Which city in China is clean? The cleanest city in China

A very sad fact: according to the UN, of the 20 most polluted cities on the planet, 16 are in China.

According to official data from the Chinese authorities, China burns 27% of all coal burned in the world, which accounts for about 80% of the country’s energy resources. At the same time, in developed countries, 78% of energy resources are oil, gas, nuclear and hydropower, which are much more efficient and environmentally friendly.

The content of suspended particles in the air of 57% of Chinese cities exceeds national standards; in 48 cities the level of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere also exceeds the norm; 82% of Chinese cities experience acid rain, covering 30% of the country's territory; In many cities there is a continuous increase in the content of nitrogen oxides in the air, and in Beijing, Guangzhou, Urumqi and Anshan its content has already exceeded the established standards.

70%~80% of cancers in Beijing are related to environmental pollution. If things continue like this, people will be forced to buy air, and not just water.

Which city to choose to live in?

Friends, if you decide to move to China for permanent residence (although this is not realistic) or are going to live there for some time, then it is very important to choose a place to live. Of course, if you were sent on a business trip, then you don’t have to choose. But if you decide to choose a city yourself, then I advise you to read the post on which city to choose to live in China. It explains how to determine the degree of pollution in a city.

And also on the topic of ecology. When we were in Harbin, I wrote a note about Harbin backyards. Although small, it also characterizes the environmental situation in China.

Photo: Ecology of China. A boy jumps along a garbage bank.

China stands out among the most attention-grabbing countries on the international stage. This country has made a powerful leap forward in economics and technology. China's policies are also under close scrutiny. But the ecology of this country occupies a special place. It is not only destructive for China, but also a threat to the entire world.

Threat to the world

Environmental problems of the People's Republic of China (PRC) are a source of increasing tension in the sphere of solving global world problems. The third in territory and the first in number, the ecology of which has become a threat to the world, destabilizes both the political and economic international situation.

Environmental issues are very important for China itself. This area is the most disadvantaged in the world. The country occupies a leading place in the emission of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere. Residents of the northern provinces are experiencing an acute shortage of water, as rivers, seas, and groundwater are polluted. Deforestation, devastation of land resources, increasing morbidity rates among the population - all these are characteristic features of China. The country's ecology is in dire straits. If nothing is changed in the near future, the consequences will be catastrophic for the inhabitants of the entire Earth. Russia, as a close neighbor of the PRC, will suffer first. This will affect the regions of the Far East and Siberia.

Factors affecting the environment

The country's leadership faces the difficult task of solving pressing environmental problems. The threat did not arise out of nowhere - it is a consequence of the too extensive industrialization carried out by China. The environment is suffering. Natural resources are being exploited to the limit of what is possible. The problem is complicated by the demographic factor, the scarcity of nature for such a population size and the mistakes of the country's leadership when they adopted the policy of a great revolutionary leap in all areas related to the environment. Economic modernization has increased all environmental costs.

Pollution in cities

China leads the world in terms of the number of polluted cities worldwide. The ecology of 495 of the largest cities is in a state of environmental disaster, and only five of the five hundred largest cities have air quality within international standards. The top ten most polluted cities in the world included seven Chinese: Shijiazhuang, Chongqing, Jinan, Lanzhou, Urumqi, Beijing, Taiyuan.

The coastal zone of Tianjin is rapidly going under water. On average, a decrease in the glacial area of ​​the highlands is observed by 2.5 mm/year. According to forecasts, in a maximum of fifty years, China's ecology problems with permafrost will lead to a peak point: the area will decrease by ten to fifteen percent. This will increase the number of floods and other disasters. Sea level will rise significantly.


The PRC today is simultaneously trying to do two opposite things: preserve and destroy nature. But there is hope that common sense will prevail and China at the government level will begin to pursue a privileged policy for the preservation and enhancement of natural resources. Every year, a change in mass consciousness towards harmonious coexistence with nature is becoming more and more clearly visible, especially among the intelligentsia.

Significant attention is paid to environmental protection, protection of cultural values ​​and human resources from negative anthropogenic impact and unfavorable ecology. The photos in this article show how neglected China's ecology is. But even they cannot convey the full scale of the catastrophic destruction of nature. A way out of this situation may be environmental regulation, which represents established standards for permissible discharges and emissions of pollutants into the environment, limits on the generation and disposal of waste, permissible physical impacts on nature, etc.

The price to pay for extensive industrialization

It sounds terrifying, but more than fifty cities of the PRC, one might say, are going underground before the eyes of their residents. This is due to continuous subsidence of soil and excessive consumption of groundwater. If you look at the environment in China by city, the scale of the problem will become obvious: only one percent out of a hundred can be considered to have a normal environmental situation.

Under many cities, especially Beijing, craters have formed that are the largest in the world. The same situation is in Shanghai, Tianjin, Hangzhou, Xi'an. China's lakes are evaporating, rivers are drying up, seventy-five percent of the forests have been cut down, and the topsoil is turning into desert. These deserts fill the cities of China with sand, which even reaches neighboring countries. All this is the price to pay for too powerful a technological breakthrough at the expense of natural resources and unbridled consumption.

Such a big, small Earth

For example, meat and steel are consumed twice as much here as in the United States. Most likely, the desire to catch up in all directions and overtake the United States has resulted in major environmental problems for the PRC.

The cities bordering Hong Kong have already become ruins - these are places of discarded electronics. The world is waiting for drastic decisions from the PRC. The People's Republic of China is not a closed system. Her problems with the environment are ultimately the problems of the whole world, which is only large at first glance, but in fact the planet Earth is small and vulnerable.

How does China solve problems?

Ecology and ways to solve its problematic issues are among the top priorities for the Chinese government. The authorities in Shanghai, for example, have already spent more than twelve billion dollars on wall repairs. For a hundred years, Shanghai has gone underground by as much as three meters! The surface of the city of Cangzhou has sank two meters and forty centimeters in thirty years. In this city, the hospital went an entire floor underground and, instead of the required three, began to have two above the ground. Roads, bridges, and walls of houses are also destroyed. Eighty-five percent of the arable land in the north of the country requires irrigation. Peasants drill wells up to three hundred meters to extract water.

All existing environmental organizations in China are developing and implementing a number of life-saving measures to solve the environmental problem. The ministry is no longer hiding it when it says that in the near future China will face the problem of environmental migrants, the number of which will exceed one hundred and fifty million. There is hope that the country will cope with the imminent catastrophe.


Eco-city projects already exist and are planned to be implemented soon. This is actually an achievement of NTP. If everything goes as planned, then China will turn into a paradise with environmentally friendly and beautiful cities. The first eco-city is already being built one hundred and twenty kilometers from Beijing. It is being built according to a joint project by Singapore and Construction is planned to be completed in 2020.

China is implementing a plan to improve air quality worth up to $290 billion. This plan includes modernizing polluting factories, creating clean energy sources, and addressing pollution from cars. I want to believe that everything will work out for this country. Moreover, China wants to host the winter year. If the country's ecology does not improve, this is unlikely to be possible.

Ecology of leisure: Where to go in China, which cities to visit? This question worries every traveler planning a trip to this unusual Asian country. There are so many incredible cities in China with the most interesting spiritual and cultural heritage, as well as beautiful landscapes that would make perfect postcard pictures.

Where to go in China, which cities to visit? This question worries every traveler planning a trip to this unusual Asian country. There are so many incredible cities in China with the most interesting spiritual and cultural heritage, as well as beautiful landscapes that would make perfect postcard pictures.

And planning a trip to China can be a very difficult task, because choosing only a few Chinese cities when visiting this huge and mysterious Asian country is very difficult. Top tourist destinations have been welcoming travelers to Chinese cities for decades. We've selected the 7 best cities to visit in China.

1. Beijing

The King of the East and the capital of the People's Republic of China, Beijing is the center of international trade and the political center of China. While a thoroughly modern city in every sense of the word, it is still a place that has not lost touch with its heritage, the vast culture and spirituality that makes China so exceptional. The ancient city is home to some world-famous landmarks such as the Great Wall of China, Tiananmen Square, the Summer Palace, the Temple of Heaven and the Forbidden City, to name just a few.

2. Xi'an

The ancient Chinese city of Xi'an is over 3,000 years old and served as the capital of over 13 dynasties under 73 different emperors during its heyday. Considered the foundation of the Chinese Empire, the region boasts some of history's most important periods of culture and influence. People travel from all over the world to Xi'an to see the famous Terracotta Army, the Great Goose Pagoda and thousands of other ancient remains, incredible museums and relics from life past.

3. Shanghai

Shanghai is the most urbanized of any city in China, being the gateway to the future as it is often called. Excellent infrastructure and advanced technology have ensured the city's continued prosperity and it continues to grow by leaps and bounds. Home to more than 23 million people, the region has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. Representing a fascinating and intriguing combination where east meets west, Shanghai is considered anywhere in the world to be the first cosmopolitan city.

4. Guilin

This most glorious city in China is located on the banks of the Li River. Karst mountains are visible all along the horizon, giving way to the deep emerald green waters of the rivers and lakes that surround Guilin and giving it an almost magical quality. Travelers do not have to go too far out of the city to find themselves in the lap of nature. Almost like a movie set, the great limestone mountains, old Chinese junks gliding on the water, and a little mist in the morning air will captivate you in an instant.

5. Ningbo

As one of the main trading ports on the Great Silk Road, it lost its status. And although today this modern port lacks some of the frenzy of other major cities in China, it remains a very calm and quiet place, giving visitors to the city a more relaxed feeling. Travelers mainly visit Tianyi Square, the pavilion and the Buddhist islands here.

6. Sichuan

This World Heritage Site is well known for its stunning scenery, waterfalls, deep azure and emerald colored lakes and 72,000 hectares of protected area, easily identified by the jagged horizons of snow-capped mountains. The region cannot be called large and prosperous, but rather a collection of stunning villages completely different from each other. And believe me, this will be one of the stops on your China city tour that you can't miss.

7. Qingdao

This is one of the most atypical cities in China. Known among locals as the Switzerland of China and popular with tourists for decades. Its architectural influence is distinctly Teutonic in character. Travelers visit the city of magnificent beaches and delicious beer. The hilly old town is simply charming. Fresh air comes from the mountains and indicates a lack of urban pollution that plagues other Chinese cities. published

This might interest you:

China is the most populous country in the world and the third largest country in the world by area. This country is famous for its diverse and picturesque landscapes. From the forest-steppe and deserts of the Gobi and Taklamakan in the arid north of the country to the subtropical forests teeming with amazing wildlife in the south, China's landscapes are truly mesmerizing. Unfortunately, future generations risk being left without the opportunity to enjoy China's natural beauty. It is quite possible that people will not even be able to live in the country due to the terrible and uncontrolled pollution that China suffers from. Overpopulation and enormous economic growth have taken their toll, leaving the environment in a terrible state. To give you an idea of ​​how serious and large-scale China's problem is, we invite you to take a look at these twenty-five shocking photos of the country's pollution.

25. A woman collects water for testing in the Jianhe River, which has turned red due to chemical plants illegally dumping untreated, polluted water directly into a local stream.

24. What looks like thick fog is actually high air pollution. The capital of China, Beijing, is one of the most polluted cities in the world.

23. The concentration of polluted particles in the air is 40 times higher than international safety limits allow.

22. Fishermen on Chaohu Lake in Hefei. The color and texture of the water that looks alien is actually a mixture of algae and chemical pollutants.

21. In other parts of the lake, the water has an unnaturally green color and is covered with greasy films.

20. A woman helps clean up oil at an oil spill site near the port of Dalian Port in Liaoning Province.

19. People look at a heavily polluted river that flows through the city of Zhugao in Sichuan Province.

18. Lack of drinking water is a serious problem for China. It has been estimated that nearly 700 million Chinese (about half the country's population) drink contaminated water.

17. Some factories discharge wastewater and chemical waste directly into rivers, causing the water in these rivers to acquire unreal colors.

16. A boy swims in thick seaweed in the city of Qingdao. Algae blooms are caused by excessive runoff from agricultural areas. It leads to the formation of “dead zones” for both flora and fauna.

15. Electronic waste is also a serious problem as it has long served as a global garbage dump for used electrical equipment from all over the world.

14. A worker tries to clean up poisoned fish at Lake Wuhan in Hubei Province, central China.

13. Sometimes the scale of the disaster is simply amazing. The fish are believed to have been poisoned by ammonia released into the river.

12. Only one percent of the city's 560 million residents breathe air considered clean by EU standards.

11. A boy tries in vain to avoid debris floating in water that has flooded a street in Kuang-Tung.

10. Boys fish in a heavily polluted river covered with algae in the city of Hefei.

9. People clean up an oil spill in Liaoning province.

8. Needless to say, oil pollution has a fatal effect on all animals living in the affected area.

7. A woman tries unsuccessfully to clean up a polluted river.

6. A fisherman wades through a polluted lake covered with green algae in Anhui Province.

5. Two of the nearly three thousand dead pigs found in Shanghai's Huangpu River.

4. Due to excessive air pollution, it seems that the sun cannot break through the layers of smog, creating such apocalyptic panoramas.

3. Scavengers look for items to recycle at a landfill in Nanning, southern China.

2. A man with his mule in a polluted river near the village of Linka. This area is polluted by waste released from a nearby coal mine.

1. A man relaxes on the beach surrounded by trash left by nearly half a million visitors who attended the Dragon Boat Festival near the city of Shenzhen, in southern China.

The transnational consulting company Mercer annually prepares a list of cities with the highest standard of living. Let's use this ranking and highlight the Chinese cities that took the first 9 places.

215 cities were assessed based on various indicators: political and social environment, economic characteristics, any restrictions, quality of health care and education systems, accessibility and cost of housing, cultural system, climate and susceptibility to natural disasters.

So, the list of “TOP 9 cities with the highest standard of living in China”, compiled based on the Mercer rating.

8-9. Chongqing and Xi'an (142nd place)

The GDP per resident of Chongqing is 30,803 yuan per year - twice the national average. This says that the city is one ofhighest standards of living in China. But the city's "economic miracle" is different from other provinces. It was ensured by the acceleration of the pace of urbanization, the reduction of social inequality, the strengthening of the role of the state, the attack on the mafia and the provision of social housing.

Xi'an is located in the eastern part of China. The city, with a 3,000-year history, was one of the four ancient capitals of China during thirteen dynasties. The city's population is 6.95 million people.

Xi'an occupies a special place in the country. It’s like a look into the country’s past, its history, roots and origins.

The Great Silk Road began from Xi'an and Buddhism began to spread in the middle of the 7th century. The city is the largest center of domestic and international tourism. Xi'an is home to many public and private universities.

7. Shenzhen (139th place)

Shenzhen - a young, modern metropolis in southern China. Just 30 years ago it was a fishing town with 30 thousand inhabitants, and now more than 10 million people live here. At that time, Deng Xiaoping decided to challenge Hong Kong and build a similar city in China. But the city grew thanks to money from Hong Kong.

Shenzhen is called China's "Silicon Valley". It is the largest center of the electronic and electrical industry. The city is among the TOP 10 cities in the world with the largest number of skyscrapers, and their number continues to grow.

Shenzhen is literally surrounded by greenery of parks and squares. There is no crime here, the city is one of the cleanest and most comfortable cities in the world.

6. Nanjing (137th place)

Nanjing is one of the former ancient capitals of China, which it was until 1949, for six dynasties. The city has many historical sites and attractions related to ancient and modern history, including the revolutionary Sun Yat-sen.

Nanjing - an important financial and commercial center in the east of the country. It is a modern industrial, transport and socio-cultural center of China, but not as noisy as the modern capital. In Nanjing, history and modernity are amazingly combined, ancient ruins and skyscrapers, green alleys and parks with busy streets. The population exceeds 8 million people.

5. Chengdu (133rd place)

Chengdu is located in the southwest of the country. Population - 14 million people. This is a city with a rich history; it became the capital of ancient states several times.

Near the city there is the only zoo in the world where panda bears are bred.

Nowadays Chengdu - a major economic center of economics and finance, science and technology, trade and transport. According to foreign experts, it is the standard for the investment climate in the Middle Kingdom, as well as the main center of new urbanization in China.

4. Guangzhou (121st place)

It has enormous political, economic, scientific and technical significance for the south of the country. Guangzhou is more than 2000 years old. This is an educational, cultural and transport center, where the maritime Silk Road began for several centuries.

Population - more than 13 million people. The production of traditional and modern goods is established here, and fish is bred and caught. The city is famous throughout the world for its wholesale markets, of which there are more than 100.

The GDP per resident of Guangzhou is 47,053 yuan per year. The largest industrial fair in China, the Canton Fair, is held here twice a year.

3. Beijing (118th place)

The capital, the largest political, cultural and educational center of the PRC. It is one of the four ancient capitals of China. Despite many destructive events, Beijing has preserved its attractions, and therefore it is a center of domestic and international tourism.

The fastest growing industries in Beijing are the automotive industry and real estate. The city is the locomotive of entrepreneurship in the country, as well as a field for creating innovative enterprises. GDP per person - 93213 yuan. Population - more than 21 million people.

Beijing is known throughout the world not only for its political significance. Recently, it has become famous for its innovative entrepreneurship and successful venture business. And of course, the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing remain forever in the hearts of all sports fans.

2. Shanghai (101st place)

Economic, financial and commercial capital, one of the largest cities in China. Population - more than 21 million people, but the city does not feel overcrowded.

Shanghai is famous for its largest port in the world, its impressive production of cars and electronic equipment, components for cars and ships. Tourists will be interested in visiting the aquarium, zoo and museums. Shanghai will also appeal to lovers of shopping.

This is the most “European” of all Chinese cities. Many financial institutions operate here.

1. Hong Kong (70th place)

Hong Kong - leading financial center of the world and Asia. Until 1997 it was a British colony. After this, until 2047 there is wide autonomy.

In 2014 Hong Kong ended up in 3rd place in the world ranking for ease of doing business and 5th in the ranking of tax systems. Total taxes Hong Kong - 22.8%. The economy is based on three main principles: free markets, low taxes and non-intervention of the state in the economy.

More than 7 million people live in Hong Kong. The GDP per capita is $38,127 per year, the sixth highest in the world.

The level of concentration of different headquarters is highest in the Asia-Pacific region. Autonomy allows it to play a unique role as a gateway for investments and resources destined for the continent.

Photo: Hong Kong, questavita.ru