A funny scene about the French. Scenario of the holiday "Long live the French!"

The hall is decorated with the flags of France and Russia and an image of the Eiffel Tower.

Music is playing. /Song in French Yves Duteil “La langue belle”/.

The presenters come out to the music. The music stops.

Presenter 1: Bonjour, mesdames et messieurs!

Presenter 2: Bonjour, mes amis! Filles et garçons, on vous salue aussi!

Presenter 1: Nous sommes ravies de vous voir dans notre école.

Presenter 2: C "est vraiment super que nous sommes là.

Presenter 1: Nous nous sommes réunis à l "occasion de la fête de la langue française.

Presenter 1: Je passe la parole au professeur de français de notre école Egorova Larissa Victorovna

Egorova L.V: Bonjour Mesdames et Messieurs! Bonjour mes amis!

Hello, ladies and gentlemen, guys and teachers!

Welcome to our celebration of the French language. Students from secondary school No. 25 and art school No. 1 prepared a festive program. In our program we tried to answer one question:

“Why do you need to learn French?”

France is a country of great cultural traditions in the fields of art, literature, gastronomy, fashion...

In addition, France and Russia are united by long-standing historical ties. Proficiency in French in the 18th-19th centuries. was a kind of calling card in Russia, the main sign of a good upbringing, an integral feature of an educated person. Since ancient times, it has been believed that the French language is the language of poetry and love. He is harmonious and pleasant to the ear, ready to express the subtlest thoughts - from the simplest casual conversation to the most sublime lyrics.

French as a second foreign language ranks second after English among the most studied languages ​​in the world. French is spoken on all five continents. It has the status of an official (or second official) language in 51 states and 34 countries of the world. In recent years, the presence of France in the regions of Russia has become more and more noticeable due to the opening of the Alliance-Française network, covering almost the entire territory of our country.

Today, for a celebration of the French language at our school, we invited French teachers from city schools, children who study French, parents, and those who still dream of learning to speak French.

After the performance, music sounds - a song in French “La langue belle” and the presenters come out to the music. The music fades out.

Presenter 1: Nous sommes enchantés que les professeurs de français avec leurs élèves et tous ceux qui aiment la langue française, la France, sa culture sont venus chez nous.

Presenter 2: Vive le français!

Presenter 1: Vive le français! Tous ensemble. Vive le français!

Presenter 2: Au debut je voudrais vous présenter notre ville.

La poésie “Ma ville natale”
J"aime beaucoup ma ville natale
Ses musées, ses cathèdrales
Ses usines et ses fabriques
Ses collines magnifiques
Ses héros et ses savans
Son passé et son present
/shows slides with views of his hometown/

Presenter 1: Les élèves de l?école No. 25 et leur professeur, unis par leur amour pour le francais ont organisé cette fête pour les parents et pour vous, nos amis.

Presenter 2: Je voudrais que tout le monde ait la possibilité d "apprendre le français.

Presenter 1: Samik, et pourquoi faut – il apprendre le français?

Presenter 2: Pour être intelligent et instruit.

Presenter 1: Les élèves de 4-ième et 5-ième classes vous saluent aujourd" hui en français.

La chanson “Salut, ça va!”

Salut, why?
Bonjour, ça va.
Salut, salut, why?
Bonjour, bonjour, ça va.
Au revoir à plus tard.
Salut, why?
Bonjour, ça va.
Salut, salut, salut, ça va?
Bonjour, bonjour, bonjour, ça va.
Au revoir à plus tard.

Presenter 2: Et quelles sont les raisons pour apprendre le français?

Presenter 1: Je pense qu"il faut apprendre le français pour danser et chanter la chanson des sabots à la manière française.

La danse “Sabots”

Presenter 1: Le français c"est un très bon remède pour se faire plaisir quand on fait des courses aux magasins de Paris.

Presenter 2: Oui, bien sûr. Surtout pour les jeunes filles.

La chanson “Les courses” /performed by students/ see. application

Presenter 2: Et moi, je crois qu"il faut apprendre le français pour comprendre les poésies de Jacques Prévert et d"Arthur Rimbaud.

Presenter 1: Je suis d "accord avec toi. Je propose d"écouter les vers des poètes français.

La poésie de Jacques Prevert “Le cancre”

Il dit non avec la tête

mais il dit oui avec le coeur

il dit oui a ce qui l"aime

il dit non au professeur

on le questionne et tous les problems

soudain le fou rire le prend

et il effect tout

les chiffres et les mots

les dates et les noms

les phrases et les pièges

et malgré les menaces du maître

sous les huées des enfants prodiges

avec des cries de toutes les couleurs

sur le tableau noir du malheur

il dessine le visage du bonheur.

Presenter 1: On m"a dit qu"il faut apprendre le français pour unir tout ce qui est separé.

Presenter 2: Le français c"est la langue de la chanson, c"est ma langue pour toujours.

La chanson “Ma mélodie d'amour” / performed by a student /

Presenter 1: Charles Bigot a dit: “La langue française est harmonieuse elle est douce à l"oreille, elle se prête à exprimer les nuances les plus fines de l"esprit et du c"ur.”

La chanson “Fais semblant”/ performed by a student /

Presenter 2: Et moi, j"apprends le français pour deguster l"air de Paris...... à Paris.

La poésie de V.Hugo “Paris” simultaneously with the show slides

“Sights of Paris”

1. Cetteville
Aux longs cris
Qui profile
Son front gris
Des toits frêles
Cent tourelles
Clochers grêles
C'est Paris.
3. Le vieux Louvre
Large et loud
Il ne s?ouvre
Qu"au grand jour
La couronne
Et bourdonne
Dans sa tour.

2. Les quadrilles
Les chansons
Mêlent filles
Et garçons
Quelle fete
Que de têtes
Sur les faites
Des maisons.
4. La cohue
Flot de fer
Frappe, hue
Remplit l"air
Et profonde
Tourne et gronde
Comme une onde
Sur la mer.

La danse d"Esmeralda de la comedie musicale “Notre-Dame de Paris”

Presenter 1: Pour comprendre les chansons d édith Piaf, de Joe Dassin et d'autres chanteurs et chanteuses.

La chanson “In Tango” / performed by a student /cm. application

Presenter 2: Et moi, je veux parler aux Français, les comprendre sans peine.

Presenter 1: Oh oui, et pour trouver des amis en France. Le français c"est la langue de belles lettres, c"est la langue de l"amour.

Music by E. Morricone “Wind. Scream.” To quiet music -

La poésie de Jacques Prévert “Pour toi mon amour”

Je suis allée au marché aux oiseaux
Et j"ai acheté des oiseaux
Pour toi, mon amour.
Je suis allée au marché aux fleurs
Et j"ai acheté des fleurs
Pour toi, mon amour
Je suis allée au marché à la ferrail
Et j"ai acheté des chaines
De lourdes chaines
Pour toi, mon amour
Et puis je suis allée aux marché aux esclaves
Et je t"ai cherché
Mais je n"ai pas trouvé
Mon amour.

Presenter 2: Et moi, j "apprends le français pour trouver un trésor culturel.

Presenter 1: Á propos, on compte aujourd "hui plus de 169 millions de francophones dans le monde. On parle aussi francais dans les pays d"Afrique et une petite africaine va vous chanter une chanson.

La chanson “A moi le monde” / performed by a student /

Presenter 2: Il faut apprendre le français pour savoir l "histoire de la France en lisant les livres en français.

Scene de la piece de J. Anouilh “L?Alouette”

Le choeur: (lentement, comme un écho): Jeanne, va au secours du roi de France et rends-lui son royaume.

Jeanne: J"ai peur, Seigneur, je suis une pauvre fille, vous vous êtes surement trompé.

Le choeur: Jeanne, Jeanne. Qu"attends-tu? Le royaume de Franceest plongé dans le maleur.

Jeanne: Pitié! Pitié! Seigneur! Je suis une petite fille. Le royaume de France est trop pour moi. C'est trop lourd, la France.

Le choeur: Tu es forte!

Jeanne: Pitié, Seigneur! (Se redresse.) Pas de pitié.On est déjà parti et moi, j"ai la France sur mon dos……….

Le père: Tu entends des voix maintenant? C "est combination! Ma fille entend des voix! (…)

Jeanne: Il va falloir maintenant que je leur dise oui, elles disent que cela ne peut plus attendre.

Le père: Qu"est ce qui ne peut plus attendre, imbecile? Qu"est-ce qu"elles te disent de faire tes voix? Ses voix! Enfin! Il vaut mieux entendre ça que d"être sourd!

Jeanne: Elles me disent d"aller sauver le royaume de France qui est en grand danger de périr.(…)

Le père: Sauver la France? Sauver la France? Et qui gardera mes vaches pendant ce temps-là? Tu crois que je t"ai fait tous les sacrifices que j"ai faits pour toi, pour que tu t"en ailles faire la fête avec les soldats, sous prétexte de sauver la France, maintenant que tu as enfin atteint l"age de te rendre utile à la ferme? Tiens! Je vais te l "apprendre, moi, à sauver la France. (detache son ceinturon.)


1. Tukhulova I.A. Holiday at school. Book for French teachers. - M.: “Enlightenment”, 1987, p.75-76

Event to celebrate

Francophonie Day

Purpose of the event : develop interest, love and respectstudents to the French language, to form a tolerant attitude towards countries and peoples who speak French.

Objectives of the event :

    Educational aspect :

    to cultivate in students a respectful attitude towards the history and culture of other people;

    develop students' interest in learning French.

    cultivate the ability to work in a team, develop a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance;

    Educational aspect :

      1. to form sociocultural competencies through the use of regional information in French and Russian about France and Francophonie;

2) develop skills in extracting the necessary information from the video material watched.

    to promote the sociocultural development of students in the context of European and world culture with the help of regional and cultural studies material;

    contribute to the cultural, artistic and aesthetic development of students through familiarization with the cultural heritage of France;

    Developmental aspect :

    develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination and fantasy; develop skills to work with ICT.

    provide conditions for the development of speech-thinking activity, readiness for cognitive-search creativity;

    provide conditions for the social development of students in the process of interaction and cooperation.

    Equipment and facilities for the event:

    Multimedia projector and presenttationin Power Point.

  • Video "CHANSON FRANCOPHONIE, Hymne et Ode à la Francophonie pour les enfants et les plus grands".

Move Events :

Leading 1 : Bonjour, mesdames et messieurs!

Leading 2 : Bonjour, mes amis! Filles et garçons, on vous salue aussi!

Leading 3 : Nous sommes ravies de vous voir dans notre école.

Leading 4 : C"est vraiment super que nous sommes là.

Leading 1 : Nous nous sommes réunis à l "occasion de la fête de la langue française.

Leading 2 : Je passe la parole au professeur de français de notre école ( performance teachers ) (1 slide)

The music "Under the sky of Paris" sounds

Leading 1 : Chaque année le 20 mars tous les francophones du monde entier célèbrent leur fête particulière -La Journée internationale de la francophonie. C`est pourquoi nous nous réunissons dans cette salle magnifique de la langue et de la culture française.(2 slide)

Presenter 2 : Every year, on March 20, the entire French-speaking world celebrates its own special holiday - International Francophonie Day. On the eve of this holiday, we were all gathered in this wonderful hall.

Leading 3 : All rights reserved commerce et des affairs. C`est cette langue nationale qui est aussi celle des minorités; c`est la langue maternelle de plusieurs peuples.(3 slide)

Leading 4: Today's holiday is, first of all, a celebration of the French language, an extraordinarily beautiful language, the use of which simply knows no boundaries. These are the educational and military fields, the business sphere, the justice system and the media. OnFrenchlanguageThey saygreatnationAndsmallpeoples. (4 slide)

Leading 1: En étudiant les peuples principalement de la France et de l`Afrique du Nord c`était le géographe français Onésime Reclus, qui a eu l`idée de classer les habitants de la planète en fonction de la langue qu`ils parlaient dans leur vie quotidienne et dans leurs relations socials et c`était lui qui a employé pour la première fois en 1880 le mot “francophonie”. Longtemps oublié, ce mot est entré dans les dictionnaires en 1968.(5 slide)

Presenter 2: Back in 1880, the word FRANCOPHONIA was used for the first time. It was used by the French geographer Onesim Reclus in classifying the inhabitants of our planet depending on the language of communication. However, the concept of FRANCOPHONY, forgotten for a long time, was finally included in dictionaries only in 1968. (6 slide)

Leading 3: On entend aujourd`hui par francophonie (avec minuscule initiale) l`ensemble des peuples ou des groupes de locuteurs qui utilisent partiellement ou entièrement la langue française dans leur vie quotidienne de communications. Le terme Francophonie (aves une capital initiale) désigne plutôt l`ensemble des gouvernements, pays ou instances officielles qui ont en commun l`usage du français dans leurs travaux ou leurs échanges. Donc, on parle de deux réalités différentes selon qu`on écrit cette notion.(7 slide)

Presenter 4: Today this unusually beautiful word has two meanings. The term "Francophonie", written in small letters, refers to the collection of peoples or groups that use the French language in everyday life. “Francophonie” with a capital “F” refers to a number of government and other organizations that use French in the course of their work and in cooperation with foreign partners. (8 slide)

Leading 1: Aujourd`hui la langue française est une des langues les plus apprises dans le monde, parlée quotidiennement par quelques cent-vingt millions d`hommes et de femmes et présentée sur tous les continents. Et maintenant nous vous invitons à l`excursion à travers les pays francophones.(9 slide)

Presenter 2: French today is one of the most widespread languages ​​on planet Earth. It is spoken by about 120 million people on all continents. And now we invite you on a tour of French-speaking countries. (10 slide)

A presentation on Francophonie is shown on the screen. Each of the named countries is symbolized by a balloon in the hands of a child. . (slides 11,12)

Child 1: La France-elle-même. C`est ce pays qui est la source du français duquel on apprecie ses qualités, sa clarté, sa précision. On sait bien que “ce qui n`est pas clair n`est pas en français”.(13-14 slides)

Child 2: Jusqu`à 1898 la Belgique se présentait comme un Etat de langue française quand le flamand était déclaré la seconde langue officielle du royaume. Aujourd`hui le français en Belgique est la langue coofficielle.( slides 15,16)

Child 3 : C`est encore au sud-est de la Belgique entre l`Allemagne et la France, le Grand Duché de Luxembourg connaît deux langues officielles: le français et l`allemand. Mais c`est en effet le français qui prédomine dans les débats parlementaires, dans la justice et dans l`administration.( slides 17,18)

Child 4 : La Suisse reconnaît 4 langues nationales et 3 langues officielles. Ses langues nationales sont l`allemand, le français, l`italien et le romanche.( slides 19,20)

Child 5 : Monaco est le seul Etat européen avec la France où le français soit la seule langue officielle.( slides 21,22)

Child 6 : Le Canada compte dix provinces dont 3 regroupent l`essentiel de la population francophone. La loi sur les langues officielles en 1967 fait du Canada un Etat bilingue dont l`anglais et le français sont les deux langues officielles.( slides 23,24)

Child 7 : Devenu indépendante en 1804 la République d`Haïti a gardé le français comme langue officielle pour l`administration, l`enseignement, les procedures judiciares et les relations internationales.( slides 25,26)

Child 8 : En plus on parle français dans les DOM: Martinique, Guadeloupe, Guyane.( slides 27,28)

Child 9: Après la décolonisation, le Maroc, la Tunisie, l`Algérie, les jeunes républiques de l`Afrique noire d`expression française ont concervé au français une place éminente. ( slides 29, 30)

Child 10: Le français est reconnu comme langue officielle au Bénin, en Côte d`Ivoire, au Burkina-faso, au Mali, au Niger, au Sénégal, au Congo, au Liban.( slides31, 32)

Child 11 : Madagaskar a fait du malgache sa langue officielle à côté du français largement utilisé dans les affaires publiques. Le Cameroun reconnaît le français et l`anglais comme langues officielles.( slides 33, 34)

Child 12: Dans les territoires d`outre-mer (TOM) le français a un statue officiel: Nouvelle-Calédonie, Polynésie française.( slides 35, 36)

Leading 1: Nos chers amis, vous avez pris connaissance des pays francophones. Et maintenant nous vous proposons de faire le test sur la Francophonie.(slide 37)

Presenter 2: Dear friends, you have met French-speaking countries and learned a lot about them. And now we suggest you now perform a small test.(The team of each school receives a test task, where they must indicate the number of their educational institution).

Leading 3: Merci pour votre travail! Et maintenant en attendant les résultats de vos tests, nous vous proposons de chanter «Hymne et Ode à la Francophonie pour les enfants et les plus grands".

Presenter 4: While we await the test results, we would like to invite you to sing the Francophonie anthem with us. Do you know this hymn? No? So let's learn and sing it together!

Participants watching a video « CHANSON FRANCOPHONIE , Hymne et Ode à la Francophonie pour les enfants et les plus grands " (in the application) and everyone sings together ( participants are given printed lyrics of the song ).

Leading 2: Comme nous avons une fête nous vous proposons non seulement l`excursion mais aussi un concert préparé par les élèves de notre école qui apprennent le français. Etbien, oncommence.

Presenter 3: Students of our schoolWe have prepared a festive show program for you, in which we will try to answer one question: “Why do you need to learn French?”Et bien, pourquoi faut – il apprendre le français?

Leading 4: Pour être intelligent, instruit et bien sûr poli. Il faut dire “bonjour”, “ça va” et “salut!” " aux gens. La chanson “Salut” est jouée par l`élève de notre école................................................... ....................................

Leading 1: Et quelles sont les autres raisons pour apprendre le français?

Leading 2: Je pense qu"il faut apprendre cette langue pour danser au son de la belle musique française. Et maintenant, l`élève de notre gymnase...................... ........................... va vous présenter sa dance manifique.

Leading 3: Et moi, je crois qu"il faut apprendre le français pour comprendre les poésies de Jacques Prévert, de Victor Hugo, de Paul Verlaine, de Charles Baudelaire et, bien sûr, de............. ...........................................

Leading 4: Je suis d"accord avec toi. Je propose d"écouter les vers des poètes français.On m"a dit qu"il faut apprendre le français pour unir tout ce qui est separé. On vous propose d`écouter l`élève qui va réciter la poésie de................................... ........................................................ ..........

Leading 1: Le français c"est la langue de la chanson, c"estla langue pour toujours. Dans la vie de chaque personne c`est la mère qui est toujours à côté de nous, qui nous aidera toujours et qui ne trahira jamais son enfant! On vous propose d`écouter la chanson "Maman".

Leading 2: Et pourquoi encore faut – il apprendre le français?

Leading 3: Moi,je pense qu`il faut apprendre le français pour connaitre les chanteurs mondialement connus comme Joe Dassin,Georges Brassens, Charles Aznavour, Édith Piaf, Dalida et beaucoup d`autres. Maintenant écoutons l`ensemble de notre gymnase avec la composition “Pardonne-moi ce caprice”.

Leading 4: Nous espérons que vous avez reconnu l`actrice qui a chanté cette composition. Oui? Et qui a été?(Edith Piaf)

Leading 1: Et bien, Charles Bigot a dit: “La langue française est harmonieuse elle est douce à l"oreille, elle se prête à exprimer les nuances les plus fines de l"esprit et du coeur.” Je pense qu`il faut apprendre le français pour comprendre les chansons des chanteurs contemporains. L`élève de notre école va vous chanter………………………………………………………

Leading 2: Finallement, le français c"est un très bon remède pour se faire plaisir quand on écoute et danse au son de la musique française moderne. Et maintenant la danse gaie énergique de nos élèves pour vous.

Presenter 3: On such a happy note, we would like to sum up the results of your tests. Let's ask our respected jury to announce the results and name the winners.

The jury announces the results, presents the winners with certificates and memorable gifts to all program participants.


Nom, prénom ________________________________________________________________


1)____________a inventé le mot “francophonie”.

a) Jules Michelet;

b) Onesime Reclus;

c) Gustave Zedé;

2) Le terme “francophonie” a apparu au _________siècle.


b) XIX-ème;

c) XX – ème;

3) La notion “francophonie” a apparu dans l`ouvrage _________.

a) “France, Algerie et colonies”;

b) “Le partage du monde”;

c) “Un grand destin commerce”;

4) Les 3 pays francophones sont _________________.

a) l`Albenie, le Niger, la Tunisie;

b) la Réunion, le Sénégal, le Togo;

c)la Guinee-Bissau, le Caméroun, la Pologne.

5) Le français est la langue co-officielle;

a) à Haïti;

b) à la Réunion;

c)en Cote d`Ivoire.

6) La capital du Cameroun est_____________

a) Yaoundé;

b) Douala;

c) Garoua;

7)Le secretaire general de la Francophonie est________

a) François Mbango Etone;

b)Paul Biya;

c)Abdou Diouf;

8) Parmi ces quatre logos, lequel représente la Francophonie?

a)b) c)

9) Le seul Etat européen avec la France où le français est la seule langue officielle:

a) Monaco;

b) Suisse;

c) Belgique;

10) L'allemande, le français, l'italien et le romanc h e sont les langues nationales de

a) Suisse;

b) Canada;

c) Cameroun;

11) La capitale de la Suisse est ___________


b) Stockholm;

c) Vienna

12) La France est bordée par:

a) le Rhin oui non

b) la Loire oui non

c) l`océan Atlantique oui non

d) la Manche oui non

e) la mer Mediterranée oui non

f) le Portugal oui non

g) le Luxembourg oui non

h) l`Espagne oui non

i) l'Allemagne oui non

j) la Belgique oui non

13) Le jour nationale française est:

a) le 1 avril;

b) le 14 juin;

c) le 14 juillet;

14) En Europe la ......... a une longue tradition de neutralité politique:

a) Belgique;

b) Suede;

c) Suisse;

15) La Suisse est divisée en:

a) regions;

b) cantons;

c) départements;

16) La Flandre c`est la région de la:

a) France;

b) Belgique;

c) Suisse;

17) La Belgique se trouve au bord de la mer:

a) du Nord;

b) Noire;

c) Méditerranée;

18) L'hymne national de la Belgique est:

a) la Marseillaise;

b) la Brabançonne;

c) La Cantique;

19) Les grandes villes de la Belgique sont:

a) Bruxelles, Liège, Anvers;

b) Liège, Bruxelles, Amiens;

c) Liège, Bruxelles, Lucerne;

20) Le Grand-Duché c`est:

a) le Luxembourg;

b) Monaco;

c) Andorre;

21) Le mot “francophonie” désigne_________________________________

22) Le mot “Francophonie” désigne_________________________________

23) Quelle est la devise de l’Agence Intergouvernementale de la Francophonie?

a)Egalité, complémentarité, solidarité

b)Egalité, complémentarité, fraternité

c)Egalité, complémentarité, humanité

24) Combien compte-t-on de gens qui parlent le français à travers le monde?

a)200 millions

b)150 millions

c)120 millions

25) La capitale du Luxembourg est:

a) Luxembourg-centre;

b) Luxembourg-Village;

c) Luxembourg- Ville;

1) Gidzatova K.N. French lesson on the topic "Francophonie" Electronic resource] // Festival of pedagogical ideas "Open Lesson", 2011/2012: [website] / Ed. house "First of September". – M.: 2011-2012. – Bibliography: 21 titles. – URL:

2) Zinevskaya L.N., Lesson on the topic “France and Francophonie” -URL:

3) Nazarova T.N., I.I. Scriabin, French (grades 5-11). Festivals, competitions, holidays, performances, Volgograd: Teacher, 2008. – 140s.

4) http:// www. oncommence. blogspot. ru/

5) http:// festival.1 September. ru/ articles/501165/

A wedding is a wonderful and long-awaited holiday for two loving hearts. It is on this day that they will become official husband and wife and will be able to continue sailing together on the waves of love, and I really want to make the beginning of this journey beautiful, original and romantic, so that both the heroes of the occasion and the guests will remember it. We offer a wonderful idea - to organize and conduct it in the French style. We hope that Wedding scenario "Parisian Tango" will help you arrange a bright and beautiful holiday.

Stylistic design of the hall;

Decorations in the form of many balloons and flowers;

A model of the Eiffel Tower, which can be miniature and installed near each guest seat, or in the form of one large sculpture on the table of the newlyweds;

Tablecloths with French landscapes, phrases, croissant designs or city landmarks;

It is advisable to keep the groom's suit and the bride's dress in the French style;

The menu includes dishes of real French cuisine;

Inform guests that the holiday will be themed and appropriate outfits for the ladies and suits for the gentlemen are desired.

Wedding scenario "Parisian tango"

Solemn music sounds as the newlyweds enter the hall

Presenter: Dear guests of our city, your plane has just landed at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris. We are glad to welcome you to our city, where the weather is always clear, the mood is great and romance is in the air.

A waltz performed by Mireille Mathieu starts and several couples of the guests who were already present in the hall go to waltz. If necessary, you can connect professional dancers.

Presenter: I am glad to welcome you, dear newlyweds and distinguished guests, to the most famous city of France - Paris. We invite you to take your seats for a walk around the capital, filled to the brim with romance, love and anticipation of happiness. Together with our newlyweds, we will have to visit the most remarkable places of the city, but first, we would like to hear instructions from the parents of our main travelers.

The parents of the young people give their speech, preferably prepared in advance, in order to eliminate the awkward moment on this exciting day - the children.

Table competition of wishes "Love in French"

Presenter: Since our holiday is taking place in France, I suggest everyone present learn a little about the language of this country.

(hands out pre-printed wishes to the newlyweds in French, written in Russian letters, to several guests).

Presenter(addresses those who received postcards): Dear guests, you have the honor of being the first to congratulate the newlyweds, and even in the language of the country that hospitably received us on its territory.

(Guests say wishes to the newlyweds in French; it will be funnier if you ask them to do this with candies, marshmallows or marmalade in their mouths).

Presenter: Did everyone understand what our guests wished the young couple? I congratulate you and sincerely join in the congratulations.

Mini-quiz "Sights of Paris"

Presenter: How nice it is to hear such warm words, I hope they will accompany (names of newlyweds) throughout life. And now I propose to go on a tour of the beauties of Paris. (addresses the bride and groom) Don't the young people mind? Then let's go! But first, it would be nice to remember the main ones. I have a number of questions prepared, and those who know what we are talking about, feel free to raise your hand to answer.

Most famous museum? (Louvre)

The name of which cathedral is mentioned in the romantic love story of a hunchback and a gypsy? (Notre Dame Cathedral)

The name of the most popular cabaret? (Moulin rouge)

What are the most common foods in this country? (croissants, cheese, wine)

The most visited place for children's entertainment in Paris ? (Disneyland)

Correct versions are awarded with small prizes and the winners are given the right to congratulate the newlyweds.

Toast and shouts: “Bitter”

Presenter: After such a kiss, a romantic mood involuntarily rolls over and we also want love, kisses and compliments, right? Why deny yourself this pleasure - a competition is announced for the best compliment.

Auction "French Compliment".

The male half of the guests is invited to compliment the bride, then the groom is invited to do the same.

Presenter: Now it’s clear why (groom’s name) chose (bride’s name). She is truly the best! Simply “unearthly beauty”, let’s tell her about it in unison

Table chant "Bride of unearthly beauty"

Mini-quiz "The meaning of a kiss"

Nice music sounds , the presenter speaks in her background.

Presenter: Paris is a city of passions and love. Here on the streets you can meet hundreds of thousands of couples who are madly in love. Do you see how happy our newlyweds are? Our newlyweds deserve to be in the center of this wonderful city. But they say that everyone who truly loves is ready to do the craziest things for the sake of love. Not paying attention to the people around them, they can kiss each other without stopping, because every kiss, touch and even just a look gives them a lot of unforgettable sensations. What do you think is the meaning of every kiss?

The presenter asks questions guests:

What does a kiss on the neck mean? (I want you)

What does kiss on the lips mean? (I love you)

What does a kiss behind the ear symbolize? (I'm flirting with you)

Can you name the meaning of a kiss on the shoulder or hand? (You are the lady of my heart)

(those who guess correctly are encouraged)

Presenter: It is absolutely clear that the kiss of the newlyweds at a wedding means all of this combined. That’s why I want to see it again! Bitterly! (hall support)

Music competition "Songs about kisses"

Presenter: For the French, every kiss is a “kiss of the soul”, because with its help it is easiest to confess your feelings and tell a person about what is happening inside, what emotions and storms are raging in the chest. When that very union of souls occurs, each of the lovers has their own song about love and a kiss. By the way, how many songs do we know about kisses? Does everyone remember their contents? Now songs about kisses will be played, while the song is playing, you pass a heart to each other, whoever is caught with a heart in his hands when the music stops, must sing the next lines of the stopped song.

The game is being played. They alternately play the song “Kiss, Kiss” performed by P. Narcissus, “I Kissed Him” by A. Pugachev, “I’m Ready to Kiss the Sand” by V. Markin, “Autumn Kiss” by A. Pugachev and others.

Competition "French Breakfast"

Presenter: In the morning, Parisians prefer to drink coffee or juice, while tasting croissants with jam. We have everything you need to prepare breakfast, and we offer our girls to make breakfast for their other halves as quickly as possible, with an easy French gait and so that the contents of the tray look very attractive. Whoever is the most skillful and feminine Parisian will win.

A competition is being held. An incendiary musical excerpt is played for each participant, the newlyweds choose the best “Parisian”

Presenter(addresses guests): Dear travelers, which of you can name the famous symbol of the most romantic country in the world? Right! Eiffel Tower. Now it’s hard to believe, but at first this building terribly irritated the Parisians and several times the city’s residents decided to demolish it, but fortunately for travelers around the world, and the French themselves, it never came to this and, soon, the Eiffel Tower became a real attraction and place of pilgrimage for all lovers.

Eiffel Tower Competition

Guests are divided into two teams and given a variety of uninflated balloons, tape and scissors. The number of teams and people in them is not limited, and the task is to inflate balloons and form them into a structure in the form of the Eiffel Tower using tape. Whoever builds the air building first wins.

Presenter: Our teams did an amazing job, don't forget to take a selfie with the landmark in the background.

(you can invite everyone to kiss in front of the Eiffel Tower)

Competition "Tango on the Champs Elysees"

Leading: Another landmark of Paris and a favorite place for tourists to visit is the Champs Elysees, and it is along its expanses that I invite our couples to stroll to the rhythms of tango.

While the music is playing, couples waltz, and as soon as the signal sounds, they freeze, while bending their lady over for a kiss. The couple that can stand for as long as possible in an unusual position will win.

All participants are awarded small prizes, and the winning couple is given the right to invite the newlyweds to walk with them under the Arc de Triomphe.

Entertainment "Walk under the Arc de Triomphe"

The presenter quickly builds a living corridor of guests (several couples), the couples stand facing each other and join hands. The newlyweds pass under it, each of the guests tells them their wishes. The winning couple solemnly accompanies them.

The scenario should be supplemented with traditional wedding moments, games with the newlyweds, congratulations, dance entertainment - at the discretion of the organizers.

Perhaps the ideas for the script “On the French Side” will also be useful for the entertainment program for the wedding “Parisian Tango” (thanks to the author E.A. Potanina)

(download the document by clicking on the file)

Scene - "French Revolution" News Release

Scene- "French Revolution" News release.
A comic report about the French Revolution.

Host: Hello. The Vremya program is on the air and Anya Kozhevnikova is with you. And this is what we will talk about today: 1. France is now a republic! 2. A trip to Versailles. 3. Napoleon's comments.

France is a republic. A convention was convened, where the representatives were men. Well, let's see how they will rule the country! I give the floor to our correspondent. Tatiana!

Correspondent 1: Yes, Anna. I am at a meeting of the Convention. The fate of the country is now being decided. And the zealous Girondist Jean-Jacques Trenier agreed to give us an interview.

Jean Jacques: We adopted a convention according to which France is now a republic. During the voting, we had an overwhelming majority of votes, and in fact, the swamp approved of our side. I assure you, comrades, the country is now safe.

Correspondent 1: I think the situation is clear. Anna!

Host: Well, now we’ll find out about the weather for tomorrow. Tatyana, I give the floor to you.

Weather presenter: Hello. Although France is being torn apart by revolution. The weather in the country is wonderful. It's sunny and clear in Paris. But residents of Bordeaux will have to dress warmer. It's cloudy and windy there. But in Le Havre you can relax by the sea. And in Moulins it is a little cloudy, but without precipitation. Tanya Dubrovskaya was with you. Till tomorrow.

Host: On the night of October 5-6, there was a march on Versailles. The situation in the country is heating up, there is not enough bread. Recently, women attacked the king's residence. And I give the floor to our correspondent. Christina!

Correspondent 2: Yes, Anna. We are located near the Versailles building. A group of women demand bread and want to see the king.

Woman: We don't know what to do. We have husbands and children who want to eat.

Reporter 2: We will monitor the situation.

Host: And so Margarita managed to contact Napoleon Bonaparte.
Correspondent 3: We are at the residence of the great general. And here is the ego office. Hello.

Napoleon: Hello. Ask questions, I'm in a hurry.

Correspondent 3: Of course. Napoleon Bonaparte, how do you manage to win such huge victories, and yet you are only 26 years old? Are you not married?

Napoleon: No, not married. Life without war is boring. Only wars brighten up my existence.

Correspondent 3: You think so. Tell us a little about your victories.

Napoleon: With the greatest pleasure. I conquered Piedmont, Milan, the Papal States, and Austria, seeing my army, became cowardly.

Correspondent 3: I remember that you are not married. Anna!

Host: I hope everything works out for you! And on this happy note we end our issue.

Ved.1 Hello, dear guys!

Ved.2 We are glad to welcome you!

Ved.3. And we will introduce you to France today on the eve of the New Year holidays.

Bonjour! Bonne annee!

Ved.4. France is the official name of the state in Western Europe. The capital is the city of Paris. (map of France with capital mark)

Ved. 1 France! This is perhaps one of the most mysterious and beautiful countries. When you hear the word France, a large number of images come to mind. These are: the melodic murmur of the French language, the voice of Edith Piaf, the crunch of a croissant, a bottle of French perfume, the brave heroine Jeanne D ʼ Ark and reckless Dʼ Artagnan.

Ved.2.France, like any other country, has its own laws, its own traditions, its own favorite holidays. They are all different, unique, tied to certain dates and events.

Ved.3. However, there is one holiday that is celebrated in all corners of the globe, by all peoples; a holiday that unites the people of our planet and gives them the expectation of a miracle, faith in a wonderful future. Of course, this is New Year and Christmas.


Light the New Year's candles

Light all twelve - one after the other!

May there be light this evening -

You and I cannot repeat it.

Let the midnight waltz spin,

The lanterns are blinding with pearly fire.

There's something in the eyes that's on purpose

I left that year, leaving forever.

Ved.1 New Year is a special holiday. Why? Yes because! On this day, a fairy tale walks across our planet in the most legitimate way. She makes a trip to the decorated Christmas trees, thunders with fireworks, and shines with multi-colored lanterns. Today we will go traveling with this fairy tale.

Ved.2. France is a country refined in all respects. Imagine Paris - a modern city with a centuries-old history. During the New Year holidays the city is transformed. The streets are decorated with shining garlands, shop windows shimmer with exquisite colored lights, most squares of the city have exquisitely decorated Christmas trees, and the famous Eiffel Tower shimmers proudly and uniquely over the entire city.

Ved.3. Contrary to popular belief, Christmas in France begins long before the end of December. The unforgettable traditions of celebrating the New Year in France are rooted in the distant past.

Ved.4. Christmas celebrations in modern France last for a whole month. Beginning on December 6, St. Nicholas Day, it comes to an end only on January 6, King's Day. This period is the most joyful and enjoyable of the year for both adults and children.

(New Year's French songs - background)

Ved.1. On December 6, the French Santa Claus - Pere Noel - brings small gifts (gifts and candies) to good and obedient children. Wearing wooden shoes and carrying a basket of gifts, he arrives on a donkey and, leaving the animal outside, enters the house through the chimney. According to the old custom, children put their shoes near the fireplace so that Father Christmas (Per Noel) will give them a reward for good behavior at night.

Ved.2. Père Noël's companion is Père Fouëtard, a grandfather with a rod, who reminds Père Noël how the child behaved during the year and what he deserves more - gifts or a spanking.

Ved.3.On Christmas, celebrated on the night of December 25th, Pere Noel returns with big gifts. Petya Noel, the child Jesus, can also bring gifts.

The streets are lit with millions of garlands, decorated Christmas trees are everywhere, holiday fairs and lotteries are held.

Ved.1. The French usually celebrate Christmas with their family. In cathedrals and churches, ceremonial services are held with unsurpassed illumination and the live sound of the organ. Of course, the best of them is in the heart of the French faith - the Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral.

Ved.2. .After midnight mass, people gather for a festive dinner - Réveillon. Symbolically, Reveillon means awakening, awareness of the meaning that Jesus Christ was born

Ved.3. Children in France leave treats in their shoes for Pere Noel's donkey on New Year's Eve. Singing the Christmas song “Come, Père Noel” (the song is playing)

Ved.4 (reads poetry quietly)

It's a wonderful Christmas night

The snow spreads its white cover

And, raising my eyes to the sky,

Kneeling down, little children

Before you close your eyes,

Reading the last prayer


Santa Claus

When you come down from the sky

With thousands of toys

Don't forget my shoe

But before you go,

You will need to dress warmly

You'll be cold outside

It's a little bit about me.

Ved.1.On New Year's Eve, the French try to eat a lot. Smoked ham, game, salads, pastries, fruit, sweets and wine are served everywhere. But the menu varies depending on the region and its traditions.


Each French province has its own culinary characteristics and preferences:

In northeastern France, the head of the table is usually a goose.

In Burgundy - turkey with chestnuts.

Brittany - buckwheat scones with sour cream.

In Paris - oysters, lobsters, foie gras and champagne.

In Provence, Christmas dinner is symbolically marked with 13 desserts representing Christ and the 12 apostles.

Ved.3 Not only the streets and squares, but also the houses of the French are full of bright outfits and festive decorations. As everywhere else, a Christmas tree is decorated in every home for Christmas and New Year. Historians are sure that the first living Christmas tree was decorated in France. This was approximately 400 years ago.

Ved.4. Spruce has always been a symbol of eternal life and an integral element of decoration. The tree became an obligatory attribute of Christmas only 100 years ago. At first it was installed only in royal and royal palaces. Then they began to appear at Christmas markets and ordinary people began to buy them.

Ved.1. At first, the spruce was decorated only with fruits. Mostly apples. But one day there was a crop failure for apples. Then glassblowers in one of the regions of France created glass balls. Gingerbread cookies, carrots, nuts, paper stars, snowflakes, garlands and angel figures were added to them.

Soon the lighting appeared. Only rich people could decorate with candles. It took a long time before this became available to ordinary French people. Later, candles gave way to garlands of light bulbs.

Ved.2. It is worth noting that most French people do not put up Christmas trees, but decorate the house with a sprig of mistletoe, believing that this will bring good luck in the coming year. Every French home hangs a sprig of mistletoe above the door. According to legend, she should bring only happiness and good luck in the New Year. The French are not indifferent to flowers. Therefore, they can be seen in every corner of the house. And on holidays there are many more flowers. Flowers must be placed on tables.

Ved.3. Also an element of decoration are kresh - Christmas manger - a model depicting the scene of the birth of Christ. Usually the layout is filled with human figures - figures of saints - santons. These are figurines symbolizing the Virgin Mary, baby Jesus, Joseph and the Magi.

After the festive revueillon, it is customary to leave a lit candle for the Virgin Mary.

Ved.4 Since the 12th century, in France there has been a tradition on Christmas Eve to make a Christmas log - Bouches de Noel - from fresh wood with the whole family in the courtyard of the house. It was believed that a tree trunk cut down had magical properties and could affect the harvest. With certain ceremonies, the log was solemnly brought into the house. The head of the family poured oil and heated wine over it, and the whole family offered prayers. Little girls set fire to the log using wood chips left over from the previous year's log (according to legend, the ash and wood chips obtained from burning the Christmas log protected the house from lightning and the devil's tricks throughout the year; therefore, family members collected them especially carefully and carefully stored them). Gradually, the tradition of burning Bouches de Noel died out, although today it is followed in houses with fireplaces.

In some provinces in France, it was customary to hide gifts for children, especially sweets and dry fruits, in the Christmas log.

Ved.1. Currently, these traditions are observed only symbolically: in many homes, on holiday tables you can find figurines of Bouches de Noel. In addition, birthday cakes and chocolate rolls decorated with sugar figures and leaves are baked in the Bouches de Noel mold.

Ved2. New Year traditions in France are diverse. For example, in some areas, locals get together and go to the vineyards. At the stroke of midnight, several bunches of grapes are picked in honor of the coming year. Winemakers go down to the cellars and clink glasses or hug wine barrels, congratulate them on the New Year and drink to the future harvest.

Ved.3. There is a tradition in France that is observed in all corners of France: the definition of the bean king. It consists in the fact that on New Year's Eve every family necessarily bakes a pie in which a bean is hidden. The one who gets this bean is called the bean king. They put a cardboard crown on him. Throughout the evening, the guests obey him and follow his orders. Thus, celebrating the New Year holidays turns into a fun game.

Ved.4. In France, the New Year is called “St. Sylvester’s Day.” It received its name in honor of Pope Sylvester, who led the church for 20 years. After his death he was canonized as a saint. He died on December 31st. That's why the New Year got its name. A few days before the holiday, evening concert programs begin in all cathedrals in France. Services are being held. Mass celebrations take place.

Ved.1. If Christmas in France is a family holiday, then the New Year is celebrated with friends somewhere in a cafe or restaurant. During New Year's dinner, people dance, joke, put on pointed hats with stars and throw handfuls of confetti or streamers at each other.

Ved.2. Singers and dancers take part in the New Year celebration, who perform various shows on the streets and squares for two days.

Ved.3. The best place to relax with children during this period is Disneyland near Paris, ski resorts, and parks with a large number of attractions. People are given caps, streamers, horns, and firecrackers. The idea of ​​firecrackers was picked up by an English pastry chef from the French. He saw how the French wrapped sweets in festive packaging. A few years later, instead of candy, they began to wrap a toy in paper, which made a pop when opened. Sparks flew out of it, and there was a surprise inside.

Ved.4.On New Year's Eve, a mass celebration takes place on the Champs Elysees in the capital of France - Paris. On a festive night, it is as bright as day because of the many colorful light bulbs hanging on the trees.

Ved.1.And on New Year’s Eve you should definitely make a wish while looking at the Eiffel Tower. We invite you to make a wish for everyone now and let it come true! Turn your gaze to the Eiffel Tower (a minute of attention), make your deepest wish...

And now we invite you to try yourself in the role of Per Noel and play the game “Frosty Breath” with us.

Two people are invited to the stage. Your task is to blow away the snowflakes, we start on command

(Before each Santa Claus, a sufficiently large paper snowflake is placed on the table. The task is to blow off your snowflake so that it falls from the opposite edge of the table. This continues until everyone has blown off their snowflakes.)

(summing up) The winner is not the one who was the first to blow away his snowflake, but the one who was the last, because his breath is so frosty that his snowflake “frozen” to the table.”

Ved.3 Riddles

Like the feathers of the Firebird,

Everything sparkles and sparkles,

Powdered the forest and meadow

Winter white... (kozhens)

We will start a “war” in winter,

Let's build a snow fortress!

What are we going to “fight” with?

Every "warrior" should know!

Guess quickly, my friend,

Round ball - ... (kozhens)

Night. Winter. There are stars in the sky.

The kids are sleeping, it's too late,

The month in the sky is a horn,

A little white one fell out... (kozhens)

The sleigh is moving along the road,

Stitch curls like a thread

A trace remains from the runners,

I messed up the trail... (kozhens)

We looked out the window,

I can’t believe my eyes!

Everything around is white - white

And sweeps... (acyletem)

Who sweeps and gets angry in winter,

Blows, howls and spins,

Making a white bed?

This is snowy... (let's fly)

This winter mistress

Everyone is afraid, even the bunny

Only April is not afraid

Snow-white... (let's fly)

The sun will hide, the wind will howl,

The blue sky will close

And the drifting snow spreads

Winter... (aceletem)


in acrostics

An acrostic is a poem in which the initial letters of the lines form a word or phrase.


The sun, everything is white and white.

At night the ground was covered with snow.

The spruce alone is green,

Life in winter is not scary for her.

There are needles all around her,

On the trunk is a titmouse's house.

It seems there is nothing more beautiful

And there is a magical light around.



Maybe I'm still in a dream?

This is very strange to me.

Ran away ahead of schedule

Autumn has thrown away its leaves,

This means it will soon be winter.



The hedgehog looks like her

You won't find any leaves at all.

Like a beauty, slim,

And for the New Year it’s important.


And now, friends, let's play

An interesting game:

What we decorate the Christmas tree with,

I'll call the kids.

Listen carefully

And be sure to answer

If we tell you correctly,

Say “Yes” in response.

Well, what if suddenly it’s wrong,

Feel free to say “No!”

Multi-colored firecrackers?

Blankets and pillows?

Cots and cribs?

Marmalades, chocolates?

Glass balls?

Are the chairs wooden?

Teddy bears?

Primers and books?

Are the beads multi-colored?

Are the garlands light?

Snow made from white cotton wool?

Satchels and briefcases?

Shoes and boots?

Cups, forks, spoons?

Are the candies shiny?

Are tigers real?

Are the cones golden?

Are the stars radiant?

Ved.2. Our journey through New Year's France has come to an end and as a farewell we would like to tell you now: New Year is a time when miracles happen: sometimes incredible, but always very pleasant and joyful.

Ved.3.On the night of New Year

Open the doors wide

Even though the blizzard is blowing

And the blizzard roars.

On New Year's Eve

Happiness comes to people.

Let it come to you too.

Ved.4. May the New Year come to your home

With nice mood.

And may you have a whole year in everything

Luck comes with it.

Let every day warm you with warmth,

And it will bring a lot of happiness.

And all doubts will be dispelled

New Year arrived at midnight!

Leading. There is another tradition - giving an orange or tangerine. They are stored and protected as much as possible. The French believe that its shape resembles the earth, and its color gives joy and good mood. And today we would like to end our journey through festive France by presenting you with tangerines. We wish you a Happy New Year and wish you happiness and joy. Bonne annee. Beaucoup de Bonheur.

S. V. Ladik, MBOU secondary school No. 18, Kovrov, Vladimir region