How to draw from the game minecraft. How to draw "Minecraft"? Step-by-step master class

If you are a fan of the game, then you have probably thought at least once about how easily you can depict the things present in its virtual universe. We will not only tell you how to draw Minecraft by cells on paper, but we will also share a collection of excellent drawings! It's all about the unique graphics, which was the reason for such a simple recreation of the objects that fill the world.

How to draw items from Minecraft?

Due to the fact that the unit of measurement here is a block, and all existing elements, one way or another, consist of many cubic particles, to depict most objects you will need lined paper, multi-colored felt-tip pens and a little diligence.

In addition to being an exciting pastime, this type of activity is characterized by the creation of things that also have practical applications. For example, as a result of placing several figures on one sheet, an unusual composition is formed, and if you cut out the finished drawing with scissors, you can use it for a board game or as a sticker, spreading the back side with glue.

Methods for transferring images to paper

Of course, it is possible to simply print the pictures you like on a printer, but without the skills to work in a graphics program, which you will certainly need to arrange several images on one sheet, you will waste paper. And, naturally, you will not get the same pleasure as from doing the work yourself.

As for the choice of base material, there are at least two options for forming the necessary template:

  • Manually mark a blank A4 sheet.
  • Take an already lined notebook.

Moreover, in the first case, you determine the size of the cell yourself - the scale of the future drawing mainly depends on this. Of course, you should also take into account the borders of the sheet so that the final image does not go beyond them.


When using a ready-made template, you don’t have to choose - you can only increase the size of the minimum block from one to four cells, which in most cases is not recommended, since the drawing turns out to be too large and simply will not fit on a notebook sheet.

Minecraft drawings on cells are very simple. They are suitable even for young Minecraft fans. Thanks to the cells, you can draw almost every character. Start with Alex...

Alex by cells

  • Step 1

Description: Start with a square or rectangular shape. This is for Alex's head.

  • Step 2

Then you will add a vertical line to the right to make her face or the size of her head. When you're done doing this, draw out the bangs, her eyes, her mouth, and the rest of her hair as squares.

  • Step 3

Now we will draw the body. Start with your arms and torso. Add a measuring line for the arms, and when you're done with this step, move on to the next one.

  • Step 4

Let's start adding clothing lines. Take your time because they are pixelated. Also add more detail to the right hand.

  • Step 5

For the final step draw out the rest of Alex's body which is the waist and legs. Add a watch to complete her body design, then you'll need to scratch the surface.

  • Step 6

Here's how to do it when you're done. Now all you have to do is add some color to the picture and...

Skins - Liana's drawing

Minecraft drawings on cells skins are easy, all beginners can handle them. Let's start drawing Liana.

  • Step 1

First we are going to draw the head. Draw a rectangle with a line at the head. Make sure the line divides the square on the right side of the head.

  • Step 2

Now we will add the body. Make another rectangle with a skip line, just like we did in step 1.

  • Step 3

Then we want to create a rectangle again, but this time you have to nest three rows of squares inside it. This should be responsible for the legs.

  • Step 4

Now we are doing the rear ones. Draw a rectangle to divide one leg and its side.

  • Step 5

And now it's time for the face. Try drawing a face from a picture online.

  • Step 6

Now for the markings on the legs. Draw a line across the front legs, but don't do it on the side of the leg.

  • Step 7

Now everything is ready! Don't forget to color it with a few finishing touches. I hope you enjoyed this lesson, and if you want to try drawing other characters, then no problem.

Ocelot by cells

Let's get started with the next drawing method for beginners step by step. Now we will learn how to draw another animal from the entire series of games. Like all other Minecraft characters, this Ocelot is square and easy to draw in a sketchpad.

  • Step 1

We'll start by drawing a square head and then draw triangles for the ears.

  • Step 2

Next, draw rectangular shapes for each eye and then draw the lines of the nose and mouth.

  • Step 3

Now we will create Ocelot's chest.

  • Step 4
  • Step 5

Lastly, draw the legs in the squares and then draw the Ocelot's tail. If you made mistakes, you can move on or erase them now.

  • Step 6

You can now color your MinecraftOcelot. Take a photo as a sample.

Blocks and things in cells

It will be easy for you to master the technique of how to draw blocks and things if you take a checkered piece of paper as a base.

  • Step 1

Description: For the first step, all you need to do is draw the ax head. It's like a three-point mountain.

  • Step 2

Add a line of detailing that separates the stone from the handle.

  • Step 3

Finally, draw the rest of the part or stick to the same tactics and use a photo as an example. If you made any mistakes while drawing the axe, you can erase all the extra lines now.

  • Step 4

You have the option of finishing your drawing in two ways: Use dashed lines when you're done. Use colored pencils to color your drawing.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. Because Minecraft is pixel-based, you can draw absolutely anything using the correct scales and sketch lines in your checkered notebook. Even a child can cope with such a task. If you can easily draw the basics of the characters’ figures, try to complicate the task for yourself each time and add detail. Take a closer look at the characters' emotions. Using simple lines, you can display each of them on a piece of paper. The first time it may not turn out so perfectly, but over time you will completely master this skill. Be bold and start your lessons right now.

Minecraft drawings by cells photo

Steve by cells photo

Steve by the cells photo

Roast beef

Roast pork

Mushroom soup

Good afternoon Today we will tell you how to draw Steve from the popular computer game Minecraft. Our site is slowly developing, and we got to the characters of computer games.
Minecraft is a very specific, but very popular computer game in the sandbox genre (yes, that’s what the genre is called - we were surprised ourselves).

An open world, unusual character design and very exciting gameplay managed to make this creation of Swedish programmer Markus Persson worthy of awards and prizes among many reputable gaming resources.
Let's start this drawing lesson and learn how to draw Minecraft!

Step 1

First, let's draw an opaque cube. That is, visually it will look like a pair of adjacent trapezoids

Step 2

Now let's draw the torso. Note that only straight lines are used here. If you are not entirely sure that your hand is capable of drawing such straight lines, you can use a ruler. Well, or, as an option, practice in simpler lessons, for example, in a lesson about. So, let's draw a figure similar to the letter “M”. In order to convey the slightly unfolded position of the figure, the left “leg” should be slightly smaller than the right one.

We also need to add volume, so a trapezoid should be located adjacent to the left side of the m-shaped figure.

Step 3

Yes, if you wanted to know how to draw Steve from minecraft, you need to have at least some ability to work with geometric shapes and straight lines. This was the idea of ​​the game designers - right angles and cubes reign in the world of Minecraft.

And in this stage we will draw an elongated rectangular a parallelepiped, which will conventionally designate the legs of our hero. At the bottom of the figure we will draw a not very wide border.

Step 4

Now let's draw the face of our hero. Yes, Steve from Minecraft has a very unusual appearance, to say the least. Do not forget about the perspective - the horizontal lines of the facial features should be parallel to the horizontal sides of the trapezoids that form the face, and the vertical lines, respectively, to the vertical ones.

Step 5

A small neckline on Steve's T-shirt - where would we be without it? Like everything in the bizarre Minecraft universe, this cutout has an angular, cubic shape.

Step 6

Now let's paint the sides of the figure that should be shaded. The light falls on our Steve from the front and slightly to the right (of us), which means we will be shading the side left side. On the front side of the face (i.e. where the forehead, eyes, nose and mouth are) the shadow is very light, so one layer of shading will be enough there. On the side, where the temples are, the shadow is thicker, so we will crosshatch.

How did you like the lesson? If you didn’t like it, be sure to write about it in our VK group; if you liked it, write even more) In general, this was a lesson dedicated to how to draw minecraft, it was prepared for you by the artists of your favorite site with drawing lessons. We are always in touch with you, dear readers, write to us! All the best!

Minecraft provides the player with unimaginable scope for action and imagination. And only imagination, based on facts and dry figures, can convey the full power of passion that has captured human hearts and minds. Many, starting to identify themselves with the main character of the game, would like to change or embellish “their” appearance. The official Minecraft server, respecting the opinions of its fans, provides this unique opportunity. So, for Minecraft?

Changing Steve's skin

The human mob is the friendly, blue-eyed, brown-haired Steve, whose name was the result of a joke by the head of the project in one of the interviews. But if your personal ideal is a green-eyed brunette in bright clothes, then fixing this is not a problem. So, let's start figuring out how to draw Minecraft. We perform the following steps step by step.

  • We find the site with the game in the search engine.
  • We select the skin that is most suitable in style from those presented on the page, hover the cursor - and the source appears in the center of the working field.
  • To make it more convenient to work with a large area, we remove smaller details using the templates located in the lower left part of the screen. You need to remove the check mark from the interfering part so that it disappears.
  • The image can be rotated in space by placing the cursor in any free field and holding down the mouse button. When you move the mouse, the image expands.

Simulation of movement

The image can be made to simulate movements using the Play icon at the top of the screen. And for ease of use, you can force the image to take the required pose using the Pose button located in the upper left part of the screen.

  • Select the color icon located in the middle of the bottom of the desktop. Change the color of the selected areas. We move the cursor to the desired place in the original image - and the color automatically changes by pressing the mouse button.
  • The next two icons from the palette allow you to change the coloring from small areas to filling a large area.
  • The following icon may make your work easier. The cursor placed on one of the symmetrical parts of the image or on a line close to the center of the rectangle allows you to paint over symmetrical areas with one click of the mouse button.
  • Using the Ellipsis icon you can add volume. For example, highlight knees or elbows.
  • The following icons allow you to select several colors for symmetrically painting an area or completely filling it.
  • The Eraser icon allows you to add shades to a uniformly shaded part. By selecting the tool and holding down the mouse button, we change the shade of the original color.
  • To correct an unsuccessful action, return to the Undo icon or use the Ctrl+z key combination.
  • After finishing the work, save the changes made using the Save button located in the upper right corner.

Don't forget to save!

So we figured out how to draw “Minecraft” step by step, all that remains is to place the resulting skin in the game folder. To do this, insert the resulting skin into the folder with Minecraft using the program.

  • Let us denote the path for introducing a new document with the resulting image into the game. Disk C- Program Files- game- Minecraft/.
  • In the Minecraft folder, by right-clicking, select “open with winrar” from the menu and insert a new image.

The beauty of the work can be appreciated not only by you, but also by other players who know how to draw Minecraft.

The huge world at the disposal of players and complete freedom of action completely compensate for the simplicity of the graphics. And this feature of the graphics makes a huge number of people want to portray Steve or some device from Minecraft. The question of how to draw Minecraft with a pencil step by step is very popular among fans of this game. And this is not surprising, because this activity is very exciting.

How to draw "Minecraft"?

  • Steve's head is a cube. Draw a square and, drawing short diagonal lines from the two upper and lower right corners, connect them with horizontal and vertical lines. Using squares we draw the face and hair.
  • Place the head cube on a wider rectangle. We give the rectangle volume in the same way as we drew the cube. We separate the hands with two vertical lines.
  • Draw another rectangle below, matching the width of the upper part of the body without arms. Add volume. Using a vertical line we divide the rectangle into two equal parts - these are the legs.
  • We draw the details of the clothes and color them.

from Minecraft?

Melee weapon - sword, wooden, stone, iron, gold or diamond. If you look closely, in all versions it differs only in color, maintaining a single shape.

It is better to create a training sketch on a squared notebook sheet. Mentally mark a square six by six cells. By connecting the midpoints of the sides of this square, we get a rhombus. Remove the right corner of the diamond, the size of one cell, with an eraser.

We continue the free edge of the unfinished line from bottom to top, crossing out one notebook cell diagonally. We complete the tooth with a descending diagonal the size of one cell. Draw the next tooth, identical to the first, and half of the third tooth.

Symmetrically to the horizontal axis passing through the left corner of the rhombus, draw the lower part of the sword handle, identical to the upper.

Image of the guard

Let's move on to the image of the guard. The left side of the figure resembles a Christmas tree. From the top of the unfinished third tooth we draw a horizontal line one square. We draw an ascending diagonal from bottom to top in an imaginary two-by-two square. We draw the second tier of the left side of the Christmas tree, identical to the first.

From the top of the Christmas tree we move to its right side. We draw a downward diagonal in an imaginary two-by-two square. We complete the tooth of a diagonal line from top to bottom, from right to left, the size of one cell.

We complete the next tooth on the right side of the Christmas tree with diagonal lines, the length of each of which is one cell. We finish the upper part of the guard with half of the third prong. the lower half of the guard.

Let's move on to the blade of the sword. It consists of seven small teeth, in turn consisting of diagonals, as if crossing out one cell. Overall, the top of the blade resembles a fence.

The eighth prong (the top of the sword) is made up of diagonals two squares long.

By connecting the top of the handle and the top of the blade with a horizontal line, we get the horizontal axis of the sword. We finish drawing the lower part of the blade symmetrically to the upper part relative to the horizontal axis. If done correctly, the right sides of the top and bottom teeth that make up the top of the blade will intersect on the horizontal axis.

The coloring of the sword and the choice of additional details is a matter of personal taste. You can draw a blue - Sapphire - sword or the Sword of Dragons. We hope that after reading the material you will not rack your brains for a long time over how to draw Minecraft.

Minecraft is a game with unusual graphics; perhaps even at first glance you will become interested in it. In the game you can create all kinds of objects from cubes - transitions, whatever your heart desires. This is what draws you in - freedom of action, gives scope for imagination.

In addition, you can eat apples and fish – just like in reality. This is also a plus. There are hostile and friendly creatures, you can even tame a wolf or even found your own settlement! The only thing you can’t do is go through the entire game, just like the real world, the game space is endless!

Here you can learn how to draw minecraft characters, you just need to study their style. As you can see, all the characters and objects in minecraft are drawn in square shapes. For straight lines you need to prepare an eraser, a ruler, a simple pencil and a couple of sheets of practice paper drawing minecraft, and you can also learn how to draw a minecraft diamond, zombie, creeper or sword.

Let's draw Minecraft step by step:

Step one. We make sketches, creating rectilinear figures.

Step three. Outline Steve's entire body with a bold outline.