What does connected without internet mean? Reinstalling network card drivers and checking the firewall

Today I will look at a situation that operating system users very often encounter. Windows 7 And Windows 8. The essence of the problem is this: there is a network connection, but Network and Sharing Center writes that the Network without access to the Internet, there is about a clock next to the network icon in the tray Exclamation point. In fact, the Internet may even be accessible. There may be several reasons with different scenarios. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

But first things first, if you are connected via a modem, router or optical ONT terminal- I would advise reboot it. If, after rebooting the device, Internet access resumes, the problem is clearly in the router itself, its settings, or the provider’s network (this also happens). In this case, we reset the router with the reset button, configure it again and check. If still after some time a message appears that Network without Internet access- try another router to check.

1. WiFi network without Internet access

This is the most common situation. The reason for this problem is most often the following. The vast majority of users are not aware at all what is an IP address and believes that for Wi-Fi connection You just need to enter the network security key. In most cases, this may indeed be enough, but not always. If on WiFi router protocol disabled DHCP, then you can easily connect to the network, but here IP address your wireless adapter on your laptop, tablet or smartphone will not receive it. Accordingly, you will not have access to the Internet, although the network is actually connected, but only partially.
By the way, this is also possible with a wired connection - the cable was plugged in, but the address was not received.
What to do? Register the IP address manually. To register IP in Windows 7 or Windows 8 you need to do the following:
Let's go to Control Panel and click on the icon Network and Sharing Center:

In the window that opens, click on the link Change adapter settings. A list of network adapters will open. Right-click on the network adapter through which we connect to the router and select the menu item Properties:

The network card properties window will open. Select an item Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and double-click on it with the left mouse button. This is where you need it register IP address, netmask, gateway and DNS address:

For most routers (except D-Link) the following should be suitable:
IP address192.168.1.2
primary DNS192.168.1.1
secondary DNS
For D-Link routers:
IP address192.168.0.2
primary DNS192.168.0.1
secondary DNS8.8.8.8

2. There is Internet access, but it still says Network without Internet access

This problem is most often occurs when a computer connects to the Internet via a proxy server . That is, there is access to the Internet, but it is not direct, but through a server.
In this case, you can do the following:
Press the button Start select an item Execute(or press the key combination Win+R ) and in the window that opens we write:
it will be revealed to you Local Group Policy Editor.
Local Computer PolicyComputer configurationAdministrative TemplatesSystemInternet Communication ManagementInternet communication settings and enable the parameter:
« Disable active probing for the network connection status indicator «

By this you disable active sensing . After this, the system will not check Windows network connection states to see if the computer is connected to the Internet or to a restricted network.

It happens that when a device is connected to Wi-Fi, the Internet does not work on Windows xp, 7, 8, 10. Basically, a similar problem arises during the settings of a Wi-Fi router. However, there are situations when the Internet connection is present, but at a certain second it suddenly disappears. Moreover, the computer, phone or tablet itself has a Wi-Fi connection, but it is impossible to access the Internet.

The reasons that Wi-Fi is connected, but the Internet does not work and pages do not open can be very different, as well as solutions. You need to understand all the nuances in detail. Typically, violations occur due to the router itself or a PC, tablet, smartphone, etc.

For easier understanding, this article is divided into several main points:

  1. What to do if the source of the problem is router.
  2. Troubleshooting desktop and laptop computer.
  3. Solving the problem with the operation of the Internet on tablet or smartphone.

When Wi-Fi is connected, but the Internet does not work (limited), first of all you need to check the router and network access, because the source of the problem is rarely the devices used (laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc.)

Wi-Fi not working due to router

Most likely, there are several mobile or computer devices that are connected to Wi-Fi. You need to connect them to your own network and if the Internet does not work on any device, the problem arose because of the router. In addition, you can connect your computer or phone to someone else’s Wi-Fi and see if the Network will start in this case. Once you are sure that the router is the source of the problem, you can try to solve it:

  • quite simple reboot the router, in some cases, even more than 3 minutes. If necessary, do this several times;
  • it is imperative to make sure that provider services are paid and there are no problems. To do this, contact the help desk of your Internet provider. It is possible to connect the Internet directly to the computer and see if it works without using a router;
  • check correct wire connection to the router. You should also carefully examine the indicators on the router itself (if they are working properly, they should blink);
  • if the Internet works normally without a router - view settings. The settings have probably been reset and the substation is unable to connect to the provider. Due to the fact that there are several types of routers, the instructions for them will also be specific to a particular manufacturer. Information on settings can be found freely available on the Internet;
  • if someone else's Wi-Fi is used, perhaps the owner of the network did not have time to pay for the services of the provider.

Laptop or desktop PC is connected to Wi-Fi, but there is no Internet access on Windows xp, 7, 8, 10

If such violations are observed exclusively on a desktop or laptop computer(works on other devices), first you need to study the specific settings.

In this case, the first thing you need to do is reboot the laptop. After this, you need to make sure whether obtaining an IP address in automatic mode is set in the wireless connection characteristics. This can be done as follows: click on network icon right mouse button and select " Control center", then go to " Change adapter settings". Next, right-click on the wireless network adapter, call “ Properties", then double-click on “IP version 4” and check whether the automatic mode for obtaining an address is set.
If the steps you take do not solve the problem, it doesn’t hurt to read the article. Very often the problem occurs precisely because of an outdated (after the next system update) or incorrectly working driver.

It may also happen that the browser displays an error DNS error or anything similar. In this case, you need to familiarize yourself with tips for resolving this issue, which can also be found on the Internet.

Trying to connect to a Wi-Fi network may result in the laptop finding the network and connecting to it, but will not be able to use the Internet. If the laptop notices a lack of Internet access when the network is connected, it will warn you about this with an icon in the form of a yellow triangle next to the connected Wi-Fi icon.

Reasons for lack of Internet

The cause of the problem lies either in the router, or in the Internet connection, or in the laptop itself, so the methods described below will help you solve it in all cases. Perhaps the Internet itself is not working due to problems on the operator’s side, or there was a failure in the router that allowed the network to disappear, or the laptop did not correctly recognize and use the network.

The list of possible causes is wide, it is necessary to narrow it down. First of all, take another device, for example a phone or tablet, and try using it to access the Internet via the same Wi-Fi network. If this works, then the problem is solely in the laptop.

The laptop reports that there is no Internet access

If the Internet is not available on other devices, then you need to understand whether the reason is in the Internet cable or router. To find out, you need to try using the Internet connection directly through your laptop. Remove the modem or cable from the router and plug it into the device port, connect and check if you have access to the Internet. If the answer is no, then the problem is in the modem itself, the wire or on the operator’s side. In any case, the way out of the situation is to contact the support service of the company that provides you with the Internet. Their contact numbers are on the official website.

If the direct connection gives a positive result, then the router remains to be blamed, so you need to use the instructions associated with it.

Solving the problem on the laptop side

If, during the above instructions for identifying the cause of the breakdown, you learned that the network does not work exclusively on a laptop, then successively use all the methods below. One of them will most likely restore your access to the Wi-Fi network.


Open the Network Control Panel, disconnect from Wi-Fi, and reconnect. Perhaps this time the laptop will be able to correctly configure all network settings, and Internet access will return.

Disconnecting from the network and connecting to it again


Reboot the laptop, during this process all processes present in the system will restart. Enabling them again will cause frozen elements to start working.

Reboot the computer

Antivirus deactivation

Every modern antivirus has a built-in Firewall that ensures security when working on the Internet. But there is a chance that it mistakenly considers your connection to be potentially dangerous and blocks it. After disabling your antivirus, try connecting again without activating it. If the Internet appears this time, then the problem is with the defender, you will have to replace it with another one.

Turn off the antivirus

But under no circumstances leave your device without an antivirus; you will definitely catch a virus. Install another, at least free, antivirus, or contact the technical support of the defender you are using, informing them that your home network is mistakenly considered dangerous. They will tell you what steps you need to take to get rid of this error.

Automatic diagnostics

Windows 10 comes with tools that can automatically fix most problems that users often encounter. There is a similar tool for the Internet module.

Manually changing settings

The connection settings may be messed up; you need to check them yourself:

Solving problems on the router side

If, while searching for the cause, you find out that the problem lies in the router, you need to make some changes to it. Use all the methods listed below in turn, they are arranged in order: from the fastest and easiest to the more serious options.


A reboot will cause all processes running in the router to start working again. If any of them were in a frozen state, it will come out of it and possibly provide stable Internet access.

Turn off and turn on the router again


There is a chance that the router settings have been messed up. The best way to restore them is to restore them to factory settings. This can be done using a small Reset button located on one of the router panels. Hold it down for 10–15 seconds until you notice the lights turn off, indicating that the router is rebooting. Once it turns on again, all settings will be restored. Check if this solves the problem.

Press the Reset button for 10–15 seconds

DHCP setup

In some situations, you will have to specify DHCP manually; to do this, you need to perform the following steps:

What to do if nothing helps

If none of the methods described above solved your problem, there is only one option left - the cause of the breakdown lies in the physical part of the router or laptop. The Wi-Fi module is probably broken and needs to be replaced. This can be done at any technical service; before contacting it, you should check to see if the warranty has expired. If the warranty has not yet expired, repairs at the official service center will be free of charge.

If you have a connection problem, first find out which device is causing the problem. Then reboot the problematic device and check its settings. Don't forget, the Internet may not work due to problems on the operator's side.

Many people are familiar with the situation when you sit down at your computer and discover that your connection to the Internet has been lost. A very undesirable problem, especially if your work directly depends on the Internet.

To fix any problem, you need to find the cause of it.
Why is the Internet connected but not working? There can be many reasons for an Internet outage, both internal and external.

Let's look at the main problems of Internet outages associated with external factors.

What is a provider and what are external reasons

A provider is a company that provides you with Internet access services by connecting your computer to the global network.

All data that you send or receive via the Internet passes through its devices, and the provider is obliged to ensure the transfer of data.

External reasons why the Internet does not work mean that the problem originated outside of your home or the device that replaces it.

In such cases, it is quite rare to correct the situation on your own, as a result of which there is a need to contact the Internet service support service, that is, the provider.

No electricity

The Internet signal reaches your home after traveling quite a long way. On this path there is intermediate equipment that must be connected to electricity.

If the electricity is turned off anywhere along this path, the equipment will turn off and the signal will not pass through. You can't find out about this by just sitting at home. You need to call your provider.

The provider can use its equipment and software to trace the entire chain, find out where the problem is and fix it.

By the way, such breakdowns often occur during a thunderstorm or after a thunderstorm. Lightning protection devices are activated and the power is cut off.

In general, the weather began to deteriorate: strong winds, constant humidity, heavy rains, and especially freezing rains do not in any way contribute to the reliability of Internet connection channels. But they add more work for technical support of providers, and for users they add more dissatisfaction with denials of access to the Internet.

Something broke

On the long journey from the provider to your home, the provider's intermediate equipment may break down. This is not your equipment, it is not in your home, but due to its breakdown, there will be no signal in the house. It is impossible to find out about this while sitting at home. Again, you need to call your provider.

Everything that does not spoil, spoils too - this is what one of Murphy's laws says. Therefore, there is no chance that something in the chain of transmission of Internet signals to your house and apartment may deteriorate. Only the provider's technical support can fix this.

Even the provider’s server, through which all users, or more precisely, all the provider’s clients, gain access to the Internet, can break down. This, however, happens extremely rarely. Servers become more reliable, they are duplicated, backed up, and provide uninterrupted round-the-clock operation. But you can still encounter a similar problem. Fortunately, very rarely.

It broke somewhere

Failures also include broken wires. Well, if a regular wire breaks, it can be “fused” and repaired. But, for example, a fiber-optic wire cannot be connected without special equipment, which is not always available even from the provider’s technical support representatives.

Wires may break sooner or later. For different reasons. For example, my friends had a wire coming from the attic into their apartment that fell off from the ceiling where it was lightly attached. The wire fell to the floor, and everyone stepped over it for almost a week. And then everyone got tired of it, and the wire was cut off. I had to call the provider's technical support.

It is practically impossible to splice the wires yourself. Yes, and dangerous. It is possible to confuse signal wires with low and safe voltage with power wires where there is life-threatening voltage. Do not try to repair the break yourself; call technical support.

Other problems on the ISP side

The provider's support service will be able to fix problems such as equipment breakdowns at the provider's premises, or in the attic (entrance) of your apartment building, or restore a damaged wire. And we have already written about this above.

But it is possible that unscheduled work is simply being carried out, about which, of course, you should have been notified in advance, but as usual, they forgot. The provider warns about scheduled or unscheduled work by email. But how often do we check our email? Even if often, did we indicate the right email in the agreement with the Internet provider to communicate with us? Most often, the message to which messages from the provider arrive is rarely opened and almost never read.

And then - it turns out that we were warned that in connection with such and such work there would be no Internet connection in the period from such and such a time and date to such and such a time and date. Forewarned is forearmed. If you do not read such warnings, then suddenly the Internet turns off. The most unpleasant thing is that many users who do not read mail find themselves in a similar situation at the same time. Everyone starts calling the provider at the same time to find out the cause of the problem, but as a result the line becomes overloaded and it can be difficult to get information.

Financial block

It is worth reminding yourself that if your account balance is zero, your Internet connection is automatically blocked. Maybe you just forgot to top up your account? Think about this before you decide to contact support.

A support specialist will usually check your balance status. If you call, he may inform you that there is no Internet access due to a financial block. You need to top up your balance to access the Internet.

Alas, financial blocks can be wrong. The provider may mistakenly withdraw excess money due to, for example, a malfunction of equipment or software related to customer payments. Unfortunately, this also happens, and thus a financial block is automatically activated and the Internet does not work. In this case, you will have to be persistent in communicating with the provider’s technical support, which in turn will prove that you are wrong. In general, it is better that there are no such overlaps.

Problems with the router

If you use to access the Internet, then the simplest option why the Internet does not work is that the router is turned off. It just needs to be connected to electricity.

Sometimes another option helps. Turn off the computer, turn off the router and after a few minutes turn everything back on, it may help.

If the router is faulty, then such a reboot will not help, and the router will need to be replaced. However, it is difficult for an inexperienced user to determine that the reason for the lack of Internet lies precisely in the router. In this case, you have to call a specialist from the company that provides the Internet access service, that is, again from the provider’s technical support.

Problems of mobile Internet users

If you use mobile Internet, then there are no wires going to your house or apartment. You receive a signal from your provider via radio. But this does not mean that there are fewer problems on the provider’s side.

Firstly, so many users can connect simultaneously that the provider does not have enough power.

Then the signal may weaken, or the ability to access the Internet will be completely disabled, since in conditions of overload, mobile operators primarily provide voice mobile communications, and only after that everything else.

Secondly, in the place where you are, the mobile operator may not be able to connect you to the Internet at all.

Unfortunately, this means that this cannot be done in this particular place. It even happens that in one part of the apartment or house there is Internet, but in the other, opposite part - not. We have to, as they say, look for the most suitable place.

Third, You may run out of money in your account, because the Internet access service is paid, as a rule. Also Paid traffic may run out, there is still money, but it is not intended to pay for Internet connections.

Here you need to take care of timely bills, as well as choose suitable tariff options that are convenient for using the Internet access service. Otherwise, you may be left without the Internet, sad as it may be.

It might also be trivial the modem overheats and stops working, which you use to access the Internet. Then you will have to stop the computer and wait until the device cools down. This happens in fast data networks, for example, those operating in the 4G (or LTE) standard.

In general, there can be problems on the mobile Internet, both on the provider’s side and on the user’s side.

Site blocking: some Internet pages do not work

It is possible that you visited a website and saw a message on your computer or smartphone screen: “Access to the resource is blocked.”

Rice. 1 Message on the screen that access to the resource is blocked

In this case, it is better to first close this message and then open another site, for example, Yandex or Google. If other sites open normally, this means that the Internet is working for you. The problem is not that the Internet does not work, but a separate site to which you are denied access.

Access to any site may be blocked by Roskomnadzor or a court. Or the Internet provider accidentally blocked the site by mistake. Below is an example of such a case from my experience.

Communication with the provider about blocking the site

I recently encountered a problem with a site being blocked. I open a page on my website and see a message on the screen that the page is blocked. I was surprised that all pages of my site opened without problems and without any messages, except for one page. I opened a supposedly “blocked” page through another Internet provider, everything works, there is no blocking. What to do in this situation? Why did my Internet provider accidentally block my page?

I wrote a letter with a detailed description of my situation, attached a screenshot (shown in Fig. 1), and sent an e-mail to the support service of my Internet provider. I received this response from them: “Good afternoon, most likely this link, or more precisely, the resource is blocked by Roskomnadzor or Mossud. The solution to the problem is to look in the Roskomnadzor database for why the resource is blocked, and then contact us.”

I had to write to the provider's support service again about the fact that the page was blocked by only one provider. When accessing the Internet through any other provider, the page opens without problems.

After a long and more detailed communication with the provider’s technical support via E-mail correspondence, the problem was solved! And now all pages of the site open without problems.

Internet without problems - is it possible?

Modern data transmission systems, both wired and wireless, are becoming more and more reliable. And this is good, because, in this way, problems with Internet shutdowns become less and less.

It is unlikely that the Internet will ever become completely trouble-free. But now many users do not encounter such problems of lack of Internet, both on the provider’s side and on their computers. Even seemingly non-technical problems, such as financial blockages, are quickly eliminated. Providers offer so-called trust payments and other similar measures to restore normal operation of the Internet even in the absence of money in the user’s account

What to talk about technical things! Here, a lot of equipment is duplicated, servers are redundant, information transmission channels are made along different routes, again to increase reliability. And all this so that Internet access is always available, without interruptions, without weekends, without holidays, without restrictions.

This is the time we live in now. A time when many things are already becoming virtual, and payments, and shopping, and communication, and entertainment, and communication, and training, and development, and innovation, and so on and so forth. And the Internet is the very environment without which all this is no longer imaginable. That is why the requirements for its reliability and fault tolerance are so high.

I would like our Internet to never go down.


Many have encountered such a problem as the lack of Internet on a computer, laptop or other devices. In this case, the browser displays the message: “Web page is unavailable” or a similar message. Frequent culprits for this are: an accident on the provider's line, a malfunction of home equipment (router, network card, etc.) or incorrect settings. All this can be described in two words – “no Internet.” What should those who have a connection work, but web pages do not open?

This article talks about such situations and ways to solve this problem. In the last article I discussed the situation when .

The first step is to make sure that Internet access is really present and working correctly. As a rule, other programs that use the network work in this situation (Skype, ICQ, etc. are available).

But there are cases when they are not there, and it is not possible to install these applications. In this case, you can check the network operation using the command line. To do this, press the key combination Window + R and enter cmd in the window that appears. A terminal should appear in front of the user, where they enter the ping command (then you can try to enter the address of the Yandex website, for example, you will get - ping www.yandex.ru). If the described problem occurs, this command will display a message indicating that it is impossible to connect to the resource. But if you enter ping, a message about the successful status will appear.

The reasons for the problem when sites do not open can be different. This may be related:

  • problems with the DNS service;
  • the impact of viruses and malware;
  • incorrect proxy server settings;
  • incorrect host file configuration ().

Problems with the DNS service

A common culprit in situations where the browser does not open sites, but access to the Internet is not blocked, is the operation of the DNS server. This problem can be determined in the way described above, when it was necessary to open the command line and ping the address of any resource by domain name and ip.

Each site has its own location identification number, called an IP address. There are many different resources on the global web and they all have a unique address. In order not to torment a person’s memory, it was invented to create a service that, when entering the name of a site (for example, Yandex), could determine its IP address.

Sometimes situations happen when the provider's DNS server does not work or the network settings in the router or computer are lost. The reason why website pages do not open has been clarified; it remains to explain how to solve this problem.

There are two possible solutions. If the network settings are lost, then here you need to correct them to the correct ones and, if necessary, reboot the equipment. In the event of a DNS failure, you can change the settings on the network adapter. To do this, click “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Network and Internet” - “Network and Sharing Center” - “Change network adapter settings.” Here, on the “Connected to a local network” icon, right-click and select the “Property” option. Then select the TCP version 4 item and in the window that appears, select the “Use the following DNS addresses.” Below in the window, enter (public Google DNS server) or (public Yandex DNS). Then click the “Save” or “Apply” button.

To check the operation, you can open the command line (Window + R – cmd), then you need to check the connection (for example, with Yandex). Enter the command ping www.ya.ru. If you do the right thing, you will be able to see information about the server response time below.

Impact of viruses and malware

Also, the problem when sites do not open in the browser, but there is Internet access and DNS is working, may be associated with the influence of viruses and malware. In this case, it will help to solve the question “Why don’t pages open in the browser?” checking the system with specialized programs: AdwCleaner, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free, Zemana AntiMalware, etc. These utilities allow you to find malware that is causing problems with opening pages on the Internet.

Incorrect proxy server settings

Another reason why sites are not displayed in the browser may be changes or entering data about an incorrect proxy server. At the same time, the computer is connected to the Internet and the connection works in all respects.
To correct this situation you need to go to your browser settings. To do this, go to the control panel, where you select the browser (or browser) properties item.

In the menu that opens, select the “Connections” tab and click on the “Network Settings” button.

Here, in the window that appears, they check all the parameters, and if they are not needed, simply erase all the information and select the automatic detection option.

After this, sites should display their pages in browsers.

Incorrect host file configuration

Also, the reason why pages of Internet resources may not open may be an incorrect configuration of the host file. This situation is unlikely, but still worth checking. The host file is designed to record domain names of sites and their IP addresses, but as a rule it is empty and sends all requests to the DNS server. Sometimes situations arise when a malicious program records some parameters and the browser becomes inoperable.

To check the file configuration, you need to go to the Windows system folder on drive C. Next System32\drivers\etc and open host with Notepad. As a rule, it has standard content as shown in the figure:

If, after the description of localhost (, there are lines with information about any sites and their domain names, and the slash is not next to this data, then most likely the browser does not work properly because of them. To fix this situation, you just need to remove these lines and save the changes to the file. Then you need to restart your computer and try browsing the web again.

The situation when a computer is connected to a network, but sites are inaccessible to the user, occurs frequently. In the first place, this is a problem caused by failures on the ISP side when the DNS servers do not work. The second most common problem when Internet resource sites are unavailable is the impact of malware. In this case, it is recommended to have good anti-virus software and carry out preventive maintenance to detect viruses more often.

In contact with