Battle of psychics Lenin Hills. Swami Dashi shocked the guests and viewers of the show

Interesting newspaper. Mysteries of civilization." No. 1 2007

According to documents, Bolshevik leader V.I. Lenin died in Gorki at 18:50 on January 21, 1924. At 10 pm in the Kremlin, a meeting was held with the participation of Dzerzhinsky, Kuibyshev, Avanesov, Enukidze, Yaroslavsky and others. The issue of organizing a funeral was discussed. An emergency plenum of the Central Committee approved the first measures. At 3.30 a.m. a meeting of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR was held, at which a commission was elected to organize the funeral of V.I. Lenin. Felix Dzerzhinsky was appointed chairman.

Psychic Lenin

The emergence of the cult of Vladimir Lenin happened somehow by itself. In funeral hysteria, comrades recalled Lenin’s unusual qualities during his lifetime.

The myth about the peculiarities of Lenin's brain and skull was not the fruit of the personal imagination of communist leaders. They were fairly well-read people, familiar with contemporary futuristic concepts and science fiction novels. It was from the works of science fiction writers that they could get the idea that a person of the future would have a huge head containing an incredibly developed brain.

The Science of Lenin

Despite the obvious anti-scientific nature of the main thesis (it has long been shown that disproportionately big sizes human heads may be more likely to be a sign of genetic or anatomical anomalies than of extraordinary abilities), Soviet ideologists picked up the idea of ​​​​the unusual properties of Vladimir Lenin's brain. In their articles, they strongly emphasized the “inhuman will”, “inhuman mind”, “inhuman ability to think” that he had. Thus, they openly declared: Lenin was a being of a different breed. They hinted at the presence of properties that were not characteristic of the species Homo sapiens, and even directly called him a “superman.”

In fact, even a simple study of Lenin’s biography allows us to conclude that he was quite an ordinary person, who did not stand out much from among the Russian intellectuals of his time. His books and polemical articles also do not contain any outstanding discoveries. As a politician, he was too straightforward and preferred simple, crude decisions. His successes in the field of revolution can be explained by the general political situation in Russia in 1917, when power was practically lying under his feet, and the presence of a strong team of brutal militants who wanted to take this power. Nevertheless, it was the former militants who became ministers who were more fascinated by the supposed genius of their leader than others.

Even on the night of the autopsy, the brain, heart and part of other organs were removed from Lenin’s body. All of them were laid out in special vessels and were shrines in themselves. In addition, special casts were made from the brain, which were also attached to the anatomical material and were fully included in the collection of relics.

Vogt technique

The brilliant brain required special study. The main difficulty was that the future researcher, based on the brain destroyed by the disease, was asked to describe it in a healthy state, drawing up some kind of theoretical reconstruction.

Historian Oleg Shishkin points out that in solving this problem, the Bolsheviks almost immediately contacted the German “luminary” neurologist Oskar Vogt.

In mid-February 1925, the director of the Neurobiological Institute of the University of Berlin, Oskar Vogt, arrived in Moscow and already on the 17th participated in a meeting of the luminaries of Soviet medicine at the V.I. Lenin Institute. Not just doctors were invited to the meeting, but all those who were privy to the secret of Lenin’s illness, attended consultations in Gorki, attended the autopsy of the body, and signed the death certificate.

The meeting was opened by the head physician of the 2nd City Hospital, Boris Weisbrod. The first question he asked the luminaries of science present sounded impressive: “I. Can cytoarchitectonic research give an indication of the material basis for the genius of V.I. LENIN?” The answer came immediately: “Prof. Vogt and everyone present are positive. From the very first steps of the research it will be possible to determine the peculiarity cellular structure; but at the same time it must be pointed out that the study should not be limited to a single examination, but as staining technology and science develop, new sections should be repeatedly examined. The study of these sections should be carried out by comparison with sections of other brains, as well as (psychoanalysis) psychological study."

Professor Vogt presented a plan for his work with the “drug”. He proposed cutting Lenin's stored brain into layers 1.8 cm thick, filling them with paraffin, in order to subsequently produce thin sections for photography and pathological examination. Vogt insisted that Lenin's brain be sent to Berlin, where the Neurobiological Institute had experienced staff and unique equipment.

Soviet authorities reacted extremely negatively to the idea of ​​exporting Lenin's relics to Germany. Their instructions of February 19 sounded categorical: “a) reject the doctors’ proposal to export V. I. Lenin’s brain abroad for research, b) offer to conduct research on Vladimir Ilyich’s brain in Russia.”

Ultimately, it was decided that Vogt, along with his wife and a German laboratory assistant, would move to Moscow for the duration of the research. Valuable equipment from Germany will also be delivered here. Thus, the Kremlin’s decision laid the foundation for the organization of a top-secret laboratory to study the brain of the “man of the future.”

Vogt was given six rooms at the V.I. Lenin Institute. The ceremony of handing over the precious brain to a foreigner was accompanied by the conclusion of an agreement between him and the Institute, which took place in May 1925. Money for the purchase of expensive equipment in Germany was transferred from the reserve fund of the Sovnarkom (Council of People's Commissars).

Ideological pathologists

In 1927, Professor Vogt gave a report on his discoveries to a narrow circle of members of the USSR government. And although information about this event was immediately classified, on November 15, 1927, a small publication was published in Izvestia.

The newspaper also reported on unique findings discovered by a German scientist in the third layer of the cerebral cortex. It was here that the so-called pyramidal cells were especially widespread. In them, according to the scientist, the “material basis of mental giftedness” was hidden. It seemed that the solution to the mystery of the “superman of the future” was finally close.

The Soviet futurist Melik-Pashayev, who was admitted to the Kremlin secrets and was familiar with the transcript of the secret meeting, wrote with admiration about Vogt’s discoveries: “A thorough study of the brain of our brilliant contemporary V.I. Lenin and a comparison of its subtle architectural structure with the brains of people of average mental level reveals extraordinary wealth material substrate - the architecture of the structure and development of nerve cells and implicit processes of the cerebral cortex of V.I. Lenin, which (that is, the brain) is undoubtedly the prototype of the brain of the future superman."

But an incident happened: in 1929, Vogt made his reports in Germany, where he demonstrated as a slide the thinnest section from Lenin’s brain and photographs from other sections. His findings were at the center of a lively scientific debate, and Professor Spielrein, in the authoritative “Encyclopedia of Mental Illness,” pointed out that the same “Leninist” pyramidal cells are also present in the mentally retarded. This scientist did not know that he was very close to the true picture last months Lenin's existence. Spielrein's article was noticed by the German political press - derogatory notes about the brain of the Soviet leader immediately appeared there.

What happened in Germany caused a scandal in Moscow. The Kremlin was discouraged by the fact that Vogt did not even enter into polemics with Spielrein and passively watched as the enemies of the revolution desecrated the sacred brain. In 1929, Vogt's laboratory was reorganized and joined the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity as the Department of Morphology. The German himself was denied permission to visit Moscow...

Deification of Lenin

This whole story ended only on May 27, 1936, when the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks received a detailed report “Study of Lenin’s Brain” addressed to Stalin. Semyon Sarkisov presented to the leader the fruit of the efforts of employees of two institutes to study the main brain of the planet. In this study, the power of one Lenin brain was equal to the power of ten hemispheres of “average people”.

Furthermore, even Lenin’s brain, destroyed by disease, according to obsequious researchers, worked not only properly, but even better than the healthy brains of average people! The appearance of the superman was finally formed and was canonized. From the moment of his death, Lenin ceased to be just a political figure or leader of the working class - he turned into a new messiah, a god-man, a harbinger of the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. It is no coincidence that the so-called “Ilyich’s covenants”, which in some ways resemble commandments, were entrenched in Soviet ideological mythology Jesus Christ, but relate to issues of building communism.

On Russian television V currently present a large number of entertainment programs. However, many of them are similar in their format. Of course, TV audiences don't like watching shows that are similar to others. Therefore, they choose unique projects that delight with their novelty. Such programs are able to give the viewer new emotions.

Undoubtedly, unusual project on Russian television is the program “Battle of Psychics”. A few years ago she appeared on the TNT channel and quickly gained popularity. The army of fans of this show is steadily growing. And this trend should not be surprising, since many people are attracted to the mystical and supernatural, which ordinary residents of our country often encounter in real life. Many people are interested in this program because with its help they learn that there really are real psychics who are not charlatans.

On November 26, the next episode of the popular program aired on the TNT channel. The most difficult task became a test from the “Mysteries of History” series. The program participants were brought to the house where Vladimir Lenin spent the last years of his life.
When the witch Mary Kerro took on this task, she immediately felt the spirit of a man who had lived in the house for several years. This man turned out to be Vladimir Lenin. Last years The girl described the life of the leader very well. In addition, she was even able to see the personal messages that he sent to his associates. During the trial, Mary reported that one of the letters written by a resident of the house had been stolen. If it is discovered, then many unclear facts will become clearer.

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Leninskie Gorki - former noble estate 10 km from Moscow, its owner was Zinaida Morozova Reinmond - one of the richest women in Russia, the widow of philanthropist Sava Morozov. After the revolution, a sanatorium was set up at the estate for senior officials Communist Party and when in 1918 Kaplan seriously wounded Lenin, he was brought to Lenin Hills. This estate will become last home leader of the world proletariat. Here on January 21, 1924, Lenin died under strange circumstances.
The walls of this house keep quite a few mysteries and secrets. How Ilyich lived, what really happened to him and what destroyed him. The estate knows and remembers everything, because everything here remains the same as it was under the leader. Like the day he died on his bed. The leader loved wicker furniture. One day, an employee of the estate went into the library and saw Lenin lying on the sofa in the mirror and fainted. If the spirit of Lenin still roams here, will our psychics see him?
Writer and historian Oleg Shishkin will be an observer of this test. Sergei Safronov will conduct the test.

She said that Lenin is a murderer of children and he appears in Gorki in the mirror and repents.

I saw many restless souls. She said that Lenin has a black soul.

I decided that a boy died in this house from aflexia.

Howled and said it was unusual ideological person and mystic.

She said that the sick Lenin was afraid of Stalin that he would kill him.

The best psychic of the week was Estonian Marilyn Kerro and Swami Dashi.
They put a technomagician in a black envelope, gave him a chance to stay with a golden envelope, Kerro named who it was, he was given a third chance to stay, guess the photo of Trump on the phone. But the technomagician said that Trump is dead.

Name of the program, project, TV show - Battle of Psychics
Season 17, episode 13 - anorexic girl and drawings of psychics.
TV channel: TNT
Airdate: November 26, 2016

Here you can watch the 13th episode of the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics (December 26, 2016) on TNT in the best quality.

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Progress of the 13th week of the 17th season of the “Battle of Psychics”.

In the last house of Vladimir I. Lenin. 10 kilometers from Moscow there is a dacha near Moscow with all the amenities of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, the former luxurious noble estate Leninskie Gorki. After the assassination attempt on the leader of the world proletariat, this estate of the wealthy widow of the entrepreneur Zinaida Grigorievna Morozova (Reinbot) became Lenin’s last home, where he died on January 21, 1924 under strange circumstances. Even now, museum employees are faced with things that frighten them. mystical phenomena. Psychics need, while with eyes closed V last place residence (V.I. Lenin Museum-Reserve, Gorki estate) of the revolutionary, founder of the USSR Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin), talk about his feelings. To make the task more difficult, each psychic is brought to a new room, which is chosen by observers. The interior of the rooms has remained almost unchanged since last day the life of the most famous person in the Soviet Union. Writer, historian Oleg Shishkin and museum employees became observers of the test.

Daria Voskoboeva was brought to Lenin’s office, where he worked for more than 2 years. The combat witch felt the floor and furniture, named the predominant colors of the room, and pointed to the mirror portals. Having described the tough character of the deceased who repented of killing the children, Daria decided that she was with ex-husband. Taking off the mask, she immediately realized that she was visiting Lenin.

Nadezhda Shevchenko was brought to the mourning hall of Lenin Hills, from where Lenin's body was moved to the mausoleum. She felt the antiquity of the 1825 building, giving her a hundred or more years, wealth and luxury. The many-faced witch asked for friendship with 3 dead people, allowing them to become her shadow and described the brilliant mistress, a one-legged ( younger brother Lenin Dmitry?) and a very black looming, terribly moaning restless dead. Nadezhda explained that such blackness occurs in a desecrating vandal. Having taken off the mask and learned through a hint where she was, the witch declared that Lenin was the most important Satanist in the country and would be buried in a hundred years.

Ivan Vlasov ended up in the library where Lenin's ghost was seen. The technomage felt the long-term absence of residents after the death of a suffocated blond boy five to ten years ago.

Marilyn Kerro was brought to the room with the bed where Lenin’s heart stopped. An Estonian woman described the deceased, who was unable to confidently control his hands (paralyzed with neurological impairments) and his head, with feelings of a psychological prison. It turned out that Lenin was indeed forbidden to communicate with people through various means communications. The witch depicted Ilyich’s unusual last pose.

Swami Dashi got a bathroom that served as a morgue after Lenin's death. The mystic joked White color, rigidity and hospital quality of the room. The psychic howled and copied Lenin's hand gestures. Dashi said that the room was like a hospital where someone who loved silence died and beautiful woman an obsessed man with extraordinary, unreal energy and hellish laughter at his experiment. The death of his beloved woman (in 1920) greatly undermined the hero of the test. The immediate cause of death was head-related problems. According to the psychic, Lenin is still delighted with what is happening in our world after him.

Selected as the best weeks Marilyn Kerro and Swami Dashi. Ivan Vlasov- the worst. For him, Marat Basharov has prepared a chance to stay in the form of a golden envelope-phone with a photo of Bill Gates-Donald Trump and the task of answering two questions: alive or dead, man or woman. The technomage failed.

Battle of psychics online

Look online battle psychics season 17, episode 13 from November 26, 2016 on the TNT channel. Psychics are terribly worried, they are blindfolded, and they get ready to go. They don’t yet know that today they will find themselves at the dacha of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin himself near Moscow. Leninskie Gorki is a former noble estate 10 km from Moscow. Her owner was Zinaida Morozova, one of the richest women in Russia, a widow famous entrepreneur and philanthropist Savva Morozov. After the revolution, a sanatorium was set up in the estate for the highest ranks of the Communist Party, and when the Socialist Revolutionary Fanny Kaplan seriously wounded Lenin in 1918, he was brought here.

This estate will become the last home of the leader of the world proletariat; here on January 21, 1924 he died under strange circumstances. The walls of this house keep many mysteries and secrets. How did Ilyich live? What was really happening to him? And what killed him? The estate knows and remembers everything, because everything here remains exactly the same as it was under the leader, as on the day he died. What will psychics feel in the leader’s final refuge? How will they see this house and the one who lived in it, and maybe still lives there? The first to arrive at Lenin's dacha