The male surname Kim is declined or not. Russian ELF with Super Junior: Correct spelling of participants' names - Russian ELF with Super Junior


Leeteuk: Alternatively, Leeteuk is allowed. Under no circumstances is Leeteuk.
The sound ㅌ is “t”, pronounced with aspiration; the spelling “th” is not accepted, since it does not correspond to the real pronunciation of the sound due to the fact that the sound [x] in Russian is very strong.
The sound of “으” is also not exactly the same clear Russian [ы], but something between [ы] and [у]. However, if when pronouncing his name, Leeteuk pronounces it, as a rule, as “Ituk”, then the word “special”, which contains the same syllable - 특별 - he pronounces it clearly as “tykpyol”.
In the Russian fandom, it was initially customary to write Eteuk.
However, Leeteuk’s version, which is academically correct, no one will ask you to correct.

Heechul: An explanation about aspirated sounds is given above. ㅊ is pronounced like [ch], but with an exhalation. The spelling "chh" is not accepted, since it does not correspond to the real pronunciation of the sound due to the fact that the sound [x] in the Russian language is very strong. The 희 sound is not pronounced as [уй], it is an obsolete version. Hee-chul. Heechul.

Yesung: In order to distinguish between the letters 예 and 에 when transliterating, we accept the spelling “ye” for 예 and “e” for 에. Let's not get confused. Yesung is wrong. Yesung.

Eunhyuk: .
Unyok, Inhyuk, Enyuk, Enhyuk - NO! WRONG! Eun-hyuk. Eunhyuk. Nobody can explain it better than himself, right?

Donghae: fans of Wongwan's textbook argue that you should write Donghae without the surname, but with the surname Donghae. Since in Russian surnames are written separately, and not in one word with the name like the Koreans, the letter does not change, and we choose only one option - Donghae, namely because in particular, in the Japanese and English versions, he writes his name with a D (while Kyuhyun chooses the opposite stunned version)
The choice was made on the option Donghae.

Hyukjae, Donghae: Please note their names end with uh. In order to distinguish between the letters 애 and 에 when transliterating, we accept the spelling “e” for 애 and “e” for 에. Let's not get confused. 혁재, 동해 - end with 애 = Hyukjae, Donghae.

Shindong, Siobhan:“shi” was chosen rather than “cabbage soup” because it is more logical. The fact is that the differences in the pronunciation of the sound [c] and [w] are that for the latter we slightly move the tongue back. For the sound [у], we must make a groove for air, which we did not do in the previous sounds, and tense our tongue.
Since in the case of 시, the first sound still remains [ㅅ], which, however, needs to be made hissing.
We pronounce it close in sound to [ш], but leaving the articulation as for [c] (which is similar to [ш]), hence the “sh” in transliteration.

Cho Kyuhyun- In the passport it says Kyuhyun, but in albums everywhere and profiles (even from SM) it says Kyuhyun. In addition, when transliterating into Russian, the surname is written as a separate word, so there will be no pronunciation. In his cyworld, he created folders for photos called K。Story and Kyu, which is kind of a hint. So the official version of the name is stunned - Kyuhyun.

Then why GaemGyu? After "M" he couldn't write "K". In the word 갬규 - this is exactly his nickname, gemgyu, (gem = game distorted), “Kyu” will be read as “Gyu”
(after sonorant consonants and after vowels there is voicing)

Kuixian: The readings "Gui" and "Kui" correspond to the same character 圭. The situation is the same as with Kyuhyun - Gyuhyun: traditionally preference is given to "Kuihsian", by analogy with "Kyuhyun". Since the WORLD (!) fandom and Sm Entertainment themselves accept Kuixian and Kyuhyun, and not Guixian and Kyuhyun, we will also not deviate from these options.

surname Li:이 - Lee - read as I. Not Lee, but I.
However, the generally accepted option writing in the world - Lee.
We will not deviate from this option, but decided to provide pronunciation information for reference.

Last name Choi:최 - Choi - ㅊ is pronounced like [ch], but with an exhalation. The spelling "chh" does not correspond to the actual pronunciation of the sound due to the fact that the sound [x] in Russian is very strong. It is even more difficult to convey diphthongs in Russian, since we do not have analogues. The 외 diphthong sounds similar to . However, writing Choi is historically rooted, as is the spelling of the Lee surname. Therefore, we will not deviate from this writing.

Declension of Korean given names and surnames

Korean names, like Chinese ones, are declined according to the same rules as Russian names. The only difference is that:
- the surname (Kim, Park, Shin) is declined according to Russian rules if it is used separately, without a name
For example: from actor Kim, tell Mr. Park, etc.
!! Only male surnames are declined!
For example: Mrs. Kim.

However ! the surname will not be declined if it is used together with the given name. The last part will be inclined - that is, the last syllable of the name
For example: at Kim Heechul's, tell Kim Heechul

For Russian Koreans, both parts are inclined - both the first and last names!
Example: at the house of Kim Sergei Petrovich

This article is devoted to the declination of surnames, a topic to which Russian language teachers devoted several lessons in primary school.

The ability to correctly pronounce your own first and last name is very important - at school, a child signs his diary and notebooks, and in adult life, important government documents.

Therefore, information about the declension of surnames by case will be useful for both schoolchildren and adults.

General rules for declension of surnames

You need to remember them to avoid mistakes:

  1. Not all surnames ending in a consonant are inflected for both men and women:
    • Women's surnames are not declined at all: script by Irina Kryuk, dress by Anna Mayer;
    • male surnames can and should be declined: song by Louis Tomlinson, house of Alexander Pushkin.
  2. All Russian surnames ending in “a” are declined: speech by Karina Ivanova, story by Vasily Stupka.
  3. Exception: French surnames Dumas, Lacroix and others do not bow down.

  4. Foreign surnames are declined if they end in a consonant: creativity of Anatoly Petrosyan, poems of George Byron.

Foreign surnames ending in a vowel other than the unstressed “a” are not inflected: music by Giuseppe Verdi, role by Sergo Makaradze.

What surnames are not declined in Russian?

This rule is well illustrated in the picture.

Do male surnames decline or not?

Men's surnames are subject to declension, but not all. You need to figure out what your surname is- Russian, French, Armenian, etc., what letter it ends with, and apply the corresponding rule.

Declension of masculine surnames ending in a consonant

Declension of surnames in Ukrainian

Ukrainian surnames ending in -uk (-yuk), -ok, -ik, -ch are declined only if they are male surnames. As in Russian, female Ukrainian surnames ending in a consonant do not decline.

Exceptions to the rules include surnames ending in -ih, -yh. Usually these are surnames formed from adjectives: White, Black. They don't bow down.

Do Armenian surnames end with –yan?

The declination of Armenian surnames into -an (-yan), -ants (-yanc), -unts occurs according to the rules of the Russian language: men's surnames are declined, women's surnames are not.

Declension of foreign surnames

To remember the declension of foreign names, this algorithm will be useful:

Declension of male surnames ending in a soft sign

There are few male surnames ending in -ь, but you still need to know how they decline.

Exception: surnames derived from city names are not declined. These are surnames from Uruguay, Taiwan, etc.

Declension of masculine surnames ending in a vowel

Surnames ending in a vowel, except -a , don't bow down. This is true for both male and female surnames.

Them. P. Peter Romanenko
Genus. P. Petra Romanenko
Dat. P. Petru Romanenco
Vin. P. Petra Romanenko
Creation P. Peter Romanenko
Prev. P. (about) Petre Romanenko

Declension of double surnames

Declension of double Russian surnames occurs as follows: both parts are declined according to the rules of the Russian language. If the first part serves only as a component, then it does not decline.

Them. P. Ivan Petrov-Zodchenko
Genus. P. Ivana Petrova-Zodchenko
Dat. P. Ivan Petrov-Zodchenko
Vin. P. Ivana Petrova-Zodchenko
Creation P. Ivan Petrov-Zodchenko
Prev. P. (about) Ivan Petrov-Zodchenko

Don’t forget that last names don’t end with –o!

Compound surnames are popular in East Asia. For example, the last name is Kim Il Sung. It consists of three parts, but only the last one is inclined, according to general rules.

Declension of German surnames

For the most part, German surnames were derived from geographical names, personal names, and nicknames.

German male surnames ending in a consonant are definitely declined: give it to Müller, call Schneider, send Wagner, no Schultz, think about Richter.

For a vowel letter, accordingly, no:letter for Adolf Weisse, work by Johann Goethe, documents of Arnold Kolbe.

Is a man's surname ending in "th" inflected?

Male surnames starting with “y” are also declined.

Declension of Georgian surnames to “iya”

Linguists do not recommend inflecting Georgian surnames with the suffixes “iya”, “ia”, “ua”, “aya”. The endings should be written correctly: otherwise it will cease to have anything to do with Georgia. Examples: Goritsavia book, Gamsakhurdia house, Chkadua address.

Remembering the spelling of last names is easy: female surnames are declined ONLY with the ending “a” ( Mokaeva, Ivanova etc.). Male surnames are declined ALL EXCEPT those ending in other vowels ( Plushenko, Begiashvili).

However, if you still have problems with declension, it is better to turn to the Internet or the Directory of Surnames. This will take time, but you will be sure that the data is recorded correctly and will not have to be changed.

Good afternoon, dear Diploma! Please help me understand the declension of Chinese male names. For example, is it necessary to decline the name of the head of the International Cooperation Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China - Song Tao? He is a man... I can’t find any corresponding indication in the rules. Thank you in advance.

In compound names and surnames of Vietnamese, Korean, Burmese, Cambodian, Chinese, etc., it declines last part if it ends in a consonant. Moreover, part of the name Tao should not be inclined. Thus, the name you specified is not declined.

Question No. 292711

Is a man's surname Yun inclined? The boy, the bearer of the surname, claims that she is Korean, so she does not bow down.

Russian help desk response

The man's surname is declined. And Korean too.

Question No. 290862

How to correctly decline a Korean male surname with a Russian given name and patronymic. Example: maternity leave, Kim Igor Mikhailovich?

Russian help desk response

You spelled it correctly: male surname Kim changes as a second declension noun: Kim, Kim, Kim, Kim, about Kim. Female surname Kim doesn't bow.

Question No. 285876

Please explain whether the comma is inserted correctly: According to the survey, the best DVR is the Korean device YYY.

Russian help desk response

The comma is placed correctly.

Question No. 285274

Hello! Unfortunately, I have never been able to get an answer to my question, but I really hope that this time I will succeed. Please help me with the inflection of their Korean first and last names. I found a recommendation on the site that when writing Korean names, only the last element is declined, but in the questions and answers you always say that the surname is declined, although in those cases it was only the surname that was Korean. That is, if the name is Russian and the surname is Korean, then it is inclined, but if the name is Korean, then it is not? I would be very grateful for your clarification! Sincerely, Vera

Russian help desk response

Only the last element is inclined to composite names and surnames of Vietnamese, Korean, Burmese, Cambodian, Chinese, etc. The inflection of only the last component is explained here by the fact that for Russian language perception it is difficult to distinguish which components here are a name and which are a surname. In the Russian inflectional system, such names and surnames are obvious exoticisms.

If the bearer of the surname has a Russian (or has long been mastered in the Russian language) name, i.e. the first and surname are easy to distinguish from each other, the surname is declined (or not declined) according to general rules, for example: from Konstantin Kwon, from Irina Kwon.

Question No. 284029

In the 10th-11th centuries, Korean cities, built in mountainous areas, no longer followed the Chinese pattern: their streets were not straight, and ensembles of palaces and temples, watchtowers and fortifications fit into the surrounding landscape, forming a single whole with it. How to explain the placement of a colon?

Russian help desk response

A colon is placed in a non-union complex sentence when the second part reveals the content of the first (the words “namely” can be inserted between both parts). In this case, the second part explains what it means to “not follow the Chinese pattern.” This means that their streets were not straight...

Question No. 276581
I would like to clarify the spelling of the words: In the dictionary, distributor (and on your portal - distributor) and in the dictionary, South Korean (and on yours, South Korean). Why? Have the rules changed? Dictionaries 2001 and 2005

Russian help desk response

Latest dictionary commit: distributor, South Korean(Russian Spelling Dictionary, 4th ed., M., 2012).

Hello. Is a comma necessary in this sentence: They are asking us to supply Japanese TVs (,) along with Korean-made TVs. Thank you.

Russian help desk response

No comma needed.

Question No. 270682
Hello! A very heated dispute arose over the declension of the Korean surname Sim in combination with the Russian name and patronymic. How to write correctly: “statement from Denis Anatolyevich Sim or from Denis Anatolyevich Sim”? Thank you in advance!

Russian help desk response

Right: Sima Denis Anatolyevich. Male surnames ending in a consonant are declined (regardless of their origin).

Question No. 267241
Hello. Is it possible to inflect male Korean “surnames” ending in a consonant if they are used with a Russian first name and patronymic, for example: Kim Viktor Petrovich - Kim Viktor Petrovich? Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Yes, in similar contexts Kim becomes a regular male surname, which is declined (like any other male surnames ending in a consonant, regardless of their linguistic origin): Kim Viktor Petrovich.

Question No. 266580

My last name is Han (Korean). my mother, a Russian language teacher, says that the surname is not inclined, some teachers at school said the opposite. I would like to know if she is leaning or not?

Russian help desk response

Male surname Khan bends, the female one does not. The rule is this: all male surnames ending in a consonant are declined (except for surnames ending in - s, -their type Black, Long). Women's surnames starting with a consonant are indeclinable. The origin of the surname in this case does not matter.

Question No. 264121
Hello. Please help me decline the name of the North Korean leader. In the nominative Kim Jong Il. Thank in advance.

Russian help desk response

Only the last component of the name is declined: Kim Jong Il, Kim Jong Il, Kim Jong Il, Kim Jong Il, about Kim Jong Il.

Question No. 264093
For a long time I can’t figure it out: the words “Korean”, “German”, “French”, “Japanese”, in cases when we are talking about Korean, German, etc. cars, are they written in quotes or without?

Russian help desk response

Quotation marks are needed: they indicate the use of a word other than its usual meaning.

Question No. 263530
Do male surnames tend to be of Korean origin? Pak Konstantin Borisovich. Pak Konstantin Borisovich.

Russian help desk response

The male surname Pak must be declined.


Compared to Europeans, the Chinese began using surnames before our era. Initially, they were characteristic only of the royal family and aristocracy, but gradually ordinary people began to use them. Some of them have transformed over time, while others have remained unchanged.

Origin of surnames

If some peoples still do not even have such a concept, then Chinese culture, on the contrary, takes this issue very seriously. Ancient Chinese surnames initially had two meanings:

  • “xing” (xìng). A concept that was used to define blood relatives, family. Later, a meaning was added to it, indicating the place of origin of the clan. This concept was precisely used by representatives of the imperial family.
  • "shi" (shi). It appeared later and was used to show family ties within the entire family. This was the name of the clan. Over time, it began to denote the similarity of people by occupation.

Over time, these differences disappeared. Today there are no differences between people, but the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire still treat their family with care, honor and carefully study it. An interesting fact is that Koreans use Chinese characters to write their personal names. They adopted them from the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom and made them Korean, for example, Chen.

Meaning of Chinese surnames

Chinese surnames and their meanings have different origins. They have a large number of them, but only about two dozen are widely distributed. Some originated from professional activity (Tao - potter). Some are based on the name of the states-possessions into which China was fragmented in feudal times (Chen), and some are named after the ancestor who gave the name to the clan (Yuan). But all foreigners were called Hu. Names, of which there are a huge number, are of greater importance in the country.


There are many dialects in the country, so the same name can sound completely different. Transliterating it into other languages ​​can change the meaning completely, since most of them do not convey intonation, which plays a large role in the Chinese language. Many languages ​​have developed special transcription systems in order to somehow unify the spelling and translation of Chinese surnames.

Chinese surnames in Russian

Last names in Chinese are always written first (one syllable), and only then the name is written (one or two syllables), since family comes first for them. In Russian, according to the rules, they are written similarly. A compound name is written together, and not with a hyphen, as was the case until recently. In modern Russian, the so-called Palladian system is used, which, with the exception of some amendments, has been used to record Chinese surnames in Russian since the nineteenth century.

Chinese male surnames

The nicknames of the Chinese do not differentiate by gender, which cannot be said about the name. In addition to the main name, twenty-year-old boys were given a second name (“zi”). Chinese male names and surnames carry the traits that a man should have:

  • Bokin - respect for the winner;
  • Guozhi – state order;
  • Deming - dignity;
  • Zhong – loyal, stable;
  • Zian – peaceful;
  • Iyngji – heroic;
  • Kiang – strong;
  • Liang – bright;
  • Minj – sensitive and wise;
  • Rong – military;
  • Fa – outstanding;
  • Juan - happiness;
  • Cheng – achieved;
  • Eiguo – country of love, patriot;
  • Yun – brave;
  • Yaozu – worshiper of ancestors.


Women in the Middle Kingdom leave their own after marriage. The Chinese do not have specific rules that guide them when naming a child. Here the main role is played by the imagination of the parents. Chinese female names and surnames characterize a woman as a gentle creature, full of affection and love:

  • Ai – love;
  • Venkian – purified;
  • G – pure;
  • Jiao – graceful, beautiful;
  • Jiya – beautiful;
  • Zhilan – rainbow orchid;
  • Ki - beautiful jade;
  • Kiaohui – experienced and wise;
  • Kiyu – autumn moon;
  • Xiaoli – morning jasmine;
  • Xingjuan – grace;
  • Lijuan – beautiful, graceful;
  • Lihua – beautiful and prosperous;
  • Meihui – beautiful wisdom;
  • Ningong – calmness;
  • Ruolan - like an orchid;
  • Ting – graceful;
  • Fenfang – fragrant;
  • Huizhong – wise and loyal;
  • Chenguang – morning, light;
  • Shuang - frank, sincere;
  • Yui – moon;
  • Yuming – jade brightness;
  • Yun – cloud;
  • I am grace.


In Russian, some Chinese surnames are declined. This applies to those that end in a consonant. If they end in “o” or a soft consonant, then it remains unchanged. This applies to male names. Women's names remain unchanged. All these rules are observed if personal names are used separately. When they are written together, only the last part will be subject to declination. Assimilated Chinese personal names will be subject to full declension in Russian.

How many surnames are there in China?

It is difficult to determine exactly how many surnames there are in China, but it is known that only about a hundred of them are in widespread use. The Celestial Empire is a country with a population of many billions, but paradoxically, most of its inhabitants have the same surname. According to tradition, the child inherits it from his father, although recently only the son could wear it, the daughter took her mother’s. Currently, the names of the genus do not change, although at the initial stage the hereditary names could change. This makes life difficult for the official authorities as it is very difficult to maintain records in such circumstances.

An interesting fact, but almost all personal names in Chinese are written in one character, only a small part consists of two syllables, for example, Ouyang. Although there may be exceptions: the writing will consist of three or even four hieroglyphs. Chinese people with the same surname are not considered relatives, but only namesakes, although until recently people were prohibited from marrying if they had the same surname. Often the child could be given double births - father and mother.

Most common

This may seem funny to some, but just over twenty percent of the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom have three surnames. The most common Chinese surnames are Li, Wang, Zhang, Nguyen. In modern language there are even stable expressions like “three Zhangs, four Lis”, which mean “any”. They may have different spellings depending on the transliteration.

Funny Chinese first and last names

In accordance with the pronunciation, many foreign words look, if not funny, then bizarre when spoken by someone else. Therefore, even the most harmless word in a foreign language can cause laughter in a Russian person. But sometimes parents’ imagination leads to the fact that in the language itself, names can mean funny and sometimes just wild things. Funny Chinese first and last names:

  • Sun Wyn;
  • Sui Wyn;
  • Chew Yourself;
  • Get up Sun.
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Nouns are divided into three types according to the type of declension:

  1. Feminine nouns ending in -а, -я (earth);
  2. Masculine nouns with a zero ending, neuter nouns with the ending -о, -е (house, field);
  3. Feminine nouns ending in zero (mouse).

In the Russian language, a special group is made up of indeclinable nouns: burden, crown, flame, udder, banner, tribe, stirrup, time, name, path.

A significant group of nouns does not change in gender and number; they are called indeclinable; depot, foyer, aloe, coffee, coat, attache and others.

Adjectives change according to gender, number and case in the singular. In the plural, the case endings of adjectives of all three genders are the same: new tables, books, feathers.

There are certain rules for declension and numerals. For example, the numeral one is declined as a singular adjective, and the numerals two, three, four have special case forms that are similar to the endings of plural adjectives.

Numerals from five to ten and numerals -twenty and -ten are declined according to the third declension of nouns.

The numerals forty and ninety have two case forms: forty and ninety.

The numerals two hundred, three hundred, four hundred and all numerals starting with -hundred have both parts declined.