Diurnal. Daytime birds of prey

Order Diurnal birds of prey (Accipitres, or Falconiformes)

This order includes about 270 species. These are birds of medium and large size. One of the largest species, the American condor, has a wing about 115 cm long, a wingspan of up to 275 cm. The smallest birds of prey - the so-called pygmy falcons - have a wing 9-10 cm long.

Birds of prey are characterized by a strong, hook-shaped beak curved at the end, the base of which is covered with bare, brightly colored skin - the wax, into which the external openings of the nostrils open. The legs of birds of prey are of moderate length, with curved and usually sharp claws (only secretaries have long legs). The claws and beak are used for killing, and the latter for dismembering prey. The fingers are relatively long; on the plantar side there are pads that serve to hold prey. The body is dense, the plumage is rigid and tight to the body. The color is usually dull, predominantly gray, brown, red or black, often with an admixture of white. In some species that feed on carrion, the head and part of the neck are bare and unfeathered.

There are 10 primary flight feathers, the number of secondary flight feathers varies, most often 12, but in some well-flying large species (for example, vultures) there are 19-20. The tail is usually short (except for the secretary), rounded or notched at the top, of 12 tail feathers (in some large species, 14).

In most species, males and females are colored similarly, but young birds in the first year, sometimes later, differ from adults in color. Typically, males are smaller than females, but in Old World vultures both sexes are the same size, and in American condors, males are larger than females.

Birds of prey are diurnal, only a few of them are crepuscular.

Birds of prey are distributed all over the world: they are not found only in Antarctica and on some oceanic islands.

In northern and temperate latitudes, some species are migratory, while others migrate outside the breeding season.

The lifespan of birds of prey is quite significant.

Birds of prey are monogamous. They breed once (rarely twice) a year. Nests have a simple structure, usually in trees, sometimes in hollows, on rocks, on the ground. Often a ready-made nest built by another bird species is occupied. Usually the same pair nests in the same nesting area year after year. The number of eggs varies - from 1-2 (in large species) to 6-7 and even 9 (in small ones).

Incubation begins after the first egg is laid, and the chicks in the brood are therefore of different ages. The female incubates mainly, the male replaces her only for a short time. Large species incubate for almost 2 months (for example, condor, bearded vulture). Medium-sized species incubate for about a month.

The chicks emerge from the eggs well-furred and sighted, but during their stay in the nest they need feeding and heating, as well as protection from enemies. There are two down outfits, the second one is replaced by a feather one. Flight from the nest in small and medium-sized species of predators occurs at approximately one month of age, in large vultures - only at three or even four months.

The main food of birds of prey consists of various animals, primarily mammals, birds and insects. Birds of prey often feed on carrion. Few of them feed on plant foods (for example, the African vulture eagle feeds on the fruits of Guinea and wine palms, the Guiana caracara on the fruits of Loranthus and Clusia). Some species feed on a wide range of foods, others are highly specialized.

Under natural conditions, birds of prey eat prey with bones, fur, and feathers, the undigested remains of which are periodically thrown out through the mouth in the form of so-called pellets.

Most birds of prey search for prey by flying. In this regard, they have well-developed vision and the ability to fly.

Birds of prey molt once a year, after the end of the breeding season. The molt is complete. It continues for a long time, which is due to the need to preserve the bird’s flight qualities.

The practical importance of birds of prey for human economic activity should generally be assessed positively. Most of them provide direct benefits by eating rodents and insects that are harmful to agriculture. Others, destroying primarily sick and weak individuals, are a significant selection factor. Even those birds of prey that feed mainly on game or otherwise useful animals cannot cause significant damage, since the total number of these species is low and they are relatively numerous only in sparsely populated areas. Therefore, at present, in the vast majority of countries, birds of prey - in one form or another - are protected. At the same time, the undoubted importance of birds of prey as natural monuments is also taken into account.

Birds of prey are also of particular interest from a historical, cultural and sporting point of view.

The use of birds of prey by humans for hunting purposes - so-called falconry, or hunting with birds of prey - dates back to ancient times, although much of the history of this hunt remains unclear. Archaeological finds show that birds of prey were hunted in the British Isles as early as the Bronze Age. In Mesopotamia, falconry was known at least in the 8th century BC. e. The heyday of falconry in Europe dates back to approximately the 12th-17th centuries, and its beginning is to some extent connected with the Crusades, when the crusaders could become familiar with the practice of falconry among the Arabs. Profound social changes that arose at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries, technical innovations, primarily the spread of hunting firearms, caused the decline of hunting with birds of prey. However, it has survived, but on a smaller scale.

In our country, the use of birds of prey for hunting “by feather and by beast” has a long history: in Kievan Rus it dates back to at least the 10th century. The ancestral emblem of the ancient Rurikovichs depicted a flying falcon. In the Asian part of the Soviet Union - in Central Asia - it probably has an even more ancient history, but there is little definite information about it. This, of course, is connected with the complex history of the peoples of Central and Central Asia.

In the European part of the Soviet Union, sport hunting with birds of prey ceased at the beginning of this century. Only on the Black Sea coast of Georgia do they still hunt migratory quails with sparrowhawks. As a sport and a trade, hunting with birds of prey takes place in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and on a small scale in Turkmenistan.

Different types of birds of prey were used for hunting, mainly various falcons and hawks, in Asia - the golden eagle and some others. In our country, large falcons (saker falcon, peregrine falcon, gyrfalcon), hawks (sparrowhawk and goshawk) and golden eagle served as birds of prey.

Taming and training birds of prey to hunt is not difficult, but requires patience from the hunter. It should always be remembered that birds of prey never become such “servants” of humans as dogs. It is not possible to train a bird of prey to bring caught prey to its owner.

The service life of hunting birds depends on the experience of the hunters and on caring for the bird, as well as on various accidents. Falcons and goshawks last 3-4 years, but in good hands up to 20 or even 25 years. Golden eagles live the same number of years.

To make it easier to find a hunting bird during a hunt, bells or bells are put on it. For falcons they are tied onto the tarsus with small straps, and for hawks in Central Asia they are attached with a metal pin to the middle tail feather.

To protect his hand, the hunter wears (in Europe on the left hand, in Asia on the right hand) a thick leather glove with a gauntlet. It is difficult to carry golden eagles on the hand, and therefore in Central Asia hunters carry them on a stand with a seat; The hunter rests the base of this stand on the saddle.

In addition to sporting interest, hunting with birds of prey can also be cost-effective. An experienced “berkutchi” (hunter with a golden eagle) can catch 30-40, and sometimes 50-60 foxes in a season. The best hunting golden eagles also take wolves. A good goshawk in the hands of an experienced hunter can kill several pheasants, and a sparrowhawk can kill 50-60 quails per day of hunting,

There are five families in the order of birds of prey To family American vultures(Cathartidae) includes 6 species distributed in North and South America; to the family secretaries(Sagittariidae) - only 1 species inhabiting the savannas of Africa; to the family ospreys(Pandionidae) - 1 species with an almost cosmopolitan distribution, except in the extreme north and south; to the family hawks(Accipitridae) - 205 species found throughout the world, except Antarctica and some oceanic islands; family falcons(Falconidae) includes 58 species, distributed almost everywhere except Antarctica and some oceanic islands.

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I buzz-zhu-zhu-zhu, I’m sitting on a branch, I keep repeating the letter “w”, Knowing this letter firmly, I buzz in the spring and summer.

For a full cycle of life on our planet, the presence of birds of prey in nature is an obvious necessity.

Different species of birds have a natural ability to hunt large prey. Among them: hawks, representatives of eagle and falcon orders, seagulls, owls and others. The unifying criteria for these types are:

  • the role occupied in the natural chain;
  • way of eating;
  • lifestyle (time of day at which the bird begins to hunt).

Birds of prey during the day

According to systematization from the point of view of zoology, the orders of diurnal birds of prey include only falcons, these are falcons themselves, hawks, eagles, buzzards, eagles, and harriers.

It is noteworthy that truly birds of prey have the same threatening and dangerous appearance: their beak is curved like a hook, and their claws are curved and very sharp. The coloration of females and males is almost identical, but females are larger in size.

Common buzzard

Another name is Rough-legged Buzzard. This bird is considered the most famous predator among the tundra forests. She builds her nests throughout the entire Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. This predatory species feeds on mice - voles and hamster lemmings. It is characteristic that the numerical component of the buzzards directly depends on the sufficient population of the area with these rodents. Scientists - ornithologists argue that in the conditions of one area, buzzards may be present in abundance, or they may not be present at all.

External signs of the rough-legged buzzard:

  • The Buzzard is a large bird in size;
  • has wide wings (this visually makes it even larger);
  • general color - light, slightly “red”;
  • On the belly and under the wings of the predator, black spots are localized, varying in shape (they can form an individual plumage pattern).

Buzzards nest in arboreal areas; they line their nests with grass. If we are talking about the tundra, then in these areas birds are usually located on cliffs and hills. In the case of a good year for mice, the nest of the buzzard can also be found on flat terrain, in swamps, and in the lowlands of rivers.

Buzzards are migratory birds, arriving from warm places in early spring. After the flight, they begin to build their nests. Buzzard Egg Size Larger in size than chicken eggs, rounder in shape, they are spotted and have a white base. The richer the year in prey, the more eggs in the clutch of this bird of prey. The principle of natural selection plays a significant role in the survival of chicks, especially when there is not enough food due to the poor harvest of rodents. Many chicks do not even have the opportunity to live to “flying” age; they are simply eaten by older and stronger chicks.

Buzzards zealously defend their nests. Attacks on people are unlikely; more often birds simply scream loudly or rush at a person. But they fight off arctic foxes or dogs fearlessly, using strong claws. It happens that the Rough-legged Buzzard feeds on dead deer carcasses and their entrails, or rotten fish.

With the arrival of the autumn period, and throughout it, these predators fly to areas of the middle zone.

White tailed eagle

It is one of the largest and largest birds of prey in Russia. His wingspan exceeds two meters, and the bird’s weight sometimes reaches seven kilograms. The owners of a pure white tail are predominantly adult individuals whose age is more than three years, while the rest have a dark tail. Often a young eagle can be mistaken for a golden eagle. However, the golden eagle's tail is slightly rounded, while the white-tailed tail has a sharp wedge shape.

White-tailed eagles nest almost throughout the country; they only avoid the extreme northern areas and dehydrated areas. They make their nests only in the crowns of trees, most often deciduous ones. Very rarely, the “eagle house” is located on steep cliffs.

Whitetails feed on fish and birds swimming in the water. This explains their desire to live near areas rich in water bodies. Their home is located in the same place every year and has a very massive, layered structure up to a meter in height. In open tundra expanses, an eagle's nest is extremely rarely seen; more often it is localized on hills or cliffs.

In early spring, eagles already arrive from the south. The flight is carried out in pairs that differ in consistency. Females lay from one to three eggs in a newly inhabited nest. The eggs are white with spots, similar in size to goose eggs, but slightly smaller. After the first egg is laid, female eagles begin incubation. Chicks hatch from eggs around the first half of June. Their growth is very rapid, plumage occurs quickly.

At the beginning of August, the chicks fly out of the nest, however, they remain under the supervision of their parents for a long time. Whitetails make their way to the southern regions in early autumn.

White-tailed eagles feed on wild birds: geese, ducks, loons; Their diet also consists of hares, large fish species, and rodents. Moreover, these birds of prey are carrion lovers, or hunt animals that are wounded or sick and cannot resist.

White-tailed eagles are rare, valuable birds; they are listed in the Red Book of both our country and the international one. Often the eagle becomes a victim of hunters - poachers, which is very sad for nature and scientists.


These birds of prey have a small number, are considered rare, and are listed on the pages of our Red Book.

Species characteristics:

  • large size;
  • contrasting color: white-yellow underbody; a dark stripe running across the bird's crop; the body, tail and wings are dark on top; there are wide black stripes on the head;
  • yellow eye color;
  • in conditions of increased anxiety, these birds make peculiar sounds.

The habitat of these predators is the entire world, with the exception of the extreme northern regions. They winter in the African and South Asian tropics.

Ospreys are chosen to provide the necessary living conditions, areas with clean waters rich in fish. They nest on tall trees, with dry tops, away from crowded places. Birds do not betray their nests, returning to them every year. An osprey clutch contains a maximum of four eggs, usually two or three. The eggs are dark in color, with purple spots of various locations.

The chicks live in the nest for about two months without leaving it. They become sexually mature when they reach two years of age.

The peculiarity of the hunting of these birds of prey is that, flying high above the water surface, they hunt down their main food - fish. Having noticed the prey, the osprey dives forward with its paws, and then takes off sharply, catching the prey. This bird disdains carrion, and if hunger begins to wear out, then the predator can hunt ducks or mice.

The osprey goes to winter from September to October.

The number of this species is inexorably declining, this is due to the direct extermination of predators, unfavorable ecology, and deforestation. All this makes it impossible for birds to nest safely.

Goshawk (hawk)

The size of the bird is larger than that of a crow, weighing up to one and a half kilograms.

Character traits:

  • clear stripes running across the underside of the bird's body;
  • dark gray upper body;
  • eyes are very bright yellow;
  • young goshawks are colored red or brown.

Birds of this species were persecuted for a very long time due to the fact that they were considered predators that caused particular harm. As a result, their numbers have fallen, and now they are protected by law.

Goshawks feed on medium-sized fish and small animals such as hares, squirrels, etc. They hunt for dying animals that are doomed and weakened due to illness or injury. Thanks to this, predators are considered forest orderlies.

Distribution zone of goshawks - north of the forest-tundra. They winter either where they nest, or fly away to where it is warmer.


It is a bird that lives, more often, in open spaces - forest-tundra zones, forest-steppe and taiga zones. The main living condition is the abundance of small rodents.

The harrier is about the size of a crow, but has a longer tail and a graceful body. The colors of the male and female are different.

Features of the color of the male:

  1. white body with an ashy coating on top;
  2. there are black streaks at the ends of the wings.

Female color:

  1. body red and gray;
  2. The lumbar region is white.

Harriers build their nests on the surface of the ground. The clutch contains from three to five white, slightly spotted eggs. They are smaller than chicken eggs and the most round.

The harrier is a migratory bird. Hunts by flying not very high, above the ground.


The most famous falcon. This is a rare and valuable bird breed. Unfortunately, poachers especially love to catch these very predators, as a result of which their fate is extremely sad. Peregrine falcons have been practically exterminated and are very rare even in uninhabited areas.

In the United States, in order to restore the numbers of these birds, they kept in specialized enclosures. Peregrine falcon chicks are raised and then released into the wild. However, even taking into account the usefulness and importance of these events, it should be said that they are very expensive in material terms. Falcons released into the wild have great monetary value.

The peculiarity and pride of the peregrine falcon are its clear, piercing black eyes, above which black brow ridges emerge. It is not for nothing that in Rus' heroes were often called “clear falcons.”

Within the Yamal territory, the falcon population is no more than two hundred pairs of these birds of prey. The part of Russia most populated by falcons is the Western Siberian tundra, where the situation with predators is quite stable.

External characteristics of the peregrine falcon:

The falcon is rightfully considered one of the fastest living creatures on the planet, and among birds it has no equal. He hunts by attacking his prey from above, in a steep dive. Small sized birds, peregrine falcon grabs with strong paws, and knocks down larger ones at speed with sharp claws on their hind toes. Then the predatory falcon, in flight, grabs the falling prey.

Peregrine falcons often bring their prey from places far from the nest. Previously, there was an opinion that they do not hunt near their nests, however, observations have shown the opposite. It is not uncommon for a falcon to hunt near a nesting female.

Predators of this species very zealously and aggressively defend their nest. Noticing the danger, the peregrine falcon raises a frantic cry and, diving, attacks the uninvited guest. A little later, the female joins the male. Falcons also attack people, but with the goal of simply scaring them without touching them.

The peregrine falcon is a sophisticated hunter. Among its victims are entire collections of the rarest birds, the existence of which even ornithologists do not always know.

Falcons nest, choosing a variety of places for this. It can be rocks, strangers, abandoned nests, even hollow trees or just plain land. An important condition for nesting is the possibility of a good overview of the area. The number of clutches is from three to five eggs. Similar in size to chicken.

What is typical is that grown chicks do not eat small falcons, unlike rough-legged buzzards. This is considered a noble trait of this bird species. However, it is worth rightly noting that their numbers are absolutely independent of the harvest of rodents, which means that the peregrine falcon and its chicks will definitely not die from hunger.

Falcons are migratory, not flocking birds leading a solitary lifestyle. One pair of peregrine falcons builds a nest far from the other. The pairs are permanent and stable. However, their nests are always in the same place. Predators arrive at the beginning of spring and fly away at about the same time as other birds.


It is considered the smallest falcon. The nesting territory of this predator is extensive, but merlins avoid areas that are too northern. This type of predator is quite rare.

The food type of merlins is small birds caught and captured in flight. They make nests mainly in trees, in abandoned crow's nests. The number of eggs hatched is up to five. Both females and males act as brood hens, but the former participate to a greater extent.

It is noteworthy that the merlin is only the size of a pigeon. But at the same time it is a worthy predator in the tundra and its forests. This bird is protected by law.

Owls are nocturnal predators. These are well-known birds that have been repeatedly mentioned in children's fairy tales.

Features of the appearance of an owl:

Owls exterminate various rodents, while bringing great benefits to people. Therefore, they are protected by law from poachers and simply those who like to make fun of living beings.

Snowy owl (or snowy owl)

A very colorful nocturnal predator that lives in the steppes and tundra forests. Hunts voles, partridges, hamsters - lemmings. Sometimes they catch hares and even arctic foxes and stoats.

The small peoples of the north often consumed owl meat for food, and for this purpose they hunted it.

Short-eared owl

It is smaller in size than the polar one. It also feeds on rodents and lives in tundra areas. There have been cases when a short-eared owl was seen over the sea.

There are also other types of owls, for example: Lapland, hawk, eagle owl.

It is noteworthy that the hawk owl is a diurnal predator, even somewhat similar to a falcon.

Eagle owls are the largest birds from the owl order. They have ears on their heads and are motley and red in color. An eagle owl can attack a buzzard or a hawk, but its diet mainly consists of rodents and small animals.

In northern conditions, the eagle owl can hunt during the day.

How many amazing creatures are there next to humans! Insects, birds, animals, microorganisms. These are our little brothers that we sometimes forget about. And they help us, feed us, please the eyes and ears. Now I would like to talk about birds.

Some lyrics

“What are you singing about, night bird?” - this expression became popular thanks to the song of Konstantin Nikolsky. People often turn to the theme of birds in their creativity. Well, their wings, the feeling of freedom of flight, nobility and beauty haunt me! These wonderful creatures attract people so much!

Among poets and writers one can often find: “hands like wings”, “like a bird in a cage”, “why don’t people fly?” and other expressions.

Ornithologists specifically study the life of birds. Feathered friends, based on their visual perception, are divided into two main types: daytime and nocturnal birds. This division is quite arbitrary. In fact, there are not so many nocturnal birds of prey.


The owl is a night bird (who doesn’t know about this). After it you can name a little-known night nightjar bird, Also, few people have seen night herons and avdotkas.

Their vision is structured in a special way. Nocturnal birds see well in the dark; the following is noted in the structure of their eyes: tubular structure, a small number of color receptors. In addition, they have a very strong ciliary muscle, the task of which is to instantly change the lens from a round shape to a thin slit.

Even nocturnal birds, in addition to the two usual eyelids, have an additional eyelid, or rather a membrane, on their eyes. All these natural adaptations help the bird hunt at night and protect its eyes from unexpected changes in lighting. The beak of birds of prey is strong, hard, and often curved at the end. The legs have sharp claws of quite large size.

Let's look at how night birds hunt using the example of owls. These are typical nocturnal birds. They do it in a very unique way. The owl has a kind of facial plate, with frontally located eyes. This plate is a kind of screen or radar for more accurately capturing sounds. The owl cannot look to the sides and turns its entire head, creating a location for the sound.

The wingspan is large, the body is dense and strong. An owl, having heard the slightest squeak made by a rodent, seems to strain this same facial disc and determine the direction to its prey with great accuracy. Then he rushes in the right direction. Thanks to its very soft plumage, the predator flies barely audible, and in flight it can pause for a fraction of a moment, clarifying its trajectory.

Having overtaken the victim, the owl grabs it with its paws, slightly tilting its body back. Owls feed mainly on rodents. But some large species can “feast” on a hare, duck or crow. There are several species of owls found in nature, here is a short list of them:

  • long-eared owl;
  • owl;
  • scoop and others.

There are approximately 140 species of these birds. Owls range in weight from 0.5 kg to 4.5 kg or more. They are found in different parts of the world. The long-eared owl can be found in Eurasia (forest zone), as well as in North America.

Owls live in trees, in nests left by other birds. polar owl(or white) lives on the coast and islands of the Arctic Ocean. Very large body (up to 160 cm), feeds mainly on lemmings.

Daytime birds

Ornithologists count 270 species in the order of diurnal birds! The most famous of them: falcons, hawks, buzzards, eagles. The appearance of these birds is very impressive. Almost half of the head is a beak, a strong body and very powerful claws. It looks beautiful and scary. Man has long tried to tame predators and adapt them for hunting. I must say, successfully!

Falcon hunting

Falconry is still popular among connoisseurs today. For such a hunt, special gloves are made, on which the bird sits (so as not to injure the person), and a cap for the falcon’s head. Daytime birds of prey have especially acute vision. Their eyes are very reminiscent of reptilian eyes, located on the sides of the head. They are large in size and are capable of focusing vision, pointing it at the victim from a great height. Structure of the eye such that the image of the victim seems to be enlarged. Such unusual “optics” is admirable!

Sapsan - "clear falcon"

One of the most famous falcons is the peregrine falcon. This predator is exceptionally beautiful, with black eyes and a pattern of brow ridges above them. He is the strongest and fastest. The peregrine falcon, when hunting, “dives” on its prey at tremendous speed (230 km/h). Can grab it with his claws. And if the prey is large, the peregrine falcon knocks it down with the sharp protrusions of its claws and picks it up on the fly. The favorite compliment to a young man in Rus' - “clear falcon” was not said without reason, it hinted at many masculine qualities! Unfortunately, the peregrine falcon has been practically exterminated; it is listed in the Red Book, like many other birds.

Common diurnal predators

These birds are noble. They do not live long in captivity. It is interesting that many representatives of bird species have monogamous pairs. Daytime predators are more common than nocturnal ones. Let's look at a small list:

  • The buzzard is found in tundra and forest-tundra zones in Russia. It builds nests on bank cliffs or in trees. Buzzard food in this area includes mice and lemmings.
  • The white-tailed eagle is the largest bird of prey in Russia, similar to the golden eagle. The eagle tends to settle near people and bodies of water. It feeds on fish, waterfowl and wild birds.
  • Hawk. These birds are considered “orderlies of the forest.” They can feed on carrion, thereby benefiting nature. But hawks also hunt squirrels, hares, and fish.

Not birds of prey

There are a huge number of bird species on earth - 9800! The cutest creature is kiwi bird It is the smallest and feeds on pollen and nectar. What other non-predatory birds are most famous? Let's sketch out a short list: storks, swans, geese, ducks, herons, crows, rooks, sparrows, jackdaws, tits... This article is not possible to list and describe them all. They lead a diurnal lifestyle, are accessible to humans for study and need his help.

An interesting fact of nature is that the division “day and night birds” is very approximate. It has been repeatedly noted by ornithologist scientists and ordinary people that nocturnal birds feel quite comfortable in daylight. In the structure of their eyes, nature has provided a protective film - an additional eyelid that protects the retina from excess daylight. Also, their pupil is capable of narrowing to an extremely thin slit. An owl will be able to stalk its prey perfectly even during the day. And seagulls, for example, easily switch from daytime to twilight mode. This usually occurs in May, during the mass appearance of cockchafers.

The visual organs of birds living on the icy shores of the Arctic and Antarctica very easily adapt to long-term polar day and the same polar night (or rather, “polar twilight”). The chirping of birds can be heard, for example, in the summer, after dark. Conversely, nocturnal birds can make sounds while awake during the day.

And in the fall, many small birds flock to the south and they prefer to do this after dark. Moreover, birds can sleep right in flight, they do not need to stop to sleep!

The only truly diurnal birds are chickens. “Night blindness” overtakes them immediately at nightfall.

And another amazing thing. Small, agile swifts can fly without stopping for four years!

The very first bird on Earth was Archeopteryx. More precisely, it was a hybrid of a reptile and a bird.

The heart of a bird in flight makes 1000 beats per minute! Birds have something to surprise people.


So what does the night bird sing about? This question is asked by two categories of people: ornithologists and poets. The first ones record the voices of birds and study them. They are trying to understand what these sounds mean, what information signals our feathered friends send us. How they communicate with each other: expressing fear, requests for help, joy or anxiety.

But poets are more straightforward, they enjoy the trills of nightingales, as well as the chirping of other birds, and write their own lyrical works. They see only love in bird songs.