Feng Shui and women's bag. How to attract good luck.

We girls cannot imagine our life without a handbag - after all, this important attribute of our wardrobe is like a lifesaver for us, giving us the opportunity to always have everything we need at hand. And besides all this, our handbag can help us in money matters, we just need to choose it correctly and charge it.

1. Form. When shopping for a handbag, choose a bag that is square or rectangular with four corners (not round or rounded at the bottom). Four corners are support for the four sides of the world, stability. People see owners of handbags with this shape as a more reliable person and business transactions are more successful.

2. The length of the handbag handles. When buying a handbag, pay attention to the length of the handles - the handles should not be long. Bags whose handles are designed to be worn on the shoulder are not suitable for us. The fact is that the bag is an energetic extension of ourselves (since we take it with us everywhere, it is saturated with our energy), and all magical power To attract money, we give the bag our hands. Therefore, a bag to attract money should be with with short arms so that it would always be carried in our hands and that the energy would quickly transfer from our hands to our handbag (after all, the longer the handles, the longer and less energy will reach the very base of the bag).

3. Elements of metal and wood. To make our bag attractive, we need to make sure that it has metal elements on the outside and wood elements on the inside. Therefore, buy a bag with metal elements placed on it - various decorations, pendants, chains that decorate your bag, make it stylish, and also help to attract. Like attracts like - since our coins are made of metal, there should be metal parts on the bag that will help us attract. And we will put a chestnut inside the bag. Even the ancient Chinese used chestnut to protect against financial losses. A chestnut in your purse will protect your money and prevent you from misusing your capital.

4. Inscription. Tell your bag what you want and it will help you achieve your goal. Program your handbag to by writing on the bottom “ Money bag". So you will set a program for your handbag, it will begin to attract attention and literally become a money bag. Even the ancient Scythians wrote inscriptions on the bottom of their loot bags so that they would always return with a bag full of loot.

5. Greens. For some reason, people subconsciously associate greens with money. Therefore, having bought a new handbag, let's use it to attract money. buy all kinds of greens (cabbage, parsley, green salad, etc.) and put them in your purse and walk around with them all day, visiting many different stores and boutiques. Walk around the shops as if your bag is full of money, not greens. Just imagine that you have a bag full of money. And believe me, it works! So why don't we take advantage of this?

That's it, friends - 5 easy steps and your bag will turn into a programmed bag for attracting money. But just don’t think that having bought and programmed your bag, you will lie there doing nothing, and it will attract money to you. All these little money tricks simply help us find new opportunities for enrichment easier and make it easier for money to flow to us.

A bag is one of the important and necessary things for any woman. Most men, looking at women's bags, are perplexed: what is inside them, and how do women manage to fit so many things in there? Most likely, this mystery will remain unsolved for the strong half of humanity. Feng Shui experts say that using a bag can attract good luck, money, love and health. It turns out that a woman’s success depends on her handbag. Let's find out how to attract good luck according to Feng Shui using a bag.

How to choose a bag according to Feng Shui

When choosing your lucky bag, the first thing you need to pay attention to is its shape.

If you want to attract good luck at work, then you should choose a bag with a strict square or rectangular shape. Its corners should be sharp and the handle should be short.

A bag worn over your shoulder will bring success in creativity. This is the so-called “postwoman”. It must be large and roomy. Such a thing will inspire you to new ideas and attract success.

If you want to improve your personal life, then you should pay attention to clutches and small, neat handbags. Despite its modest size, such a bag can contain all your desires, attract love and will help you create relationships.

If you want to make new acquaintances, then you should choose a round or oval shaped bag. It will help you establish contacts and gain trust in the people around you.

Feng Shui and the color of your bag

Color plays too great importance when choosing a bag. When choosing a color, you will need to be guided only by your priorities in life and the desire to achieve success in one or another area of ​​life.

  • A red bag attracts love and also makes a woman confident and decisive. It can bring good luck to a powerful person with clearly defined leadership qualities character.
  • A black bag, according to Feng Shui, is a powerful amulet and protects a woman from negative energy surrounding people.
  • A green bag attracts money and makes a woman more balanced and calm.
  • In Feng Shui, the color blue symbolizes wisdom and intuition. With a bag of this color, a woman can subtly feel any person, learn to predict events and become more prudent.
  • Yellow and orange colors have a beneficial effect on women's health.
  • White color attracts kind and sympathetic people and protects against damage and the evil eye.

How to take care of your bag according to Feng Shui

In order for your bag to attract good luck, you should follow the Feng Shui rules for caring for this item:

  • Your bag should always be in order. If it turns into a bottomless monster that “eats” your keys or phone every time, then it will definitely not bring you luck. Designate each item in its own section in your bag and always follow this order. You shouldn't carry a lot of things in your bag. Be content with only what you really need.
  • Never place your bag on the floor. According to Feng Shui, negative energy can be transmitted from the floor through a bag, which can harm you.
  • If you are going on an important date or meeting, always hold your bag in your left hand. This will energize you and increase your self-confidence.
  • Never put other people's things in your bag - this can negatively affect your health and bring bad luck to you.

Choosing and caring for your bag correctly will definitely bring you good luck. Follow