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Don’t know how to create a conversation in VK, are you trying to figure out what this option is and what capabilities it has? Imagine you were given a way to combine several participants in one dialogue. This is an analogue of group chats, one of the options for online conferences. Today you can connect 500 users to the dialogue!

How to create a chat from your phone?

Let's look at how to create a conversation on VK from your phone in new version website - the changes are minor, but they are present, so we recommend that you study the instructions:

  • Go to the VKontakte application, find the messages icon at the bottom of the status bar (it is located in the center);
  • Go to the section;
  • Click on the plus sign next to the search icon;

  • Select the “Create conversation” command from the drop-down menu;

  • Add participants from your contact list to it, click the checkmark;

  • Come up with and enter a name, click on the checkbox again;

  • All is ready!

How to create a group dialogue in VK from a computer?

Creating a VKontakte conversation from a computer is as easy as in the case of mobile device– it’s just that the full version of the site has slightly different navigation:

  • Go to the messages section;

  • Poke a plus sign

  • Add friends, enter a name below, click on the “Create conversation” button;

  • Please note - you can send documents, media files, audio materials, emoticons, voice messages here;

  • If you click on the three horizontal dots, a section submenu will open - we advise you to explore all the options available.

We hope you remember that another opportunity to communicate is ! Doing this is as simple as starting a written dialogue, but the pleasure from the fact that you can hear the voice of your interlocutor is much higher! 🙂

What useful tips are there for conversations on VK?

The first possibilities of this option were very meager; for example, only 30 people could be added. Today it is a full-fledged tool for work or educational communication; it includes many different interesting additional techniques. To fully learn how to use the function, let’s consider all its subtleties and nuances:

  • Did you know that it is possible to create a conversation in VK with yourself, but why this is needed is an interesting question! You can’t just add yourself to the participants in your group chat, because if you start looking for yourself through a search, there will be no result. There are two ways: through or find yourself in messages and send a text. Here you can save the entries you like, you need documents, or important information.
  • It’s easy to create a group chat in VK from a regular one, if you go into a dialogue between two people, click on the three dots to bring up the menu, select the “Add interlocutors” command;

  • Any conference participant can add users, he can also delete, but only his invitees;
  • But the chat parent has the right to delete everyone at his own discretion. You need to click on the participant counter button, find the unwanted person, click on the checkbox, select “Exclude”;

  • The creator can invite people who are not his friends to communicate. You need to go to the section “Information about the conversation” - “Link”. The combination is sent by personal message to the candidate. He will receive it in the form of a blue “Join Conversation” button;

  • Many community owners want to know how to create a conversation in a VK group - but there is no point in such a function, because for this there is an open group wall and a “Discussions” section, in which you can always discuss important information. If this section is not yet in your group, then here is what you need to do to make it appear:

Go to the “Management” window (the key directly under the avatar);

- Go to “Sections”;
- Turn on the “Discussions” item;

- Now a new block “Add discussion” will appear on the page.

  • You can delete a general dialog only by leaving it first; the corresponding command is in the menu. Before doing this, exclude the participants from there, change the name to “Deleted”. The final step is clearing messages. By the way, you can return to the conference before cleaning;

  • There is an interesting option - you can open a cash collection inside the chat.

Now you know how to create a conversation on VKontakte from several people, you know how to use its capabilities. Let your virtual communication become alive, as real as possible!

Good day, dear visitors! For each user social network On VKontakte, at least once did the need arise to create a group chat in order to communicate with several friends at once. In this article we will look at how to create a VKontakte conversation.

VKontakte group chat is a conference function, which is often called a conversation. It allows you to communicate with several people at the same time. You can add up to 29 people to a VKontakte group chat. Each conference participant can add to the conversation only those people who are his friends.

How to create a conversation via computer: step-by-step instructions

Attention! Once 20 friends have been added to the conversation, the Add button will disappear, but you will still be able to manually enter a friend's name or email address to have them join the chat.

How do I change conference settings?

To do this, you need to go to the conference - in the “My Messages” section, select the desired conversation and hover your mouse over the “Actions” menu located in the upper right corner to display settings that can be changed.

What can the user do?

  • Add new people to the chat (the “Add person” button);
  • Change the name of the conference (the “Change the name of the conversation” button);
  • Set a photo for the chat (the “Update conversation photo” button);
  • View all files previously attached by other participants in the dialogue (the “Show conversation materials” button);
  • Search for the necessary information in the dialogue (the “Search by message history” button);
  • Turn off and turn on notifications about new messages for this chat (the “Turn off notifications” and “Enable notifications” buttons, respectively);
  • Delete messages (the “Clear message history” button);
  • Leave the chat (the “Leave conversation” button).

How to create a conversation on VK from your phone?

Many users access social networks from their smartphones. mobile version application also allows you to create conversations. To do this, you need to go to the “My Messages” section, then click on the “Write a message” button, and then on the “Create conversation” button.

Using the “Add person” form, you can find and add the right friends to the chat.

How to create a conversation in the application?

The same can be done in official application. The user needs to click on the pencil in the lower right corner of the screen, select “Create a conversation” in the window that opens, mark friends in the list that appears and click on the checkmark in the right corner.

How to remove a person from a conversation?

Sometimes a user needs to remove a friend or friends from a group chat. This can be done by going into an existing conversation and clicking on the number of participants. The window that appears will display a list of friends participating in the conversation with a cross next to those whom the user can delete. Each person can remove from the conversation only those people whom he invited.

Not all users know how to use the extremely convenient VKontakte function, which can be called a conversation or multi-chat (multi-dialogue). From our article you will learn how to create a conversation in VKontakte and what the developers came up with this time for our convenience.

This service has existed on VKontakte for more than a year. However, until now, not all users know how to do this. With the help of such a multi-chat, you will be able to communicate not only with your friends with similar interests, but also discuss work issues with colleagues, decide together homework with classmates or classmates. The developers say that in the first days of the existence of this function alone, more than fifty thousand conferences were created.

However, previously there was a specific limit - 15 participants who could participate in the conversation at a time. It would seem that the number of participants is far from small and 15 places should be enough. But, as practice has shown, a larger number of places would be preferable. After all, many people want to gather all their classmates in one chat or even hold a virtual conference for their colleagues. And so, a few days ago, the limit was increased to 30 participants!

Instructions for creating a conversation

So, how can you include your VKontakte friends in a conversation? There is nothing complicated in this process. Just follow our simple instructions and you will succeed:

  1. First you need to go to the “My Messages” section;
  2. Next, in the upper right corner you will see blue button with the inscription “Write a message”. Click on it with the left mouse button;
  3. Now, in the window that opens, in the “Recipient” column, you can select your VKontakte friends with whom you want to start a chat. As you already understood, there can be up to thirty of them! For convenience, in a certain field, you can enter a friend’s name to quick search, or his e-mail;
  4. In the “Message” column, accordingly, type your message and you can consider that the conversation has been created.
Nothing complicated, right? Try it once and you will always use this feature. Besides being convenient, it's also fun.


A conversation on VKontakte allows you to correspond with several people, exchange both graphic and video information, and any files. For the first half of 2015, a conversation can have a maximum of 30 people. Quite, even enough. And if you need to unite a larger number of people, you will have to use third-party services. Next, we’ll get acquainted with how to create a conversation, how to skillfully use its functionality and, if necessary, delete it.

How to easily create a conversation on VKontakte?

Creating a conversation is difficult and will not work. Its creation takes just a few clicks. Go to “My Messages” and click “To the list of friends” (located at the top right).

Next, in the same place where the inscription “To the list of friends” was located, click “Select several interlocutors.” Then we add friends to the conversation in the column on the right - at least 2 (you can have one, but it will be a dialogue), maximum 30. If necessary, write the name of the conversation, if you do not specify it, then the name will automatically consist of the names of the participants; after creation, the name of the conversation can be changed . Click " Create a conversation" - multi-user communication has been created!

What is the functionality of a VKontakte conversation?

All functions and capabilities of the conversation are reflected when you click on the link “ Actions" A short description of them.

1) Add a contact: If necessary, you can add new interlocutors, and each participant in the conversation can add.

2) Change the title of the conversation – changes the name of your conversation; each interlocutor can do this.

3) Update conversation photo – For convenience and beauty, you can upload a picture to the conversation; the picture will be displayed in the dialogue section.


4) Show materials from the conversation– materials mean any files (pictures, audio, video, documents) that were posted during correspondence in this conversation.

5) Search through message history– enter keywords and look for the necessary information in the correspondence history.

6) Disable notifications / Enable notifications – Notification means the standard “VKontakte” sound when active in a conversation.

7) Clear message history – a lot of information has accumulated in the conversation, clear it, but remember that clearing applies to your page, and when viewing the conversation from another account, the information will remain unchanged.

8) Leave the conversation– when you click on this item, you will leave the conversation, regardless of your status in the conversation (creator or not); when you leave the conversation, you will not receive a message in it, but if you wish and the existence of this conversation, you can return. You cannot return only if you have been excluded from the conversation by its creator.

How to delete interlocutors and the conversation itself?

Only the creator of a conversation can remove all users from a conversation. The non-creator can delete themselves (leave the conversation) and delete the users they invited. To delete users, you need to go to the list of conversation participants and then delete the required people.

In order to stop activity in a conversation (it is generally impossible to delete it), the creator of the conversation should exclude all participants from the conversation and leave it himself.

I hope that you won’t have to resort to deleting the conversation, and expanded communication will benefit each participant.