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Work- expedient, conscious human activity aimed at meeting the needs of the individual and society. In the process of this activity, a person, with the help of tools, masters, changes and adapts natural objects to his goals, uses mechanical, physical and Chemical properties objects and natural phenomena and forces them to mutually influence each other to achieve a predetermined goal. Features of work as an object of study are that, firstly, work is the expedient activity of people to create goods and services, which should be effective, rational organized; secondly, work is one of the main conditions for the life of not only an individual, but also any enterprise or organization, as well as society as a whole; thirdly, in the process of work, a system of social and labor relations is formed, which form the core of social relations on an equal basis for the economy as a whole, at the level of the region, enterprise and micro-collective. Organizational behavior- systematic study and practical application of knowledge about how people (individuals and groups) interact within an organization. Labor post- a limited and documented area of ​​application of human forces due to the division of labor in order to create a socially valuable product (material things, information, services, functionally, aesthetically and socially useful effects, the orderly flow of social processes).

Theories of organizations.

Taylor's theory

Workers are lazy by nature and are not able to organize their own labor and production growth is possible through coercion. Opposed group organizations labor. The more you do, the more money you get it. In his system, the role of organizational leaders has increased. Developed specific measures for rationalization and division of labor. At the enterprises where his system was implemented, productivity increased several times; work was selected for each individual. He wanted management to become a scientific discipline, he got a large number of followers and spread to Europe.

Fayol's Theory or Administrative Theory

Fayol identified 5 main elements of the administration function: Forecasting, Planning, Organization, Coordination,

Control. Organization Process - defining and creating the overall structure of the enterprise in accordance with specific goals to give shape to the entire structure and determine the place of each component. Foyol's Bridge- transfer of an unsolved problem from lower employees to more high ranks, up to the head of the company.

Weber's Bureaucratic Theory of Organization

Bureaucracy- the ideal type of organization to ensure the greatest efficiency and predictability of employee behavior.

1. Division of labor and specialization

2. Clearly defined hierarchy of power

3. High formalization

4. Extrapersonal character

5. HR decisions based on merits

6. Career planning

7. Clear separation of organizational and personal lives of organization members

8. Discipline

Organization as social community

Structure: rationality, impersonality, service relations, functionality, presence of organizers.

Mayo Principles: A clear division of labor does not always lead to increased productivity; people are more responsive to the social influence of their peers; the manager must be well prepared professionally;

Principles useful in managing any organization:

1.Individuals have unique goals, motives, and treatment as individuals.

2. Human problems can't be simple

3. A worker's family or personal problems may adversely affect job performance.

Theory X and Y

Theory X: every person is naturally favored by laziness; a person must be forced to work; people prefer to be led; people want personal peace of mind and need protection

Theory U: the expenditure of physical and spiritual strength during work is just as natural as during play and rest, and under normal conditions does not refuse to fulfill certain obligations; control and punishment are not the only influence for achieving a goal; people are endowed with the abilities of self-control to achieve a goal; commitment to goals is a function of reward; the reward for activity will strictly correspond to how the task is completed by the team; ingenuity and creativity in the world of technology, they often remain hidden.

To work or toil? October 8th, 2010

“Effort and work will grind everything down”

Why do people work? Most often - to get money. I need money and I'm going to sell myself. (see) That is, a person presents himself as a commodity. Priced on the market so as not to sell it short. He advertises for himself in order to sell at a higher price. In other words, engaged in the slave trade. The root of the word “work” indicates this very clearly.

Yes, ours slave society very humane. Behind good slaves not only give a lot of money. They are provided with rest, medical insurance, entertainment, education, and sometimes even friendship.

If the first idea that comes to you is: “This is not about me,” then you should think hard about what is preventing you from seeing your self-slavery.

How is labor different from work? Labor is a manifestation of a person’s natural creative aspiration. The main motive for work is not related to benefits and rewards. benefits and rewards arise as a side effect.

The difference between work and labor is not in actions, but in a person’s attitude towards them. If you do something because it’s necessary, because we need money, because we have to- it means you have decided to sell yourself into slavery. Work most often takes energy, and over time causes irritation and even apathy. Labor is what what do you want to do. Work brings joy, pleasant fatigue, pleasure from both the process and the result.

Use a very simple test to determine whether you are working or working. Ask yourself: “Will I continue to do the same thing if I don’t get paid for it?” If the answer is “yes” - this is work, if “no” - work.

There are two big advantages to the position of a slave worker: they will always tell him what to do and what to want. No extra responsibility. You don't even have to think about desires. Marketers say that a city resident receives more than 20 thousand information messages (read “20 thousand wishes”) in one day. With such volumes, there is simply no time to think about whether I really need it. Moreover, everyone wants something similar. It is easy to be convinced of the foreignness of many desires. Look in your closets, on your balcony, in your closet, in your garage. How many very important and desirable things are stored there that you used in best case scenario a couple of times in your life?

This is how the society of consumption (subordination) works. The masses need to be told what they should want. To then indicate what they should do (see). The most interesting thing is that most of us are involved in this process directly or indirectly. “Because you need to earn money.”

Labor carries two disadvantages: you have to decide for yourself what to want and what to do. And one big minus: have to take responsibility for the results of your work. Not only for the quality, but also for the impact it has on people, on nature, on society. And it's scary. For many, it is much easier to follow the established pattern and blame others for all their troubles.

Labor forms a creative society, work - a consuming one. Although the difference is only in motives.


For most people, work, work activity and career are inseparable concepts. And although they are all directly related to earnings, the difference between these terms is significant. Therefore, understanding the main differences will help you understand what goals you are pursuing and what exactly you want to achieve in life.

Labor activity is a broad concept

Your work history may include the sector of employment or category of jobs for which you are suitable. Besides, labor activity can be called your area of ​​interest. For example, if you work as a journalist for an online news publication, reporter is your job, but your occupation is journalism.

Work is a temporary concept

Work is usually a means to achieve specific purpose is a temporary step you take to build a career, since any person's career usually consists of a series of jobs. At work, you earn a salary and valuable experience that leads you to your next job. For example, if your ultimate goal is to become a lawyer, you will have to work as a lawyer's assistant for some time to get necessary knowledge to satisfy your career ambitions.

Career is a long-term concept

There is more to a career than a paycheck at the end of the month. It can be called a journey through all working life based on your specific skills, knowledge and experience. The career as a whole brings a feeling of satisfaction. Therefore, if you take your career choice seriously, you can do what you love for the rest of your life.

Career Search

Identifying and building a career should be the main goal of every person who is about to start their working career. If you are studying at a technical school or institute at a certain faculty, then, most likely, you have already made a choice in favor of one career or another. But sometimes, in search of their passion, people work multiple jobs to try different things and figure out what they enjoy doing the most.