Gypsies-Luli history is different. Central Asian gypsies: history and culture – Fergana – international news agency

Usually we don’t go to popular places, but choose more remote and untouched corners of nature for relaxation. But this summer we lived in Volyn, and could not ignore such an interesting popular place as a "tunnel of love". It is suitable for a romantic walk, as a background for a photo shoot, and even for a short hike.

Some general information about the “tunnel of love”

Everyone has probably already seen photos of an incredible tunnel made from a tangle of branches on the Internet. It is located in the Rivne region. The tunnel connects the villages of Klevan and Orzhev. Its length is approximately 4 km.

The pathetic history of this place appeared quite recently, and its origins originate from the works of some photographer who chose this miracle of nature for wedding photographs.

And more ancient history says that trees were planted here to hide the track from aircraft during the Second World War. None of them seems plausible to us, but it is also quite difficult to believe that the tunnel appeared on its own.

In reality, the arch of trees looks a little less fabulous. In fact, branches do not completely cover the rails everywhere; sometimes there are gaps and bald spots. In addition, the impression is spoiled by clouds of mosquitoes and fuel oil underfoot.

In order not to ruin your trip, you need to take repellent and normal clothes, not evening dresses.

Alternatively, you can take your outfits with you and change only for the vanilla photo. By the way, mosquito repellents are sold by the ladies at the entrance, in the same place as the magnets.

Don't think that the Tunnel of Love isn't cool, because it really is a delightful place. Even the Japanese checked it out and filmed a segment of the film “Tunnel of love - Place for miracles” here.

Although many sources write that this part of the railway has long been abandoned, this is not true. During the day we saw a train passing 6 times. It is not a passenger one, and consists of a maximum of a locomotive and one trailer. The train is used to transport timber.

If you walk about a kilometer deep, you can find a swamp, which is located right next to the track. The swamp looks quite mystical and interesting if anyone has never seen such reservoirs. There are beavers and some large birds there.

And somewhere halfway to Orzhev there is a fork, but you are unlikely to get there if you do not set this as a goal, because the path is trodden only to the swamp, and then everything is overgrown with grass.

How to get to the "Tunnel of Love"

To get to the “tunnel of love”, you need to go to Klevan. This is not difficult to do - the village is located on the road between Rivne and Lutsk. Buses travel here regularly. True, we are not sure where the bus station is - perhaps it is a long walk from it.

But the train stops nearby. We traveled from Lutsk on the suburban "Lutsk-Zdolbunov". You can also come from Rivne by train. If you choose this method of transportation, you will also have the opportunity to enjoy the stained glass windows in the railway station building - we liked them.

When you get off the train, cross the tracks and head towards the track going to the left. It will lead you straight to the “tunnel of love”.

It will also be convenient to get here by car, since the road leads directly to the “tunnel”.

Our mini-trip to the "tunnel of love"

We decided that since we had been shaken up on the train, we also needed to arrange an overnight trip. We took our friends and backpacks with us and dived into the thick of the “tunnel”.

We went further than everyone else and were left in splendid isolation. Here, surprisingly, there are almost no normal places for tents - everywhere there are either thickets or a swamp. We settled down in the thick of trees, not far from the fork.

Loneliness in this forest is an exaggerated word, because besides us, there were countless insects in the thicket. You can’t even sit normally near a fire when your whole body is covered in mosquitoes.

And at night our peace was disturbed unknown beast- he made very strange sounds, and then rushed into the night, causing gravel to fall on the tracks. Perhaps it was a cute squirrel, but it was scary, as if a three-headed dragon had run past.

There is no point in going on a hike to the “tunnel of love”. It is better to choose a forest in neighboring Tsumani for this. But for a relaxing weekend, this place is just right. Stock up on repellent and go see the miracle that nature has created for us!

The lady at the entrance promised that in the fall the “tunnel of love” will be even brighter and more exciting, so don’t delay your trip!

To make it more clear, study the map:

Ukrainian town Klevan(8 t.zh.) is located 23 km west of SMOOTH, on the Rivne-Lutsk highway. You can get to the village by electric trains in the Kovel direction or just by minibus, of which there are an unlimited number. In guidebooks (including the authoritative practical guide by Andrei Sapunov), only the ruins of a castle (15th century), and an old church and a cathedral are mentioned about the sights of Klevan. In my opinion, the authors completely undeservedly bypassed another, I believe, the most interesting local attraction - " Tunnel of Love" or "Tunnel of Lovers". But as the practice of that day showed, the “tunnel” of industrial origin in Klevan is visited much more than all the architectural objects listed above.

What is the “tunnel of love” and how to find it? Read under the cut (a must read for railway workers and those who are partial to hardware!)

If you get to Klevan by train, you can start looking for the tunnel immediately from the station; if you take a minibus from Rivne or Lutsk, you need to get to the area called Klevan-2 and it’s better, of course, to also get off near the railway station. Well, then you need to move along the paths in east direction(on Rivne) and gradually take it a little further north (see picture from Wikimapia). The access road (which goes through the tunnel) goes in the direction of the village of Orzhev.

Just before the start of the tunnel

How was such beauty formed? I’ll say right away that in our “blue-eyed” this would never happen, because we have everything in accordance with GOSTs and Railway, as a strategic object - an object of primary attention, would never have fallen into such seemingly desolate state. But in Ukraine, they simply stopped actively using this access road (but did not stop completely!) and, accordingly, they stopped carrying out planned cuttings of vegetation around. This is how walls gradually appeared along the road, and later a green ceiling

I don’t know why, but the place was quickly dubbed the “tunnel of love,” and, as a result, dozens and hundreds of young couples in love from all over Ukraine come to Klevan to walk along this more than 2-kilometer tunnel.

Everyone knows that the spring of 2013 turned out to be very “vile”, so when we were in Klevan, this place could rather be called a “tunnel of mosquitoes” - there were so many of them. However, there were no fewer people wanting to take a walk here.

Walking here, you need to constantly be on alert, because... railway track It is still operational and trains pass here from Orzhev and back several times a day.

Well, although we are not fans of taking pictures, we still decided to have a small photo session in such and such a place, as they say “for memory”

If you are in Klevan, be sure to visit the “tunnel of love”!

Polesie is distinguished by its extraordinary natural beauty. It is in this place, surrounded by dense forest, that there is a small ancient town. It became famous thanks to a natural attraction called the “Tunnel of Love.”

IN written sources it is indicated that the city existed back in the 12th century. Previously, the settlement was called Kolyvan and belonged to the dynasty of Count Czartoryski, who built a castle that still exists today.

Description of "Tunnel of Love"

A few kilometers east of the village of Klevan you will find an old railway track. It is 4 kilometers long and stretches towards the Orzhevsky woodworking plant. There are trees growing along this path for a reason.

Previously, military bases were located in nearby villages, the road to which was disguised with trees. They were constantly pruned on both sides, so they began to grow thickly upward. After some time, the trees formed a “living corridor”. Thus, a tunnel appeared on a kilometer-long section of the railway line. In Ukraine he is the only one.

Stories and beliefs

The Tunnel of Love is better known for its romantic name. Exists local legend that he received this name thanks to tragic story two lovers. The girl and the guy from Klevani fell in love with each other, but they were not destined to be together. The idea of ​​laying a railway track in these parts was only in plans. A young engineer from Poland fell in love with a girl from Klevan. He proposed laying a railway track from the village of Klevan to Orzhev directly through the forest. The customers had no idea that in this way the engineer, head over heels in love, paved a short path to his beloved girl. The girl was Orthodox, but fell in love with a Catholic, which seriously outraged her parents. So they were never destined to be together: the guy returned to Poland, and she married someone else.

The beauty of nature and the love story associated with the tunnel involuntarily created a tradition: couples in love and newlyweds visit this place and happily plant flowers here together. Photo sessions are held here on the wedding day. The film “Klevan: Tunnel of Love” was also filmed in this area. Its author was Japanese director Akiyoshi Imazaki.

The “Tunnel of Love” in Klevan looks great at any time of the year. But it is better to visit it in summer and autumn.