Victor Rybin: “Natasha and her friends were held captive, and I was thousands of kilometers away from her. Victor Rybin and Natalya Senchukova: “The garden was made for us not by designers, but by scientists Victor Rybin and Natalya Senchukova year of birth

Natalya Senchukova was born on October 25, 1970 in the city of Georgievsk, located in the Stavropol Territory. But the family did not live there for long: soon they all moved to Pyatigorsk together. Dad was a military man, and mom was raising children. In addition to their daughter, the parents also had an eldest son, Igor, but the child suffered from cerebral palsy since childhood. Nevertheless, brother and sister were very friendly in life. The children of Natalya Senchukova and Viktor Rybin grew up not only in a creative atmosphere, but also in material prosperity.

Natalya did not dream of becoming a singer since childhood. She was attracted to dancing, so after graduating from school she decided to enroll in a choreographic school. They even argued with their brother. That in the near future the girl will be able to become famous. However, the path to fame was not so easy.

In the photo: Victor Rybin with Natalya Senchukova

Unlike Senchukova, the fate of Viktor Rybin was much more complicated. His own father was stabbed to death in front of his eyes, after which the guy didn’t speak at all for half a year. When he recovered, he began to skip classes, smoke and even drink. But then music saved the young man from a crooked path. It is to her that he is grateful that he was able to find himself and bring people a lot of positive emotions with his creativity.

Victor and Natalya met at the very beginning of the 1990s. They immediately liked each other, and after some time a stormy romance broke out between them. This was not prevented even by the fact that Victor was still married at that time and just recently had a daughter named Maria.

In the photo: Victor Rybin and Natalya Senchukova with their son

After the romance began, Senchukova and Rybin began to live together, but they were in no hurry to register the relationship. The young people decided to take such a step only after their son Vasily appeared in their young family. From early childhood, the boy began to get involved in sports (karate and swimming), and also studied Japanese. Now he is quite old, he is mastering his future profession of theater director.

Back in 2011, Rybin and Senchukova decided to get married in a church. None of them even thought about leaving the family. Even in photos they always try to be together. They have a lot of common hobbies, which include collecting ships. They don’t just buy ready-made ships, but restore old ships together with famous wood craftsmen. The family's favorite is the motor ship "Mikhail Lomonosov", on which the Rybin family gathers their friends and spends their leisure time.

The personal lives of Natalya Senchukova and Viktor Rybin closely intersect with their professional activities. Recently, the couple has retired from performing with the Dune group and is developing their own project, RybSen. They perform not only at private corporate events, but also at group concerts. While they are not as popular as Dune, their songs are already played on radio stations and you can even see videos on television. The couple decided to devote themselves entirely to the family business.

Regarding plans for the future, Victor and Natalya are not very willing to talk to representatives of the press. While they can still tell something about their son, almost nothing is known about Victor’s daughter from his first marriage. The man believes that these are very personal issues and members of the public should not be privy to them. It is only known that Maria plays the button accordion very well, but she went to work in the police and did not choose a creative profession. Rybin maintains a relationship with her and was very worried about how her fate would turn out. For a long time, he did not even divorce his daughter’s mother only because he wanted to provide the girl with a good education at an elite school, where children were accepted only if they had a complete family.


Viktor Viktorovich Rybin is a Russian singer, songwriter, leader and frontman of the Dune group. Victor was born on August 21, 1962 in the town of Dolgoprudny near Moscow in the family of worker Viktor Grigorievich Rybin and kindergarten teacher Galina Mikhailovna Komleva. At the age of 7, the boy experienced an event that broke his psyche: in front of his son, his father committed suicide. After the death of Rybin Sr., Victor did not speak for six months.

Having recovered from the shock, the boy became an uncontrollable child, often skipped school, started smoking early, and walked around the gates. It was difficult for the mother to raise the child alone. At a young age, Viktor Rybin became interested in music, which saved him from a disastrous path. The young man mastered the techniques of playing the guitar and drum set and became a member of one of the youth musical groups. After graduating from school, he served in the army in the Navy units in Kamchatka.

Returning from military service, Viktor Rybin entered the naval school in Severodvinsk. But the love for music turned out to be stronger. In the mid-80s, the creative biography of Viktor Rybin began. A young man gets a job in the art-rock group “Dune” as an administrator. In parallel with his creative activity, Victor studied at the Faculty of Sociology at the Moscow State Institute of Culture.


In 1987, the first line-up of the Dune group included Rybin’s school friend, bass guitarist Sergei Katin, guitarist Dmitry Chetvergov, drummer Andrei Shatunovsky and vocalist Andrei Rublev. Viktor Rybin became the director and part-time vocalist. The team worked on the basis of the Moscow Regional Philharmonic. In 1988, the composition of the group changed, but Viktor Rybin and Sergey Katin remained in their places.

Victor Rybin and the group "Dune"

In the first years, the musicians performed at traveling concerts as an opening act for the group “Doctor Watson”. At the same time, the group’s first hit appeared - the song “Country of Limonia”, authored by Sergei Katin. The musical composition, recorded with the accompaniment of balalaikas, with which the musicians first performed in the “Musical Elevator” program, gave the group all-Russian fame.

In 1990, two more hits by the musicians appeared - “Firm” and “Give-Give”, which were included in the first album of the group “Country of Limonia”, released by the recording company “Melodiya”. Soon the main hit of the album was broadcast on “Songs of the Year” and on the program “Up to 16 and older.” In May 1990, the group gave a concert at the “Sound Track” festival at the “Olympic” Sports Palace. Soon the first disc was re-released with the new hit “Greetings from the Big Hangover”.

The second album “Behind Us - Dolgoprudny” includes new songs “Horoscope”, “Korefana”, “Hello, Baby”. After Sergei Katin left the group in 1992, Viktor Rybin remained the only leader of the musical group. The albums “Dune, Dynochka, DunA, greetings from a big hangover!” were recorded one after another! with already familiar songs and “Vitek” with new hits “Zhenka”, “Machine Gun” and “Lim-pom-po”.

In 1994, two more discs appeared - “But we don’t care!”, which included the musical compositions “The Hedgehog-Lazovaya”, “Borka the Womanizer”, “Sea of ​​Beer”, as well as a collection of songs “Remember the Golden Childhood”.

In 1995, Sergei Katin returned to the group and wrote a number of hits (“Communal Apartment”, “Lanterns” and “About Vasya”), which formed the backbone of the next album “In the Big City”. In the same year, Viktor Rybin took part in the filming of the New Year’s program “Old Songs about the Main Thing” for the first time, playing a livestock breeder. A year later, the singer appeared as a taxi driver in the second episode of the program, and in 1997 he turned into a hockey player.

After the eighth disc of the Dune group, “I sewed a new suit,” Viktor Rybin recorded a solo collection, “Let’s Talk About Love, Mademoiselle.” At the end of the 90s, the popularity of the group began to decline, but the musicians still delighted fans with new hits - the song “Kite” from the album “Disco Dancer” and the compositions “Bottle”, “We are a worthy link” from the collection “Karaganda”.

In 1999, the disc “Album for the Wife” appeared, in which the songs were performed in a duet with. Five years later, a joint video of the performers “My Dear Nerd” and the song “Trash” will be launched on television, which became the couple’s main hits. Since the 2000s, the musicians of the Dune group have continued to create new albums. Over the course of 10 years, six discs were recorded, the last of which was the collection “Yakut Bananas”.

The 2009 album “A Case for the Night” marked the beginning of a duet between Victor and Natalia called “RybSen”. In 2012, the album “Law of Attraction” was released with the main hits “Paper Planes”, “For You”, “Snow Was Falling”, in which the singers managed to harmoniously combine lyrical sound with a healthy sense of humor. A year later, Viktor Rybin and Natalya Senchukova played in the 5th episode of the popular TV series “Real Boys”, acting as residents of Rublyovka.

Personal life

In 1982, Viktor Rybin married for the first time a girl, Ekaterina, who was 18 years old at that time. Soon the young man went to the army. Without waiting for Victor to return from service in Kamchatka, his young wife left him.

The singer’s second wife was the girl Elena, whose wedding took place in 1985. Soon a daughter, Maria, was born into the family. As a child, the girl mastered playing the button accordion, subsequently attended police school, after which she got a job as a juvenile affairs inspector.

In 1990, at the Sound Track festival, Victor met a young dancer Natalya Senchukova, with whom he soon began dating. Later, at Victor’s insistence, the girl took up vocals with a teacher from GITIS. In 1994, the former dancer appeared on stage as a soloist with the songs “Doctor Petrov”, “You are not Don Juan”, “Sky No. 7”.

The young people began to live together despite the fact that Victor was married to Elena. Rybin could not decide to divorce because of his little daughter. It was possible to officially register the relationship with Senchukova only in 1998, when Natalya was already 8 months pregnant. A month later, the couple had a son, Vasily.

As a child, the boy attended a karate section and participated in competitions. The father also started studying with his son. After some time, Viktor Rybin headed the Children's Karate Federation. Now Vasily is receiving higher education at the Moscow State Institute of Cinematography and plays the drum kit in his own rock band. The wedding of Victor and Natalia took place 11 years after the marriage was registered. The wedding took place among close relatives. After the formal part, the newlyweds and guests went to celebrate the event on the boat.

In the early 2000s, the family council decided to purchase the first ship. Both spouses were involved in repairing the ship and decorating the interior. In order to restore the first ship, Rybin and Senchukova sold their apartment.

Currently, the couple owns several ships, including the M.V. Lomonosov", on which she periodically goes sailing with friends and children. The riverboat is also available for rent for weddings, banquets and corporate events.

Victor Rybin now

Now Victor Rybin is working on creating new songs and videos as part of the duet “RybSen”. In 2016, new hits “Spanish Lessons”, “A Piece of Ice Cream”, “Battle for Love” were released, which were included in the rotation of the radio stations “Radio Dacha”, “Humor FM”, “Avtoradio”.

At the beginning of 2017, the Yotaspace club hosted a concert “30 best songs in 30 years”, dedicated to the anniversary of the Dune group. Two months later, the video clip of the duet “RybSen” “Chatting at Night” was released. In July 2017, the new album “Wonderful” was released. The spouses also do not forget about relaxation: on warm summer days, Victor and Natalya went on a river cruise on the Leonid Plavinsky motor ship in the company of close friends.


  • "Country of Limonia" - 1990
  • “Behind us is Dolgoprudny” - 1992
  • “Dune, Dunochka, DunA, Greetings from the Big Hangover!” - 1993
  • "Vitek" - 1993
  • "We do not care!" - 1994
  • “I sewed a new suit” - 1996
  • “Let's Talk About Love, Mademoiselle” - 1997
  • "Disco Dancer" - 1998
  • "Rubbish" - 2001
  • “Not the Weak Link” - 2003
  • “It's a matter of night” - 2009
  • "Yakut bananas" - 2010
  • "Law of Attraction" - 2012
  • "Amazing!" - 2017

Natalya Senchukova (Rybina)

Natalya Valentinovna Senchukova (married Rybin). Born on October 25, 1970 in Georgievsk. Russian singer. Honored Artist of Russia (2016).

Father - Valentin Senchukov, mother - Anna Senchukova.

From the age of five she studied at a choreographic school. She graduated from the choreographic school in Stavropol and became a professional dancer.

She was also involved in tourism and had a rank. “Now this is a “tourist” - the holder of a trip to Turkey under the “all inclusive” system. And in Soviet times, we went on multi-day hikes in the mountains with heavy backpacks, the load was enormous!” she recalled. I had to give up tourism because of dancing: “when I entered the Stavropol Choreographic School, I had to give up tourism. The fact is that on hikes I was scolded for lightly ballet “fluttering” through the mountains - it was dangerous, and I began to “beat” every step into the ground. And in the fall, when I returned to school, the teachers were horrified: “Senchukova! Why are you dragging your feet?!” I had to choose."

Then Natalya moved from Georgievsk to Moscow, where she joined the “Dancing Machine” team under the leadership of Vladimir Shubarin. After working at the “Dancing Machine” for more than a year, she left. The following year she was unable to find permanent work.

At the “Soundtrack” concert at the Olimpiysky I met Viktor Rybin from the group “Dune”. Rybin convinced her to leave her job as a dancer. Natalya went on tour with Dune and began singing herself. She studied with a vocal teacher from GITIS, who trained Natalia's voice and breathing within a year.

In 1991, she recorded her first album, “Everything That Was,” together with the group “Malina,” but it did not gain fame.

In 1994, she recorded her second album, “You Are Not Don Juan.” Natalia Senchukova's songs are distinguished by their softness and lyricism.

Natalya Senchukova - Doctor Petrov

Heads the Interregional Federation of Karate-Do Shito-ryu. Natalya Senchukova herself has a black belt in karate, she has a fourth dan. “Karate has gained quite a lot of popularity in Russia, which is confirmed by the victories of our athletes at various international and Russian competitions. And as the president of the federation, I believe that its main and prevailing direction now should be the development and popularization of children’s and youth sports,” she says.

Natalia Senchukova's height: 167 centimeters.

Personal life of Natalia Senchukova:

Husband - musician, lead singer of the group "Dune". We got married after 19 years of marriage.

Natalya Senchukova and Viktor Rybin have their own ship - the cruise ship "Mikhail Lomonosov", as well as a house in the city of Dolgoprudny.

In October 2018, it became known that, after which they underwent a course of radiation therapy.

Discography of Natalia Senchukova:

1991 - Everything I have in life (together with the group “Malina”)
1994 - Ursa Major
1994 - Lady of Diamonds
1995 - The carriage is rocking
1995 - Well (with Viktor Rybin, album of songs from cartoons)
1995 - Don’t rub salt in my wound (acoustic)
1996 - Don’t rub salt in my wound (electronics)
1996 - Goodbye
1997 - Raspberry berry
1998 - A Drop in the Sea
2000 - Old lady’s grandmothers (with Viktor Rybin)
2002 - Blue Fog (remixes and hits of the 1990s)
2003 - Don't worry, aunt
2009 - Music plays on the ship
2009 - In the far south (with Viktor Rybin)
2011 - Witch Lake
2012 - For lovely ladies (with Viktor Rybin)

Video clips of Natalia Senchukova:

1994 - Blue Fog
1994 - Don't worry, aunt
1994 - The carriage is rocking
1995 - Goodbye
1995 - Ursa Major
1996 - The Well (also known as “Grandmothers of the Old Lady”)
1995 - Raspberry berry
1997 - For lovely ladies
1998 - Music plays on the ship
1998 - Everything I have in life
1999 - Someone else's kiss (with Viktor Rybin)
2000 - Music flows (with Viktor Rybin)
2000 - Casino (with Viktor Rybin)
2001 - Queen of Spades
2001 - Forget-me-not
2002 - Lovers
2004 - Ah, Odessa (with Viktor Rybin)
2008 - Rescuer (with Viktor Rybin)
2009 - Don’t hurt me
2009 - Night plane
2010 - Light the fire
2011 - My dear (with Viktor Rybin)
2012 - Reserve captain (with Viktor Rybin)
2014 - Your perfume (with Viktor Rybin)

Filmography of Natalia Senchukova:

2013 - Interns (in episode 5) - Head Doctor of the Hospital (cameo)
2013 - Real boys (in episode 5) - resident of Rublyovka (cameo)

Natalia Senchukova was born in the Stavropol Territory in the family of a professional military man. Natalya has an older brother, Igor, who suffers from the effects of birth trauma and cerebral palsy. At the age of five, Natalya began dancing. Soon the girl became truly interested in choreography, and after school she entered the Stavropol Choreographic School. After receiving her diploma, Senchukova moved to Moscow and in the late 80s began performing with the Dance Machine group. A year later, she left the group, but continued to dance in clubs and as a backup dancer at pop concerts.

The creative path of Natalia Senchukova

Before she started singing on stage, Natalya studied with a vocal teacher for a year and trained her voice and breathing. In 1991, she made her debut at a concert in the Olympic Village, then recorded an album with the group “ Raspberries" In the mid-90s, Senchukova began singing songs written for her Viktor Rybin.

In 1997, the singer recorded the disc Mi amor sobre la arena in Spanish, the music for which was composed by Leonid Agutin. The album was completely sold in Spain.

In the 2000s, Natalya created the creative duo “RybSen” together with her husband. The musicians actively tour throughout Russia and abroad. In total, Senchukova released 18 studio albums and 24 videos.

As an actress, Senchukova played a cameo role in one of the episodes of the comedy series “Real Boys”.

Personal life of Natalia Senchukova

In the early 90s, Natalya met the leader of the Dune group, Viktor Rybin. The musician at that time was in his second marriage, his daughter Masha had just been born. The girl knew that Rybin was married: the future spouses tried to separate, but could not.

Victor Rybin: “I didn’t have the strength to tell my wife. I knew there was no turning back for me. But I didn’t know how to say it. And my daughter was 5 months old. It wasn’t the devil who misled me, it just happened. He left at night to help the child. This lasted two years. I remember my wife saying, “What about us?” I still can’t remember. Shaking."

Before the official marriage, Senchukova and Rybin lived together for 7 years and got married only when it became clear that Natalya was expecting a child. In 1999, the couple had a son. In 2011, the couple got married.

Son Vasily practices karate and is studying to become a director at the Moscow State Institute of Culture.

In 2018, on the air of the show “Secret for a Million,” Natalya admitted to Lera Kudryavtseva that she and her husband were both sick with cancer - basal cell skin cancer. First, a new growth appeared on Senchukova’s skin, and a year and a half later, a similar spot appeared on her husband’s face. They underwent 13 radiation therapy sessions.

Performer of popular songs, wife of the leader of the Dune musical group Viktor Rybin, Natalya Senchukova (her biography is rich in various interesting events) fell in love with dancing at the age of five.

The singer's childhood and youth

Natalya's date of birth is October 25, 1970. She was born in the Stavropol region. Dad Valentin Senchukov was a military man, mother raised the children. In addition to her, the eldest son Igor grew up in the family (the boy was diagnosed with cerebral palsy).

Finding herself at a choreographic school at the age of five, she became seriously interested in dancing. After graduating from school, she studied at the Stavropol Choreographic School. Her favorite hobby in her youth was hiking in the mountains. The girl began to rave about the big stage from adolescence. But fame did not come to her right away.

Professional biography of Natalia Senchukova

At the end of the 80s, the girl set off to conquer the capital. At that moment, a competition was taking place in the choreographic group “Dancing Machine” (directed by Vladimir Shubarin). The newcomers were carefully selected, but Senchukova coped with the tests.

A year later, Natalya left the team with a firm decision to start her own career. Back-up dancers, jazz bands, variety shows, variety shows - she tried a lot of options, but she had difficulties finding a permanent job. Despite them, Natalya did not give up on her dream.

Music career

During one of the national concerts held at the Olympic Stadium, she met Viktor Rybin. After some time, he invited Senchukova to be a soloist in his team.

Natalya had no plans to study music, but, after thinking about it, she agreed to his proposal. She took vocal lessons for a year. Natalia Senchukova's first performance on stage took place on February 15, 1991. The same year was marked for her with the recording of her debut solo album. Unfortunately, he was not noticed. A year later, Natalya Senchukova recorded her second album. Thanks to several songs, such as “Forget”, “Sing and Dance” and others, she became famous, and the song “Doctor Petrov” appeared on television channels.

In the late 90s, she recorded a disc in Spanish and three Russian-language discs. After a short creative break, she released a collection of remixes (2002), followed by recording an album called “I’m Not Your Pie” (2003). The singer went on a tour around the country and abroad. Music channels began broadcasting her new videos.

Fans were able to get acquainted with her next disc six years later. Another disc, released in 2011, was called “Necessity.”

The duet of Victor Rybin and Natalia Senchukova was formed in the 90s. Songs from cartoons - this was their first collaboration. The program “Not a Word about Love” (2000) brought them real fame.

In the early 2000s, the duo took a break; Viktor Rybin and Natalya Senchukova resumed their activities in 2009. “Deal for the Night” was the name of their album. For their ensemble, the duo chose the playful name “RybSen”, which later grew into the official one. From that time on, the groups began to perform separately from each other. 2012 - the couple released a disc called “The Law of Attraction.”

Facts from personal life

The personal life of Natalia Senchukova is inseparable from her professional career. The girl met Viktor Rybin in the early 90s. The couple’s flaring romantic feelings were not hindered by the birth of Victor’s daughter Maria in his previous marriage.

Despite the decision made by the lovers to live together, they decided to register their relationship only in 1999, when their son Vasily was born. Among the boy's childhood hobbies were karate, swimming, and learning Japanese. The couple's relationship turned out to be so strong that they got married in 2011. In their interviews, spouses often emphasize that the idea of ​​separating did not occur to any of them. Victor and Natalya have many pictures together.

By the way, if everything turned out well in the biography of Natalya Senchukova, then in the fate of Viktor Rybin there were enough difficulties. Before his eyes, his father committed suicide, after which the young man did not speak to anyone for six months. Then he started skipping classes and became interested in smoking and drinking. The young man stayed afloat thanks to music.

Singer today

Fans, of course, are interested in what the children of Natalya Senchukova and Viktor Rybin are doing today. It is known that their joint son chose the profession of theater director. Victor does not like to talk about his daughter Maria, considering that this question is a purely personal one.

If we talk about the biography of Natalya Senchukova today, she still devotes a lot of time to working on a family musical project. The duo is a frequent participant in celebrations and concerts.

Among the spouses' joint hobbies is collecting ships. After purchasing an old Soviet ship, Victor, together with wood craftsmen, is engaged in its restoration. The couple's favorite family ship, the Mikhail Lomonosov, is the place where they like to gather with friends and relax.