Test on ancient Russian literature. Test on ancient Russian literature

Test on the topic “Folklore. Old Russian literature. Literature of the 18th century." 7th grade.

1. Genre of folklore:

A) epic;

B) story.

2. The term "Russian" heroic epic» belongs to the genre:

A) fairy tales;

B) epics.

3. Character of the epic:

A) Vasilisa the Wise;

B) Dobrynya Nikitich;

B) Ivan Tsarevich.

4. Characteristic of epics:

A) hyperbole;

B) allegory;

B) moralizing.

5. Which city is not mentioned in epics?

B) Moscow.

6. What type of literature are epics?

A) Lyrics

7. Choose a definition of the epic genre.

A) Genre of Russian folklore; epic song of heroic-patriotic content, telling about heroes and historical events Medieval Rus'.

B) A genre of folklore close to folk ballad, which contains a lyrical assessment of some historical event or historical figure.

B) Russian genre medieval literature containing a description

legendary and real events and mythological ideas.

8. Which event corresponds climax epics?

A) Quarrel between the hero and the prince.

B) A duel between a hero, in which he wins.

B) Feast at the prince's.

9. Match the name of the epics with the cycles.

10. Choose the definition of hyperbola.

A) One of the tropes, excessive exaggeration of the properties of the depicted object.

B) One of the tropes, a comparison of objects and phenomena according to their external resemblance their inherent qualities.

C) One of the tropes, the transfer of the properties of one object to another based on a characteristic common to both.

11. Arrange the required plot and compositional elements of the epic in the correct order.

A) Denouement

B) Climax

B) The beginning

12. What time period corresponds to ancient Russian literature?

13. About what monument of ancient Russian literature we're talking about?

« The oldest work on Russian history. This is a whole encyclopedia of the life of our state of the 9th-11th centuries, it was created during the heyday Kievan Rus».

14. What is the origin of literature in Ancient Rus'?
A) with the advent of teachers, writers
B) the advent of writing
C) the emergence of the Tatar-Mongol yoke
D) the emergence of Christianity in Rus'

15. What were books written in in Rus'?

A) on paper
B) on silk
B) on parchment

D) on birch bark

16 . Which means of expression used in the following phrase:

“The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom”: “...blessed Prince Peter”?

17. “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom” is a work:

A) poetic;

B) prosaic;

B) dramatic.

18. Location of “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom”:

A) Moscow;

B) Vladimir.

19. Who tempted the wife of Prince Paul:

A) Koschey the Immortal;

B) Baba Yaga.

20. Teaching - genre of literature:

A) Old Russian;

B) 18th century;

B) 19th century.

21. “Teaching” of Vladimir Monomakh is...

A) moral covenants;

B) slogans;

B) slander.

22. About what literary figure

Are we talking about the 18th century?

He formulated the theory of the “three calms”, which had a serious influence on the development of Russian literature. He became a leading academician in the Russian Academy of Sciences, where he sought to support young talented scientists, caring for the education of the people, the greatness and prosperity of the country. He discovered new ones artistic possibilities genre of odes, tried his hand at epic poem and fable, in the genres of message, idyll, epigram.

23. Indicate the correspondence of works and their genres:

24. What genres correspond to “high style”?

25. Which poet owns the lines:

...O you who await

Fatherland from its depths

And he wants to see them,

Which ones are calling from foreign countries,

Oh, your days are blessed!...

26. Define:

Oda is...

27 . Composition is...

A) an episode of a literary work
B) clash of characters
C) construction of the work





11) B, B, A

    11th-17th centuries

22) about M.V. Lomonosov

    "The Tale of Bygone Years"

23) 1B, 2D, 3G, 4B, 5A

24) ode, tragedy, heroic poem

25) M. V. Lomonosov


26) An ode is a solemn poem dedicated to a historical event or hero.

    2A, 1B

Grading scale:

39 - 38 = "5"

37 - 30 = "4"

29 - 21 = "3"

1. Legends about characters in biblical history that differ in plot from the canonical ones are called:

a) lives; b) patericon; c) apocrypha; d) chronicles.

2. Which of them of these works, according to researchers, were created on the model of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”?

a) “The Life of Archpriest Avvakum”;

b) “The Word about the destruction of the Russian land”;

c) “The Tale of the Indian Kingdom”;

d) "Zadonshchina".

3. Which of the following was characteristic of democratic satireXVIIcentury:

a) “high” style of presentation;

b) affirmation of the absurdity of the world;

c) ridiculing the vices of society;

d) close connection with folklore;

d) support for royal power.

4. Correlate the phenomena with the time of their development:

a) the formation of the theory “Moscow is the third Rome”;

b) the flourishing of the style of “weaving words”;

c) the appearance of the first autobiography;

d) the emergence of the topic of the fight against the Mongol-Tatars;

e) creation of the first chronicle.

a) X – first quarter of the XIII centuries;

b) second quarter of the XIII – third quarter of the XIV centuries;

c) end of XIV – XV centuries.

5. Using a quote from a work, determine its title, author (if known) and time of creation:

a) “I, thin, by my grandfather Yaroslav, blessed, glorious, named in baptism Vasily, Russian name Vladimir, beloved father and mother from the Monomakh family... and Christians for the sake of people, for how many of them I kept by my grace and by my father’s prayer for all troubles! Sitting on the sleigh, I thought in my soul and gave praise to God, who saved me until these days, a sinner. My children or anyone else, when listening to this letter, do not laugh, but whichever of my children loves it, let him accept it in his heart and not become lazy, but work”;

b) “The birds sang pitiful songs - all the princesses and boyars and all the voivode’s wives began to lament for the dead. Mikula Vasilyevich’s wife Marya cried early in the morning on the visors of the Moscow walls, wailing: “Oh Don, Don, fast river, you have dug through stone mountains and are flowing into the Polovtsian land. Bring my master Mikula Vasilyevich to me on your waves!”;

c) “One of the princely youths wandered into a village called Laskovo. He came to the gate of one house and saw no one. And he went into the house, but no one came out to meet him. Then he entered the upper room and saw an amazing sight: a girl was sitting alone at the weaving mill, weaving canvas, and a hare was jumping in front of her. And the girl said: “It’s bad when the house has no ears, and the room has no eyes!” The young man, not understanding these words, asked the girl: “Where is the owner of this house?” To this she replied: “My father and mother went to cry on loan, but my brother went through the legs of death to look into the eyes.”

6. D. S. Likhachev’s famous statement: “Old Russian literature can be considered as literature of one theme and one plot. This plot is world history, and this theme is the meaning of human life.” Explain how you understand it, express your point of view on this issue, supporting your reasoning with examples from the works.

Test for the section “Russian literature of the 18th century”:

1. Solve the fillword. From the remaining letters, form the keyword:

1. The hero of the comedy “The Minor.”

2. The genre that made Cantemir famous.

3. To what city did Radishchev’s hero travel?

4. Literary direction of the early 18th century.

7. Genre of sentimental lyrics.

8. The first reformer of Russian versification.

9. 18th-century poet who translated Horace's ode "Monument."

10. Creator of the story “Bornholm Island”.

11. The first Russian heroic poem.

12. Tragedy “Dimitri...”.

2. Write a mini-essay on the topic “... (key word) in Russian literature and cultureXVIIIV.".

3. Determine which of these poems belongs to classicism and which to sentimentalism. Prove your point of view, give examples from the text.

Text No. 1:

What happened to you, angel?

Not to hear your speeches;

You keep sighing! and it happened

You sing like a nightingale.

“I sang and spoke with my dear one,

And I’m sad without my sweetheart;

Involuntarily, she became depressed:

Where can I find my sweetheart?

Isn't it a nice other

Can't you find one of the shepherds?

Choose anyone for yourself

Everyone is ready to love you.

“Even if the prince is seduced by me,

I will still grieve!

Heart will make friends with heart -

You don’t have the power to choose.”

Text No. 2:

This is the image of the wise hero sculptured,

That, for the sake of his subjects, depriving himself of peace,

The latter accepted the rank and served as king,

He established his laws by example,

Born to the scepter, hands stretched out to work,

The power hid the monarch so that science could be revealed to us.

When he built the city, endured labor in wars,

I was in distant lands and wandered the seas,

He collected artists and trained soldiers,

He defeated domestic and external counterparts;

And in a word, behold, there is Peter, the Father of the Fatherland;

Russia reveres the earthly deity,

And so many altars are burning before this vision,

Since there are many hearts that owe him.

11. Trireme is

13. Palaestra is

1. What is a colony? 2. What is a policy? 3. List the main battles of the Greco-Persian wars.
4. What did traders export from Greece to the colonies and other countries?
5. What was the Greek word for “common people”?
6. How often were they carried out? Olympic Games in Ancient Greece?
7. What is the People's Assembly?
8. Define the word “democracy”
9. When were the Olympic Games first held?
10.Famous ancient Greek historian, friend of Pericles and “Father of History”
11. Trireme is
12.The shopping area in Athens was called
13. Palaestra is
14.What seas is the territory of Greece washed by?
15. Athenian sage, teacher of Alexander the Great?
16. What is the advantage of the ancient Greek alphabet over the Phoenician alphabet?
17. Why did the Athenians consider democracy best shape board?
18.Why did eloquence develop under this form of government?
19.List the countries and regions conquered by Alexander the Great.
20. What does the expression “Spartan education” mean?

1. What is a colony? 2. What is a policy? 3. List the main battles of the Greco-Persian wars.
4. What did traders export from Greece to the colonies and other countries?
5. What was the Greek word for “common people”?
6.How often were the Olympic Games held in Ancient Greece?
7. What is the People's Assembly?
8. Define the word “democracy”
9. When were the Olympic Games first held?
10.Famous ancient Greek historian, friend of Pericles and “Father of History”
11. Trireme is
12.The shopping area in Athens was called
13. Palaestra is
14.What seas is the territory of Greece washed by?
15. Athenian sage, teacher of Alexander the Great?
16. What is the advantage of the ancient Greek alphabet over the Phoenician alphabet?
17. Why did the Athenians consider democracy the best form of government?
18.Why did eloquence develop under this form of government?
19.List the countries and regions conquered by Alexander the Great.
20. What does the expression “Spartan education” mean?
1. What is a colony? 2. What is a policy? 3. List the main battles of the Greco-Persian wars.
4. What did traders export from Greece to the colonies and other countries?
5. What was the Greek word for “common people”?
6.How often were the Olympic Games held in Ancient Greece?
7. What is the People's Assembly?
8. Define the word “democracy”
9. When were the Olympic Games first held?
10.Famous ancient Greek historian, friend of Pericles and “Father of History”
11. Trireme is
12.The shopping area in Athens was called
13. Palaestra is
14.What seas is the territory of Greece washed by?
15. Athenian sage, teacher of Alexander the Great?
16. What is the advantage of the ancient Greek alphabet over the Phoenician alphabet?
17. Why did the Athenians consider democracy the best form of government?
18.Why did eloquence develop under this form of government?
19.List the countries and regions conquered by Alexander the Great.
20. What does the expression “Spartan education” mean?

7th grade

Option 1

1.Continue definition

Tradition is a genre of oral folk art, which_____________________________________________________________

Epics are...

b) works about nature and animals;

c) works about modern science and technology;

The orata has a downy hat,

And his caftan is black velvet...

The epics of the Novgorod cycle are characterized by:

c) heroes: Sadko, V. Buslaev;

d) the place of action is Novgorod;

e) place of action - Kyiv


7. What features of a fairy tale are present in the Tale of Peter and Fevronia?




8. Put Plot Elements in the Correct Order

complete cure of Peter, murder of the serpent, expulsion from Murom, visit of the boyars and their repentance, adoption of monasticism, posthumous miracles,introducing the reader to Fevronia,death in one day marriage,

Test work on ancient Russian literature

7th grade

Option 2

1.Continue definition

Epics are a genre of oral folk art, which _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Find the correct answer

Tradition is...

a) works of oral folk poetry about Russian heroes and folk heroes;

b) works about nature and animals, which address issues of their protection;

c) an oral story that contains information about historical figures, events passed down from generation to generation;

d) works of folklore about good and evil

3.What two cycles of epics do you know?


4. From which epic are the lines below

Sat on a white-flammable stone

And he began to play spring goosebumps.


5. Choose the right statements

The epics of the Kyiv cycle are characterized by:

a) heroes: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich;

b) the theme of trade and travel;

c) heroes: Sadko, V. Buslaev;

d) the topic of protecting Russian lands;

d) the place of action is Novgorod;

e) the place of action is Kyiv?

6. What is the theme of “The Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh”? (about what?)


7. What features of life are present in the Tale of Peter and Fevronia?




8. Fill in the blanks with relevant events.

The serpent and his death,__________________________________________, attempt to be cured,_____________________,marriage,___________________________,

the boyars' request for forgiveness, _______________________________________, death on the same day__________________________________________.




A) Rising national identity, manifested in the idea of ​​​​gathering lands and the formation of a moral ideal.

1. Chronicle

A) a story about the life of a person recognized by believers as a saint

2. Message

B) flattering review, approval

B) Centers – Kyiv and Novgorod. main idea- the superiority of Christianity over paganism.

3. Teaching

B) weather record historical events ancient times (it arose and was carried out initially in monasteries)

B) The tragic period associated with the Mongol-Tatar invasion. The main idea is faith in national revival.

4. Praise

D) Time of Troubles. Update genre system. The disintegration of literature into democratic and official.

D) a genre that set out the rules of life that the author wanted to convey to the reader

D) Appearance regional literature nal centers. Creation of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign...”

6. Walking

E) a genre that told about feats of arms.

E) The era of the Moscow centralized state, the merging of regional literature into all-Russian literature. The rise of journalism. Creation of "Domostroy".

7. Military story

G) travelogue