The sound of Chinese words in Russian. Brief Russian-Chinese phrasebook: what a tourist needs to know

Greetings and farewells
Hello - nihao - 你好
Hi all! - dajia hao - 大家好
Long time no see - haojiu bujian - 好久不见
How are you - ni zenmeyang - 你怎么样?
Excellent - henhao - 很好
Not bad - bucuo - 不错
So-so - mama huhu - 马马虎虎
No way - bu zenmeyang - 不怎么样
Goodbye - zaijian - 再见
See you - zaihui - 再会
See you tomorrow - mingtian jian - 明天见
Bye - baibai - 拜拜

Frequently used phrases
I love traveling on my own - wo xihuan ziji lvyou - 我喜欢自己旅游
Thank you - xiexie - 谢谢
Please - bukeqi - 不客气
Please (please) - qing - 请
Sorry - buhaoyisi - 不好意思
Sorry (I am sorry) - duibuqi - 对不起
Sorry, - qingwen - 请问,
Yes - dui - 对
No - bu (bu shi) - 不(不是)
I don't know - bu zhidao - 不知道
I don’t understand (what you are saying) - ting bu dong - 听不懂
I don’t understand (in general) - bu ming bai - 不明白
Where are you from (from what country) - ni shi na ge guojia de - 你是哪个国家的?
I'm from Russia - wo shi eluosiren - 我是俄罗斯人
No problem - meiwenti - 没问题
Wait a minute - deng yixia - 等一下
Decide for yourself (up to you) - sui bian - 随便
Forget (give it up) - suan le - 算了
What? - shenme 什么?
Where? - nali - 哪里?
When? - shenme shihou - 什么时候?
How? - zenme - 怎么?
Why? - weishenme - 为什么?
Which? - neige - 哪个?
Who? - shui - 谁?
Give me - gei wo - *给我
Take - gei ni - 给你
Bad or good? - haobuhao - 好不好?
Yes or not? - 有没有?
What to do? - zenmeban - 怎么办?
Nothing can be done - meibanfa - 没办法

Languages ​​and communication
Do you speak English? - ni hui shuo yingwen ma - 你会说英文吗?
Does anyone here speak Russian? zheli you ren hui shuo eyu ma - 这里有人会说俄语吗?
How to say... in Chinese? - ... zhongwen zenme shuo - 。。。中文怎么说?
What means...? - ... shi shenme yisi - 。。。是什么意思?
I don't understand - ting bu dong - 听不懂

Airport - feijichang - 飞机场
Railway train station - huochezhan - 火车站
Bus station - qichezhan - 汽车站
Metro - ditie - 地铁
I need to get to the airport - wo yao qu feijichang - 我要去飞机场
I need a cheap ticket... - wo yao yi zhang qu ***pianyi de piao - 我要一张去***便宜的票
One way ticket - dan cheng piao - 单程票
Return ticket - wang fan piao - 往返票
I need two compartment tickets to Beijing - wo yao liang zhang dao bei jing de ruanwo piao - 我要两张到北京的软卧票
I need a plane ticket to Sanya (for other cities, see the next geographical branch) - wo yao yi zhang qu san ya de feiji piao - 我要一张去三亚的飞机票
I want to change my ticket - wo xiang huan wo de piao - *我想换我的票

I'm looking for an inexpensive hotel - wo yao zhao pianyi de lvguan - 我要找便宜的旅馆
Do you have any available rooms - nin zheli you fangjian ma - 您这里有房间吗?
I need an inexpensive double (single) room - wo yao pianyi de shuangrenjian (danrenjian) - 我要便宜的双人间(单人间)
What is the price? - duoshaoqian - 多少钱?
Sea view room - hai jing fang - 海景房
Can't it be cheaper? - keyi bu keyi pianyi yidian - 可以不可以便宜一点?
Is breakfast included in the price? - han zaocan ma - 含早餐吗?
I would like to pay, checkout - wo xiang tui fang - 我想退房

I'm lost - wo milule - 我迷路了
How to get? - zenmezou - 怎么走?
In which direction - wang na ge fangxiang - 往哪个方向?
Ahead - qianmian - 前面
From behind - houmian - 后面
On the right - youbian - 右边
Left -zuobian - 左边
Please tell me where is the bathhouse nearby - qingwen, zai zhe"er fujin youmeiyou yuchi - 请问,在这儿附近有没有浴池?
... sauna - sangna - 桑拿
... toilet - cesuo - 厕所
... hotel - bingguan - 宾馆
... internet cafe - wangba - 网吧
... diner - xiaochidian - 小吃店
... mail - youju- 邮局
... supermarket - chaoshi - 超市
... market - shichang - 市场
... bus stop - qichezhan - 汽车站
... ATM - qukuanji -取款机
... hospital - yiyuan - 医院
... police - jingchaju - 警察局
... Bank of China - zhongguo yinhang - 中国银行

I want to buy... - wo xiang mai... - 我想买。。。
What is the price? - duo shao qian - 多少钱?
Can I have a look? - keyi kankan ma - 可以看看吗?
It's too expensive - tai guile - 太贵了
I don't like it - wo bu xihuan - 我不喜欢
Can I pay by credit card? - keyi yong xinyongka ma - 可以用信用卡吗?
Are you crazy? - ni feng le - 你疯了?

At the restaurant
Are you hungry? - ni e le ma - 你饿了吗?
I'm starving to death - wo e si le - 我饿死了
I'm hungry - wo yao chifan - 我要吃饭
I haven't eaten for three days - wo santian mei chi fan le - 我三天没吃饭了
I am a vegetarian - wo chi su - 我吃素
Waiter! - fuwuyuan - 服务员
Menu - caidan - 菜单
Not spicy - bu la - 不辣
Cold - bing de - 冰的
Eat - chi fan ba - 吃饭吧
Napkins - canjinzhi - 餐巾纸
Is it possible to smoke here? - zai zheli keyi chouyan ma - 在这里可以抽烟吗?
Where is the toilet? - xishoujian zai nali - 洗手间在哪里?
Meat - rou - 肉
Fish - yu - 鱼
Noodles - mian - 面
Steamed rice - mifan - 米饭
Fried rice - chaofan - 炒饭
Dumplings - jiaozi - 饺子
Chopsticks - kuaizi - 筷子
Can I have a fork (spoon) - nimen haiyou chazi (shaozi) ma - 你们还有叉子(勺子)吗?
Check! - maidan - 买单

In the supermarket
Bread - mianbao- 面包
Water - shui - 水
Package - daizi - 袋子
Shopping cart - gou wu lan - 购物篮
Shopping cart - gou wu che - 购物车
Membership card - hui yuan ka - 会员卡

Photo and video
Digital camera - shuma zhaoxiangji- 数码照相机
Memory card - cunshu ka - 存储卡
Camera bag - zhaoxiangji bao - 照相机包
I lost my camera - wo diushi le wo de zhaoxiangji - 我丢失了我的照相机
My camera was stolen - wo de zhaoxiangji bei tou le - 我的照相机被偷了

Useful things
Map - ditu - 地图
Flashlight - shoudian - 手电
Mobile phone - shouji - 手机
Toilet paper - wei sheng zhi - 卫生纸
Aspirin - asipilin - 阿司匹林
Sunscreen - fangshaiyou - 防晒油

A Chinese phrasebook with pronunciation will definitely be useful to you, and the more detailed it is, the better. Make it a habit to carry it with you everywhere. This will greatly facilitate your journey through this vast and multifaceted country. It is better to take a Russian-Chinese phrasebook with hieroglyphs, although there may be confusion if you remember how extensive the Chinese hieroglyphic alphabet is (from 40 to 70 thousand characters). Many of them form identical-looking words with different meanings depending on pronunciation.

However, a Chinese phrasebook will help you bargain in the market, the Chinese can appreciate your weak knowledge and take advantage of it, so use the phrasebook with more confidence. We have collected a small number of useful phrases in Chinese for you so that you have a basis for mutual understanding at hand.

Even if you learn words and expressions, no one can guarantee that you have learned them correctly. And almost certainly something you say will turn out to be untranslatable for the Chinese themselves. At best they will be able to guess, at worst they will misinterpret.

If you don’t set global goals for yourself, you can master a simple set of phrases for basic communication, and correct your pronunciation in China.

We advise you to print it out and point your finger at the desired word. In any situation and under any circumstances, learn to pronounce the word “budun,” which means “I don’t understand.” This will help avoid many conflicts; the Chinese treat those who “don’t understand” with humor and are ready to help.



Transcription (PO Boxes)

Transcription (r/ya)

Thank you very much

fei chang gan xie

fi chan gan se


Bu Yong Se



qin yuan liang



tsai jiang


tsai jiang

Good morning

Good afternoon

Good evening

Wangshan Hao

Good night

I don't understand

wo bu min bai

How to say it
in Russian)?

zhe yong hanyu zemme jiang

Tse Yong Hanu Zeme Qiang

Do you speak-...

ni hui

nin shuo (jiang) yu (hua) ma?





Sibanya Yu


What is your name?

ni jiao shemme mingzi

Ni cao sheme minji

Very nice

hen gaoxing vujian ni

hen gaoxing wuqiang ni

How are you?

na hao ma

Where is the toilet here?

zishoujian zai nali

Jishotsyan Zai Nali

Tourists in China often face the problem of a language barrier. This is because even in big cities a limited number of Chinese speak English. And if in stores you can communicate using gestures and signs, then for communication in transport or in other public places it is better to memorize simple phrases and take with you a phrase book or a dictionary with transcription.

The most popular Chinese words

China is a country where live communication is valued. Here you cannot stand aside and be an outside observer. It is not easy for representatives of Western culture to get used to this way of life. A few of the most popular words should be learned by every person planning a trip to China. There are no words “yes” and “no” in this language; instead, more than 20 particles are used to express one’s attitude to a given issue.

Basic Chinese phrases with translation that will be useful in any situation:

When communicating with the Chinese, you can ask about the history and culture of their country, family and family traditions. But it is better not to touch on political topics and not discuss economic problems. Asking a Chinese person if it will rain can be an insult. The fact is that rain is predicted by a turtle, and identifying a person with this animal is an insult.

Simple phrases for children

Knowledge of basic expressions will help the child join the team and develop his social skills. It is important to be able to say hello, introduce yourself and get to know each other, express your attitude to what is happening, and maintain a conversation. Young people like to start phrases with the word “Hey”:

Among young people, the phrase “how are you” or “how is life” is often replaced with the informal “What’s going on here?”

诶, 什么事?(ēi, shén me shì?) Hey, sheng mi shi?

Chinese phrasebook with pronunciation in Russian

Depending on the situation, different phrases may be needed. The main thing is that the interlocutor understands what we are talking about, and he can answer with a gesture or show the direction with his hand.


When addressing strangers, you should not use colloquial addresses such as “aunt” or “uncle” unnecessarily. When communicating with good friends, it is appropriate to use the first name, and in a more formal setting, the first and last names, and first you need to put the person’s status, then the last name and first name. 再见! Bye
hare 早上好 / 晚上好 Good morning/evening
Ziao/wang shang hao 阿姨 addressing an older woman
A-i 先生 "master", in relation to a man
hsien-sheng 女士 "madam"
nyu-shi 你很漂亮! You are a beautiful girl!
“little friend” - to the child 小朋友 xiao pen-yu
to a young man 小伙子 xiao huozi
to a young woman 小姐 xiao-jie

Some time ago, a popular address in China was the word “comrade”, by analogy with the USSR. It’s better not to use this word now, as it has a new meaning: “gay.”

Common phrases

Knowing common phrases will help you make new acquaintances. China has both standard formal phrases and youth slang expressions. You should not use them without understanding your surroundings.

At customs

Knowing basic phrases will help you pass customs inspection and prevent unpleasant situations when crossing the border. The rules for importing and exporting goods from the customs territory of China are very confusing. It is important to keep all receipts for goods purchased in China. All valuables and jewelry must be declared upon entering the country so that there are no problems with export.

At the station

There are a lot of checks at the train station in China, so it is better to carry your passport with you along with your ticket. All information about trains is displayed on a large illuminated board, which is located near the main entrance. Without knowing the language, you can find there the train number, its departure time and the floor to which you should go. All other information is indicated in hieroglyphs, so you should not delve into it without knowing how to read. There are waiting rooms for different trains on different floors of the station; you need to find yours and wait for the corresponding announcement.

The Chinese are always running to take up space. Therefore, as soon as the train is boarded, all passengers from the waiting room will grab their bags and run, pushing everyone in their path.

If you can’t find your carriage, you need to show your ticket to the conductor - he will direct you in the right direction.

When buying a ticket, you should write down your destination, the number of tickets and the desired date on a piece of paper and give it to the cashier.

In transport

To get to a hotel or other desired location, you can use the map and show the taxi driver the desired location. When using a business card or handwritten address, it is important to be sure that the spelling is correct.

Take me here (show the place on the map). 请把我送到这里 Tsin ba wo sundao zheli.
How much does it cost to travel by bus/metro? 公车/地铁票多少钱? Gunche/dithe phao duo xiao tsien?
Where is the bus stop here? 附近的公交车站在哪儿? Fujin de gongjiaochhezhan zai nar?
Are you getting off? / I'm going out Xia ma? / Xia (clearly, affirmatively)
Driver! Stop it! (it's better to scream) Shifu, xia chhee!
Where can I rent a car? 在哪儿可 以租车? Zainar khei juche?

Taxi drivers in China can take advantage of the fact that a tourist does not know the area and drive him around in circles to inflate the price. This can be avoided if you create your own route in the navigator and show it to the driver. Also, ordering an official taxi with checkers and a meter can protect you from troubles.

At the hotel

Hotel staff in China practically does not speak English or Russian. If the hotel is 4 stars or higher, then it must have English-speaking reception staff. Gestures and pictures will help you communicate with maids, porters and other staff. Before checking in, it is advisable to check the integrity of the furniture in the room, the presence of all equipment, and the fullness of the minibar, so that you do not have to pay for something that was damaged by someone else.

When you don’t need to rush, it’s convenient to use an electronic translator - a special program on your smartphone that translates all phrases and reproduces speech. It must work online, but in China there are difficulties with the Internet, some services are limited, messages in instant messengers are sometimes moderated.


If you ask something on the street, it is better to find a policeman or an older, intelligent-looking person and ask the question or show it written on paper.

In the event of unforeseen situations, you should not argue or speak rudely with government officials. You should remain calm and be polite.

It is important to have the phone number of your country's consulate on hand so that you can contact them in an emergency.

On the streets of large cities there are “people's telephones”, as well as telephone booths that charge money for a conversation from a card.

If a tourist falls ill during his stay in China, then before going to the doctor you need to:

  • find all the symptoms on the Internet and write them down in Chinese on paper;
  • Buy a protective mask from germs at the pharmacy, of which there are many in Asian medical institutions.

At the reception you need to present the prepared sheet, and the administrator will tell you how much you need to pay and which office to go to. If a foreigner does not have insurance, treatment can be expensive.

Dates and times

Time in Chinese is made up of the hour number from 1 to 12 and the word “hour” itself 点 (diǎn). The Chinese do not use a 24-hour time system. The days of the week in Chinese have no name - they are numbered. The name of the day of the week consists of the week (xinqi) and the number of the day of the week.


You will have to use a lot of numbers during your trip to China, so it’s better to practice in advance.

  • 10+1 = 11 (shi and)
  • 10+5 = 15 (shi y)
  • 3+10 = 30 (san shi)
  • 4+10+5 = 45 (sy shi wu)

A popular Chinese way of showing numbers on the fingers. The fingers of one hand are used to represent prime numbers from 1 to 9:

While shopping

Trade in China is developing and is focused on Russian buyers. Therefore, in many boutiques, sellers know certain words, and some speak broken Russian. But the most proven way to bargain is a calculator.

In large shopping centers, where there are many Russian shoppers, you can meet Chinese traders who have taken European pseudonyms (Sasha, Natasha and others). They do this for the convenience of their clients. If we are talking about a business partner, then it is better to remember the Chinese name and pronounce it without errors.

While eating

The Chinese love to eat, they spend their weekends in cafes and meet friends there.

Bon appetit! 请慢用! jin ma yong
I will do it... 我要这个… In yao jege...
Is this dish spicy? 这个辣不辣? Jege la bu la?
Menu 菜单 kaidan
Check! 买单 Maidan
I would like to reserve a table. 我想预订一张桌子 Wu yang yuding yu zang ziosi
Can we see the menu? 能给我们看看菜单吗? Nyung gay woman cankan kaidan ma
What kind of soup do you have? 你们这儿有什么样的汤? Nimen zhai yu shemeyang de tang
Please bring the bill 请给我们账单 Chin jay woman jangdan

When visiting Chinese restaurants you need to be prepared for the following:

  • most food is spicy;
  • no menu in English;
  • the waiters speak only Chinese.

A good way out of the situation would be to print out the names of dishes in hieroglyphs with the names of the products and display them for ordering. Separately, you need to prepare the phrase “I don’t eat spicy things.” If the menu says 辣, it means the dish is very spicy.

You should not rely on the taste of the waiter or ask for the best dish in the restaurant - most likely it will be aimed at the taste of the Chinese, not the European.


Tones are of great importance in the pronunciation of words. One word spoken with different intonations can take on a completely different meaning. Puntuhua has 4 syllabic tones that have symbols.

1st tone 2nd tone 3rd tone 4th tone
  • The 1st tone is intonationally similar to an unfinished phrase;
  • 2nd tone – short, similar to asking again;
  • 3rd tone - like a puzzled question;
  • The 4th tone is short and resembles an order.

We learn the melody of pronunciation of Chinese words like a song, then working on the tones will not be a problem.

To master the rules of pronunciation, you should listen to the speech of native speakers, watch video lessons or attend courses. The study should be based on the auditory level. Interrogative sentences in Chinese are pronounced with a rising intonation, while declarative sentences are pronounced with a falling intonation.
Basic knowledge of the Chinese language and some words will improve the quality of travel in this country.

Chinese from scratch: the most compact phrasebook

The Chinese language is incredibly complex - and the Chinese agree. Their country has a huge number of dialects. A southern Chinese can compete with a northern Chinese in the pronunciation of the same word. But every self-respecting citizen of the People's Republic of China knows Putonghua, the national Chinese language. If you master at least a dozen of his words and phrases, you will be understood in any corner of China. Oh, and don't forget to learn how to count to 10.

Politeness is the basis of dialogue with Asians. There is an optimal set of phrases to express it. He will build bridges of understanding in foreign lands. Read and remember:

Hello! 你好 Ni hao!

Goodbye! 再见 Tsai jien!

Welcome! 欢迎 Huanying!


Thank you! 谢谢 Se se!



How are you? 你 吃饭 了 吗? Ni chi fan le ma.
Literally, this chain of Chinese characters translates as “Have you eaten?”, but can also mean “How are you?” or "What's going on?"

It is for you! 我 敬 你! Wo jing ni. This phrase can be heard during a toast at dinner. Its meaning is similar to “Hurray”.

I appreciate your hard work! 你辛苦了! Ni xin ku le.
The Chinese say these words when they have received a favor or been helped.

Excuse me! 多多包涵! Do do bao han!
Everything is clear here. In Russian, the phrase “I'm sorry” will be synonymous.

You are incredible! 你真牛! Ni zhen nu!
The character 牛 means "cow" in Chinese. It is not entirely clear why you should use such a comparison when you want to praise someone. But that’s how Chinese works.

Please take a photo of us. 请给我们拍一照. Tsin gey vomen phai i zhao.

Please repeat what you said. 请您再说一遍. Tsing nin zai shuo yi bien.

And this is a translation from Chinese into Russian. Photo:

Where can I buy a calling card? 在哪儿可以买到电话卡? Zainar khei maidao dienhua kha?

Tell me, please, what time is it? 请问,现在几点了? Tsingwen, xienzai jidien le?

Let's go have a snack together! I'm treating you! 起吃饭,我请客! And qi chi fan, vo qing ke! Keep in mind that you should not refuse a Chinese person a meal together. For them, this is an important ritual and a way to establish personal and business relationships.

Please tell me how to get there? 请问,到 怎么走? Tsing wen, dao zenme zou?

Tell me, please, where is the toilet? 请问,厕所在哪里? Tsing wen, zhesuo zai nali?

Where? Where? 哪里哪里?Nali, nali?
A rhetorical question used in China for a polite answer. For example, when they say “thank you,” say “nali, nali.” Believe me, this will impress the Chinese.

What is the cost? 多少钱? Tuo shao tsien?

Please count me in! 买单! May tribute!

I love you. 我爱你 Wow.

I love you too. 我也爱你 Vo e ai ni.

Bonus! Numbers in Chinese

1 一 AND
2 二 ER
3 三 SAN
4 四 SY
5 degrees U
6 六 LIU
7 七 TSI
8 八 BA
9 九 TsZIU
10 十 SHI
12 十二 SHI ER
20 pm ER SHI
30 pm SAN SHI
40 四十 SY SHI
50 五十 EARS
100 一百 AND BYE
200 二百 ER BAY
1,000 一千 AND TSIEN
10,000 一万 AND WANG
1,000,000 一百万 AND BAI WANG

The bare minimum of polite Chinese is right in front of your eyes. Master it in advance and at first you will definitely not be lost in the Celestial Empire.