Psychological and pedagogical technologies in the work of a school psychologist. “Psychological and pedagogical technologies in the activities of a school psychologist” - Document

Yulia Vatulina
Description of the psychological and pedagogical technology of work of a teacher-psychologist

Description of the psychological and pedagogical technology of work of a teacher-psychologist MADOOU TsRR – d/s No. 16 "Cockerel"

In my psychological-pedagogical activities include a variety of technologies that contribute to a comprehensive impact on the child’s personality.

Technology of my work is being built on several directions:

-psychological diagnostics;

Developmental and correctional work with children;

-psychological prevention;

Advisory Job.

I carry out diagnostics individually or in group mode, also at the individual requests of parents and teachers. When diagnosing a child, I use methods such as observation, conversation, standardized methods for identifying mental processes, as well as projective techniques. Of course, when diagnosing, I take into account the individual characteristics and age criteria of the preschooler.

Based on the diagnostic results, I receive information about the level psychological development of children, I identify individual characteristics and problems of participants in the educational process. I am developing recommendations teachers, educators and parents to provide assistance in matters of education, training and development.

A significant part of its work, I dedicate to developmental and correctional work. Corrective and developmental work I conduct in the form of individual or subgroup lessons (or small group classes). Children are united into subgroups taking into account the similarity of problems, areas of current and immediate development, and characteristics of the emotional and volitional sphere.

For children with delay mental development, individual correctional and developmental programs are developed that take into account the potential capabilities and existing difficulties of the child, his individual characteristics.

Basic methods of correctional and developmental impacts:

Play therapy;

Art therapy;

Puppet therapy;

Sand therapy;


Relaxation exercises.

Games for the development of sensorimotor and tactile sensitivity.

Play is the most accessible type of activity for children; it is a way processing impressions and knowledge received from the surrounding world.

The goal of play therapy is not to change the child or remake him, not to teach him any special behavioral skills, but to give him the opportunity "to live" in the game, situations that excite him with the full attention and empathy of an adult.

First I use individual game moments that are very important in pedagogical process, especially during the period of adaptation of children to a children's institution. These are games like "Round dance", "Catch-up" etc.

In activities using games technologies children develop mental processes: perception, attention, memory, thinking. I use complex gaming technologies different target orientations that help me prepare my child for school.

In developing work I use art therapy methods with children. It can also be creative work and an interesting story of a fictional hero. Using colored pencils and paper, children complete tasks individually, each creating their own drawing. But creating collective works - general paintings, where the images created by all the children in the group are combined. In the process of performing a task collectively, conditions are created for the development of the skills to negotiate, give in, make one’s own contribution to the common cause, take initiative, put forward proposals, and defend one’s own space and idea.

As a result of art therapy work children spill out negative emotions, release psychological energy, which is usually spent on ineffective tension, and children become calmer and more relaxed. Demonstrativeness, negativism, aggression give way to initiative and creativity.

Fairytale therapy – promotes the development and correction of emotional states, relieving anxiety, increasing self-esteem, and removing aggressive manifestations. In fairy tale form, it is easier to see and accept your problem. For a fairy-tale hero, it’s easier to come up with a way out of the situation - after all, in a fairy tale, everything is possible! And then you can use this exit for yourself.

You can use the following methodological techniques:

Tell a fairy tale from the perspective of a fairy-tale character;

Guessing the plot or characters;

Turning any life story into a fairy tale;

Writing a fairy tale impromptu.

In his I use technology extensively at work puppet therapy for conflict resolution, improving social adaptation, with correctional working with fears, behavioral disorders. Child’s favorite toy during class "participates" in the production of a play, the plot of which is traumatic for him, he finds himself in a terrible story and successfully copes with it. As the plot unfolds, the child’s emotional tension increases and, having reached maximum severity, is replaced by violent behavioral emotional reactions. (crying, laughing, etc.).

Thus, technology Puppet therapy helps children achieve emotional stability and self-regulation.

Sand therapy stabilizes the emotional state. Along with tactile-kinesthetic sensitivity, children learn to listen to themselves and articulate their sensations, all types of cognitive processes (attention, thinking, memory, fine motor skills are improved, object-based play activities, and the development of communication skills in children) harmoniously develop.

All sand therapy games are divided into three directions:

Educational games are aimed at developing fine motor skills. Thus, the child says what he feels, thereby developing speech.

Educational games - with their help I help people understand the diversity of our world.

Projective games - with their help I carry out corrections in the development of the child.

Relaxation – deep muscle relaxation accompanied by relief mental stress. The ability to relax allows you to eliminate anxiety, excitement, stiffness, restore strength, and helps you concentrate. To this end, in work With children I use specially selected exercises to relax certain parts of the body and the whole organism. Children really like doing such exercises, as they have an element of play.

To achieve the maximum effect from relaxation exercises, I select a musical repertoire. Music should be calm, calming, relaxing, it should not be stressful or irritating. It could be sounds nature: the sound of the sea, the splash of water, the murmuring of a stream, the chirping of birds, etc. or just some light, unobtrusive motive.

In the direction psychological prevention I use a variety of games and exercises. All games and exercises include elements psycho-gymnastics. Any physical movement in psycho-gymnastics expresses any image of fantasy, saturated with emotional content, thereby uniting the activity mental functions(thinking, emotions, movement, and with the help of my comments, the internal attention of children is connected to these processes.

Thus, psycho-gymnastic exercise uses mechanism psychophysical functional unity. Psycho-gymnastics helps children overcome communication barriers, better understand themselves and others, relieves mental stress, provides the opportunity for self-expression.

Main goal psychological education and prevention is to prevent possible deviations in mental development of children and in the formation of personality, as well as increasing psychological culture of teachers and parents. To achieve this goal, I select poster information about individual differences and age-related characteristics of children, about the influence of family education and its types, about age-related crises; I develop instructions for parents; I give lectures and talks with teachers with demonstration of effective methods and techniques work with children and parents; I speak at parent-teacher meetings; I conduct trainings for teachers and parents.

I provide advisory assistance to parents and teachers in an individual form. I organize consultations at the preschool educational institution as follows: ways: by invitation (based on diagnostic results) with preliminary agreement on a time convenient for parents in order to understand the problem and find optimal ways to solve it; upon independent request of parents and teachers on problems of education and development of children; upon personal requests from employees of the institution, as well as to respond to the current emotional state; I provide active advisory assistance to parents and teachers during the period of children’s adaptation to the conditions of preschool educational institutions

The result psychological consultations are recommendations presented in a form understandable to the client with description practical and communicative actions that are aimed at solving the problem.

All used by me technologies allow you to realize and show all participants in the educational process the importance psychological assistance and the need for the existence of this service in a preschool institution.

“Psychological and pedagogical technologies in the activities of a school psychologist”

Middle M.S.

educational psychologist MBOU "Secondary School No. 21", Engels, Russia

There are three paths to reason for a person:

the path of reflection is the noblest,

the path of imitation is the easiest,

the path of personal experience is the hardest path.


C today, the word "technology" is everything more often used by specialists in o fields of pedagogy and psychology. IN in psychological literature this term either it is not considered meaningfully at all or it has an ambiguous meaning.

The term "technology" ", based on the wording of many literary sources, is understood as art, skill, skill, a set of methodsprocessing, state changes.

Any activity can be either technology or creativity. It all starts with a creative idea, and technology ends.

The basis of any technology serves to clearly define the end goal. In technology, purpose is seen as a central component.

Specificity a The job of a school psychologist is that he must master various technologies, including psychological and pedagogical ones, methods and techniques, and be able to combine and modify them.

We propose to consider which psychological pedagogical technologies are most relevant in the work of a school psychologist.

A teacher-psychologist, working with children, constantly focuses on their personal structures. When working in this area, a specialist uses range of technologies:

    information, through the use of which knowledge, skills and abilities are formed.

    operational technologies provide the formation of methods of mental action.

    self-development technologies are aimed at the formation of self-governing mechanisms of the individual.

    heuristic - for the development of the creative abilities of the individual.

    applied ones effectively develop the practical sphere of personality.

Let's take a closer look at these technologies.

Information Technology. Information technology is very relevant in the work of a school psychologist. The 21st century is called the information age. Modern information and computer technologies (ICT) are increasingly being introduced into various spheres of life and are becoming an integral part of modern culture, including in the field of education. Current technologies for the education and development of children make it possible to more fully realize the personal potential of each child.

The use of ICT technologies is becoming an integral part of the psychological support of the educational process. The introduction of ICT into school psychological practice makes work more productive and efficient. At the same time, the use of ICT organically complements the traditional forms of work of a school psychologist, expanding the possibilities for organizing the interaction of the psychologist with other participants in the educational process; in addition, in addition to solving psychological problems, it helps to improve the information culture of students, parents and teachers

The work of a school psychologist in accompanying schoolchildren includes the main types of work: diagnostics, correctional and developmental work, consulting teachers and parents, psychological education of students and adults. In our practice, the area of ​​use of computer technologies is expanding every year.
Diagnostic work takes up most of a psychologist’s time, since it is necessary to process and analyze the results of tests, questionnaires, and observations in a limited period of time. In progress psychologist the use of an electronic database of test materials and assignments significantly speeds up the process of monitoring groups of students. Created in our lyceum abase - media library Ouch We actively use it, conducting testing on the computers of groups of children. The advantages of using such technologies are that you can instantly receive an analysis of a test performed by a child, no matter how huge and labor-intensive the test may be. The psychologist can only collect the data of each child, systematize, analyze, and compare it with the whole class.

In the correctional and developmental work of a teacher-psychologist, information technologies are used in various directions - depending on the assigned tasks. Thus, when correcting the cognitive sphere of students, performing computer developmental tasks and using educational computer games are indispensable.
In training work when correcting the emotional-volitional sphere and behavioral disorders, it is also impossible to do without the use of computer technologies. We use developed presentations in our work. To create a fairytale therapy shell and when working with students
we also use presentations with overlay m music, color variations, artistic background, video parables . Thanks to this, the fairy tale “comes to life.” A well-timed musical accompaniment changes the emotional mood of children, helps them relax and master auto-training methods. You can also now find many professionally recorded relaxation programs and trainings. The use of these programs significantly saves the psychologist’s energy and allows for wider use of correctional opportunities, since the psychologist can simultaneously use child observation and color therapy along with the training program.
Over the past few years we have also been using
we call cartoon material for the education, development and correction of children. Cartoon characters, like fairy tale heroes, films are more organic but are perceived by schoolchildren, especially at junior level and information, transmitted by them is absorbed much more efficiently.
In the work of parent meetings we increasingly turn to
to information technologies , clearly demonstrating in presentations and films the main problems of education and ways to resolve them.
It is very difficult to do without a computer in creating analytical reports, summing up results, and developing recommendations for teachers and parents. Huge statistical data is stored in the system using developed Excel programs. Creating diagrams, graphs, tables greatly facilitates the perception of professional terminology. It is much easier for a teacher to work with a table, perceiving the entire class as a whole, and each individual student in particular. The use of multimedia equipment helps us convey the data obtained to the entire teaching staff at pedagogical councils. When preparing for pedagogical advice and consultations, Internet resources, collections of e-books, and psychological electronic materials are of great help. A psychologist no longer needs to spend so much time manually searching for information in books. Preparation is more efficient and effective.
The use of ICT promotes the development of sensorimotor, perceptual and higher cognitive functions; increasing the effectiveness of student learning, increasing their educational motivation, developing their intellectual and creative capabilities, etc.
It is also necessary to note the significant role of information technology in the self-education of a psychologist, improving his skills and quality of work through participation in various
remote courses, competitions, forums. The specialist gets the opportunity for professional growth without going anywhere.
The role of information technology in the work of an educational psychologist is difficult to overestimate. The importance of ICT is constantly growing. The range of arsenal used in the work of a psychologist is expanding. The quality of the work of a creative psychologist is undoubtedly increasing.

Technology of educational games. Educational games occupy an important place among modern psychological and pedagogical technologies. Educational games perform three main functions:

    Instrumental, where it is carried out formation of certain skills and abilities, can be expressed in game exercises;

    Gnostic, promotes the formation knowledge and development Yu students' thinking, expressed in didactic techniques;

    Socio-psychological, aimed at development of communicative skills skills, expressed in role-playing games.

Educational game technology can be combined with technologies such as group technology, diagnostics, and training.

R The role of educational games in education and psychology is extremely important. In pedagogy, they are an integral component of developmental education, which is based on the development of activity, initiative, and independence of students. In psychology, these technologies develop the cognitive, social, and professional activity of students.

These technologies are effective in working with children of all age categories and with adults (teachers, parents).

Health-saving technologies. In modern schools, along with weakened physical health, schoolchildren suffer from psychological problems (maladaptation disorders). These violations are caused by the influence of the stressful system of organizing the educational process. The school psychological service plays an important role in solving this problem. In the working arsenal of a teacher-psychologist there are techniques that can bring a child out from a stressful state, relieve internal tension, identify opportunities for a more optimistic outlook on life situations, etc.

Psychological activity involves the use of techniques such as:

    Music therapy – use of music for: relaxation and calming, activation of the emotional sphere, correction of the emotional state.

    Aromatherapy is the use of fragrant substances for relaxation and aesthetic purposes.

    Color therapy – use of color visualization for depression, anxiety, fears.

    Dance therapy is the use of dance movements or imitations to music to relieve muscle tension.

    Body therapy– methods of working with the body, the purpose of which is to improve physical and mental well-being.

    Art therapy includes a number of areas of psychological work related to creativity - isotherapy, color therapy, phototherapy, fairy tale therapy, music therapy, collaging. The psychology of creativity has long been successfully used in working with children and adults. Art therapy reveals a person’s multifaceted inner potential and, at the same time, helps fight a number of serious psychological problems, including trauma, internal conflicts, and fears. Thanks to the psychology of creativity, a person is immersed in situation where you can relieve stress and gain confidence in yourself.

A technology that solves a wide range of problems, namely psychocorrection, psychoprophylaxis, development and harmonization of the student’s personality, helps improve the psychological climate in families and small groups, and refers to play therapy.

Play therapy includes individual, paired and group games, techniques that involve the use of various attributes, based on the active work of the imagination, various forms of artistic expression, etc.

By approach to the subject We use technology and collaboration. They implement democracy, equality, partnership in the subjective relations of the psychologist and schoolboy . This technology is most relevant when organizing research activities, competitive movements, as well as in training work.The interaction of a psychologist and a student in cooperation, in addition to solving a cognitive, creative goal, provides for the solution of a psychological and social one - in the course of completing the task, a culture of communication is formed, reflecting all communicative levels: “...activity - interaction - communication - contact” (according to A.A. Leontiev). [ 8]

Personality-oriented, With They place the child’s personality at the center of the entire school socio-psychological system, ensuring comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions for her development, the realization of her natural potentials. Person-centered technology is the embodiment of humanistic philosophy, psychology and pedagogy.

The focus of the school psychologist is the unique, holistic personality of the child, striving for maximum realization of his capabilities (self-actualization), open to the perception of new experiences, capable of making conscious and responsible choices in a variety of life situations.

Humanely - personal, they are about They are distinguished primarily by their humanistic essence, psychotherapeutic focus on supporting the individual and helping her. They “profess” the ideas of respect and love for the child, an optimistic belief in his creative powers, rejecting coercion.

The term “psychological technologies” implies an aspect associated with the formation and development of the subject’s personal qualities. Therefore, under this The term implies a set of methods and techniques aimed at the formation of an effectively-practical sphere of personality and the realization of natural potentials.

Used by us technologies perform a number of functions: psychological prevention, psychological counseling, psychological support, psychological rehabilitation, social and psychological training.

Psychological prevention - promoting the full development of the personality of all participants in the educational process, preventing possible personal deformations in the process of interaction, helping in understanding the destructive influence of psychological violence. The main task of psychological prevention is to create conditions that facilitate an adequate and competent response of the individual to manifestations of psychological violence, refusing to use its forms in interaction.

During implementation given no th functions The following techniques are used:

Increasing the socio-psychological competence of participants in the educational environment on issues of psychological safety during seminars, group discussions on the problems of psychological violence, designing non-violent alternative models of behavior.

Using data on mental health indicators of participants to form an individual mental hygiene program: reducing the severity of burnout syndrome; level of emotional tension; change in self-attitude; harmonization of the relationship between “I-real” and “I-ideal”, etc.

Joint discussion and development of rules for safe interaction by all participants in the educational environment.

Psychological counseling –assisting participants in self-knowledge, positive self-attitude, adaptation to real life conditions, formation of a value-motivational sphere and a system of relationships with others, overcoming professional deformations, achieving emotional stability that promotes personal and professional growth and self-development. Group counseling techniques, included in classes with all educational and training groups, are based on the results of both previous diagnostics of attitudes towards the educational environment, satisfaction with the main characteristics of interaction, taking into account their significance for the subject, the level of psychological security (using its structural components), and personal –emotional and communicative characteristics interpreted as indicators of mental health

Psychological correction is an active psychological and pedagogical influence aimed at eliminating deviations in personal and professional development and harmonizing mental health.

In practical psychology, there are two directions of correction. The first represents a set of individualized measures to strengthen the regulatory functions of the psyche, develop emotional self-control and self-government. The second is normative-value correction, which consists of introducing certain directions into the individual-personal system of norms and behavioral standards, in accordance with which a person adjusts the performance of his life and activity functions.

Psychological rehabilitation is a process that mobilizes personal adaptation mechanisms when experiencing traumatic circumstances caused by the state of the external environment. Rehabilitation involves the return of what has been lost or may be lost due to changing conditions.

It is psychological trainings that are most often considered as rehabilitation psychotechnologies.

Consequently, all the technologies mentioned above find their appropriate place in the holistic pedagogical process. Any psychological and pedagogical technology, its development and application require the highest creative activity and professional knowledge of a teacher-psychologist.


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Name: Personal development pedagogical technologies in the work of a preschool educational psychologist
Nomination: Kindergarten, Methodological developments for preschool educational institutions specialists, teacher-psychologist

Position: educational psychologist of the first qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten No. 16 “Zhemchuzhinka”
Location: Sergach, Nizhny Novgorod region.

Personal development pedagogical technologies in the work of a preschool educational psychologist.

Position: educational psychologist, MBDOU kindergarten No. 16 “Zhemchuzhinka”, Sergach, Nizhny Novgorod region.

Modern society places new demands on the education system of the younger generation, including its first stage – preschool education.

In our preschool educational institution, the content of the educational process is enriched through the development of new humanistic and personal development technologies. Personal development technology is implemented in a developmental environment that meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Additional Education. These technologies are successfully implemented by me in the process of correctional and developmental activities with children. Humanistic and personal development technologies are designed to reveal the creative potential of the child and are aimed at the comprehensive development of the individual.

Form of activity: small subgroups and individually.

Subgroups of children are formed based on the results of individual diagnostics and the requests of teachers and parents.

Structure of interaction with children:

  • greetings,
  • main part,
  • parting.

Greetings and farewells are carried out with children in a circle. This allows open communication, facilitates interaction and mutual understanding. The shape of a circle gives each participant a sense of belonging to the group and allows them to feel a special community. Interaction with children is built in the form of mini-trainings using fairy tale therapy, art therapy, games and exercises are used to reduce the level of anxiety, develop the child’s emotional world, communication skills, psycho-gymnastics, and relaxation. The content of interaction between a teacher-psychologist and children does not have a strict framework; it adapts to the interests of the child himself; initiative on the part of children is always welcome. The child is offered options for games, exercises and tasks for self-expression, and the teacher stimulates the development of a creative situation with questions.

Children with behavioral disorders and negative mental states especially need teacher support. Support is an integral part of the interaction between a teacher and a child; it expresses the essence of the teacher’s humanistic position in relation to children.

The psychologist's room in the preschool educational institution is equipped in such a way that the child feels comfortable in it. Soft carpeting allows you to interact with children while sitting on the carpet in a comfortable position. Children and the teacher can take off their shoes - this gives a feeling of freedom and comfort. Sitting on the carpet, the teacher interacts with children as equals, “eye to eye.”

The comfort of the environment is complemented by artistic and aesthetic design, which has a positive effect on the child, evokes emotions and vivid sensations. Staying in such an environment helps relieve tension, constriction, and excessive anxiety, and opens up the child’s ability to choose the type of activity and materials for creativity.

On the wall in the psychologist’s room there is a “Kitty” with colorful butterflies in the pockets of her dress. Each child chooses the most beautiful butterfly and decorates the cat's dress. This manual has a diagnostic purpose: the educational psychologist immediately sees with what emotional mood the child came to class and offers the child appropriate activities.

In the psychologist's room, children really like to relax in soft chairs for relaxation and look at the bubble column to calm music and sounds of nature. Children with disrupted forms of behavior learn to feel their state of peace and comfort, learn to concentrate on their sensations.

Lighting effects are actively used in the teacher-psychologist's room. The color therapy method has virtually no contraindications and has a beneficial effect on the state of mind, which largely determines the health and well-being of the child. Colored room lighting is used by the teacher depending on the purpose of the correctional and developmental intervention. For hyperactive and aggressive children, it is recommended to use blue and green backlighting. For children who are withdrawn and inactive, you can use activating colors (for example, red, yellow).

Children especially loved the cute anti-stress toys. Children perform exercises with these toys while sitting in cozy chairs for relaxation. Withdrawn and aggressive children learn a friendly and attentive attitude towards people, first through interaction with an anti-stress toy (feel sorry for the toy, say hello to it, say goodbye, give the toy a “massage”, etc.) and then through interaction with peers and adults.

One of the children's favorite activities in the room is playing with sand. In our room there is a table specially equipped for this with lighting.

Working with a sand table allows you to develop your child’s creativity, imagination, and perception. The table has a drawer with small toys and plants to create a magical land in the sand. The table is also used for art therapy: on the smooth glass surface, children create their little masterpieces with their fingers. If something doesn’t work out, you can easily erase the drawing with your palm and draw a new one. This helps anxious and withdrawn children relieve stress and increase self-esteem. Creating a painting touches all areas of the senses, awakens creativity, relaxes and inspires.

Pedagogical technologies based on humanization in the work of a preschool educational psychologist help to reveal the individual creative potential of the child, stimulate his creative activity, form adequate self-esteem, develop the emotional and cognitive sphere, help prevent undesirable personal characteristics, and contribute to the emergence of positive behavioral reactions and experiences in children.

Prepared by: teacher - psychologist MBDOU No. 1 Savateeva S.P.
“Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity.”
V. A. Sukhomlinsky
Psychological health –
it is harmony between various aspects: emotional and intellectual, bodily and mental.

Psychological health is an indicator of physical health.
Therefore, throughout the entire academic year, I include health-saving technologies in my work that contribute to the Integrated Impact, as well as achieving sustainable, stable results in a shorter time:

*Technologies for preserving and stimulating the health of pupils;
*Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle;
*Corrective technologies

Technologies for preserving and stimulating the health of pupils:
finger games and finger gymnastics;
gymnastics for the eyes;
breathing exercises;
physical minutes and dynamic pauses.
Finger gymnastics and finger games are a form of work to develop fine motor skills of a child’s fingers.
Gymnastics for the eyes is a set of exercises aimed at improving blood circulation and intraocular fluid in the eyes; strengthening the eye muscles; improving accommodation (this is the ability of the human eye to have good quality vision at different distances)
Breathing exercises are a system of breathing exercises aimed at improving health and treating various diseases.
Relaxation is deep muscle relaxation, accompanied by the release of emotional tension. Used with music therapy (classical music, voices of nature are used)
A dynamic pause (physical minutes) is a pause in educational or work activity, filled with various types of physical activity. Designed to prevent fatigue and decreased performance.
Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle:

play therapy;
communication games;
self-massage and acupressure;
dry pool.
Game therapy is a method of therapeutic intervention for children and adults suffering from emotional disorders, fears, neuroses, etc.
Communicative games are games that are aimed at the formation and development of communication skills in preschool children.
Self-massage is one of the types of massage in which a person, by applying pressure to certain areas of his own body, increases his vitality.
Acupressure massage (su-jok therapy) - has a tonic effect on the central nervous system, as a result of which its regulatory role in the functioning of all organ systems is improved. The predominance of visual-figurative thinking in preschoolers makes it necessary to select poetic texts or appropriate images for many massage complexes.
The use of a dry pool helps reduce the level of psycho-emotional stress. Reduces motor tone, helps regulate muscle tension. Promotes the development of: kinesthetic and tactile sensitivity, body image, spatial perceptions and ideas. Used to correct the level of anxiety and aggressiveness.
Corrective technologies:
Fairytale therapy – promotes the development and correction of emotional states, relieving anxiety, increasing self-esteem, and removing aggressive manifestations. In fairy tale form, it is easier to see and accept your problem. For a fairy-tale hero, it’s easier to come up with a way out of the situation - after all, in a fairy tale, everything is possible! And then you can use this exit for yourself. You can use the following methodological techniques: - Tell a fairy tale from the perspective of a fairy-tale character; - Guessing the plot or characters; - Turning any life story into a fairy tale; - Writing a fairy tale impromptu.

Technology of musical influence (music therapy) is a technique used in work that uses music as a means of correcting disturbances in the emotional sphere, behavior, communication problems, fears...

Color exposure technology (color therapy) is a non-drug treatment method. The effect of color on people is ambiguous, and purely individual, it is selective in nature, and this must be taken into account when working with preschoolers. Teachers need to have basic information about color therapy and use this knowledge in the teaching and learning process.
Psychogymnastics is a course of special classes (studies, exercises and games) aimed at developing and correcting various aspects of the child’s psyche (both its cognitive and emotional-personal spheres).
“To make a child smart and sensible, make him strong and healthy: let him work, act, run, scream, let him be in constant motion!” Jean-Jacques Rousseau