Presentation on the topic “Artists of Chuvashia. Famous people of Chuvashia: brief biography, photos Famous artists of Chuvashia

2012 has been declared the Year of Russian History. And, indeed, so many significant dates fall on this particular year: the 770th anniversary of the Battle of the Ice, the 400th anniversary of overcoming the Troubles of 1612 and the 200th anniversary of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812, the 1150th anniversary of Russian statehood.

The Union of Artists of Chuvashia also has its own history. Created in 1935. In the 30s, the organizational foundations were laid for the unification of artists as like-minded masters in close unity with the life of the people. Names appeared that formed the basis of the professional fine arts of Chuvashia. The growth and formation of the creative team in the first and subsequent years was facilitated by the active participation of leading art masters in All-Russian and All-Union art exhibitions, the construction of creative workshops and a creative production base, professional training within the walls of the Cheboksary Art School and art and graphic faculty of the Chuvash State Pedagogical University named after. AND I. Yakovleva.

The 1950-60s were marked by a round of creative growth in the artistic life of the republic, which was directly facilitated by the arrival of a whole generation of young talents - graduates of academic universities: Leningrad (named after I.E. Repin), Moscow (named after V.I. Surikov), Kharkov State Art Institute institute and others.

In the early 60s, by decision of the secretariat of the Union of Artists of Russia, 10 regional zones of the Union were created in the country to carry out exhibition activities locally. Participation in the first regional exhibition “Big Volga” in 1964 in Kuibyshev (Samara), and then in Russian and all-Union exhibitions brought recognition to the artists of Chuvashia. “Big Volga” gave a “start” in life to many artists, making their works popular with viewers. These are M. Spiridonov, N. Ovchinnikov, N. Sverchkov, B. Belousov, Yu. Zaitsev, E. Efremova, S. Alatov, P. Sizov. The works of R. Fedorov, N. Karacharskov, V. Churakov, E. Yuryev sounded brightly and innovatively. The treasury of fine art included works by V. Ageev, V. Petrov (Praski Vitti), K. Vladimirov, N. Enilin, N Sadyukova, R. Teryukalova, V. Arapov. A noticeable phenomenon was the work of the middle generation of artists of the republic: M. Grigoryan, Y. Yuvenalyev, A. Fedoseev, N. Komarov, G. Fomiryakov, K. Dolgashev, V. Britvin, V. Ivanova, A. Fedorova. At the latest exhibitions, gifted youth boldly declared themselves, professing in their creativity the search for style in solving the problems of our time: O. Poldyaev, O. Kokorina, E. Tumanova, G. Kabilova, I. Ulangin. V. Nagornov, A. Bryndin, V. Nemtsev entered history with sculptural ensembles. In the 80s, a new generation of sculptors came to Chuvash art, presenting their works at regional and all-Russian exhibitions. This is the inspired plastic art of S. Kadikin and L. Tikhonov, the animalistic art of S. Pleshkov.

A unique component of the art of Chuvashia is decorative and applied art. The national embroidery of M. Simakova, T. Petrova, T. Sharkova, the highly professional jewelry creativity of V. Nikolaev, the glass work of O. Dunyak, and the ceramics of M. Mikhailova brought the republic well-deserved fame.

Today, in the fine arts of Chuvashia, new artistic traditions are taking shape, lively creative experiments are underway in search of form and content, imagery and style. The upcoming exhibition in St. Petersburg is dedicated to the Year of Russian History, people, natives of the Chuvash land (one of them is P. A. Kikin is a hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, the initiator of the creation and first chairman of the Society for the Encouragement of Artists) who made a huge contribution to the history of Russia. The exhibition will be held in the Exhibition Hall of the Union of Artists of St. Petersburg from August 7 to 19 and will undoubtedly become an exam and a vivid presentation of the creative potential of contemporary art in Russia. Artists of Chuvashia will present their works created in recent years to the discerning, sophisticated viewer of the Northern capital. Large-scale exhibition artists of Chuvashia, representing different genres and types of fine art of the republic in St. Petersburg, have not been for many years, and the upcoming event is all the more significant. Thematic paintings of the artists will be presented at this exhibition: Fedorov R. F. - People's Artist of Russia, full member of the Russian Academy of Arts , member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Arts: “And the angel swore to the living that there would be no more time,” “Prosperity”; Fedoseev A.M. Honored Artist of Russia “Emerging from the memory of the past. Portrait of P.A. Kikina”, Kokorina O.I.: “Preachers”; Dolgashev K.A. Honored Artist of Chuvashia: “Nostalgia of Philip Malyavin”; Honored Artists of Chuvashia: Anokhin A.P., Britvin V.G., Miloslavskaya V.G., Gainutdinova D.Sh.; Honored Artist of Russia M.G. Grigoryan; artists Lukiyanova V.A., Tumanova E.E., Kabilova G.S., Kozlova G.V. and others. Participants in this exhibition will be the Honored Artist of Chuvashia, sculptor V.D. Nemtsev, animal sculptor S.A. Pleshkov; Honored Artist of Russia, artist of decorative and applied arts, master of hand embroidery Simakova M.V.

Artists from Chuvashia living in St. Petersburg will also take part in this exhibition: Honored Artist of Russia, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts Rybkin A.P., Fedorov A.N., Makarov A.V., friends of the Union of Artists of Chuvashia: artist St. Petersburg Kozhevnikov V.M., Honored Architect of Russia, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts Rzhevsky V.N.

Moses Spiridonovich Spiridonov (August 24, 1890, the village of Yanshihovo-Norvashi, Yantikovsky district, Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic - March 31, 1981, Cheboksary, Czechoslovak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic) - the oldest Soviet artist, one of the founders of Chuvash professional fine art, the author of now widely known works of painting. Moses Spiridonov was born on August 24, 1890 in the village of Yanshihovo-Norvashi, Yadrinsky district, Kazan province (now Yantikovsky district of the Chuvash Republic), into a peasant family. Chuvash. Father - Spiridon Lavrentievich Lavrentiev, mother - Varvara Aleksandrovna Lavrentieva. In 1899-1905, Moses studied at a rural two-year school in Yanshihovo-Norvaši. He is being examined for admission to the Civil City School and the Kazan Teachers' Seminary. In 1905-1906, he took lessons at the private preparatory school of K.N. Baratynskaya near Kazan, on an estate near the village of Shushary. Moisei Spiridonov was accepted into the Kazan Art School, where he received knowledge until 1912. He prepared scenery for performances at the Kazan Opera House and painted paintings in private houses. He paints his first paintings on the themes of life in the Chuvash village. He graduates from school in the First category, this gives the young talent the right to enter the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg without competition. 1912-1918, the future painter studies artistic skills within the walls of the Higher Art School of the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg-Petrograd with professors G. R. Zaleman, I. I. Tvorozhnikov, Ya. Tsionglinsky, A.V. Makovsky, N.S. Samokish. At the same time, he worked as a drawing teacher for gymnasiums and other schools in Petrograd. In 1913-1915 he studied at the Higher Pedagogical Courses at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts with A.V. Makovskygo. In 1918 he returned to his homeland, Janshihovo-Norvasi, and took care of his business. Enters the Pedagogical Courses in Shikran (Kanash). Applies to the government of the Chuvash Commune with a proposal to organize the artistic life of his native people. In 1920-1926, Moisey Spiridonovich led the work of the fine arts section in the arts subdepartment of the Chuvash regional public education. In 1926-1932, M. S. Spiridonov was appointed chairman of the Chuvash branch of the Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia. In 1927, they managed to hold the first exhibition of works by Chuvash artists in Cheboksary, and they went with an exhibition to show the art of the peoples of the USSR in Moscow. In 1921-1950, M. Spiridonovich worked as the head of the Central Chuvash Museum of Local Lore, an employee of the Chuvash Research Institute, director of the Chuvash State Art Gallery, and was elected as a deputy of the Supreme Council of the Czech Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1937-1955 he served as Chairman of the Board of the Union of Chuvash Artists. In 1935, the master was awarded the honorary title “Honored Artist of the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.” In 1940, M. M. Spiridonov was awarded the honorary title “Honored Artist of the RSFSR.” The painter also does not forget about the teaching path: in 1940-1941 he was a teacher at the Cheboksary Art School, in 1948-1954 he gave knowledge to students of the Cheboksary Art School. For their valiant work, the master was awarded the Order of Lenin in 1950. In 1960, he was honored with the title “People’s Artist of the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic” and awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. In 1980, the artist was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples. The artist died on March 31, 1981 in Cheboksary.

The 20th century entered the cultural history of the Chuvash people as a period of active development of professional artistic creativity. Along with literature, theater and music, fine arts developed successfully. In all its types and genres, the traditions laid down by the pioneers of Chuvash fine art - A.A. - were passed on from decade to decade. Kokelem, Yu.L. Zaitsev, M.S. Spiridonov, N.K. Sverchkov, F.S. Bykov, I.V. Dmitriev, I.T. Grigoriev. In the middle and second half of the century, a new generation of painters and graphic artists entered the art arena - F.P. Osipov, N.V. Ovchinnikov, B.S. Gurin, P.M. Ermolaeva, P.G. GrigorievSavushkin, P.G. Kiparisov, R.F. Fedorov, and after them - younger artists V.I. Ageev. A.I. Mittov, N.P. Karacharskov, E.M. Yuryev, V.L. Nemtsev, V.P. Petrov (Praski Vitti), V.D. Churakov, P.V. Pavlov, Yu.I. Ksenofontov, N.A. Enilin, Yu.N. Nikolaev and others. Contemporary art of Chuvashia is represented by the creations of talented painters, graphic artists, sculptors, masters of many types of decorative and applied arts, stage designers and jewelers. Art masters of the older, middle and younger generations now worthily represent the professional fine art of the republic at regional exhibitions, in the largest shows of all-Russian art, prestigious international exhibitions and in other exhibition projects of our time. The successful and progressive development of fine arts is facilitated by art history science, which was formed in the 1960-1970s. A.A. played a major role in its development. Trofimov, A.G. Grigoriev and N.A. Urgalkina. Thanks to their fundamental works and scientific publications, the history of the formation and evolution of Chuvash art received deep coverage. They also studied the work of many outstanding artists. Thanks to the books presented at our exhibition, you can discover the magical world of painting and graphics. We hope that these books will serve the cause of the revival of spirituality in our native Chuvashia Union of Artists of Chuvashia: Album catalogue. Dedicated to the 70th anniversary / 1935-2005: Painting. Graphic arts. Sculpture. Decorative arts. Art history. Monumental art. Clothing design. – Cheboksary, 2005. – 200 pp.: ill. The colorful catalog album, published for the 70th anniversary of the Union of Artists of Chuvashia, reflects the activities of artists who made a significant contribution to the creation and development of one of the creative unions of Chuvashia. The colorful catalog album “Union of Artists of Chuvashia” includes reproductions of paintings by pencil and brush masters, as well as brief biographical information about them. Of course, the pages of this unique, vibrant publication will help lovers of fine art discover new names of masters of painting, graphics and sculpture of our Republic. Trofimov A. A. Art: selected works. Sat. Art. – Cheboksary: ​​ChGIGN, 2005. – 604 p. The collection of selected scientific works by A. A. Trofimov includes articles created over a period of forty years (60s of the 20th – early 21st centuries). They explore the problems of theory and history of all types and genres of fine art and trends that have developed in the development of society in different historical times. Some attention in the book is paid to the origin and development of professional embroidery, the development of crafts and creativity of folk craftsmen of Chuvashia, fine arts, small and monumental sculpture, etc. The publication is equipped with illustrations of works of art, specific historical and archaeological materials. Masters of Fine Arts: illustrated edition / comp. Yu.V. Viktorov. – Cheboksary: ​​Chuvash Book Publishing House. T.9: Essays. – 382 pp.: 6 colors. ill. The ninth volume of the illustrated book series from the “Library of the President of the Chechen Republic” series, published under the scientific editorship of Yuri Vasilyevich Viktorov, presents 37 essays (14 of which belong to Yu. V. Viktorov himself) about outstanding painters, graphic artists, sculptors, masters of decorative and applied arts, and also art historians who wrote many bright pages in the national and domestic artistic culture of the 20th – early 21st centuries. The book contains creative portraits of the founders of Chuvash professional art and masters of subsequent generations who continued the traditions laid down by the pioneers. Fine art of Soviet Chuvashia: album / comp. N.V. Voronov, A.A. Trofimov. – M.: Sov. Artist, 1980. – 224 p. The album “Fine Art of Soviet Chuvashia” gives a comprehensive idea of ​​the artistic life of the republic. The book contains about 180 illustrations: reproductions from paintings, graphic sheets, photographs of works of sculpture, monumental and folk arts and crafts. Zhuravlev, Sergey Vitalievich. Chãvash en ỳnerçisem = Artists of Chuvashia: biographies: purãç çulě : [reference album. / Sergey Zhuravlev; Z. M. Yuryeva ed.]. - Shupashkar: Chuvashia, 2007. 94, p. : ill., color. ill., portrait; 30 cm. The book by photojournalist Sergei Vitalievich Zhuravlev is a “journey” into the magical world of fine art: painting, graphics, sculpture, art glass and ceramics. The author has found an interesting form of presenting the material: laconic texts in the Chuvash and Russian languages ​​with bright moments of his creative biography are accompanied by a series of images - reproductions of the master’s works and his self-portrait. The publication includes biographies of 21 artists. In condensed articles, the author tries to give the most amazing and previously unknown facts from the lives of artists that influenced their further work. The book contains a dictionary of terms and an index of names. The publication uses reproductions of paintings from the funds of the Chuvash State Art Museum, private collections and artists' workshops. Sadyukov N.I. Creators of beauty: Articles, essays about artists. Cheboksary, 2013. - 208 p.: ill. The book tells about the most interesting exhibitions organized by the Chuvash State Art Museum and the Union of Artists of Chuvashia in the period from 1961 to 2011, about the authors whose works were included in the gold fund of the ChGKhM, the main repository of artistic values ​​of the republic. The richly illustrated publication is intended for a wide range of readers, all lovers of fine art. Ovchinnikov N.V. A moment between past and future. – Cheboksary, 1998. – 128 p.: ill. On the pages of the author’s monograph “A Moment Between the Past and the Future” N.V. Ovchinnikov talks about his creative path, shares his thoughts about the difficult and noble work of the artist. With particular warmth, the author remembers his first teachers at the Alatyr Art and Engraving School, professors at the Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. I.E. Repin, as well as fellow teachers of the Kharkiv State Philharmonic Institute named after. I.Ya.Yakovleva. The contents of the monograph are supplemented by color reproductions of the artist’s paintings and photographic documents. Valor is alive in grateful hearts. Artists of Chuvashia: Album. – Cheboksary - St. Petersburg, 2012. – 130 p.: ill. The album tells about the exhibition of artists of Chuvashia “Valor lives in grateful hearts”, organized on August 7, 2012 at the Exhibition Center of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists. The exhibition is dedicated to the Year of Russian History, people, natives of the Chuvash land, who made a great contribution to the history of Russia. The exhibition displays various types and genres of fine art. These are works by Chuvash artists created in recent years. Vitaly Emelyanov. Book graphics. Satire and humor. Poster. – Cheboksary: ​​Chuvash. Book Publishing house, 2012. – 190 pp.: ill. The book is dedicated to Vitaly Emelyanovich Emelyanov, an outstanding graphic artist, whose name is associated with the development of Chuvash book graphics, satire and humor, and posters. The book contains data about significant events in the artist’s life, reviews of his work, and provides a complete list of exhibitions in which V. Emelyanov participated. To the compiler of the publication N.I. Sadyukov managed to collect illustrations and provide readers with the opportunity to admire the artist’s works. V.E. Emelyanov is one of those modest creative people who value the love of readers and viewers. And this book is an attempt to bring his multifaceted creativity to the attention of lovers of fine art in a fairly complete manner. Ivanova V.A. Password - Aktsynovs: a documentary story in voice recordings, letters, poems and author's digressions. – Cheboksary: ​​Chuvashia, 200. – 316 pp.: ill. The book is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the honored artists of Russia and Chuvashia Lyudmila and Arkady Aktsynov. It is based on the memories of friends about these bright people who went through “trouble and prison”, but until their last hour they believed “in fairy tales and love”: the very name of the Aktsynovs became for the author a magic password that opened all doors and human hearts. Spiridonov M.S. Wings of Memory: Memoirs of an Artist. Memories of the artist. Documentation. Articles. Letters. – Cheboksary: ​​Chuvash. Book Publishing house, 1990. – 208 pp.: ill. The book “M.S. Spiridonov. Wings of Memory: for the 100th anniversary of the artist’s birth” was prepared for publication by T.M. Senkevich (the artist’s daughter) and A.G. Grigoriev. It contains the author's memoirs, as well as many important information about the life and work of the founder of the Chuvash professional fine arts. In his memoirs, for the first time, facts, information and other materials are presented that are of great value for the history of the artistic culture of the Chuvash region. Documents, articles and letters complement the characteristics of the outstanding master. Kokel Alexey Afanasyevich: Memoirs of contemporaries and students. – Cheboksary: ​​Chuvashknigoizdat, 1980. – 104 p..: ill. (“Artists of Chuvashia”). The book about the life and creative work of one of the prominent representatives of Soviet fine art, A.A. Kokel, is compiled from the memories of his contemporaries and students. They vividly depict the image of an artist, teacher and public figure. The publication is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the artist’s birth and is addressed to a wide range of art lovers. Viktorov Yu.V. Fyodor Osipov: life and work. Monograph. – Cheboksary: ​​ChGIGN, 2000. – 208 p.: ill. Yu.V. Viktorov’s monograph “Fedor Osipov: Life and Creativity” tells the story of one of the veterans of the Chuvash fine arts. People's Artist of the Chuvash Republic Fyodor Prokofievich Osipov talentedly showed himself in various types and genres of fine art. The monograph, covering all stages of the master’s life and creative path, is supplemented with illustrative material, diary entries, bibliography and other reference information. The book is addressed to a wide range of readers, primarily people of art and young people who are learning the ABCs of painting, graphics and composition. Viktorov Yu.V. Petr Kiparisov: artist and teacher. Monograph. – Cheboksary: ​​ChGIGN, 1999. – 232 p.: ill. Yu.V. Viktorov’s monograph “Peter Kiparisov: artist and teacher” is dedicated to the life and creative path of the outstanding master. The outstanding Chuvash artist P.G. Kiparisov entered the history of Russian fine art as a talented painter and colorist. The teaching work of the eminent artist at the Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I.E. Repin deserved universal recognition. The book's material includes the artist's pedagogical heritage: scientific works, articles, diary entries. Viktorov Yu.V. Ellie Yuryev. The artist and time. – Cheboksary: ​​Chuvash. Book Publishing house, 2005. – 255 pp.: ill. The book, published as part of the biographical series “Wonderful People of Chuvashia,” widely covers the multifaceted creative life of the talented artist, creator of the coat of arms and flag of the Chuvash Republic. Contains an art criticism assessment of the original works of E.M. Yuryev, created in different types and genres of art. Addressed to artists, creative youth and everyone interested in art. Voronov N.V., Chervonnaya S.M. Nikolai Vasilievich Ovchinnikov. Life and art. – Cheboksary: ​​Chuvashknigoizdat, 1981. – 100 p.: ill. Book by N.V. Voronova and S.M. Chervonnaya “N.V. Ovchinnikov" introduces readers to the life and work of the people's artist of the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Separate chapters are devoted to paintings and graphic works of the master. The monograph reflects the active social work and teaching activities of N.V. Ovchinnikov at the KhGF ChGPI. All books in the “Artists of Chuvashia” series contain rich illustrative material - reproductions of paintings, drawings, photographs from family archives, etc. Sverchkov N.K. Happiness: memories of an artist. – Cheboksary: ​​Chuvash. book publishing house, 1976. – 120 pp.: ill. Author's monograph “N.K. Sverchkov. Happiness" contains important information about the life and work of the veteran of Chuvash fine arts. In the book “Happiness” N.K. Sverchkov talks about his creative path, shares his thoughts on many issues of art and artistic creativity. His memoirs vividly depict images of people who played an important role in the formation of Chuvash art, in strengthening and expanding its international ties. For the first time, numerous factual materials are published that are of undoubted interest to a wide range of readers. Mittow (1932 – 1971). Memoirs, poems. Essays, artistic and critical articles. Diary entries, stories, poems of the artist. – Cheboksary: ​​Chuvash. book publishing house, 1990. – 215 pp.: ill. This book is a kind of monument to the talented Chuvash artist A.I. Mittov. The book contains unique information about the life and work of the original Chuvash painter and graphic artist. It includes memoirs of his contemporaries, literary critical articles about his work; poems, stories, statements about art, diary entries of the artist himself. The book is illustrated with reproductions of paintings by Anatoly Mittov. For a wide range of readers. Praski Vitti. Painting. Enamel. Graphics: book-album. – Cheboksary: ​​Publishing house. “Freepoetry”, 2011. – 100 pp.: ill. The album reflects the results of many years of creative activity of the talented artist Praska Vitti. On the pages of the book-album, art connoisseurs can get acquainted with the paintings, enamel and graphic illustrations of V.P. Petrov, which reflects the life of the Chuvash people and their culture.. Among them: the compositions “To the Poet V. Krivulin”, “Date”, “Swing”, “In Praise of Women’s Courage”, based on the poem by the genius of Chuvash poetry K.V. Ivanov “Narspi”, historical subjects related to the destinies of the Chuvash and Hungarian peoples, graphic poems, a portrait of the mother, metal engravings, drawings, etc. The book is intended for a wide range of readers and, of course, will become a useful publication for anyone interested in Praska’s work Vitti. Chervonnaya S.M. Petr Vasilievich Pavlov. Life and art. – Cheboksary, Chuvashknigoizdat, 1984. – 80 p.: ill. (Series “Artists of Chuvashia”). In the monograph “P.V. Pavlov", along with an analysis of the artist’s creativity, the author pays attention to the pedagogical activities of P.V. Pavlov, who worked as a teacher of iso-disciplines at the Kharkiv State Philharmonic State Pedagogical Institute (1969-1974) and at the Chekhov Art University (1980-1981), talks about his work with young artists of the republic. Urgalkina N.A. Moses Spiridonovich Spiridonov. Life and art. – Cheboksary: ​​Chuvashknigoizdat, 1975. – 47 p.: ill. (Series “Artists of Chuvashia”). The book is dedicated to the life and work of the founder of Chuvash fine art, Moisei Spiridonovich Spiridonov. Creativity M.S. Spiridonova is a bright page of Chuvash culture. Having lived a great creative life with the people and for the people, the artist truly accomplished a civic feat for the glory of his native art. Designed for a wide range of readers. Urgalkina N.A. Nikita Kuzmich Sverchkov. Life and art. – Cheboksary: ​​Chuvashknigoizdat, 1983. – 72 p.: ill. (Series “Artists of Chuvashia”). The book is dedicated to the work of one of the founders of Chuvash professional art N.K. Sverchkova. Written on a strictly documentary basis, the monograph for the first time covers in detail the initial period of the artist’s creative activity, his formation in the positions of socialist realism, and talks about the master’s contribution to the Chuvash historical picture. This scientific study is written in a language accessible to the mass reader and is addressed to everyone who is interested in Chuvash art. People's Artist of Russia Revel Fedorov: History. Modernity. Style principles of creativity. / Comp. A.A. Trofimov. – Cheboksary, 2011. – 248 p.: ill. The collection of articles outlines the artistic principles of the painter from the 60s of the 20th century to the first decade of the 21st century and theoretical questions put forward by modern art history. The book is supplemented with articles and interviews with R.F. Fedorov. An integral part of the publication was photographic materials from the opening days and reproductions of works by Revel Fedorov, which the conference participants referred to in their reports. The publication is intended for art critics, artists, historians, philosophers, cultural experts, students of higher and special educational institutions and students of art schools. Artist Anatoly Mittov. Road up the mountain: Book-album. – Cheboksary: ​​Chuvash. Book publishing house, 2011. – 208 p.: ill. The book is dedicated to the life and work of the outstanding artist A.I. Mittov (1932-1971), whose works were included in the golden fund of Chuvash art. The published articles represent a modern view of researchers on the unique heritage of the master. In his graphics, painting and book illustrations there is a deep penetration into the sacred world of beliefs and ancient ideas of the Chuvash people.

December 2nd, 2010

G. Isaev: "The ten best artists of Chuvashia are..."
Isaev Georgy Gennadievich, chief curator of the Chuvash State Art Museum.
Interview to the site "Elite Ch" (

Tell us about yourself.

He began his studies at a school in the village of Oktyabrskoye, Mariinsko-Posad district, and continued his studies at the Kugessky secondary school. Graduated from the Faculty of Biology of Gorky State University.

He served in the air defense, and underwent training in training near Leningrad, near Lake Ladoga, where the “road of life” is. Then I was transferred to serve in the Moscow region, in the third defense belt.

As fate would have it, in 1990 I ended up in the museum. At first he worked as a museum employee, installing exhibitions. I have twenty years of experience in museum work.

Have a family. The wife received a printing education and works as a technical editor. My son studies at the university at the Faculty of History and Geography.

You are a famous photographer. Tell us about this hobby of yours.

I'm not an artist, but an amateur. But I have a long-standing interest in fine art. My father, Gennady Ilyich Isaev, is a professional artist. On November 15, 2007, he passed away.
Currently I am participating in the photographic project “Bridgehead” with the “Earth-Sky” series.

The first localization was at KhBK on November 5-6, I performed there with a banner measuring 4.5 x 3.15 meters.

The second location took place in Cheboksary on Konstantin Ivanov Street, ATS No. 42, where I exhibited both a banner and a series of photographs “Earth-Sky”. I turned to ancient Chuvash mythology, which says that the top, the sky, is masculine, and the bottom, the earth, is feminine. I tried to comment on the myth using a visual method. The photo series “Earth – Sky” is a self-portrait in form, and an attempt to interpret an ancient myth in a modern way in content.

You are engaged in the evaluation of works of art. Probably, subjectivity cannot be avoided here, but still: which of the artists of Chuvashia is in the top ten, who is in the second, third...?

On the Internet, on the website of the Union of Artists of Russia, a “rating of artists” is posted. It features ten thousand of the best artists in the world: Picasso, Modigliani and others. The ranking has seven categories. The highest is the first, the countdown starts from it.

The list includes seven artists from Chuvashia: Sverchkov Nikita Kuzmich, Spiridonov Moisey Spiridonovich, Ivan Vasilyevich Dmitriev, Nikolai Vasilyevich Ovchinnikov, Revel Fedorovich Fedorov, Petr Vasilyevich Pavlov, Petrov Vitaly Petrovich - Praski Vitti. They are all artists of the prestigious third level.

The best Chuvash masters, in my opinion, also include Alexey Afanasyevich Kokel, Ivan Trofimovich Grigoriev, Anatoly Ivanovich Mittov, Yuri Antonovich Zaitsev, the young master Georgy Fomiryakov, sculptors Yuri Ksenofontov, Fedor Madurov: they are closest to the “third level of the rating” and can present the art of Chuvashia at any exhibition.

The next “floor” consists of the authors of the permanent exhibition of the Chuvash State Art Museum. This is a large list of “level four rated” artists. Of course, Kiparisov Petr Gavrilovich, Grigoriev-Savushkin, Augusta Spiridonova, Aktsynov, Kharitonov, Karacharskov, Nemtsev, Semenov, Vladimirov... Naming these names, I can refer to the book “Unified Art Rating”, the author of the book, editor-in-chief and founder of the reference book is Sergei Volfovich Zagraevsky. The directory lists all the regulatory documents that determine the category of artistic work and the artist himself.

How is the permanent exhibition of the museum formed?

It is formed based on the general exhibition concept: the exhibition should include works by artists who are the face of Chuvash art. But, first of all, the main criterion for inclusion in the permanent exhibition is the quality of the work, the quality of the painting, the skill of the artist.

We tried to get away from regalia, titles - “honored”, “national”, etc. They were taken into account, but there are artists who are beyond the titles. For example, Ivan Vasilyevich Dmitriev: he has no regalia at all. But out of the entire Volga region, he occupies one of the very first places in the ranking of Russian-level artists. Dmitriev is represented in the Tretyakov Gallery, his works are in the gallery’s catalog “Painting of the first half of the twentieth century.” I don’t know of any other Chuvash painter who would be represented in the Tretyakov catalog. There is an annotation about him, illustrations of his works: “Portrait of a Mother”, “Self-Portrait”, “Country Interior”, “Zvenigorod Still Life”. By the way, in 2000 we brought the painting “Country Interior” from the Tretyakov Gallery, and it was exhibited at the Chechen State Art Museum. In total, we organized six exhibitions dedicated to the work of Ivan Vasilyevich Dmitriev: in 1992, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002.

The twentieth century is closed, and hardly anyone will break through. But the twenty-first century is open to all artists.

Which young artist are you most interested in?

- Fomiryakov is the best.

More than that - this is my purely subjective opinion, I would not name a single one. Young masters have no vector. No worldview. There is no sense at all of where or what to go to. Recovers, repetitions, remixes, compilations and so on.

Raphael has a famous painting “The School of Athens”: Plato points his finger up, he is a representative of abstract philosophy, Aristotle points down - he is a representative of natural philosophy, and somewhere on the edge Raphael places his self-portrait, one-on-one communicating with the viewer. That is: in order to say a new word in world art, it is first necessary to make a breakthrough in philosophy and worldview. Then you can talk about the details - style, form.

People usually chase style. And this is a dead thing. Representatives of the Baroque Rubens or Rembrandt, for example, do not fit into this style, which is broader than it. And representatives of the baroque style are already third- and fourth-rate artists who simply compile and repeat.

Our artists are looking for style. They choose sugary, kitsch. That's it - these artists will no longer advance art!..

Take Malevich or Kandinsky. First of all, they positioned their art through purely verbal speeches, verbal works - “On the Spiritual”, “On Suprematism”... Two completely different artists in temperament and worldview. In Kandinsky’s work there is the energetic tension of the Universe. Malevich has a “black square” in which there is no emotional vision.

First, the artist must determine his worldview, what he wants to say to humanity, and then look for a form and style for his art.

All mysteries lie in man himself. We often perceive reality according to the Dersu Uzala scheme - “there are eyes - look - no”, that is, we look and do not see.

I study philosophy, and I am interested, for example, in the fact that the moment of development, evolution in biology is always determined by male genes. This is a scientific fact: male genes are always turned to the search for something new, although they are leveled out faster. To put it simply, a woman preserves what men find. A woman’s mission is not to interrupt the thread of life. And a man’s mission is to search for novelty. As Picasso, a typically avant-garde man, said: “I don’t look, I find!”

There is a community of ethnofuturists in Chuvash art. But these people have nothing to do with ethnofuturism. In principle they don’t! They are conservatives from the core. They repeat what already existed in Chuvash art, use found forms, play with them, but there is nothing new! The breakthrough must be in philosophy and worldview. The same national ornament was a breakthrough in its time: a huge layer of ancient culture that our people preserved. But ornament is a worldview that characterizes that time. Turning to ornament is, of course, good, but it is not ethnofuturism. I don't really understand the term itself. “Ethno” – folk, clearly; “future, future” - the future. Ethnic future or the future of ethnic art - this can be translated. But there is nothing new. Worldview - no. My mind is empty. There are only re-covers and compilations.

In this regard, I am a pessimist.

What can you offer to those who would still like to master the second and first levels of the world ranking?

We have a philosophical school, we have books, we need to read them. But none of the artists reads them. Feizov, the smartest philosopher in Chuvashia, created his own philosophical school. Which of our artists is familiar with his work?

It is necessary to intensify exhibition activities, to attract paintings from the best museums in the world to display.

There are several institutions in the republic. National Museum, Art Museum...I won’t speak for the National Museum, but our museum cannot yet host world-class art exhibitions, like, for example, the Tatar Hermitage, which is located in the Kazan Kremlin.

There are certain service requirements for organizing such exhibitions: security, service, temperature and humidity conditions... If the criteria are met, then the best museums can take out their works for exhibiting. Holding such exhibitions as, for example, “Kubrat’s Gold”, “Golden Horde” is an indicator that important artistic events are taking place.

In the summer of 2010, we exhibited Zurab Tsereteli’s exhibition at the Chechen State Art Museum in the most difficult temperature conditions - it was extremely hot. There is little experience in showing large imported exhibitions.

The main process of intensifying artistic search takes place in workshops. But we are talking about reflecting the process: image, positioning of the city and the republic on an artistic level.

This is my point of view as a museum specialist, I am cutting off purely art historical aspects here: in order to claim to master world-class art, you must first of all have a basis on which to position such art.

Let's say you're making a copy of a Rembrandt work. You're doing great. But this is just a craft. Art cannot stop; it is a reflection of life, the development of humanity, and worldview. Many breakthrough artists, as a rule, owe their success to their acquaintance with philosophers, scientists, and friendship with them. Just sitting and drawing beautifully is not enough. Picasso has an early painting, “The Old Fisherman,” in the Hals style. If it hadn’t been written below that the author was Picasso, one would have passed by. Why is this happening? One has it written on his forehead that he is an avant-garde artist: he thinks this way, nature gave it to him. And the other - harmonizes the find, makes it more stylish, accessible to a person, like a woman looking after a house. A man creates a structure, and a woman brings comfort and an emotional element to it. Both work together, mutually. But breakthrough artists have the ability to master both the worldview, scientific, philosophical level, and the purely craft level of the artist. They can present new ideas in a way that is accessible to everyone.

But the development of the theory of art should be carried out by specialists in this field, and the artist simply must draw well, right?

Our art criticism as a science has already eaten its crumbs, and I don’t see anything new there. There will be a breakthrough in art criticism only when there is a breakthrough in philosophy. A breakthrough in understanding and comprehension of what the artist has done, a breakthrough in reflecting the world, is carried out on the basis of philosophy and worldview. And everything else is a simple exercise in beautiful painting, repeating what has already happened.

I’ll say a banal thing: talent is always news. Like fallen snow, a blossoming flower.

What determines the price of a work?

Price factors are a very interesting question.

Let me give you a small example: a man found five kopecks on the road that leads from Cheboksary to the village of Oktyabrskoye. A year is indicated on the copper coin. A passerby took the coin and took it to the numismatist. He looked and calculated: the coin was minted in the year when Alexander Pushkin visited Chuvashia. This means that the nickel has already increased slightly in price.

Then the numismatist clarified: the nickel, it turns out, lay on the former Yamskaya road, which in those days connected Cheboksary and Kazan, along which the great poet was traveling.

The price of the nickel jumped up a little again.

A thing may not be a masterpiece, but if it has a special context, this significantly increases interest in it.

There are many components of the value of a thing: art history, historical, title-numismatic, quality... Everything is taken into account.

A large exhibition “Golden Crown” was organized in Cheboksary - in accordance with the project awarded a grant from the President of Chuvashia. The cost of the project is two million rubles. The content of the project is the purchase of the best works of art.

Among the applicants were artists, including those working in decorative and applied arts, sculpture...

A selection of works for procurement was made.

At first, we wanted to make do with the decision of our expert commission, formed from specialists from Chuvashia. Then they got scared and decided to invite outside experts, from Moscow, from the Russian Ministry of Culture. Thus, we signed our own death sentence: we are afraid to make a decision. We don't trust our own opinions.

The experts were paid for travel, hotel accommodation, and other expenses from the grant of two million rubles, which significantly reduced the purchase amount.

But there was another point that explained why we did this then.

In a situation where one out of ten is chosen, the nine outsiders have a question: “Why did they choose him and not me?” There were indignant calls to the Ministry of Culture, complaints, and the case almost went to court.

Money is a sensitive issue; money always quarrels with us because of poverty.
They threw two million. Is it a lot or a little? It seems like a considerable amount. But in Naberezhnye Chelny, a million rubles are allocated per year for the purchase of kartings for city artists. But here for the entire republic there are only two million. And then only once for several years.

It’s clear that a squabble immediately began.

In order to avoid the reefs, they did just that, they decided: let venerable people from the outside make the choice. If you have any questions, please contact them.

I also participated in the work of the commission. When we put everything out and put the works on the floor, the first phrase that came from the Muscovites was: “And you have to choose from this? Horror!"

There was nothing to choose from.

What are the dynamics of the creative process in the Chuvash Republic?

In a conversation with Alexei Trofimov, an eminent academician, we agreed that the peak of Chuvash fine art occurred in the seventies and eighties of the twentieth century. There was a wave, but now it is receding.

At that time, a policy was pursued to train national personnel. They tried to push talented people into the Academy of Arts. And then we performed at exhibitions. Now there is a complete recession.

...And at that competition they bought something: a fish painted on a large canvas. She was swimming in an aquarium.

Known for their achievements or influence on the course of history.

The selection took into account ethnicity, place of birth, length of period of life and work in the territory that is now part of the Chuvash Republic. Thus, the list includes Chuvash who were not born on the territory of Chuvashia, and representatives of other nationalities whose place of birth and/or life is connected with Chuvashia.


  • I. N. Antipov-Karataev (1888-1965) - soil scientist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, laureate of the Dokuchaev and Dimitrov (Bulgaria) prizes.
  • N. I. Ashmarin (1870-1933) - Turkologist, founder of Chuvash scientific linguistics, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, author of the multi-volume “Dictionary of the Chuvash Language”.
  • Iakinf (Bichurin) (1777-1853) - orientalist and historiographer, one of the founders of sinology, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, full member of the Asian Society in Paris.
  • A. A. Izotov (1907-1988) - scientist, laureate of the USSR State Prize, clarified the shapes and sizes of the globe, developed a number of theoretical problems of higher geodesy, theory and methods for studying the movements of the earth's crust.
  • V.K. Magnitsky (1839-1901) - ethnographer, folklorist, supporter of public education in the Middle Volga region in the second half of the 19th century.
  • N.V. Nikolsky (1878-1961) - historian, ethnographer, creator of a multi-volume collection of ethnographic, historical and folklore material, first editor of the first newspaper in the Chuvash language “Khypar”.
  • V. V. Kozlov (11/29/1957) full member of the International Academy of Psychological Sciences, full member of the Russian Academy of Social Education, full member of the Baltic Pedagogical Academy Psychologist, full member of the International Academy of Human Factors, Honorary Professor of the International Humanitarian-Economic Institute (Belarus), Honorary Doctor of the International Institute of Practical Psychology (Latvia).
  • A. N. Krylov (1863-1945) - shipbuilder, mechanic, mathematician, founder of the “ship theory”, author of the most important works on the theory of magnetic and gyroscopic compasses, artillery, astronomy, academician, Hero of Socialist Labor.
  • S. N. Fedorov (1927-2000) - ophthalmologist, professor, winner of the international Oscar award, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, statesman and public figure, Hero of Socialist Labor.
  • N. I. Lobachevsky (1792-1856) - mathematician, creator of non-Euclidean geometry, professor, rector of Kazan University.
  • A. D. Pozdeev (1929-1998) - Doctor of Technical Sciences, academician, Honored Inventor of the Russian Federation and the Chuvash Republic, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, founder of the scientific school of electric drives. Included in the hundred most outstanding scientists of the 20th century.


  • P. E. Egorov (1731-1789) - architect, author of the famous fence of the Summer Garden in St. Petersburg, one of the founders of early Russian classicism in architecture.


  • K. V. Ivanov (1890-1915) - classic of Chuvash literature, poet, translator, artist, author of the poem "Narspi".
  • E. I. Patmar is a writer.
  • M. K. Sespel (1899-1922) - Classic of Chuvash literature, reformer of versification, poet, prose writer, playwright, artist, public and statesman.
  • I. S. Tuktash (1907-1957) - poet and translator, folklorist, author of the poetic text of the National Anthem of the Chuvash Republic.
  • Y. G. Ukhsai (1911-1986) - people's poet of Chuvashia, laureate of the RSFSR M. Gorky Prize and the State Prize named after. K.V. Ivanova.
  • P. P. Khuzangai (1907-1970) - people's poet of Chuvashia, laureate of the State Prize named after K.V. Ivanov and the Komsomol Prize of Chuvashia named after M. Sespel, public figure.
  • G. N. Aigi (1934-2006) - Chuvash poet who wrote in the Chuvash and Russian languages ​​and made a huge contribution to the world propaganda of Chuvash poetry and Chuvash culture.


  • E. I. Efremova (1914-2000) - artist of national embroidery, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, People's Artist of Chuvashia.
  • A. A. Kokel (1880-1956) - artist and teacher who left a bright mark on the history of fine arts of Chuvashia and Russia. The first of the Chuvash artists to receive an academic education.
  • A. I. Mittov (1932-1971) - an original Chuvash graphic artist and painter, an innovator who had a unique artistic vision.
  • N.V. Ovchinnikov (1918-2004) - People's Artist of the RSFSR and Chuvashia.
  • E. M. Yuryev (1936-2001) - People's Artist of Chuvashia, laureate of the State Prize of the Chuvash Republic, honorary citizen of the city of Cheboksary, author of the coat of arms and flag of the Chuvash Republic, coat of arms of the capital of Chuvashia.
  • G. V. Kozlov (07/19/1962) - artist and teacher, director of the Chelyabinsk State Art Museum


  • G. S. Lebedev (1913-1980) - composer, conductor-choirmaster, author of the music of the National Anthem of the Chuvash Republic, Honored Artist of the RSFSR.


  • I. S. Maksimov-Koshkinsky (1893-1975) - founder of the Chuvash Drama Theater, creator of the first Chuvash films, actor and director, playwright, People's Artist of the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Honored Artist of the RSFSR.
  • N. V. Pavlova (1956) - ballerina, People's Artist of the USSR (1984) and the RSFSR, People's Artist of the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR, II International Ballet Competition.
  • N. D. Mordvinov (1901-1966) - Russian actor, wonderful master of cinema, People's Artist of the USSR (1949), three times laureate of the USSR State Prize, laureate of the Lenin Prize.
  • B. A. Alekseev (1911-1973) - actor, People's Artist of the USSR (1969).


  • M. D. Mikhailov (1893-1971) - opera singer, People's Artist of the USSR, twice laureate of the USSR State Prize.


  • A. G. Nikolaev (1929-2004) - pilot-cosmonaut, the third person in the world to conquer space, major general of aviation, twice