Clowns sing. Sad clown with a golden voice

From the speech of Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) in a broadcast on radio "RADONEZH" on January 29, 2001

Archimandrite Tikhon:
At the beginning of January, my confessor, Father John (Krestyankin), called me. He was extremely alarmed by the situation that is emerging today around the issue of TIN. Every day he receives dozens, or even hundreds (!) of letters with cries of pain about what Orthodox Christians should do, intimidated by leaflets and brochures claiming that the Taxpayer Identification Number is the seal of the Antichrist or, at least, an irreversible step towards accepting this print.

Father John blessed me to come to the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery after the feast of Epiphany, and also blessed me with something that I had never heard from him personally. Father gave his blessing to take a video camera and film him right in his cell, when he talks about the spiritual situation that is now developing in Russia, and about his attitude towards what is happening around the debate about the adoption of the Taxpayer Identification Number. It really was completely unusual, because, it seems, it was only in 1985 that I managed to photograph him a little in his cell. And then, when we asked him to answer questions in front of a video camera or even in front of a tape recorder, he categorically objected. And then he himself said: take the blessing from His Holiness, come with a video camera, and record everything I say, this is very important. His Holiness blessed this trip; he liked the idea of ​​collecting the opinions of the most prominent Russian confessors: Father John, Father Nicholas, Father Kirill, Father Naum - so that the Theological Commission, which will discuss this problem, would have the opportunity to listen to their opinion.

Of course, Father John is very alarmed by the situation. Even before the trip to telephone conversation Father John said that The campaign launched now is “not a fight against the INN, but a fight against the Church.” This statement may seem like an exaggeration to some, but it was expressed by Father John in a completely meaningful way...(see video interview with Father John (Krestyankin) at the end of the article).

It so happened that at the same time I received a call from Zalit Island, and Archpriest Nikolai Guryanov also blessed me to come - for a completely different reason...

Almost 20 years ago, when I first came to Father Nikolai on the island, he had neither cell attendants nor guards. And few people went to see him then. Hiring a boat cost three to five rubles. Then, by the end of the eighties, when wealthy pilgrims began to visit the priest, the boatmen began to charge as much as 25 rubles. And for a simple granny from Pskov, who had been cared for by the elder all her life, it became very difficult to get to him. Then, when the priest turned 82 years old, it seems, Valentina’s mother appeared. Then Tatiana. They looked after Father Nikolai and cooked for him.

A strange pilgrimage boom to the island began in the capital. In no way do I want to reproach those who strive for the elder with anything: he is a grace-filled ascetic, and for every Orthodox Christian it is a great happiness to see him and, even more so, to receive a blessing. Sometimes a blessing lasts a lifetime. This happened to me too. Exactly about. Nikolai predicted to me monastic path and blessed him when I didn’t even think about monasticism...

Before going to the island, with the blessing of Fr. John visited Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov) in Peredelkino. (I note that all the gossip about his imprisonment in the Lavra, Peredelkino, hospital, about his removal from obedience to the Lavra confessor, etc., etc. is not just gossip and nonsense, but conscious turmoil.) At the same time, Father Kirill blessed me to receive answers to several questions, and with documentary evidence. Father asked to find out whether the TIN number 666 was in there, whether the numbers remained after the death of a person, whether the numbers were assigned to children and pensioners. To all these questions, Father Kirill will be provided with precise, comprehensive and documented answers in the near future. But mainly Father Kirill expressed concern that the Taxpayer Identification Number is becoming a new name for a person and that through this the future total world order is being established. Indeed, the tax number is strictly individual, but the Ministry of Taxes and Duties told me that cases of its change are still possible, in any case, if this is the case, we will soon receive documentary clarification on this issue. True, to be honest, I don’t quite understand: after all, for everyday needs or, and even more so, when we approach the Sacraments, we use our name, and not any number... But, resolving these issues is the prerogative confessors, the main thing for us is to collect objective information (I emphasize: objective) and provide it to them. And objectively record the opinions of the elders, the opinions of confessors on this topic.

Now you will hear the opinion of Father Nikolai. There were a lot of rumors, articles, messages with a variety of statements regarding his attitude to the Taxpayer Identification Number. Some said that he categorically prohibits accepting a TIN, others that he allows... But listen to what Father Nikolai answers my questions (the video will be shown in the “Russian House” program). Previously, at his request, several times I read him the Patriarch’s letter, where His Holiness describes the current situation and asks him to frankly express his opinion - whatever it may be - regarding the TIN.

O. Tikhon:
- Father John says: we won’t ask for the number ourselves, this is the TIN, if they give it, we don’t refuse. Father Kirill says: I personally will not take, but the rest - as per my conscience. What do you say?

O. Nikolay:
- What is this?

O. Tikhon:
- About this individual number, which everyone is arguing about now.

O. Nikolay:
- What number is this? What it is?

O. Tikhon:
- This is the tax number that is given to every person now.

O. Nikolay:
- Oh, that's how it is?..

O. Tikhon:
- About which His Holiness writes. Some say that this is the seal of the Antichrist... So His Holiness wrote to you... His Holiness says that this is not the seal of the Antichrist...

O. Nikolay:
- No no no no.

About Tikhon:
- What - no?

O. Nikolay:
- This is not the seal of the Antichrist.

O. Tikhon:
- How should we feel about this?

O. Nikolay:
- We must treat it as it should: What needs to be done must be done legally.

O. Tikhon:
- Don’t you see the danger for the soul in this?

O. Nikolay:
- No. Drinking, being lazy, not working - this is a sin. It is not necessary. What needs to be done is work.

Mother Valentina enters the conversation (inaudible).

O. Tikhon:
- Mother Valentina says that I didn’t explain to you correctly, that this number is very dangerous.

O. Nikolay:
- Dangerous?

M. Valentina:
- It’s not just me who says that he is dangerous, and you, too. And everyone says he's dangerous.

O. Nikolay:
- What number is this?

M. Valentina:
- TIN.

O. Nikolay:
- I don’t know what it is - TIN?

M. Valentina:
- This is 666.

O. Tikhon:
- No, there’s 666, don’t tell lies.

M. Valentina:
- Father, the number will be transferred later to the card, then to the right handle...

O. Nikolay:
- No, my precious ones, I don’t know anything.

O. Tikhon:
- If there were 666, His Holiness would have written about it. He won't deceive you, will he? And the fact that it is possible that this mechanism will one day be used to control Christians is possible. We all worry about this too.

O. Nikolay:
- He, a Christian, must work and pray, work and pray. That's what he does. And pray and work. And where does he work? public service The way he treats work is also beneficial. Got it? You notice that there is nothing crooked here. And everything that is needed.

O. Tikhon reports Fr. Nicholas a box with a gift.

O. Tikhon:
- Father Kirill (Pavlov) asked me to give you a gift for Christmas.

O. Nikolay:
- Save me, God.

M. Valentina:
- Just now there was an article in the newspaper that supposedly the priest predicted an explosion on a boat and some events in China. Father didn’t say anything like that.

O. Tikhon:
- Now an article has appeared that says that people came to you, and you told them that those who accepted the TIN will die and will not be saved.

O. Nikolay:
- What did they accept?

O. Tikhon:
- Well, this number is a tax number.

O. Nikolay:
- I don’t know, I’ve never heard of this, this is the first time I’ve heard about it from you.

O. Tikhon:
- This is a really complex question that needs to be investigated, but...

O. Nikolay (interrupts):
- If a believer is a person, then there is no sin. After all, it doesn’t say hit and steal. Understood?

O. Tikhon:
- Yes.

O. Nikolay:
- It doesn't say anything about that.

O. Tikhon:
- But still there is some danger in this room?

O. Nikolay:
- What is the danger?..

O. Tikhon:
- Father, what would you like to say to all Orthodox Christians about salvation?

O. Nikolay:
- Listen, here is a believer, what should he do? - have a loving attitude towards everything that surrounds him. Understood? Lovingly.

The words of Father Nikolai simply amazed me. Firstly, it turned out that he was completely unaware of this topic - that’s why I had to re-read the letter of His Holiness the Patriarch several times. But he answered as the Lord put it on his heart. And it was not for nothing that Father Nikolai twice persistently brought me back to sobriety - he said: what, this number, makes us drink, kill, steal? Probably because the coming seal of the Antichrist will first of all free us from the distinction between sin and righteousness. The knowledge of good and evil, which was begun by our first parents without the blessing of God, will reach last times until the boundaries between good and evil are completely erased. People under the influence of this seal will joyfully commit the most terrible lawlessness...

- But the unrest continues. And rumors and turmoil. Is anyone interested in this?

O. Tikhon:
- I believe that certain forces are extremely interested in this turmoil. I had a chance to communicate with tax officials who say that great amount entrepreneurs now declare themselves Orthodox and declare that they will not accept TIN. Of course, there are also people who sincerely stand behind their idea. But there are also those who find a loophole in this for their machinations.

What is extremely dangerous? When protest goes too far, then standing in one’s own idea becomes an idol for a person, which is dearer to him than the Truth, dearer than Christ. And then a real renunciation of Christ the Savior and destruction occurs.

In every generation of Christians, starting from the apostles, there are all the mechanisms for the coming of the Antichrist. Just as in a person at any time there is a mechanism for his death: we can die at any moment. In the world for two thousand years now, these mechanisms of the Antichrist “do not work” by the grace of God, they die off, and new ones are born. But woe to us if we take the signs of the coming of the Antichrist for his actual coming.

What were the supporters of the old rituals afraid of? The fact that new translations will distort the worship and doctrine of the Church. And after this the Antichrist will come. Those who corrected church books and rituals. But, thank God, distortions that could lead to loss true faith, We can not see. And the Old Believers no longer see. And how many people died - they died not only in earthly life through self-immolation and so on, but they died spiritually!

Today, as always, changes are taking place in the world, which are fraught, as always, with dangers. And one of these dangers is total control. It is necessary to carefully observe, in the words of the Savior, “the signs of the times” - but soberly, without exaltation and taking into account all real factors. For example, huge countries - China, India, which has the highest level of production growth in the world - will now never agree to a single world space. And here in Russia it is extremely premature to talk about total electronic control, when half of the country is sitting in unheated houses and without electricity. These are exercises for those people who live somewhere in virtual life, on the Internet and push themselves as hard as they can.

- If only for yourself, but also for others!

O. Tikhon:
- The trouble is that with their help a terrible thing is being done. Father John reminded us of the schism again and again. He reminded that the schism cannot be washed away by any piety, no monasticism, no personal feat, not even the blood of martyrdom. It is possible from this same problem of impending electronic control with enemy help to make a mechanism for destroying the Church, creating a schism. Then, of course, you can romanticize this schism, just as Archpriest Avvakum was romanticized, but let us remember the words of St. Seraphim about schismatics...

It is not for nothing that the Apostle says that the Antichrist will reign for three and a half years. A person simply cannot stand it anymore. If the Lord had not shortened those days, no flesh would have been saved. And now they are ready to extend this terrible time for as long as necessary.

Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov)

Video interview with Father John (Krestyankin) about the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)

Archimandrite John (Peasant)

Last time about TIN

My dear children of the Church of Christ! In these days, when heaven and earth rejoice over the ineffable mercy of God - about the birth of his Savior into the world, when Orthodox Church With 2000 years of his suffering standing in the truth and his saving labors, he affirms that God is with us, when a host of Russian glorified new martyrs laid the fruit of their red sowing into the foundation of the Church, and by God’s grace the people of Russia began to remember their glorious Christian past and now find their way to the temple God to God - we would rejoice and live with living faith and undoubted hope in God and in His Holy Church. Live and remember daily that the seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit, which we received in holy baptism, has made us children of God and thank God.

But no, in these spirit-bearing and holy days, the dark shadow of spiritual indignation has agitated the minds and hearts of believers and deprives them not only of the joy of universal and eternal triumph, but also of faith and trustworthiness itself.

My dears, who today boldly gives up the rule of the world? dark forces? Who again, as in the time of the Savior, approaches Him with a crafty question: “What do you think? Is it permissible to give tribute to Caesar or not?” (Matt. 22, 17; Mark 12, 14; Luke 20, 22).

And on modern language it sounds like this: “Should I accept new system taxation or not?

The answer is paradoxical. Orthodox Christian believers themselves: priests and laity, forgetting about Divine Providence, about God, give power to dark forces.

And just as then the Savior’s co-questioners were not satisfied with His answer and withdrew for the time being - and in order to invent a new trick against Him, so now the answer of the conciliar church mind and the measures taken by the Church to clarify the situation have not been accepted - and confusion and confusion continues to build up in the fence of the Church and among the people of God, but in fact all this is done by the enemy of God, the enemy of the Church, the enemy of our salvation.

State problem about individual rooms taxpayer, through the efforts of the enemy of God, false rumors about the introduction of three sixes in the TIN, was found in spiritual world great power turmoil and became for us a test that revealed in believers a lack of faith in God and trust in the Mother Church...

My dears, this is precisely the goal that the enemy pursued by entering the number “666” into the barcode, and nothing else. But with what ease and painlessness this fatal number was removed when it had done its job!

The number was removed, the statement about assigning numbers was excluded, but the unrest and schism in the Church continue to deepen and talk about the seal of the Antichrist, about the lack of grace of our Church, about the imminent end of the world excite minds.

Both sectarian and anti-church sentiments and speeches are already heard from church pulpits. In the history of the Church, such sentiments have been observed more than once, especially during periods of political upheavals, disasters, wars and all kinds of “perestroikas.” Even the great pillars of the Church have made mistakes.

This is how the resident of our holy Pskov-Pechersk monastery, the great ascetic of piety, Metropolitan Veniamin (Fedchenkov), describes such events: “The reason for such phenomena lies in the human soul, it is always seduced by everything mysterious, extraordinary, supernatural, miraculous; and especially scary. And at the same time, false “zeal” for God appears... All this has long been known in spiritual life. But periodically, such movements, like volcanic eruptions, begin to emerge. This is usually associated with some kind of political upheaval, disaster, war, or oppression.

It is necessary to fight this spiritual ulcer. The Apostle Paul himself began this struggle by writing the entire 2nd Epistle to Thessalonians (and partly the first), where he forbids believing “the spirit, or the word, or the message” (2 Thess. 2-4). Despite this, similar movements have arisen again and again throughout history. And even the great pillars of the Church were mistaken in setting the dates for the “end of the Universe.”

For example, St. John Chrysostom directly wrote that the end of the world should be expected around the “four hundredth” year. “I will not make a mistake (!),” he said, indicating the approximate date of about 400... And he made a mistake: 1548 years have passed since that day, there is no end of the world. This is written in the 8th volume of his works, in the explanation of Christ with the Samaritan woman (Gospel of John, chapter 4).

Similarly, during the persecution of icons and icon-worshipers - 6-9 centuries - Saint Theodore the Studite thought about the “near” end of the world. And in general, many, many times were carried away by this idea. In Russia, Fr. spoke about this. Ambrose of Optina” (Metropolitan Veniamin (Fedchenkov) “For Orthodoxy the Lord will have mercy on me,” St. Petersburg, 1998).

But now we have lived until 2001, and still there is no end to the world and life goes on. And Christ, “who came into the world to save sinners,” continues His feat of love for the human race.

He gave us the way to salvation, and He is the same for all times for Christians, both first and last times - and this is faith in the Providence of God and life by faith.

Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, in His high priestly prayer, asks God the Father for all who believe in Him: “I do not pray that You take them out of the world, but that You keep them from evil.”

My dears, this is Christ praying for us! So, by God’s command, we, the children of God, are called to live in the world, and the world is different - Christian, pagan, God-fighting, and in it, in such different things, we are called to carry the light of Christ’s teaching and Truth, and this, according to the word of Scripture, - “love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, goodness, faith, meekness, self-control. There is no law against them."

In the pre-feast canon for the Baptism of the Lord, the Church very clearly describes the attitude towards the worldly and the Divine for all who follow in the footsteps of Christ. He - Christ - “was written, but you were not enslaved. Obeying Caesar’s command, even if you gave us consolation from work, you freely obeyed and paid tribute to the didrachm, but you have now freed those who were first sold by the law of sin and have honored us with sonship.” And following the example of the Savior, we believers obey state laws, while remaining spiritually free, as sons of God, sons of Light!

And how can we not remember in our current situation that moment in the life of the Church when it entered the chaos of revolutionary turmoil and we had to learn to live and preserve the Church in a period of complete lawlessness. And our His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon faced every day in peace of mind, for he believed in God and betrayed the Church, himself, and the people of God to Him.

Faith in God is our strength, our opposition to turmoil and schism in the Church.

The Russian new martyrs left us evidence of the true faith. Thus, the Hieromartyr Metropolitan Veniamin of Petrograd writes before his martyrdom: “I am joyful and at peace. Christ is our life, light and peace. With Him it is always and everywhere good. I am not afraid for the fate of the Church of God. We need more faith, we, shepherds, need to have more of it. To forget your arrogance, intelligence, learning and give place to the grace of God - this is a truly Christian spiritual attitude.”

The believer lives in peace with Christ, dies in Christ and goes to Christ. And who will separate us from the love of God: neither sorrow, nor distress, nor slander against God and the Church, which is sowed by the enemy of the human race?

And fear, “where there is no fear,” has now paralyzed faith and taken away hope, and the shadow of the enemy is trying to obscure the Sun of Truth - Christ.

It won't happen!

My dears, how we succumbed to panic - to lose our christian name, replacing it with a number? But how can this happen in the eyes of God? Will someone forget himself and his heavenly patron given at the moment of baptism at the Cup of Life?

And don’t we remember all those clergy, lay Christians who for a long period of life had to forget their names and surnames, they were replaced by a number, and many went into eternity with a number.

And God accepted them into His Fatherly embrace as holy martyrs and martyrs, and the white robes of victory hid the prisoner’s pea coats. There was no name, but God was nearby and His guidance led the believing prisoner through the shadow of death every day.

The Lord has no concept of a person as a number; a number is needed only by modern computer technology, for the Lord there is nothing more valuable than living human soul, for the sake of which He sent His Only Begotten Son Christ the Savior. And the Savior entered the world with a census.

What can we say about control and total surveillance, which so frighten simple-minded people?

When and in what state was there no secret office? Everything was... and everything is... and will be... But nothing prevents a believer from being saved. And everyone goes through life their own way way of the cross, going through by faith everything that comes our way life path.

And the believer accepts everything from the hand of God with the confidence that everything will advance him to salvation.

It would be better for us to think about what we really should always remember Orthodox Christian- about the all-seeing eye of God, which saw how our flesh was woven, about the angel of light and the angel of darkness, guarding our every step, every thought - from the infant cradle to the grave. Do we think about this?

Now we are increasingly afraid of the seal of the Antichrist, which will come at that time, at a time to which we do not know whether we will live. But few even think about the seal of our personal sin. But it is precisely this seal that puts a person under the power of the Antichrist’s elements and deeds and is a real prototype of that seal that is actually worth fearing! And nothing divine will pass through this terrible sinful seal with which we daily seal our minds and hearts.

The Lord, knowing our weakness, gave us repentance - permission from sin. But this cleansing of the soul, mind and heart takes place only in the Church, only in the sacraments. And it is precisely the Church that the enemy is now taking up arms against.

Yes, all Divine Scripture will be completed without a doubt; yes, before the end of the world there will be three and a half years of such hardship as has not been seen since the creation of the world, and this marks the power of the Antichrist.

Yes, there will be a glorious and terrible coming of the Savior, who will kill the enemy with the spirit of His mouth.

Everything will happen, but when? The Lord God the Father has set times and dates in His power; not even the most powerful hand can stop God’s Providence or change it. And we will not be able to bring this time closer or prevent it. But we must live now, now, we must live in God.

And now people are being invited into the forests, into the desert, into hidden rooms. Do not take a number, do not enter the new government accounting system, leave the world, leave the church.

But how can we be saved?

How to live, how to raise children in God, everyone is silent about this.

And already now a stream of bitter, tearful and bewildered letters has overwhelmed the confessors.

“Our church already has its own tax number and you can no longer go to it.”

And the old woman, who throughout her life and in the most difficult times remained faithful to God and the Church, now being at the end of her life, falls away from the saving ark of the church. And who will answer before God for the temptation of these little ones, who innocently stumbled over something that has nothing to do with spiritual life - a tax number. So look at the test of our faith, its rationality, its spirituality that is taking place now.

The Seal of Christ appeared in the world after the accomplishment of His saving feat. Cross, former tool shameful execution, sanctified by the blood and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, became Christ's seal of unlimited power against all the enemy.

Now they only talk about the number 666 as the seal of the Antichrist. But has he already gained power in the world? Are they erased? state borders and peace and security soothingly caress our ears? And the Antichrist reigned, recognized by everyone as the world ruler, thereby receiving the right to his seal?

But the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian also says that in his time many Antichrists appeared. What can we say about the present, our time? Unless there are few Christians and many, many Antichrists.

There are many of them - unbelievers, troublemakers, seducers, schismatics and molesters, but this is not yet the only Antichrist who, by God's permission, will receive power over the world and those living in it for three and a half years. And we must all remember that we are now still living in a time of salvation, a time of grace, when the Savior of the world, Christ, is ready to accept and save every sinner who has sighed to God for his salvation.

So we will be saved in the Church, protecting ourselves with the fear of God from all sin, from wickedness, lies and falsehood, from selfishness and self-will. And it would be good now, when Christian self-awareness is awakening among the people, for us all to understand who and why now needs non-Christian methods of fighting for “freedom,” and what should we be free from?

From Christian church discipline, when the conciliar voice of the church is challenged by personal opinion?

From the one and only catholic Church, the schismatic part of which calls people into the “catacombs” so that it degenerates into a sect?

From paying taxes; so that, according to the word of Scripture, “he who has gathered much will not have too much, and he who has gathered little will not have lack?”

And won’t the children of the Church be wary of the fact that in their desire to achieve their goal, fighters do not hesitate to use the method of the father of lies, the devil - slander?

Since the beginning of this turmoil, I have written many private letters regarding the TIN. And now one of them, by the will of God, was published via the Internet by the Sretensky Monastery to a wide audience. But the letter was declared a forgery. And today I sign my letter again and again. And it is in it that my perception of everything that is happening sounds, and not in that anonymous letter that unknown slanderers published in the newspaper “Russian Bulletin” (Nos. 46-48 for 2000), imposing their opinion on my name.

Now, due to the fact that my name is being woven into their slander by those who fight the Church, I am obliged to say to everyone who is involved in this psychosis:

Fear division and schism in the Church!

Be afraid to fall away from the Mother Church, she alone is holding back the lava of anti-Christian revelry in the world now!

Be afraid to judge the church hierarchy - for this is death even without the Antichrist seal.

Fear sin!

We will die long before the fear that has gripped everyone now appears. But having fallen away from the Church, we inherit exactly what we are so afraid of now.

Let us imprint on the tablets of the heart and mind the spiritual basis of our unity with God:

“Son, give me your heart.”

The Lord will not give up the soul and heart that is faithful to God to be trampled underfoot by the enemy!

It’s easy for another person to deceive, and for the enemy, with his centuries-old experience in lying, it costs nothing to deceive us. With modern technical capabilities it is possible to secretly and openly imprint all nations with “numbers”, and “chips”, and “seals”. But they cannot harm the human soul unless there is a conscious renunciation of Christ and conscious worship of the enemy of God. And may the life-giving words of our Savior be a guide and guide for us through the stormy sea of ​​life: “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you: not as the world gives, I give to you, Do not let your heart be troubled or afraid” (John 14 , 27-28), “believe in God and believe in Me” (John 14:2).

When one young hieromonk came to Archimandrite John (Krestyankin) with a proposal to lead the movement against the INN, Father John responded to this proposal with the following note:

“Dear father N.! I will not participate in the campaign you propose. The very spirit of such activity - where there is a lot of selfishness, noise and hope not in God, but in man, and with criticism of the Church's hierarchy, which is the key in your statements - forbids me this. ... The letter that you didn’t like so much is not a forgery, it was written by me to a private person, but by the will of God it was made public independently of me, which means it must be so. Forgive me generously, the methods you propose are not to my liking. Archim. John".

Elder Nikolai Guryanov

Text of the video recording of the conversation with Fr. Nikolai Guryanov, made in January 2001 in the elder’s cell by Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) and in 2001 shown on television in the program “Russian House”.

Archim. Tikhon: Articles appeared in newspapers: they write that you are being discriminated against and are not allowed to communicate with people. This is true?

O. Nikolay: Why don't they give it? It is not true.

Archim. Tikhon: They write that your cell attendants: nun Mikhail and nun Nikolai treat you very badly, that you don’t like them and would like to kick them out...

O. Nikolay: No, no, everything is fine.

Archim. Tikhon: But they have been writing for several years now...

O. Nikolay: These are the demons writing. Satan writes. Ay-ay-ay!.. After all, they are nuns! Is it possible to talk to nuns like that?

Archim. Tikhon: They write that they have set up a prison for you...

O. Nikolay: What a lie. Poor things, they endure... The enemy's lies. I worship Your Cross, O Master, and I sing and glorify Your Holy Resurrection. “Direct my steps according to Your Word, and let not all iniquity possess me. Deliver me from human slander and I will keep Your Commandments..."

Archim. Tikhon: Father, another question: thousands of people came to you during your life, you peered carefully into their souls. Tell me what worries you most about souls modern people- what sin, what passion? What is the most dangerous thing for us now?

O. Nikolay:
Unbelief. This is scary.

Archim. Tikhon
: Even among Christians?

O. Nikolay: Yes, even among Orthodox Christians. To whom the Church is not a Mother, God is not a Father.

Archim. Tikhon: Father John says: we won’t ask for the number ourselves, this is the TIN, if they give it, we don’t refuse. Father Kirill says: I personally will not take, but the rest - as per my conscience. What do you say?

O. Nikolay:
What is this?

Archim. Tikhon: About this individual number that everyone is arguing about now.

O. Nikolay: What number is this? What it is?

Archim. Tikhon: This is the tax number that is given to every person now.

O. Nikolay: Oh, that's how it is?..

Archim. Tikhon: Some say that this is the seal of the Antichrist...

O. Nikolay: No no no no.

Archim. Tikhon:
What - no?

O. Nikolay:
This is not the seal of the Antichrist.

Archim. Tikhon: How should we feel about this?

O. Nikolay: It must be treated as it should be: What needs to be done must be done legally.

Archim. Tikhon: Don’t you see the danger for the soul in this?

O. Nikolay:
No. Drinking, being lazy, not working - this is a sin. It is not necessary. What needs to be done is work. He, a Christian, must work and pray, work and pray. That's what he does. And pray and work. And where he works - in the public service, how he relates to work - this is also beneficial. Got it? You notice that there is nothing crooked here. And everything that is needed.

Archim. Tikhon: Now an article has appeared that says that people came to you, and you told them that those who accepted the TIN will die and will not be saved.

O. Nikolay: What did they accept?

Archim. Tikhon: Well, this number is a tax number.

O. Nikolay: I don't know, I've never heard of it, this is the first time I've heard of it from you.

Archim. Tikhon: This is a really complex question that needs to be explored, but...

O. Nikolay(interrupts): If a believer is a person, then there is no sin. After all, it doesn’t say hit and steal. Understood?

Archim. Tikhon: Yes.

O. Nikolay: It doesn't say anything about that.

Archim. Tikhon: But is there still some danger in this room?

O. Nikolay: What's the danger?..

Archim. Tikhon
: Father, what would you like to say to all Orthodox Christians about salvation?

O. Nikolay:
Listen, here is a believer, what should he do? - have a loving attitude towards everything that surrounds him. Understood? Lovingly.

In these days, when heaven and earth rejoice over the ineffable mercy of God - about the birth of his Savior into the world, when the Orthodox Church, with its 2000 years of suffering in the truth and its saving labors, affirms that God is with us, when a host of Russian illustrious new martyrs laid in the foundation of the Church is the fruit of its red sowing, and by God’s grace the people of Russia began to remember their glorious Christian past and now find their way to the temple of God to God - we would rejoice and live with living faith and undoubted hope in God and in His Holy Church. Live and remember daily that the seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit, which we received in holy baptism, has made us children of God and thank God.

But no, in these spirit-bearing and holy days, the dark shadow of spiritual indignation has agitated the minds and hearts of believers and deprives them not only of the joy of universal and eternal triumph, but also of faith and trustworthiness itself.

My dears, who today boldly gives over the rule of the world to the dark forces?

Who again, as in the time of the Savior, approaches Him with a crafty question: What do you think? Is it permissible to give tribute to Caesar or not?(Matt. 22, 17; Mark 12, 14; Luke 20, 22).

And in modern language it sounds like this: “Should we accept the new tax system or not?”

The answer is paradoxical. Orthodox Christian believers themselves: priests and laity, forgetting about Divine Providence, about God,- give power to dark forces.

And just as then the Savior’s co-questioners were not satisfied with His answer and withdrew until the time was right to invent a new trick against Him, so now the answer of the conciliar church mind and the measures taken by the Church to clarify the situation have not been accepted - and confusion and confusion continues to build up in the fence of the Church and in among the people of God, but in fact all this is done by the enemy of God, the enemy of the Church, the enemy of our salvation.

The state problem of individual taxpayer numbers, through the efforts of the enemy of God, false rumors about the introduction of three sixes in the TIN, acquired great power of unrest in the spiritual world and became for us the test that revealed in believers lack of faith in God and trust in the Mother Church...

My dears, this is precisely the goal that the enemy pursued by entering the number “666” into the barcode, and nothing else. But with what ease and how painlessly this fatal number was removed when it had done its job!

The number was removed, the statement about assigning numbers was excluded, and the turmoil and schism in the Church continue to deepen. And talk about the seal of the Antichrist, about the lack of grace of our Church, about the imminent end of the world excites minds.

Both sectarian and anti-church sentiments and speeches are already heard from church pulpits. In the history of the Church, such sentiments have been observed more than once, especially during periods of political upheavals, disasters, wars and all kinds of “perestroikas.” Even the great pillars of the Church have made mistakes.

This is how the resident of our holy Pskovo-Pechersk monastery, the great ascetic of piety, Metropolitan Veniamin (Fedchenkov), describes such events: the reason for such phenomena lies “in the human soul... it is always seduced by everything mysterious, extraordinary, supernatural, miraculous; and the special is terrible. And at the same time, false “zeal” for God appears... All this has long been known in spiritual life. But periodically, such movements, like volcanic eruptions, begin to emerge. This is usually associated with some kind of political upheaval, disaster, war, or oppression.

It is necessary to fight this spiritual ulcer. Ap himself. Paul began this fight by writing the entire 2nd Epistle to Thessalonians (and partly the first), where he forbids believing “the spirit, or the word, or the message” (2 Thess. 2-4). Despite this, similar movements have arisen again and again throughout history. And even the great pillars of the Church were mistaken in setting the dates for the “end of the Universe.” For example, St. John Chrysostom directly wrote that the end of the world should be expected around the “four hundredth” year. " I won't make any mistakes“(!),” he said, indicating an approximate date of about 400... And I made a mistake: 1548 years have passed since this day, there is no end to the world. This is written in the 8th volume of his works, in the explanation of Christ with the Samaritan woman (Gospel of John, chapter 4).

Similarly, during the persecution of icons and icon-worshipers - 6-9 centuries - St. thought about the “near” end of the world. Theodore the Studite. And in general, many, many times were carried away by this idea. In Russia - Fr. spoke about this. Ambrose of Optina." ( Metropolitan Veniamin (Fedchenkov) “For Orthodoxy the Lord will have mercy on me...” St. Petersburg. 1998)

But now we have lived until 2001, and still there is no end to the world and life goes on. And Christ, who came into the world to save sinners, continues His feat - love for the human race. He gave us the path to salvation, and He is the same for all times for Christians, both first and last times - and this is faith in God’s Providence and life by faith.

Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself in His high priestly prayer asks God the Father for all who believe in Him: I do not pray that You take them out of the world, but that You keep them from evil.

My dears, this is Christ praying for us! So, by God's command, we, the children of God, are called to live in the world, and the world is different - Christian, pagan, God-fighting, and in it, in so many different ways, we are called to carry the light of Christ’s teaching and Truth, and this, according to the word of Scripture, is “love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, mercy, faith, meekness, self-control. There is no law against them."

In the pre-feast canon for the Epiphany of the Lord, the Church very clearly describes the attitude towards the worldly and the Divine for all who follow in the footsteps of Christ. He - Christ - “was written, but you were not enslaved, obeying Caesar’s command, and even giving us consolation from work, freely obeying and paying tribute to the didrachm, but you freed us who were first sold by the law of sin and now you have honored us with sonship.”

And following the example of the Savior, we believers obey state laws, while remaining spiritually free, as sons of God, sons of Light!

And how can we not remember in our current situation that moment in the life of the Church when it entered the chaos of revolutionary turmoil and we had to learn to live and preserve the Church in a period of complete lawlessness. And our Holiness Patriarch Tikhon greeted every day with peace of mind, for he believed in God and betrayed the Church, himself, and the people of God to Him.

Faith in God- this is our strength, our opposition to turmoil and schism in the Church.

The Russian new martyrs left us evidence of the true faith. Thus, the Hieromartyr Metropolitan Veniamin of Petrograd writes before his martyrdom: “I am joyful and at peace... Christ is our life, light and peace. With Him it is always and everywhere good. I am not afraid for the fate of the Church of God. We need more faith, we, shepherds, need to have more of it. To forget your arrogance, intelligence, learning and give place to the grace of God - this is a truly Christian spiritual attitude.”

The believer lives in peace with Christ, dies in Christ and goes to Christ. And who will separate us from the love of God: neither sorrow, nor distress, nor slander against God and the Church, which is sowed by the enemy of the human race?

And fear, even without fear, has now paralyzed faith and taken away hope, and the shadow of the enemy is trying to obscure the Sun of Truth - Christ.

It won't happen!

My dears, how did we succumb to panic - to lose our Christian name, replacing it with a number? But how can this happen in the eyes of God? Will someone forget himself and his heavenly patron given at the moment of baptism at the Cup of Life?

And don’t we remember all those clergy, lay Christians who for a long period of life had to forget their names and surnames, they were replaced by a number, and many went into eternity with a number.

And God accepted them into His Fatherly embrace as holy martyrs and martyrs, and the white robes of victory hid the prisoner’s pea coats. There was no name, but God was there, and His guidance led the believing prisoner through the shadow of death every day.

The Lord has no concept of a person as a number, a number is needed only by modern computer technology, but for the Lord there is nothing more valuable than a living human soul, for the sake of which He sent His Only Begotten Son, Christ the Savior. And the Savior entered the world with a census.

What can we say about control and total surveillance, which so frighten simple-minded people?

When and in what state was there no secret office? Everything was... and everything is... and will be... but nothing does not prevent a believer from being saved. And everyone goes through life on their own way of the cross, going through everything that comes along the path of life by faith.

And the believer accepts everything from the hand of God with the confidence that everything will advance him to salvation.

It would be better for us to think about what an Orthodox Christian really should always remember - about the all-seeing Eye of God, which saw how our flesh was woven, about the angel of light and the angel of darkness, guarding our every step, every thought - from the infant’s cradle to the grave boards. Do we think about this?

Now we are increasingly afraid of the seal of the Antichrist, which will come at that time, at a time to which we do not know whether we will live. But few people even think about the seal of our personal sin. But it is she, this seal, that gives a person to the power of the Antichrist elements and deeds and is actual prototype the seal that you really should be afraid of! And nothing divine will not pass through this terrible sinful seal with which we print our mind and heart every day.

The Lord, knowing our weakness, gave us repentance - permission from sin. But this cleansing of the soul, mind and heart takes place only in the Church, only in the Sacraments. And it is precisely the Church that the enemy is now taking up arms against.

Yes, all Divine Scripture will be fulfilled without a doubt;

Yes, before the end of the world there will be three and a half years of such hardship as has not been seen since the creation of the world, and this marks the power of the Antichrist.

Yes, there will be a Glorious and Terrible Coming of the Savior, Who will kill the enemy with the spirit of His mouth.

Everything will happen, but when?

The Lord God the Father has set times and seasons in His power, and no most powerful hand can stop God’s Providence or change it.

And we will not be able to bring this time closer or prevent it.

But we must live now, now, we must live in God.

And now people are being invited into the forests, into the desert, into hidden rooms.

Do not take a number, do not enter the new state accounting system, leave the world, leave the Church.

But how can we be saved?

How to live, how to raise children in God, everyone is silent about this.

And already now flow the confessors were overwhelmed with bitter, tearful and bewildered letters.

Our church already has its own tax number and you can no longer go to it.

And the old woman, who remained faithful to God and the Church all her life and in the most difficult times, now being at the end of her life, falls away from the Saving Church Ark.

AND who will answer before God for the temptation of these little ones, who innocently stumbled over something that has nothing to do with spiritual life - the tax number...

So look at the test of our faith, its rationality, its spirituality that is taking place now.

The Seal of Christ appeared in the world after the accomplishment of His saving feat. The cross, which was an instrument of shameful execution, sanctified by the blood and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, became Christ's seal of unlimited power against all the enemies.

Now they only talk about the number 666 as the seal of the Antichrist. But has he already gained power in the world? have state borders been erased, and peace and security soothingly caress our ears?.. And the Antichrist reigned, recognized by everyone as the world ruler, thereby receiving the right to his seal?

But the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian also says that in his time many Antichrists appeared. What can we say about the present, our time? Unless there are few Christians and many, many Antichrists.

There are many of them - unbelievers, troublemakers, seducers, schismatics and molesters, but this is not the only Antichrist who, by God's permission, will receive power over the world and those living in it for three and a half years. And we must all remember that we are now still living in a time of salvation, a time of grace, when the Savior of the world, Christ, is ready to accept and save every sinner who has sighed to God for his salvation.

So we will be saved in the Church, protecting ourselves with the fear of God from all sin, from wickedness, lies and falsehood, from selfishness and self-will.

And it would be good now, when Christian self-awareness is awakening among the people, for us all to understand to whom and why We now need such non-Christian methods of struggle for “freedom.”

And what should we be free from?

From Christian church discipline, when the conciliar voice of the Church is challenged by personal opinion?

From the one and only catholic Church, the schismatic part of which calls people into the “catacombs” so that it degenerates into a sect?

From paying taxes, so that, according to the word of Scripture: “Whoever has collected much has no excess, and whoever has collected little has no lack?”

And won’t the children of the Church be wary of the fact that in their desire to achieve their goal, fighters do not hesitate to use the method of the father of lies, the devil - Slander?

Since the beginning of this turmoil, I have written many private letters regarding the TIN.

And now one of them, by the will of God, was published via the Internet by the Sretensky Monastery to a wide audience. But the letter was declared a forgery. And today I sign my letter again and again.

And it is in it that my perception of everything that is happening sounds, and not in the anonymous letter that unknown slanderers published in the newspaper “Russian Messenger” (Nos. 46-48 for 2000), imposing their opinion on my name.

Now, due to the fact that my name is being woven into their slander by those who fight the Church, I am obliged to say to everyone who is involved in this psychosis:


Be afraid to fall away from the Mother Church, she alone is holding back the lava of anti-Christian revelry in the world now!

Be afraid to judge the church hierarchy, for this is destruction even without the seal of the Antichrist!


We will die long before the fear that has gripped everyone now appears. But having fallen away from the Church, we inherit exactly what we are so afraid of now.

Let us imprint on the tablets of the heart and mind the spiritual basis of our unity with God:

Son, give me your heart.

The Lord will not give up the soul and heart that is faithful to God to be trampled underfoot by the enemy!

It’s easy for another person to deceive, and for the enemy, with his centuries-old experience in lying, it costs nothing to deceive us.

With modern technical capabilities, it is possible to secretly and openly imprint all nations with “numbers,” “chips,” and “seals.” But they cannot harm the human soul if there is no conscious renunciation of Christ, and conscious worship of the enemy of God.

And may the life-giving words of our Savior be our guide and guide through the stormy sea of ​​life: Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid (John 14:27-28), believe in God and believe in Me(John 14:2).

P.S.: Punctuation and italics/bold font are copyrighted.


My dear children of the Church of Christ!

In these days, when heaven and earth rejoice over the ineffable mercy of God - about the birth of his Savior into the world, when the Orthodox Church, with its 2000 years of suffering in the truth and its saving labors, affirms that God is with us, when a host of Russian illustrious new martyrs laid in the foundation of the Church is the fruit of its red sowing, and by God’s grace the people of Russia began to remember their glorious Christian past and now find their way to the temple of God to God - we would rejoice and live with living faith and undoubted hope in God and in His Holy Church. Live and remember daily that the seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit, which we received in holy baptism, has made us children of God and thank God.

But no, in these spirit-bearing and holy days, the dark shadow of spiritual indignation has agitated the minds and hearts of believers and deprives them not only of the joy of universal and eternal triumph, but also of faith and trustworthiness itself.
My dears, who today boldly gives over the rule of the world to the dark forces?

Who again, as in the time of the Savior, approaches Him with a crafty question: What do you think? Is it permissible to give tribute to Caesar or not? (Matt. 22, 17; Mark 12, 14; Luke 20, 22).

And in modern language it sounds like this: “Should we accept the new tax system or not?”
The answer is paradoxical. Orthodox Christian believers themselves: priests and laity, forgetting about the Providence of God, about God, give power to dark forces.

And just as then the Savior’s co-questioners were not satisfied with His answer and withdrew until the time was right to invent a new trick against Him, so now the answer of the conciliar church mind and the measures taken by the Church to clarify the situation have not been accepted - and confusion and confusion continues to build up in the fence of the Church and in among the people of God, but in fact all this is done by the enemy of God, the enemy of the Church, the enemy of our salvation.
The state problem of individual taxpayer numbers, through the efforts of the enemy of God, false rumors about the introduction of three sixes into the TIN, acquired great power of turmoil in the spiritual world and became for us a test that revealed in believers a lack of faith in God and trust in the Mother Church...
My dears, this is precisely the goal that the enemy pursued by entering the number “666” into the barcode, and nothing else. But with what ease and how painlessly this fatal number was removed when it had done its job!
The number was removed, the statement about assigning numbers was excluded, and the turmoil and schism in the Church continue to deepen. And talk about the seal of the Antichrist, about the lack of grace of our Church, about the imminent end of the world excites minds.

Both sectarian and anti-church sentiments and speeches are already heard from church pulpits. In the history of the Church, such sentiments have been observed more than once, especially during periods of political upheavals, disasters, wars and all kinds of “perestroikas.” Even the great pillars of the Church have made mistakes.

This is how the resident of our holy Pskovo-Pechersk monastery, the great ascetic of piety, Metropolitan Veniamin (Fedchenkov), describes such events: the reason for such phenomena lies “in the human soul... it is always seduced by everything mysterious, extraordinary, supernatural, miraculous; and the special is terrible. And at the same time a false "zeal" for God appears... All this has long been known in spiritual life. But from time to time, such movements, like volcanic eruptions, begin to come out. Usually this is associated with some kind of political upheaval, disasters, wars, oppression.

It is necessary to fight this spiritual ulcer. Ap himself. Paul began this struggle by writing the entire 2nd Epistle to Thessalonians (and partly the first), where he forbids believing “the spirit, or the word, or the message” (2 Thess. 2-4). Despite this, similar movements have arisen again and again throughout history. And even the great pillars of the Church were mistaken in setting the dates for the “end of the Universe.” For example, St. John Chrysostom directly wrote that the end of the world should be expected around the “four hundredth” year. “I will not sin”(!), he said, indicating the approximate date of about 400... And he sinned: 1548 years have passed since that day, there is no end of the world. This is written in the 8th volume of his works, in the explanation of Christ with the Samaritan woman (Gospel of John, chapter 4).

Likewise, during the persecution of icons and icon-worshipers - 6-9 centuries - St. thought about the “near” end of the world. Theodore the Studite. And in general, many, many times were carried away by this idea. In Russia - Fr. spoke about this. Ambrose of Optina." (Metropolitan Veniamin (Fedchenkov) "For Orthodoxy the Lord will have mercy on me..." St. Petersburg, 1998)
But now we have lived until 2001, and still there is no end to the world and life goes on. And Christ, who came into the world to save sinners, continues His feat of love for the human race. He gave us the path to salvation, and He is the same for all times for Christians, both first and last times - and this is faith in God’s Providence and life by faith.

Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, in His high priestly prayer, asks God the Father for all who believe in Him: I do not pray that You take them out of the world, but that You preserve them from evil.

My dears, this is Christ praying for us! So, by God’s command, we, the children of God, are called to live in the world, and the world can be different - Christian, pagan, God-fighting, and in it, in such different things, we are called to carry the light of Christ’s teaching and Truth, and this, according to the word of Scripture, - "love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, meekness, self-control. Against such there is no law."

In the pre-feast canon for the Epiphany of the Lord, the Church very clearly describes the attitude towards the worldly and the Divine for all who follow in the footsteps of Christ. He - Christ - “was written, but you were not enslaved, obeying Caesar’s command, and even giving us consolation from work, freely obeying and paying tribute to the didrachm, but you freed us who were first sold by the law of sin and now you have honored us with sonship.”

And following the example of the Savior, we, believers, obey state laws, while remaining spiritually free, as sons of God, sons of Light!

And how can we not remember in our current situation that moment in the life of the Church when it entered the chaos of revolutionary turmoil and we had to learn to live and preserve the Church in a period of complete lawlessness. And our Holiness Patriarch Tikhon greeted every day with peace of mind, for he believed in God and betrayed the Church, himself, and the people of God to Him.

Faith in God is our strength, our opposition to turmoil and schism in the Church.

The Russian new martyrs left us evidence of the true faith. Thus, the Hieromartyr Metropolitan Veniamin of Petrograd writes before his martyrdom: “I am joyful and at peace... Christ is our life, light and peace. With Him it is always and everywhere good. I am not afraid for the fate of the Church of God. We need more faith, we need more of it for us, the shepherds, to have. To forget our arrogance, intelligence, learning and give place to the grace of God - this is a truly Christian spiritual attitude."

The believer lives in peace with Christ, dies in Christ and goes to Christ. And who will separate us from the love of God: neither sorrow, nor distress, nor slander against God and the Church, which is sowed by the enemy of the human race?

And fear, even without fear, has now paralyzed faith and taken away hope, and the shadow of the enemy is trying to obscure the Sun of Truth - Christ.

It won't happen!

My dears, how did we succumb to panic - to lose our Christian name, replacing it with a number? But how can this happen in the eyes of God? Will someone forget himself and his heavenly patron given at the moment of baptism at the Cup of Life?

And don’t we remember all those clergy, lay Christians who for a long period of life had to forget their names and surnames, they were replaced by a number, and many went into eternity with a number.
And God accepted them into His Fatherly embrace as holy martyrs and martyrs, and the white robes of victory hid the prisoner’s pea coats. There was no name, but God was there, and His guidance led the believing prisoner through the shadow of death every day.

The Lord has no concept of a person as a number, a number is needed only by modern computer technology, but for the Lord there is nothing more valuable than a living human soul, for the sake of which He sent His Only Begotten Son, Christ the Savior. And the Savior entered the world with a census.

What can we say about control and total surveillance, which so frighten simple-minded people?
When and in what state was there no secret office? Everything was... and everything is... and will be... but nothing prevents a believer from being saved. And everyone goes through life on their own way of the cross, going through everything that comes along the path of life by faith.

And the believer accepts everything from the hand of God with the confidence that everything will advance him to salvation.
It would be better for us to think about what an Orthodox Christian really should always remember - about the all-seeing Eye of God, which saw how our flesh was woven, about the angel of light and the angel of darkness, guarding our every step, every thought - from the infant’s cradle to the grave boards. Do we think about this?

Now we are increasingly afraid of the seal of the Antichrist, which will come at that time, at a time to which we do not know whether we will live. But few people even think about the seal of our personal sin. But it is precisely this seal that puts a person under the power of the Antichrist’s elements and deeds and is a real prototype of that seal that is actually worth fearing! And nothing divine will pass through this terrible sinful seal with which we print our mind and heart every day.

The Lord, knowing our weakness, gave us repentance - permission from sin. But this cleansing of the soul, mind and heart takes place only in the Church, only in the Sacraments. And it is precisely the Church that the enemy is now taking up arms against.
Yes, all Divine Scripture will be fulfilled without a doubt;
Yes, before the end of the world there will be three and a half years of such hardship as has not been seen since the creation of the world, and this marks the power of the Antichrist.
Yes, there will be a Glorious and Terrible Coming of the Savior, Who will kill the enemy with the spirit of His mouth.

Everything will happen, but when?

The Lord God the Father set times and dates in His power, and no most powerful hand can stop the Providence of God or change it.
And we will not be able to bring this time closer or prevent it.

But we must live now, now, we must live in God.

And now people are being invited into the forests, into the desert, into hidden rooms.
Do not take a number, do not enter the new state accounting system, leave the world, leave the Church.
But how can we be saved?

How to live, how to raise children in God, everyone is silent about this.

And already now a stream of bitter, tearful and bewildered letters has overwhelmed the confessors.

Our church already has its own tax number and you can no longer go to it.
And the old woman, who throughout her life and in the most difficult times remained faithful to God and the Church, now being at the end of her life, falls away from the Saving Church Ark.

And who will answer before God for the temptation of these little ones, who innocently stumbled over something that has nothing to do with spiritual life - the tax number...

So look at the test of our faith, its rationality, its spirituality that is taking place now.
The Seal of Christ appeared in the world after the accomplishment of His saving feat. The cross, which was an instrument of shameful execution, sanctified by the blood and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, became Christ's seal of unlimited power against all the enemies.

Now they only talk about the number 666 as the seal of the Antichrist. But has he already gained power in the world? have state borders been erased, and peace and security soothingly caress our ears?.. And the Antichrist reigned, recognized by everyone as the world ruler, thereby receiving the right to his seal?

But the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian also says that in his time many Antichrists appeared. What can we say about the present, our time? Unless there are few Christians and many, many Antichrists.
There are many of them - unbelievers, troublemakers, seducers, schismatics and molesters, but this is not the only Antichrist who, by God's permission, will receive power over the world and those living in it for three and a half years. And we must all remember that we are now still living in a time of salvation, a time of grace, when the Savior of the world, Christ, is ready to accept and save every sinner who has sighed to God for his salvation.
So we will be saved in the Church, protecting ourselves with the fear of God from all sin, from wickedness, lies and falsehood, from selfishness and self-will.

And it would be good now, when Christian self-awareness is awakening among the people, for all of us to understand who and why now needs such non-Christian methods of fighting for “freedom.”

And what should we be free from?
- From Christian church discipline, when the conciliar voice of the Church is challenged by personal opinion?
- From the one and only catholic Church, the schismatic part of which calls people into the “catacombs” so that it degenerates into a sect?
- From paying taxes, so that, according to the word of Scripture: “Whoever has collected much has no excess, and whoever has collected little has no lack?”
And won’t the children of the Church be alarmed by the fact that in their desire to achieve their goal, fighters do not hesitate to use the method of the father of lies, the devil - Slander?

Since the beginning of this turmoil, I have written many private letters regarding the TIN.

And now one of them, by the will of God, was published via the Internet by the Sretensky Monastery to a wide audience. But the letter was declared a forgery. And today I sign my letter again and again.
And it is in it that my perception of everything that is happening sounds, and not in the anonymous letter that unknown slanderers published in the newspaper “Russian Messenger” (Nos. 46-48 for 2000), imposing their opinion on my name.

Now, due to the fact that my name is being woven into their slander by those who fight the Church, I am obliged to say to everyone who is involved in this psychosis:
Be afraid to fall away from the Mother Church, she alone is holding back the lava of anti-Christian revelry in the world now!
Be afraid to judge the church hierarchy, for this is destruction even without the seal of the Antichrist!

We will die long before the fear that has gripped everyone now appears. But having fallen away from the Church, we inherit exactly what we are so afraid of now.
Let us imprint on the tablets of the heart and mind the spiritual basis of our unity with God:

Son, give me your heart.

The Lord will not give up the soul and heart that is faithful to God to be trampled underfoot by the enemy!

It’s easy for another person to deceive, and for the enemy, with his centuries-old experience in lying, it costs nothing to deceive us.

With modern technical capabilities, it is possible to secretly and openly imprint all nations with “numbers,” “chips,” and “seals.” But they cannot harm the human soul unless there is a conscious renunciation of Christ and conscious worship of the enemy of God.

And may the life-giving words of our Savior be our guide and guide through the stormy sea of ​​life: Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled and let it not be afraid (John 14:27-28); believe in God, and believe in Me (John 14:2).

In these days, when heaven and earth rejoice over the ineffable mercy of God - about the birth of his Savior into the world, when the Orthodox Church, with its 2000 years of suffering in the truth and its saving labors, affirms that God is with us, when a host of Russian illustrious new martyrs laid in the foundation of the Church is the fruit of its red sowing, and by God’s grace the people of Russia began to remember their glorious Christian past and now find their way to the temple of God to God - we would rejoice and live with living faith and undoubted hope in God and in His Holy Church. Live and remember daily that the seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit, which we received in holy baptism, has made us children of God and thank God.

But no, in these spirit-bearing and holy days, the dark shadow of spiritual indignation has agitated the minds and hearts of believers and deprives them not only of the joy of universal and eternal triumph, but also of faith and trustworthiness itself.

My dears, who today boldly gives over the rule of the world to the dark forces?

Who again, as in the time of the Savior, approaches Him with a crafty question: What do you think? Is it permissible to give tribute to Caesar or not?(Matt. 22, 17; Mark 12, 14; Luke 20, 22).

And in modern language it sounds like this: “Should we accept the new tax system or not?”

The answer is paradoxical. Orthodox Christian believers themselves: priests and laity, forgetting about Divine Providence, about God,– give power to dark forces.

And just as then the Savior’s co-questioners were not satisfied with His answer and went away until the time was right to invent a new trick against Him, so now the answer of the conciliar church mind and the measures taken by the Church to clarify the situation have not been accepted - and confusion and confusion continues to build up in the fence of the Church and in among the people of God, but in fact all this is done by the enemy of God, the enemy of the Church, the enemy of our salvation.

The state problem of individual taxpayer numbers, through the efforts of the enemy of God, false rumors about the introduction of three sixes in the TIN, acquired great power of unrest in the spiritual world and became for us the test that revealed in believers lack of faith in God and trust in the Mother Church...

My dears, this is precisely the goal that the enemy pursued by entering the number “666” into the barcode, and nothing else. But with what ease and how painlessly this fatal number was removed when it had done its job!

The number was removed, the statement about assigning numbers was excluded, and the turmoil and schism in the Church continue to deepen. And talk about the seal of the Antichrist, about the lack of grace of our Church, about the imminent end of the world excites minds.

Both sectarian and anti-church sentiments and speeches are already heard from church pulpits. In the history of the Church, such sentiments have been observed more than once, especially during periods of political upheavals, disasters, wars and all kinds of “perestroikas.” Even the great pillars of the Church have made mistakes.

This is how the resident of our holy Pskovo-Pechersk monastery, the great ascetic of piety, Metropolitan Veniamin (Fedchenkov), describes such events: the reason for such phenomena lies “in the human soul... it is always seduced by everything mysterious, extraordinary, supernatural, miraculous; and the special is terrible. And at the same time, false “zeal” for God appears... All this has long been known in spiritual life. But periodically, such movements, like volcanic eruptions, begin to emerge. This is usually associated with some kind of political upheaval, disaster, war, or oppression.

It is necessary to fight this spiritual ulcer. Ap himself. Paul began this fight by writing the entire 2nd Epistle to Thessalonians (and partly the first), where he forbids believing “the spirit, or the word, or the message” (2 Thess. 2-4). Despite this, similar movements have arisen again and again throughout history. And even the great pillars of the Church were mistaken in setting the dates for the “end of the Universe.” For example, St. John Chrysostom directly wrote that the end of the world should be expected around the “four hundredth” year. " I won't make any mistakes“(!),” he said, indicating an approximate date of about 400... And I made a mistake: 1548 years have passed since this day, there is no end to the world. This is written in the 8th volume of his works, in the explanation of Christ with the Samaritan woman (Gospel of John, chapter 4).

Likewise, during the persecution of icons and icon-worshipers - 6-9 centuries - St. thought about the “near” end of the world. Theodore the Studite. And in general, many, many times were carried away by this idea. In Russia - Fr. spoke about this. Ambrose of Optina." ( Metropolitan Veniamin (Fedchenkov) “For Orthodoxy the Lord will have mercy on me...” St. Petersburg. 1998)

But now we have lived until 2001, and still there is no end to the world and life goes on. And Christ, who came into the world to save sinners, continues His feat - love for the human race. He gave us the way to salvation, and He is the same for all times for Christians, both first and last times - and this is faith in God’s Providence and life by faith.

Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself in His high priestly prayer asks God the Father for all who believe in Him: I do not pray that You take them out of the world, but that You keep them from evil.

My dears, this is Christ praying for us! So, by God's command, we, the children of God, are called to live in the world, and the world is different - Christian, pagan, God-fighting, and in it, in so many different ways, we are called to carry the light of Christ’s teaching and Truth, and this, according to the word of Scripture, is “love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, mercy, faith, meekness, self-control. There is no law against them."

In the pre-feast canon for the Epiphany of the Lord, the Church very clearly describes the attitude towards the worldly and the Divine for all who follow in the footsteps of Christ. He - Christ - “was written, but you were not enslaved, obeying Caesar’s command, and even giving us consolation from work, freely obeying and paying tribute to the didrachm, but you freed us who were first sold by the law of sin and now you have honored us with sonship.”

And following the example of the Savior, we believers obey state laws, while remaining spiritually free, as sons of God, sons of Light!

And how can we not remember in our current situation that moment in the life of the Church when it entered the chaos of revolutionary turmoil and we had to learn to live and preserve the Church in a period of complete lawlessness. And our Holiness Patriarch Tikhon greeted every day with peace of mind, for he believed in God and betrayed the Church, himself, and the people of God to Him.

Faith in God- this is our strength, our opposition to turmoil and schism in the Church.

The Russian new martyrs left us evidence of the true faith. Thus, the Hieromartyr Metropolitan Veniamin of Petrograd writes before his martyrdom: “I am joyful and at peace... Christ is our life, light and peace. With Him it is always and everywhere good. I am not afraid for the fate of the Church of God. We need more faith, we, shepherds, need to have more of it. To forget your arrogance, intelligence, learning and give place to the grace of God - this is a truly Christian spiritual attitude.”

The believer lives in peace with Christ, dies in Christ and goes to Christ. And who will separate us from the love of God: neither sorrow, nor distress, nor slander against God and the Church, which is sowed by the enemy of the human race?

And fear, where there was no fear, has now paralyzed faith and taken away hope, and the shadow of the enemy is trying to obscure the Sun of Truth - Christ.

It won't happen!

My dears, how did we succumb to panic - to lose our Christian name, replacing it with a number? But how can this happen in the eyes of God? Will someone forget himself and his heavenly patron given at the moment of baptism at the Cup of Life?

And don’t we remember all those clergy, lay Christians who for a long period of life had to forget their names and surnames, they were replaced by a number, and many went into eternity with a number.

And God accepted them into His Fatherly embrace as holy martyrs and martyrs, and the white robes of victory hid the prisoner’s pea coats. There was no name, but God was there, and His guidance led the believing prisoner through the shadow of death every day.

The Lord has no concept of a person as a number, a number is needed only by modern computer technology, but for the Lord there is nothing more valuable than a living human soul, for the sake of which He sent His Only Begotten Son, Christ the Savior. And the Savior entered the world with a census.

What can we say about control and total surveillance, which so frighten simple-minded people?

When and in what state was there no secret office? Everything was... and everything is... and will be... but nothing does not prevent a believer from being saved. And everyone goes through life on their own way of the cross, going through everything that comes along the path of life by faith.

And the believer accepts everything from the hand of God with the confidence that everything will advance him to salvation.

It would be better for us to think about what an Orthodox Christian really should always remember - about the all-seeing Eye of God, which saw how our flesh was woven, about the angel of light and the angel of darkness, guarding our every step, every thought - from the infant’s cradle to the grave boards. Do we think about this?

Now we are increasingly afraid of the seal of the Antichrist, which will come at that time, at a time to which we do not know whether we will live. But few people even think about the seal of our personal sin. But it is she, this seal, that gives a person to the power of the Antichrist elements and deeds and is actual prototype the seal that you really should be afraid of! And nothing divine will not pass through this terrible sinful seal with which we print our mind and heart every day.

The Lord, knowing our weakness, gave us repentance - permission from sin. But this cleansing of the soul, mind and heart takes place only in the Church, only in the Sacraments. And it is precisely the Church that the enemy is now taking up arms against.

Yes, all Divine Scripture will be fulfilled without a doubt;

Yes, before the end of the world there will be three and a half years of such hardship as has not been seen since the creation of the world, and this marks the power of the Antichrist.

Yes, there will be a Glorious and Terrible Coming of the Savior, Who will kill the enemy with the spirit of His mouth.

Everything will happen, but when?

The Lord God the Father has set times and seasons in His power, and no most powerful hand can stop God’s Providence or change it.

And we will not be able to bring this time closer or prevent it.

But we must live now, now, we must live in God.

And now people are being invited into the forests, into the desert, into hidden rooms.

Do not take a number, do not enter the new state accounting system, leave the world, leave the Church.

But how can we be saved?

How to live, how to raise children in God, everyone is silent about this.

And already now flow the confessors were overwhelmed with bitter, tearful and bewildered letters.

Our church already has its own tax number and you can no longer go to it.

And the old woman, who remained faithful to God and the Church all her life and in the most difficult times, now being at the end of her life, falls away from the Saving Church Ark.

AND who will answer before God for the temptation of these little ones, who innocently stumbled over something that has nothing to do with spiritual life - the tax number...

So look at the test of our faith, its rationality, its spirituality that is taking place now.

The Seal of Christ appeared in the world after the accomplishment of His saving feat. The cross, which was an instrument of shameful execution, sanctified by the blood and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, became Christ's seal of unlimited power against all the enemies.

Now they only talk about the number 666 as the seal of the Antichrist. But has he already gained power in the world? have state borders been erased, and peace and security soothingly caress our ears?.. And the Antichrist reigned, recognized by everyone as the world ruler, thereby receiving the right to his seal?

But the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian also says that in his time many Antichrists appeared. What can we say about the present, our time? Unless there are few Christians and many, many Antichrists.

There are many of them - unbelievers, troublemakers, seducers, schismatics and molesters, but this is not the only Antichrist who, by God's permission, will receive power over the world and those living in it for three and a half years. And we must all remember that we are now still living in a time of salvation, a time of grace, when the Savior of the world, Christ, is ready to accept and save every sinner who has sighed to God for his salvation.

So we will be saved in the Church, protecting ourselves with the fear of God from all sin, from wickedness, lies and falsehood, from selfishness and self-will.

And it would be good now, when Christian self-awareness is awakening among the people, for us all to understand to whom and why We now need such non-Christian methods of struggle for “freedom.”

And what should we be free from?

– From Christian church discipline, when the conciliar voice of the Church is challenged by personal opinion?

– From the one and only catholic Church, the schismatic part of which calls people into the “catacombs” so that it degenerates into a sect?

- From paying taxes, so that, according to the word of Scripture: “Whoever has collected much has no excess, and whoever has collected little has no lack?”

And wouldn’t the children of the Church be wary of the fact that in their desire to achieve their goal, fighters do not hesitate to use the method of the father of lies, the devil - Slander?

Since the beginning of this turmoil, I have written many private letters regarding the TIN.

And now one of them, by the will of God, was published via the Internet by the Sretensky Monastery to a wide audience. But the letter was declared a forgery. And today I sign my letter again and again.

And it is in it that my perception of everything that is happening sounds, and not in the anonymous letter that unknown slanderers published in the newspaper “Russian Messenger” (Nos. 46-48 for 2000), imposing their opinion on my name.

Now, due to the fact that my name is being woven into their slander by those who fight the Church, I am obliged to say to everyone who is involved in this psychosis:


Be afraid to fall away from the Mother Church, she alone is holding back the lava of anti-Christian revelry in the world now!

Be afraid to judge the church hierarchy, for this is destruction even without the seal of the Antichrist!


We will die long before the fear that has gripped everyone now appears. But having fallen away from the Church, we inherit exactly what we are so afraid of now.

Let us imprint on the tablets of the heart and mind the spiritual basis of our unity with God:

Son, give me your heart.

The Lord will not give up the soul and heart that is faithful to God to be trampled underfoot by the enemy!

It’s easy for another person to deceive, and for the enemy, with his centuries-old experience in lying, it costs nothing to deceive us.

With modern technical capabilities, it is possible to secretly and openly imprint all nations with “numbers,” “chips,” and “seals.” But they cannot harm the human soul if there is no conscious renunciation of Christ, and conscious worship of the enemy of God.

And may the life-giving words of our Savior be our guide and guide through the stormy sea of ​​life: Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid (John 14:27-28), believe in God and believe in Me(John 14:2).

P.S.: Punctuation and italics/bold font are copyrighted.