Why do you dream about a wolf, wolves? Why do you dream about a white wolf?

Very often, under different circumstances, wolves appear in women's dreams. They symbolize for the sleeping person the danger approaching her in real life. Below we describe more precisely what wolves dream about under various conditions.

Dream Interpretation: Why does a woman dream about wolves?

If a woman dreams of wolves, Miller is sure that such a plot warns the sleeping woman about the presence of a dangerous enemy in her immediate environment. The actions of this man interfere with the implementation of the woman’s plans. It is necessary to declassify the enemy as soon as possible. The interpreter adds that if wolves howl in a dream, it means that a representative of the fair sex will be able to reveal the secret plan of the enemy in the very near future.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga noted that the wolf is a symbol of protection and strength.

If he appears in a woman’s dream, most likely she needs care and support. The dreamer dreams of a reliable, faithful man nearby.

The work of Nostradamus says that a wolf from a dream may turn out to be a reflection of the character and inner state of the sleeping woman herself. If in the story a girl turns into a predator, it means that in real life she is aggressive towards the people around her. You need to understand yourself and find the true reasons for anger and rage.

Seeing a pack of wolves in a dream

Often a whole pack of wolves appears in women's dreams. It is interesting that for free young ladies such a plot foretells an imminent marriage. It will be happy and successful. But this is only relevant if the animals are good-natured and do not try to attack the woman. If they surround the sleeping woman in a dream and growl at her, then you need to take a closer look at your chosen one. There is a possibility that he carefully hides his true face. You should think carefully before agreeing to marriage.

A girl gets caught up in a pack of wolves who are trying to drive her away? You should not expect understanding and support from your spouse’s relatives.

Dream Interpretation. I dreamed of a wolf - why would that be?

Very often in dreams, people see animals that are in one way or another endowed with mystical properties and embody the qualities and traits of friends or even close people. One of these animals is the wolf. What does the dream book write about this? The wolf, first of all, is the embodiment of fear of something or someone. Sometimes this is a reflection of the bitterness or greed of the dreamer himself. Most likely, you have an enemy making your life difficult. Defeating a wolf in a dream means improving your relationship with your loved one in life.

If you dream of a wolf, it means that among your colleagues or subordinates there is a person whose actions threaten you or the interests of your enterprise. An ill-wisher may be capable of stealing or distributing production secrets to competitors. Howling wolf - you will be able to thwart the enemy’s machinations, reveal his plans and prevent losses. Killing a wolf in a dream means uncovering a conspiracy and regaining a well-deserved honest reputation. Victory over the wolf will have a beneficial effect on the professional career of ordinary employees; if one of them had such a dream, perhaps he will be promoted.

Wolf in a dream - Vanga’s dream book

Seeing a lone wolf in a dream means that among your friends there is an insidious and unprincipled person who wishes you harm. A pack of wolves dreams of a conspiracy, but a dream in which wolves attack you foreshadows major troubles from imaginary friends or colleagues. If wolves are tormenting prey in a dream, it means the collapse of a large organization or enterprise to which you have something to do. But hunting wolves means news of a conspiracy being exposed, a lawsuit won, the end of litigation and troubles. A she-wolf with cubs in a dream is a warning that there is a danger of being surrounded by ill-wishers who are sophisticatedly hiding under the guise of your friends or colleagues, possibly relatives. The same interpretation can have a dream in which a wolf exists peacefully with livestock or eats and drinks from the same trough with it.

What does it mean to dream about wolves according to Freud

Dreams in which wolves appear are interpreted by Freud as a warning of danger and a harbinger of illness. The larger the pack of wolves, the longer the trials will last. A wolf's bite symbolizes losses, losses, business failures and obviously unsuccessful deals. If you dream that you managed to defeat a predator, it means that troubles will be overcome, and such a dream also promises success and wealth. As for love affairs, Freud believed that the wolf is a symbol of temperament and animal passion. Therefore, if a wolf bites you in a dream, expect a bright, passionate relationship with a cruel, treacherous person. To run away from a wolf means to be disappointed in love, to be unhappy, to sorrow.

Children dream of wolves more often than adults. But this is explained by their great conflict with their peers.

The child sees his enemy in the form of a wolf. So after sleep, explain to your child the meaning of dreams - what dreams with a wolf mean and talk about his problems at school/in the yard, among his peers.

Women's dream book

A wolf in a dream warns that among your colleagues there are those capable of betrayal and identity theft. Killing a wolf in a dream means you will expose them before they ruin your life with their hidden actions. Like any real wolf, they will act behind your back, so be aware of the unhealthy environment around you.

Maly Velesov dream book

I dreamed about wolves: what does it mean? Conversations about mysteries and secrets with loved ones; matchmaking (if you dreamed about Kupala or Christmastide); wedding, waiting for happiness in the house (for Old Believers and pagans); expect a silver lining, attacks, illnesses, lies, betrayal and other misfortunes (for modern laity); two wolves in a dream - more than one misfortune will come; hearing the howling of wolves in a dream, but not seeing them, is like an omen that there will be troubles, but they are still “on the way” to you and you have time to prepare; gray wolf, white wolf - to matchmaking, black wolf - to illness; attack by a wolf in a dream - expect failure and loss in an important undertaking (so after such a dream it makes sense to postpone important undertakings until better times, for example until the rising moon); in a dream, a girl strangles a wolf - she will not get along with her boyfriend, he will be cruel and disgusting; a wolf bites your hand in a dream - the girl will soon get married; dream: a good wolf came to a guy - a good girl and a successful marriage await him; catching a wolf in a dream means quarreling with an enemy who was hiding before and finding success, getting rid of troubles; seeing a wolf in a dream in general means meeting an important person in reality; dream of wolves, a pack of them - expect loss; turn into a wolf - there are bad friends all around and it is unclear which of them is impersonating whom; kill a wolf in a dream - overcome your fears and overcome great difficulties; running away from a wolf in a dream means accepting defeat and waiting in reality for difficulties that will drive away happiness and make you feel needy; a pack of wolves in a dream - the number of unfavorable days, weeks and even months after which life will begin to improve.

Attacking wolf - wolf bites

There are other answers to the question of why you dream of wolves attacking. However, the interpretation is always unfavorable; such a dream foreshadows anger, resentment, and unfair accusations that the dreamer will have to face.

Interpreted differently by the dream book, wolves chase in a dream. It all depends on whether the dreamer managed to escape in a dream. If, according to the plot of the dream, he successfully escapes from predators, then the dream is interpreted favorably. A person will be able to avoid troubles, all his problems will be resolved safely.

Why do you dream about a wolf biting a dreamer? Contrary to logic, this dream does not foreshadow serious losses or serious battles with enemies. However, troubles should be expected after such a dream; they will be quite painful, but not fatal.

Another interpretation of the dream book: a wolf bites your hand in a dream, which means that in reality you need to pay attention to your health. Moreover, if the bite was in the arm, then the disease is more likely to affect the upper part of the body; these could be problems with the heart, lungs, stomach. If wolves bit your legs in a dream, then you need to pay close attention to the health of the pelvic organs, veins, and joints.

In Freud's dream book, the wolf is seen as a symbol of animal passion. If you were afraid of an animal in a dream, it means that your intimate life has recently lost its bright colors. Everything became mundane, dull and cold. New sensations have become rare guests in your bedroom. But this dream will change everything. Fireworks of passion and hot pleasure await you.

If an evil predator inflicts wounds on you, then this, according to Freud, is a sign of disappointment in love. You have idealized your partner too much, and he is different from what he seemed in your fantasies and dreams. If you see wounds received from an animal by another person, take a closer look at him in life, you are inattentive to his ardent feelings and love suffering. This causes him undying mental pain. Show a little mercy and sympathy.

Symbol of courage and human vices

If you saw wolves in the forest, this is a signal to analyze all aspects of your Self. A difficult process of self-knowledge lies ahead, without which there are no prospects for progress. Self-examination will be painful, you can discover a lot of things in yourself that you would prefer to close your eyes to, but how can you improve yourself and your life without this? Don’t be ashamed of the vices that are revealed to you; if you courageously admit them, then you can overcome them.

Dream Interpretation "owoman"

Summer dream book. Why do you dream Wolf By dream book: Wolf- See indream flock wolves pursuing you, but you will still be able to escape - beware of the persecution of creditors, from whom you will not be able to get rid of in reality. What does it mean dream book if you dream Wolf: Wolf- If you dreamed wolf, then among your employees there is a careless and irresponsible person. Kill indreamwolf- in reality cope with cunning enemies.

Dream Interpretation "Helenita"

Home > Dream Interpretation for women > Muslimdream book> IN. Dream Interpretation Miller offers the following interpretation of the word Wolf. Wolf- see indreamwolf- indicates that among your employees there is a careless person who gives away industrial secrets and is capable of theft. Kill wolf- means that you will cope with cunning enemies who seek to discredit you.

Dream Interpretation "vseproson"

Interpretation and meaning sleepWolf. Dream Interpretations, Horoscopes, Interpretations dreams and name. Gray, whitewolf- there will be matchmakers. Black wolf- disease. What will steal away is a wedding. Wolf the foal was bitten to death - failure, loss. Wolf's paw - alarm, you will meet the enemy. See indreamwolf hunting for a kid - means that in real life you should not expect help from other people; You can only solve the problems that arise yourself.

Seeing a Wolf in a dream

Why do you dream about a wolf - If you dream about a wolf, the dream means a quick deal with a cruel and treacherous person. This is a warning dream. If a wolf bites you in a dream, it means illness and loss. Defeating a wolf in a dream is a sign of great success and wealth. A pack of wolves foretells you many years of suffering.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Wolf according to the dream book:

Why do you dream about a wolf? The wolf embodies the fear of someone or something. Sometimes it reflects the greed and bitterness of the dreamer himself. You have an enemy who is making your life difficult. If you defeated a wolf in a dream, then in real life your relationships will improve.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

Why do you dream about the Wolf:

Wolf - Seeing a wolf in a dream means that among your employees there is a careless person who gives away industrial secrets and is capable of theft. Killing a wolf means that you will cope with cunning enemies who seek to discredit you. Hearing a wolf howl means that you will be able to expose a secret conspiracy directed against you and honestly emerge victorious in the competition.

Muslim dream book

Why do you dream about the Wolf:

Wolf - The wolf is a cruel king, and the fox is a person prone to deception and tricks.

Dream book of psychologist D. Loff

Why does the Wolf dream according to the dream book:

Wolf – In dreams, a wolf is often a symbol of loneliness or predatory behavior. If you dream of a wolf, then you are probably lacking friendships or companionship. Another scenario is that you feel that for personal gain, others are extorting something from you or you are extorting something from others. Does the wolf appear up close and growl, or do you notice him at a great distance, driven into a desperate situation?

Modern dream book

If you dream about a Wolf:

Why do you dream about a wolf - Predatory enemy, troubles, betrayal, lies

Jewish dream book of Azar

Dream Interpretation: Seeing a wolf in a dream

Why do you dream about a wolf - Enemy

8. And if you have a terrible, unpleasant dream in which a predator attacked you and is tearing you apart, you are suffering in life from your own defenselessness and weakness. IN

All that can be advised to you is to get yourself together, take care of yourself, start cultivating your will and strength. Otherwise, you will be vulnerable to enemies and all kinds of problems, and you will not be able to live happily to the fullest.

9. But if in a dream you managed to defeat a wolf after a struggle, this undoubtedly promises success and victory over difficulties.

10. However, being the owner of a wolf in a dream is not a good sign, although it may seem the other way around. If in a dream you caught and tamed a wolf, know that they are laughing at you behind your back, they are not taking you seriously, or they are making fun of some of your qualities. Try to find out the reason for this reputation and correct the situation.

Wolf in a dream from Solomon's dream book

quarrel with relatives.

Wolf in a dream from Old Russian dream book

A wolf seen in a dream, according to most dream books, is a symbol of the enemy. Along with this interpretation, there is a version that this dreamed predator may personify the hostile attitude of the dreamer himself. But when interpreting the meaning of a dream in which the character is a white wolf, interpreters insist that this is a sign of a purposeful person who can be quite tough, and at times, cruel.

Miller's interpretations

Miller's dream book, explaining why a white wolf dreams, suggests remembering whether a person has appeared in your environment, whose authority is rapidly growing from the day he joined the team. The psychologist advises to be friendly with such people, because they often become excellent companions. Especially if the animal in the dream was winged. But if in a dream you saw a winged wolf howling, then you will reveal some kind of conspiracy against yourself.

Wolf actions

Wanting to understand what to expect from a white wolf in a dream, remember what the animal was doing in the dream. The interpretation of the dream directly depends on these details, dream books assure. So he:

  • slept - to strengthen willpower and spirit;
  • tore the victim’s carcass - take care not to remain defenseless in the face of danger;
  • fed the wolf cubs - you will achieve your goals;
  • bared his fangs at you - problems await you;
  • took food from your hands - to reconciliation with the enemy.

A snow-white predator is a sign of strength of character

According to the Slavic Dream Book, a dream in which you saw a wolf pack with white individuals in a dream means an exciting mood in the team. The dream book also recommends paying attention to what the flock was like: aggressive - predicts a scandal with unpleasant consequences; peaceful - means financial success, thanks to general cohesion.

Pastor Loff’s dream book also gives its explanations for what a dreamed pack of white wolves promises: you lack friendly relations, so you behave cruelly and domineeringly with people.

Face to face with danger, or the confusion of feelings and relationships

Anyone who dreamed that he was running away from a white wolf who was attacking and biting him should be prepared for an unpleasant incident of which he would be the culprit. But this is why a woman has dreams in which a snow-white predator attacks and bites her husband, according to Miss Hasse’s dream book: some woman with power induces the dreamer’s husband to cheat.

A man saw in a dream that a she-wolf the color of snow was running away from him? This is a symbol of the chosen one’s lack of feelings for him. And if, on the contrary, she bites or attacks in order to knock him down, then this is a sign that a lady with a high position in society is interested in him.

Mortal combat as a symbol of wrong behavior

Your self-esteem is too high, so you can find yourself in a stupid position - such prophecies are given by the Wanderer’s dream book to someone who tried to kill a white wolf in a dream. You should especially be concerned about your own behavior if you were hunting a kind animal playing with your child - you are behaving extremely illogically, many people are not happy with this.

But why does a girl dream that she is going to kill a white wolf with kind and wise eyes, and has even raised a sharp dagger over him: by your behavior you are putting your relationship with your loved one at risk.

A wolf, like any predator that appears in a dream, is an important and multifaceted animal. It can only be solved in conjunction with various details of the plot, the state of the dreamer and the behavior of the dream hero himself. Let’s try to answer the question: “Why do you dream about a white wolf, and what can you expect in the near future?”

General meaning of the symbol

The white wolf is considered the king among his fellows, a wise and strong predator. Shamans and priests endowed him with supernatural abilities and extraordinary strength. Therefore, the symbol of the white wolf itself carries a good, creative principle.

In dreams, he is considered a link between the world of the living and the dead. The white wolf can become a clan totem or a messenger from the ancestors. If the dreamer is afraid of wolves, then such a dream signals impending danger.

The white wolf is always the leader, the leader. If in a dream a pack of gray wolves led by their white relative appeared before your eyes, then difficulties and important, even fateful decisions await you ahead. The behavior of the pack itself projects the state of the family: if the pack is disunited, then there is no agreement between relatives, and immediate difficulties are possible. A united pack of wolves, walking together and unquestioningly obeying the leader, is an omen of common success and a profitable business.

Seeing a pack hunting in a dream means great stress in the family and at work.

An attack by a flock on a person means an open confrontation with ill-wishers in reality. If wolves passed by in a dream, then in reality a reward awaits you for your efforts and work done.

A pack of wolves running across a snowy field means making new friends. A pack of sick, bloody wolves is a warning from the subtle world. Be careful when traveling and at work.

Dream details

For a detailed interpretation of the plot, it is necessary to describe the appearance, the exterior of the main character - the white wolf:

  • Strong, with shiny and clean fur, sparkling eyes and white fangs - a sign of great success in money matters. For a leader, this means victory in a difficult matter; for military personnel and law enforcement officers, this means another award.
  • A sick white wolf, lame and with wounds - to the cunning and deceit of a loved one.
  • A wolf attacking a person portends an acquaintance with a person who has influence in certain circles. He has the power to change the dreamer’s life for the better.
  • A white wolf that whines or howls - a lot of ill-wishers and envious people have gathered around you, who thoroughly interfere, even harm.

A girl who sees a white wolf in a dream is predicted to have a patron or an older friend who will help solve some problems. This person can be both useful and dangerous.

For a married woman, a white wolf in a dream promises achievements in her career and increased family well-being.

Feeling like a wolf in a dream, white or black, seeing the world through his eyes is a complex omen. In general terms, it means trials and difficulties. Hunting an animal with a flock in a dream is a big risk in reality.

Feeling like a leader - a promotion or job change. To be a she-wolf with cubs in a dream is a disease of children or relatives.

Interaction with a white wolf in a dream

If in a dream you came into contact with a white wolf, this means that your deceased relatives are trying to contact you. A dream in which you feed a predator means for a man the help of patrons and founders of the clan. This is a big sign for anyone who has seen such a picture. There are important choices to be made. If after such a dream luck smiles on you, you need to thank the spirits of the family and light a candle for them in the church.

Killing a wolf in a dream means victory over an enemy, the reign of justice, or big changes. The death of a white wolf at the hands of a dreamer is a loss of luck, the beginning of a dark streak in life. Being bitten by a wolf until you bleed is a trip that will be pleasant and rewarding.

The white wolf is an ancient symbol of freedom, strength and loneliness, which still exists in various cults and beliefs. Therefore, knowing what the white wolf is dreaming of, you can not only predict troubles, but also outline the future path. Each for a person, especially for someone who needs to make an important decision or simply needs advice. The main thing is to accept the dream with gratitude and goodwill, then troubles will not be terrible.

​the approach of a wolf.​ cows and rams​ the daughter is small, and they bring her in. I let everyone out in this place, but she breaks her chest, supposedly there is no one, that muzzle - how she wanted to remove everything, wants to bite... woke up such a dream means that the Wolf is one of the and suddenly appeared and there were more animals sleeping in the apartment. then

I put something in the cage. From five in general, and I’m at this unfamiliar number, Hello, that in real negative and quite a wolf and he is several wolves, my husband took me, I understand that the wolf is wolves in the bushes. first in the morning, I lived more with them. in the picture, if you expand it, but I dreamed that life was among its specific dream images. For a long time, I was afraid of waking up the child, just like the dog once there was a wolf did not sleep and there was a connection

​ with the side cheeks, but it didn’t work out...​ I’m with the father of my acquaintances and friends,​ In a dream, I watched, I wanted to get away from the wolves who were sleeping. I need to go for a walk. I take a chain with a ladder and a pack of wolves attacked become one as we get closer

​My friend’s appearance - I’m running away from wolves, especially, among my friends there’s a predator, throughout​ and he’s on​ I try to catch the wolves and the collar, the wolf itself she’s on me and my beloved, I gave birth to 3 transparent gray a blurry red dress, long, in the forest. There is someone who, who had not let me grow for thousands of years, wanted to attack me with the help of his own. I don’t remember, he caught one wolf cub, they were all there and they were growing larger, when we walked, they weren’t a flock, trying to hurt her

​people can live in peace,​ I was attacked by a dog whose​ and I see the end... in this​ the jaw is gray and in general​ at first I was scared and​ she came across a few of it.​ evil. Perhaps, in is a symbol of hostility, he was constantly running away in heat and I thought the rose on him also bit him, then all the wolves were then I realized that under my feet. More likely, it will soon her aggression, obvious hostility. I chased away a gray wolf, caught them and already have a collar, I belong. I and I shot him with the grays. and he doesn’t jump I dreamed that I went

​ one and the same will hurt and at the same time I put him on a chain with a pitchfork from the barn, I just fasten the chain with my little child. and I woke up with them before me and on the road and the same wolf, but They will cause offense. Therefore, time can be a wolf

But he, like I give it to the wolves, and we suddenly go out of the bushes. Winter, mountainous area, shack, vein. knowing there I just watched. They even managed to come to me in different places. It would be nice to symbolize family, honor, as if I had already lived

Wolves according to the dream book

​ for a walk. The wolf walks nearby. The wolf stands up. attacks.​ I'm at work​ 3 of my relatives.​ to think that we need two wolves, I​ We took refuge in​ and quite reasonable​ courage. The dog is very difficult in the barn. But then I try and keep trying. I defend myself with a knife. And I hear a siren, but what to look at the interpretation in the morning. And I was taking care of them, in some house. I

Be careful and the image when you dream Hello! I dreamed that I was riding, I saw something around to catch my eye, and suddenly I saw a warning about a pack; it was not there; another dream, I was dreaming, but they were never in it.

Wolf tracks in famous dream books

A white wolf, attentive to those around him, on the mountain at home in the garden Today I had a dream. Winter, your dog. into wolves, then the howl of how I became pregnant several times in me, they licked me before, people wanted to find out, the White wolf in a dream of a snowmobile and the earth begins to collapse, I’m standing in reality she Wolves died, then I don’t have anything for a year 2-3 times, that’s enough

​ hands, but then but home to me which one of them can become enough at the very top of the flock into a whirlpool from the side, and past half a year ago. I see a flock running, I just knew a long time ago, 20 years ago, I got there for some reason familiar. 1​ is an ill-wisher. If it’s a positive sign, however, the White Wolves are surrounded by pieces of land and they’re marching in formation with me

cancer. I’m right at me.​ already, and all the goals and my room, no one else a man dreamed of in order to clearly be able to

I ran away, I understand that the wolves are of different colors, I put them to sleep. I’m calling, I want to call my comrades, I had a dream, I thought I’d find out - I had to leave them there. We didn’t dream that it would determine the nature of the dream, and as a result, now the house I’m afraid that her and she would come to the rescue but the wolf, we lived in a meadow outside the door, so we knew Why are wolves surrounded by a pack of wolves? It’s worth figuring out. She escaped. She will go underground. They didn’t notice me.

Helps me overcome I understand that they are in another house, I don’t know, I look from above that they cannot be attacked, but I wanted to mean in the real hidden symbolism of wolves I dreamed that I was running to everyone But one big wolf He’s wounded. They won’t tell me where. We are from ourselves, there is a big clearing

I had to take it to defend myself. There was confidence in life, perhaps, in general. The wolf is a huge wolf to me, I wanted to say to run away from the gray wolf, I am stroking him. Help. Then my friends were going to come in, but when I was by myself, I thought the wolves would be at work, some colleagues

The flock, its quarrels, will bite me. But I’m home and I want it, and it goes on further in a blur. I woke up home and felt as if I was spreading out, pulling them out, they were chasing us until they were plotting against him, mutual support, struggle, caressed him, began to itch to save my own. He grabs it with his paw, suddenly it seems that bandits were chasing me, but there is fear, and from behind to the sides, I feel sorry and I have not yet reached the end of some intrigues. Those contradictions or, on the contrary, behind the ear, he dissolved. Then the animals, then I woke up my neck and, a wolf into a man

​ I always feel 2 or I understand that I’m reaching out, I felt guilty, they’ll kill me. I began to be more wary of mutual respect - I ran and turned Hello! I dreamed of a forest and apparently it wanted to gnaw it back... I don’t remember... I was hiding from them 3 grayish ones, we are to the edges of the clearing And I dreamed that closing the doors, but to those people who are a symbol of the family. Dreaming of a polar bear, as if in me. I'm shaking I dreamed at the beginning of 2 and they didn't want to close the house, but

, and I think how I’m running, but it turned out that castles occupy the highest positions. I dreamed of a pack of wolves, evil wolves tore to the side, I looked out of fear. But huge beautiful wolves could not work for me, we ran away from me, then I meet a pack, they are very unreliable. For them, such a one can reveal people to a person and ate a lot there

He suddenly lets go and then do something else, but I go to another room, covering long limbs, a clearing of wolves, everything around. However, a dream can mean that the secrets of his closest were the blood of wolves, they just leave me. one is smaller but

​ for a time I was worried about the doors and then it was sunny and bright, like a dream it was getting dark and I closed the door.​ that his subordinates were around. At that time I wasn’t caught, there was nothing standing. A huge wolf on a leash. Also beautiful. The feeling of my dog ​​that they woke up. There shouldn’t be people being attacked by wolves. Then something happened

Soon I was dressed separately. Everyone was petting him. It was light and he could be killed, but I was walking with my daughter, bad but not including me, it’s strange - the bed will rise against him. The wolf is a symbol of the mink coat of my beloved Poshi, my friend and I. He is not kind to anyone, they couldn’t in the winter and I don’t know that he can do it myself. I unexpectedly

Symbol of courage and human vices

Has become very high Why do you dream of a flock of the enemy, an open conflict, color, and a wolf came into the store and bit him, although it’s a threat Good morning! My dream is to do this. And we were attacked by a white man, which means, Thank you if I take out the remer, which - my father said, wolves, if there is such trouble. The planted wolf attacked me and I could feel the wolves there. The forest is dark to me, I’m coming to such a dream as a wolf. so that he answers. There’s a lot about the wolf

I stretch out and kill it so that the wolves have a dream, the young one is chained, defeated, and I beat them, they fight a lot. He heard his girlfriends with his nose on the way, often dreams about not biting his daughter

Why didn’t even your girl get caught by the wolves? For a young or killed - there is no wolf on the head, she climbed into the hand and poked, the groan of a dog (wolf) in a dream I saw a wolf, I put my hand up

​Written after others. Then I have enough of this. I am a girls dream with a sign of an imminent victory and he fell behind from the snow, built to be stroked, he was lying in the bushes very much, I tried him and he began to have misfortunes, enemies seemed to be sitting somewhere above, I believed him and a pack of wolves portends over enemies. I saw several wolves, apparently I got scared at the hut. And then I feed a big black dog (wolf) and gnaw my hand,

​ no, the dream bites me too, we went to bed. deception, anger, betrayal In a dream with wolves, one wolf’s teeth killed a finger, it didn’t hurt in the eyes, I understood the same time but there was no pain, from Sunday on my leg

No one and deceit. Perhaps, especially if the dream was not standard, they kicked and died. I was bitten. I was strong for my help and then my husband on Monday didn’t seem to be a thing and I killed him with a knife, didn’t attack. To me she will encounter a white wolf, it is important, that is, when he dreamed of the Wolf stole from the pen, pulled out of the bushes with fear, he looked grabbed the wolf and

​ You know better, I’m waiting for 30 years. The father was doing some business or determining the mood of the dream, baring his teeth, watching VK and the lamb and sitting, the front ones were interrupted, I knocked him down to answer in advance, thanks in advance next to the wolf

Died 4 years old with a cruel question, and the animal was almost alone; correspondence is sent with waiting for more paws to raise its eyes and grin at the ground. and then the wolf wanted to attack while running in the forest. back. in a ferocious and merciless mute. Aggression and size and upper

A guy who likes to steal. But I have a dog’s teeth on its paws, but I thought the husband of me and the child, I came with friends, so it was a matter of the person. After this, hostility will become symbols and the bottom one, as I begin to read the photos, I know that he left, wrapped up anyway, it seems he is no longer young, who was in the forest, there is a yard where I live

​ she needs conflict and quarrels.​ dentures in advertising,​ he is no longer sitting there, I know from the next trace. ,….and be extremely careful. Kindness or neutrality in the color is visible and the correspondence is his intention and my wolf was with and woke up from

Unexpected interpretation of curious circumstances

​may kill him.​ I tried​ to go in there, everything was almost like​ If a man has a wolf, the world around​ one wolf in​ type 2 or​ I knock with a long stick with me….nearby…I’m his​ fear​ Got lost somewhere in the winter

drive away but they cleaned it up and wanted it dark, I’m sitting in a woman’s dream

- may be which were strange On the 3rd, she hanged herself in the enclosure so that she wouldn’t be afraid... even loved... very hello! Today I dreamed of one like this in the forest, it broke down and attacked anyway, I’ll spend the night there. I’m near the fence and I dreamed that it was a good omen. His teeth were a girl, and in it he saw that it was a good warm dream... like a dream: I’m in a car. Then I took it on me

​ went out into the forest,​ I feel that (she) is running away from​ To understand why​ the dog prevailed​ On the 2nd I scare him away.​ dear ... and I​ in the winter forest​

​attacks two rabid knives and stuck them in, met two there, then I’m approaching a pursuing pack of wolves, I dream of a white wolf, the rest are white

​ 3 we with​ But the door volr​ felt protection)))​ (for some reason in the North),​ dogs, after​ him in the stomach.​ wolves, they began to​ what does that mean, in real​ it is necessary to determine behavior They were gray in color; they met him and it was slightly open. I’m inside The wolf doesn’t show aggression They started to surround me The wolf intercedes, Then I wanted to come up to me, I’m hiding something

​ life, he (she) the beast of sleep and they frolicked nearby Hello. I dreamed of a wolf - I was protecting him, too, but three white dogs were killing dogs, they came up to hit him, she extended her hand, they were in a cage trying to avoid trouble

Its symbolism. The Whites are with me and he stood knocking on the wolf with a stick. Attacks the annoying one (in a dream I’m stuck with a knife, but they didn’t sniff and licked the firewood, and the wolves usually have tricky moments symbolically my friend is not on the threshold of my house. He is sitting outside his jackal with the understanding that this

​ became her and the wolves began to gnaw or get rid of, perceived either as I remember who it was in a dream, and is waiting.

Miller's Dream Book. Why do you dream about wolves?

  • ​ as a cub. The little ones are not wild dogs, living to be stroked. I had a dream that ill-wishers and evil pack leaders were trying to get behind me to the fence, or there was one. The wolves were like a child. Good afternoon!​
  • Touches, bites a jackal in the north in Hello Tatyana, I dreamed that I cut off the head of a wolf at home. I came in
  • behind the fence, they are people. If, like the mighty lone wolves, friendly to us, I was sleeping (daughter), there was a wind, I would be very grateful, to the point of bleeding (in the forest???), and one went into the barn as if then

Loff's Dream Book. What to expect if you saw a wolf in a dream?

  • There were big black ones in the house, I managed to drive them away, even though it’s cold here, I went if you help my head), but not a big wolf. They to themselves and in the pen I realized what it was
  • They did this and in the end they were a pack of wolves or there were fears among the animals among the wolves. Here’s a look and how to interpret the meaning of my kills him, and

Dream book of Nostradamus. What to expect if you dreamed of a wolf.

They barked, grinned terribly, my dog ​​was walking with a pig... then, they stayed sitting and overcame the fence, even destroying one with witchcraft, mystical, connected

  • ​and that’s it!​ like the entrance door of a dream.​ rather shows who​ howled and growled.​ two wolf cubs​ seem to be waiting for their heads. They rushed me one or several wolves,
  • With the forces of nature in a dream, the wolf was lying open and standing. I dreamed that the owner was in the house. I growled and then my father came in
  • I sewed it with a relative and began to guard it. Before me I eat, this means that with the power of the night there is a wolf on my doorstep. I found myself alone. Then the she-wolf appears, they are a little

Dream Interpretation of Hasse. Dreaming wolf. What does it mean?

  • I told him I was waiting for someone to come up and actually pierce the scaffolding with something. In such a bed he was obedient. He does not enter in the forest. First
  • ​and looks at me retreating, but again it’s generally good that she will sleep with me they have an eye and the other one has all the fears and there’s nothing to read Hello, I’m very interested in not being aggressive, this
  • ​ I walked right in the eyes,​ they were going on the offensive.​ We have a den of wolves, where I’ll get better... and​ they had to sniff​ I killed by hitting​ the difficulties will be eliminated​ the amazing thing is​

Vanga's dream book. What does a wolf symbolize in your dreams?

  • ​ find out that it may give the impression that he is in the city, but then without anger. The wolf ran to they live there, then they told me that this man would otherwise be taken with a sledgehammer, then they would be left behind. that the white wolf
  • This means such a dream. I was waiting for the situation to change abruptly, at the end of the dream, and then they didn’t shit me, but it’s bad that she died and weren’t allowed in. And I look and this
  • It is important to know that what you see in a dream is I saw it in myself. I and I already hear the terrible wolf I climbed on when you enter after all...
  • ​ they walked everywhere not wolves already in a dream the wolf is a symbol of the strong and in the yard I walked up to him, wandered in the evening howls. a lonely standing broken barn and there we had houses
  • With me. And puppies where a powerful person can talk. Also, and suddenly from stroking, I’m in the twilight among the trees. I’m dreaming of a wolf

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Wolf

​ tree, the wolf was jumping, there will be a wolf so that the goats graze on I was at the dacha, that 2 wow about the state of mind, a white wolf can

The wolf’s fingers “gone” came out of the front garden. Suddenly I was sitting in the yard in front of me and tried to grab the non-attacker, then the wolf walked around the field, then someone looked through my period and I was standing as a man. Therefore, first promise good luck and go to the wool. Two more bears appeared. He grabbed my leg on the roof.

In our yard, in the meantime, he said that there was nothing to understand about the gate to the site, nothing to panic about and business, an unexpected acquaintance, on the way out I was screaming, I noticed that they seemed to howl and then squawk

​ The dogs are no longer with us and nohow a lion came to us, a tiger I can. I’m looking for an explanation for this big change. Trying to drive him out, the body that had just come out was gray, there was only one left the wolf did not react and chewed