Shooting Star - Harry Harrison (Audiobook online). Shooting Star - Harry Harrison (Audiobook online) Harry Harrison - Fantastic Saga

but I

Harry Harrison - War on the Robots

Format: audiobook, MP3, 192kbps
Year of manufacture: 2009
Harry Harrison
Artist: system-eyes
Genre fiction
Publisher: Samizdat
Duration: 05:44:42

Description: This distribution includes the canonical collection of stories by G. Garrison. He himself determined their sequence, apparently having good reasons for this. And now we know: every story here is a brick, lovingly laid by the steady hand of Harry Harrison in the foundation of a powerful building called modern fiction.

Add. information: I bring to your attention a full-fledged audiobook, with music and voice acting.
The author politely and unobtrusively reminds: the use of this distribution for commercial purposes is prohibited.
When reproducing content on other resources, you must indicate authorship - ((system-eyes))

1. Preface by the author (person)
2. Training flight
3. Unemployed robot
4. Hand of the Law
5. The robot who wanted to know everything
6. I see you
7. Jack of all trades
8. Surviving Planet
9. War with robots


Harry Harrison - Fantastic Saga

Type: audiobook
Genre fiction
Author: Harry Harrison
Publisher: SiDiKom
Year of manufacture: 2006
Performer: Kirill Petrov
Playing time: 6 hours 52 minutes.
Audio: MP3
Audio bitrate: 192
Description: Do you think America was discovered by Columbus? Not at all, the Vikings did it! And not just Vikings, but those who starred in the Hollywood film about the discovery of America. By the way, the director’s name ended up in the Scandinavian sagas, and the leading actress gave birth to a child for her co-star in the distant past. To figure out how America was actually discovered and find out interesting details about the life of cinema...


Genre fiction
Author: Harry Harrison

Description: In the third part of the “World of Death” trilogy, emigrants from the planet Pyrrhus, led by Jason DinAlt, their new compatriot, move to a planet with the loud name Happiness. Here they have to encounter local residents - wild
Type: audiobook
Audio: MP3 audio_bitrate: 128 Kbit/s Size 346.00 MB Playing time 6h 27m 0sec Language Russian


Harry Harrison - Bill - Hero of the Galaxy

Genre fiction
Author: Harry Harrison
Performer: P. Morgunov
Publisher: CDCom
Year of manufacture: 2006
Description: Bill is the hero of the galaxy
Author of the text: Harrison Harry “Once, in the foggy past, Bill was carried into a low-class bar on the planet Poilo... Bill was sitting at the table, knocking back glass after glass, quickly approaching a completely insane state, and glanced out of the corner of his eye at the magnificent breasts of the locals whores who resembled giant gadfly larvae - such entertainment did not exist on any other planet in the known Universe." Harry Harrison's books delight with their exciting...


Harry Harrison - Steel Rat Saves the World

Format: audiobook, MP3, 32kbps
Year of manufacture: 1998
Author: Harry Harrison
Performer: Vyacheslav Gerasimov
Genre fiction
Publisher: Can't buy it anywhere
Duration: 06:03:24
Description: The whole world and the entire universe are in danger of extinction. The danger comes from the past. Only James DiGriz "Steel Rat" can save the world by going back in time...


World War Series by Harry Turtledove

Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: Harry Turtledove
Year of manufacture: 2001-2008
Genre: Action fantasy
Publisher: Eksmo, Domino
Russian language
Number of books: 4
Description: World War II is in full swing. Russia, it would seem, is doomed to fall under the onslaught of Nazi Germany. But then a third force intervenes in the war. An unexpected enemy arriving from the depths of space. Arrived to conquer the Earth... List of books Series "World War" 1. Invasion Fleet 2. Counterstrike 3. An eye for an eye 4. The Great Turning Description of books "Invasion Fleet" The Second World War is in full swing. Russia seemed...


Type: audiobook
Genre fiction
Author: Harry Harrison
Publisher: SiDiKom
Year of manufacture: 2005
Performer: Kirill Petrov
Playing time: 6 hours 20 minutes.
Audio: MP3
Audio bitrate: 192 kbps, 44.1 kHz, Joint Stereo
Description: What is it like to be a colonist from Earth and fight for survival with the entire planet at once? The planet Pyrrhus does not leave the settlers the slightest chance, attacking them from every corner and lurking around every turn with a multitude of creatures deadly to humans. As people learn to fight hostile life forms, the number of these forms begins to grow rapidly, ...

but I

War with the Newts (Karel Capek)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 160kbps
Author: Karel Capek
Year of manufacture: 2003
Genre: Satirical dystopian novel
Publisher: RMG RECORDS

Duration: 09:01:00
Description: “War with the Newts” - the work was first published in 1936. A socio-fiction novel, the events of which unfold on the scale of all humanity. This is a work about the fate of the human race, whose existence is at stake. The world of salamanders turns out to be similar to the world of people. The collision of these worlds leads to mortal danger for all humanity... Add. in...


War with the Newts (Karel Capek)

Format: MP3, 96 kbps
Year of manufacture: 2003
Genre: socio-psychological fiction
Author: Karel Capek
Publisher: Can't Buy Anywhere
Performer: Alexander Gruzdev
Duration: 08:49:37
Description: The pinnacle of Capek’s work is considered to be the novel “The War with the Newts” - a political satire that in many ways anticipates “1984” by George Orwell. The work was first published in 1936. A socio-fiction novel whose events unfold on the scale of all humanity. This is a work about the fate of the human race, whose existence is at stake. The world of salamanders provides...


War with the Lilliputians (Bulychev Kir)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 192kbps
Author: Bulychev Kir
Year of manufacture: 2008
Genre: Children's fiction
Publisher: Talking Book
Performer: Lilya Musledinova
Duration: 12:45:10
Description: Tales and stories about a girl from the future - Alisa Selezneva. One of the most popular cycles by Kir Bulychev. Works written for children about the extraordinary adventures of the earthly girl Alice immerse the reader in the world of fantasy and fairy tales. Extraordinary monsters, real space pirates, warlike midgets, time travel and much more await you on the pages of amazing stories that...

but I

War with the Newts (Karel Capek)

Format: audio play, MP3, 48kbps
Author: Karel Capek
Year of manufacture: 2007
Genre fiction
Publisher: Radio Russia
Performer: Kirill Pirogov, Valery Barinov, Evgeny Knyazev, Alexey Dubrovsky, Alexey Dubrovsky, Dmitry Pisarenko, Dmitry Pisarenko, Andrey Danilyuk, Andrey Danilyuk, Pavel Barshak, Andrey Yaroslavtsev, Madeleine Dzhabrailova, Natalya Trikhleb, Irina Kireeva
Duration: 04:05:16
Description: "War with the Newts" is a classic of world science fiction. The captain of the ship "Kandon-Baddung" Vantah, engaged in pearl fishing off the coast of Sumatra, unexpectedly discovers on the island of Tanamas...


War with the Fnuls (Dick Philip Kindred)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 320kbps
Author: Dick Philip Kindred
Year of release: 2017
Genre: Satirical Fiction
Publisher: DIY audiobook
Performer: Mikhail Korshunov
Duration: 00:39:05
Description: War is a complicated matter, especially if it is a war with aliens from other worlds who are capable of taking the forms of any other living beings. The Fnul were quickly discovered due to the fact that they took on the form that one of them chose and this made it easier for people to spy on them and destroy them. On their way to dominance in the solar system, they saw the population of planet Earth as their most powerful enemy...


NKVD: War with the unknown (Alexander Bushkov)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kb/s
Author: Alexander Bushkov
Performer: Nikolay Savitsky
Year of manufacture: 2006
Genre: mystery
Duration: 12:21:15
Description: It tells about events that are inexplicable from the point of view of militant materialism, recorded by the author from the words of former employees of the Soviet intelligence services. Yes, our glorious security officers have repeatedly encountered paranormal phenomena in their practice. And sometimes they performed feats that would make Scully and Fox Mulder of The X-Files jealous! But they were and are still obliged to this day by the “law of silence”! Only Alexander managed to get around him...


War from the back door (Yuri Nagibin)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96 kbps
Author: Yuri Nagibin
Year of manufacture: 2007
Genre: Russian classics, military prose
Publisher: Can't buy it anywhere
Artist: krokik
Duration: 02:31:21
Description: Yuri Nagibin is a classic of Russian literature, an unsurpassed artist, whose exquisite prose delighted his contemporaries - and has not lost its charm today. During the war, Yuri Nagibin went to the front. Knowledge of the German language decided his fate - he was sent to the VII department of the Volkhov Front PU, where he had to not only fulfill his direct duties, but also fight with weapons in his hands, and go out and...


NKVD. War with the unknown (Alexander Bushkov)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Alexander Bushkov
Year of release: 2017
Genre: Prose, mysticism
Publisher: Can't buy it anywhere
Performer: Nikolay Savitsky
Duration: 12:36:52
Description: The book tells about events that are inexplicable from the point of view of militant materialism, recorded by the author from the words of former employees of the Soviet intelligence services. Yes, our glorious security officers have repeatedly encountered paranormal phenomena in their practice. And sometimes they performed feats that would make Scully and Fox Mulder of The X-Files envious. But they were obligated and are obligated to this day by “the law of...


War with the salamanders. Makropoulos remedy. Stories (Karel Capek)

Format: audio play, MP3, 128-192kbps
Author: Karel Capek
Year of manufacture: 2008
Genre: Political satire
Publisher: Radio Russia
Performer: theater actors
Duration: 07:01:00
Description: Adolf Hitler recognized himself in the image of the Supreme Salamander and declared the writer his personal enemy. At one in the morning on September 30, 1938, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and French Prime Minister Edouard Daladier concluded the Munich Agreement with the Reich Chancellor of Germany, the great Fuhrer and Supreme Newt, Adolf Hitler and the Prime Minister of Italy, no less great Newt...

May 22 2018

Name: Alien's death throes
Format: MP3, 44.1 kHz, 128 kbps
Executor: Zoya Kvasnyuk
Playing time: 13:44:52
Description: Harry Harrison published his first science fiction story, Into the Rocks, in 1951. Years passed, Harrison became a famous writer, one of the pillars of the genre, the author of dozens of novels and many hundreds of stories.
“Trader John Garth was an atheist, and did not expect that the Christian missionary Father Mark would arrive on planet Wesker. Garth's friend, the small Wesker amphibian Itin, and other Weskers watched Mark's father's arrival carefully. They, simple uneducated creatures of the Stone Age, have still managed to get by without the rudiments of religion. The atheist Hart gave them books about the structure of the Universe, but there was nothing about God. Therefore, in order to come to God, the residents of Wesker decided to carry out some experiment.”

Posted by at 11:19 Tagged with:

Feb 22 2018

Name: The Planet From Which You Can't Return
Format: MP3, 44.1 kHz, 128 kbps
Executor: Sergey Orobchuk
Playing time: 03:42:50
Description: A few weeks after the events on Dis, Brian receives a new assignment. On the planet Selma II, two scouts died, but one of them managed to find out that on this seemingly untouched planet, armies of combat vehicles were waging war. The hero of the book will have to find out where these machines came from and why they are fighting.

Posted by at 19:49 Tagged with:

Feb 06 2018

Name: The Greatest Hunter
Format: MP3, 44.1 kHz, 128 kbps
Executor: Scanners
Playing time: 00:06:38
Description: Godfrey Spingle, a local guide, meets the Greatest Hunter in the Universe - a pot-bellied little man with glasses who is a bad shot. He's going to kill the Venusian swamp beast. How?!

Posted by at 21:02 Tagged with:

Nov 04 2017

Name: Planet of the Damned
Format: MP3, 44.1 kHz, 128 kbps
Executor: Sergey Orobchuk
Playing time: 04:20:42
Description: Brian Brendt, the 20athlon champion on his planet, receives an unusual offer. He is asked to travel to the desert planet Dis to prevent interplanetary war. To do this, Brian needs to find out why the rulers of the planet are escalating the conflict with manic persistence.

Posted by at 14:28 Tagged with:

Oct 28 2017

Name: Dumb Milton
Format: MP3, 44.1 kHz, 320 kbps
Executor: Alexander Dunin
Playing time: 00:20:46
Description: A resident of a small town, a middle-aged black man, invents a unique device that can receive energy from changes in the gravitational field. The world can get free electricity, but... a serious obstacle has appeared on the path of discovery - a stupid and evil policeman.

Posted by at 08:48 Tagged with:

Jul 13 2017

Name: Falling star
Format: MP3, 44.1 kHz, 192 kbps
Executor: Ironclad
Playing time: 10:26:11
Description: The Prometheus project must radically change the life of humanity, forever solving one of its most pressing problems - the lack of energy resources. To do this, it is necessary to launch a giant ship into space, which will capture solar energy and relay it to Earth in the form of a directed beam of radio waves. To solve this titanic task, the USSR and the USA are combining their efforts. However, in addition to technical problems, the implementation of the grandiose project is also hampered by the ambitions of unscrupulous politicians. The brave cosmonauts, led by Patrick Winter and Nadezhda Kalinina, will have to confront all adversity...

Posted by at 20:25 Tagged with:

Apr 27 2017

Name: The Steel Rat needs you
Format: MP3, 44.1 kHz, 320 kbps
Executor: Andrey Gradoboev
Playing time: 00:46.79
Description: The 7th book in the “Steel Rat” series The elusive and lucky Jim di Griz sets off to carry out the task of the Special Corps. This time he is faced with a new danger that threatens the death of all humanity...

Posted by at 21:32 Tagged with:

Jan 22 2017

Name: West of Eden
Format: MP3, 44.1 kHz, 128 kbps
Executor: Sergei Loktionov
Playing time: 17:53:31
Description: Large reptiles were the most successful life forms to ever inhabit this world. 140 million years ago they reigned on earth, in the air and in the water. At this time, the ancestors of people were just tiny, shrew-like creatures that were hunted by larger and more powerful lizards. Then 65 million years ago everything changed. A meteorite six miles in diameter collided with the Earth and caused an irreversible shift in the atmosphere. The consequence of this was the destruction of over sixty-five percent of the animal species then living on Earth. The age of dinosaurs is over. The evolution of mammals, which they had been holding back for a hundred million years, had begun.

The Stainless Steel Rat is the fourth novel by Harry Harrison in the internal chronology of the series and the first in the year of publication.

“I am the slippery Jim Digris, the Stainless Steel Rat. I can change my appearance in the blink of an eye, rob any bank in any solar system, leave a space wolf without a ship, start a war or stop it (whoever pays the most). So when the cops finally caught up with me, they had no choice but to make me a cop.”


Harry Harrison "Steel Rat Saves the World"

The magnificent Jim di Grizz, a famous interstellar criminal, was aptly nicknamed "The Stainless Steel Rat" for his ingenuity and determination. Born from the rich creative imagination of Harry Harrison, a desperate and handsome hero from the distant future has gained extraordinary love and popularity among science fiction fans around the world, generously sharing fame with his creator.

Books in the “Steel Rat” series:

  1. Birth of the Steel Rat
  2. Steel Rat joins the army
  3. Steel Rat sings the blues
  4. Steel Rat
  5. Revenge of the Steel Rat
  6. Steel Rat saves the world
  7. The Steel Rat needs you
  8. Steel Rat for President!
  9. The Golden Years of the Steel Rat
  10. Steel Rat goes to hell
  11. Steel Rat in the arena
  12. New Adventures of the Steel Rat


Harry Harrison "Revenge of the Steel Rat"

James Bolivar di Grise the Magnificent enjoys well-deserved authority among various types of galactic swindlers and adventurers, although he has long devoted himself to serving Federal law. His ingenuity and enterprise are known in all corners of the Universe and are aptly appreciated by the famous nickname - “Stainless Steel Rat”. It seems that everything has already been done, you can allow yourself to relax and unwind. But the world is rapidly changing and poses new problems for the unrivaled superspy. Will the invulnerable Rat be able to use all her unspent energy and multifaceted experience this time to get away with it again?


Harry Harrison "The Golden Years of the Steel Rat"

An old acquaintance of the di Grisov couple is in a convict prison for his last serving, and, meanwhile, the Steel Rat is semi-retired and bored, waiting for something suitable. And what could be better than the opportunity to free old friends and at the same time shame the police? Jim di Griz gets down to business...


Harry Harrison "The Steel Rat Sings the Blues"

Jim diGriz can rightfully be considered a veteran of numerous galactic skirmishes and battles. The severe trials that befell him pretty much wore him out, further tempering and honing those qualities that brought him well-deserved fame. Steel Rat, but did not at all diminish the power of his irresistible charm.

It is impossible to frighten him, it is extremely difficult to unsettle him, but what can make him Steel Rat sing the blues?


Harry Harrison "Bill the Hero of the Galaxy"

“Once, in the foggy past, Bill was carried into a low-class bar on the planet Poilo... Bill sat at the table, knocked back glass after glass, quickly approaching a completely insane state, and glanced out of the corner of his eye at the lush breasts of local whores, which resembled giant gadfly larvae , - such entertainment did not exist on any other planet in the known Universe.”

The books delight with their exciting plots and constant humor. They can be read by people of completely different ages, because from the very first page you find yourself in an amazing and carefree world in which everything is so easy and so romantic. Not to mention that the main characters are so charming...

  1. Bill is the hero of the galaxy
  2. Bill the hero of the galaxy goes on his first vacation


Robert Sheckley, Harry Harrison, Stanislav Lem "Space Companions. Police Robot. Inquiry"

1. "Space Companions"— based on the science fiction stories “Ghost 5” and “The Necessary Thing.”

2. "Police Robot"- a fantastic story about the work of a police robot on the planet Mars.

3. "Inquiry"- The Goliath spaceship, heading towards Saturn, almost suffered a disaster. During the investigation, it turned out that on board the ship there were so-called non-linear people, “artificial people” who were supposed to undergo testing in space flight.

The radio audience of the 60-80s with great pleasure, clinging to their receivers, listened to productions of the best literary works, waiting with bated breath for the development of events. Today, the musical phonograms of the State Television and Radio Fund provide the opportunity for the children and grandchildren of that generation to enjoy the unsurpassed skill and talent of the people who created these small masterpieces for us.


Harry Harrison "Battleship in Mothballs"

Jason DinAlt, a clever galactic swindler, managed to “inherit” well on many of the thousands of inhabited planets scattered throughout the Universe. No, of course, he is not a cheater or a naive sucker to be caught by the hand - he just loves to play big and knows how to win exactly when he especially wants to. This, of course, is not so great, but still a reputation, the owner of which is guaranteed a very warm welcome in some places. For example, on the indomitable planet Pyrrhus, which is not without reason called the World of Death...


Harry Harrison "Steel Rat Joins the Army"

Continuation of the exciting story about the interplanetary criminal Jim di Grise, nicknamed Steel Rat. This time, the thirst for revenge for the death of his teacher, nicknamed the Elephant, drives Jim to Nevenkelba. Here he finds his worst enemy, General Zennor, who is responsible for the death of his teacher! It’s not just the native planet that is groaning under the thumb of the general’s dictatorship—other worlds are also in danger. But getting to Zennor is not so easy - and now Jim is his “faithful” soldier.

2nd edition.


Harry Harrison "Birth of the Steel Rat"

Charming criminals easily win readers' hearts. And if this criminal is famous throughout the galaxy and is even nicknamed the “Steel Rat” for his ingenuity and determination, then success for such a character is simply guaranteed. A desperate and handsome hero of creative fantasy talks about what happened at the beginning of his adventure-rich journey.

2nd edition.


Harry Harrison "Steel Rat"

This cute galactic thief constantly robs banks and other financial institutions. The tireless James Bolivar De Gries finds himself in dizzying adventures. But, usually, he survives. The book contains all the attributes of an action-packed fantasy detective story with chases in space, shooting from super-powerful weapons and adventures of heroes on unknown planets.

The works delight with their exciting plots and constant humor. People of completely different ages can love them, because you immediately find yourself in an amazing and carefree world in which everything is so easy and so romantic. Not to mention that the main characters are so charming...


Harry Harrison "Untamed Planet"

What is it like to be a colonist from Earth and fight for survival with the entire planet at once? The planet Pyrrhus does not leave the settlers the slightest chance, attacking them from every corner and lurking around every turn with a multitude of creatures deadly to humans. As people learn to fight hostile life forms, the number of these forms begins to grow rapidly, and soon it seems that all life on the planet is gnashing its fangs, spitting venom, or clanking weapons against each other. And who would have imagined that only friendship and mercy could bring victory in this protracted duel...


Harry Harrison "Fantastic Saga"

The books delight with their exciting plots and constant humor. They can be read by people of completely different ages, because from the very first page you find yourself in an amazing and carefree world in which everything is so easy and so romantic. Not to mention that the main characters are so charming...