Blue color effect on humans. The influence of color on the human psyche

The influence of flowers on the human psyche was noticed in ancient times by various shamans, healers and sorcerers. They can cause joy and sadness, bring peace or irritation, having amazing capabilities.

Colorful life

Every person has noticed the impact of color when they put on a red jumper, attracting the eyes of others. For Western society, people dressed in black will look gloomy, but the bride’s snow-white dress speaks of a solemn moment and the purity of the event. If you are interested in the psychological effects of color, then you will find answers to many questions in this article.

Why is this happening?

Everything that is incomprehensible attracts a person, igniting cognitive interest. The influence of colors on the human psyche is due to the emission of electromagnetic waves by each color. These waves, due to their length, have different effects. They have healing properties because we not only see color with our eyes, but also feel electromagnetic radiation with our skin. By choosing the “right” colors specifically for yourself, a person can feel healthier and cheerful.

The psychological impact of color is that it is a kind of “emotional food”, and, accordingly, in order to function normally, our body needs different shades in different proportions. They can help restore the mental balance of the individual and even some aspects of physical health. Food, clothing items, make-up, and surrounding furniture affect the human condition. Thanks to many studies, we now know a sufficient amount of information about the effect of color on the human psyche. In this regard, you can combine tones and improve your mood and overall well-being.

What will red and yellow tell us?

Elements of the surrounding world in red color cause excitement in the psyche and are a kind of compulsion to activity. Thanks to it, muscles tense and movements accelerate, and this leads to increased performance.

When in a room with red lighting, people perform at their best. But over time, as the body adapts to this shade, the level of productivity drops and problem solving becomes more difficult. This is due to color fatigue.

If you need to overcome difficulties, be more determined and resilient, then we advise you to use the color red in your life.

To stimulate brain activity, awaken intellectual capabilities, and increase the level of visual perception, use yellow. Contraindications: neuralgia and overexcitation of the cortex. Well, if you are accompanied by disappointments and disappointments, then yellow will suit you just right.

What are green and blue for?

The color of spring greenery ensures the normalization of blood and eye pressure, breathing, pulse, increasing the acuity of perception, concentration and intellectual potential. If you want peace, relaxation and relaxation, feel free to use green, because it will give you what you need. The impact of color plays a huge role in our daily lives.

Deep blue color, constantly affecting the psyche, can lead to high levels of fatigue or even depression in some cases. But if you have experienced a strong shock, then this color can restore strength. It will reduce tension in muscle tissue, dull pain, weaken the pulse and have a calming effect on spontaneous impulses in an ardent personality.

The influence of purple, blue and brown colors

The color violet has a contradictory effect on the human condition, as it can increase stamina, reduce performance, suppress intellectual abilities, or even lead to depression.

To reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure and relieve pain, wear blue items. But do not overdo it, because long-term influence of this color leads to fatigue and depression of some functional capabilities of the human body.

The color brown tells us the need for relaxation and bodily comfort. Therefore, if you feel such needs, then think about how to bring this color into your life and take a little break from work moments.

Contrast of black and white

Lovers of white color are characterized by a need for freedom, a break in burdensome ties and a desire to start over from scratch. If you want to forget something and free yourself from the shackles of memories, surround yourself with white.

The black tone characterizes a person who rebels against his own fate. This color has important healing properties, as it absorbs other shades and has a fairly positive effect on the body.

By determining your color preferences, their persistence or variability, you will be able to recognize your own emotional and physical reactions, general well-being and mood.

The influence of color on the psyche of children

Children are constantly surrounded by different colors, they learn about the world, and you should approach the color scheme of children's rooms, furniture, toys and clothes wisely. There is no doubt that the influence of color on a child’s psyche is one of the most pressing issues for young parents. According to Norwegian scientists, young children registered with the internal affairs bodies or juvenile criminals chose the color black. People who are suicidal also choose this tone.

The influence of flowers on the psyche of a person, especially a small one, is based on several principles. Firstly, the baby’s daily life should be filled with a large number of different shades; one thing is important - their proper combination.

Secondly, the walls and ceiling in the children's room should be either white or light, but not dark, since this will affect both the baby's emotional state and his cognitive abilities.

Thirdly, use blue color, and it will help save you and your baby from stress and relieve pain.

Fourthly, green shades and white-blue colors will provide you with a stable state of the nervous system. Green color, taken separately, can regulate blood pressure and relieve fatigue.

Fifthly, psychologists argue that the influence of color on the psyche is also expressed in its impact on the development of speech. Therefore, association games will become relevant in the period from one to three years (for example, strawberry-red, sun-yellow).

Sixthly, if your baby has lethargy, poor appetite, apathy and sudden mood swings, then using red, yellow and orange colors will help you.

Knowing the subtleties of color effects, parents and educators will be able to stabilize the mood and, if necessary, calm or cheer.

Some tricks with color

To feel the influence of colors on the human psyche, you don’t need to wear things of only one tone, because a stylish red scarf or bag will already make changes and increase your life potential. The main thing is to make an emphasis. You can “scatter” bright elements in the room, such as pillows or toys, and then the energy of color will fill the room.

In the living room or bedroom, you can use light bulbs or lamps of different colors. Colorful stickers for window glass have a similar effect, because not every person can afford multi-colored stained glass windows.

Scientists advise changing the color of the bedroom, if you have poor sleep, to calm shades (pale purple, pink, light blue).

Yellow sunflowers and an orange dress will perfectly improve your mood and productivity. A wonderful option for filling everyday life with bright colors is decorative crystals and jewelry made from precious (or not so precious) stones.

Having this information at your disposal and knowing your needs, you can create bouquets that will emit exactly the colors that you need. To feel light after eating, add more colored foods, as they are easier to digest.

Also, with the help of color, you can send signals to the people around you, so use cosmetics (varnishes, eye shadow, lipsticks) wisely. At home, you can use lavender or geranium aroma oils, because they emit blue and red colors, respectively.


The above information is quite useful, because the influence of color on the psyche is enormous. And if you are in a bad mood or feel unwell, you can easily adjust it by exposure to colors, bright and saturated or pale and calm.

People strive to create coziness and a comfortable atmosphere in their home. But their success largely depends on what colors they use. After all, each color and specific shade has its own characteristics. Color therapy allows you to assess the influence of interior color on a person’s emotional state.

Psychological influence of color in the interior

When creating, designers certainly think about what colors can and should be used in a specific room. Only having knowledge about the effects of individual shades can you confidently paint the walls of an apartment or house in the chosen color. Very often people turn to their favorite flowers, which negatively affects the final result. After all, each of them has its own characteristics and characteristics, they all have a specific and not always a beneficial effect on the psyche.

Pick up separate colors need to be tailored to the target purpose of the premises, character and psychological residents' condition, as well as the degree of illumination. The influence of colors in the interior on a person largely depends on the last point. You need to choose a shade not in the store, but in the room itself. It's best to do this in bright daylight and muted evening Sveta. This is the only way you can evaluate the real color that you will get in the end. Often people, having chosen a specific shade, are surprised by the result. They find that with less or more light intensity, not only the brightness changes, but also the color itself. Such a seemingly insignificant deviation can play a very important role and have the opposite effect on the human psyche.

So what do the designers recommend? be careful when choosing the right shade and carefully check the sample before finishing work begins. However, before this you need to decide what color is needed for a particular interior. So, what special characteristics do colors and shades have? Can all of them be used for residential purposes?


It is traditionally called "color of life" for its resemblance to blood, but not every red house can inhale this very life and energy. An abundance of red can negatively affect the nervous system, lead to overwork, stress and even depression. But in small quantities and with short contact the color is red very useful. It energizes, tones and activates the body. The heart begins to beat faster, feelings become more intense and the need for physical contact with another person increases.

Designers recommend using it as additional, giving the interior richness and brightness. It will look great in the kitchen or in. But for a nursery, bedroom or bathroom, it is best to choose a different, less aggressive color. However, dark shades of red, bordering on brown, give the bedroom interior a bohemian luxury. This type of decoration should not be heavily illuminated; the boudoir should be surrounded by mysterious twilight.

The peculiarity of red is that the rooms in the interior of which it is used seem several degrees warmer. The reason lies in accelerated blood circulation.


This cheerful color seems appropriate in any room, but this approach can lead to anxiety, irritability and... obesity. All shades of orange charge with positivity, encourage immediate action and help build trust. The desire to communicate and share their feelings arises even among those people who are accustomed to keeping “everything to themselves.” That's why orange is appropriate in the interior and kitchens, where families gather for lunch and dinner.

Another advantage (of all shades except orange) - increase in concentration. Do you want your productivity to increase? Add a little orange to the . You can do the same with . It is important not to overdo it, because with prolonged contact and in large volumes, orange has the exact opposite effect.

Be careful orange increases appetite, so you can gain a few kilograms without noticing. If problems with excess weight do not bother you, then a kitchen in this color will look interesting and unusual.


An excellent option for rooms that lack natural light. Warm saturate the room with light, will create a cozy atmosphere. This color is also energizes and encourages action, but to a lesser extent than orange. Therefore, it can often be found in light yellow tones. But it is worth remembering that such combinations are strictly contraindicated for people suffering from insomnia or nervous excitability. Even the lightest shades will have a negative effect on them.

Juicy yellow can be entered as additional color for the kitchen, and in the children's room. It helps improve concentration, increases self-organization abilities than has a beneficial effect on the psyche both teenagers and adults.


Such “natural” colors have a beneficial effect on a variety of people. Green calms you down and allows you to concentrate on the main thing, discarding fuss and minor details. This color often becomes “basic” for bedrooms, offices and living rooms. His undeniable advantage is his ability refresh and soothe simultaneously. It carries the depth of knowledge, the power of nature and complete safety. In interiors done in green, you can completely relax. That is why it is ideal for both office and office use.

In addition, it provides beneficial effect on the nervous system a person with prolonged contact: it relieves increased excitability and even depression. In the living room it can be used both as a main and as an additional color to help people take their mind off problems and have a heart-to-heart talk.


Another color that associated with nature, is also often found in interiors. Light blue has the ability to “pull back” walls, so it looks good in small rooms. It is worth noting that this color is best used in warm, sunny rooms, as it has the amazing property temperature drop. This effect is explained decreased blood pressure in humans.

The advantage of blue is that it not only increases working capacity, but also very calming. The feeling of spaciousness and limitless space allows you to escape from worries, bustle and stress, and the pleasant coolness allows you to concentrate on the tasks at hand.

Blue is often used in medicine because it has the property of quickly and effectively reducing muscle tone. This color is ideal for people suffering from insomnia, because it allows you to completely relax and immerse yourself in an unconscious state.


It would seem that blue and cyan are very close, but they have different effects on the human psyche. , are much less common. And the reason is that the slightest mistake in choosing a shade can seriously affect the final result. All light variations Suitable for bedroom and bathroom decoration. They contribute relaxation, calm down and even help faster recover and heal wounds. But the dark blue color, striking in its depth and luxury, is advised by designers to be used with caution. Such shades with prolonged contact can negatively affect the psyche, causing apathy and depression. For a person who spends a lot of time in such interiors, hard to concentrate, despondency overtakes him.


Mystical and mysterious are rarely found in interiors, because it needs to be handle very carefully. Exciting and romantic light shades can be seen as accents in the rooms of teenage girls, as well. The thing is that such combinations put you in the right mood, allow you to relax and give free rein to your dreams. In “small doses” violet contributes to the emergence love mood.

Designers do not recommend using darker colors in interiors, as they negatively affect the people’s psyche. Calming is not about muscle relaxation, but about distraction. This leads to rapid fatigue, decreased attention and ability to concentrate.


This color can be safely attributed to "neutral", which can be used in any premises. It is worth remembering that dark and light shades have different effects on the perception of the size of a room, since this is especially noticeable in the example. Great for both bedroom interior, and for finishing the kitchen.

This natural color gives you self-confidence, feeling of security and resilience. It is perfect for those people who want to become more determined and self-sufficient. Besides brown color is very calming, helps cope with nervous shock and stress.


This color can always be found in, photographs of which are published in glossy magazines. But this type of apartment design is not suitable for every person. No matter how attractive, mysterious and alluring the black color is, it still creates a “pressing” and tense atmosphere.

Designers recommend using it in in moderation and only as an additional color. Thanks to its high contrast, black can be the perfect way to create accents and highlight what's important. In small quantities it will give the interior refined elegance, and in large ones it can create tense and uncomfortable atmosphere in room.


Advantages of white One can, it seems, list them endlessly. He not only charges with positivity and awakens the desire to live, but also beneficially changes the perception of the room. White color - the best way to increase space, make it lighter and “cleaner”. It is often used as a background color in a variety of rooms from the bedroom to the hallway, often. Numerous combinations can significantly change the overall perception of colors. For example, classic, where the last color is used as a background color, results in the creation of a stylish but light interior.

In addition, it subconsciously convinces of the quality and safety of the dishes and their compliance with sanitary standards. This property is actively used by restaurateurs.

Still, there are certain limitations. For example, an abundance of white in the nursery and bedroom is not the best option. Cold and not complemented by bright accents, it will look boring and even a little depressing.


This universal color looks great in combination with other, brighter and more saturated colors. He acts as perfect background, allowing you to refine even the smallest room with modest decoration. Neutral gray suitable for any room: from kitchen to living room. This color promotes calm and the search for harmony.

However, without additional colors it may seem too boring and monotonous, cause despondency and apathy. Therefore, designers recommend “dilute” it with bright shades.

What is color therapy?

The influence of flowers on the human body has long ceased to be a myth. Behind the mysterious concept "color therapy" the whole is hidden medical direction, which studies the effect of different colors on psycho-emotional state of a person. But how do certain dependencies form? Some have developed and taken root over thousands of years and are in no way connected with the history of a particular person. So, for example, to the color red increases blood pressure, increases heart rate and tones the entire body. The reason is that for many millennia, the color red symbolized a challenge (volcanic eruptions, fires, etc.). But there are also individual “conditioned reflexes” that are formed in an individual person due to his positive or negative life experiences. The influence of color on the human psyche in an interior can be very strong, so you need to select shades carefully and carefully.

How can color influence a person’s physical and psycho-emotional state?

The correct selection of colors for certain rooms will create a comfortable atmosphere for relaxation and work. Certain shades should be “introduced” into the interior only after making sure that they really have the desired effect on a particular person.

To create a cozy and stylish interior that will have a beneficial effect on the human body, his psycho-emotional state and life in general, you need to pay attention to the color scheme.

In discussions about the influence of colors on humans, reference is often made to symbolic systems in different cultures, rather than to data from psychological research. However, it is no coincidence - there are many intersections here. CHT has summarized some of the information about exactly how colors affect our brains.

“Color is a product of light that evokes emotion,” Goethe asserted in The Doctrine of Color. It is believed that he was the first to propose a system that describes the effect of a color palette on a person. But Goethe, like many other artists and writers, could rely only on his own instincts, on his observations and the traditions of color perception that already existed in the culture.

Only in the 20th century, with the development of psychology and experimental methods for studying higher nervous activity, a scientific basis appeared for analyzing the influence of color waves. Despite a large number of experiments and tests, the effect of the colors of the surrounding world on our emotional state remains a mystery.

As stated in the modern monograph “Color and Psyche”, the influence of color on emotions occurs at several levels. In general, bright colors are exciting and active, while faded and dark colors are inhibitory and calming. But addiction to them and their impact very much depends on the circumstances and individual characteristics of the person.

The effect of white color

The African Ndembu tribe has an expression “to have a white liver”, that is, to be understandable, not up to anything bad, not to pose a danger. Our language also reflects the attitude towards white as something pure and good: “white salary”, “white light”, “white bone”, “white envy”.

Anthropologists give two main reasons for this perception of white. Firstly, we are all familiar with the change of day and night, when the clarity of the visible world is replaced by a sense of danger and fear of the dark. Secondly, white is the color of the two most important human fluids that give life - milk and seminal fluids.

Science has found confirmation of traditional interpretations: white color stimulates the ability to be active.

However, this refers to white as the highest manifestation of all that is light and bright. Shadeless, empty white is not at all so clear. Kazimir Malevich, conducting experiments with color, came to the conclusion that the abundance of white puts pressure on the psyche, and proposed to abandon it as a color for hospital walls and doctor’s coats.

The influence of black

Black is the ancient antipode of white. Whatever our preferences in clothing style and interior design, it is more difficult for us to get into the mood for work if it is cloudy and dark, gloomy tones predominate.

Black, as the darkest possible, evokes associations with death, chaos and destruction. But the passivity and peace of black can be necessary for a person who is overexcited or tired - just as night is necessary after day.

Primitive people had an ambiguous attitude towards black. Sometimes black symbolized the source of hidden wisdom, as well as passion: women of the same Ndembu tribe, for example, blacken their genitals. Among the tribes of the dry regions of Africa, black was revered as the color of rain clouds, and people with especially black hair were considered more beautiful than others.

The influence of red

Red is the third most important color in traditional symbolism. It is undoubtedly primarily associated with blood. Since blood serves as a symbol of both death and life, red has never been classified as a uniquely bad or clearly good color. It has been proven that red and yellow, as the brightest colors, excite vital energy and stimulate activity. This color is often preferred by extroverts.

The nervous system of a rested and restored person, ready for intense activity, is interested in red.

But don’t rush to make scarlet the main color in the interior. The activity of red can be unhealthy; its prolonged exposure is fraught with overstimulation. Those who are under emotional stress and frustration do not like red, like other bright colors. It can increase muscle tension, increase blood pressure, and speed up breathing.

Interestingly, this is the most favorite color of children, regardless of the country and culture in which a person grows up. Bright colors act like vitamins on a child, and their absence can even cause a painful condition called “color deprivation” and lead to disorders of neuropsychic development.

The fear of the dark may not be due to the fact that the child does not want to be where there is no light, but to the lack of bright colors in his life.

The influence of blue

Blue in many ancient cultures was considered an attribute of the gods, the sky and a symbol of contemplation. This mythology is echoed by the avant-garde artist, who described blue as a paint calling to infinity.

Scientific evidence says nothing about the mysticism of blue, but confirms its characteristics as a relaxant.

An interior with a predominance of blue has a particularly good effect on those who need relaxation. The psyche, which is in a state of struggle, needs blue-green colors for balance, and in a state of rest, on the contrary, it needs active red-yellow colors. Long-term exposure to blue leads to inhibition and depression, sadness and boredom.

Green influence

Oddly enough, but such an important color for nature and life as green was never included in the main set of symbolic colors of the primitive world. True, there is an opinion that it was one of the favorite flowers of the ancient Egyptians. But the ancient Chinese did not consider it a separate paint at all, but perceived it as a variant of blue. Appearing later in the symbolism of the peoples of the world, it was often perceived as neutral, not calling for anything.

Kandinsky considered green to be the color of the passive and philistine bourgeoisie.

Today, living in cities and experiencing stress due to our isolation from nature, we often associate greenery with harmony, spring, youth. Like blue, it lives up to some of its traditional characteristics as a calming color; it is really preferred by people who need rest; under its influence, activity decreases. Interestingly, with age, color preferences are redistributed towards calm blue-green, brown and olive shades.

The influence of yellow

Yellow has symbolized a variety of things at different times - from fame and enlightenment to separation and debt. The traditional symbolism of yellow is quite different from red, but in terms of their effect on our mood, these colors are very close.

Yellow invigorates, tones, warms, stimulates the central nervous system and thought processes.

Calm, self-confident people who do not suffer from emotional stress have a special predilection for bright yellow. It is the second most popular color among children after red.

Kandinsky considered yellow an earthly color because it cannot be made deeper, unlike blue. But shades of yellow differ greatly in how we perceive them. Pure yellow is pleasant, cold tones were associated with gray and acquired negative connotations; they were associated with madness.

Studies conducted with patients with schizophrenia have not found any connection between the color yellow and this disease. True, exposure to some colors and, in particular, yellow, can enhance the vegetative properties of stress. If you sharply place a yellow screen in front of a person suffering from nausea, you can induce vomiting. This impact feels like a blow to the stomach.

The influence of pink color

Pink can be described as light red, which means it evokes positive, but not too intense emotions such as mild joy, carefree. “Rose-colored glasses” is an expression that best describes the influence of the color pink. It reconciles a little, invigorates a little, refreshes a little, reminds of passion, but nothing more.

Popular culture of the 20th century turned pink into a symbol of girls, tenderness and kawaiiness. The prerequisites for this existed back in Ancient Rome, where it was believed that pink was associated with sensitivity and emotions. But pink wasn't always seen as an exclusively feminine color. According to Goethe, young women prefer light shades - pink and blue. In general, shades of red were more likely to be associated with men and were an attribute of strength and power.

Our mood and state of the body largely depend on the influence of the surrounding world. According to scientists, a person’s psychological health and even the activity of his internal organs can change depending on exposure to different colors. Even on a subconscious level, we choose the color of clothes or interiors, focusing not only on our constant preferences, but also taking into account our psychological state. And in reverse order - the correctly chosen color of a dress or walls in a room can have a positive effect on mood and health. Let's try to take a closer look at the influence of blue, green and purple colors on humans.

How does the color blue affect a person?

This color is considered a symbol of wisdom and silence. In addition, experts have determined that it is a wonderful color pain reliever. The influence of blue color on a person helps eliminate unpleasant painful sensations and even promotes recovery from a variety of ailments, including migraines, asthma, inflammatory lesions, bruises and even serious diseases of internal organs, for example, the kidneys or thyroid gland.

It is believed that people who especially love the color blue have a certain tendency to develop various kinds of addictions. Therefore, if you are a fan of this color, be careful and do not acquire bad habits.

Rich and dense, pure blue colors stimulate creative inspiration and help cope with emotional turmoil.

Scientists have found that blue color is characterized by a special set of electromagnetic waves, due to which it is able to influence living organisms. Its influence activates regenerative processes in cells and helps reduce blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Blue color has antiseptic properties, it perfectly suppresses inflammatory processes, reduces increased swelling and quite calms the nervous system, promoting rapid sleep. If you suffer from excessive weight, then this color will be a real godsend for you, because it reduces appetite quite well.

In some cases, blue color can cause the development of wariness and contribute to the anticipation of unpleasant emotions.

How does the color green affect a person?

As for the color green, it is a symbol of calm and good luck, as well as openness to new things. Surrounded by such colors, we seem to become one with nature. It has a positive and healing effect on the nervous system, soothes the eyes and gives us a feeling of freshness and clarity. In addition, the presence of green in the interior and clothing helps to achieve peace and tranquility. This color option goes well with other colors, which allows you to use it when decorating a wide variety of corners of the apartment. It is believed that cool and pastel tones of green are a good way to reduce the feeling of hunger, so they are recommended for use in kitchen design.

Scientists have determined that pure green color has a particularly beneficial effect on the heart and other organs located in the chest. The influence of green color on a person can relieve an individual of stress and various negative emotions, and also eliminates excessive excitement and restores emotional stability. Rich and bright tones of green have a wonderful tonic effect.

Visual contact with the color green helps to cope with the onset of migraines and headaches caused by overwork. Experts also say that this coloring has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver and optimizes blood pressure.

A green environment helps you tune in to making decisions. So psychologists advise that if you are hesitating between several options for solving problems, just close your eyes and imagine yourself in greenery - a park, a field, or just a clean green room.

How does the color purple affect a person?

Violet coloring can make a person feel solemn and even ceremonial. The influence of violet color on a person with excessive psychological or physical fatigue can cause irritability, additional fatigue or fear. Purple can stimulate the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

It is believed that lovers of this color are less likely than others to experience colds. In addition, such commitment also promotes sexual activity.

Experts do not recommend using purple color to decorate bedrooms or places in the house intended for psychological relaxation. It should be used in small quantities for the design of living rooms, halls, corridors, sanitary facilities and cooking areas. Too much purple can cause depression.

This color can be used as a medicine if there is a need to eliminate internal inflammation. It is also recommended to use it for acne of varying severity, palpitations, tachycardia and various craniocerebral disorders, including injuries to the skull.

Proper use of colors and their combinations in the interior helps to change your psychological state and even get rid of many diseases.

The influence of the color yellow on a person and his psyche is quite strong. Despite the fact that yellow is a pleasant shade associated with sunlight, it has a strong effect on the human nervous system and mental activity. In general, it is a life-affirming color, symbolizing joy and positivity, maturity and fertility, it is intended to stimulate. In postauric vision it is the exact opposite of blue.

How the color yellow affects a person can be described in a few words: it calms nervous people (it’s not for nothing that in mental hospitals it is the favorite color for decorating space), apathetic and depressed individuals - it tones, stimulates their creativity and their mental abilities.

If you know thoroughly how the color yellow affects the psyche of an adult or child, you can successfully use it to correct your emotional state, health, mental abilities and mood. Yellow shades of the color scheme have different effects on adults and children. This is due to the degree of mental maturity and its disorders.

The child himself is an immature personality; all his processes are at the stage of formation. Adults represent a mature psycho-emotional system, but it can be disrupted by various stresses and life situations. Therefore, it is impossible to say unequivocally what impact the color yellow will have on a particular person. This requires an individual approach and specialist help.

How does yellow color affect the psyche?

The sunny shade of yellow is a strong impetus to something new, it excites the desire to do something. People surrounded by this light cannot sit still; they are driven by the desire to communicate and create. To avoid the intense influence of yellow on the human psyche, do not decorate bedrooms, schools and children's institutions in this color scheme.

But for renovating a student’s room, office or kitchen – yellow and all its shades are just a godsend. You should absolutely not use this shade in the bedroom if you have insomnia, but if, on the contrary, you have a hard time waking up and feel constant sleepiness, add elements of bright yellow to the interior; the influence of yellow on the psyche in this case will be limited, it will add emotional activity and the desire to move .

It is also not recommended to use a lot of yellow design elements in a children's room. This color should be present in the interior, but to a limited extent.

Yellow color influence on the psyche of a child and an adult

Children themselves are too impulsive and active. Yellow wallpaper, walls, and interior elements will excite them even more. The same applies to the bedrooms of adults and children - people relax in this room and they have no need for unnecessary emotional activity.

Psychologists note that young children react very negatively to excess yellow; they begin to cry. But not only small children give a similar reaction, if an adult with an unbalanced psyche is placed in a yellow room - he loses restraint and control over himself, begins to live with his emotions.

Health effects of yellow color

Want to harness the positive influence of the color yellow? Remember that yellow, like orange, is an excellent appetite stimulant; it will help restore digestion processes, improve the functioning of the pancreas, stomach, and intestines.

But unlike orange, its effect is associated with increased absorption of beneficial substances, especially the absorption of calcium by the body, which means that it can indirectly influence the strengthening of the human skeleton. If there is not enough yellow, this can lead to disruption of the musculoskeletal system.

Experts have identified another beneficial effect of yellow shades of color: improving skin health, restoring elasticity and softness of the skin.

If you want to get the positive effect of yellow on the psyche, then use it to lift a person out of depression, relieve apathy and pessimistic moods.

So, what is the effect of the color yellow on humans? It is used for melancholy, apathy, stimulation of mental activity, creativity, it promotes the absorption of nutrients, improves memory, and is beneficial for the skin. For those involved in spiritual practices, we remind you that yellow is the color of the 3rd chakra of the solar plexus; it is responsible for awareness of the physical body. If you have problems with mood swings, lack of creativity, poor memory, then try practicing meditation in the morning sun.