Equestria girls friendship game dummies. Best games online

Would you really like this too? Everything is possible thanks to our new section. The Equestria Girls games collected in it will give you and others a wonderful opportunity to go straight into a fairy tale and finally see with your own eyes how and where the characters of this wonderful cartoon live. Moreover, you can spend as much time with them as you want, and not just a few minutes. Down with any restrictions! The only thing that can distract you from playing the Equestria Girls section is the persistent requests of your parents - you definitely won’t be able to tear yourself away from them.

There are never too many miracles

Equestria is a fictional country where the characters from the cartoon “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic” live. Since “equus” means “horse” in Latin, it is clear that its main inhabitants are cartoon ponies. Equestria Girls games will introduce you to the most interesting of them. For example, with the charming unicorn Twilight Sparkle, who turned out to be such a diligent student that her mentor, the wise Princess Celestia (one of the rulers of the fairy-tale country), even forbade the baby to study. And she sent me for a walk on the street instead. It would be great if the teachers at your school did this! The princess really hoped that Sparkle, who impeccably carried out any of her tasks, would not shirk this time either, would go for a walk in the town of Canterlop, and along the way would make many new acquaintances.

Actually, that’s exactly what happened. The only difference is that the Equestria Girls games will allow you to keep your little one company and take part in all the upcoming adventures. And, believe me, there will be a lot of them. The little horse will not only make new friends, but will also fight hordes of dark alicorns, learn how to make apple cider, make rain on his own, make rooms crystal clean, pronounce the letters of the English alphabet, and do many other useful things. And you can master all these miracles with her. All you have to do is start playing.

There is nothing better in the world than wandering around the world with friends

During her journey, Sparkle will meet a lot of new faces. The main achievement, which the wise Celestia was counting on, would be her meeting with Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Apple Jack, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. These pony girls (you can see all of them in our games about Equestria) will turn into Sparkle's best friends, from now on they will cope with any life situation together, helping and supporting each other, as true friends should. No matter what trouble happens, everyone knows: five brave horses are already rushing to her aid. When you start playing Equestria Girls games, pay attention to how carefully and attentively the little ponies treat each other, and compare it with how your communication with friends goes. Perhaps you can learn something from cartoon characters.

The main secret of magical ponies

Once you get to know the touching horses from wonderful Equestria (including thanks to our cool online toys for girls), you will love them with all your heart. And how could it be otherwise, because kinder and more devoted creatures in the world simply do not exist. True, when you launch some Equestria Girls games, you run the risk of being very surprised when you don’t find your adored little girls in them, but you see a gaggle of ordinary funny girls, very similar to them. This is the secret of magic ponies, which they carefully hide from prying eyes. Sometimes, in extremely rare and exceptional cases, these cute girls with manes and hooves take on human form and go to the human world.

Most often, such forays are associated with orders from princess rulers. But sometimes, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Apple Jack, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash play pranks and are transported into our world without permission. This is where the girls from Equestria let themselves go: they wander around the shops, flirt with guys, make themselves beautiful in salons, run to discos, record music albums, and come up with other, no less interesting, fun and games. And you can take part in all this funny disgrace. We guarantee you won’t be bored for a second.

Moreover, everything in these toys is thought out so that you feel comfortable and have fun. For example, management is simplified as much as possible. Since the main emphasis of the entire My Little Pony series is on the personal qualities of the characters, special sleight of hand or quick reaction is not required during the passage. During any game of Equestria Girls you will need only 5 keys - four arrow buttons on your computer keyboard and a space bar. In general, nothing complicated. Moreover, such simplicity does not affect the excitement of the adventures of little ponies.

Free Online Games for girls Pony from Equestria

Pony Girls from Equestria: Picnic on the grass. Game for girls and girls! It's school holidays and wonderful weather in Equestria. The Pony girls from Canterlot School decided to take advantage of this great opportunity. They go to the forest to have a great picnic on the grass. After a long search, a convenient clearing for a picnic was finally found, but it turned out to be littered with various debris. Girls, so that our heroes’ mood does not spoil, you must help them arrange a picnic area. Start by cleaning the clearing. Once you complete this task, you will be able to pitch a tent, decorate the campsite, and also organize a great dinner for them. To control the game "Equestria Pony Girls: Picnic on the Grass" you will need a mouse. Good luck!

Equestria Pony Girls: Picnic on the Grass

New hairstyle for Apple Jack. Game for girls and girls! Girls, in this game you will be transported to the fairy-tale country of Equestria, to the small town of Poneville. The famous heroine of the children's animated series “Friendship is Magic” named Apple Jack lives there. The Pony girl works tirelessly on her farm, where she grows sweet apples. Don't think that Apple Jack knows nothing more than his farm. Like all girls her age, Apple Jack loves dresses and parties. So today she is going to have fun in a noisy company of friends. You know, girls, our sweet heroine has one peculiarity. In such companies, Apple Jack always prefers to be visible. At tonight's party, she is going to wow the crowd with her new hairstyle. Rainbow Dash will create such a cool hairstyle for Apple Jack and you girls will help her with this. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

New hairstyle for Apple Jack

In Equestria, Canterlot High School is graduating. Game for girls and girls! In Equestria, Canterlot High School is graduating. The Pony girls - Twilight, Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash - must take the honorary stage of their educational institution for the last time to receive their diploma of education. Of course, on this memorable day, every Pony girl wants to look her best. Girls, if you are ready to help them, arm yourself with a mouse and explore their wardrobes without any embarrassment. We are sure that you will find everything you need to dress them there. But the main attribute of clothing for today’s event should be a black robe and a confederate cap, indicating successful completion of a university. Good luck!

In Equestria, Canterlot High School graduation

Pinkie Pie becomes a mommy. Game for girls and girls! ATTENTION! TO ENTER THE GAME, FIRST CLICK ON THE PINK STRIP AND THEN ON THE YELLOW BUTTON WITH THE WHITE JOYSTICK INSIDE. Pinkie Pie becomes a mommy - the best game for girls from a series of games about a hospital, in which, girls, you, as obstetricians, will help a pregnant Pony girl from Equestria in the birth of her child. Time does not stand still. The Pony girls we know are growing up and getting married. As expected, they have children. Now it's time for Pinkie Pie to give birth. Girls, urgently prepare the necessary things for her for the hospital. Don't forget to check if the stroller is ready for her baby. Now take Pinkie Pie to the hospital. In the hospital, first of all, make sure that everything is okay with the mother and her unborn child: listen to the baby’s heartbeat, measure the mother’s temperature and blood pressure. Everything is fine! Girls, the most important moment has come. Give mommy a stimulating injection, offer her an oxygen mask and begin to control mommy's contractions. You will succeed! Pinkie Pie will give birth to a healthy daughter. Now, girls, all you have to do is perform all the necessary procedures for the baby in such cases. Play with the mouse.

Pinkie Pie becomes a mommy

Beauty salon for girls Pony from Equestria. Game for girls and girls! There's a party today in the fairytale land of Equestira at Canterlot School. Apple Jack and Twilight Sparkle dream of looking like real ladies at a party - stylish and beautiful. They decided to bring beauty from the head. For this reason they are here in your beauty salon. Girls, try not to deceive their hopes. Take care of their hair, give them stylish hairstyles. And then choose the most fashionable outfits and accessories for them. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Beauty salon for girls Pony from Equestria

Cute pegasists. Game for girls and girls! "Cute Pegasus" is an exciting dress-up game for girls in the style of Pony girls from Equestria. As you remember from the numerous cartoons in the “Friendship is Magic” series, Pegasi are Ponies endowed with wings, able to fly and control the weather. And Pegasists are people who adore Pegasus for their beauty and dignity. At the right time for Equestria, the pegasi passed through the magic mirror and turned into Pony girls. Our heroines, dear sisters, are delighted with the shy girl Pony Fluttershy, who is distinguished by her shyness, but at the moment when she needs to protect her friends, she becomes unpredictably cheeky and decisive. And even Derpy, who constantly breaks something and tries to help even those who don’t ask her for it, arouses their sympathy. Not everyone can be like Derpy, sincere, cheerful and loyal. Such qualities are very important especially in friendship. That’s why, when going to a themed party, our cute pegasus girls decided to show up in the guise of their favorite pegasuses – Fluttershy and Derpy. Now, girls, it's up to you. Choose your sisters' hairstyles, outfits and accessories in the desired style. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Cute pegasists

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash: My Modern Little Ponies. Game for girls and girls! "Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash: My Modern Little Ponies" is the best game for girls in the series of games about Pony girls, their modern outfits and makeup. In the fairytale land of Equestria, the Pony girls - Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash - are having a big party today. As you know, for a number of reasons the Pony girls had to live in the human world for some time. Since then, their wardrobe has changed beyond recognition. There is no more room for old-fashioned outfits. The clothes of modern Pony girls have become much more elegant. Girls, have you forgotten that Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are going to a party? We got carried away with chatting. It's time to get down to business! Arm yourself with a mouse and start choosing stylish hairstyles and modern, super fashionable outfits for Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. But, first of all, give them a really beautiful, modern make-up. Good luck!

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash: My Modern Ma

Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Dash): Coolest of all. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you will meet the famous student of Canterlot School, a resident of the town of Poneville, located in the fairy-tale country of Equestria - pony girl Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Dash). Being a pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail, Rainbow Dash later transformed and acquired human features. By nature, Rainbow Dash is a real tomboy. She is not very concerned about her appearance, although if desired, she can easily turn into a fashionista and beauty. This girl loves sports, fighting for victory and especially flying. Playing the guitar and making fantastic turns in flight are her weakness. She herself and all the residents of Poneville declare that Rainbow Dash is the coolest in Equestria. This is the Pony girl from Equestria that you, girls, now have to dress for her next competition. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Dash): Coolest of all

Daring Do: Dress up for girls Pony. Game for girls and girls! Daring Do: Dress Up for Pony Girls - an exciting game for girls to dress up the brave girl Pony, the heroine of the animated children's series - a pegasus named Dering Do. Her name contains a certain meaning - courage and adventurism at the same time - which already speaks for itself. In Equestria, at the Canterlot school where this brave girl studies, she is always entrusted with the most important matters. Today, Dering Du is entrusted with a responsible mission. She must go on an expedition into the wild jungle to continue the search for traces of ancient civilizations that once began there. Girls, it’s your task to choose cute Pony outfits suitable for such an important mission. To do this you will need a mouse. Good luck!

Daring Do: Pony Girl Dress Up

Pony Girl from Equestria Fluttershy: Dress Up. Game for girls and girls! Hi girls! We invite you to go with us to the fabulous country of Equestria, where little Ponies live, who have gone through a magical transformation from tiny Pony horses into wonderful girls - Pony girls from Equestria. Meet one of them. Her name is Fluttershy. Fluttershy pony pegasus. Fluttershy is kindness itself. She loves animals and taking care of them. Our sweet girl Pony is fond of dancing and today she and her friends are going to win a dance competition. Girls, help her choose a beautiful and stylish outfit for this event. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Pony Girl from Equestria Fluttershy: Dressing

Pony Girl Rainbow Dash: Dress Up. Game for girls and girls! In the fairy-tale country of Equestria, the small town of Poneville, there lives a cool Pony girl named Rainbow Dash. This girl is famous for being responsible for the sunny weather in her country. She is also famous for her cheerful disposition. Her fiery, cheerful character is reflected in her behavior, as in a mirror. At Canterlot High, not a single party is complete without her. The bright style of her outfits is echoed by many of her friends. It’s clear that this girl’s name is Rainbow Dash for a reason. Take a look at her wardrobe and you will understand why this is the case and not otherwise. Her outfits and even her hairstyle are so bright and beautiful that they always resemble the really living colors of the rainbow. Meanwhile, girls, this is her style, which, like a mirror, reflects her cheerful character.

Pony Girl Rainbow Dash: Dress Up

Equestria: The Fight for the Crown. Game for girls and girls! Equestria: Fight for the Crown is a game for girls and young women in Russian. Girls, you, of course, remember the fascinating story from the life of the Pony girls from the fairy-tale country of Equestria. One of them - the insidious Sunset Shimmer - stole the crown from Twilight Sparkle (Twilight Sparkle) and all the other Pony girls had to go to the human world to help Twilight find Shimmer and take the stolen goods from her. Girls, in this game you will play as a girl, Pony Twilight Sparkle. Follow the Pony girl everywhere and help her complete tasks. Pay special attention to the organization of the ball. Sunset Shimmer will definitely want to show off her crown at the ball and then Twilight Sparkle will be able to return the crown. To control the game you will need the arrow keys and the space bar. Good luck!

Equestria: Fight for the Crown

Apple Jack, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash are high school students. Game for girls and girls! Summer has ended in Equestria. The friends - the girls Pony Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack - became high school students. Girls, can you imagine how important it is to introduce yourself on the first day of school so that you are noticed? Of course, in the best sense of the word! That’s why, girls, helping the heroines of this game in preparation for such an important event, you will have to try very hard today to choose the most stylish, most fashionable, most elegant outfits and accessories for our young ladies. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Apple Jack, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rain

Pony girls are high school students. Game for girls and girls! Latest news in Equestria. The Pony girls - Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash became high school students. Girls, can you imagine how important it is to announce yourself on the first day of school so that you are noticed? Of course in the best sense of the word! That’s why, girls, helping the heroines of this game in preparation for such an important event, today you should try very hard to choose the most stylish, most fashionable, most elegant outfits and accessories for the young ladies. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Pony girls - high school students

Equestria: Grand cleaning with Pony girl Apple Jack. Game for girls and girls! In Equestria, in the house of the girl Pony Apple Jack, a grand party took place today. The guests had fun and went home, and the sweet hostess was left with real chaos after them. Girls, together with Apple Jack you now have to clean up the house, and at the same time do a lot of laundry. Start cleaning in the kitchen. Click on the tap and sink to make Apple Jack turn to the sink and help her wash the dirty dishes. Then use a mop to tidy up the floors. The cleaner will help you deal with carbon deposits on the stove. Now you can move to the bedroom. Here you will need to collect garbage and clothes scattered throughout the room, as well as place some things in their places. After this, you will have to do the laundry. As you can see, among the dirty clothes there are multi-colored items that should not be washed together. Having sorted the items into three baskets, you can start washing them and then drying them. To carry out all operations you will need a mouse. Good luck!

Equestria: Grand Cleanup with Pony Girls

Twilight Sparkle follows new fashion trends. Game for girls and girls! There will be a huge party tonight at Canterlot High in Equestria. Pony girl Twilight Sparkle (Twilight Sparkle), trying to find the perfect look for a party, has been studying fashion bloggers' magazines for several days in a row. But everything is in vain! There are so many tempting offers that making a choice is very difficult. Girls, apparently, you will have to help our beauty. When choosing outfits for Sparkle, do not forget to be guided by the latest trends in the fashion world of her fairyland, and then everything will be perfect. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Twilight Sparkle follows a new trend

Barbie in the style of girls Pony from Equestria. Game for girls and girls! Barbie loves Pony girls from Equestria and today, girls, with your help, she decided to try on their image. Start your Barbie transformation with makeup and hairstyle. And then move on to choosing outfits in the adored style of Equestrian fashionistas. Good luck!

Barbie in the style of girls Pony from Equestria

Fashion competition in Equestria. Game for girls and girls! In the fabulous country of Equestria, in the city of Poneville, today a cool event is being organized for the students of Canterlot School - a fashion competition. The two most famous students are in the lead at the finish line. This is Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Dash) and Twilight Sparkle (Twilight Sparkle). Each of them dreams of winning the competition. Girls, at this stage of the game you have to intervene in its events. Help Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle choose outfits, hairstyles and accessories. And then wait for the results. To perform your duties you will need a mouse. Good luck!

Hairstyles for girls Pony from Equestria. Game for girls and girls! Girls, in this game you will play the role of the famous hairdresser for Pony girls from Equestria. Meet, the most successful students of Canterlot School - Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash - have come to your hairdresser. In Equestria, Girlfriends are also famous for their concerts. Like all creative personalities, the Pony girls are in constant search of a stage image. Today, Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack are not happy with the unruly mop of their magnificent hair and want to tame it into their hairstyles. Dear hairdressers, the client's wishes are the law. Arm yourself with a mouse and get to work. And once you’ve done your hair, help your lovely girlfriends choose stylish outfits to match their new hairstyles. Good luck!

Hairstyles for girls Pony from Equestria

Fashion girls Pony Rainbow Dash. Game for girls and girls! Girls, you, of course, are familiar with the Pony girl from Equestria named Rainbow Dash. This bubbly girl is responsible for the sunny weather in Poneville. And if you only knew how fiery she plays the bass guitar! But that's not all. In Equestria, Rainbow Dash is famous for her style. This lovely girl is not called Rainbow Dash for nothing. Pay attention to her head. Look into her wardrobe. In her hair, outfits and even in her eyes you will see colors surprisingly similar to the colors of a rainbow that appeared in a surprisingly clear sky after a warm rain. This is the style of Rainbow Dash, which has become fashionable far beyond the borders of Poneville and Equestria. Girls, do you want to offer her something new? Try it! Change her eye and hair color. Choose her a new hairstyle and do a completely different makeup. In the end, you will still be convinced that her style is the best that could be chosen for such a bright beauty as Rainbow Dash. And there is no need to change it!

Fashion girls Pony Rainbow Dash

Equestria: Pony Girls Fashion Competition. Game for girls and girls! It's hot in Equestria! Not in the sense that it's incredibly hot there. It's just that the Pony girls staged a fashion battle at Canterlot School. You girls have the role of stylist in this exciting competition. You can play this game alone or together. Your charges will be the two coolest girls in Poneville - Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash. They are now hiding behind the screen. Choose the most fashionable, most stylish, most beautiful outfits for each of them. When your work is finished, the screen will open and you will be able to see who won. To control the game you will need a mouse. Good luck!

Equestria: Pony Girls Fashion Challenge

Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie go to school. Game for girls and girls! Holidays are over in Equestria. It's time to get ready for school. The Pony girls Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie are now high school students, so they are more excited than ever. After all, today, after a long vacation, they will meet again with their classmates, among whom there are boys whom they really like. Girls, help Twilight and Pinkie appear like cool girls in front of their friends. First, don’t forget to put all the necessary school supplies in your backpack. And then choose amazing outfits for them. To do this you will need a mouse. Good luck!

Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie go to school

Equestria. Dress up for girls Pony Sweetie Belle. Game for girls and girls! Sweetie Belle's older sister, Rarity, is famous in Equestria for her perfect fashion sense. Almost all the girls from Canterlot High are jealous of her wardrobe. Her little sister Sweetie Belle is one of them. Emotional Sweetie is simply delighted with her sister’s excellent sense of style and would like her wardrobe to also feature perfectly chosen clothes. We think that you girls are no less experienced in dressing up than Rarity. Pamper the cute Pony girl with your attention and help her choose outfits in which she will look no worse than the recognized fashionista of Equestria - Rarity. Play with the mouse. Good luck!

Equestria. Dress up for girls Pony Sweetie

Surprise. Twilight Sparkle's dance party. Game for girls and girls! Surprise. Twilight Sparkle Dance Party is a game for girls in Russian. Pony girl Twilight Sparkle decided to arrange a surprise for her friends at the Northlot School. It's going to be a dance party. Your task in the game: help the Pony girls perform dance songs. To do this you will need to use your mouse. Press the right or left button when the falling logos align with it. Here we discovered a little trick: it is much more convenient to press the keyboard buttons with the same arrows. When performing each song, you must try to score as many points and stars as possible, because this will allow you to join the dance party and other Pony girls. If you collect the required number of points, you will be able to open a new song. Among the falling logos, there will be quiz logos. By successfully answering them, you will receive additional points. Good luck!

Surprise. Dance party Twilight S

Sunset Shimmer is a Pony girl from Equestria. Game for girls and girls! For you, girls, a dress-up game created based on the animated children's series, Friendship is a Miracle.” Meet Sunset Shimmer - a Pony girl who is ready to receive everything from life at once, and even the princess crown. In this beautiful girl Pony, such contradictory qualities as self-confidence and naivety somehow mysteriously coexisted together. Playing the role of a cool girl, naive Sunset doesn’t even realize that a dream cannot be stolen, one must go to it, one must achieve it. But Sunset will understand this. This will definitely happen! In the meantime, girls, you have to dress up such a proud, self-confident young lady. Choose her hairstyle, outfit, accessories. Good luck!

Sunset Shimmer - Pony girl from Equestria

Naughty girl Pony Twilight. Game for girls and girls! In the fairytale country of Equestria, a music lesson is taking place at the Canterlot school. But the mischievous girl Pony Twilight Sparkle next to the musical Flash has no time for lessons! Twilight adores this boy and, as a sign of her feelings, wants to draw flaming scarlet hearts in his notebook. Girls, help the loving girl Pony do this unnoticed, or Flash, who is teaching Twilight to play the guitar, will get angry with her. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Naughty girl Pony Twilight

Children's lessons for Fluttershy's daughter. Game for girls and girls! Hi girls! We invite you to go with us to the fairy-tale country of Equestria to help Fluttershy’s mommy in her cognitive, developmental, educational activities with her daughter. In this game, you first have to offer your little one an exciting lesson with a coloring book, from which she will learn a lot of new things from the life of Equestria girls. Then you and your little one will do origami - crafts made from plain paper. Play with the mouse.

Children's lessons for daughter Fluttershy

Pony girl Pinkie Pie cleans the room. Game for girls and girls! Attention! The girl Pony Pinkie Pie is having a party in Equestria today. The idea is great, but without your help, girls, it simply won’t happen. There is so little time left before the guests arrive, and Pinkie Pie's room is in terrible chaos. Girls, help out dear Pinky. First of all, find the necessary things, and then create comfort and order in the room. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Pony girl Pinkie Pie cleans the room

Beach dress up for Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. Game for girls and girls! In the fabulous country of Equestria, in the city of Poneville, it is very hot today, so this day is best spent on the beach. The girls Pony Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash decided so. They go to the beach. Girls, to make cute beauties feel comfortable on the beach, take care of their beach outfits and, of course, help them choose cool hairstyles for this occasion. Play with the mouse.

Beach dress up for Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dae

Bachelorette party with Pinkie Pie. Game for girls and girls! Today Pinkie Pie is having a bachelorette party at her house. Her guests will be Twilight Sparkle, Apple Jack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash. To avoid getting bored, the Pony girls came up with a cool attention game. Each of them, in turn, will give you, girls, a puzzle to find some object. You will have to find it in just 20 seconds. If you are ready to demonstrate your super powers, then don't hesitate. Forward! For records! Play with the mouse.

Bachelorette Party with Pinkie Pie

Get on the cover of a cool magazine as an Equestrian rock star. Game for girls and girls! Girls, if you are ready to appear on the cover of a cool magazine as a rock star from Equestria, then act as this game advises you. First of all, upload your photo and then design it in the style of your chosen Pony rock star girl from Equestria. Having completed this work, you will have to give useful advice to the readers of the magazine by answering the proposed 5 questions. You will also need to enter your name. Done?! And now look: on the cover of the coolest magazine, Rainbow Rock Store, you are in the image of your chosen rock star.

The birth of a child is the greatest joy that can happen to any living being. Expectant mothers, that is, pregnant women, while waiting for a long time, are exposed to various medical...

An unexpected event happened again in Equestria. The insidious and evil Sunset Shimmer, in the middle of the night, when Sparkle was sleeping peacefully in her crib, stole the Crown of the Magic Kingdom and disappeared into...

Girl Pinkie Pie decided to organize a stunning party in honor of the upcoming Dance School. She invited all her friends to have a lot of fun together. And in order to...

Like all ponies, the cheerful sorceress Pinkie Pie loves sweets, especially baking, so every time she has free time, she tries to cook something tasty...

Almost all ponies love music, but not as much as Vinyl Scratch. She is a true fan of “rainbow rock” and can listen to her favorite music for hours. And often she herself creates new tracks in...

The world cannot exist without music, because it is everywhere, even in the virtual world. Today a grandiose event will take place in the city of Canterlot - a rock concert and there were...

Great news! Now Twilight Sparkle has become a real rock star! Performances, fans, fans... A talented and bright girl from Equestria has achieved real fame. But to be so...

Starting today, the girls of Equestria will have much more work and worries, because they have decided to open the most fashionable cafe in their magical land. After carefully working through the menu and calling...

The annual competition between young boys and girls, which is designed to strengthen the friendship of teenagers, will start again soon. It was for this competition that the guys were preparing...

Fluttershy is invited to the Tournament. She will have to show her ability to shoot accurately from a bow. However, these competitions are not simple - these are Friendly Games between two Schools of the Magic Land. Victory...

It's no secret that beauty is every lady's weapon, but it always requires sacrifice. Which ones? You have to spend a lot of time maintaining your youth and attractiveness, but the result is always...

It is extremely important for every girl to take care of her appearance, and special attention should always be paid to her face and her hands. The sorceress Pinkie Pie knows exactly how to do it right...

One of the main characters of the cartoon universe “My Little Pony,” Equestria, is going to attend an important evening event, which will bring together all the ponies of the Magic Kingdom. Now she...

In recent days, games in which you need to dress a character, thereby creating a unique image for him, have become increasingly popular among girls. But they become very attractive...

It is difficult to find a resident in the magical town of Ponyville who has not heard of the charming Rarity: this little horse is well known to everyone for its refined taste and special elegance....

Who would have thought that the mysterious appearance of a portal could so greatly transform the lives of the most ordinary ponies. Having crossed the border, they turned into real beauties who immediately...

If you have already played various variations of dress-up games from the magical universe of Friendship is Magic, then in this new game interpretation everything will already be familiar to you. If you...

Pinkie Pie and her beloved friends have an important and important event ahead - participation in a rock festival. Pinkie Pie is very worried about the performance and can't decide in which...

Parties and various outings are what any youth loves, which is why the main characters of the game from the world of ponies Rarity, Pinkie Pie or Applejack are gathering today for a special holiday - graduation....

There are few games that girls can play for hours, or even days. One of these genres in flash games is dress up. But not all dress up games will be popular, many of them are simply not...

Octavia Melody is a young and very gifted pony who lives in the guise of a charming girl. Octavia's life is full of exciting events and activities, because Melody's love and hobby are...

Mischievous Pinkie Pie again decides to arrange a grand holiday for her loved ones and all residents of the magical town of Ponyville, because this is such a good opportunity to have fun and have a good time...

Pinkie Pie, like all Equestria girls, simply loves beautiful clothes, especially pink. Help the pink pony choose her favorite style, "Rainbow Rock", because she is now a drummer and...

Few people knew that the sorceress Rarity had a wonderful voice: having turned from a pony into an ordinary girl, she realized that she definitely needed to sing and perhaps she would even become...

One of the most famous fashionistas in the world, Applejack, is again preparing for her next appearance, but she simply cannot afford to appear in public in an unkempt state. She urgently needs...

The magical pony Rarity loves to do her hair and apply makeup, but much more than the little pony she likes to make those around her beautiful and give them all joy and happiness. In his...

After the Disney channel came close to seriously developing branches and applications of its main long-running girls' animated series of recent years, My Little Pony...

Sunset Shimmer was a rather mischievous and malicious person who did not pay attention to those around her. She was more interested in her own achievements than the problems of those around her, and sometimes Sunset...

Sonata Dusk is a young siren who can bewitch anyone with her singing and even force anyone to do her will. But in her life, not everything is so smooth. The sonata is often not assembled and...

The unique and unsurpassed Rainbow Dash, a lover of the vibrant musical genre - “rock”, loves to perform on stage, delighting the audience with her wonderful voice. It seems that for the upcoming concert...

Equestria girls love to dance, because it is so fun and uplifting. Therefore, the girls decided to show their skills by moving beautifully to fiery rhythms. Is it possible...

The main heroines of the games from the “Equestria Girls” series are the characters from the cartoon “Friendship is a Miracle.” Only now they all live in human forms in their own universe. Their names are also...

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As you know, the country where little ponies live is called Equestria. Friendship and harmony reign in it. However, the fairy-tale world of horses is far from the only one in our universe. For a long time, ponies lived only in their own country and did not suspect the existence of others, until one night Princess Twilight’s crown was stolen. The careless thief managed to wake her up. A night chase began, which led the pony friends to a strange portal. Not a single pony knew where this mysterious door led, but they still had to take a risk for the sake of a beautiful tiara, because it is not just a beautiful accessory! The fact is that the crown is a container for the enormous magical power of the pony, which cannot be used for harm. But who knows what's on the bandit's mind? Princess Twilight's surprise knew no bounds, because having found herself in another world, she herself was transformed. The pony became an unknown two-legged creature that walked the streets. Of course, you all guessed that Twilight ended up in the human world and transformed into a real girl from Equestria. This section of games is dedicated to the adventures of pony girls. A new unknown and such an interesting world beckons with its secrets. However, here everything is subject to slightly different laws, so the ponies have a hard time getting used to it. We need to look for the diadem, but there is no trace of the thief. Where to go and what to do? Equestria Girl games aren't just about chasing the villain. Here you can take part in a school beauty contest, choosing the coolest outfit, and also play a little instruments, because the day is not far off when the new world will be ready to hear “Rainbow Rock” performed by beautiful pony girls. A wide variety of games are waiting for you. Despite the fact that this world is far from the usual Equestria, the girls continue to prove: friendship is a real miracle that must be protected at all costs! Only together Apple Jack, Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Spike will be able to overcome all the adversities that will fall on their shoulders in a foreign country. You can help them with this! Help the pony adapt to an unfamiliar world. Don't forget to dress the girl in the most beautiful outfit, otherwise she will have a hard time at school. Can you find Princess Twilight's crown? Do you want to take part in a music competition? All these questions can be answered in the games of the Equestria Girls section. Have a good game!

The girls from the elite school are so similar to Sparkle’s friends, whom she misses as soon as she parted. But what about herself? Won't ordinary people be surprised by the pony and dragon at school, this isn't a computer game? It's simple - magic. With her help, after passing through the magic mirror, Sparkle becomes the same girl as everyone around her, and Spike turns into a cute dog. Of course, at first everything is unusual - walking on two legs, for example, but gradually Sparkle gets used to being a girl, although this is not for long - after completing the mission she will become a pony again, although this is often not shown in games.

What is the purpose of her coming to this world? The fact is that the villainous pony, who never became a princess, stole the magic crown, which provided protection for her beloved Equestria - by the way, many Equestria Girl games are based on this plot. Sparkle rushes in pursuit of the kidnapper, who hid in the human world and hid the crown in a cunning way - now, to get it, you need to become the princess of the school. However, Sparkle is no stranger to this - even computer games often offer to go from an ordinary pony to a princess. But can she do it without her magic?

Friendship is…

Yes, because the magic of friendship works in any world, even one where there is no magic of unicorns. So, despite the sneaky thief’s attempts to ruin everything, Sparkle does everything to make friends with those girls who are so similar to her favorite friends - Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow and everyone else. Many Equestria Girls games are dedicated to this particular part of the film. Of course, it won’t be possible without obstacles later, but the magic of friendship is already working - and in this, people are very similar to ponies - so it will be much easier for everyone to get the crown together, both in the game and in the cartoon.

And what about the sneaky thief, the princess’s former pupil, Sunset Shimmer? This pony, having entered the human world, also became a girl. She offends the timid Fluttershy (whose Sparkle comes to her defense) and plots all sorts of intrigues - after all, in order to receive the magic crown, she must become the princess of the school. By the way, the plot of games about girls from Equestria is often based on this - girlfriends must overcome all the obstacles that the vile Sunset Shimmer comes up with for them.

What magic can do is real victory

But does defeating an enemy necessarily mean destroying him? Ponies have repeatedly shown that the biggest victory is to teach a not-so-good character to be friends (it’s worth remembering at least Discord - the “Friendship” series and games with him). First, of course, you need to win the competition - this is the second time Sparkle has proven that she is worthy of the title of princess - and then everything else. Many games about girls offer to follow the same path.

When the magic of true friendship, which is so familiar to us from cartoons about ponies, works even in the world of girls - this is a real miracle that will help Sunset Shimmer become a princess, if not by rank, by heart and behavior. This is where the games of Equestria Girls usually end, but the full-length cartoon shows the logical conclusion of the adventures of Princess Sparkle - she returns to her home world of ponies.

The end and the beginning

The adventures of many popular games are over, but much is just beginning. The creators of the cartoon give fans a unique opportunity to continue the story about the girls themselves, only by hinting and predicting.

The girls who remained in the world of people, so similar to famous ponies in both character and details of appearance, will never be the same - they were connected by the strongest magic in the world, which they will continue to generously share with everyone who meets them. True, for some reason there are no games on this topic yet - apparently, everything is ahead.

But the pony who has visited their world also has a lot ahead. Having left her cute admirer behind the looking glass, in her world Sparkle finds an equally cute pony with a blue mane - who knows, maybe it’s still her destiny to encounter him, no matter what form her romantic feelings take. Since there is no continuation of the story in “reality”, it would be nice to get it in the form of a computer game...

“Equestria Girls” is not appreciated by all fans of the original series of cartoons and games; nevertheless, the main characters in the feature film are not favorite and familiar ponies, but, to its credit, the spirit of the original has been fully preserved, so it deserves both recognition and even praise.

Parallel worlds hide a lot of interesting things, and gamers will get acquainted with one of these magical places in games about Equestria Girls. The story begins with the adventures of girlfriends who arrive in one of the Empires of the fairy-tale world. At night, when the little horses went to rest after a long journey, an evil pony named Sunset stole Sparkle's magic crown and escaped into a magic mirror. The chase was unsuccessful and the friends went to the princess. Celestia told Sparkle that Sunset Shimer had moved to a parallel world and now Equestria was in danger, its harmony was collapsing. The brave pony decides to follow the thief into the human world and save her dimension, but she doesn’t have much time. The main character must manage to take the crown in three days, otherwise the portal will close. Despite the princess's ban, Spike goes on a dangerous journey with his friend to help her in difficult moments. Sparkle transforms from a pony into a girl, and Spike transforms into a dog. Following Sunset's trail, the friends end up at school. As it turned out, the crown went to the director of the educational institution and the winner of the autumn score will receive it. The guys will have to help the good Sparkle win the competition, despite the meanness that Shimmer has prepared.
The guys will meet the friends of the main character - Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Apple Jack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy. Children will also learn about the love story of Sparkle and Flash Sentry. A guy and a girl met at school and liked each other from the first time they met, after which the guy began to help the mysterious student. Twilight Sparkle made friends with many students and found new friends, but Shimmer collected dirt on the girl and undermined her authority. Thanks to friends who threw a big party, all the students voted for the beauty and Sparkle earned the coveted crown, but Sunset did not accept this development of events. She took the crown and reincarnated as a terrible demon, promising to take over Equestria with the help of an army of zombie students. Naturally, the pony did not make it within the specified time and the mirror portal closed. Spike and Twilight remained in the human world for another thirty moons. Having lost their strength, the friends defeat Sunset and soon find themselves home. Their adventures continue and gamers can take part in them. Girls are able to dress up any of the heroines and choose an outfit for her for a grand party. Jewelry and other accessories turn girls into unsurpassed beauties, and comfortable shoes allow you to dance all evening. Entertainment allows you to create unique makeup for gorgeous girls, taking into account their character and features. Soon the kids will witness Shimmer’s unusual transformation, because the girl intends to go over to the side of good and make friends with everyone. Naturally, the path of reconciliation is long and not everyone wants to forgive the offender, but Sunset will show her good side.
Games about girls from Equestria teach children to support, help and trust each other. Brave ponies go towards their goal despite difficulties, and kids follow the example of their favorite heroes. Gamers go through unusual quests and puzzles against time, learning to quickly solve the task assigned to them. The kids can learn how to make delicious pies together with the gorgeous Pinkie Pie. In order for the dough to be airy and aromatic, all ingredients must be added in the specified quantities. It is enough to follow the recipe and remember all the nuances of preparation. The oven should be preheated and the pan should be greased with oil so that the dough does not stick. For small children, we have offered a simple puzzle with magic ponies, in which they have to create a picture from small pieces of different shapes. Puzzles with favorite characters develop children's thinking and attentiveness. In one of the adventures, cheerful ponies have created their own group and are preparing for a rock performance. Each heroine needs to choose the appropriate outfit. The girls will also have to choose an instrument and an image for all the rock stars to make their concert unforgettable. At the same time, new opponents of the inhabitants of the magical world appear, who make insidious plans against the good ponies. Dance lovers are invited to visit the dance studio with the popular pony girls. To begin with, the player selects the type of dance and the heroine who will teach the movements. After this, a long and fun dance lesson begins, during which the girl remembers the necessary elements for the performance. At the end, the beautiful pony demonstrates her skills on stage with her friends, and the players take memorable photos. Sighting games challenge little gamers to find all the hidden stars in a picture with magnificent ponies. The children explore different images and develop patience in the search process.