The full version of the group's leg cramped. Soloist of the group "Nogu Svelo": name, surname and biography

The presentation of the group's video ended in a planned scandal

On the eve of St. Valentine's Day, the presentation of the new clip "Eat my heart" by the group "Nogu Svelo" took place in the floating restaurant of the capital "Chaika". The presentation for the soloist of the group Max Pokrovsky ended in tears. A police squad was called to the institution, and the musician spent several minutes on the floor with his hands tied.

After a small live concert given in honor of the release of the new video "Eat my heart", a police squad was called. The tipsy guest accused another girl of stealing an expensive cell phone from her bag in front of everyone. The girls threw a tantrum, tore their hair out, and also dragged each other across the floor. As a result, a police squad was called, which arrived quickly enough. When the brawl began and people began to scatter in panic, the guards had no choice but to call for help and tie up the fighting men. Among the men who came to deal with the situation was Max Pokrovsky himself. He did not obey the law enforcement officers, for which he was quickly knocked to the floor and "ringed" in handcuffs. The musician, of course, was indignant and shouted out not quite censorship words. At this time, the police found witnesses and, in front of all those invited, began to take out the contents from the bag of the girl, who supposedly should have a stolen phone. From the contents of the bag, the hostess began an even greater hysteria, because apart from the wallet, all the things were not hers. A dildo was also taken out of the bag. While the audience was at a loss, the screensaver of the new video of the Nogu Svelo group appeared on the restaurant screens, as well as congratulations on the upcoming holiday.

It turned out that this whole masquerade with the police was invented by the musician himself together with his wife Tatyana, who was present in the hall. Together with his wife, his daughter Taisiya came to support the musician, as well as his son Ilya with his girlfriend.

Pokrovsky himself told what he would give his beloved woman for Valentine's Day, and also about whether the economic crisis touched him:

I am a complete layman in this business, and I do not know how to give gifts and present them beautifully. I was told that this year it is fashionable to give women stockings, I will probably heed this advice. Has the crisis affected me? Of course, it's like rain. He doused everyone and everything. But the main thing is not to catch the disease. Influenza, too, not everyone gets infected, here and here. If everyone has strong immunity, then soon there will be sunshine.

Max never ceases to amaze with his talents. As it became known to MK, the musician recently composed a song for pop singer Iosif Kobzon. The composition was called "The share of women - the will of men."

Do you know the name of the soloist of the Nogu Svelo group? If not, then we recommend reading this article. It contains up-to-date and truthful information about this person.

Biography: childhood and student life

Let's start with the fact that the soloist of the "Nogu Svelo" group is Maxim Pokrovsky. He was born in Moscow in 1968, on June 17th. He was brought up in an intelligent and respected family. His father was once a well-known sports journalist. But the profession of Maxim's mother is unknown.

When our hero was 7 years old, his parents divorced. The boy was very worried about this. And only thanks to friends he did not fall into despondency.

Since childhood, Maxim dreamed of becoming a pilot. He enjoyed attending the aeromodelling club. Pokrovsky Jr. believed that someday he would fly one of these aircraft.

In high school, he had a new hobby - music. Max taught himself to play the guitar. Then he began to write the first songs.

Having received a school certificate, our hero applied to the Aviation Institute (Moscow). The guy successfully coped with the exams. As a result, he was enrolled in the Faculty of Informatics and Electricity. Maxim graduated from high school. But he did not work a day in his specialty.

Group "Nogu Svelo"

In 1988, Pokrovsky met drummer Anton Yakumolsky. After some time, the guys decided to create a group. Such an unusual name as “The leg has cramped”, Max came up with. He also became the leader of the band, lyricist, bass player and soloist. Friends immediately agreed that the songs would be comic. Over time, the team was replenished with other musicians.

Theater and cinema

The soloist of the group "Nogu Svelo" managed to try himself as an actor. He took part in the project with V. Gneushev. He was approved for a small role in the production of Cleanset.

The famous musician also starred in big movies. For example, in the parody comedy Treasure Hunters (2007), he played Gorynych. And in the series "To the Rhythm of Tango", his colleague on the set was the Argentine star Natalia Oreiro.

Reality show "The Last Hero"

The soloist of the Nogu Svelo group always wanted to be in extreme and unusual conditions for himself. His old dream came true thanks to participation in the reality show "The Last Hero". In this project, he "lit up" twice - in 2003 and 2004.

The musician survived on the island along with actress Katya Semenova, figure skater Masha Butyrskaya, rapper Decl, Star Factory 2 graduate Irakli Pirtskhalava and other popular personalities in our country. He showed such qualities as endurance, responsiveness and cheerfulness.

Upon returning from the island, the soloist of the Nogu Svelo group recorded the song “I am not the last hero”. And she became a real hit.

Solo career

At some point, Max wanted to work separately from the team. But there was no talk of leaving the group. In 2007, the first solo song, "Shopping", was recorded. A couple of years later, a video for this composition was released. Many Russian fans praised Pokrovsky's efforts. And in UK clubs, his single "Shopping" became a 100% hit.

Maxim continues to perform as part of the Nogu Svelo team. He is also developing the solo project "Max Inc." Our hero collaborates with Max putting music on his poems. It turns out amazing songs that take the soul. Among the entire repertoire, one can single out such compositions as "Yellow Glasses", "Crocodile People" and "Eyes of Love".

Personal life

With his future wife, Tatyana, the soloist of the group "Nogu Svelo" met in 1994. Their meeting took place in a rock laboratory at a concert. Maxim performed with the guys. And Tanya (then still a student) came to the rock laboratory as a listener.

In a short time, Pokrovsky managed to win the girl's heart. For a while, the couple met, then the lovers got married.

In this marriage, two children were born - the eldest son Ilya and the youngest daughter Taisiya. The Pokrovsky family lives in a cozy house in the suburbs. They have a large vegetable garden and their own orchard.


We talked about when he was born, where he studied and how the lead singer of the Nogu Svelo group showed himself in his work. Maxim Sergeevich Pokrovsky is a talented musician, patriot and family man. We wish him all the best!

Rock band "Nogu cramped!" was established in 1988 in Moscow. The band was founded by Maxim Pokrovsky (vocals and bass) and Anton Yakomulsky (drummer). The highlight of the group are the texts, which are parodic, ironic and sometimes absurd. There are even songs written in fictional languages ​​in the group's work, such as "Haru Mamburu".

At first, the group worked together with the Moscow Rock Laboratory, which supported young bands and helped them get on their feet.

In 1991, the group was replenished with one more member - Igor Lapukhin, and a year later, the team completed work on the album "Whims of Fashion Models". It was recorded on vinyl by the Russian Disk company. At this time, "The leg has cramped!" already participate in festivals and replenish their army of fans.

In 1993, the song "Haru Mamburu" helped the team "The Leg Svelo!" receive the award of the festival "Generation-93". It was the first significant success. After performing at the festival, the band appeared in the local press, and their songs were often heard on the radio. Also, the year was remembered for the release of two albums "Haru Mamburu" and "1:0 in favor of girls."

In 1994, the next festival "Generation-94" takes place, at which the clips "News" and "Haru-Mambura" animation become laureates. Soon the team goes to the festival in Mont-Lusson, where they are awarded as the "Best Alternative Group from Russia".

In 1995, "The leg has cramped!" wins the Golden Deer festival, and after some time Viktor Medvedev joins the group as a keyboardist.

In 1994 and 1996, "The leg has cramped!" qualify for the Eurovision qualifiers. The team performs with the songs "Siberian Love" and "Moscow Romance" but is not selected for the competition.

But this did not prevent the songs from becoming hits and making the group even more popular.

Also in 1996, the group was awarded the Star Award as the Best Alternative Group, and their clip Moscow Romance received the Fantasy Festival award.

In 1997, the album “Happy because she is pregnant. Blue Album. It was he who gave the fans of the group the songs "Moscow Romance", "Liliput Love", "Four Friends" and others.

From 1998 to 2000 the team has been working on new songs. During this period, the following albums are released: “Calla”, “Happy because she is pregnant. Green Album, Boxing. A little later, the group recorded the single "Swear Song", where the well-known three-letter swear word is used 51 times.

In 2001, Maxim Pokrovsky took part in the play "Cleanset", and a year later the songs of the group "The leg was brought down!" appear on the air of many radio stations in Spain (Radio Denia, Europa Beidorm, Radio Pego, Radio Benidorm, etc.).

In 2003 and 2004, Maxim gets into the project "The Last Hero". At this time, he wrote the song "I am not the last hero." Soon a video was filmed for her.

In the spring of 2004, the team gives a big concert at the Moscow Variety Theater, in honor of its fifteenth anniversary, and after the concert, is working on recording the album "Candid Photos".

Also in 2004, Maxim Pokrovsky tries his hand at cinema, as a composer. He is recording the soundtrack for the film Time is Money.

In 2005, the new albums "Moscow-Shaverma" and "Let's go to the East!" saw the light of day.

In the autumn of the same year, Maxim takes on the role of Gorynych in the film "Treasure Hunters", and a little later the group presents the DVD "Fifteenth Anniversary" and the reissue of albums for 1997-2000 ("Boxing", "Happy because I'm pregnant. Blue album" , "Happy because I'm pregnant. Green album").

In 2006, the team received the "Best Soundtrack" award for the work "Let's go to the East!", And in 2007, they performed at the Russian Winter festival.

In May 2007 the DVD "The Lost Train" is released. A gift for the fans was a film about the band, which was included on DVD.

In 2011, the group "Nogu brought down!" gave the world the album "The Other Side of the Leg". He collected reworked versions of songs over 20 years.

Download and listen online songs of Nogu Svelo! to mp3 is available on our portal for free. Spend your leisure time in the company of a Russian rock band.

Nogu Svelo

date added: 04.07.2008

Among the members of the Nogu Svelo group: soloist and bassist Maxim Pokrovsky, drummer Anton Yakomulsky, keyboard player Viktor Medvedev, guitarist Igor Lapukhin and Maxim Likhachev, who plays the trombone.

The meeting between Max Pokrovsky and Anton Yakomulsky took place in 1988, on a very funny occasion - an agreement was concluded to purchase cells that used to contain chicken eggs. The fact is that at that time it was a way to create better acoustics in studios.
On January 12, 1989, Nogu Svelo became a member of the Moscow Rock Laboratory. A little later, the compositions "Fanta", "Bald Girl", "Polyclinic" and others were presented.

Over the course of a couple of years, a huge number of performances took place in the capital, but when the disc "1-0 in favor of the girls" from the Record company appeared in 1990, Anton and Maxim Pokrovsky refuse the services of other members of the group, wanting to slightly change the sound.
After some time, guitarist Igor Lapukhin appears in the group. With a new line-up, the group leaves for the Festival of Hopes.
A little later, the disc "Whims of Fashion Models" was made, which caused excellent reviews.

In the summer of 1992, work began on the third disc "Haru Mamburu", which eventually turned out to consist of 22 tracks, including 3 versions of "Haru Mamburu".

July 1993 brings the group the Grand Prix of the Generation 93 competition.
The composition "Haru Mamburu" is constantly heard on many radio stations, a video of the song is being released.
In 1994, the group leaves for Eurovision to perform the composition "Siberian Love" at this famous contest. The song instantly takes off in the ratings.
In 1995, a disc with the same name was released. The disc is presented in the concert hall "Russia", the concert is held with the participation of the symphonic orchestra and the brass ensemble of the FSB.

A couple of years later, the group receives the Star award as the best alternative band. And also the members of the group were awarded "Ovation" - they were named the discovery of the year.

A little later, the disc "Happy because I'm pregnant. Blue ..." appears. Seen on the single "Moscow Romance" wins the "Fantasy" contest, thanks to the recognized best computer graphics. It is also awarded at the "Generation" competition as the most shocking video of the year.

1999 - the appearance of the second part "I'm happy because I'm pregnant. Green album". Made a couple of videos for the singles "Birthday" and "Wolves".
At the same time, the group is celebrating - celebrating 10 years since its inception.
A disk of previously unreleased compositions "Kalla" is born. The disc consists of the most unexpected, unformatted singles.

In 2000, the next disc "Boxing" appears.
Outrageous single "X..y" is released. Moreover, this is the original name, which was edited by the studio for "Swear Song".

The disc "In the Dark" with the popular compositions "Gasoline" and "Our Young Funny Voices" appears in 2002.

The last month of spring 2004 was marked by the appearance of a collection of poetry, texts for compositions, drawings and photos, the authorship of all of the above belongs to Max Pokrovsky. The project is called "Children's Drawings".

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Biography, life story of the "Nogu Svelo" group

The beginning of "Nogu Svelo!" the autumn of 1988 should be considered, and already in January 1989 the Moscow rock laboratory accepted the group as its members. In 1990, the album “1-0 in favor of girls” was recorded at the Record studio, and after several months of rehearsals, another one was recorded - “Caprices of Fashion Models”. In the summer of 1992, “The leg has cramped!” started recording the 3rd album "Haru Mamburu". At this time, the company "Russian Disk" published on vinyl "The whims of fashion models."

In July 1993, the team won the Grand Prix of the Generation 93 festival. This autumn, the albums “1-0 in favor of girls” and “Haru Mamburu” were published by Tau-Product. In August 1994, the group was invited to Romania to the international festival "Golden Deer", where the video clip for the song "Vestochka" received the Grand Prix. Upon arrival in Moscow, this clip received the Grand Prix of the Generation 94 festival. Then there was participation in Eurovision with the song Siberian Love. The only television broadcast made this composition popular throughout the country.

In November 1995, the presentation of the album Siberian Love took place at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall. For the performance, the symphony orchestra of the music school named after Gnessins and the FSB brass band. In 1996, “The leg has cramped!” becomes the owner of the "Star" award in the nomination "best alternative group" and the national award "Ovation" as the opening of the year.

In the fall of 1997, the album “Happy because she is pregnant. Blue...”, the video for the song “Moscow Romance” won first place at the “Fantasy” festival in the “computer graphics” nomination and received an award at the “Generation” festival as “the most scandalous video of the year”. In the spring of 1999, the second part of the dilogy “Happy because she is pregnant. Green Album ”and 2 videos were shot for the compositions“ Birthday ”and“ Wolves ”.

In the fall of 1999, "The leg has cramped!" celebrated its tenth anniversary. Especially for this event, the release of an album of unreleased songs recorded over the past period was timed. They called it "Kalli", and defined it as a parallel history of the group - the album included the most strange and abnormal works, all these ten years remaining outside the scope of official information.


In September 2000, the company "Grand Records" released a new album of the band "Boxing". It was recorded in September 1999 at the tone of the Mosfilm studio, mixed in Dusseldorf at the SkyLine studio by sound producer Brigitte Angerhausen in October 1999.

In mid-December 2000, the Nogu brought down! decided to release her most defiant and scandalous, at the moment, song with the laconic title "X..y". In addition to the main track, the single contains four remixes, a karaoke version, the composition "Applause", as well as the full text of the song "X..y", which includes 51 uses of the most popular word in Russian.

In May 2001, the central radio stations of Moscow and the regions aired a new composition, “The Leg Has Swoll!” - "In the dark". She quickly gained popularity and entered many charts.

On September 14, 2002, not far from the Rublevsky beach, the shooting of the video for the Nogu Svelo group took place. to the song "Our young, funny voices." Video directed by Mikhail Segal, cameraman Marat Adelshin. The people gathered around could watch as the musicians were buried alive in the ground. A hole was dug into which the group was put and covered with earth. And at the moment when they threw the earth, Max also had to sing. Earth, sand and dry leaves were everywhere in the hair, in the eyes, in the ears, in the mouth. We must pay tribute to the musicians: everyone held on courageously. Although, according to them, when they were already buried up to the chest, it became terrible, because the lower part of the body, which was under a heavy layer of earth, was motionless, and they understood that they could not get out on their own. And in general, the musicians of the group are a little superstitious people, so they were scared to go underground with their heads.

As a result, it became clear that it would not be possible to bury the entire group, because it takes a long time to fill a large hole completely, and there is no guarantee that everyone will remain alive and unharmed. I had to sacrifice the soloist. Max himself developed the "Pokrovsky security system". The bottom line was that if at first the musicians were buried while standing, then it was almost impossible for a person standing underground to get out on their own. The fears that you can suffocate until “a successful double is made” are understandable. Therefore, Max was transferred to a special technical pit, where he was in a sitting position, and foam rubber was placed in his legs, which, unlike the ground, made it possible to move. And already from above they threw the earth. Max had to stay underground as long as possible, and then try to raise the earthen ball over his head with his own efforts, the main thing is that those around him do not miss this moment and help him in time. Near all the time there was a man with ammonia, but fortunately there were no casualties. True, one musician still needed medical help, because of the gravity of the earth and prolonged immobility, his leg became numb, and he had to go to a massage therapist. In general, here too “Nogu Svelo!”

July 2003 Yevgeny Lungin's touching sentimental comedy "Time is Money" is accompanied by melodies specially composed by Max Pokrovsky. Pokrovsky wrote the music for the film together with the keyboard player of the Nogu Svelo! Viktor Medvedev. In total, the soundtrack included 25 instrumental numbers. By the way, in the film, Pokrovsky not only performed in his usual capacity as a composer, but also starred in films as an actor for the first time. So far, however, in the role of himself, but, as Yevgeny Lungin noted, Max Pokrovsky is amazingly artistic. All members of the team appear in the frame. According to the plot, the characters of the film are very fond of the work of "Nogu Svelo!" and under the songs of the group they live literally like under the anthem. So the film will feature not only Pokrovsky's solo numbers, specially written for the film, but also the militants "Nogu Svelo!" - songs "Siberian Love" and "Haru Mamburu".

At the same time, the popular single "From Alma - Ata" was released (especially the lucky ones could watch the unusual performance of this composition by the duet of Maxim Pokrovsky and VJ Tai on the MTV New Year's light).

November 2003 premiere of the song "Moscow-Shaverma" (from the soundtrack to the feature film "Time-Money") The song "Moscow-Shaverma" is the main instrumental theme of the film, a video clip was shot for it.

On April 20, 2004, the group celebrated its 15th anniversary at the Variety Theater with a solo concert. The musicians summed up their "creative activity" with the release of the Greatest hits collection, which, of course, included the hit "Haru Mamburu". But her main attractions were the songs: “Not the last hero” (previously not published anywhere and even not yet performed “live”); "Happy New Year Compatriots (version 2004)"; the title track of the cartoon "Clara and Dora, Crazy Money" (instrumental track); the composition "Siberian Love" (in a version that no one has heard, except for the selection committee of one of the long-standing Eurovision contests.

Then, this favorite song of all, the musicians re-arranged it to the standards of the international television competition, and as soon as that project was completed, they hid it away from prying eyes); a concert version of the hit "Doll", which looks very curious in a live performance, in the atmosphere of a big concert; the very first, and, to be honest, the most beloved by the musicians “Nogu Svelo!” a never-before-published version of the action movie "Gasoline", with the original wording of the text; concert / studio mix from the composition "Your young funny voices".

In addition to new audio impressions, each owner of the new disc was able to experience a true storm of fresh visual emotions, since the name of the disc - "Candid Photos" - had no time to be born, immediately began to dictate its own rules of the game. And they simply demanded to include the group's photo album in the disc, and far from being official. For the first time in the history of Nogu Svelo!, the musicians put on public display footage from touring life, and, mainly, from its everyday part; many archival photographs of great value to fans; as well as a number of far from glossy, but very funny photo-sketches on the theme of "artistic backstage".

In May 2004, a book of poems, lyrics, prose, drawings and photographs by Maxim Pokrovsky - "Children's Drawings" - was published specially for the anniversaries. It turns out that for a long time Maxim was secretly engaged in literary work from the general public. And now, the time has come - Mr. Pokrovsky decided to stop being shy and now opens up new facets of his versatile personality to us!