Presentation for the lesson you and your name. Presentation on the topic "you and your name"

Lyudmila Taranova
Lesson summary for the preparatory group “You and your name”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

combined kindergarten No. 3 in the city of Lebedyan, Lipetsk region

: "You and your name» .


Taranova L.V.

Summary of a lesson in the preparatory group on the topic: "You and your name» .

Target: open a new world to children - the world of the birth of human names and surnames; children must clearly understand where our names come from; using entertaining material from familiar and unfamiliar books, reveal the meaning of names, explain what a pedigree is; distribute paper trees to the children on which they can write down their tree: roots - great-grandmothers, grandmothers, grandfathers, trunk - mothers, fathers, branches - children.

Equipment: family tree on whatman paper, photos of relatives, drawings about the family.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, ours class called discovery. Guess for yourself what we will open!

What does everyone wear?

The whole long and short century?

He's carrying a burden on this road

Doesn't break up anywhere

And at birth grandchildren

They get the burden.

Children, what kind of burden do you think we are talking about?

That's right, about the last name.

In those distant, distant times, when you and I were not yet in the world, a wonderful fairy-tale country appeared in our Galaxy. And a variety of names lived in that country. No one saw what they looked like, but they said that they were transparent, like air, and shimmered with silver shimmering colorful lights. With the first rays of the sun, the names gathered in a flower meadow and began to tell each other different fairy tales. And then the clearing was filled with the sweet sound of music, which was simply mesmerizing. They also loved names to travel. They especially liked to fly to our planet. Shimmering with multi-colored lights, they descended to the ground while people were sleeping. And then everyone had wonderful dreams, because the names could tell interesting stories. And they knew, believe me, a lot of them. People liked these magical creatures so much that they also began to come up with names for themselves. And it turned out that it was even easier to communicate with each other.

The fable of S.V. Mikhalkov is dedicated to the surnames.

That's what it's called "Funny last name".

What names only? No:

Pyaterkin, Dvoikin, Supov,

Slyuntyaev, Tryapkin-Darmoed,

Pupkov and Perepupov!

In the surnames of various persons,

Sometimes we know each other,

The names of fish and birds sound,

Animals and insects: Lisichkin,

Rakov, Indyukov, Seledkin, Myshkin,

Telkin, Mokritsyn, Volkov,

Motylkov, Bobrov and Perepelkin!

But maybe a certain Komarov has the character of a lion,

And a certain Barsov or Lvov is a mosquito Umishko.

It happens that Korshunov is afraid of another Sinichkin,

And Chistunov is reputed to be a pig,

And Prostachkov is a fox!

And Rakov, if not a fool, is ignorant and stupid,

It doesn’t move back like a cancer

And everything strives forward!

Plevkov changed his last name,

Called himself a pearl

But basically he was an ass

He remained a donkey!

A Griboyedov, Pirogov

Famous forever!

And the conclusion, therefore, that's how it is:

It's not all about the name, but about the person!

The topic of our classes"You and your name» . We need to find out what a name is and why we need it.

A game "Decipher the word"

You have cards with enchanted words on your tables. Using special symbols, decipher these words and write this word. (Children write their names).

This means that without a name it is difficult to communicate with each other and understand who they are talking about. Your parents called you different names. Your names sound different. For example: Olya - Olga.

Let's play a game, I call the shortened form of your name, and you say your full name (the teacher throws the ball to the child, calling the shortened name, the child returns the ball, calling the full form of the name).

Physical education minute.

Raise our knees up

We walk like deer. (walking with a high hip lift, arms crossed above the head, fingers spread).

Ask 2-3 children.

Now let's talk about names.

What do you guys think, what was the most favorite men's clothing in Rus'? (Ivan)

Ivan is an ancient name.

Alexander is a protector of people.

Dmitry - belonging to the Earth Goddess.

Sergey is tall.

Ekaterina is pure.

Andrey is courageous.

Irina - peace.

Galina is calm and quiet.

These are how beautiful your names are. Names grow with us. Today you are small, and your name is small. When addressing an adult, we always add his patronymic to his name, thereby showing him respect. When you become an adult, you will also be addressed by your first name. In Russian culture, a patronymic is given by the father's name.

Alyosha, what is your dad's name? (Gena). So, your middle name Gennadievich is Alexey Gennadievich. Let's find out together and name your middle name one by one. (Children say their first and middle names).

Whatever your name means, whatever language it comes from, always remember proverb: (a sign on the board opens)

It is not the name that makes a person, but the person’s name.

How do you understand this proverb?

Indeed, a person is more beautiful by his good deeds and actions. I really want there to be more kindness, smiles and happiness on our planet. And maybe someone else’s name will become famous for your good deeds and deeds.

Bottom line:

What is the theme of our classes, Kolya?

What is a pedigree, Yana?

What does it mean your name?

Thank you bye.


1. Introduce students to the history, meaning and uniqueness of names.

2. Learn to work with reference material, popular science literature, fiction texts, and retrieve material from the Internet.

3. Develop the ability to present material in front of the class.

4. Contribute to the formation of interest in names.

During the classes

A person dies, but the name lives on.

Teacher's word. A person carries his name throughout his life and takes it with him to the grave. The clan and tribe have ceased, but the name lives on. Any Russian name has a significant meaning. A name is a gift. The science of proper names is called onomastics. Onoma is a name. 95% of Russians have old traditional names. In Muscovite Rus', given names and patronymics were used differently depending on social status. Slaves and servants were called humiliatingly: Filki, Parsley, Ivashki. There was no talk of any patronymic for this category of people. The names were used in various meanings: they expressed affection and tenderness (Vanyushka, Mishenka, Mashenka, Glashenka), a special suffix was added to the names of illegitimate children (Yaroslavets, Mstislavets). Popov's names were written in -cleaner(Stepanishche, Ivanchische).

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the origin, meaning and originality of names, legends, customs, and the role of names in human life.

Let's listen to interesting stories from students. First of all, let’s find out the origin and meaning of the word “name”.

The Russian language dictionary edited by S.I. Ozhegov gives the interpretation of the word “Name”:

  1. A person's personal name given at birth.
  2. Last name, family name
  3. Personal fame, reputation
  4. Famous, famous person.
  5. Name of an object, phenomenon.
  6. In grammar: the category of inflected words.

Students, working in groups, look up the origin of the word “Name” in an etymological dictionary. The name is from the Old Russian “im’ti” - “to have”, “to count”, “to take” for someone or something;

Pre-prepared students in groups talk about the meaning of their name and how it came into the Russian language. They explain why the parents chose this name. They give an astrological description of their name.

Astrological characteristics

  1. Name - origin.
  2. Date, year of birth.
  3. Zodiac sign.
  4. The planet is the patron.
  5. Favorable colors.
  6. Plant.
  7. Talisman stone.
  8. Famous personalities with your name.

Teacher. The word “Name” has relatives in the language. Give examples of related words and make up phrases with them (Tolstoy's name, nominative case, friend's name day, classmate's birthday, nominal decree, name of children's games, eminent guest, novel of the same name, called Peter, denominate, formed from a noun or adjective).

Dictionaries of proverbs and sayings are distributed to students.

Exercise. Find proverbs and sayings about the name (The hero will die, but his name will remain. A good name is better than wealth. Masha is good, but not ours. Fedul pouted. With the name Ivan, without a name - a fool. He has a good name. Don’t disgrace my name) .

Folk signs and traditions of peoples associated with names.

When choosing a name, certain rules and prohibitions were observed. You cannot name a newborn after a recently deceased family member. In the old days, and even in our time, children are often named after their grandfather, grandmother, and close relatives.

Quiz “What’s in your name?”

1. Find the hero's name

N.V.Gogol “Oblomov” Luka Lukic
A.S.Griboyedov “Overcoat” Foma Fomich
M.Yu.Lermontov “How Ivan Ivanovich quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich” Maxim Maksimych
I.A. Goncharov "Inspector" Akaki Akakievich
N.V.Gogol "Hero of our time" Ivan Ivanovich
N.V.Gogol “Woe from Wit” Ilya Ilyich

Teacher: You can't change names. To exchange names means to exchange destinies. A person with a new name acquires new character traits. The tradition of giving double names comes from Catholic rites. At baptism, the parents gave the name and added the name of the saint on whose day the child was born. At our school, a student in grade 9B also has a double name - Sikorskaya Maria-Nikoletta. Nicoletta is a nun who prayed for Mary to be born. Patron saints are a “talisman” for a person.

Statistics on the prevalence of names in grade 11A.

Conclusion. Having analyzed the statistics of names in our class, we can say that names such as Mikhail, Pavel, Alexander (male), Alexandra, Anastasia (female) are more popular.

(For example, A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”, A.S. Pushkin “Boris Godunov”, K.F. Ryleev “Ivan Susanin”, L.N. Tolstoy “Anna Karenina”, Karamzin “Poor Liza”, S .A. Yesenin “Anna Snegina”, V.A. Zhukovsky “Svetlana”, “Lyudmila”, “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”).

3. What surnames do you know formed from the names of people (Ivanov, Petrov, Stanislavsky, Alekseev, Aleshin, Avanesov, Vanichkina, Zakharov, Grigorieva).

Teacher: There is a day in frosty January, painted with a joyful, somehow spring mood. This is January 25 - Tatiana's day. All Students' Day. This is probably the only case in history when both church ministers and students claim the same day, and each side understands the holiday in its own way.

Tatyana's Day is a student's holiday, first of all cheerful and sparkling with youth. The holiday Tatyana's Day is for those who have a thirst for knowledge, everything new and unknown. The history of the holiday Tatiana's Day goes back more than two centuries. Tatyana's day coincides with the opening of the first university in Moscow. History says that on this day in 1755, Empress Elizabeth Petrovna signed a decree on the opening of a higher educational institution.

4. What holidays do you know dedicated to names (“Ilyin’s Day”, “Ivan Kupala”, “Peter and Fevronia Day”, “Faith, Hope, Love”).

5. The names are associated with the names of cities, name which ones (Vladimir, Yaroslavl, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Ivanovo, Lida (Belarus), Elena (Bulgaria).

6. Even the flowers have names (Rose, Lily, Pansy, Narcissus, Ivan da Marya, Daisy, Cornflower).

Teacher: Hurricanes are also given names, usually female, the names of saints, so as not to frighten these hurricanes, which in the same area of ​​the world can affect several different tropical cyclones (Alice, Katrina, Brenda, Maria, Clara, Charlotte, Victoria ).

7. Names are everywhere: in street names- Katya Solovyanova, Ivan Golubets (Anapa), trans. Maryina Roshcha (Moscow), Karl Marx (Armavir), shops, cafes, hotels(“Valentina”, “Lyudmila”, “At Kuzmich’s”, “Alice”, “Daria”, “Natalie”).

8. You all love to sing songs. Remember and name lines from songs associated with proper names.

For example:

1) “Katyusha came ashore...”

2) “Ksyusha is a plush skirt...”

3) “Quench my sorrows, Natalie...”

4) “Scows full of mullet

Kostya brought me to Odessa...”

5) “Alyosha stands above the mountain...”

6) “A flight attendant named Zhanna...”

Teacher: Painting is an important means of artistic reflection and interpretation of reality, influencing the thoughts and feelings of viewers. The ideological concept of paintings is concretized in the theme and plot and embodied with the help of composition, drawing and color (color).

Proper names are often used in the titles of paintings. Find such paintings on the Internet (Vasentsov “Alyonushka”, Ivan Tsarevich on a gray wolf”, “After the massacre of Igor Svyatoslavich with the Polovtsians”, Titian “Venus at the Mirror”, Rembrandt “Danae”, Leonardo da Vinci “Mona Lisa”).

Teacher: Let's summarize the lesson.


  1. Talk about the names of saints
  2. Quirks of names

Subject: You and your name. Tasks: 1. Arouse interest in the history of the origin of your name;2. Arouse an emotional desire for search work on the history of the origin of names.

Progress of the lesson.

    Organized start of the lesson. Psychological mood. Report the topic of the lesson.
“I hope you don’t intend to lose your name.”“Of course not,” Alice said confusedly.“I don’t know, I don’t know,” muttered Komar.- Just think how convenient it is to return home without a name. For example, you are called on in class. The teacher says: “Go to the board...” - and then she will fall silent, because you will not have a name and you, of course, will be able to pretend that the name is not you, but someone else there!“Nothing will come of this,” said Alice, “and you will still have to answer to me, and not to someone else.” If the teacher forgets my name, she will say: “Hey, you!”, or “Hey!”, or something else.*Do people need names? For what? Try for at least one day not to use the names of friends and acquaintances in your speech. You will see. That this is impossible: either they will not understand you at all, or you will have to describe people in so many words that you will abandon this idea.Topic message . II The emergence of names.
    Old Russian names.
Wolf Tihomir VeraBison Dobrynya NadezhdaBelka Svetlana Lyubov Nekras Vladimir Not good Lyudmila Kriv Vladislav Pervusha Lyubomir Vtorak *Read the names in the first column. These are some of the ancient names. Why do you think parents call their children such strange names? * Where do you think the name Pervush, Tretyak could have come from? Can you guess why the exchanges given in column 2 arose?
    Borrowed names.
Many names from the languages ​​of other peoples came into the Russian language. In this case, it is impossible to determine their meaning without knowing a foreign language. Such famous names as Igor, Oleg, Olga, borne by Russian princes, came from the north. These are the names Ingvar, Helg, Helga adapted to Russian pronunciation. Igor Ingvar Olga Helga Oleg Helg Many names came to us from Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. These names also have their meaning.Alexander - (Greek) – protector of peopleAnton - (Greek) – opponentAndrey - (Greek) – courageousSergey - (Greek) – tall, strongIrina - (Greek) – peace and tranquilityMaria - (ancient Greek) beloved
Akmaral - white fawnAigul - moon flower Rope - wing Auez - voice, sound Asel - honey Arman - dream Alim - scientist
* Do you know what your names mean?In linguistics, there is a special section that deals with the study of personal names - onomastics. III Spelling of names. Since a person’s name is intended to distinguish him from other people, to emphasize his individuality, in written speech proper names are distinguished with a capital letter.Language games * Guess the puzzles

Which words in the poem are pronounced the same but spelled differently? Why?In sight of honest people Luda is afraid to go down the hill. And Sasha, and Sanya The sleigh goes down the hill on its own. * Make up sentences with pairs of words: Rose-rose, Roman-novel, Earring-earring.* Now I will read excerpts from fairy tales, and you name the names of the characters mentioned in them.
A girl was sitting in a tulip cup on a green leaf. She was small - small, just one inch. That's what they called her (Thumbelina)
A girl, white as snow and round as a ball, says to the old people: “I am rolled up from spring snow, warmed and rouged by the spring sun. My name is…. Snow Maiden" What is the name of the good doctor who treated animals, birds and insects? Aibolit
* Listen to Chukovsky’s poem and tell me how many girls are mentioned? Natalya, Natochka,Natasha, Natalenka,Natulenka, Natusenka.
Ekaterina, Katenka,Katyusha, Katerina, Kasenka.
Love, Lyubonka, Lyubanya, Lyubasha, Lyubushka, Lyubochka,
Maryushka, Marusenka,Mashenka and ManechkaLet's run to the shopAnd we bought gingerbread.
*How many names are mentioned?
IV Lesson summary *What new did you learn in class today? *What is a name?
Name- a distinctive name, a designation of a person that is given to him at birth.
Among living people, no one is nameless at all:
at the minute of birth each -both low and noble -your name from your parentsreceives as a sweet gift.(Homer)
Someday you will all become parents and you will have to choose a name for your child. Treat this carefully so that it doesn’t turn out like S. Marshak

Mother wanted to make friends

To my blond daughter,

So I thought of calling it

Daughter by dictatorship.

Even though her family called her

Abbreviated as Dita

Was on my parents

The girl is angry.

Father was looking for another

The name is smarter

And he finally called

Daughter your idea

Names were mom and sister

Girl Idea

And the guys from the yard began

Call me Turkey

Let father and mother understand

What's with this nickname?

Everything will have to last forever

Inseparable for children.

(Wish for children)

You all have beautiful, sonorous names. I want your destiny to be happy with such names. Cool
You and
your name

They say when a person is born,
a star lights up in the sky
determines his fate. Affects
character and destiny of man and constellation,
under which he was born. And of course
However, the name is of great importance,
which parents give to a child when
birth. Today is our holiday

Names, names, names...
It is not by chance that they sound in our speech.
How mysterious this country is
So the name is a mystery and a mystery.

Onomastics is the science of one’s own
(from the Greek word onoma - name)
Anthroponymy - the science of names
of people
(from the Greek word anthropos - man)

From the history
Old Russian names are
huge interest. They reveal wealth
Russian folk language. Old Russian names
were varied.
For example: Pervak ​​- First, Second, Second,
Tretyak reflected the order of appearance of new
family members;
names - Chernysh, Belyak, Pockmarked, Oblique, Buyan,
Mal, Zhdan, Kudryash are given according to hair color, skin color,
by other external signs.

Our ancestors used and
allegorical names: Ram,
Wolf, Flea, Crow, Oak.
The names preserved in the chronicles are: Baran
Filippov, Spider Ivanov.

Sometimes, not real names were taken as names, but
desired traits: Svetozar (light, like
dawn), Vladislav (owner of glory), Vsemila
(dear to everyone). Beautiful female names
very few have survived: Golub, Nesmeyana,
Fun, Lyubava.

Revolution and names
Registration departments began to conduct registration of newborns
acts of civil status.
Parents could choose any name they liked or
even come up with your own. Sometimes parents gave their
children have ridiculous, strange names. This is how they appeared
Industries, Tractors, Oktyabrins and even
About three thousand new and borrowed names are known,
which were not widespread in subsequent years:
Birch, Lilac. Almost all elements are represented
periodic chemical table: Radium, Iridium,
Wolfram, Ruby.
Mathematical terms: Median, Algebrina,

Prevalence of some names from the 17th to the 20th centuries
(for every thousand named)
XX century
XVII century
XVIII century
XIX century
40-50s 70-90s
No information
No information
No information
No information
No information
No information
No information

The most popular names of the 21st century


The rarest names

Actress Olga Budina's Naum is growing
surname Naumov, Valeria Gai Germanika raises
daughter Octavia, Anastasia Volochkova - Ariadne. U
Sergei Melnichenko, producer of the Ranetki group,
a daughter appeared, who was named Dawn. Children
Tutta Larsen's names are Martha and Luke, Tina's children.
Kandelaki - Melania, Leonty. Dmitry Pevtsov and
Olga Drozdova named her first-born Elisha.
Maria Shukshina's twins are Foka and Foma.
Anastasia Zavorotnyuk named her son Michael,
Grigory Leps is growing up as Nicole, and Lera's son is growing up
Kudryavtseva’s name is Jean, A. Malinin’s name is Frol and

Strange names

The boys were called Dmitry-Amethyst,
Matvey-Rainbow, Count, Gift, Ivan-Kolovrat,
Mercury, March, Prince, Prince, Space,
Angel, Wind, Will, Dolphin, YaroslavLyutobor, Arkhip-Ural, Whale, Luke-Happiness,
Ogneslav, Mister, Mir, Tagil.
The girls were given the following names: Uslada,
Blue, April, Cherry, India, Princess
Daniella, Russia, Zarya, Moon, Ocean,
Joy, Delphine, Fox, Sofia the Sun.

In defense of children
If only you are smart
You won't let the guys
So many fancy names
Like Proton and Atom.
Mother wanted to make friends
To my blond daughter,
So I thought of calling it
Daughter by dictatorship.
Even though her family called her
Abbreviated as Dita,
Was on my parents
The girl is angry.
Father was looking for another
The name is smarter
And he finally called
Daughter is your idea.
Names: mom and sister
Girl Idea,
And the guys from the yard
They started calling her Turkey.
And one original
Stuffed with newspaper
He called his son Companion,
He named his daughter Rocket.
Let father and mother understand
What's with this nickname?
The century will have to last
To the ill-fated children...

What do some names mean?
Eugene, Eugenia (Greek) - noble,
Catherine (Greek) – pure
Elena (Greek) – light, sunny
Ivan (John) (Heb.) – grace of God
Tatiana (lat.) - organizer
Marina (lat.) - sea, marine
Natalia (latin) – native, natural
Alexander (Greek) – protector of people
Sophia (Greek) – wise
Daria (pers.) – bringer of good

Names of 5 "B" class

Malika translated from Arabic means “lady”, “princess”, “queen”, “mistress”.

Malika usually grows up to be a very affectionate and smiling child, but
a radiant smile hides childish secrecy and
prudence. Girls with this name in psychological terms
develop faster than their peers, they begin to understand very early that
what is “good” and what is “bad” have their own position on
many questions. Malika enjoys studying and grasps everything
fly. At heart, the bearer of this name is dreamy and
impressionable nature.

Ivan - “the grace of God”

Common among
Slavs and some
other peoples
(Belarusians, Bulgarians,
Macedonians, Russians)
male name. Friends
they call me Vanya,
Vanzo. I'm in the family
name is Vanya, Vanechka,
Vanyushka. Character
I'm not hot-tempered,
I am kind and sympathetic.


The name Daria is Russian, Orthodox. "Granted, bearing
good". Dasha can be called a commander, she loves,
when people follow her. Unfortunately, she has a weak
intuition, but natural helps her out
intelligence and good memory. Loves
do housework.
At home they call me affectionately
Dasha, Dashulya, Daryushka, Dashunya, Dashuta.
Most of all, of course, I like Dashulya.
Of the secrets of my name, everything is characteristic of me except love
to the household. I don't like cleaning the room.
I am also impulsive and confident.


Anton (Greek) – entering into battle
Anton is hardworking, well-read, observant,
sensitive, emotional, ready for
self-sacrifice, but not confident in himself,
Of the secrets of my name, I think everything suits me.


Matvey - gifted by God.
Matvey is calm, deprived
ambitious plans. Does not love
stand out from the crowd
extremely modest. Quiet,
patiently does his job. But
if he is accused of dishonesty
or insult, Matvey is capable
to the most unpredictable
actions, so that offenders do not
You'll be jealous!

There is no information about the origin of this name
some established opinion.
According to one version, it came from
the old Russian word "vaditi", which means
“argue”, “accuse”.
According to another version, the name Vadim is a variation
Old Russian Vladimir.
Fidget and lover of constant
movements - it's possible
describe Vadim.
Adults constantly pull him back
They ask you to be quieter.
He loves his parents very much and
tries to obey in everything.
Vadim is hardworking and
purposeful, started work
always finishes.

Name day

For the Orthodox, the name was chosen according to the calendar. Every date in
this calendar is associated with the names of saints whose memory
The Orthodox Church celebrates this day.
The child was named after the saint whose memorial day
coincided with the day the baby was born. So holy
became an invisible patron, protector of man.
Therefore, it was customary to celebrate not a birthday, but a day
name day It must be said that in the church calendar the same
names often appear several times a year.
For example, Ivan’s name day is indicated 24 times, Andrey’s – 9 times,
Maria - also 9 times.
Ekaterina - December 7, Natalya - September 8.

Names in prose and poetry

M. Tsvetaeva, A. Blok, A. S. Pushkin,
A. Akhmatova, V. Zhukovsky,
O. Mandelstam, S.A. Yesenin,
I. Severyanin, A. Kuprin,
Ya. Smelyakov.


1. Who can name more female names with
doubled consonant at the root?
(Anna, Alla, Bella, Violetta, Henrietta, Zhanna,
Isabella, Inessa, Joanna, Callista, Camilla, Marietta,
Mirra, Nellie, Nonna, Stella, Suzanna, Philippa,
Charlotte, Ella, Ellina, Emma.)

2. What names can be obtained by replacing
one letter?
Tanya-Vanya, Sasha-Masha, Dasha-Pasha,
Roma - Tom.

3. What female name consists of thirty
the letters "I"?

4. Name the cities consisting of two
male names.
Borisoglebsk, Petropavlovsk

5. Form names from the following
combinations of words:
own the world
own everything
sacredly praise
dear to people

6. Remember the names of plants (flowers,
herbs, trees), which are in tune with
female and male names.
Anisya - anise (herbaceous plant),
Vasily, Vasilisa - cornflower, Lily lily, Rose, Rosalia - rose, Margarita daisy, Agata - agathis, Snezhana –
snowdrop, azalea - azalea, hydrangea –

Subject: You and your name.

Tasks: 1. Arouse interest in the history of the origin of your name;

2. Arouse an emotional desire for search work on the history of the origin of names.

Progress of the lesson.

  1. Organized start of the lesson.
  2. Psychological mood.
  3. Report the topic of the lesson.

I hope you don't intend to lose your name.

Of course not,” Alice said confusedly.

“I don’t know, I don’t know,” muttered Mosquito.

Just think how convenient it is to return home without a name. For example, you are called on in class. The teacher says: “Go to the board...” - and then she will fall silent, because you will not have a name and you, of course, will be able to pretend that the name is not you, but someone else there!

“Nothing will come of this,” said Alice, “and you will still have to answer to me, and not to someone else.” If the teacher forgets my name, she will say: “Hey, you!”, or “Hey!”, or something else.

*Do people need names? For what?

Try for at least one day not to use the names of friends and acquaintances in your speech. You will see. That this is impossible: either they will not understand you at all, or you will have to describe people in so many words that you will abandon this idea.

Topic message .

II The emergence of names.

  1. Old Russian names.

Wolf Tihomir Vera

Bison Dobrynya Nadezhda

Belka Svetlana Lyubov

Nekras Vladimir

Not good Lyudmila

Kriv Vladislav

Pervusha Lyubomir

*Read the names in the first column. These are some of the ancient names. Why do you think parents call their children such strange names?

* Where do you think the name Pervush, Tretyak could have come from?

Can you guess why the exchanges given in column 2 arose?

  1. Borrowed names.

Many names from the languages ​​of other peoples came into the Russian language. In this case, it is impossible to determine their meaning without knowing a foreign language. Such famous names as Igor, Oleg, Olga, borne by Russian princes, came from the north. These are the names Ingvar, Helg, Helga adapted to Russian pronunciation.

Igor Ingvar

Olga Helga

Oleg Helg

Many names came to us from Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. These names also have their meaning.

Alexander - (Greek) - protector of people

Anton - (Greek) - opponent

Andrey - (Greek) - courageous

Sergey - (Greek) - tall, strong

Irina - (Greek) - peace and tranquility

Maria - (ancient Greek) beloved

Akmaral - white fawn

Aigul - moon flower

Asel - honey

Arman is a dream

Alima - scientist

* Do you know what your names mean?

In linguistics, there is a special section that deals with the study of personal names - onomastics.

III Spelling of names.

Since a person’s name is intended to distinguish him from other people, to emphasize his individuality, in written speech proper names are distinguished with a capital letter.

Language games

* Guess the puzzles

Which words in the poem are pronounced the same but spelled differently? Why?

In sight of honest people

Luda is afraid to go down the hill.

And Sasha, and Sanya

The sleigh goes down the hill on its own.

* Make up sentences with pairs of words: Rose-rose, Roman-novel, Earring-earring.

* Now I will read excerpts from fairy tales, and you name the names of the characters mentioned in them.

A girl was sitting in a tulip cup on a green leaf. She was small - small, just one inch. That's what they called her (Thumbelina)

A girl, white as snow and round as a ball, says to the old people: “I am rolled up from spring snow, warmed and rouged by the spring sun. My name is…. Snow Maiden"

What is the name of the good doctor who treated animals, birds and insects? Aibolit

* Listen to Chukovsky’s poem and tell me how many girls are mentioned?

Natalya, Natochka,

Natasha, Natalenka,

Natulenka, Natusenka.

Ekaterina, Katenka,

Katyusha, Katerina,


Love, Lyubonka,

Lyubanya, Lyubasha,

Lyubushka, Lyubochka,

Maryushka, Marusenka,

Mashenka and Manechka

Let's run to the shop

And we bought gingerbread.

*How many names are mentioned?

IV Lesson summary

*What new did you learn in class today?

* What is a name?

Name- a distinctive name, a designation of a person that is given to him at birth.

Among living people, no one is nameless at all:

at the minute of birth each -

both low and noble -

your name from your parents

receives as a sweet gift.

Someday you will all become parents and you will have to choose a name for your child. Treat this carefully so that it doesn’t turn out like S. Marshak

Mother wanted to make friends

To my blond daughter,

So I thought of calling it

Daughter by dictatorship.

Even though her family called her

Abbreviated as Dita

Was on my parents

The girl is angry.

Father was looking for another

The name is smarter

And he finally called

Daughter your idea

Names were mom and sister

Girl Idea

And the guys from the yard began

Call me Turkey

Let father and mother understand

What's with this nickname?

Everything will have to last forever

Inseparable for children.

(Wish for children)

You all have beautiful, sonorous names. I want your destiny to be happy with such names.