Singer Lyubasha biography year of birth. Birthday of singer Lyubasha: “I have no flaws!”

- You yourself weren’t sure that everything would work out? Not everyone can go from electronics engineer to in-demand hitmaker.

Yes, but this path was not easy. Someone tried to make me into Cinderella, who was suddenly overwhelmed by unprecedented happiness, but that’s not true. As an engineer, I would come to work, type my poems on the computer, and think only about them. I sit at work and, instead of doing immediate things, I write poetry.

And I decided to leave the research institute, although they paid very decent money there. The boss at first thought that I had found myself some more advantageous place. But, fortunately, he also loved poetry; he wrote poetry all his life. And when he read mine, he understood everything and let me go without any complaints.

- How did your family react to your craving for creativity?

I had another family then. They did not understand my action, they thought that I had gone nowhere. My husband, of course, earned something, but I kept wondering what to do. In the end, I went to the Philharmonic. There they told me that my poems were strange and that it was better to learn some hits with which I could travel around the region. But I decided to go to Moscow.

And so, when Alla Pugacheva brought me onto the stage at the “Christmas Meetings,” I thought: “Well, here it begins!” But in fact, nothing has begun yet; someone even called that success accidental. Then I started working and proving that Alla Borisovna helped me for a reason.

- Now no one doubts this. This is probably luck: after all, Pugacheva’s entire office is littered with various texts and tapes, and she came across your creations.

It didn’t happen entirely by chance with Alla Borisovna. Once I had a dream: a party, Alla Borisovna and her entourage. It’s as if I’m swimming past and saying: “Alla Borisovna, I’m Tanya Zaluzhnaya.” She told me: “I know,” and passes by, and then adds: “Wait another two years in line.”

Best of the day

After this prophetic dream, I left the tape in her office. Well, everyone knows what happened next. You know, before that I was not interested in dream books, but after meeting Pugacheva I began to analyze my night visions.

- Why, when your popularity gained momentum, did you abandon your stage name?

I didn’t refuse! I have never hidden my real name, and Lyubasha is the name of a whole group. The point is different. My tasks have probably changed a little. For show business you need to be outrageous, otherwise you are not interesting. To succeed in this area, you need to communicate with the right people, flatter, but at the same time turn away and say nasty things, go over your head, be rude and make scandals from time to time. It's not really mine.

Alla Borisovna once told me: “Listen, your behavior is somehow very unstarry.” Fortunately, I got into show business as a fully formed person, so I wasn’t in danger of picking up this tinsel, which I’m glad about. Pugacheva even later liked that I was who I was - spontaneous. She actually sees me very well.

- I remember your first presentation, where everyone was waiting for Pugacheva, but she never arrived. Then you got a lot of trouble from the journalists, who felt that they had been duped.

At least the journalists were aware that Pugacheva was not there, but I, being on stage, knew nothing and did not understand what was happening. Then, of course, I understood, and Alla Borisovna explained. She said that I had to endure it. If I’m going to swim, I should be able to swim from the very beginning. So I accepted that situation with gratitude - as my baptism of fire.

- How did you react to sometimes not the most pleasant publications about yourself in the press? They didn’t write anything there. Including that Pugacheva used you and abandoned you like a kitten.

At the beginning, of course, I was very upset. For example, it was inconvenient for me to go home. Pugacheva told me: “Don’t be upset, fool! Be glad that they are talking about you at all. Negativity is the best advertising!” But such negative noise made my parents very upset. How do they know that this is such PR?

“I remember they also strongly scolded your clothes: they say this is something even more unimaginable than Pugacheva’s robes.”

Some people still tell me that I dress strangely. I don’t know, in general there is no dispute in tastes. I design and sew my own clothes. My friends always laughed at my outfits, but I like to have my own personal style. That’s what I would call it: “Lyubasha” style.

Sometimes it seems to me that I could realize myself as a fashion designer. I love designing my own stage costumes. They should be organic with my inner Lyubasha, which means they should be somewhat unusual and a little strange. And you know, many people get it. And before they only wrote that I was a collective farmer who needed to be dressed before being released on stage.

- You also know, there were rumors that Alla Borisovna paid you almost a penny for your first album.

Yes, I've heard a lot. This is complete nonsense! Alla Borisovna paid in full for the songs. Moreover, if anyone doesn’t know, she paid me for the clip. At that time, she paid me even more than others paid. There were also those who said that no one would sing my songs at all.

Now, to be honest, I don’t set prices for Pugacheva at all. I hand her new ones and she chooses. I won’t be upset even if she doesn’t pay at all. But this is not in the spirit of Alla Borisovna. She has a good quality: she remembers everything she says and keeps her word.

- Do you address her by her first name and patronymic, like everyone else?

How else? She immediately addressed me on a first name basis. I call her and say: “Hello, Alla Borisovna. This is Lyubasha,” and she told me: “Hello, Tanyusha.” For some reason he never calls me Lyubasha.

- And do you often take advantage of your “official position”?

No, I call very rarely. I wouldn’t want the call to be perceived as some kind of selfish motive. And the thing is that Pugacheva, like any Aries, is very unpredictable. Today she can talk warmly, and tomorrow you will call her, and she will say coolly or hastily: “I don’t have time now, bye” and hangs up. So every time you're about to call, you think about what mood she's in right now. However, it is still difficult to guess.

- And they say she can even swear at someone, if something goes wrong...

It can be printed so that it doesn’t seem too small! I remember when we finished our creative union with Julian, it coincided with March 8th. He called Alla Borisovna and congratulated her. I decided that he had said all sorts of nasty things about me. I also called Pugacheva. She laughed and asked: “Why did you call suspiciously?” I told her everything. And she answered me with only two words. I won’t repeat them, but I appreciated them and was amused.

- Yes, when Alla Borisovna is in a good mood, she will raise it to the same level for everyone around her.

You know, I would like to have a friend like Alla Borisovna. No matter what they say, she helped me a lot. For example, she suggested how to communicate with journalists, how to deal with criticism, how to behave in a party. I remember three years ago I was at her birthday.

She came out and gave a speech. You know, I say, Alla Borisovna is a very sincere person: she introduces me to everyone, guides me, gives me advice and spares no time for me.” At this moment I look at her face, and she gestures to me: they say, don’t talk so much, don’t reveal yourself to everyone.

- Now, by the way, you have changed in this sense. A couple of years ago, a more naive girl appeared before my eyes.

Everything, as you know, comes with experience. Naturally, at first I had no way of knowing how to behave, where to behave, what to say and what not to say, who to greet and who to pass by. Lots of nuances! Fortunately, I didn’t have time to break any wood.

- Well, could you determine who you are in life?

An earthly girl with her own weaknesses and shortcomings. In moments of relaxation, I like to read memoirs, go to the movies, or just wander around the city.

- Do you ignore clubs because you haven’t learned how to move in this circle?

Partly yes. I hate nightclubs and only go there if necessary. It seems to me that some fake people gather there and have insincere conversations. In general, all this is surrounded by falsehood. I’d rather lie at home with a book or cook something delicious, invite friends and spend time with the people I want.

- You are from Ukraine, so you must be an excellent cook?

They say that my food is delicious, although I don’t use any special recipes. It’s just that, in addition to spices and all that, you need to give a piece of your soul. If food is prepared with love, it tastes even better.

- You won’t believe it, but everyone wanted to ask in connection with your song “Be or Don’t Be,” what type of men are you most interested in: gangsters or fluffy bunnies?

It’s difficult to answer, because I didn’t write this song for myself, and in principle it is of a humorous nature. In general, every woman is a mystery. At the moment she has one preference, and tomorrow she will have another. Sometimes I tend to agree with men who say that women themselves don’t know what they want. There is some truth in this. My sympathies change very quickly, and even I myself don’t know which one is real. If men could guess our desires, what life would be like, not a fairy tale. However, they still need to guess the moment, and this is difficult.

- Is it probably easier with artists or not?

Depends on the artist. For example, Philip Kirkorov and I easily found a common language, thanks to which he took probably twenty songs from me. But with Kristina Orbakaite it turns out funny. She is a workaholic, constantly at concerts and on the road, so it is not possible to meet her in a calm environment. So we communicate in absentia - through my mother or her director. Perhaps the moment will come when we finally meet.

Andrey Danilko is incredibly easy to communicate with. But, although he is easy to communicate with, he is very demanding in his work. He thinks about literally everything that may not even have occurred to me. We can talk with him on the phone for hours, defend our points of view, and in the end we will come to the optimal solution. I keep convincing him that he needs not just to make people laugh, but to delve into female psychology, since he is reincarnating. You need to understand women’s problems, the way of thinking, then the image, in my opinion, will become even brighter. He seems to be listening. It’s very nice that I have grown to the point that respected artists, with whom I once could only dream of working, listen to my advice.

Turning on the TV and going to the next music concert, the viewer will see a performer (or group of performers), and will also hear a song that he had already heard on the radio or on the Internet. The simpler the song and the more playful the motive, the more it eats into the subcortex and the more often it makes itself felt, manifesting itself in the hearer in the form of humming or whistling (marketers often use this effect when creating viral videos).

Lyubasha can safely be called the queen of such songs, because the Russian poetess has over 700 texts for pop stars. If you look at the list of songs written by Lyubasha (real name Tatyana Zaluzhnaya), you will find familiar titles.

Childhood and youth

Tatyana was born in Zaporozhye, which at that time was part of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. This happened on August 25, 1967, in the family of ordinary Soviet engineers Georgy Andreevich and Lydia Ivanovna Sai (Tatiana became Zaluzhnaya after one of her marriages).

Even in early childhood, little Tanya made it clear to her parents that you wouldn’t get bored with her. To direct the child’s energy in the right direction, Georgy Andreevich and Lidia Ivanovna sent their daughter to a music school to study piano. At first Tanya was hostile to this idea, but later got involved. Moreover, the girl organized a girls’ music group at school.

Also, while still a schoolgirl, Zaluzhnaya wrote her first instrumental piece. She was only 12 years old then. Tatyana did not seriously think about where to go to study after graduating from school. As a result, together with two friends, I entered a local university - the Zaporozhye State Engineering Academy.

The girl had no particular predisposition to become an electronics engineer, but studying in a physics and mathematics class, as well as her parents who were engineers, helped the girl survive until graduation. In order to have at least some outlet while studying at the academy, Zaluzhnaya organized a vocal quartet, with which she performed in her free time.

She managed to organize a musical group at her first workplace - at the Titanium Research Institute. After two years of working at the research institute, Tatyana realized that she couldn’t combine her unloved job with her favorite hobby for so long. Then the girl made her choice - she went to work at the Zaporozhye Regional Philharmonic. It was a risky decision, because at that time Zaluzhnaya was already the mother of two children - sons Pasha and Andrei.


According to Tatyana herself, one day, while on vacation with her sons in Crimea, she met on the beach a guy with a very extraordinary appearance - an albino, dressed in an elaborate outfit. As it turns out, it’s not just like that. He was a palmist. Just out of curiosity, Tatyana extended her hand to him. The guy carefully studied the lines of the girl’s hand for several moments, and then said: “You will become famous.” Tatyana only smiled bitterly - becoming famous for an ordinary Soviet worker was an impossible task. But she was wrong.

The ice broke in 1996. Then musician Sergei Kumchenko wrote lyrics for one of Zaluzhnaya’s musical compositions, and that’s how the song “Ballerina” appeared. After completing a couple more orders for Allegrova, Tatyana meets. For him, Zaluzhnaya writes the songs “Amsterdam” and “Jazz Maestro”, and later - 20 more songs.

The question of meeting the prima donna of the Soviet and Russian stage was only a matter of time. The time came in 1998, by which time Tatyana had already worked with, and even with. In 1998, Zaluzhnaya met Pugacheva and made her debut at her annual concert-festival “Christmas Meetings”. Then the public gets acquainted with the performer Lyubasha.

After the “Christmas Meetings,” Tatyana, her children and husband, move to Moscow and plunge headlong into work. The result is a joint album with Pugacheva, “Was there a boy?”, released in 2002. The songs “Snow is falling on everyone”, “At a table in your favorite cafe”, “It’s cold in the city” and, of course, “Be or be not” were sung by everyone. All these songs were written by Lyubasha.

Noticing the excitement that arose around the young performer, Alla Borisovna realized that she could lose Zaluzhnaya. Therefore, it was decided to bring Tatyana together with other artists so that she would write songs for them instead of performing on stage on her own.

This is how the hits of other pop artists appeared. After this incident, Zaluzhnaya began to be compared with Linda Perry, Lyubasha’s overseas colleague, who wrote the hits, and, sacrificing her own career as a performer.

In 2005, Lyubasha’s benefit performance “Study Me by the Stars” took place. The concert took place in the Kremlin and lasted for 4 hours. Three TV channels competed for the rights to broadcast it, but First, of course, won this race.

In 2009, the Lyubasha Song Theater opened, which continues to operate to this day. The theater's repertoire includes musical performances based on Zaluzhnaya's works. Together with Lyubasha and her artists, Zaluzhnaya’s middle and youngest sons, (participant in the third season of the show “The Voice”) and Gleb, perform in the theater.

In 2015, another benefit performance of Tatyana took place, this time on the stage of the Jurmala concert hall “Dzintari”. The scale of the event was not inferior to the benefit performance ten years ago. By the end of the year, the premiere of the musical play “At a table in your favorite cafe” took place. The production was shown at the State Film Actor Theater, and the production director was Valery Yaremenko.

The performance was a series of miniatures based on Tatiana's songs, intertwined with common characters and plot. Tatyana Georgievna continues to collaborate with performers, writing music and lyrics, and also leads the children's groups “Notasmail” and “Zebra in a Plaid.” He also does not forget about performances with the Lyubasha Band.

Personal life

Zaluzhnaya does not advertise her personal life, arguing that it’s personal for that reason, so that it won’t be publicized. It is known that Tatyana married twice. The first marriage brought Zaluzhnaya two sons - Pavel (1985) and Andrei (1986) Zaluzhny, the second husband gave him a son, Gleb (1998).

Lyubasha now

In 2017, the premiere of the children's fairy-tale play “The Adventure of the Checkered Zebra and Her Friends” took place, staged by the same Valery Yaremenko based on the work of Zaluzhnaya. The play was a success, so it continues to be staged on the theater stage, preparing for a tour of Russia. On September 28, Tatyana’s new single, “I love you with my hands,” was released, which the performer shared on social networks.

Philip Korshunov’s comedy “Saving Pushkin” was also released on movie screens. The soundtrack for this film was written by Zaluzhnaya. By the way, this is not Tatyana’s first experience of working with filmmakers - before that, Zaluzhnaya wrote music for two parts of the “Love in the City” franchise, the comedy “8 First Dates,” as well as the series “The Insider” and “Unequal Marriage.”


  • 2002 - “Was there a boy?”
  • 2005 - “Love is not trawled-vali”
  • 2005 – “Study me by the stars”
  • 2006 – “Shower for the soul”
  • 2010 - “Lyubasha.mp3 - Grand Collection”
  • 2010 - “Study me by the stars - 2”
  • 2011 – “New poems and songs for children”
  • 2013 - “It will be good”
  • 2015 – “Study me by the stars - 3”
  • 2015 – “Study me by the stars - 4”

Lyubasha is the author of music, poetry and soloist of her own songs.
For the first time, the country learned about the existence of Lyubasha, thanks to the “Christmas Meetings” of Alla Borisovna Pugacheva. This happened in 2002. Moreover, the unpromoted performer was allowed to perform two compositions, which rarely happens on our stage. And then everyone around was completely surprised by the fact that the disc “Was there a boy,” which Alla Pugacheva and Lyubasha made together, was presented. Lyubasha composed almost all the singles from the album herself. The singles quite organically combined rock and pop.
Of course, the girl whom Alla Borisovna trusted so much immediately aroused interest from other singers. Lyubasha turned into a sought-after composer and poet, all her songs became popular. To date, this amazing girl has about half a thousand singles! Alla Pugacheva sings after her “To be or not to be”, “Cafe”. Philip Kirkorov "Flew through the windows." Kristina Orbakaite "Bird of Passage". Almost the entire flower of the Russian stage collaborates with Lyubasha - Joseph Kobzon, Lolita, Nikolai Baskov, Laima Vaikule, Dima Bilan... The list could be endless. Lyubasha also manages to devote time to developing children's creativity. She is a children's producer and also composes melodies for cartoons, films, and soap operas.In addition to the disc released together with Pugacheva, Lyubasha released four more albums. In 2002, “I’ll take a drag and quit”, in 2005 - “Love is not wasted” and “Study me by the stars”, in 2006 - “Shower for the soul”.
On the official website of the vipartist you can find Lyubasha’s biography, photos and videos, and call the indicated contact numbers to invite her to the event with a concert program. To find out the conditions of an invitation to the holiday, call the numbers posted on the website of the concert agent of the singer Lyubasha. Information about the fee and concert schedule will be given to you so that you can invite Lyubasha to an event or order a performance for an anniversary or party. Please check and book available performance dates in advance!

The whole life of the singer, poet and composer Lyubasha (Tatyana Zaluzhnaya) is shrouded in mysticism. She saw a meeting with Alla Pugacheva in a dream, and fame, glory and money were told to her by a freckled boy from Crimea. She calls her poems windows into the world, from where everyone can see what is dear to their mind and soul, and a person’s past as a start to new stars. “ProZvezd” correspondents walked with Lyubasha around the center of the capital, and at the same time talked.
“I can write a dream book myself”

“I often fell in love, lost my head and even died of love,” Lyubasha began our frank conversation. “And next to me there were people who loved painlessly, who left one for another without much emotional loss. I couldn't do that. If she loved, then she would burn all over. I even let publications in the press pass through me and worry about people I don’t know. Someone said that the world split in half and the crack passed through the poet’s heart.

– Tanya, they say your dreams are always fateful?

– Judging by what happens after them, probably yes. I can decipher dreams based on certain symbols. The next morning I begin to remember the dream I had and figure it out by the details. Although I never believed in dream books before, now at least write them yourself (laughs).

– Is it true that you now write music only for films?

– Now we are filming a movie for teenagers, for which I am writing music. This is romantic fiction. The film presents different eras and different music: modern and similar to that of the 19th century.

– So, don’t you write songs for pop singers anymore?

– Probably, any artist wants to be diverse. I have written songs for many of our artists for many years. And now I'm just not interested. There was an experiment involving the pantomime theater, we did surreal performances. And recently we implemented a new project: a song performance “At a table in a cafe” with the participation of famous dramatic artists: Nonna Grishaeva, Alena Yakovleva, Valery Yaremenko... In it, each song is a life situation, told emotionally and talentedly. It’s strange for me to see people doing the same thing for decades.

Probably every artist wants to be diverse. I have written songs for many of our artists for many years. And now I'm just not interested.

“The stage needs stamping”

– It’s strange and something else. You don’t want to write for pop singers, where, as you know, there’s other money.

- And what? If I were dying of hunger, maybe I wouldn’t be able to resist the rustle of banknotes. But today this problem does not bother me. I don't need two houses, two dachas or three cars. Today I live in such a way that I don’t have to step on the throat of my own song. But I haven’t given up on this craft and sometimes I write for pop artists. For example, I recently wrote a song for Philip Kirkorov. He bought it, made the arrangement, but doesn’t sing. I put it in my collection and that’s it.
– What’s the point?

– Philip has accumulated a lot of songs, and it’s difficult for him to choose the main one. But I want the song to sound. I spend skill, time, a particle of my soul on her so that she lives. And if it doesn’t sound, consider the song dead, I wrote it in vain. For actors, I write more thoughtful and emotionally moving songs, but pop artists are not interested in them. They also don’t take them because they are not formatted. After all, today everything is subject to the format on TV and radio. Let's say, there is stamping, and there is handmade. So for the stage you need stamping. Therefore, we stopped understanding each other with the pop world. It's just not my thing.

– Are you probably interested in Pugacheva?

- Undoubtedly! Pugacheva is a whole world, diverse and interesting, which I unravel in detail. I show Alla Borisovna some songs, but I don’t quite understand what she wants to sing today. I have a song “Drop”, I sent it to Pugacheva. She tells me, in what context should I sing it? She is so alternative-theatrical-cinema. There is an image of a drop that turns into a stream when love happens. Then the stream becomes a river, which “destroys platinum and barriers and falls from the sky like a waterfall.” Alla understands all this, but where will she fulfill it? And for whom, when everyone is waiting for hits? Pugacheva once told me the following thing: “I love rock, jazz, alternative stuff. But I’m a folk singer and I have to sing clear, simple songs.”

Once I had a dream: a party, Alla Borisovna and her numerous retinue. It’s as if I’m swimming past and telling her: “Alla Borisovna, I’m Tanya Zaluzhnaya.” She responds: “I know,” and passes by, and then stops and says: “Wait another two years in line.”

“Andrey Grizzly doesn’t want my help”

– Is it important for you that she sings your song?

– Communication with her is important to me. Alla Pugacheva performed 12 of my songs, and that’s a lot. I worked a little with the children at her school, they sing some of my compositions. The main thing is not to stand still.

– Tanya, how did your historic meeting with Alla Borisovna happen?

– Once I had a dream: a party, Alla Borisovna and her numerous retinue. It’s as if I’m swimming past and telling her: “Alla Borisovna, I’m Tanya Zaluzhnaya.” She responds: “I know,” and passes by, and then stops and says: “Wait another two years in line.” And so it happened. Two years later, I left a cassette with my material in her office. Pugacheva herself called me and invited me to talk. I was surprised at her simplicity in communicating with me. As a result, she sang almost everything that was on this tape. She later said that our thoughts coincided with her at that moment in our lives.

– How do you think Alla manages to digest so much negativity around her?

“She just knows all the buttons and strings that she turns on in time so as not to go crazy.”

– I know that your sons also sing your songs?

– Yes, my sons Andrei Grizzly and Glebushka are on stage, and my other son Pavel is for himself... Andrei is the winner of the New Wave competition, a laureate of many festivals. Gleb is a dentist (a second-year student), and a musician at heart.

– Well, you, as a musician and a person involved in show business, understand how difficult it is for young people to break through.

– As for Andrey, he simply consists of music. He even thinks in musical phrases. Since childhood, listening and absorbing the music of Stevie Wonder, he already became a musician. I understand this. And he himself too. Although there are mothers who push their children into music, seeing very well that the child has neither hearing nor a sense of rhythm, they waste their time and money. Gleb is a well-rounded guy, he studied painting, music, plays the piano professionally, and learned to play the guitar on the Internet. But Pavel is not a musician, although he has hearing. He works in film production.

– Did Andrey’s victory at the “New Wave” in Jurmala continue?

“He was given a cash prize then, for which a video was shot and rotation on radio and TV channels was paid for. Then he participated in the “Voice” project, his mentor was Leonid Agutin. However, no one knew that he was Lyubasha’s son. Andrey applied to Jurmala three times, but was not accepted.

Tatyana Georgievna Zaluzhnaya(at birth Sai; known as Lyubasha, although she herself claims that this is not a pseudonym, but the name of the musical group with which she works)) - Russian composer, singer.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    Tatyana Georgievna Zaluzhnaya was born on August 25, 1967 in the city of Zaporozhye into a family of engineers Lydia Ivanovna Say and Georgy Andreevich Say.

    As a child, at the insistence of her parents, she received a primary music education (piano class), but did not want to continue her studies. At the age of five, T. Zaluzhnaya wrote her first poem, and at twelve, an instrumental piece. While still at school, she created her own musical group, in which seven girls sang.

    Since T. Zaluzhnaya studied in a physics and mathematics class, after graduating from school, she and her friends submitted an application to. Upon entering, she created a vocal quartet, with which she performed at amateur venues throughout her studies.

    After graduating from high school with a degree in electronics engineering, she went to work as a programmer at the Titanium Research Institute. A few years later, having recorded a solo program, she went to work at the Zaporozhye Philharmonic. She has released two solo musical performances.

    Literary creativity

    • the book “The Best Songs of Favorite Stars”, ISBN 978-5-17-052522-5 (2008, AST), which collected Lyubasha’s best works.
    • book “Study me by the stars” ISBN 978-5-17-052521-8, ISBN 978-985-16-4911-8, where, in addition to famous songs, Zaluzhnaya’s prose (including the play “Magpie”) was published.
    • the book “New Poems and Songs for Children” ISBN 978-5-271-31578-7 (November 2010, AST), which received the second title: “Lyubasha Draws a Song.”
    • book “BARBARIKS. Songs and Poems" ISBN 978-5-9903959-1-6, (November 2012), which contains poems and songs of the popular children's group "Barbariki" and also included in the animated series "Lyolik and the Barbariki". The book is released with a disc, which, in addition to songs, also includes karaoke backing tracks.
    • book “Friends Don’t Have Days Off” ISBN 978-5-9904819-1-6, (September 2013), which, along with well-known ones, includes new songs and poems for children. The book is released with a disc of 24 songs recorded by students of the Nota Bene pop and theater studio.
    • book "New children's songs for the holidays" ISBN 978-5-9904819-2-3, (December 2015), which includes songs for the holidays: September 1, Teacher's Day, New Year, February 23, March 8, Victory Day, Last call and others. The book is released with a disc of 14 songs and 12 backing tracks of karaoke recorded by young performers: D-Anna, Anastasia Andreeva, Gleb Melentyev.

    Books by Tatyana Zaluzhnaya are published in two versions: with a music disc included and without a disc.

    Composition of the Lyubasha Band

    • Tatiana Zaluzhnaya (Lyubasha) - vocals, music, lyrics;
    • Alexey Khvatsky (DJ Doctor) - keys, arrangement;
    • Sergey Shanglerov (Shai) - guitar;
    • Denis Shlykov - guitar;
    • Vladimir Tkachev (Vovchik) - bass guitar;
    • Dmitry Frolov - drums;
    • Sergey Kinstler - guest guitarist, arranger.


    • 2002 - “Was there a boy? "(studio "Brothers Grimm"). Tracks 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19 performed by Lyubasha; 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 performed by A. Pugacheva.
    • 2002 - “I’ll take a drag and quit” (Alpha Records studio).
    • 2005 - “Love is not wasted” (studio “Mystery of Sound”).
    • 2005 - “Study me by the stars. The stars sing Lyubasha’s songs” (Kvadro-Disk studio).
    • 2006 - “Shower for the soul.” Several songs on the album are sung in duet with Grizz-Lee, A. Buynov and A. Marshal (Kvadro-Disk studio).
    • 2010 - “Study me by the stars. Part 2" (Monolith Records studio). Lyubasha's songs are performed by Russian pop stars.
    • 2010 - “Study me by the stars. Part 3" (studio "Lyubasha Song Theatre").
    • 2010 - “Lyubasha MP-3. Grand Collection" (studio "Kvadro-Disk"). The disc contains all of Lyubasha’s previous albums, as well as “Song Theater LIVE” parts 1 and 2.
    • 2008 - “Barbariki Group. Songs from Lyubasha" (LLC "Barbariki"). A disc of children's songs written by Lyubasha and performed by the group "Barbariki", of which she is the music producer.
    • 2010 - “New children's songs from Lyubasha. Performs Kristi"(studio "Lyubasha's Song Theatre") A disc of children's songs written by Lyubasha and released along with her children's book "New Poems and Songs for Children"
    • 2011 - “New poems and songs for children. Tatiana Zaluzhnaya (Lyubasha).” (Charity project “A Fairy Tale for Everyone” and the studio “Lyubasha’s Song Theater”). Disc-book with children's poems by Tatyana Zaluzhnaya, performed by her, and children's songs, performed by Lyubasha and Kristi
    • 2013 - “It will be good” (Lyubasha Song Theater studio)
    • 2015 - “Study me by the stars. Parts 4, 5." Lyubasha's songs are performed by theater and film actors (studio "Lyubasha Song Theater")