How to effectively get rid of internal fat. How to get rid of visceral fat: before and after photos

When women gain weight, they immediately sound the alarm. Fat on the hips or tummy makes them look for different diets, sports clubs and look at themselves in the mirror more often. But men should be more concerned about fat. The so-called “beer belly” can replace the endocrine gland - the prostate.

And then all men's problems will become a priority. But they can be warned if you know that...


We would only have bones sticking out if it weren’t for subcutaneous fat. It accumulates in the subcutaneous fat layer, apparently in order to prevent us from freezing during the cold season. And it does not pose a particular threat to the body. If we see subcutaneous fat, then visceral fat is invisible.

It accumulates around the internal organs and also helps to survive, as it warms the internal organs, creates a soft cushion around them and supports them in the desired position, and also softens the shock of the internal organs during movement. In other words, he protects them. Normally, everyone has it and should make up 10% of all fat deposits in the body

, 90% refers to subcutaneous fat. If it is less, then even slight intra-abdominal pressure, for example, when sneezing or coughing, can cause prolapse of the kidneys, liver, spleen, intestines, and gall bladder. But a larger amount of it compresses the internal organs from all sides with fat.

INTERNAL FAT COMPRESSES INTERNAL ORGANS A large amount of visceral fat is deposited in the omentum, which is located in the abdominal cavity.

Outwardly, he looks like a man with thin legs and an enlarged belly. Very often this happens in people who often find themselves in stressful situations.

The main danger of internal fat is that, squeezing internal organs with its mass, it disrupts their vital functions: it compresses the ducts of the gallbladder and pancreas, which affects the secretion of bile and gastric juice, impairing digestion. Visceral fat is actually an endocrine gland that produces a hormone that causes constant hunger.


In men, visceral fat is active as an endocrine gland. It releases a hormone leptin, which affects the activity of energetic, metabolic and neuroendocrine reactions. Leptin blocks testosterone, preventing the burning of internal fat. His danger also in that that it changes the entire hormonal balance in the body, and this leads to urological and other problems, as well as a decrease in muscle mass and changes in the skeletal system.

Visceral fat converts male sex hormones (testosterone) into female hormones (estrogens). This is why potency in men is greatly reduced and breasts appear. Excess estrogen in a woman’s body contributes to the development of breast cancer, and in a man’s body – prostate cancer. But as a testosterone blocker, leptin acts when it is elevated. Therefore, it is important to reduce its level.

Visceral fat is dangerous precisely because it produces carcinogenic substances that promote the development of cancerous tumors, and atherogenic substances that promote the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels.

You can find out if you have visceral fat by measuring your waist circumference. For men it should be no more than 94 cm, and for women no more than 80 cm.


There are fat cells in our body that can stretch. And their number does not change. The more fat these cells have, the larger their size and mass.

That's why the first thing to do is to release the fat from the cells. A For this to happen, there must be an energy deficit in the body.(physical activity will help). Then special enzymes and hormones will begin to enter the blood, which, transported through the bloodstream to fat cells, release fat. Released from the fat cell, fat is transported to the muscles and burned in the mitochondria, which act as power plants in the human body.

Oxygen is supplied during any aerobic activity: running, swimming, cycling and others. The workout should last at least 30 minutes. But the loads need to be alternated, since the body knows how to adapt to them.


It is equally important to cleanse the intestines in order to establish a good metabolism. It would be a mistake to completely abandon the consumption of fats: this will slow down digestion and will lead to carbohydrates taking their place, and problems will remain.

The main thing is to drink more plain water instead of beer: 2–3 liters per day. It will speed up your metabolism, and belly fat will “melt” faster. They will help also fat burner products: low-fat dairy, vegetables and fruits. You also need protein foods: fish, eggs, olive oil, nuts. But it is advisable to completely remove sausages, buns, cookies, and candies from the diet and limit the amount of sugar, replacing it with natural honey.

You should not allow a painful feeling of hunger to appear, as this will lead to the accumulation of even more visceral fat. You should take vitamin C and drink coffee, since caffeine and ascorbic acid reduce the activity of the adrenal cortex, as a result of which the synthesis of corticosteroids is inhibited.


They have a mild laxative effect, removing waste and toxins, and prevent excess fat from being absorbed, improve metabolic processes, which promote weight loss. Omega-3 amino acids help speed up the breakdown and elimination of already accumulated fat.

However, the dose should not be exceeded as excess seeds may interfere with the absorption of other essential nutrients in the body.

Flax seed should be included in the diet gradually, starting with 0.5 tbsp. l. per day, and do not consume more than 3 tbsp. l. They should be taken 30 minutes before meals. You should start with 3 g and increase to 30 g at a time. The recommended dose per day is 90 g (divided into 3 doses). Kissel for weight loss:

2 tbsp. l. flax seeds, 1 liter of water, 2 glasses of fruit juice. Pour the seeds into boiling water and boil for 1 hour. Remove from heat and let cool. Add fruit juice and stir. However, flax seeds tend to lower sugar levels and thin the blood, so for some types of diabetes and poor blood clotting, it is not advisable to consume them. They also


This root is just for men with a beer belly. It is one of the best remedies that kills two birds with one stone: burn internal fat and promote testosterone production. Ginger acts precisely as a fat burner, that is, weight is lost not from fluid loss, but from the breakdown of excess fat.

Recipe: mix 0.5 tsp. ginger juice or ground ginger with 1 tsp. honey and 1 glass of warm water. Drink 1 glass of this drink 1-2 times a day.

Ginger with kefir: Grate 30 g of ginger and pour in 300 ml of 1% kefir. You can drink it for breakfast or dinner. It satisfies hunger well. You can also prepare this cocktail before going to bed: mix the root decoction with kefir.

But if you have a high temperature, inflammation of the skin, ulcers and gallstones, or low blood clotting, you should not take ginger.

Each person has a certain number of cells in which reserve energy is stored in the form of fat. Their size is practically unlimited, so when you gain weight, they can increase and increase indefinitely. Excess weight stored in caring fat cells not only looks unsightly, but can also threaten health. In what cases is this especially dangerous?

What is visceral fat?

The body has two ways of creating reserves. With the first, they are stored in visible areas that can be seen and felt. This is subcutaneous fat that tends to accumulate in the thighs, abdomen and buttocks. The second method is associated with the appearance of a fatty layer inside the body. This is the so-called “visceral fat” that surrounds the lungs, heart, liver and stomach. It is its presence in increased quantities that leads to chronic diseases. It should be contained within reasonable limits in every body, providing additional protection for internal organs. But excess of it leads to metabolic disorders, the development of hypertension, diabetes, heart problems, Alzheimer's disease, liver diseases and some types of cancer. To diagnose the danger, it is enough to measure your own waist.

If it has increased by five centimeters relative to the size characteristic of it in youth, it is quite possible to talk about a deterioration in metabolic processes.

Most people are more concerned about their appearance than their inner state. Flabby thighs and chubby arms worry a person more than visceral fat, invisible to the eye. How to remove cellulite and belly - that's what seems important. And completely in vain. Until excess visceral fat disappears, regular subcutaneous fat does not begin to disappear, which means your figure will not become slimmer. Therefore, study the causes of weight gain and try to get rid of bad habits. First of all, you need to lead a more active lifestyle. The diet should include less sweets and high-calorie foods, forget about sugary drinks and quick snacks outside the home.

Sleep disturbances also do not help you become healthier, so you should take care of a normal daily routine.

We are taking decisive action

In general, there are only four points that help defeat visceral fat. These are physical exercise, diet, lack of stress and good sleep. The first point is the most significant. Even thin people who maintain their figure solely through diet can face the dangers of visceral fat. Therefore, mobility is vital for any person who wants to be healthy and active for as long as possible. Even half an hour of exercise several times a week can seriously reduce visceral fat. It is better to plan sports training according to the interval type, alternating relatively light and more intense exercises, so the effect is maximized. You can support it with proper nutrition. You shouldn’t chase fashionable diets; it’s better to choose the basic rules for a healthy diet and just stick to them always. For example, control the amount of fiber - it stops obesity. Watch the amount of carbohydrates, especially fast ones, reduce calories to one and a half thousand calories per day and limit sweets, baked goods and potatoes. Please note that immediate results can be dangerous; doctors do not recommend losing more than two kilograms per week. Finally, avoiding stress and healthy sleep seven to nine hours a day will help to finally consolidate the result and achieve not only a slim, but also a healthy body.

You will not see visceral fat without the help of a medical examination, since it is located behind the subcutaneous fat layer, which is not difficult to notice if the person does not suffer from dystrophy. Visceral fat surrounds internal organs, it protects the liver, kidneys, appendages, stomach, and intestines from mechanical damage. In addition, excess reserves are used to replenish energy when subcutaneous fat is insufficient.

Causes of visceral fat formation

  1. Individual predisposition in genetic terms. If you have an apple shape, you are at risk. Pear-shaped girls have nothing to fear, since their fat accumulates most heavily on their thighs rather than on their stomach.
  2. Women during menopause. During this period, the production of female hormones decreases, due to which fats are absorbed at a slower rate and deposited in undesirable places.
  3. As for men, a large beer belly indicates the presence of visceral fat. Alcohol suppresses testosterone, which is responsible for the proper distribution of fat in the body.
  4. Poor nutrition is one of the main factors in the appearance of visceral fat. Excessive consumption of fatty, sweet, flour, and salty foods clogs the subcutaneous layer, as a result of which fat begins to penetrate even deeper, enveloping human organs. It is important to understand that food replenishes energy resources, so nutrition should not be excessive or, on the contrary, insufficient.

The dangers of visceral fat for human health

  1. Deposits have a negative impact on the hormonal levels of both women and men.
  2. Visceral fat contributes to hypertension. It regularly releases deposits into the blood, forming cholesterol plaques and clogging blood vessels. As a comparison, subcutaneous fat does not lead to such complications.
  3. Visceral fat is invisible, its amount can exceed acceptable limits, even if you are a thin, long-legged lady. This makes its presence even more dangerous. Visceral fat provokes more than 30 hormones, they go out of order and have a negative effect on the arterial walls of the heart and brain. Because of these consequences, men and women experience frequent strokes and heart attacks, increased blood pressure and cancer of internal organs.


Prevention is the first and most effective way to combat any disease. Of course, a person is designed in such a way that he begins to monitor his health only when it is no longer possible to endure. However, there is also that part of sensible people who prefer to prevent possible consequences, rather than then lie in a hospital bed for months.

Everyone has their own genetic predisposition regarding the formation of visceral fat. If you look at your relatives, be it grandparents, mother or father, you can easily determine what type of figure you are. Pay attention to the tendency to be overweight, ask about the presence of endocrine, heart and other diseases. Relatives will not hide genetics from you, so you will immediately know whether you are at risk or not.

If all the signs are obvious, then from this day on you need to be attentive and responsible to your own health. Do not overeat, limit your consumption of fatty, salty, flour foods. Eat more vegetables, fruits and grains, they should make up 80% of your daily diet. People who smoke should give up the bad habit or reduce the number of cigarettes they smoke to 5 per day, reducing this number every month.

Take the habit of playing sports, walk more in the fresh air (at least 3 hours a day), sign up for swimming. Such simple techniques will help you reduce your risk by half or even three times, which will have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body. Control your fat deposits, don’t let the situation take its course.

There are people who eat right all their lives, enriching their body with useful vitamins and microelements. However, there are also those who regularly eat junk food and suffer from it themselves, do not be like them. Adjust your diet, it’s not for nothing that the Chinese sages say “You are what you eat.” Switch to a balanced diet, adjust your daily intake of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and fiber.

Printed publications and the Internet contain a lot of information about which products have high energy intensity and which do not. Study the food pyramid, which describes permitted and prohibited components in accessible language. Go to the online calorie calculator and calculate your optimal amount per day. You can also consult a nutritionist, he will write a diet and create the basis for a proper diet in the future. The specialist will assess your body parameters, possible diseases and, taking these nuances into account, will create a menu (consultation costs about 700 rubles).

Completely give up fast food and quick snacks, do not eat sweets, meat and vegetables on an empty stomach. Prepare food yourself and only at home; it is important to understand what each dish consists of. Instead of regular frying in harmful vegetable oil, prefer stewing in its own juices. Dress salads with olive oil, eat more boiled meat in combination with fresh vegetables.

Foods that help get rid of visceral fat


  • white meat (chicken, turkey);
  • chicken/quail eggs;
  • lean fish;
  • cottage cheese with a fat content of no more than 5%;
  • hard cheese;
  • beef;
  • beans, peas, corn, rye;
  • pork pulp;
  • nuts and grains.

Correct carbohydrates:

  • zucchini;
  • grape;
  • greenery;
  • cabbage;
  • bell pepper;
  • beans;
  • cereals;
  • black bread;
  • dried fruits;
  • tomato.


  • rye bran;
  • peas;
  • brown rice;
  • raisins, dried apricots;
  • lentils;
  • carrot;
  • broccoli;
  • apples;
  • potato;
  • grapefruit, orange.

Healthy fats (daily consumption no more than 2%):

  • nuts: almonds, cashews, walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts;
  • oils: olive, corn, soybean, sunflower, flaxseed;
  • avocado;
  • olives;
  • fatty fish;
  • tofu cheese.

As you can see, you can create a varied menu, so proper nutrition is not a death sentence.

It is forbidden to eat fried foods, baked goods made from white flour, sweets, cookies, fatty sausages, smoked foods and fish in oil.

To get rid of visceral fat forever, you need not only to eat a balanced diet, but also to exercise. Physical exercise will help you lose extra pounds and reduce subcutaneous fat, after which sports will begin to destroy visceral fat. Soon you will build up muscles that will work even at rest, using up the body's energy resources.

Walk or jog, join a gym or dance class. Modern studios offer a lot of sports activities: Pilates, aerobics, gymnastics, Pole-dance (pole dancing), yoga. Try not to use the elevator, take the stairs. Walk a few stops instead of taking the minibus. Go out to the park, enjoy nature, ski and skate in winter. Try to move as much as possible, buy a bicycle or roller skates, jump rope and spin a hula hoop. There are tons of possibilities!

You don't have to lift dumbbells or barbells; daily workouts of 30-60 minutes will be enough. Spend time outside or on the loggia, breathe fresh air, it activates metabolic processes in the body and improves blood circulation. For girls whose body fat is several times higher than normal, it is recommended to sign up with a personal trainer. He will develop for you not only a diet, but also exercises for the abdominal muscles, buttocks and thighs. As time passes and the body gets used to the stress, it will consume more energy, gradually eliminating visceral fat.

Do you want to get rid of visceral fat forever and prevent its appearance? Take a holistic approach that includes a balanced diet and exercise. Remember that subcutaneous fat is destroyed first, followed by visceral fat. You will need strength and patience, since the process will take more than 1 month. Everything comes to those who know how to wait, go for it!

Video: getting rid of visceral fat

More and more people want to look fit and attractive, so they are trying in every possible way to get rid of excess fat. However, obesity is not only a threat to your appearance, but also a serious irritant to the body. In this case, we are not talking about subcutaneous fat, but about visceral fat, since the first type is absolutely not dangerous, with the exception of a cosmetic effect.

What is visceral fat?

If you want to develop an effective method for combating visceral fat, then you need to thoroughly study your enemy. The peculiarity of visceral fat is that it is deposited inside the serous membrane, which covers all the cavities of our body. These shells visually resemble thin connecting membranes and are often called films. Thus, if the fat that we see accumulates in the subcutaneous fat layer, that is, far from these films, then the visceral fat is concentrated precisely inside these cavities.

Visceral fat is our body’s reserve nutrition, energy reserves in the form of adipose tissue. Unlike the subcutaneous, which collects in the hips, abdomen or waist, the visceral is located much deeper, surrounding all vital organs. This is why surgeons easily remove subcutaneous fat, while they are powerless against the visceral type.

If we talk about the structure and composition of the above elements, they also differ significantly. Visceral fat is based on brown cells, while subcutaneous fat is based on white cells.

Where and why does visceral fat accumulate?

We noted earlier that visceral fat is located near the internal organs, which is why it is often called internal or abdominal fat. It is quite simple to determine the excess concentration of this type of fat, since such a violation is manifested by a visual enlargement of the abdomen, it moves forward, while the rest of the body remains in the same shape. Actually, imbalance in the body is the first sign of an excessive amount of visceral fat.

As practice shows, such changes in the body occur due to non-compliance with healthy lifestyle standards, in particular unbalanced nutrition, lack of physical activity, bad habits and other factors. Many believe that the increase in the concentration of visceral fat is due to age; this factor does not play any role.

Nowadays, due to a pathologically incorrect lifestyle, many young people suffer from excess abdominal fat. Moreover, even children are no exception.

It should also be noted that visceral fat– not a useless element, on the contrary, it performs some functions:

  1. Protection of organs from injury and mechanical damage to the external environment.
  2. Used by the body as a reserve energy source.

The dangers of visceral fat

Oddly enough, visceral fat is extremely important for the body, since it creates a kind of cushion, which in turn protects internal organs from all kinds of injuries and mechanical damage from the external environment. Signs of a healthy ratio of visceral fat to total fat cell mass are approximately 10-15%. That is, the concentration of this type of fat should not exceed more than 15% of the total volume of all fat cells. Unfortunately, in many cases, this proportion is violated, in some cases it exceeds the permissible norm, which is why a person’s stomach begins to bulge.

  • Due to excessive stress on the legs, varicose veins appear.
  • Visceral fat puts serious pressure on the heart, as a result it becomes the cause of myocardial infarction and many other serious diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • In addition, exceeding the recommended concentration of this fat can become a prerequisite for the onset of cancer.
  • Negative phenomena manifest themselves in the form of hormonal imbalance and various metabolic reactions.

Let's talk about everything in more detail. Since this type of fat is located in a fairly active place where many metabolic processes take place, visceral fat also constantly moves through the bloodstream, ending up in the liver. If at normal levels it is not dangerous for us, then its excess can lead to serious complications with the heart. When visceral fat enters a vital gland (liver), it converts it into cholesterol, which tends to clog in the intima of blood vessels, creating clogging of the vessels themselves. As a result, a person may develop a fairly common disease in our time - ATHEROSCLEROSIS(artery disease).

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW!!! Of course, excess cholesterol is quite harmful to the human body. However, this is an overly general concept. The fact is that this substance does not have the property of dissolving in water, and since our blood consists almost of water, cholesterol cannot be found in its natural form; instead, it is transported through the so-called “lipoproteins” or triglyceride containers. These complex compounds, which are based on protein, are divided into several types:

  • HDL– high density lipoproteins
  • LDL– low density lipoproteins
  • VLDL– very low density lipoproteins
  • Chylomicrons

So, it is the complex compound of low and very low density that is destructive for our body. Their excess leads to the aforementioned heart problem - atherosclerosis. Of course, they, one way or another, circulate in our blood, however, due to increased excess weight, their concentration increases significantly, which has a very negative impact on health.

That is, not all cholesterol is dangerous, but only that which is transported by low and very low density lipoproteins. We have already discussed this topic in more detail. here in this article. Be sure to read it.

According to statistics WHO, cardiovascular diseases are one of the leading causes of death worldwide. In 2012 alone, more than 17 million people. It's worth considering improving your lifestyle. And the main causes of heart problems are excess weight, including excess visceral fat.

In addition, the accumulation of internal fat around vital organs contributes to the disruption of metabolic processes in the body, as well as INSULIN RESISTANCE. To make it clear to everyone what this is, let's look at a small example. When we consume any food, our body secretes insulin, which is responsible for regulating carbohydrate metabolism and other metabolic processes in almost all tissues of our body. So, due to insulin resistance, an increased dose of insulin is injected into a person’s blood, that is, sensitivity to this hormone of peptide origin is significantly reduced due to accumulated fat. Due to such an increased concentration of insulin, global complications, serious pathologies and the development of many diseases may occur. These include: type 2 diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, obesity, multiple problems with the cardiovascular system etc.

In addition to all of the above, excessive accumulation of visceral fat disrupts the normal hormonal balance of a person. As a result, this leads to a deterioration in potency, increased appetite (it increases due to the excessive release of the corresponding hormone " Ghrelina"), increased insulin levels in the blood and similar health problems. Also, another danger should be noted - FATTY HEPATOSIS. This is a very common liver disease, which means fatty liver cells.

What does all this lead to? This leads to the fact that the processing of insulin in the liver is significantly inhibited, as a result of which the level of fat in the body increases. That is, all these complications contribute to even greater problems, increased obesity, the emergence of many chronic diseases, and so on. The only correct way out of this situation is to start leading a healthy lifestyle and eating right in time. It is necessary to start playing sports, since physical activity has a beneficial effect on increasing sensitivity to insulin, and all vital metabolic processes in the body are restored.

How to find out the amount of internal fat and find out if its norm is exceeded?

To determine whether visceral fat is normal or not, there are quite simple methods. For example, take a special meter tape and wrap it around your waist. For men, the norm is approximately 90–94 centimeters (waist circumference), and for women – up to 80 centimeters. If this norm is exceeded, and you can visually see that your stomach is sticking out, you should think about going in for sports and reconsidering your diet. There is an even more accurate way to see if the norm of abdominal fat is abnormal, namely: do an MRI or computed tomography. At the same time, using these methods you can check the condition of the entire body. Here, in fact, is a picture that shows what an excess amount of this fat looks like and what a person looks like after exercise and proper nutrition.

How to get rid of visceral fat?

As a rule, visceral fat disappears along with subcutaneous fat; the only exception may be the presence of diseases of the endocrine system. Therefore, to solve this problem, we will use standard methods that are used for weight loss: diet (proper nutrition), increased physical activity, various means (fat burners). Before using the same Carnitine as an assistant for burning excess fat, consult your doctor. Also, you should understand that the use of such sports nutrition is intended for people who lead an active lifestyle, work out in gyms and follow a certain diet. That is, if a person wants to lose weight and drinks carnitine, but does not lead an appropriate lifestyle, there will be no benefit. In general, be sure to consult your doctor. A person may have various contraindications that should be taken into account.

Also, to help speed up your metabolism and keep it healthy, you need to drink the required daily amount of water per day. This will also help speed up the process of burning excess weight, including internal (?).

In order to get rid of excess such fat, you need to approach the problem comprehensively and use all the methods listed here at once:

  • In any case, combine proper nutrition and exercise.
  • Focus on a balanced diet, eat less, but more often. In principle, you should not feel hungry. Eating the required portions of food frequently 5-6 times a day will speed up your metabolism and slightly speed up the process of burning excess fat.
  • Increase your vitamin C concentration.
  • Limit the intake of fast carbohydrates and fats into the body.
  • Avoid stressful situations and stop taking sedatives that act as a sedative.

The right diet to prevent visceral fat gain

Proper nutrition is the key to longevity and good health; it’s never too late to review your diet. For preventive purposes, products that contain approximately the same concentration of carbohydrates, fats and proteins are ideal. From now on, minimum harm, more benefit is the main principle working in the kitchen.

Unfortunately, an effective diet is not a universal recipe; on the contrary, it is compiled individually for each person. However, there are several fundamental points that are quite sufficient to prevent an increase in the level of visceral fat:

  • Avoid excessively fatty foods. Sweets and fast food are the main enemies.
  • Your daily menu should consist of 90% of products prepared in the correct way: stewing, steaming.
  • Eat protein foods more often: meat fillet, eggs, fish, nuts and legumes ().
  • We add complex carbohydrates to the diet: dried fruits, cereals, etc.
  • Fresh vegetables, grains and fruits will provide your body with much needed fiber .


As you can see, the problem of high levels of visceral fat is not just a matter of beauty. If a man or woman has abnormal body proportions (the stomach sticks out), then you should take this problem seriously and consider going to see a doctor. Do the necessary tests regarding the state of hormonal levels, excess weight and listen to the doctor’s recommendations.

In any case, getting rid of such obesity is much easier than it seems, just sign up for a gym and reconsider your diet. Under no circumstances should you neglect yourself or be lazy, because we are talking about health.

I hope you found this informational article helpful. If yes, then take a few seconds of your time and share this useful information with your friends on social networks, help promote a healthy and active lifestyle!


A beautiful and slender body is not only aesthetically attractive, but also an indicator of your health. What if you have a waist and nice shapes? But only the tummy sticks out a little. Could this be a problem for the body? Unfortunately yes. After all, the level of visceral fat in your body is probably much higher than normal. What is it, and why should you be afraid of it? Let's figure it all out!

What is visceral fat?

The fight against this “invisible enemy” must begin with its full study. Let's start with the fact that this type of fat is located only in the serous membranes. And they, in turn, envelop all the cavities of our body. These shells consist of thin connecting membranes, and look like a film. That is why the fat contained in them is invisible to us, but no less dangerous.

Scientists have found that this type of fat is something like a “backup power supply” for our body. And if tangible fat (hips, abdomen, waist, face) is superficial, then visceral fat is deeper. It usually covers all of our vital organs. And if plastic surgeons easily remove type 1 fat, then they are powerless against it. After all, you can’t pump it out or cut it off, for example, from your heart.

Why is it dangerous?

Let's start with the fact that visceral fat is very important for our internal organs. After all, it acts as a “shock-absorbing cushion” for them, performing a protective function. But this is only provided that it is within the regulatory framework. The first sign of an increase in this standard is a protruding belly.

An increased level of visceral fat in the body can lead to the following consequences:

  1. The load on the legs increases, and this entails varicose veins.
  2. It compresses the heart, and this is a myocardial infarction and other heart diseases.
  3. A prerequisite for the development of oncology of all types.
  4. Hormonal disbalance.
  5. Metabolic reactions will be disrupted.
  6. Atherosclerosis. It passes through the bloodstream through the liver, where it accumulates and provokes active production of cholesterol, which clogs blood vessels.

How to determine your visceral fat level?

The most accessible way is to measure your waist with a measuring tape. To do this, wrap the tape around your waist and look at the result:

  • for the stronger sex, its standard ranges from 90 to 94 cm;
  • for women - up to 80.

The excess will be immediately visible, even visually - the stomach will stand out significantly. This means this is a reason to seriously reconsider your lifestyle and nutrition!

The most accurate way to determine visceral fat is through a medical examination using an MRI or CT scan. In addition, you can immediately check the general condition of your body.

Regular examination by doctors and timely testing is a preventive measure for the development of visceral fat. And also a great way to monitor your health. Thus, any disease will be detected at an early stage, which means it will be much easier to cure it.


A sign of the correct ratio of visceral fat is its position at 15% of the total mass of fat in the body. In other words, your visceral fat should not exceed 15% of the total mass of all fat cells in the body. Violation of proportion immediately gives a visual expression - a protruding belly.

How to get rid of it?

The decision cannot be one-sided. Only an integrated approach, using the following methods:

  • combining proper nutrition and physical activity;
  • balanced and fractional meals will help accelerate the metabolic functions of your body, and this will speed up the burning of excess fat;
  • eat more foods high in vitamin C;
  • complete refusal to consume fast fats and carbohydrates;
  • less stress;
  • refusal of sedatives.

We also change our usual eating regimen to the correct one, and do exercises that will help you fight excess visceral fat in the body.


There are a great variety of dietary food regimens, but you should not resort to radical measures that give quick results, but entail failure, and, as a result, gaining even more body weight.

The best choice would be to switch to proper nutrition. Losing weight will happen more slowly, but the danger of slipping and gaining even more than you lost is less. Thanks to it, your body will become healthier and your body more attractive.

There is no effective nutrition for everyone; it will need to be selected individually for you, through trial and error. But there are points that are suitable for everyone who struggles with visceral fat:

  • fatty, sweet, and fast food foods are prohibited for you;
  • 90% of daily food should be prepared in any correct way (boiled, steamed, stewed);
  • your diet should be dominated by protein foods (meat, fish, dairy products, nuts, beans);
  • no – fast carbohydrates, yes – complex (dried fruits, cereals, cereals);
  • a lot of fresh vegetables, cereals, fruits that will saturate your body with vitamins and fiber.

An approximate daily diet would look like this:

  • morning - milk oatmeal;
  • snack - a couple of apples;
  • lunch - baked turkey, tomato salad with a drop of olive oil;
  • snack - cottage cheese with fruit;
  • dinner - fruit pilaf and a glass of kefir.


It would be better if a trainer at the gym prescribes the correct way to perform them. But if you don’t have the time or financial ability to do this, you can make them at home.

There are many programs and videos on the Internet with which you can perform various workouts:

  • aerobics;
  • Gillians, etc.
The Plank exercise keeps the whole body tense and promotes weight loss.

Most likely, you will devote maximum to full-fledged training a couple of times a week, but For daily exercises or warm-ups you will need:

  • tilts (lateral and back/forward);
  • squats;
  • lifting the body from an inclined surface;
  • “mill” with feet;
  • swing your legs;
  • stretching.

Morning exercises will not only help you lose weight, but also give your body a boost for the whole day. But the main activities are best done at lunchtime or after work.

How to prevent the appearance?

If you know that you have hormonal imbalances, then this is often provoked by either existing fat or precursors of its development.

In order to prevent its level from increasing in your body, you need to:

  • weigh yourself more often to have an idea of ​​excess body weight gain;
  • maintain a weighing schedule for visual control;
  • keep a food diary, which will help identify which product and in what volume provokes weight gain;
  • exercise is required in the morning;
  • exercise in the gym at least 2 times a week;
  • walk more often;
  • eat the right foods.

Get regular medical examinations and tests. And adhere to the principle “Your health is in your hands.”

At first glance, everything seems very scary and sad, and completely impossible. This is absolutely not true. The main thing is to believe in yourself and be unbreakable in your decision. Slowly and surely, but you will achieve your goal - your weight and visceral fat will return to normal, and your body will become healthy and attractive to the opposite sex.