From literary dreams to literary struggle. Vissarion Belinsky - literary dreams


As soon as people began to consciously master the language, they began to give names to objects, phenomena, events and, of course, the people themselves. The name is the main means of communication. In a name there is always something more than just the “name” of a person, there is certain meaning. The world is structured in an incomprehensible way, but in our understanding it is reasonable. And therefore, since ancient times, it seems to people that the name is connected with the past, future and present of its owner by an invisible thread.

The history of the origin of names, their meaning and meaning, connection with the history of society, with the worldview and beliefs of people is studied by a special science - onomastics. Literally, this term means "the art of naming." Names are given to objects of living and inanimate nature. These are geographical words, names, so-called toponyms, names of space objects - astronyms, animal names - zoonyms. But perhaps the most large group proper names are made up of anthroponyms - first names, patronymics, surnames of people, nicknames, pseudonyms. IN different countries at different nations names are extremely diverse in their sound, origin and use. Names are part of the history of a people. They reflect everyday life, beliefs, aspirations, fantasy and artistic creativity peoples, their historical contacts. Each name bears a vivid imprint of the corresponding era.

The purpose of the abstract is to trace the emergence and development of domestic onomastics from the 18th to the 20th centuries.

The concept of onomastics

Onomastics is the science of proper names of all types, the patterns of their development and functioning. This discipline belongs to both philology and history, therefore it is most often defined as a branch of linguistics and at the same time an auxiliary historical discipline.

Linguistic at its core, onomastics includes historical, geographical, ethnographic, cultural, sociological, literary components that help to identify the specifics of named objects and the traditions associated with their names, which takes onomastics beyond the scope of linguistics itself and makes it an autonomous discipline that uses predominantly linguistic methods, closely related to the complex humanities, as well as earth and universe sciences.

Onomastic studies help to identify migration routes and places of former settlement of various peoples, linguistic and cultural contacts, the more ancient state of languages ​​and the relationship of their dialects. Toponymy (especially hydronymy) is often the only source information about extinct languages ​​and peoples.

According to the Book of Genesis, people themselves, places on earth known to them, animals (domestic and wild) and visible animals were the first to receive proper names. celestial bodies. These objects and their names filled the onomastic space ancient man. Over time, this space expanded, and new types of objects received names.

The world in which we live can truly be called a world of names and titles. After all, almost every real object (and often fictional) has or can have its own proper name. Moreover, some names are so ancient that they are perceived as having arisen by themselves, since their author is unknown, and sometimes even the people to whose language this word belonged. The history of such names ( clear example- word Moscow) is hidden from us by the veil of time. This, in particular, distinguishes the names of some rivers, seas, mountains, and stars. On the contrary, there are other names and titles whose date of birth is established precisely or even widely known; they are often young, and the authors of these words-names are often known.

The boundaries of the world of onomastics, which make it possible to determine the number of such unusual words in our speech, are removed from the gaze of even an experienced researcher: statistics here also cannot be comprehensive - it is simply impossible. But as an example, we can say that more than 200 thousand Russian surnames are known.

Aspects of onomastic research are diverse. Stand out: descriptive onomastics, which forms the objective foundation of onomastic research, providing a general philological analysis and linguistic interpretation of the collected material; theoretical onomastics, the study of general patterns development and functioning of onomastic systems; applied onomastics associated with the practice of naming, with the functioning of names in living speech and the problems of naming and renaming, giving practical recommendations cartographers, biographers, bibliographers, lawyers; onomastics works of art , which makes up the section of poetics; historical onomastics, which studies the history of the appearance of names and their reflection in the names of realities different eras; ethnic onomastics, which studies the emergence of the names of ethnic groups and their parts in connection with the history of ethnic groups, the relationship of ethnonyms with names of other types, the evolution of ethnonyms, leading to the creation of toponyms, anthroponyms, zoonyms, the connection of ethnonyms with names of languages ​​(linguonyms).

ONOMASTICS, the science of proper names of all types, the patterns of their development and functioning. Linguistic at its core, onomastics includes historical, geographical, ethnographic, cultural, sociological, literary components that help to identify the specifics of named objects and the traditions associated with their names, which takes onomastics beyond the scope of linguistics itself and makes it an autonomous discipline that uses predominantly linguistic methods, closely related to the complex of humanities and sciences Earth and the Universe.

Proper names react vividly to changes occurring in nature and society, therefore proper names can serve as chronologizers of texts, as well as historical and archaeological sites. Due to the special conservatism of proper names, they survive the era in which they were created, preserving evidence of a more ancient state of the language, and contain a large amount of linguistic and extra-linguistic information, which can only be obtained by linguistic methods.

The entire diversity of the world of things (real, hypothetical and invented by human imagination) constitutes the primary basis for namescommon nouns as generalizing similar facts and own as highlighting individual objects in a series named using common nouns.

Just as named things are located in earthly (and unearthly) space, the words naming them in the mind of the speaker also have a spatial arrangement, similar for residents of the same area, different for residents of remote territories. It may not resemble the actual arrangement of named objects, but it exists and serves as a framework that supports the denotations of names. Onomastic space- this is a nominal continuum that exists in the minds of people different cultures and filled differently in different eras. In the consciousness of every person, onomastic space is present fragmentarily. It is revealed quite fully only with a special study.

According to the Book of Genesis, people themselves, places on earth known to them, animals (domestic and wild) and visible heavenly bodies were the first to receive proper names. These objects and their names filled the onomastic space of ancient man. Over time, this space expanded, and new types of objects received names.

The onomastic space of modern residents of Russia includes: names of people - anthroponyms(Ivan,Marya,Anton Pavlovich Chekhov,Rurikovich); geographical namestoponyms(mountain Elbrus, city Cockerels, mowing Beyond the swamp, The White house ), including the names of water bodies – hydronyms(river Volga, Lake Ritsa, Black Sea); animal names - zoonyms(dog Blot, horse Loud Success, goose Ivan Ivanovich); proper names individual plants - phytonyms (Tree crying, pine Airplane); names of zones and parts of the universe - cosmonyms(constellation Capricorn, nebula Andromeda, galaxy Big Magellanic Cloud); titles celestial bodiesastronyms(star Vega, planet Mars, asteroid Ceres, comet Galea); names of points and time periods – chrononyms (Petrovskaya era, Varfolomeevskaya night, era Renaissance, New year); names of holidays ( Christmas, Day Victory, Day geologist, Day teachers, Trinity); names of events, campaigns, wars (festival " Russian winter», Russian-Japanese war, Brusilovsky breakthrough, operation " Steel helmet"); names of enterprises, institutions, societies, parties, etc. business associations of people ( Russian state library, Small theater, factory " Sickle And hammer"); names of churches, monasteries ( Trinity-Sergius Lavra, temple Trinity in sheets, church Introductions under pine trees); names of communication routes ( The path from the Varangians to the Greeks,Vladimirsky tract,Minskoe highway); names of vehicles (aircraft) « Motherland», motor ship « Cosmonaut Gagarin», express « Yaroslavl"); names of works of art (painting by V.M. Vasnetsov Three hero, sculpture Let's have a snack swords on plowshares, symphony Winter dreams P.I. Tchaikovsky, opera Troubadour G. Verdi); titles periodicals(newspaper " News", magazine " Science and life"); titles of documents ( Land Law,Treaty of Friendship,Peace Decree,Helsinki Agreement); titles of books, stories, poems, articles ( Monument A.S. Pushkin, novel by A.N. Tolstoy Bread); proper names of individual, especially valuable items material culture(gold nuggets " Camel», « bunny ears", diamond " Shah", bells " Goat», « Ram», « Sysoy" In Rostov); names of orders, medals (order " Badge of honor", medal " Mother's glory"); names of natural disasters (hurricane " Flora"); names of varieties of manufactured products and selected plants (vehicle " Volga", cheese " Poshekhonsky", soap " Degtyarnoye", cologne " Lilac", cherry " Beauty of the North", lilac " Lights of Moscow»); trademarks– signs marking goods and service marks, specially preserved and kept from passing into the general vocabulary (shampoo “ Blue Wave", candies " Gold little key"); names of deities ( Zeus,Perun); names of various spirits (genie Maimun, Daemon, Anchutka); names of various mythological realities (river Summer); names of characters and names of places in literature and folklore ( Eugene Onegin,Sobakevich,Blue Beard, village Dyryavino, city Skotoprogonevsk); names of hypothetical geographical features ( Sannikov Land,Beringia) etc. Depending on the type of names studied, onomastics as a science is divided into special areas, among which the most studied are anthroponymy, toponymy, hydronymy and others. etc. (see ANTHROPONYMY; TOPONYMY).

The names of long-dead people and settlements that ceased to exist fill the depth of onomastic space; however, their place may vary depending on the significance of the denotation. Names Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, Nero, Napoleon are still relevant today. Less famous names are significant only for the chronological slice when the named person lived. The names of uninhabited cities become archaeonyms, i.e. names of archaeological objects. Only good knowledge history and geography allows us to establish that Antarctica, Tavrida, Tasmania– names of real existing objects, and Atlantis, Pacifida, Beringia– hypothetical. In all similar cases images of named objects, emerging in the imagination of members of a linguistic community, become a kind of denotations, substitutes for actually non-existent objects.

Aspects of onomastic research are diverse. Stand out: descriptive onomastics, which forms the objective foundation of onomastic research, providing a general philological analysis and linguistic interpretation of the collected material; theoretical onomastics, which studies the general patterns of development and functioning of onomastic systems; applied onomastics, associated with the practice of naming, with the functioning of names in living speech and the problems of names and renaming, giving practical recommendations to cartographers, biographers, bibliographers, and lawyers; onomastics works of art, which makes up the section of poetics; historical onomastics, which studies the history of the appearance of names and their reflection in the names of the realities of different eras; ethnic onomastics, which studies the emergence of the names of ethnic groups and their parts in connection with the history of ethnic groups, the relationship of ethnonyms with names of other types, the evolution of ethnonyms, leading to the creation of toponyms, anthroponyms, zoonyms, the connection of ethnonyms with names of languages ​​(linguonyms).

Modern onomastics is a complex scientific linguistic discipline with its own range of problems and methods. Onomastic research helps to study the migration routes of individual ethnic groups, identify the places of their former habitat, establish the more ancient state of individual languages, and determine the linguistic and cultural contacts of different ethnic groups.

There are various directions - theory of language, applied linguistics, stylistics, dialectology and even onomastics. Today we will talk about what onomastics is, what its subject and object are, what sections are distinguished in it. Let's consider its connection with other disciplines, sources that provide material for study.

Onomastics as a science

Let's start with what onomastics is. The definition says that this is a branch of linguistics that studies proper names or onyms.

Initially, onomastics was an applied science, which was used by historians, geographers, and literary scholars as an auxiliary discipline. Later it was separated into a separate section of linguistics with its own methods for analyzing linguistic material. The object of scientific research is the history of its origin, motives for nomination and functioning in language. The subject is directly onyms, names.

Onomastics studies the phonetic, morphological, word-formation, semantic and etymological aspects of proper names.

History of development

Speaking about what onomastics is, it is necessary to touch upon such an issue as the history of the emergence of science.

She is considered relatively young. It has officially existed since 1930, when the world's first International Onomastic Congress was held in France.

Already in 1949, an onomastic committee was created at UNESCO and a specialized magazine Onoma was published. The peak of development of onomastics fell in 50-60 years of the last century.

Russian onomastics begins its history in 1812, when A. Kh. Vostokov published the article “Tasks for etymology lovers.” Another one was published in 1813 important work E. Bolkhovitinova “On the peculiarities of the proper names of the Slavic Russians.” Over the course of two centuries, science has developed, establishing its research methods, collecting factual material, and creating theory bit by bit. In 2004, the journal “Questions of Onomastics” began to be published in Russia.

Components of Science

Depending on the linguistic features, there are several areas of research. Onomastics of proper names can cover various areas of knowledge, with the following being distinguished:

  • Regional onomastics, which studies the onomasticon of a particular region, studies its onomastic subsystems.
  • Theoretical, which studies the general patterns of development and functioning of onomastic systems.
  • Applied onomastics is associated primarily with the practice of assigning names, their functioning in modern language. This includes establishing the recording and pronunciation of names, developing normative models by which patronymics and surnames are formed, adjectives to denote belonging to a particular locality, region of residence, or family.
  • Descriptive, which analyzes the onomastic state of a particular territory. In this case, any one onomastic class is considered.
  • Poetic onomastics - studies the functioning of proper names in literary texts, principles of their creation, functions in the text.


  • Anthroponymy - studies the names of people.
  • Toponymy - studies the names of geographical objects.
  • Zoonymics - studies the names of animals.
  • Astronomy - studies the names of stellar bodies - planets, stars, comets.
  • Hydronymics - studies the names of water bodies - rivers, lakes, seas and oceans.

Connections with other sciences

Speaking about what onomastics is, one cannot fail to note its connection with other disciplines. First of all, it is closely related to linguistics. Science uses linguistic methods to analyze proper names. It is also connected with logic, since the connection between a concept and a word is studied. The connection between onomastics and geography and astronomy is traced. Scientists often turn to onomasts to solve problems such as the correct spelling and translation of names.

History, ethnography and archeology provide a lot useful information onomastic scientists. They, in turn, help historians. The importance of onomastics for scientists associated with history is invaluable. Thus, onomastics data help to study the settlement of peoples, their customs and rituals, since the formation of names and their use are closely related not only to certain peoples, but also to eras. With the help of onomastics it is possible not only to determine the boundaries of the settlement of peoples, but also to date various written monuments.

Study Sources

We found out what onomastics is, gave it a definition, and identified the main sections. But one question still remained unanswered - where do scientists get factual material for study?

There are many sources. The most used include:

  1. Lists of first and last names.
  2. Church books and calendars.
  3. Dialect notes and reminders.
  4. Geographical and astronomical maps.
  5. Address books.
  6. Land inventory books.
  7. Catalogs of animal exhibitions.
  8. Lists from horse racing.
  9. Works of art.


This science is studied exclusively in universities in philological faculties. Acquaintance with the section occurs when studying the course “Lexicology” or as a separate special course. During the training, students will learn what onomastics is, what methods it uses, what sections are distinguished in it.

It is rarely studied in school courses, except perhaps in senior specialized classes. But at the same time, acquaintance with science is superficial and provides only basic information about it.


Onomastics is one of the linguistic disciplines that studies proper names and their functioning in the Russian language. She is relatively young. It is studied at philological faculties.