The black raven is a bird from songs. Raven: bird photo

    Many people say different things, for example, according to sayings, a raven lives for 300 years, but I don’t know how true this is, but since there is a saying, it means it’s not just a fiction, but on average, crows live about seventy to eighty years

    A brief description of the raven/raven is as follows:

    It is well known that there are: the black raven bird and the hooded crow bird. Hooded crows in nature, in cities and villages, live in flocks. Hooded crows can often be found together with jackdaws, rooks and sparrows; they sit together, ruffled, in trees during the rain, and walk together in arable fields. Less commonly, you can find a magpie among a flock of these birds. There is nothing surprising in the fact that these birds live together, because they all belong to the same order - the order of passerines or passeriformes.

    How many years a crow lives depends on several factors and conditions. The more difficult it is to survive, the less they live and vice versa. It’s easier to survive (no enemies, no diseases, no poisonous food) - they live longer.

    • In the city - up to 10 years,
    • in the village - up to 15 years,
    • in captivity - up to 70 years.
  • How many years does a crow live?

    Crow interesting and mysterious bird. Raised by humans, it is easy to train and knows how to imitate the voice of its owner, and remains devoted to him. Because it's quite large predatory bird, then she lives for a relatively long time. But the raven lived for 300 years only in the fairy tale Pugachva (The Captain's Daughter, Pushkin). In today's environmental conditions, if she lives for thirty years, it will be wonderful. Interesting information about crows and their life expectancy.

    The hooded crow shown in the photo in question is one and a half times smaller than a raven.

    And she lives no more than 20 years, while the raven lives up to 70, and according to some sources, up to 200 years.

    Both birds are distinguished by their intelligence, hooded crows have learned to carry food from bags hung from windows in winter, and the raven has been considered a symbol of wisdom since ancient times.

    The city crow is probably up to 10 years old. The raven is somehow a more legendary bird (Odin, Gilgamesh, the prophet Elijah..), hence probably the idea of ​​its such a long life. It lives in captivity and actually for a long time. There is evidence that the longest-lived person lived in captivity for 75 years, which is certainly a lot for a bird..)))

    I saw him live in the forest on a tree branch. Well, I’ll tell you, it’s somehow scary in your soul when you see him. Black, big, doesn't let you get close, and sweats terribly. They are said to be easy to train and can imitate the human voice. They don't live 300 years. In general, since ancient times, many mysterious and mystical properties have been attributed to the raven. There is no consensus on this matter, and yet in ornithology it is believed that its age in the wild does not exceed 30 years.

    The lifespan of crows depends on their living conditions. If a crow lives in good, more domestic conditions, then it will live up to a hundred years. On average it turns out to be about 60-70 years. But if a crow lives in nature, then its life is shorter, about 20-25 years.

    As for the raven, it is a more noble bird, and lives more than 100 years in captivity, in nature up to 100 years.

    In addition to being very smart, crows are also long-lived. There is no point in talking about life expectancy records, but on average a crow lives 10-15 years. That's a lot for crows. About 300 years - this is just a tale, it seems, from the Snow Queen.

    I read the article on the Internet. From not I learned that crows live several times longer than ravens. The average lifespan of crows is 10-15 years, and ravens - about 80 (some individuals are very tenacious and live up to 150-200 years).

    A crow lives more than a dozen years.

    In nature, the lifespan of a crow ranges from 15 to 20 years. Some individuals die even earlier, before reaching 15 years of age.

    Everything depends on the environment, enemies and other things.

    The raven is the largest representative of the passerines. Although his life is also not very long. It has been proven that the raven lived in captivity for 40 years.

    It cannot be said that crows live for a very long time, only somewhere from ten to fifteen years.

    And the story that crows live for three hundred years came from someone’s story, I don’t remember exactly which one. As a child, I myself thought that crows lived for a very long time, but in reality this is not the case!

In Russian, a black bird with a black beak is denoted by the same word. Because of this, confusion arises with bird species. Raven and crow are completely different birds, although they belong to the same genus of ravens (Corvus). They differ in external features and behavior. Let's take a closer look at both birds. Let's start with the black raven.


The black raven is a massive bird from the order Passeriformes. The body length reaches 60-68 cm, the length of the wings in males is up to 473 mm, in females up to 460 mm. The weight of males is up to 1,560 grams, of females - up to 1,315. The wingspan is up to 120 cm.

This is a black bird with a black beak. The plumage is of a single color: it is black and has a greenish or bluish tint. Young birds have no low tide. Small feathers at the base are grayish. The beak is very strong and pointed. The claws are powerful and curved. The tail is wedge-shaped, which is clearly visible in flight. The flight of a raven resembles the soaring of birds of prey.

The bird lives in the countries of Eurasia, North America and North Africa. The raven's habitats are forests, mountains, and coasts.

Features of behavior

The raven is considered a rare living creature. It is possible to meet a raven in any season. In winter, it appears near human homes, in garbage dumps. By nature, the raven is distrustful and prudent. He moves well on the ground. Before flying, the bird jumps several times. In captivity, they live from 15 to 70 years.

Crows do not live in the same territories every time. Some individuals fly away for the winter. In Turkmenistan, after the appearance of young animals, the number of flock members is 40-70 individuals; in the Caucasus in winter, flocks are smaller - 10-12 individuals. Birds migrate to distances of up to 200 km. During nesting, crows can fly impressive distances - to the shores of seas and rivers, to the foothills.

Birds form nests in forest areas, avoiding taiga areas. In treeless areas, rocks and coastal cliffs are developed. Nests are placed in trees: linden, oak, spruce, and in mountainous areas - at heights.


The raven is not selective in its diet and is quite omnivorous. Its main food is carrion. In this regard, the raven is considered an orderly. He hunts in the steppes, on the mountains, on the shores of seas and rivers. Raven collects:

  • the bodies of dead animals are carrion;
  • moles, shrews;
  • rodents;
  • bird eggs and chicks;
  • fish;
  • bugs, mollusks, insects.


Crows are considered to have reached sexual maturity at 2 years of age. Birds create unbreakable pairs. Nesting territories occupy 3-4 km, and sometimes up to 10. The locations do not change. If a nest has been destroyed, the raven forms another in the same area.

A couple usually creates two nests and uses them at different times. The nest has existed for several decades. Mating games and pair formation begin in early February or a little later, depending on the habitat.

A new nest is built by the male and female together. It is placed on the tops of different trees: oak, linden, aspen. The height at which the nest is located is usually 20 meters. If the bird is not disturbed, it can build nests near human habitation. Nesting structures are located on towers, temple belfries, and on the roofs of buildings.

The nest is constructed in the stem forks of trees. The nest itself is made of strong branches, and wool is used as flooring. Egg laying begins in mid-February. The further north the territory, the later the laying begins.

The number of eggs laid is 4-6, sometimes up to 7. The interval between clutches is 1-2 days. Egg size - 50x33 mm. Color - greenish-blue. Experts do not know for sure whether the female incubates the eggs alone or alternately with the male. Both parents provide food to the chicks. The chicks fly out in mid-May. After this, they live with their parents for a long time; mortality among young individuals is very high. Grown-up chicks leave adult birds only in the fall.

Legends and stories

According to biblical legend, this black bird with a long beak was previously white. The color changed as punishment after the Flood. When Noah released the raven from the ark, the bird did not return to tell the righteous man whether the water had gone, but began to eat the corpses. Noah cursed the raven, and it became black and predatory.

However, it was the raven that fed the prophet Elijah in the desert, so the biblical attitude towards these birds is not always negative.

The legend of the elders speaks of Saint Paul of Thebes, to whom a raven brought a piece of bread every day.

In the fairy tales of the ancient Slavs, Voron Voronovich appears. It is he who brings living and dead water.

In England it was believed that the monarchy would collapse with the departure of the ravens. For this reason, Churchill ordered birds to be fed during the war so that people would not worry.

In Stalin's times, NKVD cars were black, which is why they were called “voronok”.

This is the basic information about the crow. Let's move on to the description of the black crow.

General information

This is a black bird with a black beak. She lives in Europe and East Asia. In Russia, it settles in the Siberian regions and the Far East. There are many known species of this bird.

Carrion crows are divided into four main subspecies:

  • gray;
  • eastern gray;
  • black;
  • eastern black.

The settlement territories of these birds often mix, as a result of which new species of crows appear. We will consider the description of the bird further.

External data

The carrion crow looks like a rook. They belong to the same genus Corvus. She has black feathers with a greenish, bluish or purple tint. This is especially clearly visible when sunlight hits the plumage.

The beak and paws are also black. There are small feathers on the nostrils. The tail is rounded. Compared to the raven, this bird is more modest in size. Its body length is 48-52 cm. It weighs 700 grams.

Features of behavior

The crow is a pair-bonding bird. In winter, they can form flocks and occupy the nests of other birds. They often find their food in the same habitat as rooks and magpies.

The crow makes characteristic sounds. You can easily recognize this bird by its voice. Its voice has one timbre, the bird emits a cry “k-r-a-a”. Sitting on the top level of a tree, the crow is noisy because it caws many times without stopping, creating only short pauses.

Sometimes the croaking lasts for hours. At intervals the bird changes its location. The flapping of her wings is leisurely, there is no rush or fuss in her flight.

The carrion crow feeds on carrion, grains, insects, mammals and human food waste. In search of food, birds fly to human settlements. The crow finds food in garbage dumps near human houses. However, having found better products than ordinary garbage, he will prefer them. There are cases where city crows easily stole food from stores during unloading.


Crows begin breeding when they reach the age of two years. Birds make couples. Nests are built from durable branches and placed on the tops of buildings or treetops.

In places where there are no people, the nest can be located on the ground. The female incubates the eggs. Their number is 4-6 pieces. The male takes care of the family's nutrition. After 17-19 days, the chicks appear. At first they are naked, and after a month they are covered with feathers.

Grown-up birds do not always form their own families; they often continue to live with their parents and help feed new generations of chicks.

Interesting stories

The crow is a bird often called the winged rat for its intelligence and courage.

When feeding the chicks, adult females pre-soak the bread in puddles.

Crows are able to reproduce the sounds of human speech. Ornithologists say that these birds can solve simple logic problems. Birds distinguish between traffic lights. When it's red, they slowly eat carrion on the road. When the signal turns green, they quickly fly away.

Experts recorded the entertainment of crows. The birds, not far from the tennis court, got hold of a ball and began to bounce it around on the roof. The game ended only when the ball rolled down from the roof.

Crows steal the eggs of large birds - bustards and little bustards. They love to feast on other people's eggs.

In nature, the bird lives 10-60 years.

So, how do these birds differ?

Differences in manners

Raven and crow differ in nuances of behavior. These include:

  • Flight feature. The raven flies in the same way as other predators - it flaps its wings heavily and leisurely. The crow waves often and easily. Her flight is faster.
  • Start of flight. The raven begins its flight by jumping, and the crow takes off immediately.
  • Various sounds made. The raven croaks and the crow clicks.
  • Raven intelligence. This bird is considered very smart and developed, its level of intelligence is not inferior to primates.

External differences

In appearance, it is difficult to confuse the two species of these birds. A raven is a very large bird, up to 70 cm long; it is one and a half times larger than a crow. The crow has a more modest size - up to 56 cm long.

The plumage of birds also varies. The raven has pure black feathers, while the raven has black and gray feathers.

The shape of a raven's tail is wedge-shaped, while that of a crow is rounded.

The raven's crop has shaggy plumage, while the crow has no plumage there at all.

Lifestyle Differences

Many differences can be noticed in the lifestyle. A raven, having reached adulthood, finds a mate to whom it remains faithful throughout its life. The crow is looking for a mate only for the nesting period. The rest of the time she lives in a pack.

The raven builds two nests, which he and the female use in turn for many years. Migration of the crow family occurs rarely, only when there is a real threat. The nests of these birds are located high up, making them almost impossible for humans to find. In addition, the nest has an impressive size.

A crow may well build a nest where a person lives. Most often, these birds live in various populated areas. The crow's behavior in the city indicates that the birds are well adapted to such living conditions. You can notice the lack of fearfulness and their reserved caution.

Birds can distinguish between people. They observe who is approaching them, are able to critically assess the situation and structure their behavior. Depending on the situation, the bird either flies away or continues to watch the person.

When united in flocks, birds become aggressive. They can attack animals - cats and dogs. In a flock, birds closely monitor the behavior of its members. If someone shows concern, the pack will respond responsively.

Crows like to gather in flocks, and they join groups of rooks and jackdaws. In autumn, such flocks move vast distances. The raven does not join flocks - it makes all flights alone.

The chicks also vary. The raven's chicks are large, and a month after hatching they are practically no different from adults. They leave their parents' nests early. Crows have much smaller chicks; they are in no hurry to leave their parents.

Other differences

In addition to those listed earlier, there are other differences:

  • The raven lives in subtropical and temperate climates in Eurasia and North America. The crow lives in Eurasia and Northeast Africa. This is the significant difference. Crows have a much more modest habitat.
  • Lifespan. The life span of a raven is much longer than that of a crow. The average lifespan of the latter is 8 years. There are legends about the life of a raven, according to which they can live up to 300 years.
  • The crow is not embarrassed by the proximity of a person. She calmly settles in cities. Raven is used to living alone or in pairs.

Are there any commonalities?

Despite many differences, there are common characteristics that unite these black birds with a black beak. Here they are:

  • Both of them feed on carrion, performing a sanitary function. Both species of birds are omnivores and do not disdain any food.
  • Both of them have developed intelligence. Both species of birds have their own language, they are capable of logical thinking, know how to use tools, and imitate human speech. It is even possible that these birds can count.

Be that as it may, both the raven and the crow are beautiful birds that live next door to us.

A lot of associations arise when mentioning this bird. More often than not, they are from the darker end of the emotional spectrum. In general, since ancient times, many mysterious and mystical properties have been attributed to the raven. It was an incomprehensible bird for many - a raven, how many years it lives was unknown. It was believed that it was a very long time, longer than an ordinary person. But apparently it’s worth separating the real raven and its mystical reflections. They do not always coincide in everything.

Raven: how many years does it live and where does it fly?

Among other things, for some it will be unexpected news that a raven and a crow are, although related, but different birds. The crow is absolutely not the legal wife of the crow. These birds differ both in appearance and in their behavior. The raven is noticeably larger and has blacker plumage; it usually takes off with a running start, after two or three jumps. The raven is a bright individualist, always flies and hunts alone. It has a wedge-shaped tail. A crow, on the contrary, is significantly smaller in size, has gray plumage, takes off from a place and prefers to live in a flock. The sounds made by these birds also differ. The crow croaks, and the raven makes a characteristic squawk. The crow is also no worse than a parrot, capable of imitating human speech, dog barking and the sound of various machines and mechanisms.

There are also significant differences in the life expectancy of a raven and a raven. Raven, how many years does this bird live? There is no consensus on this matter, but still, according to generally accepted data in ornithology, it is believed that under natural conditions its age does not exceed 30 years. The ideal conditions created for this bird in captivity are a different matter. A comfortable cage can prolong its existence almost twice. They lived in the Tower of London for half a century or more. The oldest allegedly lived to be 210 years old, but it is not possible to verify the accuracy of this data.

How many years does a raven live outside of ornithology?

In addition to nature, the raven also lives in many ancient legends and works of painting, poetry, prose and cinematography. This is a very smart bird. Cunning, careful, sometimes insidious. Since ancient times, people have treated it with considerable respect. Many magical properties and mystical dimensions are attributed to her. This is a powerful and impressive image and totem sign of many peoples and tribes - the Raven. How many years does this image live? Yes, exactly the same as humanity itself. For many peoples, it is generally a symbol of immortality. But everyone agrees about his exceptional wisdom and longevity. And this is not without reason.

How many years does a crow live?

But with this gray bird everything is much simpler. There is no mysticism around her. Flocks of crows usually live close to human habitation and often feed on human waste. Large landfills around cities and flocks of crows above them are a completely ordinary and familiar sight. These birds spend their lives struggling for existence, and their age usually does not exceed ten years. Only a few outstanding individuals live to be fifteen. But somehow it has not yet occurred to anyone to find out how long an ordinary gray crow will live in comfortable conditions of captivity.

To the question How long do crows live asked by the author User deleted the best answer is How long do Crows live? They say 100-300 years, I can’t imagine.
If true, why did it take so long?
Ornithologists actually argue among themselves whether crows live 300 years. Typically, a raven lives in freedom for about 20-30 years. At the same time, in captivity, crows usually live about 60-100 years, although there are cases where crows lived up to 210 years, passing from father to son.
Moreover, the black raven and the hooded crow are not at all “husband and wife” for each other, but birds belonging to two different species.
Interesting information about corvids, which include the raven and crow, here
I don’t know why crows live so long, but most likely this is due to metabolic processes (whose processes go very quickly, die quickly, for example, a shrew), in addition, there should probably be programs for protecting cells from aging, treatment programs cells. For example, in many long-lived animals, substances are found that can prevent cell cancer or fight the deposition of cholesterol in the walls of blood vessels.

Answer from Ilza Snezhnaya[newbie]
The life of a crow largely depends on environmental conditions, habitat and nutrition. But on average, the duration of these birds is not significant. In nature, the age reaches up to 15 years. In captivity it is possible to extend life up to 30 years. The crow bird is small in size, weighing up to 700 grams. In real life, they are constantly in danger, and difficulties arise with food. There are beliefs that previously these birds could live up to 300 years.
Of course, this is difficult to verify. But there were cases when crows in captivity lived up to 70 years, because proper nutrition, the absence of danger, and a positive effect on life expectancy.
So we helped answer your question, how many years do crows live? Now you know that they need to be helped, fed if possible. This will make it easier for birds to survive in the wild.
The bird lives in an urban environment for 10 years, because it has to face many difficulties every day and then overcome them. In captivity it is possible to help save the lives of some species of birds.
Crows are unique birds that can imitate sounds. There were cases when they barked like dogs. If you look closely at them, you can discover a lot of interesting things. So it’s worth thinking about the safety of these birds’ lives and helping them cope with difficulties, because every person can do this.

Answer from Nastena[guru]
Actually, CROW and RAVEN are different birds. Although they are similar, they are different because the raven is very large. It is approximately 0.5-0.6 meters tall. Therefore, a crow definitely does not live for three hundred years.

Answer from Andrey[expert]
Up to 80 years old. There is no doubt about it.

Answer from Natasha[guru]
Crows live 80-100 years. Currently, most hunting grounds and some nature reserves in the country allow year-round shooting of gray crows and destruction of their clutches in the spring. And for only one reason: crows completely destroy the clutches of nesting songbirds. One crow can eat five or six chicks in one sitting and hunts for them not only in open nests, but also in hidden artificial nests, from where it takes them out with its beak or paw. Crows even attack adult birds and young hares. So, they can overtake a pigeon in flight and kill it with its beak. Woe to the young hares too. Very young ones are killed with one blow of the beak and their entrails and muscles are eaten away, while the older ones are chased by entire gangster clans and are still overtaken. In general, crows are omnivores. They feed on rodents, snails, caterpillars, beetles, lizards, scalapendras, and locusts. Carrion is destroyed in the mountains and on the seashore. They include potatoes, rowan berries, pistachios in their diet and poach in the gardens of Crimean residents, devouring cherries, sweet cherries, figs, pears, apples, grapes, mulberries, and almonds.

Answer from RINO[active]
usually from 40 to 60 but there was a case when 150

Many people are familiar with such amazing and proud birds as crows solely from their own observations. These birds are very capricious. And how many of them there are when they fly in a flock! As a rule, when they fly in, they scare away all the other birds and instill some anxiety in those around them.

Raven and crow

The opinions of ornithologists about the character, habits, and life expectancy of ravens and ravens differ somewhat. No matter how long this goes on, one thing is clear: the raven is one of the most interesting and mysterious birds.

Differences between a raven and a crow

It is a mistake to assume that these are birds, between which it is appropriate to put an equal sign. They represent two completely different types. The only thing that unites them is the raven family. Both have both females and males.

Crows, unlike ravens, prefer to live close to people. This makes it much easier for them to get food. Also, thanks to this proximity, these birds can practice their favorite pastime - theft. Open bags, as well as simply inattentive townspeople - this is all that attracts crows who love to live among us.

A bird like a raven has completely opposite traits. Its main differences from crows include:

Interestingly, the raven is not an overly trusting bird. It can, of course, be trained, but these cases are rather exceptional. Crows are very smart. You can see this for yourself, you just have to look into his eyes. Perhaps this is why the quality and length of life of ravens is higher than that of crows. Sometimes this look can even inspire fear; it is not for nothing that this bird is often present among sorcerers and at sessions held by fortune tellers.

Crows are great at imitating. This could be the singing of another bird or the barking of a dog.

Lifespan of Ravens

It is impossible to answer the question of how long a crow's belly is, definitely. For lifespan many factors influence, including quality and living conditions. There is a significant difference in the duration of existence of those birds that live in captivity and those that live and breed in the open, far from humans and any civilization.

If we talk about crows, who love and try to live in the wild, then they risk more than crows, which have practically no enemies in the urban environment. Crows get sick more often, and it is more difficult for them to get food for themselves. At the same time, if crows live in an industrial area and constantly inhale harmful fumes during their existence, their life expectancy is also short.

If we talk about how long crows can live, then... Who live in the city, sometimes can live up to 30 years, but under fairly favorable conditions. Most often this figure reaches 10 years. Thus, the range of the number of years that crows can live is quite wide.

Speaking about large crows, which are not city birds, it can be noted that their life expectancy is somewhat longer. You can find many ancient records that say that the raven was able to live for about 300 years. People said that these birds live nine human lives.

If favorable living conditions are created for a crow today, he may well live to be 70 years old. We are talking about those who live in captivity. If the bird lives in the wild, then the average life expectancy is an order of magnitude less - about 10-15 years. The maximum number of years this bird can live in the wild - this is 40 years. This is the opinion of modern ornithologists.

Different peoples have their own views on this issue:

Despite the fact that there are so many different opinions about the lifespan of ravens, these birds continue to remain the most mystical and mysterious with among all existing ones. Many peoples know a lot of legends and believe in omens associated with these amazing birds. They constantly attract many curious glances from both scientists and ordinary nature and animal lovers. There are still many interesting facts that ornithologists have yet to find out about them, about how they like to live and what their features are.