Profession Tutor. Training programs

Despite the fact that the profession of a tutor is closely related to the profession of a teacher and has similar features, it differs both in form and in methods of work. We invite you to get to know this profession better.

For complete mastering educational material For some children, lessons at school alone are not enough, or more precisely, attention from a school teacher. Of course, teachers must ensure that every child understands what the teacher is saying. But it is not always possible to do this, since each student perceives information in his own way.

What to do if a child finds one subject more difficult than another, or if he needs more time to understand the topic, and the hours allotted by the school curriculum are not enough for this? It is in such a situation that the help of a tutor is needed, who accompanies and supports the child throughout the entire period of study, helping him fill gaps in knowledge.

Despite the fact that this profession is closely related to the profession of a teacher and has similar features, it differs both in form and in methods of work. We invite you to get to know this profession better.

Who is a tutor?

Educator, mentor, guide and personal inspirer. This person covers all aspects of a child's education. He doesn’t just provide knowledge, he understands what the student needs, taking into account his strengths and weaknesses, identifies aptitudes and interests, and also helps develop the student’s abilities. The tutor works both with preschool children and with students of higher educational institutions. That is, the scope of his activities includes everyone who needs individual training.

The name of the profession comes from the Latin tutor (protector, guardian). Tutoring originated in the Middle Ages. Many, at least once in their lives, have heard about the “wandering students” of the Middle Ages, but not everyone knows about the peculiarities of education in those times. At that time, freedom was very important to people. Students were free to do what they liked best, and had the right to independently choose the disciplines they wanted to attend, and were mainly engaged in self-education. In this situation, they really needed a mentor who could identify the subjects that were truly important to them. The tutor accompanied them throughout the entire period of study from beginning to end, and acted as an intermediary between professors and students. Over the years, the profession has become entrenched in the Western education system and acquired clearer boundaries.

In Russia, the profession arose recently and is better known to many under a different name - tutor. Its spread is associated with an increase in technological capabilities, transformation of the educational sphere, and changes in teaching methods caused by changing living conditions.

Among the responsibilities of a tutor are:

  • development of individual teaching methods using modern resources;
  • identification, formation and development of student abilities;
  • organization of individual learning process;
  • preparing the student for exams, admission to an educational institution and accompanying him throughout the entire period of study;
  • assessment of the individual achievements of the ward;
  • planning the curriculum in collaboration with teachers of educational institutions.

The tutor plays a very important role at work in special inclusive schools. Children with disabilities cannot integrate into society as easily as regular schoolchildren, so they need special attention and support. To work with these guys personal teacher much more knowledge is required, and he is also assigned more responsibilities in accordance with the needs of the ward. In this case, they work using different methods and help children not only learn the curriculum, but adapt to the team. However, this does not mean that the mentor does all the work instead of the child. His task is to provide assistance in some difficult issues, and most importantly, he must teach him to be independent.

Distance education, which also requires the help of tutors, has become widespread today. Online learning uses different methods and involves remote contact with the teacher, so his responsibilities are somewhat different from face-to-face work.

What personal qualities should a tutor have?

To become a tutor, you need to have many important qualities, but the fundamental one is love for children. It allows a person to overcome all obstacles on the path to understanding, establish contact with the student and identify his individual abilities. A child who feels hostility towards him will never listen to an adult and see authority in him, so sincerity and kindness come first in this work.

A high level of responsibility, discipline and psychological stability must accompany every action mentor. The tutor must find a middle ground between giving the student independence and monitoring his actions. He guides and pushes the child at every stage of learning, but at the same time carefully monitors his actions and corrects mistakes with special tact.

In order for the learning process to take place smoothly and effectively, a specialist needs to have organizational skills, be communicative and have oratory skills. All this will help present the material and make the lesson interesting and exciting, which is very important for the perception and mastery of new knowledge.

Other qualities that will be useful to a tutor in their work include:

  • activity;
  • optimism;
  • determination;
  • high level of culture;
  • penchant for analysis;
  • practicality;
  • prudence;
  • calm;
  • Creative skills;
  • developed intuition.

Advantages of being a tutor

A personal teacher can realize himself by working both individually and in various special educational institutions with groups of children. In cases with an individual lesson format, emotional stress is reduced, because interaction with one child does not require the distribution of energy among the whole group.

Today, in the educational field, the demand for the profession is increasing and, accordingly, the demand for specialists is growing. In addition, this specialty is on the list professions of the future, so the tutor does not need to worry about being busy both now and in the future.

In addition, the level of wages increases interest in the profession on the part of specialists. Depending on qualifications, the average salary of a tutor in Moscow ranges from 35-100 thousand rubles, and in Russia tutors receive from 8 to 33 thousand. Conducting individual lessons also brings good income: from 500 to 1000 rubles per hour. Plus, such lessons do not have a time limit and allow you to set your own work schedule.

If a specialist likes his work, he will receive great moral pleasure from communicating with children and the opportunity to open up a world of knowledge to them and broaden their horizons.

Having enough experience and knowledge, you can engage in individual entrepreneurship and open your own school or training center.

Disadvantages of the tutor profession

Although working with children is enjoyable, work curator of the educational process involves more responsibilities than simple communication with wards. A lot of time is spent preparing for classes, which requires a constant search for materials, long periods of sitting, and eye strain. If you do not approach the issue correctly, it can negatively affect your health.

Another negative factor is constant emotional tension, which often causes stress. Constant pressure from parents, students and management can cause depression and frustration.

Individual lessons have not only advantages, but also disadvantages. So, in order to achieve a certain level of income, a tutor needs to constantly advertise his services and look for students, since when teaching 1-2 children, although he will have a lot of free time, his salary will be low.

Where can I get a job as a tutor?

Unlike Western universities, which have long included this specialty in their training programs, Russian universities began training tutors relatively recently. But the popularity of the profession is gaining momentum, and soon it is planned to increase the number of educational institutions that train these specialists.

  • The level of education:


  • Form of study:

    using distance educational technologies

  • Start of classes: Anytime


Issued document on completion of training Certificate Certificate
Scope of the program 72 academic hours 144 academic hours
Duration 2 weeks 2 weeks
Price *
discounts until 09/30/2019
5,100 rub.
9,600 rub.
6,700 rub.
10,800 rub.
Sample of the issued document
* Please check with the manager for prices for the organization.

Course curriculum

Module 1. Presentation of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education

  • 1.1. What is Federal State Educational Standard
  • 1.2. General provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard
  • 1.3. Requirements for the structure of the educational program of preschool education and its volume
  • 1.4. Educational areas of Federal State Educational Standards of Education
  • 1.5. Children's activities
  • 1.6. Aspects of the educational environment for a preschool child
  • 1.7. Structure of the educational program of preschool education
  • 1.8. Characteristics of sections of the preschool education program
  • 1.9. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of preschool education
  • 1.10. The main tasks of a teacher when implementing the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education
  • 1.11. Targets at the stage of completion of preschool education

Module 2. Presentation of Federal State Educational Standards LLC and SOO

  • 2.1. General provisions of Federal State Educational Standards LLC and SOO
  • 2.2. Requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program
  • 2.3. Requirements for the structure of the main educational program
  • 2.4. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program
  • 2.5. Requirements for personnel conditions
  • 2.6. Financial and economic conditions for the implementation of the main educational program
  • 2.7. Material and technical conditions for the implementation of the main educational program
  • 2.8. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the main educational program
  • 2.9. Information and educational environment
  • 2.10. Activity-based paradigm of education: planned results and assessment system
  • 2.11. Portraits of graduates

Module 3. Relevance of the tutor profession in the education system

  • 3.1. The concept of “tutoring” as a special pedagogical position
  • 3.2. Job responsibilities of an OO tutor
  • 3.3. Main functions of an OO tutor
  • 3.4. Professional competencies of an OO tutor
  • 3.5. Main directions of tutor support in public organizations
  • 3.6. Principles of organizing tutor support in public organizations

Module 4. Organization of tutor support

  • 4.1. What is tutor competence?
  • 4.2. What is meant by tutor support for preschoolers?
  • 4.3. Methodological basis for developing a model of tutor support in public education
  • 4.4. The main stages of tutor support in educational institutions
  • 4.5. Model of support for an individual educational route

Module 5. Basic forms of tutor support in educational institutions

  • 5.1. Group tutor consultation
  • 5.2. Tutorial (training tutor seminar)
  • 5.3. Training
  • 5.4. Educational event

Total: 72/140 ac. hours

Course Description

How to learn to accompany a child with special needs in the educational system?

With the introduction of inclusive education, tutoring is becoming increasingly relevant, creating a growing demand for specialists in this field. Considering the observed trends, we can confidently say that this area of ​​pedagogy will require a large number of personnel in the very near future. For those who have chosen the profession of a tutor, training is a constant need, as innovative systems for the development of children with disabilities and their integration into the educational process are emerging.

Every child has the right to study and be actively involved in the life of a friendly society. If he has any specific health conditions, the person who will become a guide and assistant is irreplaceable, and his participation in the learning process is invaluable. However, next to the children there should be well-trained people who are well versed in defectology, pedagogy and psychology. Only a true professional can provide comfort to his ward during lessons at school, kindergarten or art classes. Tutor courses will help you improve your skills.

Online format for professional growth

A tutor views distance learning as a wonderful opportunity to make a significant contribution to professional growth with minimal expenditure of resources. Without wasting time and money on travel and accommodation to the place of classes, students of our institute can focus on the most important thing - gaining knowledge. We note the compact deadlines and flexible schedule, which everyone can adjust to their personal schedule.

Thus, the courses offered by the institute can be safely called an ideal solution for those who want to gain new knowledge and skills without falling out of the usual rhythm of life. If you see your mission as promoting the development and inclusion of children with special needs, take the courses and appreciate the opportunities they provide!

State license

License to carry out educational activities

Check with Rosobrnadzor

License No. 039454 dated June 26, 2018 (LIFELESS), issued by the Moscow Department of Education. You can check your license on the website of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor).

Duration: unlimited
OGRN: 1197700009804
Series, form number: 77Л01 0010327
INN: 7724442824

Application for training

The professional retraining program was developed taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and includes the study of a wide range of special disciplines, and is aimed at obtaining the competencies necessary to perform a new type of professional activity in connection with the acquisition of new qualifications. Dear listeners! We present to your attention a professional retraining course “Tutor support in educational organizations.” Tutor is a new profession for Russian education. However, at the moment, the services of a tutor are quite in demand due to the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for the education of students with disabilities and the entry into force of the professional standard “Specialist in the field of education,” where one of the general job functions is “Tutor support for students.” Tutor accompaniment involves identifying and “promoting” the interest of the tutor (accompanied) along three vectors: social, cultural-subject and anthropological, which reveal additional resources for the implementation of the individual educational route of a particular student.


To develop practical skills in pedagogical support for the implementation by students, including students with disabilities (HH) and disabilities, of individual educational routes (projects), organization of an accessible educational environment in preschool institutions in educational schools, both special and general, implementing an inclusive approach.


Education and pedagogy.


Correspondence courses using distance learning technologies. Information about the form of study is not included in the diploma.


Intermediate certification in the form of tests and practical work; mandatory final certification




The final certification includes only the final exam. Final certification is carried out remotely. This means that the listener will be offered a ticket that must be answered within a certain period of time.

The Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Teaching Staff of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Professional Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University and the Department of Individualization and Tutoring of the Institute of Childhood, Moscow State Pedagogical University (scientific supervisor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor T.M. Kovaleva) invites specialists of the education system to take part in various forms of advanced training and retraining for mastering unique and in demand profession - TUTOR.

Enrollment for the PROFESSIONAL RETRAINING program “Tutor support of educational activities” is ending

The program is intended for persons, as a rule, with higher pedagogical education: Form of study: full-time and part-time with the use of distance educational technologies. The curriculum presents disciplines of the legal, psychological, pedagogical and professional cycles, ensuring readiness for professional tutoring activities. Tutor practice is provided. Based on the results of completing the course and defending the thesis, a diploma of professional retraining is issued with the qualification of TUTOR.

Training period: 6-9 months (November 2016 – June 2017), Volume: 500 hours (face-to-face module), 800 hours (distance module).

Price: 80,000 rub.


Tutor of the program: Kalinnikova Natalia Gennadievna, candidate of philology, science, associate professor (tel. 8 905 783 94 61)

Advanced training courses on various tutoring topics are offered in full-time, part-time and distance learning formats

Courses can be conducted on the basis of educational organizations upon request of teams with individual determination of terms and operating hours. (Subject to a group of at least 15 people).

Based on the results of training, a certificate of the established form is issued.

Cost of education: 72 hours – 15,000 rub.

It is possible to undergo advanced training in the form of an internship according to an individual plan.

Coordinator: deputy head Department of Individualization and Tutoring, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Natalya Yuryevna Gracheva (tel. 8 926 373 37 83).

Applications are accepted by e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]


Advanced training course programs are implemented in full-time and part-time forms using distance learning forms. The duration and cost of training vary depending on the number of training hours: 72 hours – 6 days of full-time classes (RUB 18,000) and remote form (RUB 12,000), 36 hours – 3 days of full-time classes (10,000 rubles), 24 hours – 2 days of full-time classes (8,000 rubles). The price does not include accommodation and meals. Students are provided with places in a comfortable dormitory.

Courses can be conducted on the basis of educational institutions upon request of teams with individual determination of terms and operating hours. Provided that the group consists of at least 15 people.
Based on the results of training, a certificate of the established form is issued.

SubjectNumber of hours
1. “Technological school of tutoring: tools for implementing the principle of individualization of the educational process in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard”72 h
36 h
2. “Technological school of tutoring: “Navigation” technology as a resource for the tutor’s work”36 h
3. “Tutor support for persons with disabilities in inclusive and special education: implementation technologies in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard”72 h
36 h
24 hours
4. “Tutor support for gifted children”72 h
36 h
24 hours
5. “Individualization and tutoring in preschool education in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard”72 h
36 h

Advanced training programs in the form of internships require an individual program according to an individual plan.

Tuition fee: 36 hours - 20,000 rubles, 72 hours - 25,000 rubles, 144 hours - 32,000 rubles.


Professional retraining programs are being implemented with the qualification “Tutor” in the following areas:

  • “Tutoring in the field of education”
  • “Tutor support for persons with disabilities”

Advanced training courses “Tutor support in education. Distance professional retraining course (256 hours)"

Education, coaching, open

About the program:

The course is intended for those who want to become a professional tutor in the field of LLC and SPO. Since 2008, the position of “Tutor” has been enshrined in a number of Federal regulations in the list of positions for teaching staff. The emergence of a tutor position can be compared with the beginning of a new stage of development and revision of the principles of the entire education system.

In the Russian education system, the “tutor” profession is actively developing and gaining momentum. Nowadays, tutoring is considered as an autonomous independent profession.

The basic principles underlying the activities of a tutor: individualization, continuity, openness, flexibility determine the increasing demand for tutors in modern schools. Throughout the country there is a continuously growing interest in the tutor profession. Many teachers strive to master and learn how to competently apply in practice the basic ideas and principles of the profession of the present and future - a tutor.

You want:

  • become a tutor and don’t know where to start?
  • as an active teacher, to master a new type of teaching activity?
  • learn to competently carry out pedagogical design of the educational environment?
  • master the functions, methods and forms of tutoring?
  • learn the basics of tutor support in inclusive education?

    Then sign up and undergo training in a professional retraining program developed by leading Russian experts in the field of tutoring:

    Tutor support in education.
    Distance professional retraining course (256 hours)

    For whom?

    The course is intended for everyone who has a higher or secondary specialized education in the direction of “Education and Pedagogy” and wants to learn a new profession - t tutor in education.

    For what?

    The purpose of the course is to develop in students the necessary knowledge, skills and practical experience necessary to conduct a new type of teaching activity.

    Molded professional competencies:

  • Reflective assessment of one’s own educational and professional experience, planning of professional development.
  • Competent implementation of pedagogical design of a variable, open, redundant educational environment.
  • Competent implementation of group and individual pedagogical support for the design and implementation of individual educational programs by students, taking into account the student population, the given scale of the program, and the conditions of the immediate environment.
  • Ensuring interaction between subjects of the sociocultural environment for the implementation of individual educational programs by students.

    Leading Russian experts in the field of tutoring took part in the preparation of program materials:

    Kovaleva Tatyana Mikhailovna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Department of Individualization and Tutoring at Moscow State Pedagogical University, head of the first master's program in Russia in the field of "Tutoring in Education", President of the Interregional Tutor Association (ITU), Moscow;

    Cheredilina Maria Yurievna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Individualization and Tutoring at Moscow State Pedagogical University, member of the board of the Moscow Public Educational Institution “MTA”, coordinator of the development of a professional standard for tutoring support, Moscow;

    Karpenkova I.V., Ph.D., psychologist, "Our Solar World", Moscow

    Sukhanova E.A., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Deputy Director of the REC "Institute of Innovation in Education" TSU, Tomsk

    The course program consists of 2 modules, 7 lectures and final certification work.

    Module 1. General professional disciplines
    Lecture No. 1. Pedagogy of open education
    Lecture No. 2. Modern teaching professions and competencies

    Module 2. Special disciplines
    Lecture No. 3. Historical and theoretical foundations of tutor support
    Lecture No. 4. Tutor support in general education
    Lecture No. 5. Tutor support in vocational education
    Lecture No. 6. Tutor support in inclusive education
    Lecture No. 7. Tutor project

    Final certification work

    You can find the detailed course program in the section Program.
    License for educational activities, series 78LO2 No. 0000227, registration No. 1314 dated 03/02/2015.

    Benefits of studying on our course:

  • Distance learning - You can adjust the training to suit your personal schedule and not incur business travel expenses.
  • All lectures and materials from the best experts are always at your fingertips!
  • During training and for two weeks after completion, you can ask questions to the course experts!
  • You will receive samples and ready-made templates of basic documents!


    Based on the results of training and completion of the tutor project, students receive a Diploma of professional retraining from the licensed Forum Media Training Center under the “Tutor in Education” program (256 hours).
    The appendices include a selection of regulations, recommendations, samples and document templates.

    Training order

    Training takes place remotely and consists of lectures in PDF format. Lectures are sent to the email address specified in the application. Each lecture is accompanied by self-test questions, the answers to which students receive with the next lecture. At the end of the training, students complete an individual tutor project. Without successfully completing a tutor project, obtaining an education document is impossible.

    During the training, students have the opportunity to ask the expert questions about the lecture materials and situations from their practice.

    The training application form that you send us is both an application and a letter of guarantee. You just need to put the signature of the responsible person and the seal of the organization on it. By sending such an application, you will be able to complete the training before paying for the course. The course of lectures will be sent according to the schedule specified in the form.

    We offer you a unique opportunity to gain knowledge on the course you are interested in without urgent prepayment.

    Study now - pay later!


    In accordance with the requirements of Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, in order to enroll in a group studying a professional retraining course under the program of additional professional education “Tutor in Education”, it is MANDATORY to have secondary vocational or higher education in the field of “Education and Pedagogy” ", confirmed by the corresponding diploma. You must provide us with a copy (scan) of your diploma of higher or secondary vocational education in the relevant field. If you do not have such a diploma, then upon completion of the training you will receive a certificate (certificate) of completion of the course.

    Duration: 48 days | 256 hours

    Dates:(not indicated)

    Price: 22420 rub.
