Max factor company. The Max Factor brand is a legend in the cosmetics industry

Since the family had many children, he early began to look for any opportunity to earn money. Already at the age of 8, Max helped a local pharmacist mix medicines, and at the age of 14 he went to Moscow, where for some time he was an assistant make-up artist at Bolshoi Theater. Knowing the basics of applying makeup helped Factor in the future, when he decided to open a shop in Ryazan, where he sold cosmetical tools homemade. Some time later, visiting actors were fascinated by Max's advice on the correct application of makeup and, upon returning to St. Petersburg, recommended him. Soon he was offered a job there as a theatrical costume designer and make-up artist. For several years he even worked at court, advising the king and his family on cosmetic issues.

The birth of the Max Factor brand and its history

At the beginning of the 20th century, Max and his family went to conquer America. After living in the north for some time, he manages to open a cosmetics store in Los Angeles, not far from Hollywood itself. Full name The store owner found it difficult for Americans, so he reduced it a little, which was the beginning of the history of the Max Factor brand. The location for the store was chosen very well, and he soon gained fame among actors. With the development of cinema, it became clear that fat-based makeup, which was successful for the theater, seriously distorted the actor’s appearance on the screen. Inventive Max created special makeup for shooting close-up, which allowed the actors to look more natural.

New cosmetics invented for movie stars immediately appeared in the store, which made it possible for Max Factor cosmetics to win the love of a wide range of customers. After the death of the founder, the company passed to his children and over time grew into a large-scale enterprise. Even after Procter & Gamble acquired the brand in 1991 Max Factor has not lost its individuality.

Today, the brand's products are manufactured at Procter & Gamble factories. Although its head office is located in the USA, its production facilities are concentrated in various countries. Determine the country of origin Max cosmetics Factor easily by barcode. The first 2 digits on each product indicate the country of origin. In particular, if the code 539 is indicated on the packaging of Max Factor mascara, then this indicates that it was made in Ireland.

Max Factor product range

Using mascara, eye shadow, foundation and lip gloss different shades the company gives every woman the opportunity to create her own image, bright and unique.

The wide range of the Max Factor brand includes several lines of decorative cosmetics: for face, lips, eyes and nails.

Among them there are products that have become true classics, like the Max Factor 2000 Calorie mascara (available in classic version, with a curved brush and in the form of waterproof mascara), which has not lost its position for more than 20 years.

In addition, the company regularly launches new cosmetic products on the market, for example, foundations, which, thanks to new technologies, reflect light differently on different parts of the face, creating an even tone. Each product on the official website is accompanied by recommendations from stylists for its use, and there you can also find video tutorials on how to create various interesting images using Max Factor brand cosmetics.

1639 02/15/2019 10 min.

The Max Factor brand needs no further introduction. Decorative cosmetics different from this manufacturer high quality and variety of assortment.

Creating his products, the founder of the world famous cosmetic company First of all, I focused on the ease of use and natural look of such makeup. A description of the main products from Max Factor, series characteristics and approximate costs are given in our article.

What is the secret of popularity

Creation largest company the production of cosmetics occurred more than a century ago. The founder, who gave it his name, came up with many innovative and completely unique products for that time in order to maximize its use.

Eyeliners Kohl Pencil And Liquid Effect Pencil They have all the benefits of regular eyeliner, but are more convenient to apply. The cost will be approximately 240 and 335 rubles, and the choice is presented in 9 shades from KohlPencil and 6 tones from LiquidEffectPencil.

Eyebrow pencil Eyebrow Pencil will help make your look more expressive and will be able to emphasize the flawlessness of your makeup. The cost will be around 240 rubles, there are two shades to choose from for light and dark hair tones.

Masterpiece Glide & Define liquid eyeliner will create a clear and even contour and help make evening make-up in a matter of minutes. The cost will be approximately 560 rubles, and the assortment will pleasantly surprise you with the choice of three possible shades.

Lip cosmetics

Lipstick and gloss from Max Factor are always a luxurious texture that helps to care for natural beauty lips, as well as an unimaginable number of suitable shades.

Max Factor Color Elixir- a unique moisturizing lipstick that will give color durability and a perfect variety of palette of 24 magnificent tones. The cost of lipstick will be approximately 800 rubles.

Lip gloss Color Elixir also enjoys consistent success, which is largely due to its wide palette of 16 seductive shades. The price of gloss from Max Factor will be from 490 rubles.

Max factor lipfinity palette, which includes 13 shades, and can be purchased from 570 rubles.

Max FactorLipfinityColorAnd Gloss is a record holder for color fastness. A two-phase product helps maintain the selected tone for about 10 hours, during which the makeup will be flawless. The palette is chosen with a predominance of calm tones that are suitable for any special occasion, as well as daytime makeup. The price of such a product will be approximately 750 rubles.

Lip glossVibrant Curve Effect presented in 10 rich shades. It perfectly enlarges the lips visually and also helps to moisturize the skin. The cost of this product will be approximately 620 rubles. There are others at the link.

MarilynMonroe collectible lipstick released in honor of famous actress and a big fan of cosmetics from Max Factor. There are four stunning red shades to choose from that would certainly please the great actress. The cost of this lipstick is 800 rubles.

A characteristic point: the manufacturer uses a very laconic design for packaging. This most illustrates that the content in this case is much more important, so the brand does not need additional attention.

Max Factor cosmetics need no further introduction. Its use is considered a permanent feature good taste and style. It’s no wonder that for 80 years this brand has been officially “serving” Hollywood, creating impeccable makeup for movie stars. Now the company has become a kind of benchmark for quality and a diverse range of outstanding cosmetic products. In the product line you can find everything you need for successful and natural makeup. An overview of the main types of Max Factor products is presented in our article.

Cosmetics and perfumes - we use them every day, and don’t think about those who created all these opportunities to make our skin, eyes, lips, hair, hands more beautiful and attractive? How few names remain not only in our memory, but in history in general. It's a pity…

When did cosmetics and ? What a question? Both can be found in excavations of the deepest antiquity. Here are just the names of those who created them, made them greatest discoveries For the whole world, beauty remained in oblivion. Maybe you can reconsider everything in your mind, and at least those that remain in the memory of a few, do not forget, do not erase from the history of mankind...

For many, history remains history, and cosmetics remain cosmetics. But still…
Let's look into last century, or rather in the 20s. What was the appearance of a woman these years? Short haircut The “boy look” was complemented by blush that looked like a round blot on the cheeks, eyebrows plucked to the point where all that remained was to simply draw them on, a brightly painted mouth and eyes outlined with a black line with green or blue shadows for the eyelids of blondes and black or brown for brunettes. Not many items can be found in the makeup bags of beauties of that era.

But the 20s passed, and the mask of makeup on the faces of beauties became a thing of the past. In the 30s, women tried to emphasize their beauty as natural, so they no longer applied blush in spots, but applied it lightly and shaded it so that the skin was transparent and flawless. It was quite difficult. How did this work out? Hollywood stars? Everything turned out to be simple - compact powder from Max Factor made the skin look natural. In 1938, powder became available to many women in Europe and of course in America. But our grandmothers and great-grandmothers did not use this perfection for a long time. Although..., of course, such powder was available to women - as they were called then - the wives of party workers.

Max Factor - it was his cosmetics that became a symbol of beauty and perfection. The images of Hollywood stars Vivien Leigh, Greta Garbo, Clara Bow, Jean Harlow and many others were created by the cosmetics maestro.

Max Factor (Maximilian Abramovich Faktorovich) was born on August 5, 1877 in Poland, in the city of Lodz, which at that time was located in the territory Russian Empire. Poor family Polish Jew was numerous - 10 children.

And when he was still very little, Maximilian had to work part-time, because his parents needed help. There was no question of any education. He was seven years old. Where could you work at this age? He sold sweets in the theater lobby, and here for the first time he met the world that became familiar to him throughout his life. A year later, Max became a pharmacist’s assistant, where he often stopped his curious gaze on jars and bowls in which something was mixed and ground. The naturally inquisitive and conscientious boy soon began to try to combine different substances himself, seeing what would come of it. He did not waste time and diligently studied what was assigned to him, using his observations. This is how he gained basic knowledge in the field of chemistry, which allowed him, at the age of nine, to get a position as an assistant to a leading cosmetologist and wig specialist. And then Max began making his own creams and blushes, and he liked this activity more and more. His cosmetics and ability to apply them were appreciated; at the age of 14 he moved to Russia and became a make-up artist. When he turned 22, Max Factor opened his own cosmetics store in Ryazan, where he sold creams, lipsticks, perfumes, and homemade wigs, which he learned to make in Lodz. Soon many people knew the products of the little Polish Jew. Max Factor was appointed chief makeup specialist at the Russian Imperial Opera House, and not only. I became interested in his skill royal family. Max becomes the court beautician. He produced cosmetics to order, advised all the court nobility and. But the political events happening one after another haunt him not only for himself, but more for his family. And in 1904 he decides to emigrate with his family to America. Max Factor was talented, and they valued him very much, and therefore, simply leaving Russia was out of the question. Then he developed an escape plan - by pretending to be sick (it was not difficult for him, who puts on makeup every day, to make up the complexion of a sick person), he achieves a trip to Carlsbad for treatment. Here Max Factor secretly meets with his family and with great difficulty he manages to move to America, where some of his relatives were already there.

And here his fame quickly began to spread, regular customers appeared, among whom were Hollywood actors. And this, as you know, is the best advertising for any creator, be it clothes, shoes or beauty. The fact that Max Factor ended up in America, and in Los Angeles at that, is more likely not an accident, but rather long-conceived plans. After all, it’s not difficult to guess where and who will need his skills and knowledge. Of course not in Russia, where revolution was brewing and Civil War, which killed many like Max Factor. Yes, his work was needed primarily by actors, and specifically by Hollywood actors. Therefore, already in 1908, Max Factor opened a new store with funds received in a short time. He produces cosmetics and wigs that could not be distinguished from real hair. Each wig contained about 100 - 150 thousand hairs, sewn by hand. Could a person with perseverance and patience in work fail to achieve the popularity and heights that Max Factor achieved? He became so popular among the stars of Hollywood, this citadel of cinema, that before filming, beautiful actresses, emerging stars, resorted to him with a request to apply makeup.

His name became known not only in Hollywood, everyone already knew about him - from the credits of films where he did makeup for actors. In the 20s, makeup, as mentioned above, looked very unnatural. On film screens, the actors were also far from perfect. Max Factor worked on all the makeup techniques (he was the first to use this word from the phrase - to make up, which literally means to draw a face), and became in the first rank of the best cosmetologists of the 20s and 30s. His makeup was impeccable. He created the image for such stars as Joan Crawford, Greta Garbo, Gloria Swanson. Max Factor created makeup with which the actors, even when filmed in close-up, looked natural. He used false eyelashes, an eyebrow pencil, a mascara brush and a tube-shaped case, and came up with many creams and lipsticks. But the most amazing thing in all the cosmetics was the compact powder, which was applied in a thin layer with a brush, and it was absolutely impossible to tell that there was makeup on the face. Factor also invented a cream, which is now called foundation, which gives the skin a look of freshness, well-groomed and natural. “Makeup cannot be considered successful if it is noticeable; it’s only good if a stranger can’t guess that you’re wearing makeup.” Makeup was Max Factor's passion. To prevent the actors from sweating under the makeup, he came up with breathable makeup. Max Factor created its new cosmetics, always taking into account the lighting on the set, the quality of the film, the needs of the actors and the requirements of the director.

Back in 1918, Max Factor was studied and used in practice color palette makeup. And when, in the 30s, he allowed himself to open his own studio or, as we now say, a beauty salon, he decided to use everything he had planned earlier to improve makeup. Taking into account the peculiarities of the color of hair, skin, eyes of women, that is, the color type, Max Factor created 4 cabinets: blue - for redheads, green - for redheads, pink - for brunettes, peach - for dark blond ones. Then this was all the more important, since color cinema was appearing.

In 1938, Max Factor passed away at the age of 61. He was at the height of his fame, and it seemed there was no limit to his imagination in the field of cosmetology...

But he still has children. The eldest son Frank took the name Max Factor Jr., headed the Cosmetology Empire and honorably continued his father’s work.

For his overall contribution to the development of cinema, Max Factor received an Oscar.
Max Factor has become the best of the best, its cosmetics are still being improved and continue to live among us. “For the stars – and for you” - these words are the basis of the entire operating principle of the Max Factor company.