Positive reference from the place of work sample. Characteristics for an employee from the place of work: sample, writing features and examples of compilation

Job description is a business document that is obtained from the last place of work. The characteristic from work shows the business qualities of the employee and evaluates him as a specialist. It allows you to most accurately find out information about a new employee. Based on the characteristics from the place of work, a conclusion is often made about hiring.

Characteristics can be divided into two main groups, according to their purpose:

1) Internal characteristics from the previous position (department) of work. Such a characteristic is written when an employee is transferred to another department, when an employee is promoted or demoted, when incentives or disciplinary sanctions are imposed, etc.

2) External characteristics from the place of work - the most common type of characteristics. The characteristic is compiled at the request of an employee or other third-party organization. A characteristic from the place of work may be required by the military enlistment office, bank, court and other organizations, including the organization in which the employee goes to work.

The characteristic from the place of work is written according to standard requirements. It should be noted that it is necessary to take a responsible approach to writing the testimonial, especially if the testimonial was requested from the court. If an employee falls under criminal or administrative liability, then the court decision will depend on the characteristics from the place of work. In this case, it is better to consult a lawyer or a lawyer, and then recover the amount spent on the consultation to deduct from the employee's salary, naturally with the consent of the employee.

How to write a job description for an employee

The characteristic must be written on A4 letterhead. A letterhead is a company logo or a special form for writing a description. The document is drawn up by the immediate supervisor of the employee or an employee of the personnel service, who has complete information about the employee and his merits. The characteristic is signed by the director of the organization and in most cases certified by the seal of the organization.

Writing a job description is not easy. The document must include the following information:

Name of the organization, details of the organization, address of the organization.
- Information about the employee with full name and position.
- Characteristics of the employee: date of employment, information about career growth, positions held in chronological order.
- Characteristics of the employee's education, his abilities and aspirations. If he had disciplinary sanctions or incentives, then it is necessary to indicate for what and under what circumstances.
- Evaluation of the employee's personality: the ability to communicate, participate in negotiations, conclude serious deals, carry out large projects, work in a team, etc.

In conclusion, it is necessary to indicate the place where the characteristic from the place of work is written, for example, “The characteristic is given for provision at the place of demand”.

Depending on the position occupied, the characteristics can be divided into the following types:

Characteristics for a student from the place of work
- characteristic per student
- characteristic in the traffic police
- characteristic for the military registration and enlistment office
- characteristics by place of residence, etc.

Characteristics from the place of work - a document that can be drawn up at the official request of legal structures (their rights are also protected by the relevant), upon request, for admission to the civil service or at the request of the person himself. Sometimes, an official paper is drawn up in an organization to consider dismissal, career advancement or awards (the latter can even go online if the company has a corresponding client of a Sberbank or other similar organization - details can be found at). The document is also drawn up for the mother and submitted to the guardianship authorities for the adoption of the child. In any case, the procedure for its preparation should be accompanied by an order to amend the staffing table of the 2018 sample. This process is described in the article on.

Sample characteristics from the place of work, sample 2018

There is no written form. However, there are some requirements that must be followed when drafting the text (and if they are not met, but the employee is hired, this may attract the attention of anti-corruption authorities working on the basis of a number of laws, including).

For example:
- the text is drawn up on a sheet of A4 format;
- the presentation is in the third person or in the past tense;
- the title of the document, name and position are indicated;
- lists the personal data of the employee.
Employees of the personnel department of the enterprise can see how a document and a certificate are written (if we talk about students, they can also familiarize themselves with documents related to expulsion, including samples, in the dean's office).

The above requirements are also relevant for another document relevant to employees - this is a memo, an example of which can be found. It can be issued for a number of cases, ranging from the reasons for bonuses to the grounds for dismissal.

Requirements for compiling a job description

How to draw up a document? The description of work activity indicates standard information about career growth and achievements in work. Significant successes, information about additional education, advanced training are given. Professional and personal qualities, the presence of awards, incentives or penalties are assessed (in the latter case, it may be necessary to attach all relevant documents, including the application for initiating enforcement proceedings described).
The paper is signed by the head of the organization. The date is indicated, the seal of the enterprise is put.

If you can’t write a well-written characterization, ask for help:

Bankruptcy recognition - Federal Law 127 in a new reaction

Characteristics from the previous place of work

How to write a document? A sample of the characteristics from the previous place of work and the form can be downloaded on specialized sites, after which the text is printed out from the word program (as well as any similar certificates, such as a birth certificate, etc.). An approximate description is given for the manager, for the general director, for the driver, for the employee, for the seller, for the watchman, for the nurse, for the lawyer, for the doctor, for the clerk, for the storekeeper. There is also a sample spelling and a standard template.

Characteristics from the place of work sample to the police, court, military registration and enlistment office

It is possible to download the writing text for a car mechanic, for a janitor, for a handyman, for a primary school teacher, for an auxiliary worker on web resources on the Internet. Based on the above samples, you can make an individual assessment of the activities of an employee, accountant, salesperson, consultant, economist, office manager, hotel administrator, individual entrepreneur, programmer, welder, cashier, health worker, engineer, cook, manager, loader, security guard, electrician with taking into account the personal characteristics of the position.
The document may also be needed to be presented on demand to the court (for example, to respond to the statement of claim described), various government agencies and organizations, banks for issuing a loan.

If a paper is written to be submitted to the court, to the police, to the military registration and enlistment office, then much attention is paid to personal qualities. Since the reference from the place of work, the sample to the court in a criminal case is used to pass a sentence so as not to cause unnecessary harm to the employee, a negative and bad assessment is not made. In this case, it is better to consult a lawyer or lawyer. In an administrative case, the document is also considered for the decision of bailiffs.

How to write for a student at the place of internship

When compiling a text for a student at the place of internship (his first job, so to speak), the surname, address and period of internship, data of the mentor are indicated. The paper is compiled by a methodologist or supervisor, signed by the director of the institution.

Be sure to give feedback on work activities and recommendations for further training. Usually, a friendly and positive assessment is written for many students.

Examples of ready characteristics

sample 1

As an example, a performance appraisal for a trainee is provided:
During the internship at _____________ (name of institution), student _________________ (full name) proved to be disciplined and ready to acquire the skills necessary in the field of production. The main objective of the practical work was to familiarize with the aspects of the enterprise. Legislative acts and methodological materials, labor legislation, the profile and specialization of the enterprise's work were studied under the guidance of an experienced master.
The duration of the internship was ___________ days. The student proved to be active, sociable, ready to study a large amount of information.
The assignments and tasks of the master were carried out responsibly and on time. Practical work deserves a mark ____.
Head of the enterprise ______ (full name)
Date ________ (date, year)

Other examples of drafting a document will help you correctly write a text in favor of a candidate for a position or for presentation to the necessary authorities.

Sample 2

Sample 3


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To assess the business and personal qualities of an employee, a characteristic from the place of work is used. This document also provides information about his official activities. A characteristic may be required when moving from one department to another or when changing jobs, as a rule, it can be requested either by large organizations or government agencies, in a small company, most likely they will not even remember such a document.

Types of characteristics for an employee, depending on the purpose of application, may be as follows:

  1. External- can be drawn up at the request of a third-party organization or the employee himself to present this document at the place of requirement, for example, they can be used for military service in the military registration and enlistment office, in a municipal organization to decide on the admission of an employee, if they want to apply various measures to an employee rewards or punishments, etc.
  2. Internal- they are used for the internal needs of the organization, for example, to impose incentives on an employee, disciplinary sanctions, when transferring between departments to provide complete information to the manager about his future subordinate

In these cases, the document is drawn up according to general rules, however, there are other types of characteristics, for example, or, which are necessary if an administrative penalty or criminal case is initiated against a citizen. It is they who can play a key role in making a decision by the court, therefore, when writing them, special attention is paid so as not to harm a person. It can also apply a production characteristic to an employee.

Characteristics from the place of work sample compilation

To write the document, it is used in A4 format and it is compiled, as a rule, by the immediate supervisor of the characterizing employee or the personnel department. The paper is signed by either an authorized person or the director of the organization.

The structure of the document should contain the following items:

  • header, it is necessary to indicate the details of the enterprise, as well as the date of compilation of this document, after which the word “CHARACTERISTIC” is written in the center of the sheet below, after which comes the descriptive part.
  • Personal information about the employee- this section is the first paragraph of the document, it contains information about in whose name the characteristic is issued, indicating his full name, patronymic and surname, his date of birth and information about his education.
  • Evaluation of labor activity- this paragraph indicates information about the date of employment of the employee in the organization, the history of his career ladder, if any, the most significant results of his labor activity, which he achieved in his workplace and the contribution that made economic development.
  • Characteristics of the various qualities of an employee, so business, personal, psychological qualities, professional competence, level of performance, leadership qualities, etc., as well as information about penalties or rewards can be indicated:
    • Personal qualities expressed in the level of general culture and upbringing, his ability to maintain relationships in the team.
    • At assessment of the professional level of training work experience, the ability to self-educate, general erudition, professional knowledge, knowledge of the legal framework and regulations, etc. are taken.
    • Health level is determined by his activity in the course of fulfilling the tasks assigned to him, the timing of their implementation and quality, the ability to make effective decisions, behavior in difficult, non-standard and stressful situations, the ability to be responsible for making decisions, etc.
    • Evaluation of business qualities is based on his ability to maintain business relations with partners and colleagues, his analytical skills, the ability to plan his work, as well as the ability to manage a team, setting tasks and monitoring their implementation, and so on.
  • Document Conclusion is written for external characteristics, in this paragraph the purpose for which it was drawn up is written, for example, “given for presentation to the military registration and enlistment office” or “at the place of demand”, etc.

A lot can depend on how correctly, completely and reliably the document is drawn up, both on making a positive decision on hiring a citizen for a new job, and on his career ladder in a new place. It is not necessary to describe only the positive aspects, but omitting the negative ones, it is better to show the real situation without adding non-existent things.

Often, the organization receives requests for the provision of characteristics for the employee. Such a document may be required by a variety of authorities. Sometimes the employee himself turns to management with a similar request. In any case, the enterprise is obliged to respond to this request.

Who should write a characterization for an employee?

As a rule, the characteristics are written by representatives of the personnel department or the personnel service of the enterprise where the employee worked or still continues to work. The head only certifies the characteristic with a signature and seal. In large organizations, the CEO, of course, does not do this - this is the work of the personnel department. In very small firms, where there is no “personnel officer” in the state, the head writes the description himself.

Where to start writing a characterization?

In order to correctly write a characterization for an employee, it is necessary to consider where this document will be provided. Accordingly, reflect the data, facts and qualities of the employee that are necessary for the requested organization.

  • For the internal characteristics required for the transfer of an employee to another department or branch, a characteristic is needed that clearly reflects the professional qualities of the employee.
  • For guardianship authorities and other organizations related to the care of children, the elderly and sick people, it is necessary to note the personal qualities of a person - cordiality, responsibility, love for children, what a person is like in a family.
  • For military registration and enlistment offices - professions that a person has or what official duties he performed. Especially if they are related to technology. Be sure to indicate personal qualities, such as responsibility and diligence.
  • Credit institutions want to know how responsibly a person fulfills his obligations. It can be noted the experience of continuous work at this enterprise - this characterizes a stable income.
  • If an employee is applying for a higher position in a third-party organization, his professional qualities and ambitions must be indicated.

In a well-written description, it is necessary to take into account that:

  • In accordance with the Law on Personal Data, this document can be drawn up and provided only with the written consent of the employee.
  • Distortions and deliberate lies in the description are unacceptable, as well as offensive and emotional information. Otherwise, the employee has the right through the court to prove the unreliability of the information provided and demand compensation for non-pecuniary damage.
  • Data not related to labor activity, such as: religious, political beliefs, are not indicated in the characteristic.

What should be the "stuffing" characteristics?

Personal data

The date of birth, work experience according to the entries in the work book are indicated. Be sure to indicate all educational institutions that the employee graduated from. If you have a diploma with honors, academic degrees, this must be indicated, even if they are not related to this position.

The description of the position held and the duties performed does not cause difficulties. It describes the level of professional training - categories, categories. Knowledge of regulations and legislation applicable in the profession.

Personal and business qualities

It is more difficult to assess the qualities of an employee - both business and personal. Business qualities are the ability to interact not only with employees, but also with clients, with the administration within the framework of a common cause. Plan your activities, analyze it, control the production process - all this belongs to this category.

The personal qualities of an employee can be assessed by his interaction with colleagues. Here, benevolence, the ability to establish contacts, and responsibility are evaluated.

Another important property is efficiency. It is characterized by how a person copes with the standards, plans and tasks set.


If a person has incentives, they should always be indicated. Be sure to note what the employee was awarded for and when. For example, "Awarded with a valuable gift for achieving sales volume in 2015."

Learning and striving for growth

Knowledge and experience are characterized as deep, sufficient, insufficient, medium . It depends on whether the employee has a desire for growth or not. If a person did not strive to master new technologies in the profession, he worked only from start to finish, his experience cannot be called deep. Accordingly, if an employee masters related professions, tries to innovate in everyday duties, his knowledge and experience increase, and the person himself grows and develops.

Characteristics in court

Often employees of the personnel department have to deal with requests for references from the place of work for certain legal proceedings. An employee of the enterprise, who may not have been working for him for some time, is suspected of committing some illegal actions.

In order to make a fair decision and to lighten the punishment, it is necessary to provide the court with an objective assessment of the person's personality. It doesn't matter what the person is charged with. An employee of the personnel department must characterize the labor and personal qualities of an employee, objectively and impartially. What is written in such a characteristic and how to write it correctly?

  • The "header" of the document is filled in as usual.
  • Lists the time the employee worked in the organization. If you worked for six months or less, the dates are set - day, month, year. If several years - only years, from which to which.
  • Positions - the exact title, description of the work performed.
  • If there were promotions and awards, be sure to indicate.
  • If there were disciplinary sanctions, how should they be reflected and should they be? Here you need to be very careful in the wording. If an employee systematically violated discipline - he was late, skipped, etc., but this was not recorded anywhere in the act and further punishment in the form of a reprimand, then there was actually no violation. Therefore, instead of writing “there were violations of discipline”, it is better to note - “he did not differ in particular diligence”, “he was systematically late”, etc.
  • In the same tone, you can write about the relationship in the team. You can, of course, write that the employee was a squabbler, a brawler, etc. But here, too, it is worth being objective, and not just making your own judgment.

In general, it is better to characterize a person positively for the court, especially when his guilt has not yet been proven. Although, each leader here decides for himself how to characterize a person.

Production characteristics per worker

Production characteristics are needed in two cases.

  1. For the bodies of the VTEC (medical and labor expert commission) or ITU (medical and social expertise). These characteristics are needed to determine the disability group and further conclusions of these organizations to determine the labor activity of a person. If the company has a health center, then the help of its employees would be very helpful. But this is optional. As a rule, characteristics for VTEK and ITU are drawn up on the letterheads of these organizations, in which you need to indicate working conditions, causes of illness, transfers to other positions, etc.
  2. Production characteristics for employment, for admission to a university, for guardianship authorities, etc. The work path and professional skills of a person should be reflected in detail. The length of service of the employee in this organization is indicated, whether there were advanced training, training, gratitude, encouragement. Personal qualities necessary for this position, relationships with colleagues, initiative, participation in the life of the team - all this can also be reflected in the document.

Approximate characteristics for an employee (sample)

Head of Sales Department. Work experience since 2001.

Education: higher economics, Smolensk Institute of Economics (1998) - diploma with honors. Specialty - economist.

2005 - Institute of Business and Politics, specialty - marketing.

Has been with the organization since 2001. She started as an economist, then moved to the sales department as a marketing specialist, where she worked from 2005 to 2009. After graduating from the institute in 2005, she was transferred to the position of head of the sales department, where she worked until August 20, 2016. During her work, she studied the entire cycle of the enterprise, independently studied the work of the sales department, went from an ordinary employee to the head of a large department.

In 2009, Ivanova S.I. headed the new project. Under her leadership, 15 employees not only coped with the task, but also exceeded the sales target by 3 times.

For this project, Ivanova S.I. was awarded a trip to Bali.

The department headed by Ivanova S.I. is one of the most cohesive at the enterprise, which characterizes Ivanova as a skilled leader.

Svetlana Ivanovna constantly improves her education, during her work she received a second higher education in her field of work, constantly attends advanced training courses, uses all the innovations of business processes in her work. Receives personal development training.

Colleagues and subordinates speak of Ivanova as a benevolent, sympathetic person, very self-possessed and tactful.

Ivanova S.I. Married, has two teenage children.

Head of Human Resources Uchaikina M.R.

This characteristic is issued for provision at the place of demand.

Adhering to such a presentation scheme, you can draw up any characteristic, for any request.

Video experience writing testimonials

A useful video on this topic will help in the correct writing of the characteristics or, as it is still called “recommendation letter”

To make an objective description of an employee, it is not enough just to list his job responsibilities and the period of work at the enterprise. It is necessary to assess without prejudice the personal and professional qualities of a person and clearly express them in the document. A properly drawn up characteristic can help a person both in his career and in life.