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I really want to share this recipe with you. I wholeheartedly recommend you cook it! Manna with condensed milk turns out incredibly tender with quite dense pulp and an incredible creamy aroma. Lush and light manna is easy to prepare! Let's do this together.


  • semolina - 250 grams;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • baking soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • sour cream 15% fat - 200 grams;
  • condensed milk - 1 can;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • butter - 30 grams (grease the pan).

Mannik with condensed milk. Step by step recipe

  1. Mix soda, salt and eggs, add condensed milk, sour cream, mix.
  2. At the end add semolina. Knead the dough by simply stirring with a spoon.
  3. Leave the dough a little for the semolina to swell.
  4. Line a baking pan with baking paper and grease butter and sprinkle with semolina.
  5. Pour the dough into the mold. Baking pan with a diameter of 22 cm.
  6. Bake at 190°C for 30-35 minutes.
  7. Then let the manna rest in the mold for 15-20 minutes.

Incredibly tender and aromatic manna with condensed milk is ready. It has a biscuit-like texture. and the taste is a melting pleasure.

Is there a child who doesn't like condensed milk? What about an adult? Unfortunately, I am not one of them, so I simply adore all kinds of baked goods and desserts that include semolina. I have a great one, I always make it for children's parties. But most of all, children like it, which really looks like a hedgehog. Of course, you have to tinker with needles, but the children's delight is worth it. And another treasured recipe for an incomparable no-bake dessert -.
But these are all, so to speak, ceremonial recipes. And for every day I have at least interesting recipe manna with a surprise - manna with boiled condensed milk. We just love it, and it’s very easy to prepare. The only thing I want to warn you about is do not buy ready-made boiled condensed milk. I don’t know how you can spoil condensed milk in a can, but the manufacturers manage to do it. Or maybe they cook condensed milk before? In general, don’t waste an hour and a half of your time, just don’t forget about the condensed milk, otherwise it might explode! During my student youth, this is what happened: we decided to cook condensed milk in the kitchen in the dormitory, set it and forget it, but it exploded. And then we scraped rags from the kitchen ceiling with the whole room, like in a horror movie!

Number of servings: 6
Calories: High calorie
Calories per serving: 320 kcal

To prepare manna with boiled condensed milk, you will need:

Kefir – 300 ml
semolina – 1 tbsp.
sugar – 0.5 tbsp.
vegetable oil – 1 tbsp.
eggs – 2 pcs.
soda - on the tip of a knife
condensed milk – 1 can

Mannik with boiled condensed milk is prepared like this.

1. Boil condensed milk in advance. To do this, place the jar in a fairly high saucepan and fill with plenty of water. Bring the water to a boil, turn the heat to low and cook the condensed milk for at least 1.5 hours. At the same time, make sure that the water covers the jar at all times. When the condensed milk-varenka is ready, remove it from the water and cool.
2. In a convenient container, beat eggs with sugar, add kefir and soda, stir until the soda is completely extinguished (kefir extinguishes soda no worse than vinegar). Add vegetable oil and mix well again.
3. Now gradually add semolina to the resulting mixture, stirring constantly so that no lumps form.
4. Grease a baking dish with vegetable oil (you can also sprinkle the bottom a little with semolina) and lay out half the dough. Spread boiled condensed milk over it. This does not have to be done in an even layer; you can even apply condensed milk in the form of some abstract pattern, then the finished manna will resemble a zebra.
5. Place the rest of the dough and bake in the oven, preheated to 180°C, for 40-45 minutes.

Mannik with banana is an excellent pastry for morning tea. Since ancient times in Rus', a good housewife could prepare both soup and pie from any cereal! Semolina is no exception - it is made from wheat and, due to its consistency, it serves as an excellent base for baking. Today we will prepare manna with kefir. It was not by chance that we chose kefir, because everyone knows that this product can make any dough airy. Even a novice housewife can bake with kefir. For such baking, it is better to use not very sour kefir. And if there is no kefir in the refrigerator, then there is no need to run to the store for kefir. Kefir can be replaced with sour milk. This manna recipe is ideal. And bananas will give our manna a piquant and delicate taste.

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Photo gallery: Mannik with condensed milk and bananas

Mannik with banana is an excellent pastry for morning tea. Since ancient times in Rus', a good housewife could prepare both soup and pie from any cereal! Semolina is no exception - it is made from wheat and, due to its consistency, it serves as an excellent base for baking. Today we will prepare manna with kefir. It was not by chance that we chose kefir, because everyone knows that this product can make any dough airy. Even a novice housewife can bake with kefir. For such baking, it is better to use not very sour kefir. And if there is no kefir in the refrigerator, then there is no need to run to the store for kefir. Kefir can be replaced with sour milk. This manna recipe is ideal. And bananas will give our manna a piquant and delicate taste.

  • Semolina 1 tbsp.
  • Kefir 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar 1 tbsp.
  • Wheat flour 1.5 tbsp.
  • Butter 100 g
  • Condensed milk 250 g
  • Bananas 3 pcs.
  • Soda 0.5 tsp.
  • Step 1 To prepare manna, you need the following products - flour, sugar, semolina, kefir, butter, condensed milk and bananas.
  • Step 2 Combine semolina, sugar, kefir and soda. First “quench” the soda with kefir, that is, stir the soda in a glass with kefir before combining it with sugar and semolina.
  • Step 3 Leave the resulting dough for semolina with kefir for 2 hours at room temperature or leave it in the refrigerator overnight so that the semolina swells.
  • Step 4 Add melted butter and flour to the manna dough.
  • Step 5 Thoroughly mix the future manna until smooth.
  • Step 6 Grease the cake pan with butter and sprinkle with semolina, and then lay out the dough. Place the manna in a preheated oven and bake at 180°C for about 1 hour (check readiness with a wooden splinter - when the manna is ready, the splin comes out dry).
  • Step 7 Remove the finished manna with kefir from the mold and let it cool.
  • Step 8 Cut the cooled semolina into 2 equal halves.
  • Step 9 Peel 2-3 bananas and cut into slices 1-2 cm thick.
  • Step 10 Grease both halves of the manna with condensed milk (you can pierce the parts of the manna with a fork, then the condensed milk will better saturate the parts of the pie). Place sliced ​​bananas on the bottom of the manna.
  • Step 11 Cover the lower part of the manna with the top half and let stand for about half an hour.

Mannik cake is a dessert that does not require masterly baking from us, but pleases with its taste and appearance. A variety of fermented milk products are used to prepare it, but semolina remains unchanged, which gives the cake a crumbly appearance. Ready to treat yourself to a sweet dessert?

A simple recipe for Mannik cake with sour cream


Semolina – 1 glass
Sour cream – 1 glass
Sugar – 150 g
Eggs – 2 pcs.
Soda – 1 tsp. no slide
Margarine – for greasing the pan
Ready-made whipped cream

Cooking process

Pour semolina into a bowl and add sour cream. After mixing the products, leave them for 60 minutes so that the semolina increases in size.

Advice: if you only have thick sour cream, then the semolina infusion time needs to be increased by another half hour to an hour.

While the semolina is standing, beat the eggs with added sugar, add to the semolina-sour cream mixture, and add soda. The dough is now ready.

Preheat the oven, grease the pan with margarine or other fat and bake for half an hour at 190 degrees. You can check the readiness of the dessert with a toothpick.

Before serving, cover with prepared whipped cream; you can equip a simple Mannik cake with berries and fruits to make it sound more interesting.

Tip: to prevent the semolina from burning, you can sprinkle the mold with flour, breadcrumbs or the same semolina.

Cooking Mannik with milk


Semolina – 2 cups
Flour – 2 cups
Milk – 2 cups
Chicken egg – 3 pcs.
Butter – 30 g
Sugar – 1.5 cups
Sunflower oil – 70 g
Baking powder – 20 g

Cooking process

Beat the sugar and eggs in a bowl until you get a homogeneous mixture.
Grind in a small bowl chicken eggs With granulated sugar until smooth. Add vegetable oil. It will make the dough soft; moreover, the manna should not stick to the mold. Mix well so that there are no oil streaks in the mixture.

Before pouring in the milk, you need to heat it to 25-30 degrees, add butter, preferably melted, and pour it into the egg mixture.

After thorough mixing, add semolina, mix gently and set aside for half an hour.
For the Mannik cake with milk, we will use oxygenated flour, so we will sift it. Add baking powder to the flour. If you like vanilla notes, then you can add a packet of vanilla sugar. Now you need to add flour to the semolina-egg mixture and mix everything well.

Grease the mold as desired, especially if it is ceramic. For silicone molds, lubrication is not necessary. Transfer the dough and bake for about 35 minutes until done, which, by the way, can be checked with a toothpick. If, when pierced, no raw dough remains on the toothpick, then it’s time to remove the cake.

You can decorate the treat according to your preferences, for example, make icing or whip meringue.

Mannik cake with condensed milk at home


Flour – 200 g
Semolina – 700 g
Milk – 500 mg
Sugar – 400 g
Butter – 50 g
Vegetable oil – 200 mg
Vanilla (optional)
Condensed milk – 200 g
Soda – 10 g
Coconut flakes – 40 g

Cooking process

Start combining the ingredients and separately mix sugar, soda, vanilla sugar (if you are using it), flour and semolina. Add sunflower oil, stir until the dough takes the form of slightly damp small crumbs.

After this, pour in warm milk (40 degrees), but do it gradually, constantly kneading the dough. Now you can let the dough “rest” and let the semolina separate. 15-20 minutes will be enough.

Carefully grease the mold, sprinkle with semolina and pour the prepared dough into the mold. The oven must be preheated to 180 degrees before placing the cake. The deliciousness will bake for about half an hour. But you should periodically pierce the cake with a toothpick or a thin wooden stick.

While the baking is in the oven, make the cream. To do this, mix condensed milk with coconut shavings.

Remove the cake from the oven, cut it into 2 layers and let cool. After 15 minutes, brush the bottom cake with condensed milk, place the second cake on top and spread the remaining cream. Let it brew a little and soak in.

Before serving the manna cake with condensed milk, you can cut it into portions and garnish with a sprig of mint.

Recipe with sour cream

Products for the test:

200 g semolina
200 g kefir
100 g flour
3 eggs
200 g sugar
100 g butter
10 g vanilla sugar
Half a teaspoon of baking powder
A small pinch of salt

Products for cream:

Half a liter of sour cream
1 cup of sugar
1 tbsp. l. lemon zest

Cooking process:

Using a whisk or blender, beat the eggs with sugar. Continuously whisking add kefir. Separately, mix baking powder with flour, salt and vanilla and also add to the eggs.

Add the flour, melt the butter, add to the mixture and set aside for 25 minutes for the semolina to swell. Grease the pan in which the cake will be baked, pour in the dough and bake until done (30-40 minutes), oven temperature should be 180 degrees.

To prepare the cream, you need to beat all the above ingredients.

After the Mannik cake is baked, cut it into cake layers, depending on the thickness of the cake layers, there may be 2-3 of them, spread sour cream. Let it sit for about 30 minutes and you can serve.

By the way, the top cake also needs to be greased with cream and decorated with raspberries or chopped strawberries. But this must be done immediately before serving.

Making Mannik in a slow cooker

If you have a multicooker with the “Bake” mode, then the following Mannik cake recipe is definitely for you.

Products for the test:

3 eggs
100 g butter
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. vanilla sugar
Take the following components 1 glass each

Products for cream:

150 g butter
200 g condensed milk
1 tbsp. l. cocoa (dark chocolate bar)

Cooking process

First, let's let the semolina swell, to do this, fill it with kefir and set aside for half an hour. Meanwhile, beat the eggs and sugar. You should get a foamy mass. Add pre-melted butter, vanilla sugar, semolina and kefir.

Mix and add flour and baking powder little by little. Mix again and proceed to baking.

To prevent the biscuit from sticking to the multicooker bowl, grease it with any fat-containing product. Pour in the dough, close the lid and set the mode we need. In this case it is “Baking”, the process duration is 1 hour.

Tip: since the top of the cake will not turn golden brown, we need to take the cake out after 60 minutes, turn it over and bake for another 15 minutes, setting the same mode only for a different period of time.

After the time has passed, remove the cake, cut it into 2 layers and cool.

We will lubricate our delicacy chocolate cream with condensed milk. To do this, mix softened butter with condensed milk, add cocoa, beat well. Instead of cocoa, it is also possible to use dark chocolate; it needs to be melted in a water bath and cooled to a temperature of 30 degrees, and then added to condensed milk. Grease both cake layers and top with grated chocolate. And for those who do not have a multicooker on their household, we offer step-by-step instructions.

Each housewife has her own proven recipe for manna. The basis of any semolina pie is semolina, but the remaining ingredients can vary at your discretion. There are many various variations on the topic of manna. I myself know and can cook several. And what’s interesting is that depending on which component predominates in the manna, the taste of the manna itself changes.

If butter is used in manna, it turns out to be quite greasy and crumbly; if I choose a manna recipe with sour cream, then the baked goods turn out moister and softer inside. Cream gives this simple pie a special tenderness; manna based on it is best prepared for small children.

Manna with sour cream and condensed milk, prepared according to this recipe, has a rather dense, but at the same time, loose structure; it is not dry or crumbly, but simply soft and pleasantly moist inside.

It will take about an hour to prepare manna with sour cream and condensed milk. From the quantity of products indicated in the recipe, you can bake one large manna or three small ones. Depending on whether you are baking a large manna or several small ones in molds, the baking time will change. Bake a large manna for an hour, and three small ones can be baked in 30 minutes.

By the time you are ready to cook, it is necessary that the butter is very soft, it should literally stretch behind a spoon. Therefore, remove the butter from the refrigerator at least 3 hours before you start preparing the sour cream dough for manna.

To knead the dough, use a food processor or hand mixer. Beat eggs (2 pieces) into the bowl of a food processor.

Beat the eggs in a food processor or mixer on high speed for about 5 minutes until the eggs are white and foamy and have increased in volume.

Pour condensed milk (150 g) into the beaten eggs and continue beating at low speed for another 1 minute.

Continuing to beat at low speed, add softened butter one spoon at a time.

While kneading the dough at low speed, add sour cream (500 g) to the bowl of the food processor.

Then gradually add semolina (160 g).

Mix flour (100 g) with baking powder (1 tsp), sift and add to the rest of the ingredients.

Pour the resulting dough for manna with sour cream and condensed milk into small molds, after greasing them with butter (silicone molds do not need to be greased). Bake mannas at 180 degrees for 30 minutes. If you use one large pan, then the baking time is 50-60 minutes (depending on the characteristics of your oven).

Check the readiness of the pie with a wooden skewer. If after piercing the manna the skewer remains dry, then the baked goods can be removed.