Theory and practice of Russian classicism brief summary. Literary theory and practice

It is possible using standard software operating system Microsoft Windows. To do this, open the “Start” menu on your computer, in the menu that appears, click “All Programs”, select the “Accessories” folder and find the “Calculator” application in it. In the top menu of the calculator, select “View” and then “Programmer”. The calculator shape is converted.

Now enter the number to transfer. In a special window under the input field you will see the result of converting the code number. So, for example, after entering the number 216 you will get the result 1101 1000.

If you don't have a computer or smartphone at hand, you can try the number written down yourself Arabic numerals, into binary code. To do this, you must constantly divide the number by 2 until the last remainder remains or the result reaches zero. It looks like this (using the number 19 as an example):

19: 2 = 9 – remainder 1
9: 2 = 4 – remainder 1
4: 2 = 2 – remainder 0
2: 2 = 1 – remainder 0
1: 2 = 0 – 1 is reached (dividend is less than divisor)

Write out the balance to reverse side– from the very last to the very first. You will get the result 10011 - this is the number 19 in.

To convert a fractional decimal number into a system, you first need to convert the integer part of the fractional number into the binary number system, as was shown in the example above. Then you need to multiply the fractional part of the usual number by the binary base. As a result of the product, it is necessary to select the whole part - it takes the value of the first digit of the number in the system after the decimal point. The end of the algorithm occurs when the fractional part of the product becomes zero, or if the required calculation accuracy is achieved.


  • Translation algorithms on Wikipedia

In addition to the usual decimal number system in mathematics, there are many other ways to represent numbers, including form. For this, only two symbols are used, 0 and 1, which makes the binary system convenient when used in various digital devices.


Systems in are designed for symbolic display of numbers. The usual system mainly uses the decimal system, which is very convenient for calculations, including in the mind. In the world of digital devices, including computers, which has now become a second home for many, the most widespread is , followed by octal and hexadecimal in decreasing popularity.

These four systems have one overall quality– they are positional. This means that the meaning of each sign in the final number depends on what position it is in. This implies the concept of bit depth; in binary form, the unit of bit depth is the number 2, in – 10, etc.

There are algorithms for converting numbers from one system to another. These methods are simple and do not require much knowledge, but developing these skills requires some skill, which is achieved with practice.

Converting a number from another number system to is carried out in two possible ways: by iterative division by 2 or by writing each individual sign of the number in the form of four symbols, which are tabular values, but can also be found independently due to their simplicity.

Use the first method to convert a decimal number to binary. This is all the more convenient because it is easier to operate with decimal numbers in your head.

For example, convert the number 39 to binary. Divide 39 by 2 - you get 19 with a remainder of 1. Do a few more iterations of dividing by 2 until you end up with zero, and in the meantime write the intermediate remainders on a line from right to left. The resulting set of ones and zeros will be your number in binary: 39/2 = 19 → 1;19/2 = 9 → 1;9/2 = 4 → 1;4/2 = 2 → 0;2/2 = 1 → 0;1/2 = 0 → 1. So, we get the binary number 111001.

To convert a number from bases 16 and 8 into binary form, find or make your own tables of the corresponding designations for each digital and symbolic element of these systems. Namely: 0 0000, 1,0001, 2 0010, 3 0011, 4 0100, 5 0101, 6 0110, 7 0111, 8 1000, 9 1001, A 1010, B 1011, C 1100, D 1101, E 1110, F 111111 .

Write each sign of the original number in accordance with the data in this table. Examples: Octal number 37 = = 00110111 in binary; Hexadecimal number 5FEB12 = = 010111111110101100010010 system.

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Some are not whole numbers can be written in decimal form. In this case, after the comma separating the whole part numbers, stands for a certain number of digits characterizing the non-integer part numbers. In different cases it is convenient to use either decimal numbers, or fractional. Decimal numbers can be converted to fractions.

You will need

  • ability to reduce fractions


If the denominator is 10, 100 or, in the case of 10^n, where n is natural number, then the fraction can be written in the form . The number of decimal places determines the denominator of the fraction. It is equal to 10^n, where n is the number of characters. This means, for example, 0.3 can be written as 3/10, 0.19 as 19/100, etc.

Let now the integer part of the decimal numbers not equal to zero. Then the number can be converted either to an improper fraction, where the numerator greater than the denominator, either in . For example: 1.7 = 1+(7/10) = 17/10, 2.29 = 2+(29/100) = 229/100.

If there are one or more zeros at the end of a decimal fraction, then these zeros can be discarded and the number with the remaining decimal places converted to a fraction. Example: 1.7300 = 1.73 = 173/100.

Video on the topic


  • Decimals
  • how to convert fractions

The bulk of software products for Android are written in the Java programming language. System developers also offer programmers frameworks for developing applications in C/C++, Python and Java Script through the jQuery and PhoneGap libraries.

Motodev Studio for Android, built on top of Eclipse and allowing programming directly from the Google SDK.

To write some programs and sections of code that require maximum execution, C/C++ libraries can be used. The use of these languages ​​is possible through a special package for Android Native Development Kit developers, aimed specifically at creating applications using C++.

Embarcadero RAD Studio XE5 also allows you to write native Android applications. In this case, one Android device or an installed emulator is enough to test the program. The developer is also offered the opportunity to write low-level modules in C/C++ by using some standard Linux libraries and the Bionic library developed for Android.

In addition to C/C++, programmers have the opportunity to use C#, the tools of which are useful when writing native programs for the platform. Working in C# with Android is possible through the Mono or Monotouch interface. However, an initial C# license will cost a programmer $400, which is only relevant when writing large software products.


PhoneGap allows you to develop applications using languages ​​such as HTML, JavaScript (jQuery) and CSS. At the same time, programs created on this platform are suitable for other operating systems and can be modified for other devices without additional changes to the program code. With PhoneGap, Android developers can use JavaScript to write code and HTML with CSS to create markup.

The SL4A solution makes it possible to use scripting languages ​​in writing. Using the environment, it is planned to introduce such languages ​​as Python, Perl, Lua, BeanShell, JRuby, etc. However, the number of developers who currently use SL4A for their programs is small, and the project is still in the -testing stage.


  • PhoneGap