What band did Paul McCartney play in? James Paul McCartney

At least once in your life, anyone domestic cat faced an unpleasant bathing procedure. As everyone knows, cats are very clean animals and are able to take care of their fur themselves.

However, there are moments that require such intervention - this is a bath for fleas or any other treatment, and also if the kitten is very dirty, then it needs human help.

Should I bathe my cat?

Only the owner of his furry friend can definitely answer this question. Each person, by observing his animal, will be able to determine whether he needs such a procedure and how often. However, there are breeds of long-haired cats for which bathing is necessary.

For example, the Persian breed has long hair, which, due to external dust and eye-catching subcutaneous fat, quickly loses its color. If you do not bathe such pets and do not take care of their fur coat, then it may even fall off, become sparse, dull and ugly.

Also, such unkempt fur often comes into contact with lumps, which is why it is necessary to cut all this beauty. Therefore, before getting yourself an animal, consult about it, and if you know that they have a problematic coat, then accustom the animal to bathing from childhood.

It is worth noting that even if a female has been accustomed to water since childhood, this does not mean that she will always behave calmly. At different periods of time and depending on her different moods, it can behave completely differently. For this reason, certain rules must be followed each time.

It is necessary to clarify all questions regarding each stage - these are:

  • Preparation;
  • bathing;
  • drying.

Especially if you are washing your cat for the first time, you will naturally encounter aggression and stress from your pet. Therefore, find out everything about this procedure to know exactly how to wash your cat correctly.

It is also worth clarifying whether pregnant females can be bathed. Experts cannot accurately answer this question. Here, again, everything is individual.

If the cat behaves absolutely adequately every time, then, most likely, the next bath will not cause her stress, but if you doubt it, it is better to postpone this procedure during pregnancy.

So, let's start with the first stage.

Preparing for a swim

It is very important that everything necessary for this event is prepared in advance and is at hand. This will help you quickly complete the task.

What to do:

  • You need to decide on shampoo (and conditioner, who needs it). In this matter, it is best to consult a veterinarian or check with a pet store. The choice of shampoos is very large, so choose carefully specifically for your pet. Never wash your pet with human hair wash. Because it dries out the skin of cats, which can not only make it uncomfortable, but also cause itching.
  • Prepare two large towels in advance. Remember that cats can be extremely stressed, so they should be wrapped in a towel immediately after bathing.
  • Prepare your comb. It is necessary to straighten all the fur in the right direction.
  • Prepare a clean bathtub or basin.
  • A bedding is needed for the bottom of the bathtub, which will help the cat not to slide, but to hold on with its paws. This can be a rubber mat or a regular towel.
  • The water should be warm. Determine for yourself. You can prepare water in another container so that it does not flow out of the tap, scaring the cat. With this you can gradually add water.
  • Ask someone to help you with this matter.

In the same way, it is necessary to prepare your pet for this procedure. First of all, he needs to cut off all the sharp claws. This will protect the owners who will bathe the animal.

It is best to carry out this procedure on a separate day from swimming. Because both procedures are unpleasant for the cat. Therefore, do not create too much stress for your cat in one day.

Before bathing, comb your pet - this will rid him of tangled hair and lumps. People who will wash the kitten also need to prepare. It is best to wear unnecessary clothes with long sleeves, which will protect you from cat scratches.

Draw water when your pet is not around so that he is not scared by the sound of squelching water.


Having done all of the above, you are ready to begin this important procedure. Bring the cat into the bathroom, holding him gently in your arms. Talk to him kindly and pet him. However, it is necessary to lower it into the water quickly and completely up to the neck.

Have someone hold the cat while someone else washes it. Apply shampoo (see instructions for use) and smooth movements spread it over the animal's entire body, avoiding its ears, eyes, nose and mouth. It is necessary to rinse off the shampoo thoroughly; this procedure may take longer.

This will help you get rid of all the foam so that after bathing the cat will not lick it out of the fur. If cats have thick and long hair + undercoat, then you also need to use conditioner. Apply it just like shampoo and rinse thoroughly.

Drying a cat

If the cat has long hair, then holding the animal in your arms, ask someone to squeeze water out of the fur. Then wrap it in a towel. Then you need to dry it with a hairdryer. This procedure is also important, because with its help you can avoid colds in your pet. At the same time, you can comb the male, directing his coat in the right direction.

After this, even after completely drying the kitten, try to avoid drafts in the house during the day. What else you can do is give something tasty to your pet for courageously enduring all the procedures.

How often can you bathe?

There are a lot of opinions on this issue, but it is best to heed the advice of experts. They claim that cats should not be bathed more often than once every 2 weeks. But it is also worth considering the condition of the animal after washing it. It happens that after the next procedure, the delicate skin begins to itch, and the cat scratches it. In this case, even eczema can occur.

The only thing is that this rule does not apply to the Sphynx breed. They can be washed every week. But still, it is best to consult a veterinarian about this.

You should also take into account the fact whether the kitten goes outside. If so, then, naturally, bathing should be regular, especially with flea treatments. But, it is worth considering that if the pet’s skin is too delicate, then there are only 2 options: either not let the cat outside so often, or wash only the paws (this can be done using special wipes).

The owners decide how often to bathe the cat also in connection with whether any of the apartment residents are allergic to the animal. Because using a wash removes unnecessary hair and remaining dead skin. All this helps reduce the allergic reaction.

Doctors do not recommend bathing very small kittens under 3 months. Their mother already takes good care of their appearance. But as mentioned above, a breed such as the Persian requires regular bathing, so kittens are taught this activity from a very young age.

There are no recommendations on how to bathe a tiny kitten. Everything should happen according to the same instructions. Moreover, there are much fewer problems with a tiny creature, so washing it will not be difficult.

If the owners do everything right, they have a good relationship with a cat, and she has been accustomed to this procedure since childhood, then sooner or later she may get used to bathing and even fall in love with it.

To bathe a kitten or not to bathe, and if to bathe, then how? These questions become relevant when the baby is taken away from the cat and brought to new family. Everything up to this point water treatments For the baby, his mother performs it, diligently licking her own child from the top of the head to the tip of the tail. And now it’s the turn of his new “parents”.

By this time, the kitten will be two months old; it will take some time to get used to the new home, because two stresses “for one spoon” (parting with mom and a bath day) will be too much for the baby to handle. So add about two more weeks to a couple of months - and you can take the mustachioed tabby to the bathroom.

Reasons to bathe a kitten

Does it need to be washed at all? As a rule, yes. After all, anything can happen to a mischievous person. How is the song sung? “And yesterday I climbed into the chimney…” Here is a reason for you to give him a bath for the first time.

Second important reason– you need to teach the kitten not to be afraid of water. Even if you do not have to bathe your pet often in the future, it is useful if he learns about bathing in infancy: it is much more difficult to accustom an adult cat to water procedures. And if you prefer purebred kittens to ordinary kittens and plan to participate in exhibitions, you will have to wash the cat quite often.

First swim

The first time is the most important. If you manage to do everything correctly, do not scare the baby, and he feels pleasure from water procedures, you will save yourself from big problems in future.

The most common mistake is giving a kitten a bath for the first time. Large, with a lot of water, it will certainly frighten the kitten. In addition, it will be very inconvenient for you to wash it at an angle, leaning over the side and putting your hands down. Be sure that as soon as you hesitate for a second, the kitten will “fly up” onto your neck or head, climbing up your arms like up a tree trunk.

The most convenient way to wash your baby is in a basin or sink. You need to put a rubber mat or a small terry towel on the bottom. The water temperature should not be higher than 38 - 40 degrees, the “depth” should not be more than three centimeters.

It will be right if you prepare everything you need in advance: a large fluffy towel, shampoo, a bowl of water. If you have to wash the kitten alone (although it would be more convenient for two), unscrew the cap on the shampoo in advance. Prepare a couple of cotton balls soaked in sunflower oil to plug the baby's ears with them, otherwise water may get into them. By the way, protect your eyes by smearing their corners with Vaseline oil.

Are you prepared? Now the most important thing is how to bathe a kitten. Take him by the withers with your hand (as the mother cat took him with her teeth) and place him in a basin of water. It doesn’t matter whether he sits or stands on all four legs, the main thing is that his posture is sufficiently stable.

Wash your baby carefully, protecting the head (especially the eyes and ears) from getting water. Do not turn on the shower - strong water pressure can frighten the kitten. Always talk to him normally, in a calm voice.

The bathing procedure should not be too long: shampoo “eats” the grease from the hair, and without it, your pet’s “fur coat” will not be shiny and smooth. There is also a risk of drying out the skin, which will become easy prey for harmful microorganisms and various infections.

After the washing is over, wrap your pet in a towel so that it is comfortable for him to breathe and look around, but under no circumstances wrap him up “with his head.” Hold the baby in your arms for a few minutes to dry him, and then put him down on the sofa - he will clean himself up. You will make sure that there are no drafts and your pet will not catch a cold.

AND last moment: Praise your baby for being brave and obedient (you can even play a little trick) and reward him with something tasty that he really likes. For pedagogical purposes.

Bathing products used

You cannot bathe a kitten with regular human shampoo. The fact is that shampoo for people, including children and even allergy sufferers, may contain substances that are dangerous for a young cat’s body. The baby may be sensitive to even harmless chemicals. You should also not use shampoo-conditioner when caring for kittens.

Shampoo designed for adult cats or other pets (for example, dogs, rabbits, horses) will not be suitable for them either. Sometimes for cowards who are terrified of water, they use so-called dry shampoo or spray shampoo. Their use, unfortunately, is a half-measure, because some tasks are still difficult to complete without water.

For purebred kittens, shampoos are selected especially meticulously.

One is for British blues, another is for Persians, the third is for sphinxes. Buy them in specialized stores, where they can guarantee the quality of the drugs and also give you recommendations on their proper use.

Water procedures: economy option

It happens that there is no need to bathe the whole pet, but only certain parts of the body need to be tidied up. Here's how to do it:

  • ears are cleaned with cotton pads and a special ear lotion;
  • the muzzle - with cotton pads, and the chin - with zoo shampoo;
  • butt - with wet wipes;
  • nose - with a paper napkin;
  • paws (after using the toilet or walking) - with water in the washbasin;
  • eyes - with wet disks, and if they are watery - with cotton wool dipped in freshly brewed tea.


If the kitten has been vaccinated, it cannot be bathed for two weeks. If castration is performed - 10 days. If you are treating your pet for lichen, do not be surprised that with this disease, bathing is not only not prohibited, but is even useful.

However, this will not be an ordinary bath, but rather a therapeutic one; during it, the products that your veterinarian will recommend should be used.

Although cats are designed to clean themselves, there are times when they really need to be bathed: when they've gotten into something very sticky and dirty, when their fur becomes oily and requires special care, or if they have a health problem that requires regular treatment of wool with a medicated detergent. Bathing a cat without getting scared is not easy, but it is not impossible if you follow a few rules.


Preparing for a swim

    Trim your cat's claws. Even the calmest cat can become nervous as soon as he gets into the water. To protect yourself as much as possible from possible injuries, you need to trim your animal’s claws before bathing. Try to do this a few hours or even a day or two before bathing so that he has time to calm down before diving into the water. Please note that the picture shows a not entirely correct way to trim claws. Only the very tip should be cut off to prevent bleeding and pain.

    • If you give your pet treats as a reward for letting you trim his nails, he will behave much better.
  1. Brush the cat. Don't neglect it. By brushing your cat, you will get rid of mats, which will be much more difficult and painful to do if he is already wet. If your cat enjoys being brushed, he will be more comfortable in the bath.

    • Sometimes you can distract a cat so much by brushing that he even allows you to trim his claws. This is a great way to kill two birds with one stone, but you will need a helper to do it.
  2. Buy the right shampoo. Special shampoo for cats can be purchased at a veterinary store or pharmacy. Read the packaging to make sure the shampoo is right for you and dilute with water if necessary. Shampoo for humans will not only dry out the animal's skin, but also cause poisoning. Dog shampoo should also not be used. It is better to wash your cat with just water than with a product that can harm him.

    • You can rub in the shampoo with a washcloth, but it is better to do it with your hands.
  3. Make bathing fun for your cat. First, you should tire the cat so that he does not have the strength to resist - bite, scratch and break free. Choose a time when the cat will be calm - most often this is after eating. If the cat still struggles, play with him until he gets tired. Here are some other ways to help your cat get used to the bath before bath time:

    • Place toys in the bathtub or basin. Place your cat inside and play with him for a few minutes, stop, pour some water and play again. This way you will help the animal get used to the bath and water. Soon the cat will begin to associate bathing with something pleasant and harmless.
    • You can have a special bath toy (for example, a mouse on a string or something that can float on water). Allow your cat to play with this toy only in the bathtub, and he will look forward to bathing rather than dreading it.

    Preparing the bathroom

    1. Lock the door. This will keep the cat from escaping, and if you have multiple pets, it will also keep the others out of the bathroom. A meowing cat can frighten the cat you are bathing, causing him to become nervous and struggle. A closed door will prevent the cat from jumping out of the bathroom and tearing any things out of fear.

      • If your cat has never seen a bathroom before, help him get used to the new place. If your bathroom has a toilet, do not leave the lid up. In a panic, the cat may jump into the toilet.
      • If there is a litter box in the room where you will bathe your cat, remove it. If the cat escapes from the bathtub, he may crash into the toilet and tip it over.
    2. Make your bath safe. Place a rubber mat or towel on the bottom to make it more comfortable for the cat to stand and to prevent him from slipping. You will also need to cover the floor with towels because splashes will fly out of the bathtub. Prepare two separate towels for drying the cat.

      • You can put a small wire rack (for example, from an oven) in the bathtub. The cat will be able to grab onto it with its paws and will not scratch you. Plus, it will make him feel calmer.
    3. Prepare the bath. Fill it a few inches with warm (not hot) water before you put your cat in it, because many cats are afraid of running water from the tap. Pour in the required amount of water so that you do not have to open the tap again while bathing.

      • Do not use the shower head or faucet. This will cause the water to flow too quickly and it will scare the cat. Bathing should be a simple and relaxing experience and should not feel like an attack.
      • You won't have the opportunity to go get anything when the cat is already in the water, so prepare everything in advance. Stay calm and be prepared for a swim.
    4. Wear special clothing. This will protect you from possible large or small scratches. Any clothes with sleeves will do - this way the cat won’t be able to scratch his bare skin. You can wear long gloves, but they will be too thick and will get in the way. Rub the shampoo gently into your pet's belly and head as these are very sensitive areas.

      • It's better to choose old clothes, which you don’t mind getting wet.


    1. Control your cat's movements. Talk to him in a calm voice while bathing. Sometimes cats try to escape. If your pet is more comfortable standing in the water with only two paws, turn him with his muzzle towards the back wall of the bathtub. You can gently hold the cat by the scruff of the neck so that he does not escape. If you cannot do this, use a special collar for cats that will not harm the animal.

      • It is easier to bathe a cat with an assistant, especially if the cat is strong and knows how to twist and kick. One person holds the cat by the scruff of the neck, and the second person bathes it. You should do this as quickly as possible, but do not rush. The cat should be able to breathe freely.
    2. Don't fight the cat. Under no circumstances should you fight the animal. A scared cat weighing 5 kilograms can cause significant harm to a person or even two. Try to wet your paws first and stop, then repeat this another day until the cat allows itself to be bathed.

      • If you are nervous yourself, your cat will behave the same way.
    3. Wet the cat, starting from the neck. Rub a small amount of shampoo onto the cat's neck, body, paws, belly and tail. Lather the neck and start moving towards the tail in the direction of hair growth. Wash your cat in a circular motion to help calm him down rather than scare him. Act as if you are simply petting and brushing the cat so that bathing does not seem like something special to him.

      Do not allow shampoo to get into your pet's eyes, nose, mouth or ears. To reduce the risk of an ear infection, place cotton wool in your cat's ears. Don't forget to take it out when you're done bathing. Cotton wool will also reduce the noise level, making your task easier.

      • If you are washing your cat with flea shampoo, wet the neck first. If this is not done, fleas will try to move to dry parts of the animal’s body and accumulate on the head and face. A wet neck will prevent them from getting there. In addition, there will be flea shampoo on the neck.
    4. Rinse the shampoo from the cat's fur. Rinse the wool with the water already in the bath, then flush the water and rinse the wool again clean water from a bucket or from a tap. It is important to rinse all shampoo from the coat. Continue rinsing the wool until the water runs clear and there are no soap residues left.

      • In order not to overdo it with shampoo, you should dilute a small amount of thick shampoo with water.
      • If your cat has long, thick fur, you may need to wash the fur many times.
    5. Wash the cat's face with water and a sponge. Don't risk applying shampoo to your face. Use a damp sponge or washcloth to run over the cat's face, moving the fur away from the eyes and nose.

      • You can leave this for next time.
      • Do not immerse the cat's face in water - this will cause him to panic.
    6. Look for signs of panic and stress in your cat. The cat may hiss, howl, pant, sneeze, meow and scream. Keep an eye on your cat throughout the bath. If the cat is very afraid, stop. You should not continue if you or the cat could get hurt or if the animal is very nervous.

      • Be careful when swimming for the first time. Don't do anything that might frighten your cat and make him afraid of bathing. It's better to do everything slowly and gradually.
    7. If the cat really does not want to bathe, wipe it with a damp washcloth. This will wash away dirt from the upper surface of the coat and refresh the “fur coat”. You can buy special cloths for bathing without water - they have a rather pleasant smell.


    1. Blot the wool. Take a towel and gently blot the water from the fur. Then wrap the cat in a towel and rub him. When the towel becomes very wet, take a second dry towel. Continue drying your pet until the fur is just damp.

      • Blot the fur gently, as if massaging a cat. Try warming up the towels in the dryer first - many cats feel calmer this way.
      • React to the cat's actions. If he doesn't like you drying him with a towel, stop drying him.
    2. Finish drying. Short-haired cats will dry out on their own, but it is important not to let them go where there are drafts. They will look for a heat source (heater or radiator) and will love it if you give them a dry towel to sit on. If you have a long-haired cat, you will have to brush it and dry it again with a towel. Try brushing the coat until it dries.

      • If the cat is not afraid of a hair dryer, you can set the hair dryer to medium heat and dry the animal without bringing the hair dryer too close. Do not set the temperature too high as this will cause burns.
      • You can lightly comb the fur to get rid of tangles. This is especially useful if you have a long-haired cat.
    3. Praise the cat. This is a must. If you want your cat to let you bathe him ever again, it is important to create pleasant associations with the process. Give him his favorite food, catnip or other treat. You can even give something that you wouldn't normally give. If bathing evokes associations in the cat with something very tasty, he will rush to the bath himself.

      • Pet your cat, praise him and give him as much time as possible after bathing. He will likely be scared and feel vulnerable, so he will need your attention.

    Alternative bathing methods

    1. Bathe your cat using buckets of water. Fill two buckets with warm water to the middle. Place your cat in one bucket and wet him with a washcloth, then rub a small amount of shampoo into his fur. Transfer the cat to the second bucket and rinse the shampoo from the fur.

      • You may need another bucket for flushing.
      • If it’s warm and sunny outside, you can wash your cat this way outside the house. You will need a helper as the cat will try to escape. You should not do this to indoor cats that have never been outside.
    2. Give your cat a bath in the shower. Place a small towel or rubber mat on the shower floor. You should only bathe your cat in the shower, which is closed with a door, not a curtain, so that the cat does not run away. The watering can must have a long hose, otherwise you will not be able to wet the cat completely. Lather the animal, rinse off the shampoo and proceed to drying. The pressure should be low and the water should be warm.

      • Remember that some cats enjoy being in the shower and don't resist, but others are scared by the sound of the water. This type of bathing could cause harm to anyone, including the cat.
      • You can buy a special nozzle for the shower faucet and a long hose so that it can reach the floor. It can be replaced with a watering can and an adapter that fits onto the tap.
    3. Young kittens can be bathed in a sink or small tub. Some kittens feel calmer in a confined space and are easier to control. If you have a kitten or if your cat is scared, try bathing him in the sink or plastic basin in the bathtub. Remember that you can also bathe such an animal in a small bath with a few centimeters of water.

      • This is also suitable for older kittens who like small spaces.
      • If all else fails, take your cat to a reputable groomer or veterinarian. They have experience and have the necessary set of devices that allow them to safely limit the animal’s movements. In some cases it is necessary to use sedatives if the doctor deems it necessary.
      • When you have more time, pour a little water into the bathtub (a centimeter to start). Pet your cat and give him treats if he responds well to food. Leave the animal in the water unless it is nervous or trying to escape. Repeat the procedure every day for several days, using treats and gradually increasing the amount of water until the cat gets used to a bath with 10-12 centimeters of water. This may take a week or several months (depending on the animal), but don't give up halfway through, otherwise you won't be able to safely bathe your cat when needed.


      • Animals should not be bathed more than once every two weeks. Over-washing will strip your pet of the protective layer on its coat, making it look dull and unable to protect your pet from external factors.
      • Very small, elderly and very thin cats cannot regulate their body temperature themselves. To prevent hypothermia, dry your cat thoroughly with a towel.
      • If you don't know how to properly hold a cat by the scruff, don't do it. The cat may choke.
      • The air temperature should be at least 20 °C, and the air humidity should be low. If the weather is bad, keep your cat indoors in a warm room for the next 12 hours after bathing.

Many cat owners notice that after touching their pets, they immediately try to lick the “stained” area. Cats by nature are very clean animals, and therefore their coat almost always looks well-groomed. Nature rewarded cats unique language, which, like a brush, is able to clean out even the most severe dirt, and the skin has natural lubrication, giving the coat a clean look.

Cat Wash Products

Specially developed products are used to wash cats. All shampoos intended for animals are tested. They are effective and absolutely safe to use. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of products for bathing cats, the choice of which is based on the breed and age of the animal.

So, for long-haired cats, a skin-nourishing shampoo enriched with protein is suitable. At the same time, it is possible to choose a shampoo for your pet taking into account its color. Washing a small kitten is no less difficult than an adult pet. He always tries to jump out and, sometimes, the owner does not have time to wash off the shampoo. A special shampoo for kittens that does not require thorough rinsing will help solve this problem.

You can get your cat in order using dry shampoo, the use of which does not require immersing the cat in water. Its use is especially important when the water in the house is turned off and the animal is very dirty. It is enough to apply the product to the fur, comb the cat and its appearance will be perfect again.

How to bathe a cat correctly

Bathing a cat is a very difficult process and requires special patience from owners. By their nature, these animals do not like water and are often almost impossible to lower into a container of water. Even a calm cat can begin to actively break out and scratch. Therefore, before you begin water procedures, you need to acquire special caps for your claws. You can trim your pet's nails a few days before bathing. It is also important to protect the animal’s ears, because if water gets into them, the cat can develop complications, including otitis media. To do this, the animal's ears are plugged with oiled cotton swabs. Some cat owners prefer to put a cellophane cap on their pet's head.

It is best to bathe a cat in a bathtub or in a special basin, which is especially convenient for washing kittens. But an adult animal is capable of turning the pelvis over during water procedures, so it is preferable to bathe it in the bathtub. It is very important to monitor the water temperature. The water should be slightly warm, as it is hot, as well as cold water can cause the animal stress and complicate the bathing procedure in the future.

Before washing the cat, you need to pet it. You can put your pet in the water only after making sure that he is completely calm. It is ideal if someone helps during the procedure, since cats are very nimble animals and can deftly slip out even from the strong hands of the owner.

You can place a rug or towel on the bottom of the bathtub. This will prevent your cat from slipping and will give her confidence. Do not turn on the tap or use the shower while bathing, as the noise of the water may frighten your pet. To rinse, it is better to use a ladle and wash off all the shampoo from your pet's body in a thin stream. The water level should only cover the animal's legs.

You should not be too overzealous when bathing - scrub thoroughly, use a lot of shampoo and spend a lot of time in the bathroom. Ten to fifteen minutes is enough for the entire procedure. It is also not at all necessary to wash cats' faces, since they know how to do it on their own. In case of severe contamination, it is permissible to wash the muzzle with a small soft sponge, avoiding contact with detergent in the eyes.

If the shampoo does get into the animal’s eyes, it is necessary to rinse them with a weak tea solution after finishing the procedure. You should rinse off the shampoo thoroughly, since after bathing cats lick their fur and the remaining shampoo can get into the stomach. If you used shampoo against fleas and ticks, then if the fur is not completely rinsed, the animal, licking itself after bathing, may simply be poisoned.

After bathing, the cat's fur is wrung out by hand and the pet is immediately wrapped in a warm towel.
The cat's body is not adapted for long-term stay in water and therefore after a warm bath the animal gets very cold. You can use a hairdryer for quick drying. Don’t be surprised if the cat, even after drying it with a hair dryer, starts to lick its fur. This is the instinct of these cute animals. And of course, after taking a bath, you should treat the kitty with her favorite treat.

Every cat owner understands that the animal needs to be washed, but not many know how often. You need to accustom your cat to this while he is still a kitten, as in the future it can be quite problematic.

If you are going to wash a cat for the first time, who is about a year old, this will be a huge stress for the animal, and it is unlikely that you will be able to cope with it alone. In this case, it is necessary to keep the cat with at least two people, as the cat screams loudly, breaks out and can scratch. To avoid all this, you will need to accustom the animal to washing when it is still a kitten and wash the cat at least six times a year.

Now we need to find out what products to use for this and how to bathe a cat correctly. To begin with, before putting the cat in the bath, you need to remove all unnecessary objects, for example washcloths, bottles, etc., on which he can get caught. You also need to prepare a towel and open the shampoo in advance.

Next, adjust the required water temperature, as well as its pressure. The water should not be hot, but only warm, no more than thirty-five degrees. Quite often, cat owners ask themselves the question: do they need to buy a special cat shampoo for washing, or will ordinary laundry soap do the trick?

If you have a British or English kitten, then you will need to care for its fur. Laundry soap will not work here, since washing with such soap often results in dandruff and the cat is constantly itching. You need to use special shampoos designed for washing cats. You need to buy shampoo based on your pet's coat type.

When you are about to place your cat in the bath, hold him by the scruff of the neck. In this case, he will not be able to scratch you. Once you have done this, wet the fur with water, but only the ears and nose should not be wetted. It is best to wash the animal using a shower. This way the cat will tolerate this procedure more easily. Hold the shower in one hand and hold the cat with the other.

Be sure to close the door, if the cat suddenly jumps out, you could catch him quickly and put him back in the bath. If you don't do this, you'll have to mop up your cat's water all over your apartment.

Apply shampoo to the cat's back and rub it well with one hand, and hold the animal with the other. Put it on hind legs and apply shampoo to his chest, front paws, belly, back and tail. Massage well with your hands and wash between the ears only last. Rinse only from top to bottom as water should not get into his ears. Wrap the animal in a towel and hold it in your arms to calm it down.

Sooner or later there comes a time when the cat needs a real bath. If a person needs to bathe every few days, then cats have much less problems with this. Our furry pets have long learned to wash themselves and do not need human help so often.

But it happens that a cat gets very dirty and simply needs to be bathed. Everyone knows how cats do not like water and water treatments in particular. But it’s necessary!

Remember that you cannot wash your cat for no apparent reason! A cat should only be bathed if it is really dirty!

In order to wash your cat, you need to buy a special shampoo for cats. Such shampoos are more gentle on cat hair and do not have fragrances, unlike human shampoos. If you don't have shampoo, you can use baby soap, but other products intended for humans cannot be used. You will also have to get several towels, a comb and a silent hairdryer to dry your pet without adding stress to him. In addition, decide in advance whether you will bathe the cat in the bathtub or set aside a separate basin for this task.

Before bathing your long-haired cat, be sure to brush it to avoid tangles in the future. Do not bathe immediately after feeding and never submerge him headlong.

Water must be collected so that it allows the cat to stand confidently on its paws, but at the same time reaches a comfortable level for bathing. For a regular one, this is about ten centimeters.

By the way, the cat needs to be grabbed right away. After all, while you are running after it, the water may cool down and your pet will begin to struggle more than ever. When lowering your cat into the water, it is best to place a towel under its paws so that it is not afraid to stand confidently on the flat bottom. Plus, it's not a bad thing if someone helps you hold it.

During bathing, the foam should be distributed evenly, starting from the head and ending with the tip of the tail. Movements should be smooth and careful. Avoid contact with water and soap suds into the ears and eyes of a cat, this can lead to unpleasant consequences.

You need to wash off the foam from the fur coat carefully, without scaring the cat. sudden movements. If necessary, you can lather it twice, but we recommend not to do this so as not to further injure the undercoat.

After bathing, the cat should be wrapped in a towel and kept there until it is saturated with excess moisture. If necessary, you can wrap your pet in another dry towel a second time. You need to dry the cat carefully, combing its fur with a special comb. Remember that after bathing, the cat needs to stay warm for at least another hour.

How to wash your pet's eyes and clean his ears?

A cat's fur is the pride of its owner. A well-groomed cat is immediately visible! But cats and cats still differ in grooming. Cats lick their fur more often and more thoroughly than males. Watching them constantly lick themselves, one gets the impression that they are perfect cleanliness.

In fact, their own scent is important to cats and cats, and if you stroke them, they immediately begin to lick their fur, returning its natural scent. Due to such cleanliness, there is no need to bathe cats often. This is done in special cases, if the cat is participating in an exhibition or is very dirty. If the cat gets dirty in the toilet or slightly during a walk, then just wipe it with a cloth soaked in warm water. A long-haired cat needs to be combed before bathing.