Amazing, deadly performances at the Grand Guignol Theater in Paris. Theater of medieval horrors Theater of horrors Paris

Grand Guignol Theater ( Le Théâtre du Grand-Guignol) in Paris was a place where playwrights staged horrific plays of violence and revenge within the walls of a former chapel. During its 65 years of operation, Grand Guignol produced more than a thousand productions that shocked and delighted audiences. This theater has gone down in history as one of the popularizers of the horror genre for entertainment.

The name "Grand Guignol" is closely associated with shocking, bloody performances, being the quintessence of theatrical horror, although the original mission of the theater was completely different. Grand Guignol was founded in 1895 by French playwright Oscar Méténier. He bought an old chapel located at the end of a back alley in Montmartre and converted it into a theater, leaving the Gothic religious decorations intact. Wooden angels hung from the ceiling and towered over the orchestra. Lattice fences for confession turned into private booths, and wooden benches moved to the balcony. At only 293 seats, the theater was the smallest in Paris, but its terrifying Gothic decor made it one of a kind, not to mention its unusual productions.

Métenier opened the Grand Guignol as a "naturalistic" theater. Naturalism was a popular movement in 19th-century European drama, in which traditional plots took place in realistic, everyday settings. However, Metenier's views on naturalism leaned more towards the "low" side of life. Many of his plays depicted fallen women, criminals and street urchins - characters that the audience viewed with disapproval. One of the productions about a prostitute, “Mademoiselle Fifi,” was even temporarily banned by the police. Although Métenier's plays were controversial in their depictions of the lower classes, they were far from the dark and immoral subjects that would soon come within the walls of the Grand Guignol.

In 1897, the theater was taken over by Max Maurey, who took the Grand Guignol in the direction of the horror genre. Under Mori's leadership, the theater produced many plays, from comedies to dramas. And when the theater season ended, works like Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Tell-Tale Heart” began to be staged. They dealt with social and political themes, as well as brutal stories of murder, revenge, hallucinations and violence.

In 1901, new plays by André de Lorde were staged. These were terrible works. De Lorde made up stories about a nanny who kills children, about a mad doctor who performed a lobotomy for revenge, about a jealous woman who gouged out the eyes of a more beautiful competitor with scissors.

During his time at the Grand Guignol, de Lorde wrote 150 plays that marked the most iconic era in the life of the theater. A quiet librarian by day, de Lorde earned the nickname "Prince of Violence" for his scripts by night.

In the 1910s the realism of productions increases. Plays about sex and violence were shocking in themselves, but Grand Guignol added even more horror with the help of special effects. Blood gushed from the wounds, and the bodies were cut into pieces. Combined with theatrical lighting and voiceovers, the experience was so shocking that it sometimes caused panic. Spectators called doctors or police during the performances. One time, in a blood transfusion scene, 15 people lost consciousness at once.

The theater's popularity continued to grow, reaching its peak during the period between the two world wars. The theater became a tourist attraction and a real hit. As in many horror stories, in Grand Guignol productions the victims were most often women. At this time, his main actress was actress Paula Maxa. She has earned the dubious title of "the most murdered woman in the world." During her career from 1917 to the 1930s. she was “deprived of her life” more than 10,000 times. She has been stabbed, shot, strangled, poisoned, and even eaten by a mountain lion. Alarmingly, she was sexually assaulted on stage 3,000 times.

An article in TIME magazine describes a grisly scene from one of the productions: “The next victim was gagged, tied up and beaten. "The ends of her breasts were then cut off with garden shears and her eyes were removed with a tablespoon and a knife."

But everything accompanied by nausea and sadistic entertainment could not continue indefinitely. When World War II began, the theater lost its former popularity. But even after the war, he was visited by famous guests, including Ho Chi Minh and the King of Romania, who even had a room in the backstage of the theater where he slept with his mistress. In 1962, the famous theater was closed. Its director stated that “we will never be able to compare with Buchenwald. Before the war, everyone believed that what was happening on stage was impossible in real life. But now we know that these things, and even worse, are possible."

The Grand Guignol Theater has seen many terrible scenes, but these were all productions, unlike.

Most recently the editors WuzzUp the whole team went for new emotions and sensations to a popular Moscow establishment - Horror theater "PSYCHOSIS".

We won’t talk about what awaited us there. You never know, suddenly you want to go there yourself with your friends.

Briefly about what kind of place this is...

"Theater of Horror" "Psychosis"- this is a completely new and unique art project on the territory of Russia, created with only one purpose, to show you the limit of human fear.” T as it is written on their website. And let us tell you, they are not lying one bit.

Interesting scenery, professional acting and many different “tricks” so immerse you in the created atmosphere that at some point you think - “Is this really a game?”. And then another terrible thought creeps into my head - “But, in fact, all horror films begin this way - with a ridiculous game. And at the beginning of the mess, everyone is so cheerful...”.

In general, we were not able to relax for a second, and when it was all over, we thought, "Crap! Is it over already? We want more! We’ll have to do it again sometime!”

So here, e If you haven't planned anything for the weekend yet, take a closer look at this option. And by the way, don’t forget to immediately select your fear level. There are three of them (we recommend the third level for strong guys):

  • First Level (normal);
  • Second Level (nightmare);
  • Third Level (hell).

Official website of PSYCHOSIS:

And finally, a short promotional video, watch...

Imagine you are sitting in a huge theater hall. You don’t remember how you ended up here or what you’re doing here. Looking around the dark hall, you barely see that the place seems to have been abandoned for a long time: there is a huge hole in the ceiling through which you can see the dark cloudy sky, dust flies around and clogs your nostrils so much that you want to sneeze. You try to restrain yourself, but you can’t, and the hall is filled with a ringing sneeze.

Psst, could you be quieter!

You turn your head sharply to the right and the hall is almost filled with a cry of horror. Sitting next to you is what must once have been a person. THIS HAS NO HEAD! You can see pieces of rotting meat and the remains of a jaw. Do you feel like you're starting to feel nauseous? Better turn away and don’t embarrass someone who has never found peace. They are very touchy and changeable in mood. And if you offend them, they will offend you. Fear the revenge of the dead! They forgive nothing and forget nothing. You try to look at anything other than your creepy neighbor, but the more you peer into the darkness, the scarier it becomes. Eyes slightly accustomed to the darkness can catch silhouettes moving around the hall. Hey, don’t peer into the darkness, otherwise the darkness will start peering at you. You don't know what to do. You want to jump up and run away, but you don’t know where it’s safer: in your place or there, among the darkness and those whom we always feared at night. Those night monsters that lived under our beds and in our closets. Now you realize that these were not just nightmares and childhood fantasy, but all this is reality. It’s just that as we’ve gotten older, we’ve stopped peering into the darkness so often. And in vain. They are always here. It seemed that if you looked away, she would attack you, but you closed your eyes as you always did as a child, in the hope that, just like in childhood, the nightmare would disappear, but everything was in vain. The same hall and the same darkness.
Suddenly there is a rustling sound on stage and a single light bulb lights up. A girl comes on stage, but the way she moves reveals that something is wrong with her: the way she moves... Something strange... But she’s not important to you now. You turn around and want to examine everything that was not visible in the dark.
Despite the small light, there is no such terrible darkness as it was, and you can already turn around and examine what was not visible in the darkness. You so naively and childishly hope that there is nothing there, that everything that was was completed by your brain, but... Your hopes are in vain. And you already regret that you decided to turn around and look.
The whole room is filled with your words and nightmares. But that’s not what’s scary, it’s the fact that they all look at you and only you. There is a ringing silence in the hall. It seemed that if you dared to break it, all your fears would attack you and consume you in their madness. It is not known how long this has been going on, maybe a moment, or maybe an eternity, but the silence is interrupted by a girl from the stage:

Attention please!

You turn around and look at the girl. She is wearing a gray, tight, wide-neck sweater that hides part of her face. In addition to the collar, the face is hidden by part of the collar of a turtleneck worn under a sweater. The turtleneck fits loosely around the face to the nose, the eyes are hidden under round black sunglasses with thin frames. On his head is a black hat, and his short dark brown hair is hidden behind the collar of his sweater.

Ladies and Gentlemen! You're probably wondering how you ended up here. To which I will answer you that this is my Theater of Horror, and every time in my theater I will be your guide to the History of Horror. Everything that you see now is created by your fears, and I will guide you through your most hidden and not so hidden fears. So, today your nightmares will literally burst into your life.

You watch in horror as E.O. approaches you. How come you didn’t notice before! The gait was strange because it walked on two legs, although it walks on four. It's like if a dog was forced to walk straight all the time, the feeling of wrongness is exactly the same.
Now THIS stood on all fours and now looked like a giant frog. And you understand what's the creepiest thing
now in front of you. The embodiment of your fears has now approached you, and you cannot move from fear. It seems that now the heart, shackled by wild uncontrollable horror, will not stand it.
Suddenly, a frog-like creature makes a sharp leap forward and jumps on you. You really want to scream in horror, but you can't. There was no air left even for that.
Face opposite face. And you feel vile and
strange smell. The creature’s face is not visible, but you look straight into the glasses of black glasses, not daring to look away. You're shaking like you're having a seizure, but you can't stop. They lean even closer to you, although it seemed that this was no longer possible, and a vile hissing voice speaks directly into your ear:

Can you smell that smell? This is what your fear smells like. Now it’s time for you to wake up, but remember: I’m always there. What you fear is always with you. And now - see you soon.

Your arm burns with pain, and you jump up on your own bed with a scream. Outside the window you can see the dawn, to which the night gradually gives way. You can't help but sigh in relief. And through this sigh, all the fear that you experienced in such a seemingly short time comes out. But you can’t get rid of that vile, frightening smell, and your hand hurts terribly. You raise your palm. And your eyes widen in horror. The words are scratched on his hand:
“See you soon in your nightmares!”...

The supernatural, full of ancient secrets, mystical creatures and black magic, has attracted many new adherents into its networks in all centuries. By the will of fate, the young medium Albert Finley decided to summon from the abyss some powerful entity, a demon capable of bringing to life everything that the young magician could only dream of. Wealth and unlimited power went to his head. The blood of the innocent flowed like a river onto the sacrificial altar, the most powerful spells of the past were cast and evil broke free from its chains and poured into our world like a black avalanche. Alas, Albert was too weak to cope with him.

Will you have the courage to challenge this evil and, having come face to face with it, find out who you are - the next victim or those who will crush the inhabitants of the underworld with their strength, intelligence and talent?

15 rooms located on 1000 m2, each of which creates its own special atmosphere, saturated with fear, and often introduces its not always friendly inhabitants.
- The scenery, the screams of your comrades and the remains of those who could not escape will make you forget about the real world
- An incredible atmosphere and polished acting will allow you to step over the edge of reality and completely immerse yourself in the fascinating plot of the legend of Albert Finley
- We ourselves are the authors of the space, script and characters. Our Gallery of Horrors is chilling, where all your fears and nightmares come true - it will not leave anyone indifferent.
- 9 professional actors play in our theater



The cost of the game for a group of up to 7 people is from 8,000 to 14,000 rubles

We don't take commission for booking a game on the site from players. If you were given the opposite information in the quest, please write to us at

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Grand Guignol

Grand Guignol- For the album “Naked City” see: Grand Guignol (album). "Grand Guignol" is a Parisian horror theater, one of the founders and pioneers of the horror genre. Worked in the Pigalle quarter (April 13, 1897 January 5, 1963). His name became... ... Wikipedia

Evreinov, Nikolai Nikolaevich- Wikipedia has articles about other people with the same surname, see Evreinov. Evreinov Nikolay Nikolaevich ... Wikipedia

Nikolay Evreinov- Nikolai Nikolaevich Evreinov (February 13, 1879, Moscow; September 7, 1953, Paris) Russian and French director, playwright, theater theorist and reformer, historian of theatrical art, philosopher and performer, musician, artist and psychologist... Wikipedia

grand guignol- grand guignol m. Grand Guignol, puppet theater. Theater of horrors. And the greater the illusion, the brighter the steel swords shine, the stronger this fear, and this is Grand Guignol, when there is no longer art. 1910. Meerhold 1997 198. || Theater, spectacle... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language


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