winter in jars, making jam, marmalade, compotes and juices. By the way, about homemade apple juice - this is one of the healthiest ways to preserve fruit. Especially if you prepare apple juice for the winter with pulp through a juicer or juicer without adding sugar. Apple juice also makes an excellent base and combines well with other autumn gifts, such as pumpkin or carrots. In our article today you will find step-by-step recipes with photos of both classic apple juice and its original pumpkin-carrot versions. All recipes are quite simple to prepare and do not require special culinary skills. Therefore, we confidently recommend them to all lovers of home-canned apple juices!

How to make apple juice for the winter at home using a juicer - step-by-step recipe with photos

A juicer is an indispensable assistant when you are going to make apple juice at home, including for winter. There is practically no fundamental difference that will be reflected in the taste of the finished product, whether it is a manual, auger or centrifugal juicer. Therefore, to make apple juice for the winter at home using a juicer, you can choose any version of this kitchen assistant you have.

Necessary ingredients to make apple juice for winter at home

  • sweet apples - 5 kg
  • sugar - 1/4 cup

Step-by-step instructions on how to make apple juice for the winter using a juicer at home

Delicious apple juice for the winter at home using a juicer - step by step recipe

There is nothing easier than preparing delicious apple juice for the winter at home in a juicer! The finished drink is clear, delicate and very aromatic. And all that is required from a housewife who has decided to prepare delicious apple juice for the winter using a juicer at home is to properly prepare the fruits for further processing.

Necessary ingredients for delicious apple juice for winter using a juicer at home

  • apples of any variety in any quantity
  • sugar to taste

Step-by-step instructions for a delicious apple juice recipe at home in a juicer for the winter

  1. So, first you need to properly prepare the fruits for further heat treatment. To do this, wash the apples thoroughly and cut off all spoiled areas. We cut each fruit into about 6-8 parts depending on size, remove the insides.
  2. Place the apples prepared in this way into a juicer. There is no need to remove the peel, as during the cooking process it will come off along with the excess pulp.
  3. If your apples are sour, then at this stage you can add sugar to taste. But you don’t have to do this with sweet varieties of fruits - the juice will be healthier.
  4. Close the lid of the juicer tightly and place it on the stove for about an hour. At this time, we are sterilizing containers and caps.
  5. After an hour, open the lid and mix the contents of the juicer well. This will help separate any remaining liquid from the pulp. Remove from the stove, place the pan and open the special tap to drain the finished product.
  6. Since the finished juice is hot, we immediately pour it into sterile jars and seal it. After this, turn the workpiece upside down until it cools.

How to prepare delicious apple juice for the winter at home - step by step recipe

The next recipe, which will reveal another way to prepare delicious apple juice for the winter at home, will also use a juicer. But unlike the first option, the technology for preparing juice from apples will be slightly different and will significantly facilitate the process of preparing the product. Learn more about how to easily prepare delicious apple juice for the winter at home in the following recipe.

Necessary ingredients to prepare apple juice for the winter at home

  • apples
  • sugar

Step-by-step instructions on how to prepare apple juice for winter at home

  1. Cut the washed apples into small pieces, remove all wormholes, seeds and partitions. You can leave the peel.
  2. We pass the resulting slices through a juicer. Then we filter the finished juice through several layers of gauze in order to separate the liquid from the pulp.
  3. Pour pure juice into a saucepan and add sugar. For sweet apples, the serving of sugar should be approximately 1 tbsp. l. with a slide per liter of liquid.
  4. Over medium heat, constantly stirring and skimming the foam from the surface, bring the juice to almost a boil - 80-90 degrees. Keep it at this temperature for literally 3 minutes and remove it from the stove.
  5. Immediately pour the hot juice into sterile glass bottles or jars and seal tightly.

Homemade apple juice without sugar through a juicer - a recipe for preparing it for the winter

To prepare homemade apple juice for the winter using a sugar-free juicer, you need to use exclusively sweet varieties, such as Gala or Golden. In this case, it is desirable that the fruits are not from the first harvest - late apples are juicier and rich in vitamins. Read more about delicious and healthy homemade apple juice without sugar using a juicer in the winter preparation recipe below.

Necessary ingredients for homemade apple juice without sugar through a juicer for the winter

  • sweet apples

Step-by-step instructions for preparing sugar-free apple juice through a juicer for the winter

  1. We cut clean apples into small slices, which will be convenient to pass through a juicer. We must trim off internal partitions, bones and damaged areas.
  2. We pass the apple slices through a juicer and pour the resulting juice into an enamel pan.
  3. Strain the apple juice through cheesecloth folded in 2-3 layers. This method helps to get rid of the pulp well.
  4. Place the prepared juice in an enamel pan on the fire and bring to a boil. Remove the foam from the surface using a slotted spoon.
  5. Literally keep the juice boiling for 2-3 minutes and then remove the pan from the stove.
  6. Pour the finished drink into pre-sterilized containers - jars or bottles. Seal, wrap in something warm and leave until completely cool.

Delicious apple juice for the winter without pulp at home - a simple recipe

You will find another simple and at the same time delicious recipe for apple juice for the winter without pulp at home. Unlike the previous version, this recipe uses sugar and aromatic spices. Find out which one exactly from the description of delicious apple juice without pulp for the winter at home below.

Necessary ingredients for delicious apple juice without pulp for winter at home

  • apples - 5 kg
  • sugar -3 tbsp. l.
  • ginger root - 1 pc. approximately 5 cm.

Step-by-step instructions for a recipe for apple juice without pulp for the winter at home

  1. To prepare this version of tasty and healthy apple juice, you need to use a juicer. Thanks to it, the juice will be obtained without pulp and will retain maximum vitamins. First of all, cut the apples into slices.
  2. Peel the ginger root and cut into small pieces. You can grate it on a coarse grater.
  3. Place apple slices and ginger into the juicer. If necessary, add granulated sugar and place on the stove.
  4. Cook the juice for an hour and a half, then remove the juice cooker from the heat and drain the juice through a special tap.
  5. Immediately pour the hot drink into sterile jars and close the lids.

How to make homemade apple juice without a juicer for the winter - a simple step-by-step recipe

You can make homemade apple juice for the winter using the following simple recipe without a juicer. This drink turns out to be quite thick, since it contains pulp. Details on how to make homemade juice for the winter without a juicer are in the simple step-by-step recipe below.

Necessary ingredients to make apple juice without a juicer for the winter

  • apples - 5-7 kg
  • sugar - 0.5 kg

Step-by-step instructions on how to make homemade apple juice without a juicer using a simple recipe

  1. Chop the apples finely, removing all internal partitions. Pour in water until the liquid completely covers the fruit.
  2. Place on fire and bring to a boil. Boil for 10 minutes, remove from heat and cool.
  3. Grind the cooled mass through a sieve.
  4. Add sugar to the resulting puree, mix well and bring to a boil again.
  5. Remove from heat and pour into sterile jars, roll up.

How to prepare apple and carrot juice for the winter - a recipe for canning at home

If you want to double your dose of vitamins, then be sure to prepare apple and carrot juice for the winter using the recipe for canning at home below. Adding carrots will not only make the taste more interesting and the composition healthier, but will also enhance the color saturation of the drink. Read more about how to prepare apple-carrot juice for the winter in the description of the recipe for canning at home below.

Necessary ingredients to prepare apple-carrot juice for the winter at home

  • apples - 5kg
  • carrots - 1.5 kg
  • sugar - 300 gr.

Step-by-step instructions on how to prepare apple-carrot juice for the winter using a canning recipe

  1. Wash the apples and carrots, peel them and cut them into small pieces.
  2. We put the fruits into the juicer first, and then the chopped carrots.
  3. Mix both juices and strain through layers of gauze or thick cloth. If you like juice with pulp, then skip this step.
  4. Add sugar and place on medium heat. Bring to 90 degrees and boil for 10 minutes until all the sugar is completely dissolved.
  5. Pour the prepared juice into sterile containers and screw on the lids.

How to make apple-pumpkin juice for the winter at home - step-by-step recipe with video

Apple juice for the winter at home turns out even more tasty and rich in vitamins if you prepare it with carrots or pumpkin. It is these two ingredients that are most organically combined with homemade apple juice as flavor and color enhancers. In the next video you will find a recipe on how to make apple and pumpkin juice for the winter at home using a juicer. You can also use a juicer to prepare it, but then the canned juice will be without pulp. As for sugar, whether or not to add it to a recipe can be decided based on the sweetness of the apples. Learn more about how to make apple-pumpkin juice at home for the winter in the step-by-step video recipe below.

The most delicious and healthy drink today is apple juice. Apple juice for the winter is made through a juicer by those chefs who care not only about the taste of the resulting product, but also about its beneficial qualities. The process of preparing such a preparation is so simple that even the most inexperienced cook can handle it. The product prepared by the housewife will not only be an excellent health product, but also a good addition to the main dishes prepared for the holiday table.

The main advantages of the dish include: juice passed through a juicer retains much more beneficial properties, is more nutritious and easier to prepare. The disadvantage of this production method is that only ripe fruits are suitable for its preparation.

The benefits of apples for the human body

The beneficial properties of apples are so great that a huge number of people eat them. On the one hand, this fruit has a low calorie content, and on the other hand, it is easy to digest. It is great for people who want to lose weight. The calorie content of 100 grams of product is 47.5 kilocalories. It is often used in various diets. Apples help people lose weight quickly by consuming a tasty food product.

Apples contain the following groups of vitamins: C, E, A, H, PP, K, B1, B5, B6, B9. In addition, they contain a huge number of micro- and macroelements. Some of the most important are trace elements such as magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, iron, zinc, cobalt, copper and iodine. The main advantages include the huge content of fiber, organic acids, pectins, carbohydrates and dietary fiber in fruits. It is precisely because of the large number of positive properties of the fruit that preparing apple juice for the winter through a juicer is so popular.

Choosing a variety for canning

Choosing the right type of fruit will largely depend on the desired result you want to achieve. The juice can have a pleasant mild sweet taste or sourish taste. By choosing a sweet variety of apples, you can get a drink with a sweetish taste, and a sour one with sourness. Apples Cosmonaut Titov, Freedom, Antey, Elena - have a dense structure, so the juice made will have a lot of pulp and not a lot of liquid. This product is suitable for those who like to drink juice smoothly.

Fans of sour taste can pay attention to the following varieties of fruits: Nizhegorodka, Antonovka. Professionals recommend canning apples with sourness; they last much longer than sweet ones.

Important! You should not mix different types of apples when creating juice. It is also necessary to distinguish between quickly ripening and summer fruits of this fruit.

Apple juice for the winter through a juicer: video

Secrets of making apple juice

To make winter preparations more palatable, it is recommended to adhere to some important cooking secrets:

  • The time for pasteurization of juices largely depends on the volume of its preparation. A jar of 1 liter size will be processed for 15 minutes, 1.5 liters - 20 minutes, 3 liters - 30 minutes.
  • Experienced cooks add sugar syrup to the preparation instead of sugar. The recipe for its preparation is simple: 200 grams of sugar are dissolved in water, mixed, filtered through a thick piece of gauze. This juice is tastier and milder in taste.
  • Enameled containers are used for cooking juice, since they are more harmless than aluminum or steel.

Preparing apple juice for the winter through a juicer can be prepared according to various recipes, but using these recommendations, the product will be of higher quality.

Sterilizing juice jars

The power of the device is a very important property; it must be at least 300 W. Juicers with a power of about 500 W are considered to be of the highest quality. This indicator affects the performance of the device.

DIY apple juicer

You can assemble the juicer with your own hands from an activator-type washing machine. The operation of the device is based on centrifugal rotation. The activator and shaft are removed from the bottom of the old machine and installed on a shaft of the required diameter. 3 knives are installed on the threaded part using nuts at an angle of 60 degrees. The drain hole is covered. A stainless steel mesh with a mesh size of 1.5 millimeters lies on the wall of the centrifuge with an overlap of 40-50 millimeters. A lid made of rubber with a stopper is placed on its bottom, tightly closing it. Everything is thoroughly washed with baking soda, and the timer relay is turned off.

Afterwards, 2-3 apples are placed into the homemade structure on rotating knives. They are thoroughly crushed within half an hour. You can put 3 liters of applesauce into the centrifuge at one time. After completing each procedure, the device must be thoroughly washed. The assembled apparatus can prepare about 10 liters of juice with pulp per hour. This device performance is perfect for home use.

Apple juice for the winter through a juicer: without pulp recipe

Many people prefer to drink juice without pulp. Creating a similar product is very simple if you follow the following recipe. Main components needed for cooking:

  • apples – 3 kilograms;
  • sugar – 50 grams.

Instructions for making apple juice:

    Selected and thoroughly washed apples are cut into 4 parts, the core is removed, and sent to the juicer.

    The juice turns out very cloudy, so it needs filtration. As a filter, you can use a small piece of cotton cloth, gauze or a sterile bandage. Cooks prepare jam from the resulting pulp.

    The strained juice does not need to be brought to a boil, but it needs to be heated to 85 degrees Celsius, after which it can be poured into separate jars. It, together with the container, must be sterilized before rolling. Sterilization time is 20 minutes.

recipe for cooking without pulp) is one of the most common.

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Apple juice for the winter through a juicer, transparent without pulp

The cooking sequence is very simple:

  • peeled apples are cut into small pieces, after removing the cores;
  • the fruit is passed through a juicer;
  • after that, it is filtered through a fine sieve, separating the pulp from the clear juice;
  • at the end of the procedure, the juice is heated to a boil and it is sterilized along with the container in which it will be located.

Apple juice for the winter through a juicer with pulp

Many chefs advise making apple juice from a juicer for the winter, and there are a wide variety of recipes. The main components of this drink:

  • sour and sweet varieties of apples – 2-3 kilograms;
  • water – 250 milliliters;
  • sugar - 2 large spoons.

Cooking sequence:

  1. We wash the fruits with water and chop them into small pieces, place them in a large saucepan, press them down with something heavy so that the apples release juice, add granulated sugar and water, and bring to a boil.
  2. After that, remove from the heat and mash the apples using a wooden masher, put the puree back on the fire for about 5 minutes.
  3. Afterwards, carefully sterilize the container with the product for 20 minutes and roll up the lid.

Step-by-step instruction:

Persico - apple juice

This drink is very tasty. Two healthy fruits are in perfect harmony with each other. The result is a very nutritious and tasty juice.

Product Components:

  • peaches – 5 kilograms;
  • apples – 3 kilograms;
  • sugar – 70 grams.

Product preparation process:

  1. We wash the apples and peaches well with water, peel them, and put the fruits in a juicer.
  2. Sterilize the jars and boil the lids for about 10 minutes.
  3. Pour the apple and peach juice into a large bowl and bring to a boil, then add sugar to the resulting mixture, boil for about 7 minutes, pour into jars and close with lids.

Bottom line

Apple juice for the winter is prepared very simply and quickly using a juicer. It can be prepared at home not only using an expensive juicer, but also using a home-made device. Apple juice has a lot of valuable qualities that support the normal functioning of the human body.