Underwater world drawings. Non-traditional drawing technique in elementary school

Master class on drawing “Underwater world”

Master class on unconventional painting with watercolors and a paraffin candle “Underwater World”

Efremova Albina Nikolaevna, teacher, MBOU boarding school in Belebey, Republic of Bashkortostan

This master class is intended for kindergarten teachers, primary school teachers, parents, and children. This master class is recommended for children aged 6 - 8 years.
Purpose: making drawings using an unconventional imaging technique - watercolors using a paraffin candle.
Target: Draw an underwater world with many different inhabitants using an unconventional drawing technique (watercolors + paraffin candle).
Learn to apply acquired knowledge about composition, color and color contrasts.
Develop drawing skills from general to specific.
Develop creativity, imagination and a sense of harmony.
To promote the development of creative abilities, independence and accuracy, interest in fine arts.
Materials: A simple pencil, an eraser, watercolor paints, brushes, water, a sheet of A4 paper, a paraffin candle.

Dolphins swim in the sea
And whales swim
And colorful fish,
And also me and you.
Only we are at the shore,
And the fish are in the depths;
We grew up in the sun
And the fish are all in the water.
But we are similar to them:

We love to play
But we just can't
Like fish, keep quiet.
We want to frolic
And I want to scream
We want to have fun
And sing songs
About the blue sea
And yellow flowers
About colorful fish
Both you and I will sing.
Dolphins swim in the sea
And whales swim
We'll take a swim too
And he, and I, and you!
Let's imagine now as if we were at the bottom of the sea. This is an amazing world, almost fabulous. I suggest you learn how to paint the underwater world with watercolors. We will also use a paraffin candle. But why we need a candle, you will find out later.

Stages of work:

1. Draw the seabed on a sheet of paper with a simple pencil. It may be uneven, there are different stones.

2. Let's draw different algae and corals.

3. Let’s draw the inhabitants of the sea: a beautiful fish, a starfish.

4. A jellyfish swims by.

5. There is a seahorse next to the fish.

6. We begin to paint algae and corals with paints.

7. Paint the bottom with the color of sand.

8. Then we will paint all the inhabitants of the sea.

9. Now take a piece of paraffin candle and wipe all the drawn and painted elements.

10. Using the same candle, we draw invisible lines - waves, and also draw several circles near the fish’s mouth, as if it were blowing bubbles.

11. Now we will paint sea water. We take blue paint and, sparing no water, paint over the drawing with horizontal strokes, starting from the top of the sheet. You can make sure that where we moved the candle, nothing is stained.

12. Feel free to paint over the entire water area. The necessary lines and elements will appear on their own. The color of the water can be diversified by adding other shades of blue and lilac.

13. These are the drawings my first-graders came up with. A real underwater world!

Natalia Burmistrova

I present to your attention master class on drawing using non-traditional techniques in the senior group « Underwater kingdom» .

For work we need:

Landscape sheet;

Wax pencils;

Watercolor paints;

Brushes thin and thick;

A jar of water.

First, on a white sheet of paper, in different places, we draw various fish with wax pencils. We use bright colors: yellow, red, orange and others. It is better if the fish swim in different directions. Below we draw pebbles in black, brown or gray.

Then paint over the entire sheet with a thick brush using cold watercolors. flowers: blue, violet, cyan. We use enough water on the brush to get interesting infusions of one color into another and color stretches. The smoother the transition of colors and tones, the more impressive the work will look. The image of fish and pebbles will appear as the wax repels water.

Then, until the blue paint has dried, we paint algae with a thin brush in green using the technique "in the wet". « Underwater kingdom» ready!

Here are the works of our children:

Thank you for your attention!

Publications on the topic:

The other day we read the fairy tale The Little Mermaid and watched the cartoon "Ariel" produced by Walt Disney. The children watched and listened very carefully and liked it.

Scenario for the New Year's holiday "Underwater Kingdom" Children run into the hall to cheerful music, stand in front of the Christmas tree in a semicircle, on which the lights are burning. sing a New Year's song. 1st child: came.

"Underwater Kingdom" Summary of a lesson on drawing using the scratch technique in the senior group GBOU School No. 1861 “Zagorye” Preschool department No. 4 “Underwater Kingdom” Integrated direct educational activities.

Summary of an open lesson on unconventional drawing in the middle group “Journey to the underwater kingdom” Objectives: To form and enrich children’s ideas about the seasons, to clarify and systematize ideas about fish and their places of residence.

Summary of a lesson on drawing in an unconventional technique “Underwater Kingdom” Program content: teach children to draw in an unconventional way “on a wet sheet”. Develop multidirectional, united, smooth movements.

Mini-museum “Underwater Kingdom” Mini-museum in kindergarten as a form of work with children and parents Mini-museum “Underwater Kingdom” MBDOU No. 16 Leninsk-Kuznetsk City.

Direct educational activity in non-traditional drawing “Underwater Kingdom” (preparatory group) Program objectives: Educational: continue to teach children how to mix paints; learn to draw unconventionally.

Drawing with cotton swabs. Master class with photos

Master class on drawing "Underwater world"

Dumler Tatyana Petrovna, art teacher at MAOU gymnasium No. 56 in Tomsk
Purpose: This work is intended for little artists, teachers, and parents.
Target: Draw in gouache using an unconventional method.
- teach how to draw animals of the underwater world
- develop imagination and creativity
- promote the development of fine motor skills and attention.
Materials: To complete this work we will need drawing paper, gouache, a brush, cotton swabs, and a glass of water.

We invite first-graders to immerse themselves in the magical world of the sea kingdom.
To begin with, a surface of water should appear on the landscape sheet. Using a wide brush, the children paint the background with cool-toned paints.

Gouache dries quickly. After a short conversation (or a game, riddles, presentation), the guys begin to draw sea creatures. We draw a turtle with brown paint: the body is a large oval, the legs are triangles, the head is a small oval.

Another amazing and beautiful inhabitant of the seas is the jellyfish. We paint it with lilac (or purple) paint. Semicircular body, ornate tentacles.

And of course, it’s hard to imagine the sea without fish, beautiful, unusual, fabulous. Using ocher (or yellow paint) we draw the body of an oval-shaped fish.

Cotton swabs have been used as a drawing material for a long time. But for young artists it is always very unusual and intriguing. I propose to decorate our heroes with patterns using cotton swabs.

We dip a cotton swab into the paint and apply it to the drawing, creating patterns. We continue to decorate the turtle. For each color we use a new stick and put them in a glass.

To decorate the jellyfish we use a pink palette. I suggest the guys mix white and pink paints to get a new shade. We also mix purple and white helmets. The guys apply patterns at their own discretion.

You can decorate fish with warm colors.

We paint the sandy bottom with yellow, brown, and ocher paints. First we paint the algae with a brush.

The children choose the further decoration of the drawing themselves. You can add other algae, you can draw rocks, shells, you can draw air bubbles.

Try this work with your students and you will see what wonderful “masterpieces” you will get. Good luck! Thank you for watching!